This Croat

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This Croat-Gothic connection is recorded and supported by the writings of one Thomas the Archdeacon, Historia Salonitana from

the 13th century. Archdeacon Thomas, as well as the Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja from the 12th century, state that the Croats remained after the Goths (under a leader referred to as "Totila") had occupied and pillaged the Roman province of Dalmatia. The chronicle of Ivan Lui Lucius gives an account of the arrival of the Croats where he wrote ...."The people called CroatsMany call them Goths, and likewise Slavs......". The Chronicle of Dioclea speaks of a Gothic invasion (under a leader referred to as "Svevlad", followed by his descendants "Selimir" and "Ostroilo") "Totila" arrived in Dalmatia on his way to Italy around the year 540. (This supports the earlier references to the Goths after traveling west from the Black sea being largely composed of Slavs, and in this instance would support Croat presence in Dalmatia before the 2nd migration about 60 years later) Esta conexin croata-gtica se graba y se apoya en los escritos de un tal Thomas Arcediano, Historia Salonitana del siglo 13. Arcediano Thomas, as como la Crnica del Sacerdote de Duklja del siglo 12, establecen que los croatas se mantuvieron despus de los godos (bajo un lder conocido como "Totila") ocuparon y saquearon la provincia romana de Dalmacia. La crnica de Ivan Lui Lucius da cuenta de la llegada de los croatas, donde escribi .... "Las personas llamadas croatas ... Muchos los llaman godos, e igualmente eslavos ......". La Crnica de Dioclea habla de una invasin gtica (debajo de un lder conocido como "Svevlad", seguido de sus descendientes "Selimir" y "Ostroilo") "Totila" lleg a Dalmacia en su camino a Italia alrededor del ao 540. (Esto apoya las referencias anteriores a los godos despus de viajar al oeste del mar Negro est compuesto en gran parte de los eslavos, y en este caso apoyara la presencia croata de Dalmacia antes de la segunda migracin de cerca de 60 aos despus) The name of Croatia derives from Medieval Latin Crotia, from Dux Croatorum ("Duke of Croatians") attested in the Branimir Inscription, itself a derivation of North-West Slavic *Xrovat-, by liquid metathesis from proposed Common Slavic *Xorvat-, from proposed Proto-Slavic *Xarwt- (*Xrvat) or *Xrvat (*xrvat). The origin of the name is uncertain, but is thought to be a Gothic term of a Slavic tribe, from well before the time of the territory of Oium being ruled by Filimer (related to Muncimir? Branimir? Trpimir? Kreimir...ect) The oldest preserved record of the Croatian ethnonym *xrvat is of variable stem, attested in the Baka tablet in style zvnmir kral xrvatsk ("Zvonimir, Croatian king"). Other ancient names from Hervarar saga include Gotj (=Go. Gutiuda, attested in the Calender fragment), Hnaland "the land of the Huns", Reigotaland "land of the (H)rei-Goths", and Harvaa fjll "the Carpathian mountains" (showing the influence of the Germanic consonant shift, Grimm's Law), and of course Myrkvir "Mirkwood", which would give Gothic *Marqiwidus. Albanian "karp" and the Bulgarian dialectal "karpa", both meaning "stone, rock") suffered the first Germanic sound shift: *karpat- > Gothic *harbada- or *harbatha- (with -b- pronounced like a bilabial -v-) > Old Norse Harvada. It is also possible that the sound shift occurred not in Gothic, but in some other East Germanic language, spoken by a Germanic tribe who preceded the Goths in that

region (like the Bastarnae, the Peucini, or the Skirians), and the Goths took the word already sound-shifted from them (BTW: in Tabula Peutingeriana, a Roman road map of the 3rd century C.E., the Carpathians are called "Alpes Bastarnice"). Moreover, this presumable Gothic *harbada-/*harbatha- could be the source of the Old Slavic tribal name "Hrvat", whence the name of the Croatians (in the Serbo-Croatian language, the word for "Croatian" is "Hrvat"). Beside today's Croatians (whose present location is not quite near the Carpatians), there was in early Middle Ages another Slavic tribe, the so-called "White Croatians", who lived in the vicinity of the Northern Carpathians (in the SW of today's Ukraine). What do you think, sounds all this plausible?

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