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Alfredo Santos

Filipino agricultural chemist, Doctor Francisco Santos studied the nutritive

values and chemical composition of local foods from the Philippines. His data was
used to help detect and solve problems with Filipino diets. Degrees Achieves:
A.B., University of the Philippines, 1914; M.S., University of the Philippines,
1919; and Ph. D. Agricultural Chemistry, Yale University, 1922. Doctor Francisco
Santos was recipient of a number of awards including: Distinguished Service Medal
for outstanding contribution in the field of nutrition among Filipinos, 1955;
Andres Soriano award in chemistry, 1956; and University of the Philippines Alumni
award, 1979.

Anacleto Del Rosario

Filipino chemist, Anacleto Del Rosario won the first prize at the World Fair in
Paris in 1881 for his formula for producing a pure kind of alcohol from tuba of a
nipa palm. His research also led to the extraction of castor oil from a native
plant called palma christi.

Ernesto Del Rosario

Filipino chemist, Ernesto Del Rosario is best known for his achievements in
biotechnology and applied physical chemistry. He has invented methods of alcohol
production from cellulosic and starchy materials, a method of continuous-flow
alcohol fermentation process, and a method of yeast production from waste coconut
water. He finish Ph.D. in Chemistry. Awards: TOYM Award for Natural Science 1977

Francisco Santos
Filipino Chemist. Filipino agricultural chemist, Doctor Francisco Santos studied
the nutritive values and chemical composition of local foods from the Philippines.
His data was used to help detect and solve problems with Filipino diets. Degrees:
A.B., University of the Philippines, 1914; M.S., University of the Philippines,
1919; and Ph. D. Agricultural Chemistry, Yale University, 1922. Doctor Francisco
Santos was recipient of a number of awards including: Distinguished Service Medal
for outstanding contribution in the field of nutrition among Filipinos, 1955;
Andres Soriano award in chemistry, 1956; and University of the Philippines Alumni
award, 1979

Julian Banzon
Filipino chemist, Julian Banzon researched methods of producing alternative fuels.
Julian Banzon experimented with the production of ethyl esters fuels from
sugarcane and coconut, and invented a means of extracting residual coconut oil by
a chemical process rather than a physical process. Julian Banzon - Degrees: BS in
Chemistry from the University of the Philippines – 1930; and Ph.D. in Biophysical
Chemistry from Iowa State University – 1940. Julian Banzon - Awards: 1980:
Distinguished Service Award - Integrated Chemist of the Philippines, Inc.; 1978:
Chemist of the Year Award - Professional Regulation Commission; and 1976:
Philsugin Award - Crop Society of the Philippines

Luz Oliveros Belardo

Filipino chemist, Luz Oliveros Belardo researched the phytochemical properties of
plants in the Philippines for natural products, essential oils, and the medicinal
qualities. She produced thirty-three extractions of essential oils used for
flavoring, scents, and herbal medicines. Luz Oliveros Belardo - Education:
Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy from University of the Philippines 1929; Master's
Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of the Philippines 1933; and Ph.D.
in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Connecticut 1957. Luz Oliveros
Belardo - Major Awards: Lunsford-Richardson Award in Pharmacy, USA, 1956;
Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Outstanding Pharmacist Award, 1963;
Federation International de Abogadas Award, 1979; Waseda University Plaque of
Recognition, Japan, 1981; Professional Regulation Commission Award in Pharmacy,
1983; National Research Council of the Philippines Award in Phytochemistry, 1984;
Distinguished Leadership Award in Chemistry, USA, 1985; El Consejo Cultural
Mundial Award, Mexico, 1988; and National Scientist in 1987.

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