THE ORWA Chronicles: FAMILY: Greetings From The Orwas

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T H E O R WA c h r o n i c l e s

Remember the word that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord your God is providing you a place of rest and will give you this land. Joshua 1:13
September 2013

FA M I LY: G r e e t i n g s f ro m t h e O r w a s
It is the heart of Africa Harvest of Hope to reach out to kids who are in need, both physically and spiritually. On August 30-September 1st, we held our first youth camp at our church, Yesu Anaweza. word, taking a close look at the life of David to see how we can live for God. There is much to learn from David, both good and bad. The youth (youth groups include kids as young as 12 and go up until late 20s for those who are single) came ready to worship and learn about God. We packed our time with Bible study lessons and they really soaked it up. Saturday and Sunday morning began at 5:00am and they still had energy and were eager for each session. It was wonderful to see them, from different parts of Moshi, coming together to praise God. We discussed many topics such as: being a youth who is a Christian, why we go through suffering, being a leader, purity and lots more.
Here we are getting ready to start the next session.

Praise Report:

Safe Travel to and from Kenya for George.

Amazing youth camp. Many kids were challenged and made commitments to the Lord.

Elis healing from an ear infection.

We are making more friends here in Moshi and feeling more at home.

The camp ended Sunday afternoon as each person was prayed for. Many of them made commitments to the Lord and said they couldnt wait until the next one. Some pastors who were there asked us to do another one, but one that would be longer than a weekend. It was a powerful weekend, where we really felt Gods presence. Thank you so much for your prayers and support and for being a part of what we are doing here. Love, The Orwas

Prayer Requests:

Through the generosity of many donors in the US, we (with AHOH and Yesu Anaweza) were able to host 45 youth for the weekend without having to charge them anything. Many people worked really hard to put this on, including Pastor Zac and his family and volunteers at our church, especially the ladies who worked morning to night to prepare meals for the youth. Camp started Friday evening with a meal, prayer and praise and an introduction to the weekend. The main purpose of the weekend was to study Gods

Finding an inexpensive, reliable car to buy In Moshi

For the leaders of Africa Harvest of Hope, Alan and Shannon Reed as they raise funds for the orphanage stateside.

Upcoming move to a new house this month. For favor as we search for the land for the orphanage.

O r p h a n a ge U p d a t e L o o k i n g f o r L a n d
For the past several months, we have been looking for the right place to build the orphanage and have been praying for God to show us where He wants us to go. Recently George went on a scouting trip to a village we had been hearing about. While he was there, he toured the place and met with the village chief about the possibility of building an orphanage in their community. He, along with others George talked to, were very excited and supportive of the idea. Next month, George will return to, Lord willing, meet with local government officials to discuss plans further. We will need their assistance with buying land at a low price and then, later, finding children who need a home. We arent 100% sure this is the place so we are asking God to open doors there and give us confirmation. We would appreciate your prayers for Georges upcoming visit.

Good health for Eli as he comes into contact with many germs here. Also for comfort as he is going through teething.

For Kenya as they deal with the aftermath of a huge terrorist attack in Nairobi.

George, Stacie & Eli Orwa

P.O.BOX 8893 MOSHI, TANZANIA Tel: +255714200660 +255659140159

George and Stacie Orwa work with Africa Harvest of Hope and are sent by Rancho del Rey Church. They have to raise 100% of the funds to support their work. If you feel called to join their financial support team, tax deductible monthly or one time donations can be sent to: Rancho del Rey Church 5651 Palmer Way Suite C Carlsbad, CA 92010 Or online at
Be sure to note their name in the memo line.

Check out our blog for stories, photos and prayer requests. We update it frequently to keep you involved:

Ministry Opportunity
Drivin g in Kisumu
While we are working on orphanage plans and helping at our church, Yesu Anaweza, we have asked the Lord to show us how we can serve Him in other ways as well, both here and in Kenya. Through a connection from our trip to Kenya last month (working in the medical camps), we found an opportunity for George to help out another ministry in Kenya. They had asked if we could help find a car and driver for them to use while they were working with pastors and churches near Georges hometown of Kisumu. Although, we knew of people who could help them, we felt better if George went to Kisumu to make arrangements for the car and then drive them around himself. So, George went to Kenya again, while Stacie and Eli remained in Tanzania. Initially, George had some frustrations when the car he reserved didnt work and he had to scramble to find a replacement last minute. Praise the Lord he found one and he was able to pick the team up at the airport and assist them for the next five days as they did their ministry work. He enjoyed meeting them and seeing the heart they have for God and their hearts for helping the people of Kenya. Fortunately, George came home last week safe and sound. We are thankful for this time when we can see what God is doing through others in East Africa.

A family George met in the village. The one in a dress is a boy, but his family had no other clothes for him.

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