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SYLLABUS School Subject Class Grade/ Semester Standard Competency : Senior High School of Surabaya : Mathematics : 10th / I : 1.

Solving the problem that related to exponential, root, and logarithm form.

Basic Competency 1.1Using the exponential, root, and logarithm rules

Contents Exponential and root

Teaching Learning Activity

Assessment Indicator Techniqu Instruments e Form - Drill - Essay Instrument - Individual assessment sheet

Time Source of Allocati Learning on

- Explaining the Cognitive: - Changing aperteption - Test negative - Discussing about exponential the relation between form to - Discussi on positive and positive negative exponential exponential. form and - Discussing to vice versa solve problem - Solving about problem exponential.

related to exponential - Changing the root form to exponential form and vice versa

2x45mi - BSE Matematika nutes Aplikasi Jilid 1 SMA Kelas X page 1-16 Self author: assessment Pesta E. S sheet and and Alfarabi observation - Self sheet of assessment sheet characteristic behavior and - Observation sheet of social skill characterist ic behavior and social skill - Student

Affective: Behavior Characteristic: - Creative - Critical Thinking - Responsible Social skill: - Be a good listener - Give the idea - Ask a question

worksheet - Worksheet s answer key - Evaluation sheet and its answer key


Subject Class/ Semester Meeting Time Standard Competency Basic Competency Cognitive

: Mathematics :X/I : II : 2 x 45 minutes : 1. Solving the problem that related to exponential, root, and logarithm form. : 1 .1Using the exponential, root, and logarithm rules

Changing negative exponential form to positive exponential form and vice versa Solving problem related to exponential Changing the root form to exponential form and vice versa Solving problem related to root

Afective Behavior Characteristic :

Creative Critical Thinking Responsible Be a good listener Give the idea Ask a question

Social Skill :

I. Learning Goals

a. Cognitive Student can change negative exponential form to positive exponential form and vice versa Student can solve the problem related to exponential Student can change the root form to exponential form and vice versa Student can change related to root

b. Afective In learning process student can be guided creative thinking. Student can think daily problems that related to exponential In learning process student in class, Student can give opinion about their knowledge, if students feel some different perceptionts. It can be done by asking question or giving opinion

II. Contents

: Exponential and root

III. Learning Method

: Classroom Discussion

IV. Learning Steps

1. Clarify aims and establish set In this step, teacher 1) Tell the students to remember the previous matter in Junior High School about exponential. 2) Tell the learning purpose 3) Give motivation to the students (Apendix 1) 2. Focus the discussion In this step, teacher try to show the problems, that is about negative exponential and zero exponential : 1) Give some examples about zero exponential and positive exponential 2) Ask students to think how about zero to the power zero and negative exponential 3) Ask students to think about the relation between positive exponential and negative exponential 4) And then teacher try to present some clues to make students think more 3. Hold the discussion In this step, teacher give occasions to the students give their opinions about the negative exponential and then teacher respond to the ideas, keeps records of the discussion, and sometimes teacher also expresses on ideas 4. End the discussion Teacher helps the students to be able make the summarize by themselves and then teacher also give the summarize that there is a patern which relating a positive exponential and negative exponential. So, the students know the meaning of their discussion, know about some faults that had been made during discussion. 5. Debrief the discussion. Teacher ask students to think about the meaning of their discussion, what students get in this discussion. By guiding from the teacher So, the students know the meaning of their discussion, know about some faults that had been made during discussion

Appendix 1

Negative Exponential

The exponential form is used for make easier in write the number that so big or so small. For example can be effectively write as 2,53 x 10 14 . The other example is the very small number like a mass of an electron ,that is 0, it can be written as 9,11 x 10 -31


ATOM Smallest particle of an element which shows all properties of element is called atom. Some characteristics of "atoms" are as follows: Atom takes part in chemical reactions independently. Atom can be divided into a number of sub-atomic particles. Fundamental particles of atom are electron, proton and neutron. CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRON Charge: It is a negatively charged particle. Magnitutide of charge: Charge of electron is 1.6022 x 10-19 Coulomb. Mass of electron: Mass of electron is 0.000548597 a.m.u. or 9.1 x 10-31 kg. Symbol of electron: Electron is represented by "e". Location in the atom: Electrons revolve around the nucleus of atom in different circular orbits. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTON Charge: Proton is a positively charged particle. Magnitude of charge: Charge of proton is 1.6022 x 10-19 coulomb. Mass of proton: Mass of proton is 1.0072766 a.m.u. or 1.6726 x 10-27 kg. Comparative mass: Proton is 1837 times heavier than an electron. Position in atom: Protons are present in the nucleus of atom. For latest information , free computer courses and high impact notes visit : CHARACTERISTICS OF NEUTRON charge: It is a neutral particle because it has no charge. Mass of neutron: . Mass of neutron is 1.0086654 a.m.u. or 1.6749 x 1027 kg. Compartive mass: Neutron is 1842 times heavier than an electron. Location in the atom: Neutrons are present in the nucleus of an atom.

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