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Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Tao Te Ching REBORN
by Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching reborn in English - it's not only a
translation but the true conversion!

BETA V1.1 (Updated On Jan 12, 2013)
Copyright 2013 Chi in Nature Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

About this book

Tao Te Ching is directly translated as "Book of
Virtues" and it is a famous book in the ancient time.
What a disgrace to the book by saying that it is a "Book
of Tao"! The majority of both the east and western
culture now accepted this book as a Taoism book which
talks about Taoism instead of virtues. This is totally
wrong. Sadly speaking that it is something which
nobody even bother to go find out about the truth
because they want to stick with the norm. Mak Jo Si is
brave enough to release a copy of this book in English,
directly dub from the ancient Chinese into a
modernized English version of the book, giving you the
true conversion of the original text. While it is so
different from the common misleading one, we already
expected many will be saying that this is wrong and this
is not right. Who cares! All we want is to spread the
truth to those who are seeking for it! In the ancient
Chinese, grammars and style of writing is hard to read
for us today - such as no punctuation, no indents, and
so on. Now let Mak Jo Si put this all together in an
understandable and logical way, directly converting the
book from page one to the end, from ancient Chinese to
modern English. Tao Te Ching will be reborn in English
right now by Mak Jo Si's hand!

History of Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching was a book originally composed of
a pile of hand notes from the famous Lao Tze in
the "Spring Autumn War Era" (476 -221 BC). Lao Tze
was NOT the one who actually put together the book
though. He wrote a pile of hand notes while he is
working as a librarian and gave it to his friend and his
friend handed it to the king at that time. The problem

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

with the society back then was the lack of virtues,
violence, and crimes.

Therefore, the king took the pile of notes which he
found very meaningful and so he organized them and
fine-tune it into a nice book for publication! This book
is then highly promoted to spread across the country to
educate everybody in the world about the virtues. The
book mainly talks about what virtue is, what happen if
you have or not have virtues, how to learn virtues, how
to teach virtues and how to spread virtues, etc.,. It's a
master guide book of virtues. In fact, it's more like a
government publication, a textbook that talks about
virtues. With this book, the people then know about
virtues and crime rates decreased. Therefore, the
whole book is written as "The King said..." and mainly
it's the king talking here, not Lao Tze.

Many people now wanted to make the book more like
"A Book of Tao" instead of "Book of Virtues" and so they
twist and turn the facts to make it more like Taoism-like.
What happened is that the translation or even the
Chinese modernized version became more vague,
abstract and confusing. After people read it, they don't
see a point, they don't get it, and they are blanked out
with emptiness. Yes, many think that it is what new
agers call it "enlightening" which they mean that it
brings you nowhere but to think and think. This is
totally wrong. This book should be extremely
straightforward, direct and simple. It's a government
guide book, how complex can it be written if the king
wants everybody to be able to understand and learn the
subject?! We isn't all born a Shakespeare, why the book
has to be so poetic, vague and abstract?!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

What is in this book

The materials coming up will be all a direct conversion
of the original text only, nothing added and nothing
changed. Please, if the book says you can contact us or
whatever, ignore it! It's just how the original text was,
not what we meant! Enjoy the book, it's the first and
only first true conversion of the original ancient text of
Tao Te Ching. May wisdom be with you! The truth will
now be unleashed!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 1 - Introduction: To The Readers Who Thinks It
Is So Mysterious

The teachings of the subject in this book can be spoken
in words! It should be very natural and normal to us,
because it is supposed to be so! It's something natural,
and hence it feels very natural for all to read and accept.

There are names for things because it needs a name
and so it is so natural to have a name too. It's not
because of any special reason, it just needs a name. This
is the subject we are going to talk about...

It is so hard to think of a name for this subject, but then
it is the "mother of all things"!

For those who are going to read my book from here on...

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

The one who has no desire to seek for wisdom, you will
think this book is full of confusion and mystery, just
because it is only mysterious to you. It is mysterious for
you only because you don't understand.

Those who have a desire to seek for wisdom, you will
find the teachings in the book are all filled with details
and wisdom.

Please read this book in order! DO NOT read a line and
try to break it with the previous lines. That is like
trying to tear the book in pieces and understand the
subject. It will not work. Every line is linked and
chained together in this book with meanings.

No matter you are those who are with or without desire
to know about the teachings in this book, you are all the
same from here on because you all do not know about
the subject that I am going to talk about. You all might
be different, but you are all like blind folded while
walking in the darkness. To me, you are all the same.
No matter you are in the darkest spot in the darkness,
this book will allow me to lead you into the door of the
subject and you will soon see the brightness ahead.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 2 - Outlines: Taking You Around The
Boundaries Of The Dark Room

Why all the people in this world seem to go for the
beautiful and good looking things? It is only because
they got bored.

Why does everybody strive to be good hearted or good
minded? It is only because they know they are not
good enough.

Therefore, people all fall the for flowery worded books
all the time. The worst thing is, the world is now all only

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

filled with those books filled with flowery words! That
is why we will be writing something direct and simple,
or even as simple as just an outline for all to learn! We
will be bringing you to success in this most difficult
subject in an easy-to-understand way.

This book might seem long but it is divided into short
sections and paragraphs. You can read it from top to
bottom and then from bottom to top again. Read it out
loud with your voice to understand it. Remember to
always reference to the previous lines or chapters when
you are confused, because they are all linked one after

This book must be read in order, since we are using an
intelligent method of writing here by categorizing all the
scattered things into categories, making it easy and
clear for all to read . Please note that the teachings
beyond this point is all in writings ONLY. (No extra
materials aside from this book)

The main focus of this book is about how virtue works
and interacts with nature. We will not go off-track, but
to bring you new knowledge that is not there in your
brain before. You shall not need to rely on this book
when you finish studying and successfully graduated
from the course.

I am going to leave you alone now or else the teachings
will not go on!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 3 - Reassuring The Readers!

Rest assure!

We do not promote that this is the best book, because
we don't want people to strive and fight for the book.

We did not set a high price for this book, so that it can
be popularize and promoted without having people
even want to steal it or get illegal copies since it is so

For those of you who do not know why you want or
need the book:

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

This is a book to clear up the mind of all on this subject
of virtues. We are using the best and most intelligent
way of teaching to clear all your doubts and confusions.

*Please, read with an open-mind so that you can digest
this below fully from inside out.

The people who do not know of the virtues or do not
want to know about the subject of virtues as mentioned
and taught in the book will be always naive and weak.
Therefore, they will not success in life or anything they

This book is for all to read! Even to those who do not
have the desire to learn or to know about anything!
Even you are just having nothing to do, and wanted to
pick up a book to read, it will still be very beneficial to
you and your life.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 4 - For Those Who DO NOT AGREE

For the counter-parties or those who are against the
theories and knowledge presented in this book, if you
have used this book and it did not work for you as
claimed in the book - Please direct your comments back
to the main source just like how you should study any

No abuse and harass! We wish to dissolve
disagreements together to harmonize our knowledge
with you by putting all our bits and pieces of effort

There might be some of those who are expert in the
subject of virtue who are also in the world we live as
well. I just don't know who and where they are. But
then, they are all like the child of the king. I treasure
you all those who treasure and are talented or genius
on the subject of this book! You genius is just like the
king before he became the king. (With wisdom and
virtues in you!)

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 5 - How to Survive in Nature

The world is not humane at all. Everything in nature is
just like grass even they are dogs. The nature doesn't
care about your feelings even you are a living being. The
king one doesn't act with humanity too. Everybody is
just part of the world and they shall be treated all the
same like how nature treated everything. No matter
you are poor or rich, you are all governed by the same
laws. Just like how the nature works.

Are there any good teachings of virtues in the world
that are pleasant for the ears like the music of flutes?
Yes there is, but it is not yet exposed to the public. It is
actually just not yet exposed in physical form. It's
always done by actions already. There are too many
words I have said but I am running out of words here.
Why not just stay tuned and you will see. Obey the
teachings of virtues and follow it to survive. You will
know and see it works. Now we will go into the main
core of the book -- virtues.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 6 - Essence Of Home And Families

The essence of each home of a living being for
generations to generations, allowing it to not be extinct
is a magical female. There is a magic door of life in this
magical female, a dark spot, where it gives birth to living
beings in the world. (Female's sexual organ).

The magical female is going to give birth, but the
magical spot is very weak. It will not go away and it's
just there. You should use it with care and do not
overuse it.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 7 - Not Being Selfish

Teachings of virtues shall be without selfishness and it is
why it is going on and on for a long time. This subject
never dies out because it kept on producing new lives
by benefiting those being taught and not the teachers
themselves. Virtues give energy to those who learn it
and they are the one who gives birth to new lives with
virtues indeed.

Therefore, the king tastes what's in the public first by
using his own body. He acted and lived as if he is living
physically in the public and not in the king's castle or
palace. What he is doing is just to show that he is not
selfish at all. By doing so, he will be able to feel for you.
That's the king's way of virtues.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 8 - Be Like Water

Best virtue should be like water, because the virtues,
like water, is good for everybody and can dissolve
arguments and fights. It takes care of all the problems
that lies in between us and the society, and that is why
we always mention virtues here.

Living in a place by virtue, your mind will always have
virtues and the land should promote people with
humanity. People should be honest with their speech
and the politics should be good and organized. The
business shall then be going well and every action is just
done in the right time. Just because the land has virtues
and therefore there are no fights and conflicts.
Therefore, there shall be no more problems in the

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 9 - Sustaining

Sustaining with virtues is about holding onto something
and keep it running. It is different from sustaining just
yourself. Sustaining something like your family or
business is different. The more dangers and obstacles
you create for yourself will impact you, hence the
harder it is to upkeep. Even you have tons of money, it
is hard to sustain without virtues too. If you are
showing off your money when you are wealthy, you
cannot sustain very long. Virtues are what you need to
stay away from these dangers and obstacles that stop
you from sustaining in the world.

To sustain, you must stay low profile when you are
successful and that is how you can sustain yourself in
the world. That is how virtues works to help you sustain.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 10 - Babies

When you are pregnant, you stay home and your body
is hugging a new life and new soul at all time. Can you
get away from him or her? No, of course. Your baby is
soft and fragile and you must stay calm and use all your
energy to relax. That's how a baby should be taken care
of. When you cut off the umbilical cord, can you leave
no marks and not call it yours? The king loves all of you
citizens. How can he not? The door of the government
is now open to all these pregnant females who need
help. We have got convenience stations all around you
to make it easy for you, did you know about it?

A baby should be given birth to and you should treat it
nicely in the house as always. Once you have given birth

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

to the baby, it's not inside you anymore. Therefore, you
must always then live with the baby by giving all your
care and love. Even they grow up, you must not harm
them in any way. That is the virtues of the mothers.

Chapter 11 - For Those With No Virtues

Thirty spokes of a wheel are all jointed together to form
a wheel, meaning all virtues are all related and linked
together. But then you don't have a machine to use yet.
Meaning virtues are like things that joints things
together but it is not of any use by itself.

What can we do if we lack virtue? How can we start?
We can shape our virtues and make it into something
useful - so that we have what we lack to make it usable!

Chiseling the walls of the boxed house with holes for
windows you will get a room which then you get a room

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

to use. That is saying if your room is full of darkness, like
a house with all four walls only, you are lost in the
darkness just like one without virtues. You must chisel
holes in the your walls to make your windows for the
lights of virtues to shine in. Then you will get a room to
use, a usable room.

Therefore, if you have virtues, it is an advantage you got
already. If you do not have virtues you can use the
above methods to help yourself to gain it! Start today
by chiseling some your walls and make your windows of
virtues! It's time to take action.

Chapter 12 - Like the Stomach

Your virtues are like your stomach. What you intake
from surrounding will affect your virtues.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

The colors of the surroundings will make you blinded
from virtues. The voices from the surroundings will
deaf your ears from virtues. The tastes from all around
you will make you addicted and away from the virtues.
Riding a horse a hunt violently all over the place just
makes you insane! The surroundings are what will
make you struggle from virtues! (Friends, family, and
people around you is the factors that influence and
affected your virtues!)

Therefore, the king doesn't use their stomach of virtues
as the eyes to see the world now since it is so different

Once virtue is in you, it will replace your old vision of

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 13 - Spoiled Ones

Spoiling is an insult or disgrace that you should be
scared of. If you are spoiled, you got a huge disease
laying inside you.

What does it mean by spoiling is an insult or disgrace
that you should be scared or afraid of? Well, spoiling
comes first and the insults and disgrace hide
underneath it. If you got spoiled, you should be scared
now because you will soon lose many things in life from
being spoiled. That is usually the time when people will
be scared and afraid when they start to lose things.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

What does it mean that being spoiled is like a big
disease in our body? I refer having a big disease is when
one have a body and lead to not having a body anymore.
What disease am I getting here? --- A DEADLY DISEASE!

Therefore, the king will go with the way to help the
world with his own body and actions. If he can live with
you all, he would love to be around you all too! Just
because he has faith in you all.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 14 - Saying The Law Of Virtues

Presenting the law of virtues:

1) You see it but you cannot get it, that is because it is
strange to you.

2) You heard it but you just don't get it, it's because it's
new and rare for you to hear such things.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

3) You try to grasp on to it but you cannot, it's only
because you are missing the details.

These three types of people cannot be scolded at when
you are teaching them. We must just put them together
in a group. The teacher shall not sparkles his virtues too
much and not to make these people feel they are stupid
and dumb. You cannot make them show their names or
ask them for their views while you are with them
because they are all empty and plain with nothing in
them. How do you expect them to write you anything?
So it will be a blank paper if you give them a quiz, this
blank piece of paper quiz will just freak them out of
their souls!

When you teach virtues to the novice or people who are
un-exposed to the subject, it is hard but flexible
because when you start to teach you don't see much
reference resources in front of you and there are not
much in the past who did it. We are just using some old
theories and teaching it with the methods of education
that we use now in the most update-to-date ways. As
long as we can bring the initial materials from the past
without missing any information in the process, that's a
good way to present the virtues to anybody.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 15- Not Working?

In the past, people who talk about virtues know it well
inside out so well to be qualified as a master. Things
they talked about can be as long as main street that
they might not be easy to understand. You might not
be the only one who doesn't understand or get it as well.
That's why we are just giving you an outline or guideline
here as an introduction to the surface of virtues.

Having doubts in virtues is just like walking through the
valley in winter on the iced water surface. It's hard and

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

you will have danger all over the place. You stir up
chaos and danger from time to time as well. You can
learn almost anywhere you touch or go. Now that you
are a new reader of the this book, and so even all the
iced rivers you are walking on are about to melt, the
teachings are to teach you in a simple way that is going
to be as broad as the caves, and as polluted as it can get
to stir up the chaos to let you see the truth.

When you are frustrated and confused with the subject
of virtues, can you calm down and slowly examined the
problems to clear it up? Can you now find solutions to
the problems and use it to avoid the same problems in
the future?

People who want to keep the teachings in an old
fashion way are only the ones who don't want it to work.
You are not the only one who doesn't find it working!
Therefore, we need new ideas to bring this subject and
success to people!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 16 - Cycle Of Life

When the teachers are on the go to the end point of life,
health is about to run out and we shall stand quietly
and wait aside. This is when everything has to stop and
end in the teacher's journey of spreading the teachings
of virtues.

Let's see how the teacher had given birth to many new
lives of to those now with virtues. With all the teacher's
materials left behind, keeps on giving growth of virtues-
filled beings to come. Everything is just linked and
related together to their root source.

When the soul is back to their root of where they came
from, everything will be very silence and quiet. That is

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

when they are reborn again and reborn of lives are just
part of nature.

If we do not know death is a normal thing for human,
we often think it is a bad thing. We should know it is a
normal and so we should always mention it and
describe it for those who followed us. The descriptions
we gave to the students of the death of someone must
be thorough and clear. That is how nature works
anyway and there are no physical bodies that will not
die. Therefore it's a part of virtue to know this.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 17 - I Am Naturalized

To make virtues natural for you all means to naturalize

Those who mastered it should be not emphasizing on
virtues all the time so that people don't even realize he
is talking about it all the time - meaning he acts with
virtues and all that, people all feel it but just don't know
what it is that makes him gives off that feeling. That is
the best virtues.

If you are not there yet, next level down in the
achievement of virtues is that you will praise and
promote the virtues to people all the time, making it
friendly to people.

If you are not at that level of achievement in virtues yet,
the next is you try to make people scared of things they
did in the past, which is against virtues. Explains the bad
side of things people do and make them realize it.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

If that is not yet achieved, you then are off to make
people regret for what they did against virtues that
brought them all the troubles in life.

If your achievements are different from others, which
means you do not fall into the four categories above - it
is only because you did not trust or believe in virtues
enough, or you have doubts in virtues only.

When you success in the cultivation of virtues,
everything will be smooth for you and so all the people
in public shall follow this path and make it a second
nature to them as well!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 18 - Four Haves

When the way of virtues is forgotten by the society,
there is always someone with humanity and loyalty who
will arise to promote virtues.

When there are some wise ones arise in the society,
there are always some frauds who will come up to show
people what is bad virtues.

When there are conflicts and arguments between
families and relatives, there are always some nice one
who stood up to promote virtues.

When the politics are in chaos, there have been always
some loyal ones who arise to promote virtues.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 19 - Basics, The Minimal Point

The basics, where to find places with minimal virtues?
The place where it is obviously people who overthrown
the king and wise ones!

Things in the markets sold by civilians should be so
expensive, inflations. That's where virtues are back to
zero and virtues at minimal point.

A place where humanity and loyalty extinct and people
just found out they need to be good and respecting the
families, that's where virtues are at minimal point.

The place where people do not treasure the talented
professionals and they even forget to earn money and
make profits to sustain their living, and people just
started to realize they should start to beware of thieves
and burglars, that's where virtues are at minimal point

If the above three situations are there, virtues are at
minimal in these places. It is because mainly that there

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

are not enough written materials out there that
promote the virtues to people. Therefore, people then
do not have their mind on virtues but other things.
Their virtues are at minimal stage and they just get so
simple minded that they do not want to advance
anymore because they are already not motivated to
learn since they their childhood.

Chapter 20 - Eating, Mother

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

What makes people who live in these close-to-no-
virtues society so hard to learn or have virtues? First,
because they do not have a place to learn it and they do
not even have to think about learning since no one is
learning it anyway, who cares. They will not see or even
be able to visualize the difference.

They will say: "What's the difference between having or
not have virtues anyway? Who cares!".

What people are afraid of there and we should not miss
out is not virtues, but they are just afraid that they are
running out of food!

People in these places just want food to survive and so
who cares about virtues. That is what these people
think about only and that's why they do not have
virtues or even care to learn about the virtues.

Here, they will look around and say: "Everybody is
happy now without virtues anyway!"
They think that now their life is at least stable and non
chaotic - which is really good for them already! When
spring comes, they are only scared that it is the sign of
their end of life. They even scared that their babies
cannot live to become a child!

These people who live in the low virtues societies do
not care about the virtues because all they care is food
and the mother cares only to get food to feed their child
so they can survive and not die.

People who are low in virtues often just like to wander
around and they don't even know where to go. They are
lost in directions and do not want to go home. These

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

people will think that everybody has left already, but
they are the only one left behind.

These people they will say "I am stupid, I know, who

They all gave up themselves

They often feel others are watching them, and they feel
they are left out and they are just going through life
with no souls or feelings as if they were on drugs - all
numb in the mind. They also think that everybody is
looking at them and observing them and they just are
so bored all day long. These people who gave up on
themselves often are quiet as the sea and they just
wander in random directions like the wind. They never
know where they are going next. These people will soon
turn very rude and stubborn minded.

They later on think "I am just different from others".
Then they will just care about food to survive or if they
are a mother, they will only care about their babies can
live till the next spring.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 21 - Follow The Teachings

For those who have given up themselves and their lives
already, living a life like zombies, they all judge the
teacher by their first impression of the facial expression
of the teacher that shows they are good to follow or not.
They must be taught with words and solid objects. They
will be confused and lost, but no worry, we only need
images and pictures.

While teaching these people, they get confused, lost
and frustrated. You should use objects and material to
teach, but they will complain that it is too deep and too
hard to understand or reach. We then can use "key
points" as the strategy to teach.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

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The essence or key point you raise will be so true and
to-the-point to them that they will agree and trust you
because it's so real and true.

From the past to today, most people just learn from
reading or even hearing. These people who are
convinced to learn from you will then ask: "Where can
we find all these reading materials that is available for
the public?" Well, this book is for them!

Chapter 22- Holding On, Stage One

When these people as mentioned in the previous
chapter is willing to learn and wants the textbook from
you, what's next?

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First, what they have gotten wrong in the past, like
wrong thoughts or wrong mindset. Let's fix that up first.
If they have gotten on the wrong path unintentionally,
you must straighten it out for them to make them learn.
If they are depressed, you then make them happy. If
they are closed and bounded to a limited amount of
things, introduce new things to them. The early stage,
they need to have some achievements, but too much
will overwhelm them confused them to the wrong
thinking instead.

You teach the student like this because the king take
care of everybody with the same formula too! He does
not input his own ideas much, and therefore things are
clear. He did not always say he is the best, therefore his
word spreads. He did not conflict and fight with himself
and therefore he success. He does not hide away or
hold back and therefore there is growth in the country.

In the past, what it means to help the crooked ones to
get un-crooked is not a joke! It should be REALLY have
to be a promise and things must work at the end!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 23 - Together, Teaching Virtues

How shall you talk with the student as described in the
previous chapter?

Seldom talks about natural weather - even there is wind
blowing it won't last the whole day, or just a scatter rain
won't last till their day's end. Why not talk about the
weather? It's because the weather of nature will make
your talk short and it changes often. Also because it's a
conversation that is between human, not weather!

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Therefore, those who teach virtues as a career should
act in what they teach and virtues should be
demonstrated in their actions as taught. When you are
talking about virtues together, talk about virtues with
them. If they are talking about losses, talk about losses
with them. If you both have common topics, then the
talk will be happy and interesting. If both have the
desire to talk about virtues, then both are happy with
the talk of virtues. If both talk about losses, they should
both still be happy talking about losses too, even more
it's about losses.

When you have a common topic to talk with the
student, you will not be lack of trust from them and you
will not lack faith from them as well.

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 24 - Cannot Interact With People

When talking to students as mentioned in the previous
chapter who cannot interact with the society, we must
build trust and faith. You should tell them things to not

First, stand straight when you are standing, Walk
properly and not skip. Now, to those who are unclear
of their own minds, self-contradicting, and cannot
success... Those who hide away themselves and are not
scared, you should tell them that with their actions now,
people will be scared of you and not like you!

Therefore, the students who the teacher speaks to must
know that people cannot deal with them or cannot live
together with their virtues like this.

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Chapter 25 - Mix and Blend Equal Success

To mix and blend together with the students who you
just cannot deal with is hard!

First, you need some materials or physical objects to get
them to blend successfully with yourself. There you will
first break through the ice and find new land. They feel
lonely and they feel empty... They just want to isolate
from others and not change! They just cycle and loop
the same old paths and not even going to stop looping.
This is the first initial topic that you can start to get into.

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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It's the key to get you and these students blended. Use
it. They do not even know the names of things because
they lack educations. Therefore, we should focus on
writings and to teach them to write and read. So that
we can write them what we are teaching by verbal.
Putting things down on paper.

To introduce names and terms to these students is very
important but you must give them names that are
precise and not exaggerated too much. If you
exaggerate too much it will make them leave. If they
leave, they will get away. If they get away, you just did
the opposite job of your teachings!

Therefore, there are many kinds of over-exaggerations,
exaggerations of what you are talking about,
exaggerations of nature, exaggerations of things on land,
exaggerations of human related things. These are the
four fields people can exaggerate too much when

To blend and mix well with the student, you must not
exaggerate on things. The worst one in the four
categories is talking about human and people. Talking
with exaggerations of people will then lead you to
exaggerations with the land, and then nature and then
all your speech will be just exaggerated and this will
then become part of your second nature!

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Chapter 26 - Heavily Emphasizing, To Command Like
Military Orders

Why shall we look heavy on NOT talking about certain
things when we talk with the students?

You look heavy on the subject and you are serious
about it because that is what makes you the teacher.
Staying calm should be the way to lead your rushing
mind while teaching.

The one with virtues always keeps these rules in mind
all the time even though there are many different good
ideas in their minds that goes way off in their
imaginations. They will not talk about things that is over
the actual facts.

More important is that because you are the teacher
who lead and guides many others. You are like the
motive power for all your students. How can you act

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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with all these shallow characters and joke around all the
time with everybody? Being shallow and joking around
will make you lose your roots, meaning your character,
reputation and all that will be shaken and loosen. Being
frustrated, mad, and rushy will make you lose your skills
of leadership and being a teacher! Pay attention!

Chapter 27 - Inherit The Light

The good teacher who can give positive influence and
introduce positive things to the student should:

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

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- Be good at putting things into actions with their
virtues flawlessly.
- Be good at talking with virtues flawlessly
- Be also good at calculations and plans but not needing
to get ideas or plans from others.
- Be good at shutting off those off-topic talks in
conversations but you are open up to talk about
anything with them.
- Be good at keeping the promises they made even they
did not write it down on paper or anything as a contract
and they never will undo their promises as well.

The king shall always be good at rescuing and saving the
people. He never gives up on his people. He always
saves his own property and he never gives up on his
property. That is the way to introduce light and let
others inherit the positive mind.

Those who are good at introducing lights and positives
to people, they are masters who do not talk about
people. They do not talk about other people because
they talk about knowledge.

There are students who do not treasure the teacher and
do not like the knowledge as well. They are even more
confused and lost! That's they are here to learn!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 28 - Always, Virtues

Know what you are good at and keep what you are not
too good at to yourself. Use this theory on everybody in
the world. While you travel all around the world, your
virtues will always not detach from you. Even you are
just facing or talking to a baby, your virtues shall be the

Know what is good and pure, but always keep the
knowledge of disgrace in the mind, that's how your
formula should be stored.

To have the universal formula like the previous passage
said, you should always have virtues with you to
wherever you travel.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Back to the basics, and when basics are learned and
absorbed, they become your tools. These tools are also
used by the king and even those who work for the king.
That is why this system is organized and systematically
taught and put into the curriculum and not cut back.

Chapter 29 - Nature and Natural

If you want to take everybody and turn them into
something you want, I don't see that it is possible to do

All the tools and materials that teaches a mindset
cannot brainwash you. You cannot be that stubborn!
Those who got brainwashed usually fails, those who are
stubborn usually lost themselves!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Therefore, the materials that brainwash people are
usually bad.

These bad theories and materials are always promoted
-Showing that everybody is doing it
-Showing that many people are following it
-Rumoring and making things up about it
-Forcing people to believe it
-Bitten people are playing dare with people about it,
-Making you do it by using violence

Therefore, that is why the king always goes extremely
to the good side, the safe side, and never the bad way
of teachings.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 30 - Not Speaking

The king doesn't even have to speak to promote virtues
because the king said: "If I always use my speech to
convince people and make them believe my ideas, then
I will not be able to use my army to strengthen the
world! Therefore, we just want people to have a good
living condition, meaning a good place to live."

Wherever there are teachers and masters, there will be
some fire and fights on literacy.

After the war and battles, there will always be some
bad times.

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Why there are some good hearted ones who came up
and help in those times? It's only because you have
invested in them nicely in the past. You must not force
them to give more if they are already helping out or else
these people will just go away and hide away. Don't
fight anymore when you see these good hearted people
arise to help the economy. Don't show off that we got
all these good hearted people because they only came
to help since they do not want these bad times to
happen. So don't force them to work more. These
people are old or tired out already because of war. That
is why I do not do the speeches of virtues, because I just
have no time.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 31 - Treasuring the Left

You all think weapons in the army are signs of bad luck.
People just see it and hated it.

This is just because all of you are scared of weapons,
therefore some speakers of virtues did not cover this
section here. The one with virtues treasure their left

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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side and the one who uses the weapons treasure their
right. (Hand) Weapons are something that you use
when bad luck comes, not what you use when you are
spreading virtues. We use it because we have got no
choice only. We wish we can be peaceful which is the
best. Winning a war with weapons is not beautiful
neither because it's bloody. Those who thinks that it is
beautiful are only those who love to kill.

If you are those who just love to kill people, then you
cannot get the will and faith from the public for sure!
For good things we favor the left side, but when bad
things comes we must also favor the right side. It's
because when good things come, we like to not use
weapons. When the bad time comes, we NEED weapons.
The assistant general is always on the left side because
he always assist the chief general to find methods to
make the war turn into peace. The chef general is at
right because he must always be ready for the worst. Of
course we do have to respect all the one who pass away
in the war as if we are doing a funeral for them at the
end. Those who killed in the war shall feel sorrow to see
all these deaths on the battlefield. If we win the war,
we must treat it like a funeral which means we should
pay respect to the dead ones and not celebrate for the
winning of the bloody war.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 32 -The Stopping Point

How do we know when to stop when we use weapons?
The results of using weapons are simple and small, but
everybody just cannot afford them!

If the marquis can defense the country, everything will
be peaceful and nice because that means there is no
need for war. Everybody will then enjoy their life and all
people around will come over to this place to tour
around as if they are watching a special natural event! If
this happens, then all the people will be more than
happy to work for the marquis and kingdom too!
Therefore we had already designed and made all the
titles of positions in the political systems a long time
ago. It's just there to welcome this ideal day to come.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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You all will soon know that our generals on the
battlefield know when to stop and how much force to
use. By knowing when to stop, that is the only way our
country will not die out.

We are just giving an example or metaphor now for
everybody in the world, it just like you all are the rivers
and stream while we are the sea. Same theory but
different in proportion only.

Chapter 33- Doing Your Best

Knowing about what others will have is a form of
wisdom. Knowing what you have yourself is to make
you clear and sobering. You need force to win when
facing threats and you need to always advance yourself
to build strength.

Knowing how to have the force and weapons to keep
yourself safe will make you wealthy because you do not
get robbed or killed! Walking around with strength like

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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carrying weapons around promoting courage because
you have confidence in yourself. You will not lose your
home and families forever which means prosperous.
You pass away in peace and not be killed is what meant
by a healthy life.

Chapter 34 - Success In Big

Everything we speak of being extended. It is so
extensive so that you can understand and choose where
to start from. Everything can survive in nature and not
suicide because they can have success and gain what
they doesn't have. Clothing are what kept us surviving
but is it not the main thing. Those who do not have
desire, always do not gain much success. The land that
everybody belongs to is important but it is not the main
thing that gives you success. That is what shows you
huge success instead because the land and the country

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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never die upon it - therefore it is successful and that is
what you can look at to see what can bring you big

Chapter 35 - Big Form, To Symbolize

Knowing how to reference to the bigger picture that
symbolize us - everybody in the world goes the same
way. Everybody can use this same formula and you will
have no side effects that are harmful to you. It will bring
you lots of peace and there will not be something like a
bait that will attract bad guys to you. You will stop
these bad guys who pass by from coming to you as well.

When we tell you the way how the country runs to have
such a success, it is so plain and simple. Just having it in
your vision is not enough, you have to see it. Just
hearing it is not enough, you need to listen to it. There
is an infinite amount of ways to use it as well.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 36 - Shedding Lights

When the country is about to go into depression, you
must increase the economy! If the country is getting
weak, you must strengthen it! When the country is
about to die out, you must raise all the people's passion
and pride! When people are about to take away the
country, you must make the country prosperous! That
is how lights can be introduced at the weak times.

The soft overcomes the hard. The slow overcomes the
fast. Let your workings remain a mystery.
Just show people the results.

The King always not act to do what he wants or desire,
because he just has so much to do for others. If the
marquis can be enough to hold the country together,
everything and everybody in the world will be able to
take care of themselves and there is not a spot for the

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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King! Therefore, the King is very important as he always
takes action for the people on his land and not for

Chapter 37 - No Desire

When the people can take care of themselves, then I
will just stand-by for the country without a throne.
Because you do not need me anymore.

I (the King) do not want to stop and step down, not until
the day when everybody in the country can take care of
themselves and enjoy a safe and stable life with peace!

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Chapter 38 - Staying Together With Virtues

The higher ones (king and the one who works for the
king) have virtues but doesn't need to promote virtues,
that is because the country has virtues. The lower ones

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(talking about the civilians) did not yet let go of virtues,
it is because there are not enough virtues in the society

The king and the one who works for the king doesn't
need to have the desire to promote virtues because
there is not a need for it, but if the people do not have
virtues, then there is a need to promote it. The king is
humane to the people and so he does whatever he can
for the people. The king is loyal to his people and so he
does whatever he can for the people. The king treasure
his people so he takes action when there is a need as
quick as he can. He will just give everything he has for
the people, including his own body.

Therefore, it is because when the people forgot what
was told then there is a need for teaching and
promoting virtues. If they forgot virtues, then we got to
be humane. If they even forgot about humanity, then
we should promote loyalty. If the king does not respect
the people, then the people do not have loyalty and
trust anymore and that is the initial beginning of chaos.

Those who know the above! (Virtues, humanity, loyalty,
respect and trust), you shall speak your beautiful
essence of virtues to people! They should be the first to
teach all the naive and uneducated ones!

Why the king tells those who are with the knowledge of
virtues to teach? It is because the king and the people
are usually living very far away. The king is distance
from the people all the time! So the king is now just
living in a place that is practical but not beautiful (as in
elegant and golden and all that).. That is all he can do to
make up for that.

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Chapter 39 - Staying Together

If the kingdom is bonded together, it is full of justice
and purity, free of greed. If the society is together, it will
be full of peace. If the essence of the virtues are

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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together, it will be enlightening, if all the mountains are
together (different cities), things will be very good and
happy, everything in the country bond together, the
country will grow!.

The marquises got together as one and the public will
be pure and clean. (Not bribing) If the opposite of this
is happening, then the kingdom will not be pure
anymore and it will soon fall apart, the society is not
peaceful anymore and chaos is going to take place. The
essence of the virtues are not together anymore and
therefore there will be no more things to enlighten
people and so the society will break apart, the cities
over the mountains will not be together and the cities
will fall apart, everything in the world does not get
together and so there will be no more growth in
anything including population and so it will die out or
even extinct! The marquises will have not been honest
and responsible anymore and so everything will go into
chaos and it will all fall apart soon!

Therefore, we will have to make virtues inexpensive to
learn to build a good foundation for the society and the
wealthy ones shall always know how to go low profile,
because the kingdom and the king all rely on the society
and people as their roots and foundation! That is why
the marquis are always alone, and not wealthy, because
that's how the king keep the marquis with the concept,
making them always know there are poor people and
lonely people in the world, don't forget "our
foundations" are based on the people you govern! They
(the people) are not just part of the society, they are
the roots of the society! That is why the kingdom
promotes the one with fame to go low profile, and the
one who work for the king shall not be dressed with all
jades and marbles...!

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Chapter 40 - Reversing Weak

Those who reversed from wealthy times because they
do not have virtues and they show off and all that... no
problem that is why the speakers and teachers of
virtues need to take actions. The people who are weak
on virtues, no problem, that is why you need people to
talk about it!

Everything in the country all grow when virtues are
there, but before having virtues, there is no virtues.

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 41 - Hearing the Teachings

When you spread out the teachings of virtues to people,
there are a few types of responses that you can get.
The best ones, they hear it and they cultivate it, putting
it into actions. The next one down is they will try to
keep doing it and using it but sometimes they forget it,
and sometimes they pick it up again. The worst one is
when they listen to you, they just laugh at you! If they
do not even laugh but turn away, then they are not

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even worth teaching. These are the four types of
responses you will get.

Therefore, we have concluded a statement here: those
who understand the teachings looks as if they are slow
and stupid. Those who will advance in the learnings will
looks like they are backing off because of their bad
deeds they have done; those who are feeling strange to
the teachings will seems confused; those who are good
in virtues just keeps the teachings; those who are plain
and simple looks like as if they felt the were the
disgrace of the class; those who love virtues always
seems they want more; those who are building virtues
seems like they are very happy; those who judge virtues
looks as if they are lost, there is no curve in a perfect
square (meaning they are all the same), to success, they
just need time, if you teach with loud voice, you hear
less feedbacks, if you symbolize too much it becomes
too unreachable and out of imagination, the teachings
are for those who just sit and do not want to be
outstanding or even seen.

You are the teacher and the one who speaks, just make
use of your materials and you will success!

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 42 - Breaking the Ice, To Harmonize

The way to talk and lead a class is to talk and teach, talk
about one thing and lead to the second, the second lead
to the third, and so on. Just like how this book is

Everything in the world will repel from negative and go
to the positive, therefore, you must break the ice and
harmonize the atmosphere for the students to accept
your teachings and think you are 'good'.

Why the students are not liked by other people is
because they are being alone, isolated from others, and
they do not eat with other people. These people often

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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call themselves the best and the king. Therefore, they
will soon lose their assets and even get harmed by still
think it is good. Or they will get something good happen
to them which they see it as harm. What others want to
rescue, I (the teacher) will also rescue, those who are
tough as a pillar to teach will not die, because I will soon
be your teacher like a father!

Chapter 43 - Going Soft

When everybody starts to go gently and peacefully soft,
you can you can then move the stubborn and hard to
teach ones. Then you will turn the situation of nobody
listening to you to no gap between all students and the

I of course know that those who know nothing will want
to know what can benefit them in the teachings. That is
why they did not talk because they want to learn. If
there are beneficial things in the teaching and people
do not want it, that is a rare case in the society!

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Chapter 44 - Knowing When to Stop

There are a few things that you should know not to talk
about when you teach the class. Fame and how is their
parents or family, their assets and money, or if they
have anybody who die or got sick around them.

Therefore, if you ask the students the above three
questions, even with love and care, you will for surely
harm them and make them feel useless. Also if you talk
about having more assets and all that, you will just
increase the chance they want to die by suicide.

Knowing enough will not make people feel bad,
knowing when to stop in talking will not make the
relationship ends. Therefore it will last long.

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Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
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Chapter 45 - Pure And Quiet

When the class is quiet and silence, it is not the end of
the world. The one with bigger success always seems as
if it is missing something. Try to make use of their
stronger skills. If the class is too active and people got
in conflicts, then make use of the situation to make
infinitely learning for them instead.
If the majority of the class is going straight at you, you
try to back off a bit and let them quiet down. If the
people try to challenge your skills, you try to go rough
and face their challenges, if the people try to debate
with you, you try to accept all the debates and take
them into discussions and let them learn.

Calm and quiet will conquer the chaotic and aggressive
students, stay cool will conquer the hot headed
students. Quiet and calmness will be the way how to
bring these students back on track with virtues.

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Chapter 46 - Knowing How To Walk

Students do walk to the schools to learn virtues, and if
everybody does get a chance to learn virtues, then
wherever they walk will be nourished by their virtues. If
everybody wasn't taught virtues, then it would be like
wild and aggressive horses in the wild!

The biggest disaster is when people do not know where
to walk to learn virtues. The biggest regret would be
people still wanted or wished to learn virtues.

Therefore, those who knows the way to learn virtues
are those who just always come to the class anyway.

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Chapter 47 - The King's Teachings

The king is now saying that he does not need to go out
the door (out of his place) and he can know the world.
Just like all of the people in the country do not need to
look out the window and can already see how the king
speaks and spreads virtues.

The king doesn't go out because it is too far and all he
can know when he go out are just shallow things.

Therefore, the king does not need to walk around the
world to know about what is going on in the world. The
king does not have to see something to give it a name
or a statement. Because the king cannot and do not
have any personal desire for it, he just does all he can
for the people in the country and that is why he is a
successful king.

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Chapter 48 - Daily Harms

The king is talking about himself now - Learning
everyday will benefit me but speaking or doing
speeches of virtues (lectures or talks) will harm me daily.
The harm will harm me more and more each day,
therefore, I have no desire or want myself because all I
care is my people, the people who lived on my land, and
so I care about them all only.

The king always has to care about important and
unimportant things in the society all the time, but he
doesn't have to walk there to get all this information.

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Chapter 49 - Virtues of Good

The King does not have his personal daily mind because
his mind is just the mind of the people who lived on his

The king cares about the good people and he cares
about the people who aren't good too. That is his
virtues of being good.

The king do trust those who trust him and he also trusts
those who doesn't trust him as well. That is his virtue of

The king in the society might not be always heard or
well known, but he is always willing and working for the
world and the society, using all his heart for them.
Everybody in the society then pays attention to the one

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who work for the king only, the king treats all the
people as his children.

Chapter 50 - Alive Or Dead

People born to the world to the day of death.. If there
are 13 people who are born, 13 people will die at the
end. If 13 people are born they all move and die on the
same land. As we all might have heard - those who help
people to give birth will not see a tiger when they travel,
they will not need to put on any armor even walking in
the military and battlefield. There is nothing in the
world that want to harm them. Even tigers will not use

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their claws on them, the soldiers will not show their
blades to them, why? That is because nobody likes
death in the world.

Chapter 51 - Respect, Highest and Values

Referring to the previous chapters about people
treasuring the birth of human being. Here the passage
starts by saying teaching virtues to those who are born,
you raise them with virtues, and shape their virtues up
by using materials and influence to success. That is
because everything in the world never not respect the
teachers and treasure the virtues.

The level of respect of the teachings, and the high value
of the virtues, we should really make use of it and put it

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as our second nature. Use virtues to raise our child,
while the grow up, you educate them with it, even they
are in good or bad times you should teach them virtues,
nourishing them with it again and again, giving birth to
what they don't have, for them but not always have to
tell them, they grow up and you do not harm them, that
is the virtues of the mother.

Chapter 52 - Protect The Mother

Our world/society started, is all because there is mother
in the world.

The mother is there, and you will know how the child
was like already, if you can know how the child is like,

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you will know how the child will protect the mother.
There is no physical body in the world that doesn't die.

When the child is young, they should save the money
and secure it, do not even use the mother's money the
whole life. When the child gets older and open the bank
account, they assist your mother with it and they shall
not need to "rescue" their mother in their whole life.

When you see the son at a young age, they are very
clear and plain. Keeping soft with them is the the way
to keep them strong. Using their positive lights and let
them shine it back on you, you will not regret it even
the day you die. That is the way to keep virtues a
practice as your second nature.

Chapter 53 - Broad Teachings Of Virtues

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The public teachings of virtues make me sometimes
know about it (the king), when I walk into these
classrooms, I am just shocked they are all free. These
broad teachings are so strange and off, but the public
just always walks toward these paths.

Those who are bad paths or crooked paths should be...
not working in the day time, not taking care of their
farmlands, not having any savings in the storage and
bank, dressed in delicate clothing, bringing a sharp
sword along, but always get bored at eating and
drinking and have lots of money and assets... these are
actually scammers and not real teachers!

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Chapter 54 - Good At Building

Those who are good at building virtues will never let go
or give up, those who are good at holding onto virtues
will never get rid of it, their future generations will
always worship them and respect them.

The good teachers, should be those who cultivate
virtues with their own actions and life, that's the real
virtues. Putting virtues into their home and family,
that's the virtues that brings extra wealth to the family.
Putting virtues into their village, that's how virtues

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make the village expand. Putting virtues into the
country, that's how the country gets prosperous.
Putting virtues to the world, that's how the virtues get

Therefore, we observe ourselves to compare with the
teacher's virtues and know how they are. We look at
our own family and compare it with the teacher to
know how they are. We look at our hometown and can
see how the hometown is. We look at our country to
see how the country is. We can just look at the world
and know how the world is. That is how the king can
know so much about the world.

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Chapter 55 - Possessing Virtues

Possessing virtues heavily, just like a new born baby.
The poisonous bugs will not harm them, the beast in the
wild will not eat them, the furious birds will not hit
them, their bones are weak but their body is flexible
and firm. Not knowing the mother and father but
already paid respect, that's how virtues are possessed.

These best teachers of virtues and the king always talk
in the day but never whine or sigh, they have achieved
harmony. They know how to harmonize everything
naturally in their daily life which allow them to be bright
and shines their lights of virtues all around. The lights of

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virtues of them nourish the people around them which
bring peace to the world. Their heart gives off energy
which makes them strong. When things get too strong,
they often then get older. That is why the king does not
teach virtues with speech himself, because he did it
already with his actions long time ago.

Chapter 56 - Value of Teaching

The teachers of virtues treasures those who knows by
doesn't talk, and those talks and doesn't know.

Aside from the money part, when you close the doors
and look inside a classroom that teaches virtues, we
must make all the people in their less aggressive,
dissolve their conflicts, harmonize the classroom and
brighten them up because they all have the same

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problems with virtues already. That is because they all
came from a mother.

Therefore, you cannot (as a teacher in the classroom)
just because they got hyped about your teachings, you
go closer to those hard working ones or you go distance
to those who doesn't get interested in your topics. You
cannot take advantage of them even they are willing to
give, you cannot harm them even they are trusting you,
you cannot treasure those who are good, you cannot
look down on those who you don't like, that is the way
how to treasure the world.

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Chapter 57 - Running a Country

Using the justice to run the country, using intelligence
to use the army, and care about everything but not
yourself to have the world with you.

Why I (the king) know how these works? It is because,
there are many taboos in the world and the public
(people) are often poor, the kingdom (law enforcement)
always has the lethal weapons, these countries used to
just give birth to useless and crooked people. When
people are more on the technology and skills advancing,

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more inventions are coming out, the law will often have
to get stronger because there will be thieves and
robberies around.

Therefore, the king said "I will devote all my life to the
people and the people shall understand. I always go
quiet and low key but the people shall be well. I do not
interfere with the people and they shall get wealthy
themselves. I do not get greedy and the people shall
remain very plain and enjoy what they have now.

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Chapter 58 - Observing Politics

When the politic is silent and quiet, it means the people
are like elites in the country who are having a good life
and making good money. When the politics are all
observing and investigating on things, it means the
people are having problems and are in deep troubles

Disasters are there because the fortune in people got
corrupted. You and your people have fortune because
the disasters are suppressed. Do you know how
extreme it can be? If there is no justice or a ruler to
measure justice, right will be seen as wrong, and the
good will turn crooked.

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If the people are confused, it is because they are
stubborn and stuck for a long period of time. That is
why the king keep his rules strict and not let anything
go easy. He is not overspending, being real and not
showing off, being wealthy but not showing off to

Chapter 59 - Long Life

Governing the people, serving the kingdom, there is no
way to be stingy.

Why I say being stingy is because people will then be
obeying you at an early stage. They obey you because
you look heavy on virtues and you build up your image
with virtues. It's because you build your image with
virtues, you will not be defeated easily. Since you will

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not be defeated easily, you will not see an extreme or
an end in the country. There is not an end to the
country and so that is why there is still the country that
exist. That is because you have the mother of a country
- virtue, and so your country can last long.

It's because your roots are deeply planted with the
mother of the country (virtue), that is why it is it is a
theory of long life for all to know.

Chapter 60 - Governing A Big Country

Governing a big country, it is just like dealing with a
small fresh one.

Use the teaching of virtues to nourish the country, so
that the negative will not be seen as good. It's not that
we want the negative to be seen as the bad, we just
don't want them to harm people when they are misled

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to be seen as good. It's not only the good minds don't
harm people though, the king doesn't harm people too.

It's because the negative minds cannot harm the normal
people in the country, therefore, virtues have taken
effect and made the country live on.

Chapter 61 - Being The Citizens

The country that can grow big have people flow from
one country to another, people from the world
interacts from one country with another. All women in
the world flows here and there, and the female often

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wins the male with their calmness, and therefore, the
civilians should remain calm and quiet as their way of
being a civilian.

Therefore, the bigger country's citizens go to the
smaller one, the bigger country will get people from the
small country. When the smaller country's citizens go
to the bigger country, it will get people back from the
bigger country. Therefore, the people can be taken and
they can also be given as well.

A big country wants to have people there to be raised.
All the small country just wants people to come and do
business. If both can get what they want, that means
human is the most important thing.

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Chapter 62 - Teaching Virtues Of Obscure

When we teach virtues, we talk about everything that
people do not feel understood or are obscure of. It is a
treasure for those good minded people. It is also a
lifesaving of the bad minded people as well.

Good speeches can show respect to people, good
actions can increase populations.

There are people who are negative, but when did we
give up on them? Therefore, to build the world, we
have to establish the three stages of justice. Even
though there are some crooked ones in the world that

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will stand up and try to knock over the justice that arise.
Isn't it better than advancing in the teaching of virtues

In the past, why does people treasure the teachings of
virtues? By not saying those who want it will get it, and
those who are guilty will be forgiven? That's what
people all treasure in the world.

Chapter 63 - Nothing Hard

No matter you are doing things for something or not for
something, working or not working, tasting it or not
tasting it, no matter big or small, little or many, you just

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use virtues to deal with all the hard times when you
whine and complains. All the hard times are born from
easy, all the big ideas come from small details. Any hard
things in the world, must reverse the logic to get
simplified. Any hard things in the world, we must
simplify it into details.

Therefore, the king never have seen things in broad and
therefore he can success in all things. If you do not keep
your promise you will lose trust, if you always
encounter easy things, there is for sure many hard
things as well. Therefore, the king always deal with hard
things, therefore, there are no hard things for him.

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Chapter 64 - Assisting Materials

When it's a good time and the students are stable, you
should encourage and keep it up. When there are signs
of something that will happen, you better plan ahead,

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when something is getting fragile you better melt it
before it breaks, when it's a small problem, you better
dissolve it.

You do things for the student when the problem is not
even there yet, just like you govern the country before
it's in chaos. Just like the tree that are born tangled
together (like money tree) started off with just a tiny
piece of powder like seeds. The nine levels towers are
all built starting from the ground. No matter you are
travelling for a thousand miles, you must start with the
ground below your feet.

The king say, trying to want something, he will fail the
country, trying to own the country himself he will lose it.
Therefore, the king will not have his own desire and
want from the country, and so he will not lose or fail the
country. The common civil way of doing things, is
always failing in the beginning after a few steps are
done, so just observe and learn, then you will not fall
into the same problem.

Therefore, the king always wants to have no desire of
himself, he does not put a high price on rare things, and
he learns from observing those who don't learn, he
reflects on the people's wrongs, and he helps them at
the back naturally and never will have his own desire
when governing.

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Chapter 65 - Mother of Virtues

In the ancient time, those who are great and good at
teaching virtues, does not brighten up and make the
people smarter, they make them more naive instead.

Why the people are hard to govern? It's because they
all have their own intelligence and wisdom. If you use
wisdom and intelligence to govern the country, that is
what lead to stealing and robbery. If you don't use
intelligence to govern the country, it's going to be
fortunate for the country.

These two points all start from the lower classes, if you
always know how the lower classes are, then that's the
mother of virtues there. The mother of virtues can
influence a long way and in a great degree. It can turn

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the world over as well. If you can master the lower class
people, you will then soon see a great path of

Chapter 66 -The Valley And The Sea

Why the streams and sea can be the king of all
mountains, (metaphor), it is because that it is lower
than them and so it can be the king of all mountains.

Therefore, the king always wants the people to advance
and upgrade or improve, and so he always tells them
and convince them with words. If you want your people
to be good and advance, you must look after them
behind all the time!

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Therefore whenever the king only know to deal with the
royal ones and the wealthy rich people, the citizens will
not like him. But if he always put himself in front of the
people, people will not harm him. Therefore, that is
why the people will always elect the same king and not
want to change, and they will never want to overthrow
the king, and so there will be no chaos or rebels.

Chapter 67 -Three Treasures

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The world say my teaching of virtues is the greatest, like
it but not the same, yours is greater. That is why it's
only like so, but not really. If it's alike, it will become
smaller than yours as time goes on anyway.

I have three treasures, (said the king), please cultivate
them and hold on to them. One is humanity, second is
morality and third is not even strive to be the world's
leader. If you are humane, you will be brave. So you
are cultivated inside and so your way can spread. If you
do not strive to be the leader of the world, you can then
improve yourself. Today, if you forget humanity and
just be brave, or don't cultivate inside and spread your
way, or you forget about yourself but only want to
strive to be the leader, you will die! If you are human
and you battle, you win, because your defense is strong
and firm, you will be rescued by nature, and your
humanity is what protects you.

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Chapter 68 -Not Competing

Those who are good at being the assistant of the
generals don't combat, those who are good at combat
don't get angry, those who are good at conquering the
enemies don't show off, those who are good at using
people are the people below (Civilians).

Therefore that is the virtues of not competing, that is to
use other's force, that is to cooperate with the king, it's
like that from long time ago already.

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Chapter 69 -Using The Military

There is a say in the way of using the army, therefore I
will not be the leader here but the guest, I won't even
dare to move an inch but the stay distanced.

It's what we call (the previous passage), advancing
without walking, geared with no arms, you will have
always winning and have no enemies and so you do not
control a single soldier.

There are not a bigger disaster than underestimating
your enemy, if you underestimate your enemy, you will
lose my treasure!

Therefore, when two armies are fighting (with the
previous passage), the one who is weaker wins.

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Chapter 70 - Hugging On Jade

My words are so easy to understand, so easy to take
into actions. But the world just can't understand it, and
can't do it.

It's because my words are inherited from a root source,
and there is always a person behind things, which you
don't know, and that's what you don't know about me.

Very few actually know me, and that is why you think I
am precious like jade. That is also why the king is always
seen as covered with red and jade. (Red is very precious
back then).

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Chapter 71 - Not Getting Sick

From me knowing I am sick to not realize I am sick is the
best. From not realizing my own sickness to knowing I
am sick really means I am ill.

What you all call sickness is realizing you are sick, and so
you want to get well. The king doesn't get sick at all,
because he lives by sickness, and not realizing it himself.

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Chapter 72 - Afraid Of The Town

When the people don't feel scared of the strict and
serious king, that is the most serious king ever you can
meet. Because the king doesn't mind how tiny his living
space is, and doesn't hate where he is born.

You don't dislike the town, it is because he doesn't
dislike the town. Therefore, the king knows himself but
doesn't see himself. He loves himself but doesn't
treasure himself, because he is all there for the people
only and not himself.

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Chapter 73 - The Law Of The King

Being brave and bring people to justice, we kill. When
my courage is there but I chicken, they stay alive. These
two, each can have pros and cons. The king hates this,
you know why? Because the king doesn't know how to
choose between the two.

The King's teaching, not to compete and good at solving
problems as a form of victory. Not to speak but to
respond to the situations. Not having to have people
invite you first but you already appeared to help.
Honest but good at strategies. The law of the king is like
a net form the sky, it seems loose but it never misses a

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Chapter 74 - Authority To Kill

When the people don't even afraid of death, why do we
use death to scare them? If you always want to make
people afraid of death, maybe on a rare case, I broke
the law and have to be killed, you dare to kill me now?

The one who is authorized to kill should be responsible
for killing. If you take over the position of this
professional, then you are like the blacksmith to forge
the blade of the law. If you are taking this position,
which is the king, how can you not harm your own hand
all the time when you felt the sorrow?

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Chapter 75 - Treasuring Life

The food of our people, is anything they get to eat after
the taxation, and that is the read food of our people.
The hardest part of governing the people, is when the
king is selfish and greedy, and that is the reason why
people are hard to govern and take care of.

Our people always want to die, is because they know
how hard it is to sustain and live, and that is why they
always seek for the easy way out - which is death.
When they can easily make a living and sustain their life,
they will all be good at treasuring their life.

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Chapter 76 - Fragile, Soft and Weak

Everyone is very fragile when they are alive, but they
are all tough and rough when they are dead. Same with
the trees and all living things; they are fragile when they
are alive, but when they are dead, they are all hardened
and rough.

Therefore, those who seems tough and rough in the
country, are the one who is looking for death all the
time because they are suffering. Those who are still
fragile, are the one who is looking to stay alive because
they are living a good life.

That is why when a country have a very strong army, it
doesn't mean the country have the victory (because it
doesn't have the peace). Same like the theory of the

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tree. The sufferings and rough looking ones are the
worse, and the more fragile ones are the best.

Chapter 77 - The King Said

The teachings of the king, is just like pulling the bow
with an arrow! If the target is high, we must aim higher.
If the target is low, we shall raise the target instead. If
there is any excess of the country's earnings, we should
use it up on the people. If there is not enough, we
should make enough for what's not enough.

The king's teaching is, to use up the excess in taxation
on the people, and make up for the lost or what's not

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enough and not ask for more from the people. Because
the people will not do the same as what we do here.
They will always give more than they have, and pay
more than they need.

If you can take whatever is left in the tax and give it
back to the society, that's the one who listened to my
teaching. Therefore, the king work and don't need a
servant, when he earns, he doesn't earn himself or put
money into his own pockets, with no desire of himself
which is what makes him a clean king.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 78 - Liquid Like Virtues
The world is fragile and weak (when they are living a
good life), but they are actually like water but not weak.
When this country with this type of people, going
against a country with suffering people, there will be no
victory, because they don't even need to declare a war
and people will rush over already.

That is why the soft is better than the hard, and the
weak are better than the strong ones. Everybody knows
this already, but everyone doesn't know how to do it.

Therefore the king said, the one who can take the
country's burden is only the servant of the country. The
one who can take the bads and disasters for the country,
is the king of the world.

The truth is like the opposite of what it seems!

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 79 - The Left Contract

To settle some big complaints and disagreements,
there is always some unsatisfying left behind, how shall
we take care of it? Therefore the king, takes the left
contract of peace, and doesn't blame it on anyone. So
he takes the pain.

Therefore, the one with virtues should be assigned to
take care of contracts, the one without virtues will be
the one who just does bribery. The king's way of virtues
doesn't help anyone or on anyone's side, and so it is
always for the benefit of the people.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 80 - Not Wanting

The small country has less people. Even they have
thousands of tools, they will not be able to use it. Even
the people look for death, they will not want from
others. Even they have boats and cars, they don't even
know where to ride them to. Even they have a fully
geared army, they don't even have space to have them
form their formations. These people will even reuse the
broken ropes by tying the two broken pieces together
and use it again. We should, make them eat better,
dress better, live better. Make their culture more fun,
the neighbor towns should watch out for each others,
the pets of each house should be friends to each others,
the people should live till their older ages, and not need
to travel to the king once.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 81 - Not Accumulating

Believe the bad news coming from the people, and do
not believe the good words from the report. If it is good,
they do not need an explanation. If there are tons of
explanations, it must not be something good. The one
who knows this virtue will not accumulate from the
people. Those who have accumulated a lot surely
doesn't know about virtue at all.

The king doesn't accumulate anything, because he feels
he gain by helping people, and he feels the joy of
earning when his people earn more.

The king's teaching of virtues is sharp and but doesn't
hurt. The king's way of virtues, is to help and not to

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |


This is the end of the book of Tao Te Ching, the true
"Book of Virtues" reborn in English written by Mak Jo Si.
If you have questions or want to send your
appreciations, feel free to e-mail Mak Jo Si at ! Thank you for
reading this book!

For more Taoism knowledge, please visit some of Mak
Jo Si's websites:

Taoist Master Blog

Chi in Nature Taoism Temple

World Best Exorcist Website

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Author's Thoughts...
By: Mak Jo Si (Mak Ching Yuen)

Honestly, this book of Tao Te Ching is a piece of
treasure that was long suppressed or even abused and
tortured in history for more than a thousand years. I felt
extremely honored to be able to bring this book back to
live again in its true form. It's not only about the book,
but also about saving the culture from future
brainwashing by the evil and crooked Taoist sects. I,
being a Taoist master, really hate to see how people fall
for the evil sects just because they are funded by the
government or they are rich with big temples that
lasted for hundreds of years just because they know
how to promote tourism. Tao Te Ching is not about
money, it's about the truth and teachings in the book
that we should treasure.

While I was writing the book; translating or converting
from the ancient Chinese to the modern English, I was
extremely shocked about what I was typing too! It's
totally not about Taoism, or what people used to hear
and called "Tao", or even about the spacey stuff like
how the universe started and so on. None! It's all about
virtues from the beginning to the end just like what the
title is - "Book of Virtues"!

This is not a surprise that such a book like this got
wrongly interpreted though. Not only this, but many
other ancient wisdom had been tortured and abused
the same way too. Thanks to the corruption of all the
Chinese Kings in the past, thanks to those governments
in the past and now, thanks to the law in China back in
the old days and today. These are what screwed up the
whole Chinese culture, including treasures like the Tao
Te Ching, or even the religion of Taoism.

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

In the past, there is one famous law of all dynasties that
exist in China - the first law that you should know since
the day you are born - "Never go against the king, or
you will be executed." Yes, the death sentence is a
famous thing, you get your head chopped off if you say
the king is wrong or go against the king - but rich people
and those who are relatives of the king might be
exceptional. That's how it is! This is something very
scary because when the king promotes his version of
the wrong Tao Te Ching, no one in the country can say
he is wrong, no one can speak out, no one can say
something different.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Quan Zhen Sect was brewed up in
China. It is a new age Taoism sect in that time period
who claim to mix Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism
into one religion. The Buddhist from India never agrees
to this sect's Buddhism, and the Taoism in the past
never agree to this sect's Taoism either. Scarily enough,
this sect goes mega rich and it just got viral in a short
period of time. What is their secret to success? Not
because they possess genuine knowledge, but because
they know what to do to sustain and survive in China -
bribery and corruption. They suck up to the king of Yuan
Dynasty, the Mongolians, and they work together to
earn big bucks. During this period of time, the king
funded them to build their temples, do promotions and
nuke the people's mouth from saying they are wrong.
Imagine this, if you say they are wrong, tomorrow you
might see your temple transformed into a pile of ashes
and bricks clutter. Can you believe that?

The Quan Zhen Sect was the sect that first digs up this
book of Tao Te Ching and tried to interpret it in their
own way, which turns out to be something totally
different from what it is suppose to be. They tried to
make it look like a "Book of Tao" instead of a "Book of

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Virtues"! With the help of the king's power, money and
authority, they dominate Taoism in that dynasty and
they became the ruler, the standard and the "right
ones". If you want to survive,you better brew up
something that speaks the same language!

After the Yuan Dynasty dies out, the Ming Dynasty
arises and Zhen Yi Sect got beloved by the king at that
time because they know how to please the king better
than the Quan Zhen Sect dudes. But to keep things
more "Tao-like", they also speak the same language as
the Quan Zhen Sect, with the same old wrongly
translated and interpreted Tao Te Ching, the same
concept of multi-religion into one, and the same base
theory of the Quan Zhen Sect.

Too bad, China today is no different from the past. They
are still using the political power to fund these Quan
Zhen Sect and Zhen Yi Sect temples because they are
great tourism places, they earn big bucks, and they are
a money making machine! Do you know how much
people donate to these temples in just the Chinese New
Year period? Millions and trillions! Not only China, but
even a famous temple founder in Singapore is also a
millionaire today and the government even granted him
a title too! Can you say these temples are wrong? Are
you asking for troubles?

I am different, Mak Jo Si is weird, because he lives in
Canada - a place that has freedom of speech! I
challenge the world by holding strong to my stance and
saying what needs to be said. I know what is wrong and
I am not going to flow with the norm to lick the asses of
the corrupted culture. I am not going to write
something to please these stubborn people who just
like to go with the norm. I am writing something that
actually brings the truth to the world, something that

Tao Te Ching REBORN - By Mak Jo Si

Tao Te Ching Reborn | All Written by Mak Jo Si (Herman Mak)
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved |

awakens and sobers the minds of all human beings,
something that actually can educate the future
generations properly instead of just another ordinary
piece of sh*t that sits on the shelves of some big names
storefronts. There are too many junks out there, you
don't need me to write another because even if I wrote
one, it is not going to end up being a best seller book
anyway. I am bad at writing, my English is not well
polished, and I am not a scholastic guy. I am only a
Taoist master who tried his best to sustain in business
so he can make a living. I am only a Taoist master who
emphasizes to live a life with integrity. I am only a Taoist
master who is so blunt and straightforward that always
lead me to be pinned and targeted in a lot of public
social circles because I don't go with the norm that are
wrong but speaking louder than everyone.

I am sure this book of Tao Te Ching Reborn will draw a
lot of attention - no matter the negative or the positive
way. It's not because my writing is good, but because I
go against the norm, and I openly said I don't buy the
two biggest sects of Taoism in China. Who cares though?
If I have to care so much, then I will end up loosing my
integrity and become one of the the ass-lick'in Taoist!

If you read this book and you read till this page of the
book. I must thank you sincerely because you really do
enjoy my work and I know my effort is well given to this
project. Spread the words! We should not go with the
norm if the norm is wrong. We have to go with
something that's "Right" and "Correct"! That is the one
and only one reason why this book of "Tao Te Ching
REBORN"was unleashed!

Thank you!
Mak Jo Si (Mak Ching Yuen)
Jan 12, 2013

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