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Books for Realising Self Potential

Ananda Sangha Publications
Original Unaltered 1946 Edition
Paramhansa Yogananda A Biography
A Biography with Personal Refections and Reminiscences
Swami Kriyananda
Swami Kriyananda continues the same vibration in his new book as the one written by Paramhansa Yogananda - "
Autobiography of a Yogi" .
This new biography of Paramhansa Yogananda will pave the path to perfection in the spiritual journey of each individual. I like this book. It is
a masterpiece that serves as a guide in daily life. Through the stories of his life and the unfolding of his destiny, Yoganandas life story will inspire
the reader and fower a spiritual awakening in every heart.
Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician, author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing, Textbook of Ayurveda series, and more
ISBN: 978-81-89430-46-7 . 300pp . Rs. 195
P h Y d A Bi h
The New Path will inspire each person on the journey from avidhya (ignorance) to vidhya
(spiritual knowledge).
Dr. Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, author of the Textbook of Ayurveda series
The New Path
My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-35-1 565 pp. Rs. 350
Seventy years ago, a young American of thirteen dedicated himself to
search for truth. He at once rejected the values to which he had been
raised : prosperity, security, social acceptance and worldly ambition. But where
lay the answers? He began with science, proceeded to social reform; thence
sought self-transformation through the arts. Each path he tried led to a dead
end. At last he realized that the only force in history that has done any lasting
good is religion.
In a moving chapter of this book he describes how he agonized over the
question, What is God? The answer he received led him at last to
"Autobiography of a Yogi" and thence to its author, Paramhansa
Yogananda, who accepted him as his disciple.
(Best Spirituality book of 2010)
(Winner of Eric Hofer Award)
Donny and Bobby, two American boys exploring a forest near a tiny Rumanian
town, discover a science laboratory in ruins. Adjoining the laboratory is a room
with a mysterious tunnel. When the boys come upon a dinosaur that appears to
have died quite recently near the laboratory, they look for an explanation in the
laboratory fles. There they fnd a paper that says, "Time does not go in a straight
line, from past to present to future, as people think. Rather, it proceeds in a circle
around a center in the eternal now..."
The Time Tunnel
A Tale for All Ages and for The Child in You
Donald Walters
ISBN 978-81-89430-55-9 . 167pp . Rs. 150
1st Children's Story Book
ISBN: 978-81-89430-31-3 426 pp. Rs. 295
Our planet is in an Age of Energy that will afect us for centuries to come. This
fascinating book of essays covers a wide range of societal shifts, including the
growing trend against complexity and a move toward simplicity; an increasing
demand for quality over quantity; a movement away from organized religion
toward personal inner experience; a recognition of the need to understand
others better and universalize our love and more.
Seldom have I read a book like this, a book whose every single word I can agree with; a book
in which every page radiates attention, understanding, and wisdom. Truly Kriyananda is a
great apostle of divine love which, as he declares, is the true essence of religion.
Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D., author of Quantum Shift in the Global Brain, and Chaos
Point: The World at the Crossroads, founder of the Club of Budapest
Religion in the New Age
And Other Essays for the Spiritual
Swami Kriyananda
This book brings clarity to a controversial and little-understood subject.
Kriyananda's concepts of channeling touch everyone who would like to serve as
a channel for higher inspiration. Includes workable, easy-to-use techniques, and
explains persuasively that the highest form of channeling is that which is found
in the lives of great saints.

It also teaches how to develop one's own intuition and wisdom rather than
seeking answers from channeled entities. A fascinating look inside a long-
hidden realm.
"Kriyananda imparts practical advice for working in such a way that you are open to timeless
wisdom while in the conscious statemore believable and easier to follow than many New
Age books."
Kathleen Cain, The Bloomsbury Review
"Kriyananda has really helped to dispel the misconceptions surrounding channeling."
Sri Swami Satchidananda, founder of Yogaville, author of Integral Yoga: The Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali
"I've been channeling for about 20 years. I truly feel this book will be to others as it was to me:
a reminder of what our highest purpose really is."
Barbara J. Courtney, counselor
How to Be a True Channel
Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)


ISBN: 978-81-89430-38-2 Rs. 150
How to Love and be Loved
ISBN: 978-81-89430-25-2 167 pp. Rs. 150
In this book Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the best-loved spiritual teachers of
the 20th century and author of Autobiography of a Yogi, shares fresh inspiration
and practical guidance on:
Friendship: broadening your sympathies and expanding the
boundaries of your love
How to cure bad habits that spell the death of true friendship
How to choose the right partner and create a lasting marriage
Problems that arise in relationships and what to do about them
The divine plan uniting parents and children
The Universal Love behind all your relationships
Both humorous and down-to-earth in his description of human foibles,
Yogananda also holds out the highest, divine potential within us and gives
practical, sometimes surprising, steps to reach it.
ISBN: 978-81-89430-27-6 173 pp. Rs. 150
Happiness is easier to fnd than you may thinkif you look for it in the right
place. In this book Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the most important spiritual
teachers of the 20th century and author of Autobiography of a Yogi, brings a
dynamic vision of true happiness based on the understanding that it is found
within our self.
Learn how to:
Choose to be happy in any circumstance
Practice the skill of being happy
Identify habits that steal your happiness
Happiness is the foundation for success in your relationships, your
career, and every part of your life.
How to be Happy All The Time
The Wisdom of Yogananda
Paramhansa Yogananda
The Wisdom of Yogananda
Paramhansa Yogananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-21-4 166 pp. Rs. 150
In this powerful and practical book by one of the foremost spiritual teachers
of modern times, you will gain both the motivation and the tools to transform
your life and to fnd the success you seekboth materially and spiritually.
Included in this book are:
How to fnd your purpose in life
How to develop habits of success and eradicate habits of failure
How to develop your will power and magnetism
How to fnd and thrive in the right job
The complete text of The Attributes of Success, the original booklet
later published as The Law of Success
Use Yoganandas How to Be a Success as your handbook, and begin today
to take efective steps toward the material and spiritual success you are
Education for Life
Preparing Children to Meet the Challenges
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-08-4 303 pp Rs. 250
Education for Life ofers a constructive and brilliant alternative to what
has been called the disaster of modern education. In this book, Swami
Kriyananda traces the problem to modern educations emphasis on
technological competence and rote learning at the expense of spiritual
values, which alone can give higher meaning to life. Based on pioneering
educational work in India in the early years of the Twentieth Century by
Paramhansa Yogananda, the Education for Life system has been tested
and proven for over three decades at Living Wisdom Schools located
throughout the United States. Education for Life provides the basis for the
Yoga Institutes of Living Wisdom in California and in India.
Education for Life has opened up a wider and more stimulating vision of education. It is well
beyond the image of our traditional school systems.
Jim Doran, Education Consultant, Joyful Child Journal
How to be a Success
Paramhansa Yogananda
The Wisdom of Yogananda
Meditation for Starters
Swami Kriyananda
Have you wanted to learn to meditate, but just never got around to it? Or tried
"sitting in the silence" only to fnd your mind wandering, or wanting to jump
up after only a few minutes? Do you wish you had a guidebook that explained
clearly in plain English what to do, step-by-step? If so, Meditation for Starters is
just what you've been looking for. This little book with companion CD, provides
everything you need to begin a meditation practice. It is flled with easy-to-
follow instructions, beautiful guided visualizations, and answers to important
questions on meditation such as:
What meditation is (and isn't)
How to relax your body and prepare yourself for going within
Techniques for interiorizing and focusing the mind
"Meditation for Starters is one of the best introductions to meditation for the beginner."
Yoga + Joyful Living
"Swami Kriyananda has been one of the most important Western exponents of yoga in the past
30 years. Meditation for Starters ofers important insights for advanced meditators as well. In
this stressful age we often need to jump-start our spiritual lives. This book is a good place to
begin again."
Dr. David Frawley, author of Yoga and Ayurveda and Director, American Institute of Vedic


ISBN: 978-81-89430-54-2 . 177pp . Rs.225
Two Souls Four Lives
Catherine Kairavi
ISBN: 978-81-89430-47-4 446 pp Rs. 295
The Norman Conquest of England was one of the pivotal moments in
world history, a series of events that afects us even today. Is it possible that
two of the greatest men of that eraWilliam the Conqueror and his son,
Henry I of Englandhave recently reincarnated as the great spiritual master
Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of yogi) and
his close disciple, Swami Kriyananda? If so, what are the subtle connections
between the Norman Conquest and modern times?
This fascinating narrative reveals how William and Yogananda came to ofer a new and
revolutionary teaching to the world---the conviction that to live nobly for others and for God,
is the highest destiny of all human beings.
Dr Bob Heronimus, author of United Symbolism of America , host of 21st
Century Radio.
The Promise of Immortality
The True Teachings of The Bible and The
Bhagavad Gita
Swami Kriyananda
Destined to become a classic, The Promise of Immortality is the most complete
commentary available on the parallel passages in the Bible and Indias ancient
scripture, The Bhagavad Gita. This groundbreaking book illuminates the
similarities between the scriptures of the worlds two most populous religions,
vibrantly bringing each to life.
Kriyananda sheds light on many of the famous passages from both texts,
showing their practical relevance for the modern day and their potential to
help us achieve lasting spiritual transformation.
"A rare look at both Hindu and Christian traditions from one who has inner knowledge and expe-
rience in both. Great reading for an age in which institutionalized religion must give way to the
individuals inner spiritual search."
Dr. David Frawley, author of Yoga and Ayurveda
Paramhansa Yogananda, a foremost spiritual teacher of modern times, ofers
practical, wide-ranging, and fascinating suggestions on how to have more
energy and to live a radiantly healthy life. The principles in this book promote
physical health and all-round well-being, mental clarity, and ease and inspiration
in your spiritual life. Readers will discover:
Priceless Energization Exercises for rejuvenating the body and mind
The art of conscious relaxation
Diet tips for health and beauty
How to Achieve Glowing
Health and Vitality
The Wisdom of Paramhansa
Paramhansa Yogananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-58-0 . 173pp . Rs.150
ISBN: 978-81-89430-56-6 . Hardcover 400pp . Rs.295




The Essence of Self-
The Wisdom of Paramhansa
Recorded and compiled by his disciple, Swami
ISBN: 978-81-89430-10-6 204 pp. Rs. 150
The Scope of this book is vast it ofers a complete explanation of lifes
true purpose and the way to achieve that purpose. It is carefully organized
into a priceless guide to the spiritual life. Filled with lessons and stories that
Paramhansa Yogananda shared only with his closest disciples, this volume
ofers insightful and engaging glimpses into the lessons and life of a great
sage. Much of the material presented here is not available anywhere else.
A wonderful book! To fnd a previously unknown message from Yogananda now is an
extraordinary spiritual gift. It is wonderful to read in bits and pieces, before bed or to open
it up at random for an encouraging word from one of this centurys most beloved spiritual
-Body, Mind, Spirit magazine
Awaken to
How to Use Meditation for Inner Peace,
Intuitive Guidance, and Greater Awareness
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-11-4 305 pp. Rs. 180
Superconsciousness is the hidden mechanism at work behind intuition,
spiritual and physical healing, successful problem solving, and fnding
deep, lasting joy. Many people have experienced moments of raised
consciousness but do not know how to purposely enter such an exalted
Through meditation, chanting, af rmation, and prayer, readers will learn
how to reach this state successfully and at will. This book provides a
comprehensive, easy-to-understand program to help people tap into their
innate creativity, unlocks intuitive guidance, and hear the silent voice of
their soul.
Simple, authentic, and powerful, this is an ofering from the heart to the soul.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
A Divine guide to inner and outer peace.
Wayne Dyer, author, Manifest Your Destiny
Living Wisely Living Well
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-39-9 214 pp. Rs. 150
Want to transform your life? Tap into your highest potential? Get
inspired, uplifted, and motivated?
See l i fe wi th new eyes. Di scover hundreds of techni ques for sel f-
improvement. Written by the author of the bestselling Secrets series,
Living Wisely, Living Well is:

A step-by-step guidebook for manifesting your higher Self

The distillation of a lifetime of wisdom

A call to dynamic inner growth

Take a year off from the same ol d you. Read thi s book, put i nto
practi ce what i t teaches, and i n a year s ti me you wont recogni ze
Reader Comments

"It's really inspiring to read a book on astrology with such a loving emphasis on the spiritual side."
"I had been an astrologer for seven years when I frst came across Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual
Guide. It elevated my approach to astrology and strengthened and focused my spiritual search."
"The author's words have a down-to-earth, balanced loving quality that reaches the core of my
Swami Kriyananda's studies embrace Indian as well as Western astrology. He
shows how extraordinarily sophisticated this ancient science is in its careful
delineation of twelve basic categories of human nature. Your Sun Sign as A
Spiritual Guide, however, goes far beyond merely intellectual discussion. Fresh,
humorous, and full of wisdom, it provides a wealth of original insight in a feld
burdened by the thoughtless repetition of carelessly worked-out theories. The
specifc lessons of each sun sign are described with clarity and relevance and a
particular meditation practice is suggested for each.
Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-894-30-60-3 Rs.195


True abundanceboth the material and spiritual kindcan be found through the wisdom of this
small but powerful book.
John Ernst, Richland Financial Services, USA
. . . clearly conveys enduring truths that go far beyond the satisfaction of material needs. These
techniques will change your life materially and spiritually.
Body, Mind and Spirit magazine
Money Magnetism
How to Attract What You Need
When You Need It
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-06-8 138 pp Rs. 150
Filled with insights about how to attract true wealth, Money Magnetism
goes beyond other money books. Each principle can be used for wealth
building and attracting whatever is needed in life. Examples from Swamijis
own life and others show how and why these principles work, and the way
to apply them for greater success both material and spiritual. Changing
how you think and feel about money will change your life.
Learn how to: Magnetize opportunities Find true wealth Be solution-
oriented Set expansive, yet obtainable goals Attract everything you really
want Earn money and grow spiritually.
Weve been looking for something like this for a long time. We use it in our Managers Training
Workshop. This book is very practical, very readable, and concise.
Kellogg Corporation, USA
The most depth and understanding of what a manager faces of the many books Ive read . . . I
plan to keep it on my desk as a daily reference.
R. Narragon, Sun MicroSystems, USA
The Art of Supportive
A Practical Guide For People in Positions
of Responsibility
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-07-6 118 pp. Rs. 125
Here is a new approach to leadership viewed in terms of shared
accomplishment rather than personal advancement. Drawn from timeless
yogic wisdom, these insights are clear, succinct, and practical, designed for
quick results. Widely used in training seminars in the USA, Europe, and India,
this book provides useful advice for current and aspiring leaders to increase
personal efectiveness, creativity, and team-building. Individual entrepreneurs,
small businesses, international corporations, military and police personnel,
government departments, and NGOs now follow this approach. It is also
invaluable for parents raising children, teachers wishing to draw the best out
of their students, salespeople seeking to interest their customers in particular
products, or anyone else wanting to win others to a point of view.
The Essence of the
Bhagavad Gita
Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda
As remembered by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-09-2 Hardcover 651pp. Rs. 295
Rarely in a lifetime does a new spiritual classic appear that has the power to
change lives and transform future generations. This is such a book. It shares
the profound insights of Paramhansa Yogananda as remembered by one of
his few remaining direct disciples, Swami Kriyananda.
This revelation of Indias best-loved scripture approaches Sri Krishnas
message from an entirely fresh perspective, showing its deep allegorical
meaning and also its down-to-earth practicality. This commentary makes
these deep teachings so accessible that it truly has the potential to bring
millions to God, as Yogananda predicted.
Unbelievably, Swami Kriyananda fnished this workcomprising as it did
well over six hundred pagesin less than two months! To everyone, himself
included, it seemed a miracle. Masters thoughts poured efortlessly into
my mind, Swami Kriyananda related, helping me to fll page after page with
deep insights and inspiration. I have a very clear memory, and can recall vividly
the days I spent in my Masters company, reading his entire manuscript, and
helping him with its editing. I said to him at the time, Sir, this is the most
wonderful thing I have ever read!
The Bhagavad Gita (Pocket
Paramhansa Yoganandas revelation of Indias best-loved scripture brought an entirely
fresh perspective. This present pocket editiona Gita juniorhighlights the verses
themselves, being limited to them almost entirely. They appear in fuent, correct, and
contemporary English, making this book a must-have for the modern spiritual aspirant.
In the introduction to Chapter One, Swamiji explains that although the Gita
is historical, it is not literal. Rather it is a deep spiritual allegory, woven upon a
framework of history. The characters symbolize various psychological traits and
latent states of consciousness that serve as essential reference points to develop
the story. Each trait or aspect of consciousness plays an important role in the
devotees struggle to rise above worldly delusion and reclaim his true state of union
with God.
Though small in size, this edition of the Gita is pierced through with shafts of light
from a towering spiritual fgureYogananda as a modern-day Arjuna. With this
volume, Indias sacred scripture is at your fngertips for inspiration on your own daily
battleground of life.
According to Paramhansa Yogananda
Edited by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-26-9 187 pp. Rs.100
This book is a great gift to humanity. It is a spiritual treasure to cherish deep in the heart, and
to pass on to children for generations. This remarkable and magnifcent book brings us to the
doorway of a deeper, richer embracing of Eternal Truth.
Neale Donald Walsch, author, Conversations with God
Revelations of Christ
Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda
Presented by his disciple Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-19-X Hardcover 520 pp Rs. 295
Paramhansa Yoganandas divine missionrevealed by Babajiwas to show
the oneness of all true religions, especially Hinduism and Christianity. He
focused on bringing back original Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ
along with the original yoga teachings of Krishna as presented in the
Bhagavad Gita. Revelations of Christ can be a resource if you share the desire
to further religious unity or are just curious about possible connections
between Hinduism and Christianity, or wish to promote Christian-Hindu
dialogue with friends. It is grounded in the approach of studying the
writings and sayings of saints who have been in direct communion with
Christ and God.
The Hindu Way of Awakening
Its Revelations, Its Symbols
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-12-2 392 pp. Rs. 220
Swami Kriyananda brings order to the vast array of symbols and imagery
in Hinduism and explains the underlying teachings from which these
symbols arise: truths inherent in all religions and their essential purpose,
the direct inner experience of God.
Hinduism is a robust, joyful religion, amazingly in step with the most
advanced thinking of modern times. It is deeply human as well as humane,
delightfully relevant to all of lifes needs. The philosophy in this book is no
abstraction: it is down-to-earth and pressingly immediate.
Swami Kriyananda does a superb job not only in deepening our understanding and appreciation
of the Hindu religion, but of encouraging us to expand our awareness to include an appreciation
of truth in all religions.
Yoga International magazine
As a bright light shining in the midst of darkness, so was Yoganandas presence in this world.
Such a great soul comes on earth only rarely, when there is a real need among men.
His Holiness, the Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram
Autobiography of a Yogi
by Paramhansa Yogananda
Deluxe Edition:
ISBN 978-81-902105-1-3 522 pp. Rs. 195
Economy Edition:
ISBN 978-81-902105-0-5 522 pp. Rs. 95
Paramhansa Yogananda was the frst Yoga Master of India whose mission was
to live and teach in the West. In the 1920s, as he criss-crossed the United States
on what he called his spiritual campaigns, his enthusiastic audiences flled the
largest halls of America.
His initial impact was truly impressive. But his lasting infuence is greater still.
This book, frst published in 1946, helped launch and till date continues to
inspire a spiritual revolution.
This is the frst time, that an authentic Hindu Yogi has written his life story
for a Western audience. Describing in vivid detail his many years of spiritual
training under a Christlike master, Sri Yukteshwar of Serampore, Bengal
Yogananda has here revealed a fascinating and little-known face of modern
India. The subtle but defnite laws by which Yogis perform miracles and
attain complete self-mastery are explained with a scientifc clarity.
Now, with this reprint, the 1946 edition is again available, with all its inherent
power, just as the Great Master of Yoga frst presented it.
The Rubaiyat of Omar
Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda
Edited by Swami Kriyananda
Omar and other Suf poets used popular similes and pictured the ordinary joys
of life so that the worldly man could compare mundane pleasures with the
superior joys experienced in the spiritual life. To the man who drinks wine in
order to forget, temporarily, the unbearable sorrows and trials of his life, Omar
ofers a delightful alternative: the nectar of divine ecstasy, which leads to divine
enlightenment, thereby obliterating human woe permanently. Surely Omar did
not go through the labor of writing so many exquisite verses merely to inspire
people to escape sorrow by drugging their senses with alcohol!
"Yogananda's spiritually illuminating commentary on the Rubaiyat is a living treasure which
can be read and re-read, for each reading will unveil another truth in the infnite mystery of
Yoga + Joyful Living Magazine
"Yogananda's interpretation of The Rubaiyat is a must-read for all spiritual seekers."
Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life
ISBN: 978-81-89430-59-7 . 379pp . Rs. 295


God Is For Everyone
Inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda as taught
to and understood by his disciple,
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-33-7 239 pp. Rs. 250
This book presents a concept of God and spiritual meaning that will
appeal to everyone, from the most uncertain agnostic to the most fervent
believer. Importantly, this is a vision of spiritual practice that emphasizes the
underlying unity of all religions, while respecting the many diferent ways
and forms of worship. In these times of intense religious strife, this landmark
approach to religious unity is certain to help usher in an era of true mutual
respect and understanding among the worlds great religious traditions.
How to Have Courage,
Calmness, and Confdence
Paramhansa Yogananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-45-0 163 pp. Rs. 150
Courage, calmness and confdence are the secrets to dealing with any
dif culty life sends. The impossible becomes manageable, and a stepping
stone to a greater inner strength. Everyone can be courageous, calm, and
confdent, because these are qualities of the soul. Hypnotized with material
thinking and desires, many of us have lost touch with our inner power. In
this potent book of spiritual wisdom, Paramhansa Yogananda shares the
most efective steps for reconnecting with your divine nature.
God Is For Everyone provides us a wonderful new reworking of Paramhansa Yoganandas
profound yet practical voice on the complex but crucial issues of religion, spirituality and yoga.
It leaves the reader in touch with their higher Divine nature apart from all outer diferences of
religious belief and practice.
Dr. David Frawley, Founder, The American Institute of Vedic Studies
The Wisdom of Yogananda
Visits to Saints of India
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-24-5 175 pp. Rs. 150
Chronicling his stays in India from 1958 to 1962 and again in the winter
of 197273, Swami Kriyananda shares inspiration from his visits to many
saints, including Anandamayee Ma, Yogi Ramiah (Sri Rama Yogi), Swami
Muktananda, Swami Narayan, and Sathya Sai Baba.
As a swami steeped in Hindu spiritual heritage but coming from the West,
Swamiji reveals unique glimpses into Indian society and culture, ashram
living, the devotee-guru relationship, and the daily experience of high
souls. He ofers these insights primarily through letters he wrote while in
His relationship with Anandamayee Ma is especially revealing. Swamiji
writes, I could have the sense of familiarity with her that I never had with
my own Guru, whom I held too much in awe, explaining that he considers
her as his true spiritual mother. Through the pages of this slender but
treasure-flled book, even Indian readers will fnd a closer connection
with the saints and holy ones of their homeland.
A wonderful book for people who want to understand the similarities between the spiritual
teachings of east and west . . . Swami Kriyananda is an inspiring teacher who carries on the
tradition of his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda.
Terry Cole-Whittaker D.D., founder, Adventures in Enlightenment; author,
Dare to be Great
Shaped by Saints
Devi Mukherjee with Durga Smallen
and Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-22-1 150 pp. Rs. 125
This beautifully written book takes you on a deeply inspiring pilgrimage
to visit saints and God-realized masters of modern-day India.
Devi Mukherjee a disciple of the Great Yoga Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda
(1893-1952) invites you to walk in his footsteps and experience Indias
spiritual richness, preserved in forest ashrams, mountain caves and in holy
places and shrines.
Throughout his many years of travel, Devi meditated with some of Indias
great souls and felt their transforming spiritual power. From all, he received
the same guidance to love God with every fber of ones being. One of
Paramhansa Yoganandas closest boyhood friends, Tulsi Bose, is the father
of Devis wife, Hassi. From Bose and others, Devi obtained previously
unpublished stories of Paramhansa Yoganandas generosity, courage, loyalty
to friends and spiritual power.
There are three Bibles from which I draw my inspiration: the Christian Bible, the Hindu Bhagavad
Gita, and my Whispers from Eternity, which were given to me by God.
Paramhansa Yogananda
Whispers from Eternity
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-30-6 266 pp. Rs 250
Many poetic works can inspire, but few, like this one, have the power to
change your life. These verses rank with the greatest mystical poetry of
all time: the works of St. John of the Cross, Rumi, Kabir, Mirabai, and Omar
Paramhansa Yogananda was not only a spiritual master, but also a master
poet. Using imagery that is still as vivid and alive as frst articulated more
than sixty years ago, these prayer-poems inspire, instruct, and have the
power to transform our consciousness. This collection includes:
Sacred demands to the Infnite Prayers of devotion Chants and poems
Invocations to great world teachers How to see this world as a dream and
Prayer-demands for: Devotion, illumination, and bliss Wisdom,
prosperity, and balance Health, guidance, and discipline Calmness and
overcoming fears Divine love . . . and much more.
Af rmations for Self-Healing
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-15-7 143 pp. Rs 150
These 52 af rmations and prayersone for each week of the yearwill
help you strengthen positive qualities in yourself such as good health, will
power, forgiveness, security, happiness, and many others.
Af rmations for Self-Healing has become a meditation friend to me. The inspiring messages
and prayers, plus the physical beauty of the book, help me start my day uplifted and focused.
Sue Patton Thoele, author of Growing Hope
Kriyananda is a born, great teacher. His books are gentle masterpieces.
Louise Hay, best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life
This is one of only two books that Ive found very helpful for af rming good health and
positive qualities.
Healthy & Natural Magazine
Lessons in Meditation
Jyotish Novak
ISBN: 978-81-89430-34-4 145 pp. Rs 150
A complete, practical training program in yoga, meditation, the
fundamentals of the spiritual path, health and vitality, and af rmations.
This course ofers techniques in the path of Kriya Yoga including:
Yoganandas Hong-Sau technique of concentration
Simple do-able suggestions of how to sit comfortably for
How to still the restless mind
How to take experiences of peace and joy into daily life
Experience the importance of the breath/mind connection and
the power of the focused mind
And learn Paramhansa Yoganandas Energization Exercises, a
unique system of exercises for controlling and increasing your
energy level and overcoming fatigue.
The Art and Science of Raja
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-29-0 480 pp. Rs. 350
The Art and Science of Raja Yoga contains fourteen lessons in which
the original yoga science emerges in all of its glory- a proven system for
realizing one's spiritual destiny. This is the most comprehensive course
on yoga and meditation ofered today, giving a profound and intimate
understanding of how to apply these age-old teachings, on a practical, as
well as spiritual, day-to-day level in this modern age.
Over 450 pages of text and photos give you a complete and detailed
presentation of hatha yoga, yoga philosophy, af rmations, meditation and
pranayam. Also included are suggestions for daily yoga routines, helpful
information on diet, and alternative healing techniques. Apply these
teachings and techniques in your daily life and you will attain your highest
soul potential: true happiness, inner peace, and the dynamic joy of your
Coming out Soon - Hindi Version
Coming out Soon - Hindi Version
Swami Kriyananda
As We Have Known Him
Asha Praver
ISBN: 978-81-89430-18-1 464 pp. Rs. 250
The greatness of a great spiritual teacher is only partially revealed by the
work of his own hands. The rest of the story is one he cannot tell for himself;
its the infuence of his consciousness on those who come in contact with
himwhether for a brief moment or a lifetime of spiritual training. This is
the story told here in some two hundred vignettes spanning more than 40
years, revealing Swami Kriyanandas remarkable qualities. Working closely
with Swamiji ever since her arrival at Ananda in 1969, Asha Praver served
as his cook, secretary, and personal assistant, as well as head of Anandas
publications, marketing, and public relations. A gifted storyteller and
highly respected teacher in her own right, Asha joins her years of closely
observing Swamiji with many inspiring experiences shared by others.
This book is a must for anyone even remotely interested in spirituality. Kriyananda has been an
ideal disciple of a Great Master.
D.R. Kathikeyan, Former Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (India), National
Human Rights Commission
Swami Kriyananda is a wise teacher, whose words convey love and compassion. Read and listen,
and allow your life to change.
Dr. Larry Dossey, author of Healing Words
Faith Is My Armor
The Life of Swami Kriyananda
Devi Novak
ISBN 978-81-89430-02-5 251 pp. Rs. 150
This is the story of a new kind of hero: a man who has achieved
extraordinary victories in his life not with weapons, but with moral and
spiritual courage over challenges that would have destroyed most
people. Swami Kriyananda ( J. Donald Walters) is one of the few living direct
disciples of the great Indian Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda.
Faith is my Armor tells the complete story of his life: from his childhood in
Romania to his desperate search for meaning in life and to his training
under his Great Guru Paramhansa Yogananda. It also recounts the drama
of the powerful opposition and attacks he faced as he strove to fulfl the
mission his Guru had entrusted to him. This book will bring inspiration and
hope to all who read it and renewed faith in the power of God in our lives.
Sadhu, Beware!
A New Approach to Renunciation
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-03-3 127 pp. Rs. 100
This buoyant approach to spiritual life ofers insight, inspiration, and
practical advice for the worlds greatest, most compelling adventure: the
inner journey of Self-realization. Whether a formal renunciate, aspirant or
householder, all, as children of God, can embark upon this journey using
Sadhu, Beware as a guide to realize their divine potential.
Swamiji ofers techniques and specifc suggestions for working with heart
and mind on such knotty issues as fulfllment vs. gratifcation, simplicity vs.
poverty, and self-forgetfulness vs. self-involvement.
Crystal clear, easy to read, and realistic, this volume acknowledges the
deepest aspirations of the heart while illuminating the highest ideals of the
A Renunciate Order
for the New Age
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-36-8 137 pp. Rs 150
Swami Kriyananda has been a direct disciple for over sixty years of the
great yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda. In this book, he introduces
a new approach to the quest for God-realization that speaks to modern
seekers. Demystifying the mystical, Kriyanandaji presents practical
techniques, attitudes, and life directions that lead to inner freedom and
joy. A Renunciate Order for the New Age will give you an understanding
of where religion is headed in the future. It launches a new era for people
everywhere who want to declare their devotion to high, spiritual ideals.
Space, Light and Harmony
The Story of Crystal Hermitage
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-01-7 167 pp. Rs. 295
Describing an adventure in design, building, and living, this story chronicles
the evolution of a homefrom initial planning to interior decoratingthat
serves as a powerful metaphor for personal development and spiritual
quest. Kriyanandaji shares practical topics such as what a home should
express, architectural choices, interior design, and selection of art.
Cities of Light
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-32-0 175 pp Rs. 200
The Founding Fathers of the United States, the Italian Renaissance painters,
the ancient Greek philosophers these represent small groups of creative
people who produced fresh insights that infuenced the whole world.
Today, there exist in America, Europe, and India small groups of people
who have banded together, and their collective energy will culminate in
the next great sea change in our time: intentional communities. One of
these community movements is called Ananda.
Cities of Light contains the positive, life-changing lessons learned over the
last four decades in Ananda. It describes how people everywhere, living in
all kinds of communities intentional or otherwise can come together to
build or improve their own community.
Hope for a Better World
The Small Communities Solution
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-20-7 276 pp. Rs. 300
In this intellectual tour de force Swami Kriyananda analyzes with deep
insight the views expressed by many of the great thinkers in the West,
including Plato, Copernicus, Machiavelli, Malthus, Adam Smith, Charles
Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud. He studies their conceptions and
misconceptions about the individuals relation to himself and to society.
He shows where their infuence has proved adverse, then ofers deeply
considered, fresh alternatives. Kriyananda urges the reader to resist the
hypnosis of intellectual authority. Seek the keys to a happy and fulflled
life, he says, in personal integrity.
I am amazed by this book .Kriyananda examines why certain societies of the past failed,
and how others in future might succeed. His refections are the most persuasive Ive ever
Milton Staackmann, University of Hawaii, from the foreword.
Karma and Reincarnation
Paramhansa Yogananda
ISBN: 978-81-89430-23-8 151 pp. Rs 150
This book offers fascinating answers for lifes great mysteries, but, more
importantly, it tells you how to make the most of every day of the life youve
been given. As Yogananda explains the operation of karma, death, and
reincarnation, he also shares the deeper purpose of existence for every soul.
Understanding these truths can bring clarity, confidence, and inspiration into
your life.
Included in the book are such subjects as:
Why do we see a world of suffering and inequality?
How should we handle the challenges in our lives?
What happens at death, and after death? Is there a heaven?
What is the origin and purpose of reincarnation?
These letters are fascinating. . . . they allow us to get a glimpse into the mind of the person
known as Swami Kriyananda. His books are much more impersonal so they dont give the
same insight into his character. The most outstanding fact that emerges from these letters is
his great devotion and dependence on his guru. This is his most endearing trait as well as his
greatest strength, for you feel that a superior force, which is infallible, is guiding him.
Mata Devi Vanamali, founder, Vanamali Ashram; author, Sri Devi Lila: The Play of
the Divine Mother, The Play of God: Visions of the Life of Krishna, and The Song of Rama: Visions of
the Ramayana
In Divine Friendship
ISBN: 978-81-89430-48-1 . 418pp . Rs. 350
Letters of Counsel and Refection
Swami Kriyananda
This is an extraordinary book of letters written by Swami Kriyananda in
response to questions and inquiries from friends, students, and critics over a
30 year period. It addresses almost any concern a spiritual seeker might have.
Topics for which Swamiji provides spiritual guidance include: how to meditate
deeply; strengthen ones faith; develop divine attunement; accelerate spiritual
progress; overcome negative self-judgment; respond to illness; develop the
right attitude toward money and proft; become a good leader; attract a mate;
understand sexuality; and raise children. In closing his lettersall of them,
not just the ones in this bookSwami Kriyananda customarily signs of with
In divine friendship, thus the title of the book. This is no clich. He feels a
friendship with each individual from having frst felt the universal friendship of
Gods presence in inner silence.
From that center, he sees all people as well as all things as opportunities for
communing with that Presence without.
book is also available:
ISBN : 978-81-89430-40-5
490pp. Rs.250
Conversations with
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-50-4 461 pp. Rs. 350
Swami Kriyananda was often present when Paramhansa Yogananda spoke pri-
vately with other close disciples, when he received visitors and answered their
questions, and when he was dictating and discussing his important writings.
Paramhansa Yogananda put Swami Kriyananda in charge of the other monks,
and gave him advice for their spiritual development. In all these situations,
Swami Kriyananda recorded the words and guidance of his Guru, preserving
for the ages wisdom that would otherwise have been lost. Here is an intimate
glimpse of life with Paramhansa Yogananda never before shared by any other
These conversations include not only the Gurus words, but also the added in-
sight of a direct disciple who has spent nearly 60 years refecting on and prac-
ticing his teachings. Through these conversations Paramhansa Yogananda
comes alive.
There is a clarity in Yoganandas words that transcends our superfcial diferences, a purity
that refects the timeless heart of that true spirituality that underlies and unites all of us . . .
Ken Carey, author, Starseed: The Third Millennium
Yogananda reaches out to every person and therein lies his natural and powerful attraction.
He speaks to the deep well of wisdom within and beckons us to our highest calling.
Michael Toms, New Dimensions Radio; author, A Time for Choices and True Work
Hkxon~xhrk dk lkj
ISBN: 978-81-89430-41-2 840 pp. Rs. 250
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This profound commentary gives scriptural authority to the ecumenical
hopes of our times.
Parallel passages from the Judeo-Christian Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita
of India reveal a single unifed teaching. East meets West and theological
barriers tumble. Two Scriptures become one Truth.
Concepts such as reincarnation and karma are explained in the words of
Jesus, salvation through grace and the "only son of God" are described
in the Bhagavad-Gita.
Rays of the One Light
Weekly Commentaries on the
Bible and the Bhagavad Gita
Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)
"Ofers parallel connections which Christians and Hindus alike will fnd fascinating."
Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Review
"Readings from the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita . . . lead the reader to an awareness of the
essential unity of religious experience."
Small Press Magazine
Ive Passed My Life as a Stranger,
Stories and Lyrics of 22 of Swami
Kriyanandas over 400 Compositions
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN: 978-81-902105-9-9 84 pp. Rs. 50
Excerpt from the book:
I believe that art should be a gift, and a service to others for their instruction and inspiration;
it should not merely infict on them the artists personality. . . . very few of my songs are
autobiographical. I see my little life as having meaning only to the extent that it may beneft others
ISBN: 978-81-89430-57-3 . 184pp . Rs. 150
Secrets Series
Swami Kriyananda
All SECRETS books are paperback (4 x 4) 72 pp.
These small inspirational guides to living have become best-selling gifts for
millions. Thoughts are like seeds, said Paramhansa Yogananda, taking root
in ones consciousness, infuencing behavior and moods. The thoughts in
the Secrets books inspire, uplift, and open the mind to new possibilities for
fnding joy and meaning each day of the month. Swami Kriyananda has a
true gift for simplifying the complex. In just a few words, he embraces an
entire philosophy that can help change your life.
Secrets of Friendship
ISBN 978-81-902105-6-4
Rs. 95
Secrets of Bringing
Peace on Earth
ISBN 978-81-902105-3-X
Rs. 95
Secrets of Love
ISBN 978-81-902105-5-6
Rs. 95
Secrets of Happiness
ISBN 978-81-902105-7-2
Rs. 95
Secrets of Meditation
ISBN 978-81-902105-2-1
Rs. 95
Secrets of Success
ISBN 978-81-902105-4-8
Rs. 95
Economic Collapse
Yogananda taught that the true state of reality is center everywhere,
circumference nowhere. Every human being is, in actual fact, the center
of the universe. The more he gathers his own forces inward, unto himself,
not allowing himself to be swept helplessly down the river of life
like a pebble, the more he can control his own destiny.
A God-centered life is the strongest guarantee of continued coherence and
security. Most important of all will be a change of attitude: from taking to self-
giving; from greed to kindly sympathy and practical, personal help.
Swami Kriyananda
Swami Kriyananda
ISBN 978-81-89430-61-0 . 32 pp . Rs. 50-00

About Anand Sangha
The path of Self-Realisation
Paramhansa Yogananda (1893-
In 1920 Yogananda was sent by his guru to
America with this admonition: The West is high
in material attainments, but lacking in spiritual
understanding. It is Gods will that you play a
role in teaching mankind the value of balancing
the material with an inner, spiritual life.
The frst Indian yoga master to permanently
reside in the West, he carried his nonsectarian
message across the country to enthusiastic
audiences that flled Americas largest halls.
Hundreds of thousands came to see the yogi
from India. He continued to lecture and write up
to his Mahasamadhi in 1952.
Although Yoganandas initial impact was truly
impressive, his lasting impact has been greater
still. His Autobiography of a Yogi helped launch
a spiritual revolution in the West. It is one of
the last centurys most infuential books. More
than one hundred years after his birth, this
great master remains one of the worlds most
venerated proponents of Indias ancient spiritual
Swami Kriyananda
Swami Kriyananda became Yoganandas disciple
at the age of 22, spent the last three and a half
years of his Gurus life with him, and has served
him some 60 years. Yogananda entrusted
Swamiji with two life missions: onewriting,
editing, and lecturing; the otherfounding
world brotherhood colonies. He went
on to become a vice-president of
Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF),
the spiritual organization Yogananda
founded. After leaving SRF, he
established Ananda Village, the
frst World Brotherhood Colony.
Prolifc author, accomplished
composer, playwright, and
artist, and world-renowned
spiritual teacher, Swami
Kriyananda refers to
himself simply as a
humble disciple of
the great God-realised
master, Paramhansa
of World
Brotherhood Colonies
Yogananda envisioned these colonies many
years before the community movement began
in America. In his Autobiography of a Yogi
he exclaimed, An urgent need on this war-
torn earth is the founding, on a spiritual basis,
of numerous world brotherhood colonies.
(Note: these words were edited out of his
autobiography in the late 1950s.) He continued
to speak enthusiastically of this dream up to
the time of his passing. The Ananda network
of colonies is a fulfllment of Yoganandas long-
time dream. These are communities where
seekers gather together to develop spiritually
in a supportive environment and to live an
integrated, God-focused life.
Ananda Worldwide includes six World
Brotherhood Colonies in America and one in
Assisi, Italy. Members practice Yoganandas
techniques of meditation and aspire to apply
his teachings to all facets of life: business,
schools, relationships, healing, and much more.
Ananda is recognized as perhaps the most
successful network of spiritual communities in
the world.
Ananda Sangha India
Ofering his remaining years to further
Yoganandajis message of Self-realization and
Kriya Yoga in his homeland, Swami Kriyananda
came to India in 2003. Soon he began a
TV show, "A Way to Awakening", reaching
millions daily. Noting the need for applying
dharmic principles to Indias rising economic
opportunities, he wrote a course, Material
Success Through Yoga Principles, for individual
or group study and corporate seminars.
As Swamiji encourages Ananda communities
to develop economic means of support
compatible with spiritual focus, devotees
soon launched the frst Indian enterprise
The Wishing Tree boutique in Gurgaons
Metropolitan Mall, carrying spiritual books,
music, and yoga and meditation aids. Other
Indian enterprises include Ananda Energy
Technologies, developing low-cost energy for
India and Harmony at Work, bringing Material
Success Through Yoga Principles into work
Our main work in India, however, is the same
as elsewhere: presenting the teachings of
Self-realisation through classes, satsangs, and
meditation, including introductory weekend
meditation and Kriya Yoga instruction.
Advanced students can prepare for regularly
given Kriya Yoga initiation. Our Web site, www., has details about our activities
plus inspirational readings and recorded talks
by Kriyanandaji and other Ananda acharyas.
Ananda Indias Future Vision
Besides cooperative communities, Swami
Kriyananda plans a universal Self-realization
temple dedicated to Paramhansa Yogananda.
He also envisions schools and a university level
institute to train teachers in Anandas proven
Education for Life methods; a hospice for the
elderly; and an orphanage. Mens and womens
monasteries are being established. Swamiji
invites all inspired by these goals and ideals to
join any aspect of this divine service.
Ananda Sangha Publications books are distributed by India Book Distributors (Bombay) Limited
The New Path
Living with the Master during his last
four years. A companion volume to
the "Autobiography of a Yogi"
Paramhansa Yogananda
books from Ananda Sangha Publications
Titles related directly to Paramhansa Yogananda have been the best sellers for
Ananda Sangha Publications year after year.
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011 43563181, 43563182
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033 30284360/61/63
040 24734891, 24608576
020 26430636, 26459189
The Essence of the
Bhagavad Gita
This magnum opus gives an entirely
new dimension to the Gita, making it
simpler, clearer, logical and appealing
to all levels of readers.
The Essence of
Lessons and stories shared by Paramhansa
Yogananda with his closest disciples.
080 41440220/21/22
(Best Spirituality book of 2010)
(Winner of Eric Hofer Award)
Yogananda A
A Biography with
Personal Refections and
Reminiscences by Swami

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