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L01 p.

L01 p. 2

6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis 6.431 Applied Probability Sta

Coursework Quiz 1 (October 12, 7:30-9:00pm) Quiz 2 (November 2, 7:30-9:30pm) Final exam (scheduled by registrar) Weekly homework (best 9 of 10) Attendance/participation/enthusiasm in recitations/tutorials 20% 28% 38% 9% 5%

Lecturer: John Tsitsiklis, Recitation instructors: Dimitri Bertsekas (6.431), Peter Hagelstein, Ali Shoeb, Vivek Goyal Head TA: Shashank Dwivedi, Other TAs: Alia Atwi, Uzoma Orji, Sam Zamanian

Pick up and read course information handout

Turn in recitation and tutorial scheduling form (last sheet of course information handout)
Pick up copy of slides

Collaboration policy described in course info handout Text: Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition,
D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitsiklis, Athena* Scientic, 2008 Read the text!

L01 p. 3

L01 p. 4

LECTURE 1 Readings: Sections 1.1, 1.2 Lecture outline Probability as a mathematical framework for reasoning about uncertainty Probabilistic models sample space probability law Axioms of probability Simple examples

Sample space List (set) of possible outcomes List must be: Mutually exclusive Collectively exhaustive Art: to be at the right granularity

L01 p. 5

L01 p. 6

Sample space: Discrete example Two rolls of a tetrahedral die Sample space vs. sequential description

Sample space: Continuous example = {(x, y ) | 0 x, y 1}

1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4

y 1

Y = Second 3
roll 2 1 1 2 3 4

4 4,4

X = First roll

*Athena is MIT's UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to it.

L01 p. 7

L01 p. 8

Probability axioms Event: a subset of the sample space Probability is assigned to events Axioms: 1. Nonnegativity: P(A) 0

Probability law: Example with nite sample space


Y = Second 3
roll 2 1 1 2 3 4

2. Normalization: P() = 1 3. Additivity: If A B = , then P(A B ) = P(A) + P(B )

X = First roll

Let every possible outcome have probability 1/16 P((X, Y ) is (1,1) or (1,2)) = P({X = 1}) = P(X + Y is odd) = P(min(X, Y ) = 2) =

P({s1, s2, . . . , sk }) = P({s1}) + + P({sk }) = P(s1) + + P(sk ) Axiom 3 needs strengthening Do weird sets have probabilities?

L01 p. 9

L01 p. 10

Discrete uniform law Let all outcomes be equally likely Then, number of elements of A total number of sample points

Continuous uniform law Two random numbers in [0, 1].

P(A) =

Computing probabilities counting Denes fair coins, fair dice, well-shued decks

Uniform law: Probability = Area P(X + Y 1/2) = ? P( (X, Y ) = (0.5, 0.3) )

L01 p. 11

Probability law: Ex. w/countably innite sample space Sample space: {1, 2, . . .} We are given P(n) = 2n, n = 1, 2, . . . Find P(outcome is even)
1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 4

1 1 1 1 + 4 + 6 + = 22 2 2 3

P({2, 4, 6, . . .}) = P(2) + P(4) + =

Countable additivity axiom (needed for this calculation): If A1, A2, . . . are disjoint events, then:

P(A1 A2 ) = P(A1) + P(A2) +

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.041 / 6.431 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability

Fall 2010

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