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"Where China, Tibet, Burma and India meet."

(Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mission)
Near the top of a high moantain pass in the Mission field.
"TTiou wilt keep him perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on
thee: because he trusteth in thee."
I8AIAH S 6:3
The J. Russell Morse Family and Associates
P. O. Putao, via Myitkyina
Kachin State, Burma
On the field, Eugene, Helen and children returned to Muladt after spending
a month in Rongoon. They had gone for medical checkups when Ronald (born at
Muladi, Nov. 9, 1952) was three weeks, also buying supplies to take back with
them. Robert, Betty, Jonathon and two-month old Stephen (born in Rangoon, Nov.
19, 1952) left for Tiliwago to work among the Rawang tribespeople.
In the States, LaVerne and Ruth Margaret Morse enrolled for the second
semester at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Morse made their
home in Cincinnati to be near LaVerne and Ruth Margaret..
On the lfield, Robert and Betty reported 117 students in Bible School, classes
being taught in both Llsu and Rawang. Eugene toured churches of Putao area,
preaching, holding elders conferences, taking core of medical needs. Helen and
Dremo took core of work at Muladi.
On the field, Robert and Betty reported success in Bible School at Tiliwago.
Associate Missionary, Miss Dorothy Sterling, R.N., adopted a Lisu baby, Judith.
Eugene and Helen reported first convert among the Shan tribe of the Putao area.
In the States, R. LaVerne Morse and Lois Carol Elliott were married March
27 at Cincinnati.
On the field, the Easter conventions were held in the Muladi and Tiliwago
areas of Burma.
In the States, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Morse left Cincinnati, spending time
with Mrs. Ruth Morse (Mother of J. Russell) in Tulsa, and with Miss Helen
Howe (sister of Mrs. Gertrude Morse), in Oklahoma City. This was their final
visit before returning to the Orient.
On the field, plans and preparations of materials for summer Bible Schools
were completed both at Muladi and Tiliwago.
In the States, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russel Morse left by plane May 2, arrived
in Bangkok, Siom, May 6. Mr. Morse remained in Bangkok while Mrs. Morse
went on to Rangoon to obtain his entry permit.
Hearts of loved ones and friends were saddened by the death of Mrs. Ruth
Morse (Mother of J. Russell Morse), May 20.
On the field. Entry Permit for J. Russell Morse granted June 15. He arrived
in Rangoon, June 23; was given his permanent residence visa on June 30.
In the States, LaVerne and Lois Morse started out for a summer of teaching
in Christian Service Camps and speaking in churches in the United States and
Canada. Ruth Margaret Morse went to Cedar Lake, Ind., where she worked in
the office of the Lake Region Christian Assembly.
On the field. Joyous reunion with family and natives when Mr. and Mrs. J.
Russell Morse arrived at Putao by plane July 2. Mrs. Morse started at once help
ing with classes in the Preachers' Bible ^hool, already in progress with more
than 100 students. Mr. Morse was thrilled to preach in Lisu, for the first time
since leaving China in 1946. He immediately took over the major portion of the
medical work.
On the field, Robert and Betty and family returned from Tiliwago to Muladi
where another happy reunion took place. They had not yet seen Mr. and Mrs.
J. Russell Morse since their arrival in Burma. A government agricultural advisor
from Myitkyino visited Muladi. Soil tests showed advisability of opening new
area for fields across the Muladi River.
On Hie field, the Bible School at Muiadi was completed September 6. A
flood at Mulodi on Sept. 7 imperiled safety of missionaries and natives, making
further plans for moving across the river imperative.
In the States, LaVerne and Lois Morse and Ruth Margaret Morse enrolled
for fall semester at Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
On the field, preparation of teaching materials for Bible Schools for adults
and Christian Day Schools for children, together with the medical work occupied
the entire mission staff.
On the field, Robert Morse and his Mother went to Tiliwago early in Novem
ber to hold Bible Schools.
On the field, Mrs. Robert (Betty) Morse, Jonathan and Stephen, went to
Rangoon on Dec. 10, where Jonathan was to have quite a bit of dental work done.
J. Russell Morse, Drema, Eugene, Helen and family attended the Christmas Con
vention about three days journey from Muiadi. Under the direction of Drema
Esther Morse, the native children presented the Christmas Story in drama, the first
time anything of this sort has been done in Lisuland.
In the States, LaVerne and Lois Morse, and Ruth Margaret Morse spent the
Christmas holidays with family and friends in this country.
January 20, 1954.
Dear Christian Friends and Co-Laborers for Christ:
We appreciate very much the faithful support of the Yunnan-
Tibetan Christian Mission by churches and individual Christians
throughout the years. We want to thank all our steady rope-holders
for their continuing support In prayers and material means. We shall
continue trying to use faithfully the funds entrusted to us for spread
ing the Gospel on the Tibetan border.
However, at this time we realize especially the critical needs
of many faithful direct-support missionaries, particularly those who
have started in new fields in recent years. We believe that the
spreading of the Gospel is equally priceless In every part of the world.
All Christians are laborers together In carrying "the unsearchable
riches of Christ" to needy, lost souls.
Therefore, concerning special offerings and Increased giving
throughout the churches, we should like to urge that more of the
offerings be sent to the fields which are at present In dire need of
material support. Many of the direct-support missionaries in Thai
land, Japan, Alaska, South Africa, Mexican border, Hawaii, Ameri
can Negro Bible colleges, etc., have inadequate support, and yet
they are continuing faithfully the work of establishing churches of
Christ according to the NewTestament pattern.
Yours In Christ's Service^
LaVerne and Lois Morse, on behalf of
All the Morse Families
Mr. and Mrs. R. LaVerne Morse
A Chahku tribal chieftain amidst the towering, snow-capped
mountains of the Tibetan border, near the headwaters of the Irra-
waddy River, sent a messenger two days' walk southwards to the
Daru Christians of the Mongdi church. His message was as follows:
"We Chahku tribespeople hear that you have become followers
of Wu-Sa (God), and that He created ali men. We hear that you
are no longer slaves of the evil spirits, but that you have been made
free by Wu-Sa, If Wu-Sa created you, He must also have created
us. We are human beings as well as you, and not just animals.
Please send us the Message about Wu-Sa. We want no longer to
be slaves of the evil spirits."
Throughout ail the jagged mountains, two-mile-deep gorges,
and sub-tropical jungles "where China, Tibet, Burma, and India
meet," the same appeal is made. Thousands of primitive tribes-
peopleincluding Lisu, Rawang, Kachin, Shan, Chinese, and Tibe
tanuntil a few years ago had never heard of God. They speak
seven major languages and about forty different dialects. They
make their living by clearing out small patches of jungle with crude
homemade knives, and by planting mountainside fields of corn,
rice, buckwheat, and millet. AM these people are extremely poor;
but their poverty is above all other things due to the fact that they
do not know the justice, grace, and love of God. Neither In this
life nor in the life to come have they any hope of joy and peace.
Drunk with native whiskey half the time, not washing or taking
baths In a lifetime, with faces blackened with soot and grime, with
eyes darkened by superstition. Ignorance, and fear, these wild men
of the mountains worship and fear only devils and evil spirits.
AH around them, these tribes-
people believe there are malicious
spirits constantly trying to cause
them sorrow, pain, and destruc
tion. They believe that, in or
der to avoid calamity, they have
to appease the evil spirits. When
crossing a high mountain, they
are very careful to be quiet so as
not to disturb the demon of the
mountain. If the demon were
awakened, it would be angry and
bring a sudden blizzard roaring
upon them. When climbing over
narrow "monkey trails" on the
mountainsides and through the
jungles, the people have to ap
pease the evil spirits or these will
bring landslides and huge bould
ers crashing down upon them.
When they return home after a
long journey, they need to kill a
chicken or pig, and to beat gongs
for several hours to satisfy ant^
drive away the devils that have
followed them home.
Native Witch Doctor
Around their bamboo-and-grass houses the natives construct
many altars. These are little platforms on bamboo poles. On the
platforms the people offer boiled rice wrapped in banana leaves, and
also whiskey in bamboo cups. The birds and the rats get easy
meals this way, but the heathen people believe the evil spirits have
eaten the food.
If a child is continually sickly and weak, the natives believe a
particular evil spirit Is following the child. They will change the
name of a boy to a girl's name, or give a girl a boy's name. Thus
they hope the evil spirit will be confused and look elsewhere for the
child it has been tormenting.
When a person becomes sick with malaria, pneumonia, typhoid,
or some other of the numerous diseases, the people believe that a
devil Is eating the sick man. They then call in a witch-doctor, or
"devil man." The devil man puts on a cap with boar's tusks, and
other characteristic dress, and decides what kind of demon is caus
ing the sickness and what sacrifices should be made. If a disease
continues for a long time, the family of a sick man may sacrifice
their entire possessions and then go Into debt in order to sacrifice
the right number of cows, pigs, and chickens which the devil man
requires. Sometimes, it takes several generations for them to pay
such a debt. Thus are the people, as they state themselves, truly
slaves of the evil spirits.
The tragic climax of a heathen's lostness is seen at death. When
someone dies, the friends and relatives weep and waii with heart
breaking cries which are tragic and terrible to hear. They believe
that a person when he dies goes on into darkness and torment, and
there Is no escape or hope. When a Rawang tribesman dies, for
several days his relatives beat
day and
house.^ThTs^Ts all'^^hJy^can^do
for a soul which Is lost In the
darkness beyond. A Heathen Grave
To people such as these the missionary goes to bring them
"from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God"
through Christ Jesus. He may walk over narrow mountain trails
only eight or ten inches wide, go around cliffs on two or three small
poles, or cross swift, raging rivers on bamboo rope bridges. He
may travel five or ten days on footor on horseback if the trails
are wide enough with not too many cliffsto reach a distant heath
en village where the name of Christ has never before been mentioned.
After reaching the village, he enters a small bamboo-and-grass hut
and sits on the bamboo floor beside the open fireplace. The latter
is a sunken, box-like affair in the middle of the room. Long stream
ers of black soot hang down from the low grass roof. The house
has no chimney; so the smoke from the fire brings a steady stream
of tears from the missionary's eyes.
Meanwhile, the brown-skinned natives gather. Some are cur
ious; some are a bit afraid of the strange white man; some, especial
ly the witch-doctors, are hostile; but a few are genuinely interested
in the message which the white man has to bring. The missionary
begins to tell them about a Supreme Being, more powerful than
all the evil spirits which they have feared, a Supreme Being who
created all the heavens and all the earth. This Being, called Wu-Sa
or God, created the towering mountains, the crashing rivers, and
the thick, damp jungles. He made the rain to water their fields;
He created the sun to make their grain ripen. Finally, God, the
Supreme Being, made man in His own image to obey and follow God.
The missionary goes on to tell them that this Supreme Being
not only is so powerful, but also wants to help all men. God's will
is to save all men from the power of evil and from eternal destruc
tion; He wants to give us happiness and peace. We can all receive
God's blessings If we follow Him and His Son, Jesus Christ,
Many of the tribespeople in Burma and China have a tradition
of a great flood which swept the whole eartha tradition they have
received from generation to generation. The missionary can point
out that God's Book tells the full account of this flood, and that
the reason for the flood was the disobedience of man to the One
who had made him.
Also, one tribe of people near the Tibetan border, known as
the Daru tribe, have a tradition about a great tower which their fore
fathers are supposed to have built, a tower which reached up
almost to the sky. By means of a ladder from the tower, at one
time they could climb up to the sky. Afterwards the ladder was
lost, and men could no longer reach the sky. To this day the
Darus point to a certain bowl-shaped mountain on the top of
which is a great pole. There they say the tower had its foun
dations. The missionary can show the people how man used to know
about God. Then Satan and the
evil spirits deceived man. Through
the generations man lost contact -a J
and knowledge of God. Satan > |^^
caused the people to worship t
only evil spirits and false images.
is sending His message out to all i H
the world to accept and follow /(
When the native tribespeople
hear the message of Christ, at
first it is very strange to them. . - , ,
It is hard for them to think of an ^
all-powerful Spirit, the eternal God, who cares for them. They have
known only malicious, hungry evil spirits and demons that harmed
them. But gradually, one or two people may say they want to turn
from their evil spirits and heathen customs, and to obey God. After
careful teaching, they are baptized and begin to lead new, changed
One of the most powerful forces in winning the people to Christ
is the example of the ones who have already become Christians. It
is a wonderful testimony to the heathen to see native Christians
joyfully singing "What a Friend We Have In Jesus," or "When We
All Get to Heaven." The singing echoes back and forth between
the narrow canyon walls, carrying the message of Christ. Whether
they are working in their fields on the steep mountainsides or wheth
er they are sitting cross-legged beside their fireplaces in the evening,
the Christians are happy and joyful.
Having learned to read In their new native written language,
(Continued on page 16)
A Group of Daru Girls
This map made recently by Eugene Morse shows the area of
China in which the Morses worked until 1949, and the area of Burma
that is now the center of evangelism. Places mentioned in the
various articles may be found on the map.
-f4f- Churches
Note adjoining countries, illustrating
"Where China, Tibet, Burma and India meet.'
During the two months following the closing of the summer
Bible School on September 6 and until Mrs. Gertrude Morse and
Robert again left for Tiliwago on November 2, the Mission Home at
Muladi was the scene of much activity. One of the greatest needs
of the work is for more printed materials to use in teaching the
Christians. So during this time the mission staff combined their
forces in preparing some mimeographed literature. Robert trans
lated the materials into Rawang; he and Eugene and Mrs. Morse all
worked on the Lisu translations; and the cutting of stencils and
mimeographing was done by Robert, Eugene and Helen. They used
legal size paper, putting two book-size pages on each side of a sheet
that is, four pages on a sheet. Since they have no paper cutter,
all of these sheets of paper had to be cut by hand with a knife, using
a ruler as a guide edge. Neither do they have a paper punch, so
Eugene used an ordinary brace and bit and drilled holes in the books
so they could be used in loose-leaf notebook form. Covers were also
cut by hand from waterproof tar paper. Then all the books had to
be assembled and stapled. The entire mission family joined In ac
complishing this task. The magnitude of this task can be seen from
the following "production record" as sent by Helen.
No. of No. of No. of Sheets of
Longuoge Item Prinfed Pages Stencils Copies Paper
1. Rowong Acts Notes, part 2 12 6 100 300
2. Rawang ChronologyLife of Christ 10 5 100 250
)3. Rawang Geographical outline "Footsteps
of Jesus" 8 4 100 200
4. Rawang Plan of Salvation 40 20 100 1000
5. Rowong Primer (for Christian Doy School
at Rowangtang) 40 20 300 3000
6. Lisu Acts Notes, part 2 8 4 100 200
7. Lisu ChronologyLife of Christ 12 6 100 300
8. Lisu Footsteps of Jesus (Geographical).... 8 4 100 200
9. Lisu Plan of Salvation 24 12 100 600
10. Lisu ChartGod's Plan of the Ages 1 1 150 150
11. Lisu Map of Palestine in Jesus' Time 1 1 150 150
12. Lisu Map of Mediterranean lands 1 1 150 150
13. Lisu Doily Bible Reading Schedule 8 4 200 400
14. Lisu Kochin Language Study Primer 36 18 300 2700
15. Lisu Gospels Handbooks (outline of 4
Gospels) 52 26 300 3900
261 132
Total Lisu) 151 77
(Total Rowong) 110 55
2350 413500
1650 8780
700 4750
January 13, 1954.
Dear Christian Friends Everywhere:
As the months go by, Lois and 1 are looking forward eagerly
to the joyous occasion when we can be once more out on the Tibetan
border in northernmost Burma for the spreading of the (^spel of
Christ. Either in June or September, the Lord willing, we hope to
leave by steamship from the West Coast across the blue waters of
the Pacific.
__ Meanwhile, there are many
complicated preparations to make.
The Tibetan borderland is one of
Hp the most remote and primitive
fields in the world. For instance,
the nearest ice cream cone would
V be at least seven hundred miles
.BT TSa'' ' away! Anyhow, it will be neces-
sary to take with us such supplies
^ ' as clothing, household equipment,
VA t some kind of foodstuffs, etc., to
"i !\ ^ 'st for a five-year term. A cou-
aK'' ^ ^ months ago Lois and I
. ' ' i'd ^ were trying to calculate how many
V V pairs of socks we should wear out
\ .ry in five years. Finally, we ended up
\ W ^buying forty-eight pairs for the
\ S V':i ^'me being, and probably we'll
\ m - need to buy a few more! Well,
\ that's a sample problem in the
** buying of supplies.
.. Nlf , -
\J -
LaVerne and Lois Morse
Some of the larger items which we will yet need to obtain in
clude an iron wood-burning cookstove, a portable folding pump
organ, home canning equipment, a set of carpentry tools (nothing
electrical), and various good books for our missionary library.
Other preparations on which we are working include getting
United States passports and foreign visaes in order, and arranging
transportation twelve thousand miles to a hard-to-reach part of
the world. Especially we hope that we shall not have trouble ac
quiring entry permits to Burma. We'd like Christian friends to
pray for us, that God might enable us to obtain the entry permits
without difficulty.
In addition to preparations for going, Lois and I have been
working on the project of getting the very effective visualized books,
Life of Christ Visualized, translated and published in about eight
foreign languages. A number of missionaries from different parts
of the world are working with us on the project. Among other
languages/ we hope to get published 3,000 copies in the Lisu lan
guage, and possibly also 3,000 Rawang. Together with the books
for other countries which other missionaries hope to get printed,
the total foreign language edition of the Life of Christ Visualized
is to total over 100,000 copies. These books can have a powerful
effect throughout the world in teaching people about Christ, and in
reaching heathen peoples who are now unreached by or indifferent
to the Gospel.
The funds for the Lisu and Rawang copies of the Life of Cfirist
VisuaKzed are on hand already. However, we should like to urge
strongly that Christians throughout the country enable missionaries
in Japan, Thailand, Latin America, India, and Korea to publish the
books they hope to order.
Together with all these projects for the mission field, Lois and
I are enjoying this present year of school work in Cincinnati Bible
Seminary. We want to make the most use possible of this oppor
tunity to equip ourselves further for the spreading of the wondrous
story of Jesus Christ to people whose turning to eternal life depends
upon our presenting faithfully the truth of God's Word.
In all these things, we covet your prayers. We can do nothing
in ourselves; but we can do all things through Christ who strength-
eneth us.
Yours in Christ's Service,
LaVerne and Lois Morse
Mr. end Mrs. Eugene R. Morse and family plan to leave Muladi late in April
or early in May. It will be necessary to have the children vaccinated, etc., so it
will be late May or early June when they leave Rangoon for the States.
The main planting season at Muladi is from October to January or early
February. Packets of garden seeds are welcomed and should be mailed in mid
summer to reach Burma in time for fall planting.
By Robert Morse
When Betty, the two boys and .1 moved back into
this vast eastern sector of the mission field, we received a
constant flow of letters from the various Rawang churches asking
us to come and visit them. After our informant, Peter, left to
teach In the Bible school at Muladi, I put in a month's steady work
on Lisu translation, then decided to move down to Rawangtang for
a while to help get a new project launched there.
For a long time the Rawang churches have been wanting to
establish a Christian Day School, at which Rawang would be taught
as well as the two required languages, Kachin and Burmese. They
had sent Tychicus on a successful trip to visit the various military
establishments around the country where Rawangs are stationed,
to appeal for financial help. He
obtained such necessary items as
slates, notebooks, primers and
pencils. Each family in the dis
trict had contributed some grain
for the school so that students
could be boarded. Even so, half
of the one hundred fifty prospec
tive students, (some from 10
days' walk away) had to be turn
ed down. Seven bamboo bashas
had been built by the people for
class rooms, dormitories, kitchen,
granary, and teachers' quarters.
Rawangtang was chosen as the
central location for all Rawang
country, and Tychicus, the resi
dent pastor there was to be one
of the teachers, looking out for
the spiritual growth of the chil
dren. He was also to teach Ra
wang. A fine young Christian
Nung, who had received some
formal schooling, was obtained to
teach Burmese, Kachin, and Ari
I li/fjt
A Swinging Bridge Made of
Bamboo and Vines
Christian teaching is very important to these people. As we
worked out the teaching schedule I found that they wanted to spend
as much time on religious classes as on all other studies combined!
Besides their classes in Arithmetic, Burmese, Kachin, Rawang (read
ing and writing), the students had one hour of religious instruction
in the morning; they also have morning chapel and regular evening
devotions, studying the Gospel of Mark, it seems a tough schedule
for beginners, but after a month they still seemed to be thriving on it.
Under this arrangement, any students would be accepted as
long as there was food to board them. Thus there were quite a few
youngsters who came from non-Christian homes. Ages ranged from
about 8 to 18. It was significant that before long every student
in the school was a Christian; What a wonderful promise it is
for the future, if they but remain steadfast in the faith. For in
the coming generations all the leaders of the people are apt to be
Christian if we can but further this aspect of Christiart growth. Do
pray with us that the many problems and difficulties remaining may
be successfully overcome, and that more such schools may be opened.
For the most part of our brief stay, we were at the new school.
At the request of the leaders of the area, a good part of the time
was spent preparing text-books in Rawang for the school. We also
visited other villages treating the sick and conferring with the
By Mrs. Eugene R. Morse
went up, up, and up, then
witl? tall, straight trees in
ul^ "IBBI some placesjungle giantsa
Eugene/ Tommy, David, Helen tangle of bamboo forest in other
and Ronnie places. Much of the time we
seemed to be on sort of a ridge, with a deep ravine on either side of
perhaps 1000 feet or soall dense jungle. Up above through the
trees one could see the almost unbelievably blue sky through the
lacy pattern formed by the leaves. Bamboo leaves make an especial
ly lovely sight against a clear, blue sky. Then we reached the top
and started down, down, down. The descent was only about one-
third the distance we had climbed up. When about half way down,
we could see the village of Nam-hte-hku nestling besides the river
at the foot of the green, jungle-covered hill across the valley. It
was such a beautiful, peaceful sight.
In many respects, the convention was like any other, but the
thing that made it outstandingly different was that for the first
time in Lisuland a Christmas play was presented, telling the Christ
mas story. It was all acted by the school children except for the parts
of Joseph, Mary and King Harod. These parts were taken by older
young men, as the children wouldn't speak up loud enough to be
heard. The play turned out very well. The audience seemed to be
enthralledthe quietest, most attentive Lisu audience I have ever
seen. It was held outdoors, with the audience sitting on the ground.
There were small fires here and there so folks didn't suffer too much
from the cold. The play lasted an hour and a half. There was music
from behind the scenes at the proper moments. I helped in the
singing and enjoyed the whole thing thoroughly, It seemed more
like Christmas than any time since we left the States. Drema work
ed awfully hard on the playfirst translating it from Chinese to
Lisu, making necessary changes to adaot It to Lisu settings, and
then coaching the playersthe results showed it. There were 920
counted in attendance.
We started home Monday morning about 9:30 and got here
before 6:00 P.M. Our actual travelling time was about 6 hours,
50 minutes. Not bad for covering 18-20 miles on foot over some
pretty rough trails. We were tired, but happy that we could attend
the convention. We rather think that the Christmas Story in drama
will be a yearly institution from now on.
Robert Morse and his moth
er, Mrs. J. Russell Morse, left the
mission home at Muladi Novem-
ber 2, for Tiliwago, located ] 0
days journey away (see map
8, 9). It was a difficult trip and ^K ^J
they wrote that Mrs. Morse ^6'^ " ^
that she could not have made the^ ^
trip if she had not had a horse to f ^ -2' .
ride most of the way. *%
Reports have come that they ^
are having a good school with 150 % *'
students77 Lisu and 73 Rawang.
They are conducting classes in Betty. Joni, Stephen and Robert
both Lisu and Rawang. This is the largest Bible School that has
been held in Lisu or Rawang country. It was first planned that the
school should last through the middle of February but because of
a food shortage they are having to limit the school to ten weeks
instead of twelve. Robert and his mother expect to return to
Muladi early
Betty was unable to
pany Robert and his mother
Tiliwago because it was necessary^^BV^^^|k^V^2j^^w^H
for her to take Jonathon to Ran-^ * .
goon for dental work. She and
sons Jonathon and Stephen will
be in Rangoon for several weeks.
Betty has taken care of obtain-j^P
ing supplies while there. 3^,^^ 3./, 4
at Kobudeh, March 19S3
During the past few years, floods in the Muladi (western) area
of the mission field have endangered this largest of the Christian
villages in Burma. This has nessitated the Christian's moving to
higher flat lands across the Muldi river.. The natives have sorely
needed a means to open the plain to fields, since it is covered with
tough elephant grass six to ten feet high. We are very thankful
that a Christian friend in the church at Newberg, Oregon, has given
$5000 to buy and maintain a tractor for the people to supply this
These plans have been made with the encouragement of the
Technical Advisor of the Agricultural. Department of Burma. If more
food can be produced on the Putao plains, more Bible Schools can be
held in the entire mission area, as food is one of the great problems
of a school.
J. Russell Morse will be a great help to the natives in this
phase of their development. In additional to his medical and evan-
gelistic work he is vitally interested in improved methods of culti
vation and has long been interested in giving to these under-privileg
ed peoples a greater variety of foods. Additional fruits and veget
ables will help improve the health of these folk so they will have
the physical strength equal to their zeal in carrying on the Lord's
work. With God's help this hope will be realized as the plains area
across the Muladi river is developed.
, , 0
Continned from Page 7
the Christians earnestly study the Scriptures. In the Lisu language,
the entire New Testament plus Psalms and Genesis have been printed.
In the Rawang language, only the Gospel of Mark is available yet.
Wherever they go, the Christians like to carry a book-bag with the
Scriptures and also a hymnbook in their language. Morning and
evening, and throughout the day, they pause in their work to thank
God and to pray for His forgiveness, strength, and blessings for them.
Moreover, they are eager to tell non-Christian relatives and neigh
bors about the Gospel. When they travel to distant villages, where-
ever they go they become witnesses of the "unsearchable riches of
Even at the death of a Christian, the heathen see a moving tes
timony. Though the Christians may mourn at a temporary separa
tion from a loved one, they gather to sing about the glorious day
when we all together shall see Christ face to face. Instead of
weeping in broken-hearted, utter hopelessness at the burial, the
Christians rejoice that there will be a glorious meeting In the pres
ence of Jesus, where there is no more pain nor suffering, no weari
ness, no hungering, no heartacheswhere they can be in the joy
and love of God's heavenly home for all eternity.
Such, then, is the contarst between those who know Christ
and those who know Him not on the Tibetan border. Truly, to be
an ambassador for Christ to carry the knowledge of Him "unto the
uttermost part of the earth" is the most wondrous privilege in the
Mailed by MRS. OSCAR L. MYERS See. 34:66 P.L.&R.
2024 N. 14th Street
Terre Haute, Indiana
Form 3547 Requested
Return & Forwarding
Polag Gaazaatted.
Burria Eutlor
20 E. Contrcl Pc;'!:n(qr
Clnclimta. 10^ Ohio
.... 24.64
.... 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Kaser, Phoenix... 60.00
First Christian Church, Long Beach 121.14
Church of Christ, Huntington Beach 75.00
Mrs. Lettie B. Heclcler, Temple City 25.00
Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr., Los Angeles 10.00
Mrs. Minnie D. McCray, Oceanside... 10.00
Church of Christ, Holyoke 60.00
Christian Church, East Point 25.00
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith, Chicago 6.00
Miss. Soc., Second Ch. of Chr.,
Danville 25.00
First Christian Church, Washington... 25.00
Sunday School, Metz Chr. Ch., Angola 46.84
Christian Church, Springport 11.25
Cyntheanne Chr. Ch., Noblesville 80.00
Christian Church, Columbus 50.00
Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Lycan, Evansville 10.00
Mrs. H. E. Ross, East Chicago 25.00
Center Christian Church, Mays 20.00
Tip-Top Class, First Chr. Ch.,
Columbus 10.00
Intermediate C. E., Maple Ave. Ch.,
Terre Haute 2.06
Bertha K. Sargent, Grundy Center... 25.00
Mr. & Mrs. H. N. Weart, Iowa City... 25.00
Friends, Cedar Rapids 100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Walker, Hanlontown 50.00
Hans N. Christenson, Hampton 6.00
Mrs. Leo Stoutner, Keota 60.00
Pearl Horner, Sioux Rapids 6.50
Miss. Soc., Chr. Ch., Hope 7.26
Mrs. E. B. White. Liberal 26.00
Mrs. Virginia Templeton & Nedine,
Wichita 5.00
K. Z. Wilking, Owensboro 16.00
Christian Church, Germantown 60.00
Mrs. C. M. Adams, Algonac 5.00
Mr. & Mrs. G. Clare Buskirk,
Minneapolis 25.00
Mr. & Mrs. John Kendall, Stewartville 20.00
Mrs. R. Sewall, Minneapolis 50.00
Miss Bonnie O'Rourke, Joplin 5.00
Virgil Marshall, Wymore 260.00
New Mexico
Church of Christ, Lordsburg 29.43
North Carolina
W. E. Williams. Battleboro 60.00
First Christian Church, Canton 25.00
South Akron Ch. of Chr., Akron 17.20
Helping Hand Soc., Chr. Ch.,
Morristown 15.00
A Friend . 20.00
Perrytown Ch. of Chr., Frazeysburg. 21.30
W. Miss. Soc., Chr. Ch., Perry 10.00
Co. Youth Rally, Danville 40.00
Charles Raffel, Hillsboro . 10.00
Club, Westwood Cheviot
Ch. of Chr., Cincinnati 10.00
Gregg Sandker, Cincinnati 5.O0
Mrs. Frank Ritthaler, Perry 20.00
Christian Church, Arapaho 201.00
Christian Worn. Fellowship, Miss.
Group) Helena 10.00
Mrs. Zua Hooton, Myrtle Point 1.00
Mrs. Cora Church, Roseburg 3.00
Homestead Chr. Ch., Munhail 20.00
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Mahon, Greenville 10.00
Entre Nous Class, Beaumont 3.21
Entre Nous Class, Beaumont 3.08
Waynesboro Chr. Ch., Waynesboro... 14.66
Adelaide B. Sims, Richmond 25.00
West Seattle Chr. Ch., Seattle 6.00
Mrs. R. R. Graves, Prescott 5.00
Mrs. Lida Conover, Waitsburg 5.00
Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mission
June 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953
BALANCE of Missionary Funds on Hand
June 1, 1958 -
In Cincinnati
Terre Haute, Indiana
...$ 6,097.02
... 1,174.53
Transferred from Tulsa, OkIa 7,381.99
Total Bal. June 1 $13,653.54
Paid by Mr. and Mrs. R. LaVerne
Morse for use of Mission automobile
to date $ 271.75
Other receipts on automobile, in
cluding insurance 136.27
Miscellaneous (Bank interest in
Cincinnati) 27.59
Total Receipts from Churches and
Individuals 16,258.94
Grand Total $30,211.82
June 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953
postage, secretarial
help - -S 119.76
Communications, postage, secretarial
help 147.82
by bus, train, etc 452.69
expenses, including insurance,
gasoline, etc. (See refunds or payments
received from automobile above) 712.22
publicity 309.92
Pictures, Duplicate slides, displays, etc. 32.00
equipment 13.36
(partial) plus motels, etc 271.96
supplement for Mrs. R.
LaVerne Morse, June-Sept., 1963 132.00
Mission Stationery Supplies ... 32.93
Mel Byers (rec'd as for associate of
mission) 10.38
Dorothy Sterling (rec'd to be forwarded) 5.00
Second and Third 1953 Newsletters .. 460.00
For buying supplies for 5 year term
on mission field for Mr. and Mrs.
LaVeme Morse 1,000.00
Total Expenditures $ 3,700.04
BALANCE ON HAND December 31,
1963$26,511.78 ($5000.00 for tractor included
in this amount)
received and expenditures for Yun
nan-Tibetan Christian Mission by Mr, and Mrs.
R. "LaVerne Morse.
designated for printing of Life of
Christ Visualized in Lisu and Rawang.
from individual designated for purchase
of tractor for use in developing new fields
for Lisu.
The various members of the family are sup
ported as follows: Yearly
J. Russell MorseChristian Church of Ingle-
wood. California $1200
Mrs. J. Russell (Gertrude) Morse^West
Side Christian Church, Springfield, 111.... $1200
Eugene R. MorseFirst Christian Church,
Compton, California $1200
Mrs. Eugene (Helen) MorseMaple Avenue
Christian Church, Terre Haute, Ind $1200
David Lowell Morse (son of Mr, and Mrs.
Eugene Morse)Boulevard Christian
Church, Muskogee, Oklahoma $ 300
Robert H. MorseAs of January 1, 1964.
First Christian Church, Long Beach,
California $1200
In' the past Robert was supported as fol
lows; First Christian Church, Albuquer
que, N, M., $300: Women's Group La
Junta, Colo., $300; First Christian Church,
Long Beach, Calif., $760 yearly.
Mrs. Robert (Betty) Morsesupport as
follows: Skidmore Christian Church,
Skidmore, Mo., $300; Berean Class, Chris
tian Church, Galena, Kansas, $300;
Bethany Bible Class, Christian Church,
Bumpass, Va., $300; Women's Council,
Christian Church, Cabool, Mo., $120;
Mrs. Claude Garth, Georgetown, Ky.,
$300; First Christian Church, Griffith.
Ind., $300.
Jonathon Russell Morse (son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Morse) KYN Missionary Group.
First Christian Church, Holyoke, Colo. $ 300
R. LaVerne MorseFirst Christian Church,
Joliet, 111 $1200
Mrs. R. LaVerne (Lois) 'MorseCentral
Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111., (be
ginning April, 1953), $67.00 per month;
Bridgetown Church of Christ, Cincin
nati, Ohio, (beginning October, 1953)
$38.00 per month. Bridgetown Church of
Christ, Cincinnati, Ohio, plans to con
tinue the $33.00 per month until LaVerne
and Lois return to the mission, probably
late in the summer of 1954, the Lord
willing. At that time. Central Church in
Mt. Vernon, 111., plans to take up the
full $100 per month support.
Ruth Margaret MorsePalmyra Church of
Christ, Fredericktown, Ohio $1000
January 20, 1954
Dear Christian Friends and Ropeholders:
We want to thank all of you for your
faithful support, both through material
means and through prayers, for the
Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mission in
spreading the Message of Christ "where
China, Tibet, Burma, and India meet."
We want to request Christian friends
everywhere to continue praying for all
of us, that we might be effective in
winning souls to eternal life through
Jesus Christ. Please pray also for the
native Christians on the mission field,
both for the Lisu and Rawang Chris
tians in Burma where we are now work
ing, and for the Lisu and Chinese Chris
tians across the Iron-Curtain border in
atheistic. Communist-controlled China.
During the past year, Mrs. Oscar L.
Myers, mother of Helen Morse, Eugene's
wife, has accepted the responsibility of
general forwarding agent for the
Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mission. In
addition to the duties of her home and
in the Maple Avenue Christian Church
of Terre Haute, Indiana, Mrs. Myers is
doing a commendable job in the mission
for the spreading of the Gospel of Christ.
As mission forwarding agent, Mrs.
Myers receives all contributions for the
general missionary work done through
the Morse missionary families. In ad
dition to the general missionary con
tributions, she receives the personal liv
ing-link support for Eugene and Helen
Morse and children. Temporarily, she
has also been doing so for Robert and
Betty Morse and children, and for J.
Russell Morse.
The support for the work in general
and for the missionaries is as follows:
Personal living-link support for each
of the missionaries consists of $1,200
a year per adult. It is separate from
the general missionary fund, being
pledged and sent directly from the sup
porting church or churches for the
All other contributions for the mis
sion work go into a general fund. Ex
penses paid out of this fund include all
non-personal expenses of carrying on
the missionary work, such as travelling
to the mission field, printing of New
Testaments, hymn books, and primers
in the native languages, medical supplies
for the mission work, housing on the
mission field, etc. In addition, medical
bills, and partial rent allowance while
a missionary is on furlough, are paid
from this fund. A missionary family
going to the field in northernmost Bur
ma finds it necessary to buy clothes,
household equipment, foodstuffs, etc., in
advance for a five-year term. For this
reason, up to $1000 per adult is sup
plied from the general fund.
In addition to the current expenses,
it is necessary to keep repatriation funds
(not included in the following report)
in reserve for any emergency on the
mission field. The mission work is be
ing carried on in spite of Chinese Com
munist troops occupying Tibet on. the
north and China on the east. Since po
litical situations are very unstable
throughout southeast Asia, the mission
aries have to be ready to evacute at any
time. There are nine adult missionaries
of the Morse family, plus five children.
Plane fare from the mission field back
to the States in such an emergency
would be over $1000 per adult passenger.
Of course, we are all hoping and pray
ingand expectingthat we shall be
able to continue establishing the churches
in northernmost Burma on the Tibetan
border for many years to come.
During the past several years,, floods
in the Muladi (western) area of the
mission field have endangered the larg
est Christian village in the mission
field. This has necessitated the Chris
tians' moving to higher flat lands across
the Muladi river. However, the native
Christians have sorely needed a means
to open the plain to fields, since it is
covered with tough elephant-grass six
to ten feet high. We are very thankful
that a Christian friend of the Newberg,
Oregon, church, has given $5,000 to buy
and maintain a tractor for the people
to supply this need.
Thus we rejoice that advances for
the Gospel are constantly being made
possible. Furthermore, we pledge our
selves as ever before to use the funds
entrusted'to us with our utmost strength,
knowledge, and ability for the winning
of lost souls unto Christ. We want to
thank with all our hearts those faith
ful ropeholders who through time, funds,
and prayers have made this work for
the Lord possible.
Following is the financial report of
all receipts for the Yunnan-Tibetan
Christian Mission (Lisu and Rawang
Churches of Christ) received by Mrs.
Oscar L. Myers, forwarding agent for
the mission, and through Mr. and Mrs.
R LaVerne Morse during the period
from June 1, 1953, to December 31,
Yours in Christ's Service,
LaVerne and Lois Morse on behalf
of all the Morse Families.
Mrs. Oscar L. Myers, Forwarding Agent.
June - December
From Churchcs and Individuals in the United
Stales and Canndn.
Mrs. Ethfl Carlile. Hot Springs $ 16.00
" Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr.. Los Angeles 10.00
First Chr. Ch.. Los Angeles 33.00
"""paxton Ave. Ch. of Chr.. Chicago .. 53.00
Christion Church. Ludlow 26.75
Mis. Soc.. Chr. Ch., Eldorado 25.00
& Mrs. Chas. Turner, Portland 20.00
East Columbus Ch. of Chr.. Columbus 100.00
Children's Day Oft., N. Scott S.S..
Christian Church. Sprlngport 16.00
Syria Chr. Ch.. Orleans 12.24
Chr. Ch.. 5th & Lafayette, Columbus 50.00
S S., Domestic Ch. of Chr. Geneva .. 52.50
W. Council. Chr. of Chr.. Warren... 15.00
B. & (I. Bible Class, Hampton 10.00
Mr. & Mrs. Hans N. Christensen.
Hampton . 6-00
Eliza A. Wiley. Albion 20.00
Christian Church, Missouri Valley 50.00
Christian Church Mis. Group, Brandon 60.00
Primary & DVBS, Center Chr. Chr.,
Columbus . 18.29
W. Chr. Service Council, W. Side
Christian Church. Wichita 50.00
Miss. Soc.. Chr. Ch., Bucklin 5.00
Mrs. Knrl Wilking, Owensboro 35.00
Bethany Ch. of Chr., Brooksville 14.00
Mrs. E. S. Donnell, Watertown 8.00
C. E. Wiley. Battle Creek 30.00
Miss Mabel B. Goufd, Saranac 1.00
Phobe CIrflp. First Chr. Ch,, Litehfteld 2.00
Liberty Chr. Ch., Cairo 21.50
Cammie K. Brooks. Brunswick 75.00
Bible School, Chr. Ch., Greentop 50.00
Mrs. Ada B. Mahn, Alma 5.00
Mrs. Nora Gockley. Holbrook 5.00
A Friend. Hastings - 5.00
New Brunswick
*Ch. of Chr., Lord's Grove, Deer L 26.00
New York
"Ch. of Chr., Hicksville, Long L... 28.75
North Carolina
Mrs. H. R. Miller, Roanoke Rapids . 100.00
Bible Sch., Macedonia Chr. Ch..
Wllliamstown 24.67
Macedonia Chr. Ch., Williamstown 70.00
Old Ford Chr. Ch., Washington .. 48.82
Oak Grove Chr. Ch.. Stokes 11.07
Roanoke Chr. Ch., S. Camp,
Washington 158.86
North Dakota
Mi-s. L. H. Carter. Fargo 20.00
Church of Christ, Hamersville 54.89
Bridgetown Ch. of Chr., Cincinnati 100.00
Mrs. H. C. Armintrout, Bellefontaine 5.00
Church of Christ, Hillsboi'o 100.00
Mr.s. Roy Polen, Steubenville 5.00
Mission Group, Waynesviile 10.00
South Akron Ch. of Chr.. Akron 17.52
South Side Ch. of Christ, Wash. C. H. 10.00
Women's Miss. Soc.. New Antioch Ch.
of Christ. Wilmington 26.00
Mrs. Frank Ritthaler, Perry, Okla.... 5.00
Jones Christian S.S., Jones 62.38
Mrs. Zua Hooten, Myrtle Point 1.00
Cora Church, Roseburg 3.00
Missions Group. F.ugene 10.00
Church of Christ, Scottsdale 33.67
Albert R. Hanke. Mill Hall Chr. Ch. 25.00
First Christian Church, Meadville .... 18.50
Miss. Soc., Ch. of Chr., Bioomsburg 55.00
Saskatchewan, Canada
Church of Christ, S.S., Yellow Grass 11.40
W. Miss. Soc. Chr. Ch., Newport 14.00
William C. Mahon. Greenville 10.00
Entre Nous Class, Beaumont 5.39
Mrs. J. E. Lipscombe, Ellerson 10.00
Mrs. J. E. Lipscombe. Ellerson 12.00
Mrs. R. R. Graves. Prescott 5.00
Miss Nellie E. Copley, Vancouver 50.00
West Virginia
Miss. Soc. Ch. of Chr. Follansbee 10.00
Miss. Soc. Chr. Ch.. Chester 15.00
LeGi-ande Ave. Ch. of Chr., Anniston . 10.00
Phoenix Chr. Ch., Phoenix 25.00
W. Miss. Soc., First Chr. Ch.,
DeWitt 5.00
Christian Church. Yellville 10.00
Minnie D. MeCray, Oceanside 10.00
Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr., Los Angeles 20.00
Park Ave. Ch. of Chr., Montebello 9.00
Berean Miss. Soc., Canon City 65.00
South Gardens Ch. of Chr.. Savannah 5.00
Nampa Ch. of Chr., Nampa . ... 112.42
Women of F'irst Ch. of Chr., Boise 18.00
Mis. Circle, W. Union Chr. Ch.,
West Union B.OO
Christian Church, Herrin 13.00
Harmony Miss. Soc., First Chr. Ch.,
West Frankfort 10.00
Loyal W. Miss. Soc., First Chr. Ch.,
West Frankfort 15.00
Miss. Soc., Chr. Ch., Sciota - 25.00
Christian Church, Louisville 25.50
First Chr. Church. Flora 86.S2
Oil Bell Chr. Service Camp, Flora 62.00
S. 111. Chr. S. Camp, W. Frankfort 40.00
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Lycan, Evansville 10.00
Miss. Study Gr., Cobum Comers
Church. St. Joe 9.50
Mrs. Eileen W. McClure, Elizabethtown 16.00
W. Miss, Soc., Antioch Chr. Ch..
Montgomery 25.00
Christian Church. Burnettsville 5.00
Church of Christ, Hamilton 37.00
Ethel and Pearl Self. Tipton 10.00
Miss Ruby Hoffman, Staunton 20.00
Primary DVBS. Ch. of Chr., Hampton 10.00
Junior Boys, Ch. of Chr., Hampton ... 2.50
Church of Christ, Hampton 2.50
Miss. Soc.. Ch. of Chr., Webster City 10.00
Madison Ch. of Chr.. Brooklyn 27.50
Miss. Soc.. Chr. Ch.. Leon 10.OO
Women's Chr. Ser. Council. West
Side Chr. Ch., Wichita 20.00
Christian Church, Norton 53.7fl
Christian Church, Sublette 30.00
Mrs. Virginia Templeton and
Nadine, Wichita 5.00
Mrs. Winter Ncalc, Georgetown 100.00
"W. Dept., Broadway Chr. Ch..
Lexington 10.00
Church of Christ, Norwood 11.50
Ch. of Chr., Portage la Prairie... 13.52
Gilgal Chr. Service Camp, Delta... 14.78
Mrs. Earl Burch. Battle Creek 54.00
First Church of Christ, Owosso 23.69
Church of Christ, Fairmont 59.09
W. Council, Ch. of Christ. Truman .. 16.00
"Church of Christ, Crook.ston 32.76
"Bible School Union Camp, Warren 10.00
Phobe Circle. Ch. of Chr., Litchfield ... 2.00
Union Sunday School. Oregon 90.00
Missionary Socicty, University City .... 18.70
DVBS. Urst Chr. Ch.. Crane 25.00
Miss Bonnie O'Rourke, Joplin 10.00
Liberty Christian Church. Cairo 22.25
News Brunswick
M. Lou Barbour, St. John 37.00
North Carolina
Mrs. R. H. Shavender. Ransomvilte .. 14..36
Nova Scotia
"W. Miss. Soc., Ch. of Chr..
River John 5.00
Church of Christ, River John 14.67
W. Miss. Soc. First Chr. Ch.. Canton 10.00
Mrs. Harry Strong. Hicksville 6.00
Mi-8. Ersa Lenhart. Belle Center 8.60
Mrs. Ray Folen, Steubenville 5.00
Maria M. Carr, Blackwel! 25.00
Frances Jacoua, Oklahoma City 30.00
.Miss. Soc. First Chr. Ch., Texhoma 11.2B
Win-ne-ma Christian Church, Oretown 20.00
Turner Christian Church, Turner 9.00
. Pennsylvania
Church of Christ. Uiilgeway . . 12.00
Central Christian Church, Pittsburgh 25.00
Raymond nill'hiim, MononRnhela 20.01)
Princc Edward Island
Jr. Bible School, Ch. of Chr.
Montague 10.00
C h u r c h of Christ, Montague 50.00
***Church of Christ. Murray Harbor. 31.50
Canoe Cove Christian Camp 80.00
Frodericton Church of Christ 10.00
.Mrs. Laura Nicholson, Fredericton 6.00
Summerside Church of Christ 51.00
South Dakota
Sunday School, Ch. of Chr., Spencer 12.34
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Mahon, Greenville 10.00
Entre Nous Class, Beaumont 3.69
First Chr. Church, Marque 10.00
Mrs. W. S. Blodget, Denton 2.00
Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Barnett. Ft. Worth 50.00
Ladies' Class, Chr. Ch., Ellerson 20.00
Mrs. Ethel Bourne, Bumpass 5.00
Christian Church. Waynesboro 14.96
Mrs. R. R. Graves. Prescott 5.00
Miss Mabel Gilmore, Zillah 5.00
Mrs. Lida Conover, Waitsburg 5.00
West Virginia
W. Miss. Soc. Chr. Ch., Follansbee .. 18.00
First Christian Church, Follansbee 16.70
LeGrande Ave. Ch. of Chr.. Anniston 10.00
Mrs. Anna L. Meek, Phoenix 2.00
Mi-s. Walter Heins, Rogers 5.00
British Columbia
Mrs. Pearl BeatI, Hope 10.00
Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr., Los Angeles 10.00
W. Council, Ch. of Chr., Downey 10.00
W. Council, Chr. Ch., East Point 11.00
Central Ch. of Chr., Savannah 10^00
Mr. Sever, Ml. Vernon 5.00
Men & Women's Miss. Soc.,
Central Ch. of Chr.. Mt. Vernon . 25.00
Oil Belt Chr. Service Camp. Flora 71.76
Walshville Chr. Ch., Walshville 37.45
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Hornbaker,
Maywood 25.00
Christian Church. Newton 15.82
First Chr. Ch.. Washington 50.00
Bethany Chapel. Oxford 25.00
Ethel & Pearl Self. Tipton 1.00
Mr. & Mrs. Fretl Foster, Pendleton .. 5.00
W. Miss. Soc.. First Chr. Ch..
Staunton 25.00
Mrs. E. S. Randall, Martinsburg . . l.OO
Friends. Cedar Rapids 65.00
First Chr. Ch., Council Bluffs 25.00
"Isaiah Moore, Paris 10.00
Mrs. E. S. Donnell, Watertown 6.00
Mrs. C. M. Adams. Algonac 6.00
Mrs. Jack Hawes. Elsie 25.00
Mrs. Klolz, Matawan 1.00
Mr. & Mi-s. G. Clare Buskirk,
Minneapolis 25.00
New Mexico
Mrs. W. H. McDaniel, Texico 100.00
New York
Laura S. C. Veatch. Rochester 100.00
Mrs. Ray Polen. Steubenville 5.00
Madisonville Chr. Cr., Cincinnati . . 76.63
S. S,. Clear Creek Ch. of Chr. Ashland 36.63
Junior Class, Ch. of Chr., Morristown
Mrs. Ivonette Walters, Lowellville ....
Mrs. Ona F. Smith, Akron
Miss Elizabeth Brockhoff, Cincinnati...
Mrs. J. L. Freeman. Tonkawa
Mrs. Frank Ritthaler. Perry
"Mr. Gene Burney, Portland
Wi-Ne-Ma Chr. Service Camp
Church of Christ, Drain
Church of Christ. Cottage Grove
Eve. Group. Fairmont Ch. of Chr..
Church of Christ. Oakland
Mi-s. Cora Church. Rosenburg
CottuKe Grove Ch. of Chr.,
Cottage Grove
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Mahon, Greenville
Entre Nous Class. Beaumont
Edgar Sage, Fort Worth
Mrs. Leiia F. Cupp, Galveston
Mrs. W. S. Blodgett. Denton
Fairmont Ave. Ch. of Chr., Richmond
Ladies' Bible Class, Chr. Ch., Ellerson
Mrs. R. R. Graves. Prescott
West Seattle Ch. of Chr.. Seattle
15.00 Oklahoma
5.00 Women'
1.00 Ch., <
2.00 W. Cou
Lewis A
5.00 Oregon
5.00 Soutl
6.00 First Ch
50.00 Church 1
10.00 Tennessee
80.75 Mr. and
31.00 Entre N
13.65 Virginia
5.00 Ladies'
40.00 Mrs. Ge
10.00 Alabama
5.0!) Arkansas
24.00 Mrs. Bei
5.00 California
2.00 Pork
Mrs. Mir
25.00 Fetterley
10.00 E. R. F
5.00 First Ch
15.00 Beginner
A. W
Life Re(
of Ch
10.00 Samuel
10.00 Church
Miss. Sc
C. S. w
First Cl
10.00 Michigan
6.00 Memorial
LeGrande Avenue Ch. of Chr., Anniston
Church of Christ. Vulcan
Church of Christ. Cotton
Park Ave. Ch. of Chr.. Montebelio
Park Ave. Ch. of Chr.. Montebello
Mr. James Elliott, Long Beach ..
DVBS of Northtown, Alvarado, and
White Churches of Christ
Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr., Los Angeles
A Friend, Fetterley Ave. Ch. of Chr..
Los Angeles
S. S.. Maple Grove Ch. of Chr.. Berne
Georgiunna Wilson. New Castle
DeKalb Co, Youth Rally, Harlan
Kenneth Eade, English
Lucerne Ch. of Chr., Logansport
Mrs. Virginia G. Templeton, Wichita ..
Christian Church. Norton
Christian Church, Sublette
Intermediate Boys & others.
Chr. Ch., Carlisle
Mrs. E. S. Donnell. Watertown
Duplain Church of Christ. Elsie 25.00
W. Council. Ch. of Chr., Cleveland .. 16.00
"Mission Fund. Chr. Ch., Knob Nosier 51.00
Christian Church. Knob Noster 40.00
"Christian Church LaMonte 25.00
Mrs. Almon Brandow, Anderson 2.00
Miss Bonnie O'Rourke. Joplin 5.00
Friends, Humboldt 200.00
North Carolina
Sprague St. Ch. of Chr., Winston-Salem 10.00
Montgomery Rd. Ch. of Chr., Cincinnati 15.00
Mrs. Roy Polen, Steubenville 5.00
Phillips Christian Church, Salem .. 35.00
Church of Christ, Orrville 31.50
Church of Christ. Akron 15.75
Church of Christ, Winche.ster 42.12
"Where China, Tibet, Burma and India Meet'
(No. 5, New Series beginning January 1953)
Rawang Boatmen on River Near Putao
'1 con do oil things through Christ which strengtheneth me.'
The J. Russell Morse FamHy and Associates
P. O. Putao, via Myitkyina
Kachin State, Burma
From the porch of the mission home in Muladi, one can look across
the Mung Lang river (only 150 yards away), over the grass-covered
plains, to the snow-capped mountain peaks some 50 miles away
which mark the Tibetan border. The same mountain range curves
around and is also visible in the west, where it forms the border
between Burma and Assam about 30 miles away. In the sparkling
clear sunlight of the winter season it is truly a thrilling and awe-
inspiring sight which is presented by these majestic, towering jagged
peaks which rise so abruptly from the edge of the plain.
Near at hand, however, lie the grassy plains, in various levels or
terraces, formed by Nature, not by man. The portion visible from
the mission home forms only a very small part of the area commonly
referred to as the "Putao plain." This is an area approximately 30
miles long and 12 miles wide. The grass which looks so soft and
lovely from a distance is really the tough, wiry elephant grass which
grows ten to twelve feet tall. This grass has roots that form a
tangled mat just a few inches below the earth's surface. It is
partly because of this hard-to-kill grass that in the past this large
area of fertile plains land has not been extensively cultivated. With
the crude and ineffective agricultural implements used by these peo
ple, it is extremely difficult to cut through the grass roots sufficiently
to destroy the grass and make it possible to grow other crops suc
cessfully. Another reason for not settling and cultivating the plain
has been fear of the very severe type of malaria encountered there
one of the worst kinds in all Burma. So, except for a few scattered
paddy fields cultivated by the Shans, almost the entire plain has
gone uncultivateda rich area lying idle, while people endured
famines year after year in the hills. The Lisu, Rawangs, Kachins
and others all thought it more profitable to cut fields out of jungle
land, which must be abandoned after one or two years, forcing the
people to move on in search of new fields.
Although this jungle or faungya cultivation as it is called, is
thought by the people to be easier, it has many disadvantages which
they have neither the experience nor education to discern. For one
thing, since fields are temporary, so are the houses. They are scat
tered about one here, two there, two or three more a mile or two
away, and no large or even permanent villages are established. Thus
it is impossible to have schools, and likewise very difficult to have
congregations large enough to support a preacher. When the people
are so scattered it presents a real problem in trying to shepherd
those who have become Christians
Because the work in North Burma has been growing rapidly, and
because the mission field rovers ?iirh a wide area in which travel is
extremely difficult, an effort has been made to urge the people to
gather in larger villages (also advocated bv the government). Also,
the importance of establishing
Christian Day Schools has been
The first large Lisu village to
be established was Muladi. The
village was laid out in proper
blocks, with straight, wide streets.
The village has been kept clean
toilets built, pigs penned up In
stead of running wild through the
villageand consequently much
sickness due to unsanitary con
ditions has been almost eliminat
ed. In three and one-half years
the village has grown from ten
to twelve families to more than
one hundred families.
It was in Muladi that the first LIsu Christian Day School was
established. The large congregation at Muladiaround 400-450
has been taught tithing, and they practice it. During 1953 the
cash offering alone was more than kyats 1500 (about $300 U.S.),
plus rice, corn, cloth, chickens, pigs, eggs, and vegetables. More
than half the money received was used in sending evangelists to
new areas, and in helping preachers in other places where theif
congregations were unable to provide sufficient support. The Muladi
village and congregation has become a "model" or example after
which other Lisu villages can be and have been patterned.
But during the past year or so a new problem or difficulty has
been developing. Although the people had been developing spirit
ually, and in many ways the-r living standards were much Improved,
It was growing increasingly difficult to find fields nearby. Many
families were having to go seven or eight miles awaynearly a whole
day's travelto find fields. Also, because so many famtl es were
concentrated in one area, so much jungle was being destroyed each
year by the cutting of taungya fields, that it was feared that w'thin
a few years there would be a critical shortage of bamboo and timber
for house-building, for fire wood, and other purposes. Therefore,
many families were seriously considering moving on into a new area
where there would be plenty of fields, wood, and bamboo, thus
reverting to the traditional Lisu tendency toward westward migra
Even though they were reluctant to leave, they must have food.
The only solution was to open up new fields in the grass olains on
the north side of the river. Three recent floods at Muladi have
washed away great sections of the river bank, threatenina the safety
of the village. This danger, ever present during the monsoon sea
son, added to the urgency of this move. But this wa<: considered
almost impossible because of the difficulty of overcoming the ten-
acity of the elephant grass with their inadequate farming implements.
A few had tried small fields, but had almost despaired because in
spite of their best efforts to weed it out, the grass grew so fast during
the rainy season that it choked out much of the rice. The obvious
need, of course, was for mechanized equipmenta tractor, plow,
and harrow^but that seemed out of the question, until . . . but that
is getting ahead of the story.
When they were in Rangoon, Eugene and Helen had met an
American who was TCA Agricultural advisor for the Kachin State, to
be stationed in Myitkyina. He was much interested in what he
heard about the Putao and Muladi area, particularly in the prospect
of opening up new land for cultivation. He suggested that soil
samples be sent to Myitkyina for testing. This was done, and the
tests proved the soil to be very good. In August, 1953, Mr. Carter
realized his previously expressed desire to visit the area, and spent
a week looking over the land, and, incidentally, seeing how the mis
sionaries lived and worked. He was very optimistic and enthusiastic
over the potential possibilities, and urged that a tractor and im
plements be purchased to be used in opening land, as he felt that
to be the only way the grass could be destroyed.
Previously, while J. Russell Morse was visiting churches in the
U.S.A. on the West Coast, a friend in Newberg, Oregon, had offered
to supply funds for the purchase of some piece of mechanized equip
ment. When he learned of this need, he very generously gave $5000
for the purchase and maintenance of a tractor. Even after the money
was given, it was only after much prayer, and careful consideration
of all problems involved, that the equipment was ordered. Although
the money was received in the fall, because of communication, trans
portation and other difficulties, it was not possible to make actual
purchase until January. The tractor is a Fergusona snnall, light
weight unit, designed especially for use In backward, undeveloped
areas, and widely used throughout the Orient. The equipment was
shipped from Rangoon on January 28th, and reached Muladi on
February the 15th, having been accompanied by an instructor from
the company to teach its operation
The first two weeks after the tractor arrived were spent in dem
onstration and driver train-ng. Besides J. Russell Morse and Eu
gene, two Lisu drivers were taught to operate it. By the end of a
second two weeks, twenty-five acres of virgin grass land had been
plowed under for the first time. As the drivers become more skilled,
it will be possible to open up land a little more rapidly. It is hoped
that before the planting season in May, it will be possible to have
plowed about one hundred acres of lat*denough for a two acre
plot for each of fifty families. Another year, when plowing can be
started earlier, it will be possible to work more land. TTiis work is
being done by native drivers for the native people, under the super
vision of the mission. Because it can be operated and maintained by
the native workers, the tractor will require only a small amount of
the missionaries' time in a supervisory or advisory capacity, once
work is well under way. The primary purpose of the missionaries'
presence on the field is to preach Christ, not to do social work. The
primary emphasis is and will continue to be placed on the spiritual
welfare and development of the people. But we are thankful that
the Lord has provided this means of improving their physical well
being also. We pray that it may be used wisely, and be another re
minder of the goodness of God, who supplies all our needs, and who
delights in giving good gifts to His children.
(Left to right) Jonathon, Stephen, (sons of Robert and Betty Morse)
Ronald, Thomas and David, sons of Eugene and Helen Morse.
This picture of the five little Morse boys was taken by J. Russell
Morse. Since this picture was taken, another third-generation mis
sionary has arrived. Robert Jr., third son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
H. Morse, was born in Rangoon February 23, 1954. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Morse and their three sons returned to Muladi April 1st.
North '
American .
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morse are
returning to the States In time for
the North American Christian Con
vention at Long Beach, California,
according to present plans.
One sunny afternoon in the month of July 1953, as LaVerne and
I. were crossing on a ferry toward Prince Edward Island, Canada, we
suddenly thought of an idea which in the intervening nnonths'has so
developed that by August 1, 1954, tens of thousands of books may
be awaiting shipment into lands all over the world to tell men of
the Christ, Who alone can be their Hope and their Salvation. This
is the story of that idea and of its development into a near reality.
I remember as a child spending many long hours reading a set
of books called the LIFE OF CHRIST VISUALIZED. This set includ
ed three books, each containing forty-eight pages of pictures with
accompanying script and relating step by step the story of Christ
from His birth to His Ascension. I recall that I was especially
touched as I looked upon the pictures which portrayed the tremen
dous anguish and suffering that my Lord endured for me. Tears
streamed down my cheeks as I saw the nail-pierced hands and thorn-
crowned brow. And I imagine that thousands of others all over
America have been likewise touched as they have followed the events
in the life of Christ as they are so beautifully pictured in these books.
Then last summer as we were, riding on the ferry toward Prince
Edward Island, LaVerne and I suddenly thought of printing the
LIFE OF CHRIST VISUALIZED in the language of the Lisu tribal
people along the Tibetan border. Soon after this idea came into
our minds, we began to wonder if these books could be printed, not
only for the Lisu, but for other tribes throughout the world as well.
We were thrilled with the idea; and though at first it seemed so
like a passing dream, it wasn't long before we were busy trying to
make that dream a reality. We had a firm conviction that these
books would have a tremendous power in presenting the story of
Christ not only to those whose minds had never yet conceived of
there being a God who loved them, but to those as well who had
already been touched with the Gospel message. We knew that
many of these minds were being filled with false propaganda which
the Communists were flooding into various nations all over the world,
it was a time for action on the part of God's people to stem the
forces of evil and to bring light into the lives of men who lay in
Investigating at the Standard Publishing Company in Cincinnati,
Ohio, we found that if the missionaries over the world could raise
an order for at least 100,000 copies of one of the three books of
the VISUALIZED set, the Standard would see that these four-color
books were printed in the various languages of the people with whom
these missionaries were working. We were indeed surprised when
^^we found that the cost of producing one book complete in a foreign
"^^^language would be approximately sixteen cents, whereas even the
English edition of the same book was twenty-four cents wholesale
price. We were thrilled and took the good news to the Sixth
National Missionary Convention. Many of the missionaries enthu
siastically hailed the idea and desired to order thousands of copies
for the people arrKsng whom they were working. There was a prob
lem, however, that threatened to thwart the dreams of those pres
ent. Where would they get the money to buy the books they desired?
In the following days a group of men in Cincinnati formed as
committee to work out details with the Standard Publishing Com
pany concerning the project, and to contact missionaries around the
world as to the possibilities of getting the books printed. The com
mittee consisted of Harold Sims, missionary to the Tokyo Bible
Seminary, Japan; Paul Rathbern, missionary to the Colegio Biblico,
Mexican border; Milton Dills, forwarding agent for the African Chris
tian Mission, Belgian Congo; and R. LaVeme Morse, missionary to
the Tibetan border. The final compilation of replies to the plea
showed that the missionaries together could pay for 61,000 copies.
Over 100,000 copies were desired by the missionaries, but funds
were too low on every hand.
Consequently, in December, the committee, with the encourage
ment of various preachers and Christian leaders over the country,
decided to put the proposition before direct support missionaries all
over the world, that they order whatever books they desired on the
basis of paying fifty per cent of the cost, or, in other words, about
eight cents per book. Then an appeal would be made to the churches
over the United States and Canada to raise the cost of the other
fifty per cent of the total orders made by the missionaries. The
project was to include only Book Three of the VISUALIZED set, ^
picturing the climax of Christ's ministry from His Triumphal Entry
into Jerusalem to His Ascension. According to a suggestion made
by Harold Taylor, missionary to Japan, the steps of salvation wer
to be printed on the back page of each book. The addresses of
the Christian missionaries in the respective fields would also be
printed or stamped on the back page. Thus people would first
read the pictured account of Christ's life. Then, asking the ques
tion, "Of what concern is th's story to us," they would have at the
end of the account Scriptures showing what men must do to be saved.
Finally, asking, "Where can we learn more about Christ, and where
can we have fellowship with other Christians," they would have
before them the address of the nearest Christian missionaries.
In January letters began to flow out from the committee to di
rect-support missionaries all over the world to present unto them
the project at hand. In just a few days, tens of thousands of orders
were pouring in from all oarts of the world for copies of the LIFE OF
CHRIST VISUALIZED, Book Three, in the languages of the people
with whom the various missionaries were working. Our hearts were
truly thrilled as we saw the enthusiasm of our fellow workers in
rhrist as they visualized the tremendous effect these books would
have in reaching men with the story of Christ. For example, Elston
Knight and Ray Carlson, ordering 5,000 copies ?n the Visayan d-a-
lect, wrote, "How happy we are to see this world impact for Christ
and that ancient gospel not after man in such an effective medium
as this will be." Again, Harry Schaefer of the Central Provinces
India Mission, ordering 10,000 copies in the Oriya language of
Central India, wrote, "Over a thousand persons from that area have
been baptized since beginning work there last year and the field is
tremendous, so that such a publication would be most useful in help
ing these new babes in Christ grow."
Orders continued to roll in, until, to date, about seventy-seven
direct-support missionary families apd single missionaries have placed
orders for 165,100 books. The books are to be printed in the fol
lowing languages: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Vsayan (Philippines),
llocano (Philippines), Siamese, Lisu, Rawang, Hindi, Telegu (South
India), Tamil (South India), KhasI (Assam, India), Oriya (Central
India), Xosa (South Africa), Italian, and Spanish (Central and South
America). About $13,000, or, about one-half of the cost of pro
ducing these books, has been pledged by the missionaries themselves.
The appeal is now being made to the churches of the United Statss
and Canada to raise the other $13,000 needed to complete the cost
of production.
Please pray with us, won't you, that, if it be the Lord's will, Chris
tians over the land will respond to the plea and thousands of books
telling of the story of Christ from His Triumphal Entry to His As
cension may reach into the homes of men all over the world to tell
them of the hope that is theirs in Him.
Lois and LaVerne Morse.
Dear Christian Friends:
At this particular time, we of the Yunnan-Tibetan Christian Mis
sion believe sincerely that the printing of LIFE OF CHRIST VISU
ALIZED in the various foreign languages is a project worthy of the
heartiest support. We should like to urge supporters and ropehold-
ers at this present time especially to send contributions to this
Men, women, and children all over the world with the LIFE OF
CHRIST VISUALIZED books In their own languages will have in
their hands a powerful influence for spreading the Gospel of Christ
and thereby leading people to the pricelessness of eternal life. Where
as atheistic, militaristic Communism now threatens the entire free
world, and especially the cause of true Christianity, we Christians
everywhere need to redouble our efforts to make the bulwarks
strong, and to win foreign peoples all over the world to Christ be
fore they fall under Communism instead. The LIFE OF CHRIST
VISUALIZED books are an important means of doing this.
iy - ---
t-linlfftiHlf "'1
The publication of the books and proper use of all funds is under
the responsibility of a temporary committee (for this one project
only) of missionaries, ministers, and a Christian businessman as
follows: Harold Sims, Paul Rathbern, Milton Dills, Harold Scott (Co
lumbus, Ohio), James Walters (Bethel, Ohio)> Ralph Sims (Cin
cinnati), Roy P. Slifer (Christian businessman serving as treasurer
for the committee), and LaVerne Morse. Contributions will enable
missionaries all over the world to have the LIFE OF CHRIST VISU
ALIZED in their own language. Contributions should be made
payable and sent to Missionary Book Fund, s/o Roy P. Slifer, Box 55,
Station V, Cincinnati 10, Ohio, They will be receipted by him, and
listed in the Cfiristian Standard. The missionaries all over the world
have pledged $13,000; please prayfor us that the additional $13,000
necessary may be supplied by faithful Christians and churches in
the United States and Canada AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
LaVerne and Lois Morse.
By Mrs, Gertrude H. Morse
The second semester of the freshman year of the Bible Seminary
had been planned to be held from November to February at Tiliwago,
which is one hundred miles into the Himalaya mountains east from
the Putao plain. In the fall, the trail to Tiliwago is in Its worst con
dition of the whole year, due to having weathered the onslaughts of
the long rainy season which closes about the middle of October.
Usually, many landslides have taken away part of the trail, many
bridges have been washed away by high waters, and the remaining
ones are quite rotten. The trail is overgrown with tall grass, ten to
twelve feet high, and other jungle growth, and many large trees
and boulders have crashed down the mountainsides to block travel
on the narrow path. However, it was reported that a week or ten
days before Robert and I started on the trip to Tiliwago, the trail
had been opened somewhat by a small caravan of several horses.
Therefore we decided to try to take our horses.
As I had so recently returned from America and had not regained
my walking muscles, Robert insisted on my riding the horse when
ever possible. He or one of our load carriers usually went first to
try to be sure that the bridges and trail were passable for the horse.
It was considered best to dismount the horse whenever a bridge
looked a bit questionable, as well as at other dangerous places. By
the end of the day, after dodging all the tree limbs, sharp overhang
ing bamboo, and dense jungle growth, and at the same time trying
to guide the horse into the least dangerous parts of the path, and
sticking on when he jumped down or ud several feet in the rocky
places, I felt as if 1 had done a hard day's work.
As Robert carried a forty pound load in order to demonstrate to
some of our young preachers that it is not below the dignity of
a preacher to carry a load, he was usually quite tired bynight, too.
On Monday morning, when we were climbing to the top of the pass,
one of the rotten bridges did give way under my horse. However, It
was not a dangerous place, and I had gotten off the horse just a few
minutes before. The horse went down somewhat as though he were
on an elevator. However, Robert was coming close behind the horse
at the time, and he sank down several feet into the mud and muck,
but fortunately received only a slight injury. The load carriers cut
a path up the steep side of the ravine and led the horse back to the
trail. The horse was unhurt! Just about a mile from this place, we
had to cross a very crudely built, narrow bridge spanning a narrow
gorge which Robert estimated to be a thousand feet of sheer drop.
If this bridge had broken, none of us would be here to tell the story.
But God "tempered the wind" and helped us to get to our desti
nation safely.
The day before we were to arrive at Tillwago, we got to Kobudeh
where Dorothy Sterling is located. My, It was indeed a great pleas
ure to visit with her again and relax from the trials of the road in
her comfortable home. Although Robert had to go on with the load
carriers the next day, he insisted that I accept Dorothy's invitation
to stay over several days and rest. We certainly had a good visit
quart^^^ the three ^
houses for dormitories, but since
there were 150 students, these HOUSE AT TILIWAGO
were insufficient. So the students built about seven or eight small
grass huts. The rest of the students stayed down In the village
below us. Of the one hundred and fifty students enrolled for the
school, about half were Rawang and half Lisu. Twenty-six were
preachers. Some of them had come ten or twelve days' journey on
foot to attend the school. The mission helped with food for most
of the far-away students. As the Rawang students did not under
stand Lisu, we had to have a Rawang interpreter. Although Robert
speaks both Lisu and Rawang, he used an Interpreter, for it is too
much of a mental strain to speak a sentence first In one language
and then In another. I, myself, speak only the Lisu.
We have seven classes a day. Including: Harmony of the Gospels,
Acts, Plan of Salvation, Deeper Life Teachings (chapel period daily),
two language classes (Rawang and Kachin), and one class in healthy
living. Then, besides the teaching, there was the medical work,
the buying and dispensing of food and other necessities to the stu
dents, and the many mission tasks of that area. So we were Indeed
busy, but reallyvery happy. And God abundantly blessed the school,
for which we do covet your prayers.
A week before the Christmas convention, the elders from all the
surrounding churches gathered for the Elders' School and Conference.
In years past we have found that these gatherings are very profit
able and helpful In the growth of the churches. Besides the morn
ing classes- of the Seminary which we thought would be helpful to
the elders, classes were also given In the origin, growth, organiza
tion, and purpose of the church; personal evangelism; and the quali
fications and work of the elders.
The Christmas convention for that area was held at Wuning, a
day's journey from Tiliwago. We dismissed school for several days
so that everyone could attend. As Wuning Is located In the Rawang
area, most of the seventeen hundred (1700) who attended were
Rawang people. We had really good sermons and we felt that the
people were blessed. After the convention, Robert had to stay on
for two days to have his Rawang literature conference, while I re
turned with the students to continue the school.
During the last two weeks, in the hours when we were not teach
ing. we had personal conferences with the 26 preachers about their
various church problems. Also, we got together the medical kits,
and supplies of New Testaments and hymnals for each one. These
26 preachers, plus four others, minister to 67 congregations and
also work In unevangelized areas. Please pray much for these work
On the last day, after the services were finished and the grade leaf
lets were given out, we all had dinner together. Finally, after the
farewells were said, the students left for their respective homes,
carrying on their backs their blankets, books, cooking kettles, and
food for the journey home. It had been a very happy three months
and, we trust, a profitable time for the Kingdom of God.
. . My work recently has been slowed because of pain resulting
from an accident about a month ago. Next to the kitchen Is a small
porch about 12 feet above the ground. When I stepped on one of
the planks it suddenly broke, drooping me to the ground below; but
I thank God my chin d'd not strike on the front plank of the open
ing, for my neck might have been broken. Meanwhile, the sick
people from this and many neighboring Christian villages continued
streaming in for treatment and in this time the loyal and skillful help
of our Drema Esther has been especially appreciated.
Beginning last Friday night we had the Easter Convention here
for the Putao area, and there were about 2500 in attendance. It
was a time of Gospel preaching and Christian fellowship. We have
not received reports yet from three or four other regional conven
tions which were held at the same time.
We are so very busy with the great operation of moving across
the river to higher ground. All are so very tired and really standing
In need of prayer support. What will the coming few months bring
forth after the Geneva Conference!
By Mr. end Mrs. Eugene R. Morse
Mission staff:
On the field:
Mr. & Mrs. J. Russell Morsereturned to mission field in July, 1953 after
furlough. Mrs. (Gertrude) Morse has been engaged largely in Bible School
teaching, first at Muladi, then later at Tiliwago, with son Roibert; Mr. Morse
has been active in medical work, supervising agricultural developments, etc.,
and general base station work and problems.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Morseat Muladi base station. Helping in Bible School
teaching, preparation of literature, evangelistic trips, general base station
maintenance work,, conferring, etc. Eugene has made two trips to Myitkyina,
for purchasing supplies for mission staff. Have three childrenDavid Lowell,
age 5; Thomas Eugene, age 3; Ronald Keith, age 18 months.
Verne graduates in May, Lois com
pletes her third year. They plan to LISU CHRISTIANS IN TEMPORARY
attend Summer Institute of Linguistics SHELTERS AT A CONVENTION
at the University of Oklahoma, then start for the mission field in late Au
gust or early ^ptemiber.
Miss Ruth Margaret Morsestudent at Cincinnati Bible Seminary, complet
ing second year this spring. Planning to complete Seminary training before
going to mission field.
Field of Labor
Although in the past the field of labor has been referred to as "Lisu-
land," that term is not inclusive enough and presents only one side of the pic
ture. For the work among the Raiwang is growing so rapidly that it will soon
equal and perhaps even surpass the growth of the Lisu work. Also, there
are other tnbespeopleShans, Kachins, and far to the north even Tibetans
here within the borders of North Burma, whom we hope to reach with the
Roughly, the field is divided geographically into two sectors, east and
west. In the western sector, around the Putao plain, we find mostly Lisu,
some Rawang, some Kaehin, some Shan. Up to the north, in the mountain
ous region we find many Daru (a branch of Rawang), a few Lisu, and up on
the northern border, some Tibetans, In the eastern sector, there are two
mission stationsKobudeh, where Dorothy Sterling is working, and Tiliwago,
where Robert and Betty have spent much time. Around these two stations
and north of them, are mostly Lisu, with some Rawang, but to the south of
Tiliwago begins the real Rawang country, with thousands of people living in
small villages scattered throughout the mountains, reached only over very
difficult trails. These are the people who are turning to the Lord in such
a thrilling way, by families, and even by whole villages. From the eastern
most part of the field (the China border) to the westernmost (the India
border) takes about 25 days hard travel on foot (the only way to travel);
and from the southernmost congregation (near Sumprabum) to the northern
most, on the Tibetan border, takes 27-30 days very hard travel. The fact
that the work is scattered over such a large area, and with such primitive
means of travel, presents a problem in trying to shepherd all the congre
gation (about 90 in number, here in Burma). It is obviously impossible for
the missionaries to travel to all these remote places, and therefore we
must rely heavily on the native preachers to teach these outlying districts.
That is one reason we have concentrated so much on conducting Bible Schools
this past year, even though it meant having to stay in one place, not being
able to get out and visit the churches as much as we would like to do.
Way to the north, about 20
days' travel from Muladi, one of vM
our very faithful Daru Rawang
preachers, John, recently started '
on a tour of that distant area, tak-
ing with him phonograph and ,' Z'
Viewmaster also. He came upon \ *
several villages of Tibetans who Ojv
had never before heard the Gos-
pel. He had with him two or three
Gospel Recordings in Tibetan, and
these he played for them. They TIBETANS WHO CAME TO
were amazed to hear the "box" MULADi FOR medicine
speaking their own language. At first only a few people were pres
ent, but they went out and called all the people they could until a
large crowd had gathered. Snee most of them understood Rawang
also, the Rawang Gospel recordings were very useful also. Several
people expressed interest and wanted to hear more. And now, four
Tibetan men have made that long, hard trip to Muladi to get medi
cine, because they heard from the preacher and other Christians
that we gave out medicines, treated sick people here. It gives us
another opportunity to present the Gospel to them. They were very
much surprised to find that Mr. J. Russell Morse could speak Tibetan!
And although it was a slightly different dialect, they were able to
Tiliwago Sector
By Robert and Betty Morse
The area to which the Tiliwago
station is central now has some
rarely Ra-
congregation. Tiliwago is such a
The year 1953 began with 20 Lisu churches (counted by church
buildings) and 23 Rawang church buJd.ngs, but ended with 22 Lisu
and 45 Rawang churches, an increase of 24 new churches.
No figures are yet available for the number of baptisms during the
year, but the number is qu.te a few hundred. Total churches in
the sector now number 67. As can be seen, there are far more
congregations than there are available workers, so that each preacher
must care for more than one congregation. Some preachers in the
more densely populated areas have as many as 8 to 15 villages as
their "circuit," and hence the needs of the congregations are in
adequately cared for. Consequently ^^assistants," where available,
are sometimes kept as busy as the regular pastors.
The Bible Training School, or Seminary, for this eastern sector,
in 1953 taught by the missionaries, was split into two sessions total
ling 5 months and overlapping into February 1954. The first se
mester was held at Miss Sterling's station at Kobudeh, with 103
students finishing (55 Lisu, 48 Rawang). The second semester was
at the Tiliwago station, with Mrs. J. R. Morse's added help, and
with 134 students finishing (each tribe 67). Through both se-
mesters, Mugaltaq Piter, Robert's able Rawang informant and Bible
translations assistant, has acted as translator, doing a remarkable
job of ensuring that the deep spiritual truths are rightly translated
and understood by the Rawang half of the class. Class notes and
study material are In both Lisu and Rawang, so that in actuality the
one school represents two distinct schools, Lisu and Rawang, with
each group using and working in their own language throughout.
Thanks to the help of the Muladi missionary staff (Eugene and
Helen) in regards to printing, 2350 copies of 15 items of mimeo
graphed study notes and class material, from maps to 50-page book
lets, totaling 261 pages, and requiring 13,500 sheets, were prepared
for this second semester alone.
The year 1953 saw the establishment of the first indigenous church
day school in this area, down at Rawangtang in the center of a group
of Rawang churches. Although attendance at first was around 140,
the problemof food soon necessitated reducing the enrollment to 60.
The first year, kindergarten standard, was completed with two teach
ers being occupied full-time. Most of the credit for the success of this
school should go to Pastor Tychicus, the untiring Rawang preacher
who gave Robert his start in Rawang and helped do the first trans
lations during 1950-51. Two Bible classes were taught each day,
besides chapel and the "three R's" (in Kachin and Burmese).
The end of the year also saw a representative conference of all
the Rawangs, representing four religious bodies (Church of Christ,
Baptist, Pentecostal, and Animist) gathered to consider and ac
cept as their heritage the new Rawang literature. Over 100 dele
gates from all over North Burma met for two days, and appointed
committees and reached decisions with a view to unifying the 80-odd
dialects of Rawang that are spoken. Among the important decisions
reached was one choosing the dialect learned and spoken by the
Robert Morses as the basic dialect to be used in printed literature,
and also, a request for the whole New Testanoent to be translated
into Rawang. The missionaries were also requested to help open
schools and translate school texts as well as religious material. This
establishes Rawang literature as something permanent and accept
able to all factors and groups throughout the tribe and not as a
private linguistic effort by a "foreigner", which later will fall into
disuse. Please remember us in prayer
Mei[d by MRS. OSCAR U MYERS Sec. 34.66 P L&R
2024 N. 14th St.
Terre Haute, Indiana
Form 3547 Requested BUTTis ButleP,
20 E Central Parkway,
Cincinnati 10, Ohio

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