2013-06-15 - Wedding DJ-MC

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rua-e ctien-y'oi coupte iypu or r*ni

Top Dog Productions

"You.r Eniertainmeni Proiessionals"

tA'eddinq. *-(f

Date of Event

lI c -




When Contactinq Top Doq Productions, How Were You Treated? (Crcle Atty)

@ Unprofessi
Gave Too Muchlnout

To YourNeeds Listened

onally Other:

FeltPressured lntoBooking



Below Averoge

Volume Level:



Exceeded Our Expectations TookCharge

VeryUnorganized Lost Control (Circb Ane)

I AskedThe DJNot To Be lnteractive

Please Write Us A Line Or Two. Commentinq Sp

"wtaeve Lnere



alecl dctncel

thanr vo.^.' t_-)

$ rap Osg 8lqd&iliqns - All Rights Reeerved

Fvatuationes*$$usrl S gir{k }

(Circte Qne) WereYour Sonq Requests Acknowledged? . Request AnySongs Yes NotAt All I WasTheEvent Planner, I Didn't (Circle One) Acknowledqed? WereYour GuestsSong Requests Yes NotAt All Their Requests None Of My Guest's ToldMe About

With Your DJ Packaqe? Did You ChooseTo IncludeAnv AdditionalServices (Circle Any EelowAnd TakeA MomentTo Descibe Naw We Mel Your{:xrseclafrbns}
Ceremony Services: Up Lighting: Monogram:
Multimedia / MusicVideos:

Photo Booth: Other:

WhatWas The Difference In ChoosinqTop Doq Productions OverOther DJ Companies?

Do You FeelThatYou Received A ValueForThe Monev You SpentOn The Entertainer? Yes No Would You Recommend lop Doq Producfrons To A FriendOr Relative? Yes No

CouldWe GiveYour PhoneNumberTo A Prospective GlientFor UseAs A Reference?

I wouldloveto hearfrom a newclient, so I canreferyourservices. Ul YES, private NO,I wouldrecommend TopDogProductions, but please keepmy contact information

ls ThereAnvthinqWe Could Do To lmproveOur Services?

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