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Volume 1, Issue 1 July 12, 2009

Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals Newsletter

P o l i t i c a l N e w s a n d C o m m e n t a r y

Blog Posts of R e v i v i n g t h e N e w s l e t t e r
I have been asked by a So if you get the newsletter to keep you up to date
 Free Speech in number of people “What’s and would rather not, with what I know is going
Pahrump? going on?” They are refer- please email me and tell on or think is going on.
ring to what is going on me to drop you from the
 Nevada Ranks We’re re-entering the 2010
with respect to Democrats list. I have no other way of
Last in Allocat- election cycle so a lot of
in Nye County.
ing Federal activity is stirring in which
Stimulus Money So, resumption of publica- you may have interest.
tion of this newsletter will
Keep in mind as well that I
 Ensign’s “Dear attempt to answer that
am not an “official" mem-
John" Letter to question.
ber of the Nye County De-
Cynthia Hamp-
My plan is to issue the Pogo says “We have met mocratic Party, nor is the
newsletter weekly publish- the enemy and he is us.” Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s
ing it as a pdf attachment Rurals blog affiliated with
through emails to Nye the Democratic Party of
Inside this County Democrats for knowing you don’t want Nye County or its Central
issue : whom I have e-mail ad- the newsletter. Committee. I’m just a De-
dresses. mocrat who happens to
Don’t Vote for So, if you continue to re-
2 live in Nye County.
Heller But I don’t want to impose ceive this newsletter, wel-
the newsletter on anyone. come back. I’ll do my best
Obama’s Campaign
Returning to Nye

Obama Pahrump
Listening Tour
F r e e S p e e c h i n P a h r u m p ?
Don’t give up your right to of her support of Town Kohbarger. Some in atten-
free speech! Manger, Bill Kohbarger. dance applauded her three
He is under fire by a group -minute presentation.
Stephanie Lopez, a Pah-
of Pahrumpians seeking to
rump resident attended As she was leaving she was
have the Board fire him.
her first Town Board meet- accosted by those wanting
Lopez presented a petition
ing and addressed the Kohbarger fired. She was
signed by 150 people ask-
Board. She told the Board told to “move back to Las
ing the Board to retain
P a g e 2 N y e - G a t e w a y t o N e v a d a ’ s R u r a l s

D o n ’ t V o t e f o r D e a n H e l l e r — H e i s n o t y o u r
h e a l t h c a r e f r i e n d
Jen Huntley wrote a piece Since I live in Nye I don’t think he is. He is
in the Reno News and County, U.S. Congres- up for election in 2010. I
Gazette. His article is so sional District #2, and will not vote for him.
crystal clear in its discus- because our current Con- Read Huntley’s article in
sion of the arguments gressman, Republican full.
taking place in Congress Dean Heller, represents
(Read more)
and across the nation I my district I also want
just have to bring it here you to judge for yourself
in full and verbatim. It is whether Heller is looking
perhaps the most impor- out for your best interests
tant issue facing Ameri- rather than the corporate
cans. health industry interests. Republican Congressman Dean Heller

O b a m a ’ s C a m p a i g n R e t u r n i n g t o N y e
“Organizing for America C o u n t y !
is now on the ground in
Nevada. Over the coming Obama’s campaign is re- Neighborhood Captains teer leader, please reply
weeks, we will be focused
on building our turning to Nye County. will work with the team with the position that in-
organization to provide
support for the leader and manage a par- terests you. I will then
We need your help.
President’s legislative ticular facet of the team’s provide you with more
agenda, and to create a Community Organizers
powerful, grassroots activity (canvass coordi- information on the next
organization statewide. and Neighborhood Team
We will be traveling nator, data coordinator, steps.
across the state to speak
Leaders will oversee 10-20
phone bank coordinator,
with volunteers and hear precincts, committing 10 Evan Sutton
your ideas for how we can event coordinator, e.g.).
best organize in Nevada, hours per week to build a Nevada Field Director
but we need to start
working right away.” network of volunteers and If you are interested in Organizing for America
plan events. participating as a volun-

P r e s i d e n t ’ s P a h r u m p L i s t e n i n g T o u r
PRESIDENT’S LISTEN- At these meetings, sup- Your ideas will then be
ING TOUR IN PAH- porters are able to meet used to write state-
RUMP: state staff members, hear specific plans for Orga-
about some of the les- nizing for America in
sons learned during the 2009 and beyond.
2009, 7:00PM - - - BOB
election, and offer
thoughts on how best to
organize in their commu-
President Barack Obama
Help plan the next step: nities.
V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 P a g e 3

F r e e S p e e c h i n P a h r u m p ? ( c o n t i n u e d )
Vegas” with epithets “Screw you.” support to Mrs. Lopez to express
She has received some hateful her opinion at the public meet-
phone calls and e-mails as well. ing.

Such attempts to intimidate Mrs. I’m going and urge you to go as

Lopez infringes upon her consti- well. When someone stands up to
tutional right of free speech express her views, such as Mrs.
whether for or opposed to Mr. Lopez has and will do on the 14th
Kohbarger. of June, they deserve our support. Mrs. Stephanie Lopez addressing the
If we don’t stand up in support of Pahrump Town Board on June 23,
Everyone is urged to attend the
free speech who will? 2009. Photo from the Pahrump Val-
July 14, 2009 Pahrump Town
ley Times.
Board meeting at 7:00 pm to give (Read more)

N e v a d a R a n k s L a s t i n A l l o c a t i n g
F e d e r a l S t i m u l u s M o n e y
“Nevada ranks last in the cated stimulus money for With Nevada’s high em-
“What is Nevada is
nation for having allocated 13 projects. ployment rate, one would
federal stimulus funds for think all that stimulus doing with the
That stimulus money was
transportation projects, money allocated to Nevada $201,352,460 it got? “
supposed to get hiring and
according to a study by the would be busy building
employment of people go-
investigative journalism stuff and that Nevada’s
ing by building infrastruc-
site” unemployment rate would
ture. Remember all that
be dropping.
What is Nevada is doing talk we heard on TV about
with the $201,352,460 it “shovel ready” projects (Read more)
got? Nevada has only allo- ready to go?

E n s i g n ’ s “ D e a r J o h n " L e t t e r t o
C y n t h i a H a m p t o n
Senator John Ensign is in It has further been dis- You can read Nevada Repub-
deep hot water. closed that Ensign’s par- his letter for lican Senator
ents paid the Hampton yourself. John Ensign
Ensign’s former co-Chief of
family $96,000 they term
Staff, Doug Hampton, al- (Read more
as gifts.
leges said Ensign paid this and see also)
wife, Cynthia Hampton Ensign handwrote a letter
more than $25,000 in sev- to Mrs. Hampton purport-
erance when she stopped edly breaking off their rela-
working for the senator.” tionship.

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter please send an e

-mail with your name and e-mail address with the word
“subscribe" in the body. To unsubscribe enter the word
N y e - G a t e w a y t o
N e v a d a ' s R u r a l s All opinions and commentary expressed on the Nye-
Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals blog are solely my own and
does not represent the views of any political party or any
Jack Wood
1290 Bruce Street one else
Pahrump, Nevada 89048
This newsletter is intimately connected with the Nye-
Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals.
Phone: 775-537-1262
E-mail: You are also invited to read my weekly column in the
Pahrump Mirror, also entitled Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s

Follow me on Twitter.

A voice in the desert. Neither the Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals blog or this
newsletter are affiliated with any political party.

P a h r u m p C h a p t e r o f D e m o c r a c y f o r A m e r i c a
You are invited to join the Pah- The moderator-panelist is Erin
rump Chapter of Democracy for Neff, former columnist with the
America. Las Vegas Review Journal and
author of Progress Now Nevada.
The Pahrump Chapter of DFA is
hosting a campaign event at Master of Ceremonies: Dennis
which Cindy Trigg and Paul Keating
Reeves, Democratic candidates
Live entertainment by Dean West
for nomination of the Democratic Cindy Trigg and Paul Reeves
and the Smokin’ Guns.
Party to run in the 2010 election
for congressional district #2, in Pizza available from K-7 Pizza.
the United States Congress. Everyone is welcome to attend
They will appear on Monday, Au- and hear Mrs. Trigg and Mr.
gust 3, 2009 from 7:00—9:00 Reeves present their platforms.
p.m., at Honeysuckle Park, 1600 Admission is free.
S. Honeysuckle Park in Pahrump.

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