2013-07-13 - Wedding DJ-MC

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orcouple Name lAOiChAny rype of Event

Top Dog Productions

"Your Fntertainment Professionals"

Dateof Event

Any) HowWereYou Treated?{Circle WhenContactinq Top Doq Productions.


To YourNeeds Didn'tListen Gave Too Muchlnput



To YourN stened

rry$-.' tv a=-c1ye_c1eiti"" Unprofessionat

Fe lt Pressured Into Booking

Dancing Music Selections:



Volume HowWouldYou Describe Our Coordination Of Your Event? {Clrcle Anv)


We HadNo Worries ',

VeryUnorganized LostControl

Did The DJ lnteractWith Your GuestsIn A Professional Manner? (Circle One)

No I Asked The DJNot To Be lnteractive

Please Write Us A Line O

f;valljatio|r e.:x?linud0n ffi*ck >

(Circle Acknowledqed? One) WereYour Sonq Requests

Not At All I Didn'tRequest Any Songs I WasThe EventPlanner,

(Circle One) WereYour GuestsSonq Requests Acknowledqed?

Not At AII NoneOf My Guest's Told Me AboutTheirRequests

With Your DJ Packaqe? Did You ChooseTo IncludeAnv AdditionalServices (CircleAny BelowAnd TakeA MomentTo Describe How We Met YourExnectatians)
Ceremony Services:

Multimedia / Music Videos: Booth: Photo Other:

WhatWasThe Difference In ChoosinqTop Doq Productions OverOther DJ Companies?

WouldYou Recommend lop Doq ProducfionsTo A FriendOr Relative? ('Ye9



CouldWe GiveYour PhoneNumberTo A Prospective ClientFor UseAs A Reference?

YES, I wouldloveto hearfrom a newclient, so I canreferyourservices. Jxx,

private NO,lwould recommend TopDogProductions, but please keepmy contact information

ls ThereAnvthinqWe Could Do To lmproveOur Services?

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