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The Anatomy of ’Free Choice’

Julia O’Connell Davidson“

This paper draws on an ethnographic study of a self-employed prostitute, her receptionists

and her clients. It describes the prostitute’s business and her working life, and considers the
dynamics of power and control within the prostitute-client exchange. The paper argues that
issues of control and consent in prostitution are more complex than many current feminist
analyses suggest.

(Patterson 1991, p. l), and this paper is

P rostitution has proved to be a divisive
issue amongst feminists (see McIntosh
1994).For those radical feminists who hold all
concerned with the nature of the ‘free choice‘
prostitute’s freedom. Drawing on an ethno-
heterosexual intercourse to be an expression graphic study of a prostitute (who will be
of patriarchal power (for example, Dworkin referred to as Desiree), her receptionists and
1987; MacKinnon 1984; Jeffreys 1990), prosti- her clients,’ it begins by examining the
tution is perhaps the purest expression of problems which confront people who wish to
male domination. The client secures direct make a living as self-employed prostitutes,
control over the prostitute and such authors then moves on to describe the dynamics of
further contend that ’Free prostitution does power and control within the prostitute-client
not exist ... prostitution of women [is] always exchange. The aim is to show that issues of
by force ... it is a violation of human rights control and consent in prostitution are rather
and an outrage to the dignity of women‘ more complex than either the radical feminist
(Barry 1991 quoted in Van der Gaag 1994, or the liberal ‘sex work‘ model suggest.
p. 6). Other academics and feminists, especi-
ally those involved in campaigns around
prostitution, find the radical feminist analysis The self-employed prostitute’s
over-simplistic. They point out that prosti- business
tution is not a unitary phenomenon - the
term encompasses an enormously diverse Desiree is an extremely independent and able
range of activities performed under very dif- businesswoman who reaps substantial finan-
ferent terms and conditions - and argue that cial rewards from self-employed prostitution,
a firm distinction must be made between ’free regularly turning over between €1,000 and
choice’ prostitution by adults and all forms of €2,000 per week. After only four years in the
forced, unfree and child prostitution (see business full time, she has saved around
Brussa 1991; Delacoste and Alexander 1988; €30,000 in cash. She also now owns two
Mr A. de Graaf Foundation 1994).Liberals in properties, a BMW and another small
this ‘sex work’ camp view ’free choice’ business. Obviously, just as self-employment
prostitution as a form of work like any other. in general is not a homogeneous phenom-
It is the ’mutually voluntary exchange of enon (Casey and Creigh 1988), neither is self-
sexual services for money or other con- employed prostitution, and Desiree is hardly
sideration’ (Coyote 1988, p. 290). Some even likely to be representative of all self-
claim that ’implicit in the demand that employed prostitutes. However, her experi-
women have control over their own bodies is ence may be illuminating both theoretically
that they also have the right to sell their and empirically precisely because it is
sexual services’ and that because of her atvuical. On the one hand, it would be unfair * Address fox
financial and sexual autonomy, the ‘whore is t d ;valuate the claim that prostitutes are
dangerously free’ (Roberts 1992, p. 355). ’dangerously free’ against empirical data on Julia
Department of sociology,
OConnell Davidson,
Freedom, however, ’like love and beauty, more vulnerable and less financially University of Leicester,
is ... better experienced than defined‘ successful sex workers. On the other, an Leicester ~ E ~IR H UK. ,

0 Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995,108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1 JF, UK and
238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. Volume 2 Number 2 January 1995

examination of how Desiree operates usefully monotonous clerical work). It proved so

highlights the key problems that confront lucrative financially that she was able to
the self-employed prostitute as a small sell her flat and buy a house in a residential
business-person, and shows how, if success is area of a Midlands town from which she
measured purely in terms of avoiding prose- has developed what is, effectively, a small
cution and reaping financial rewards, they business selling sexual services.
can be resolved.

The legnl franzework
Although sex workers like Desiree attract a
The legal framework regulating the sale of certain amount of custom by word of mouth,
sexual services differs from that which they need to advertise their business in order
governs the sale of other personal services to attract custom. However, laws on soliciting
such as hair-dressing, chiropody or coun- make marketing sexual services more diffi-
selling. In Britain, ’contracting to provide sex cult than marketing other personal services.
for money is not in itself unlawful. The law is Again, money and/or credit helps the self-
invoked only to criminalize concomitant employed sex worker to negotiate these legal
activity’ (Kennedy 1993, p. 145). It is against restrictions. Installing a telephone is abso-
the law for a ’common prostitute’ to loiter or lutely vital, and it is then best to advertise the
solicit in the street, it is illegal to solicit telephone number under ‘Massage’ in the
custom by advertisement, it is against the law classified section of newspapers and in
to run a ’house of ill-repute’ or to organize ‘contact magazines’ which can be purchased
the work of prostitutes and it is illegal to in sex shops. A cheaper alternative is to leave
financially or materially benefit from ’im- cards in phone boxes, but British Telecom (a
moral earnings’. company whose righteous zeal is curiously
For an individual to work as a self- absent when it comes to making profit from
employed prostitute and simultaneously 0898 sex lines such as ‘Bent over Sir’s Desk
avoid falling foul of the law therefore requires and ‘Black Girl wants to be used for a quickie
some capital and a good deal of ingenuity. then hang up on her’) has recently taken to
Without any capital, an independent sex sending letters to prostitutes threatening to
worker will either have to engage in street block their incoming calls if they do not
prostitution (and nearly 9,000 women were remove their cards (Furedi 1992; Kennedy
convicted for loitering or soliciting in 1988, 1993).
see Lopez Jones, 1990, p. 659) or work from Since sex workers are prevented by law
rented premises and hope that the landlord, from stating the nature or price of the ser-
who could be prosecuted for living off vices they offer, advertising this form of
immoral earnings, does not find out. A sex prostitution does not and cannot centre on ex-
worker attempting to work from a premises tending ’product’ awareness, but rests funda-
privately owned by a friend or spouse would mentally on attracting the custom of men
be exposing them to the same risk. The law with existing knowledge (if not experience) of
thus serves to reinforce the vulnerability of the service. To ensure a steady flow of
the already disadvantaged sex worker. It is custom, it is also essential to advertise daily
those who are not owner-occupiers that are Though the cost of this type of marketing
most likely to end up in court, where prosti- cannot be described as high, it is not insignifi-
tutes were fined some €500,000 in 1990 cant. Money has to be put up front for the
(Furedi 1992).More disturbing still, in Britain advertising, and also, because of its efficacy in
as in the USA, the police and courts often take terms of attracting interest, advertising in a
possession of condoms as evidence that a national tabloid makes it almost essential to
woman is loitering for prostitution (Furedi hire the services of a receptionist to deal with
1992; Lockett 1988), so that those who are the phone calls it generates-upwards of
forced to work from the streets are actually at seventy a day in Desiree’s case. Desiree
greater risk of prosecution when they practice spends around €100 per week on advertising,
safer sex. The owner-occupier prostitute has and it costs her a further €150 to pay her
no such disincentive to protect herself. receptionists.
When Desiree first started working as a
prostitute, she did so from a flat which she
herself owned. In fact, it was because she was Translating enquiries into business
experiencing problems meeting her mortgage
repayments that she decided to use prosti-
tution as a means of topping up her income A large proportion of the responses to
from her regular employment (extremely advertisements for sexual services are simply

Volume 2 Number 1 January 1995 0Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995


‘wank calls’. There are vast numbers of men reapply her make-up, but she must keep
for whom the act of making a fictitious herself psychically prepared for work and
appointment with a prostitute serves the cannot settle to anything else, as a punter
function of a masturbatory fantasy. This is a might knock on the door at any moment.
problem for both heterosexual and homo- The fact that around 90% of men break the
sexual sex workers (see West 1992, p. 229). appointments they make further contributes
Desiree estimates that of the enquires she to this inability to control or reliably predict
receives, less than 10% actually translate into demand. If a man phones and asks for a
custom. This is not just because so many 4 o’clock appointment, Desiree can hardly
phone calls are solely for masturbatory refuse on the grounds that someone else has
purposes, but also because many men make already booked in for that time since it is
numerous preparatory calls. Perhaps arrang- highly likely that neither will arrive. Desiree
ing to visit a prostitute is a source of anxiety, will therefore make appointments with any
perhaps the preparation is itself a source of number of men for the same time, on the
sexual pleasure to Desiree’s clients just as basis that the chances of them arriving
much as it is to those men who make use of simultaneously are low, and this holds true as
street prostitutes (see Hoigard and Finstad a general rule. However, sometimes two or
1992), but either way, there are many men three men (more on occasion) do turn up
who phone to enquire several times and book during the same hour, and Desiree does not
two or three ‘definite’ appointments before want to lose their custom. Again, this
actually arriving on the door step. The fact underlines the importance of employing a
that so many appointments are broken makes receptionist. If Desiree is busy with a client,
it extremely difficult to control and manage the receptionist can answer the door and
the throughput of customers, and this prob- invite the next customer in. She then tries to
lem is considered in the following section. keep him there until Desiree is ready to deal
Dealing with telephone enquiries is also with him by reassuring him that he will not
complicated by legal constraints on prosti- have to wait long, offering him coffee and
tution. It is illegal to openly state the nature of asking whether he would like to watch a
the services that are on offer on the phone - video while he waits.
any mention of their sexual nature could be Another approach to the problem of
construed as solicitation. The prostitute or controlling and predicting demand is to try to
receptionist thus treads a difficult line build up a regular clientele. ’Regulars’
between attracting custom and attracting generally do keep the appointments they
unwanted legal attention. The way in which make and they provide a more steady and
an enquiry is dealt with on the phone is reliable stream of income. Desiree therefore
probably the most critical factor affecting goes to some lengths to keep a regular’s
whether or not a genuinely interested caller custom, investing in new outfits or equip-
ever actually arrives at the front door. But ment and planning novel activities to sustain
even after a man has entered the building, their interest and loyalty. Her ideal would be
certain conditions need to be met in order to to service a small number of high paying
ensure that a business transaction takes place. regulars each day, since this would obviate
He may simply leave if he does not care for the problems of managing throughput which
the look of the premises or of the prostitute, have just been outlined. This ambition is
or if he is kept waiting too long. This, probably unrealistic, but Desiree does man-
combined with the problems of controlling age to achieve some degree of control over
the throughput of customers, presents the the nature and volume of demand through
prostitute with some very real organizational her pricing system, skills and specialisms.

Managing throughput Pricing system and specialisms

One of the most difficult aspects of the Because Desiree wishes to run her business
prostitute’s business is that the flow of legally, she cannot expand her income by
custom (and therefore of cash) is so erratic. employing other sex workers. It is not
Desiree has days when only one or two men feasible, therefore, to pursue a low-price
turn up and others when clients seemingly high-volume strategy. There are physical
arrive in droves. A great deal of her time is limits to the volume of demand she can hope
spent sitting or pacing around in a state of to accommodate by herself (though these are
restless boredom. She can chat to the more elastic than it might be assumed -
receptionist, drink cups of coffee, endlessly domination clients are sometimes left tied up

0 Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995 Volume 2 Number 1 Ianuary 1995


whilst Desiree serLrices another client in stipulate that female victims are not pros-
another room), and since it is her own sexual titutes.‘
labour rather than an employee’s which is Hoigard and Finstad (1992, p. 64) elaborate
being exploited, she has an interest in on the contention that prostitutes employ
supplying as little of it as possible for as much defence mechanisms which are designed to
money as possible. Her pricing policy create ‘a clearly defined split between the
represents a method of controlling both the “private” and the ”public” self’. They outline
volume and nature of demand. Where local the defence strategies used by street-working
street prostitutes charge between f20 and €25 prostitutes and conclude that all serve the
for penetrative sex, and men using women same basic purpose ’non-participation, main-
employed by massage parlours will pay tenance of distance, protection against the
about f35 for the same service, Desiree’s rate invasion of the self’ (1992, p. 74). Desiree’s
is f70. Prices for hand, breast and oral ’relief’ coping strategies are likewise directed pri-
are also significantly higher from self- marily towards this end. She keeps her eyes
employed prostitutes like Desiree. closed during penetrative sex, keeps towels,
It seems likely that the market for hetero- sheets and everything used by clients
sexual sexual services, like that for homo- separate from her own personal belongings,
sexual prostitution (see West 1992) is and does a certain amount of ritualistic house
segmented, with street workers catering cleaning. She has recently begun to advertise
primarily to men who want cheap ’quickies’ more specifically as a dominatrix. This can
(perhaps also the excitement of doing some- be seen as a defence strategy as well as a
thing dangerous and seamy), and women like business move, since, when domination
Desiree catering to men who are better off clients touch her in ways she particularly
and/or more fearful and inexperienced, as dislikes, her role as Mistress allows her to hit
well as to men who have more diverse and them and command them to stop. Desiree
demanding requirements in terms of skill, does have other, less positive methods of
equipment and props. Though the latter coping, neither of which are distinctive to
group is more demanding in terms of psychic prostitutes. Like many people in stressful
energy, such men are willing to pay high jobs, she sometimes uses alcohol and/or
prices (upwards of €80) and often ask for other stimulants and her consciousness of the
services which afford Desiree some personal stigma attaching to her work leads her to
satisfaction (to be beaten or verbally humil- limit her social life. However, prostitution is
iated, for example). Desiree has a range of not the only form of work which has a
specialist equipment and garments, has read negative impact on workers’ social lives.
widely and devoted a great deal of thought to Above all else, Desiree relies upon humour
developing her skills as a dominatrix, and as a means of distancing herself from the
financially, this has proved a worthwhile clients, the work and the stigma. When her
investment. favourite receptionist is there, an almost
continual flow of extremely funny one liners
are exchanged between them, and their
Coping nzedznnisn~s jokes savagely ridicule the clients and the
Prostitution is extraordinarily stressful work. hypocrisy of contemporary social attitudes
As will be seen below, it calls for emotional towards women, sex and prostitution. Desiree
labour of a type and on a scale which is also copes with boredom by playing practical
probably unparalleled in any other job. jokes over the telephone and by devising
Because the flow of work is erratic and comic schemes for money making or enter-
unpredictable, the self-employed prostitute tainment. This defence mechanism is absent
must keep herself in a constant state of from Hoigard and Finstad’s (1992) list,
readiness for tasks that are emotionally perhaps because it is more difficult for street
demanding and intrusive, many of which she workers to make use of such strategies.
personally will find repulsive. Furthermore,
prostitution carries with it a social stigma SO Health and sufety issues
great that a woman who makes her living in
this way is deemed unworthy even of proper In terms of safety, it is probably the case that
protection from murder, let alone rape, a self-employed sex worker like Desiree is at
physical violence or robbery. As Kennedy less risk than a street-working prostitute who
(1993, p. 149) observes: ’So entrenched is the may have to get into the client’s vehicle or
idea that prostitutes have it coming to them provide services in a secluded, outside
that, in order to allay speculations and location, which by definition gives her less
emphasise the seriousness of the risk to real control over the situation. In West’s (1992)
women, the police often feel obliged to study of male prostitutes, rent boys were

Volzrnzr 2 Nuinbrr 1 Imiuary 1995 0Basil Blackwell 1995


more likely to report having suffered assault Power and control within the
than were self-employed masseurs. Esti- prostitute-client exchange
mating the safety risks associated with prosti-
tution is difficult and there are certainly other It would be not only over-simplistic but
women workers who are equally if not more wrong to describe Desiree as powerless in
vulnerable to assault, such as nurses and relation to the individual client. To begin
police officers. One thing that is certain, with, it is important to recognize that Desiree
however, is that prostitutes cannot rely on has far more experience of prostitute-client
the protection of the law or law enforce- encounters than does the average punter.
ment agents to the same extent as women in Many clients are fearful and guilty about
other occupations (see Alexander 1988; visiting a prostitute. The man with very little
Kennedy 1993). Desiree takes a number of experience of buying sexual services is
precautions to protect herself from assault diffident and uncertain when he phones to
and robbery by clients. The presence of a book an appointment, and when he arrives,
receptionist who is aware of the risks and he approaches the house with trepidation,
ready to intervene if necessary is one of them. looking over his shoulder, keeping his head
She tries to prevent theft by making sure that down. He knocks on the front door, unsure
waiting clients are not left alone downstairs, what to expect. As one client put it ‘You don’t
and in the past four years, she has been know the set up, you don’t know who’ll be
affected by nothing more serious than a few behind the door. It might be a con. You might
scuffles and the theft of a couple of videos get robbed or anything’.
and magazines. Providing Desiree is not already with a
In terms of the risk of sexually transmitted client, she unchains and opens the door
disease, Desiree is probably less vulnerable herself, standing half hidden behind the door,
than either street workers or employed sex wearing a low cut shirt, a barely visible lycra
workers, and certainly less vulnerable than skirt, suspenders, stockings and very high
most women who are sexually active non- heeled shoes. As soon as the man steps over
commercially. Her own reading of the the threshold, she shuts the door behind him,
literature on AIDS and on safer sex, as well as beams at him ‘Hi, how are you? Would you
advice sought from the Terrence Higgins like to come up?’ and walks him up the stairs
Trust has led her to take the following to the massage room. The whole house has a
precautions. With clients, she refuses to sterile feel to it. It is decorated entirely in pink
receive anal penetration with or without a and grey, scrupulously clean and neat, like a
condom, she refuses to fellate or to allow fashionable private dentist’s surgery, and
vaginal penetration unless the man wears a nowhere is this more the case than in the
condom, she keeps a cap in permanently, she massage room. This is a small room with a
wears protective gloves to perform anal tiled floor, a trolley that is suggestive of a
stimulation. Again, it should be reiterated medical setting with its stock of oils, creams,
that her relative security is connected to her surgical gloves, tissues and condoms, and a
relatively advantaged financial position. couch of black plastic and tubular steel,
Some clients offer huge sums of money for covered by a paper sheet of the type used by
unprotected sex. She earns enough to make it doctors and dentists. Here, Desiree tells the
easy to turn down such offers and she is not client to take off or loosen his clothes and lie
at risk of being stopped, searched and down, whereupon she gives him a brief and
charged by the police because she takes steps spurious massage. During this, the more
to protect herself. confident or experienced client will generally
Thus far it has been shown that, unlike a tell her the kind of services he is interested in
majority of workers, Desiree has chosen, (often in a somewhat coded form). But with
designed and owns the physical environment the inexperienced client, it is Desiree who has
she works in. She plans and controls all to lead the conversation to discover whether
aspects of her business; where and how to he wants hand relief or penetrative sex and so
advertise, who to employ and what tasks to on. If the client wants penetrative sex, Desiree
assign to them, the pricing system, what leads him from the massage room to another
services are and are not on offer, the hours room which is similarly impersonal in
and days of business. It has also been ambience, but equipped with a double bed. A
observed that Desiree manages to secure sub- range of uniforms and outfits hang in view of
stantial financial rewards from her work. On the client, as do a selection of whips, crops,
top of this, as the following section shows, restraints and chains, so that he can see what
Desiree exercises a great deal of control over is on offer and ask for any ’extras’he happens
the details of transactions with individual to fancy. Many clients rely on Desiree to script
clients. the encounter and she can get nervous and

0 Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995 Volume 2 Number 1 January 2995


inexperienced men in and out of the house in Desiree’s control. One man recently arrived
fifteen minutes flat. But even when dealing asking to be bound and gagged, but no
with punters who regularly visit prostitutes, sooner had Desiree trussed him up than
who are confident and who know exactly another punter arrived, and another, and
what they want, Desiree’s far greater sexual another. Desiree finally left the domination
skill and knowledge allows her to exert client tied up in her bedroom for two hours
control over how much of her sexual labour whilst she consecutively serviced four other
she provides in exchange for a set fee. She men in another room. In another sense, how-
knows, for example, that most clients become ever, domination clients could be said to exer-
extremely aroused by the site of her mastur- cise control by relinquishing it (see Stoller
bating with a vibrator, and they will come to 1991), and they certainly seem to exact more
orgasm during penetrative sex far quicker for their money than do straight clients.
having watched her do so beforehand. She Indeed, it is when we turn to the question of
also spends a great deal of time doing what exactly is being purchased by the client
exercises which strengthen her pelvic floor and thus at what exactly is being commodi-
muscles, so that she can, as she puts it ’milk’ fied by the prostitute, that issues of power
the client. She knows the best position from and control begin to look rather different.
which to bring a man with erectile problems
to orgasm, she knows that many men come
more quickly if they can admire themselves What do clients buy?
in the mirror as they perform their manly
feats. Since radical feminists tend to assume that all
In short, Desiree is highly skilled at getting heterosexual activity is an expression of
clients to come (and therefore to go) very patriarchal domination, they argue that in
speedily. Though the receptionists tell buying the use of woman’s body, men secure
prospective customers over the phone that an opportunity to exercise their patriarchal
the €70 fee for a ’full personal service’ entitles rights of access to women and so to positively
them to an hour of her time, and though affirm their masculine identity. Any sexual
many men fondly imagine themselves to be pleasure they may derive from the encounter
such studs that an hour will not suffice, in is dismissed as irrelevant or secondary to this
practice it is rare for any non-domination end. The demand for masochistic pleasures
client to stay more than half an hour, and that deriving from ‘bondage and discipline’ ob-
includes time spent in the massage room, viously generates problems for feminists
showering and getting dressed. who insist that male sexuality necessarily
Desiree also dictates the limits and terms of involves mastery of a subordinate woman,
the exchange. She will not perform acts that and Pateman attempts to get around this
she believes endanger her own health, she problem by denying that the commercial acts
will not agree to practices which she finds too of a dominatrix can ’appropriately be called
repulsive (like giving enemas), too intimate prostitution’ (Patemen 1988, p. 199). The
(like kissing) or too hostile (like ejaculating in client’s desire for sensual pleasure should not
her face). If, having asked for hand relief, the be dismissed so lightly, and to define prosti-
client decides half way through that he would tution as involving only those activities
also like penetrative sex, Desiree will charge which constitute or are associated with ‘the
him for both. A client who asks for another go sex act’ in order to sustain the argument that
after coming to orgasm very quickly will ’the institution or prostitution ensures that
either be turned down flat (if other punters men can buy ‘the sex act‘ and so exercise their
are waiting) or charged for two ‘full services’. patriarchal right’ (Patemen 1988, p. 199) is so
And while some clients may feel discon- transparently tautological as to be dis-
tented, even grumble, it is important to ingenuous. However, having insisted that
recognize the fact that most clients actually clients are typically paying for some kind of
feel too uncertain and vulnerable to insist or sexual pleasure that results from the
to refuse to pay. They do not know who else prostitute’s physical labour (in whatever
is in the building and are often fearful of form), it is important to recognize that this is
blackmail or embarrassment. not all that they are paying for.
Certainly, Desiree does not see herself as The client also pays to step outside the
powerless in relation to individual clients. complex web of rules, meanings, obligations
She even describes herself as ’exploiting‘ the and conventions which govern non-
weaknesses and ’perversions’ of those clients commercial sexuality. No punter is too old or
who wish to be dominated by her sexually, too ugly, no punter’s penis is too small or too
and almost by definition, there is a level at flaccid. No desire is too ’perverse’, too
which such clients surrender themselves to insulting or too disgusting to be confessed to

Volume 2 Number 2 /anus y 1995 0Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995


a prostitute (although, of course, some re- perform cunnilingus, to wear nipple clamps,
quests are refused). In this sense, clients are to have objects inserted in their anuses, to
often better described as escaping from the have Desiree dressed as a school girl, to call
constraints and contradictions of masculinity her a ’bitch’ or a ‘whore’ as they approach
and/or the social conventions governing climax. Others actually want to simulate a
sexuality than characterized as affirming romantic attachment. They go to elaborate
‘contemporary expressions of masculine lengths to conceal the commercial aspect of
sexuality’ (Pateman 1988, p. 199). the transaction, hide the cash payments, send
Clearly, escape will mean different things valentine cards, bring chocolate and flowers,
to different men. Sex with a prostitute is sex and generally enjoy the pleasures of a
without commitment, but it does not follow ‘romance’ without any real threat of intimacy.
from this that prostitutes simply provide In short, the client feels able to transgress the
’a hole to fuck’, to use Dworkin’s terminol- rules which he believes apply to sexual
ogy. Though some men desire uncommitted relationships (whether they be to give flowers
sexual encounters that are nasty, brutish and or ’respect’, long-term financial or emotional
short, others have very different fantasies. support, or whatever). He is freed from the
The common thread is that Desiree must confines of masculinity, whether that be the
become whatever the client wants her to be - ’burden’ of machismo or the ’burden’ of
variously nothing but a cunt, their own being a protector. He is liberated from the
beloved paramour, the firm Mistress waiting codes and conventions which tyrannize non-
to discipline them, the ’working girl’ who commercial sexual encounters. The client
has never been fucked by a real man before, purchases ’time out’ of those facets of gender
even their lesbian lover. Indeed, the pros- and sexual ideologies which he finds oppres-
titute’s skill and art lies in her ability to sive. Because dull economic compulsion
completely conceal all genuine feelings, drives so many women to prostitution and
beliefs, desires, preferences and personality because so many men have the financial
(in short, her self) and appear as nothing power to buy sexual services, it is possible for
more than a living embodiment of the client’s them to have their cake and eat it. Money
fantasies. As Desiree puts it, ’I’m just a role, a buys a temporary release from the constraints
fantasy for them. I don’t exist for them as a imposed by contemporary myths about male
person’. sexuality (see Segal 1990, pp. 207-17) and an
The client’s money buys him access to a opportunity to indulge in the pleasures of
sort of twilight sexual realm wherein a man transgression.
can have sex with a real, live, flesh and blood As well as paying for the sexual pleasure,
person and yet side-step all the social obli- physical labour and/or the making available
gations that go along with sexual relations of body parts, the client is effectively paying
between real, live people. For some clients, the prostitute to be a person who is not a
this represents freedom from the obligation to person. The prostitute is what Patterson
engage in what they consider to be ’normal’ (1982) might term ’socially dead’ for the
sex. Many of Desiree’s domination and duration of the transaction, that is, a person
transvestite clients tell her that they are without power, natality or honour. Patterson
married (as a large proportion of prostitutes’ holds that the slave is not distinguished by
clients appear to be - see McLeod 1982; the fact that others exercise property rights
Kinnell 1989), but would not dream of telling over him or her (since these are also exercised
their wives or indulging their tastes with over people who are not enslaved -
any ’respectable’ woman. One unmarried husbands, wives and children, for example),
domination client told me: but by the fact s/he cannot exercise claims,
rights and powers over things or other
You couldn’t, on your honeymoon, ask
persons. Likewise, the prostitute cannot be
your wife ‘Do you do S&M?’. She‘d think
distinguished from other sexual partners by
’What am I marrying?’... If I ever meet a
the fact that clients make claims over her or
girl and settle down and marry, I don’t
demands within the sexual encounter (people
think I would want her to be that way. I
do this in non-commercial relationships as
can’t really imagine that. It’s not the sort of
thing you could do with your wife then say well), but only by the fact that she is not
entitled to make claims over or demands of
’Shall we have a cuppa?’. I don’t think it
the client. The prostitute is without natality in
would work.
the sense that her real identity and personal
Clients who pay for ‘straight’ sex often history is invariably concealed from the
want both physical and psychic pleasures client, who has no real interest in it, and she
which they would not permit themselves in is without honour in the sense that the
non-commercial sexual encounters - to degraded status of the ‘whore‘ dissolves

0Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995 Volume 2 Number 1 Joniiary 1995


her entitlement to the protection and respect use her own desire as a criterion for entering
accorded to non-prostitute women. into transactions, volunteering only to engage
What is it that leads the self-employed in acts which bring her pleasure or only to
prostitute to embrace these transitory but entertain those clients she finds attractive. If
serial experiences of social death? No man she did, her income would plummet to next
(client or pimp) exerts direct, personalistic to nothing. She would no longer be making
power over a woman like Desiree. The client, a living from selling her ’sexual services’,
like all individuals in capitalist societies, but merely indulging a personal taste for
’carries his social power, as also his connec- anonymous sexual encounters involving the
tion with society, in his pocket’ (Marx 1973, exchange of cash. To actually make a living
p. 94), and not in his Y fronts.’ But accept- from prostitution, it is necessary to surrender
ing that clients’ power over prostitutes is control over who to have sex with and how
primarily economic, not sexual, does not and when, just as it is necessary to surrender
require us to join ranks with liberals in the control over who directs your labour power
‘sex work’ camp and view prostitution as a and to what ends when you enter employ-
voluntarv, mutual exchange. ment. The prostitute-client exchange is thus
’voluntary’ only in the extremely limited,
abstract and theoretical sense that the capitalist
’Free choice’ prostitution and ’free’ employment relation is a ’voluntary’ one.
wage labour
I n alienating her ‘services’ in exchange for
cash, Desiree renders herself temporarily Mutual or unequal exchange?
unfree in relation to her own body. She can
Is the exchange between prostitute and client
impose limits on which parts of it can be used
an equal one? If emotional labour is taken to
and how, just as certain groups of waged
be ’the management of feeling to create a
workers can set constraints on how and how
publicly observable facial and bodily display’
much of their labour power an employer can
(Hochschild 1983, p. 7), then the intensity
use. But unless Desiree allows clients to
exploit some part of her body as a resource
of the prostitute’s emotional labour is quite
phenomenal. Furthermore, like most self-
for their own ends, whether that be her
employed workers (see Rainbird 1991)
vagina, her hands, her breasts, or whatever,
Desiree works extremely long hours - a
the deal is off. The essence of the deal is that
ten hour day, six days a week - in order
the client obtains certain rights and claims
to earn the kind of money which makes such
over her body. It makes no sense to say that
work tolerable. The social, psychological
she is not contracting out her body, only her
and health costs of such work are immense.
’services’, because these services, like human
The proposition that clients pay enough
labour power, are embedded in and cannot be
to cover the cost of reproducing the emo-
detached from the body (Pateman makes this
tional, psychic and physical inputs that the
point very clearly, 1988, pp. 202-3). The
prostitute parts with, as well as to compen-
‘freedom’ to alienate property in the person
sate for the risk of prosecution and the social
(whether labour power or sexual services) is stigma that goes with the prostitute’s work,
thus only a freedom to surrender certain
seems improbable. Moreover, the prostitute
exchanges across a market something that is
One obvious difference between a self-
not fully or universally commodified in this
employed prostitute like Desiree and a wage
society and hence has no meaningful or
worker is that the self-employed prostitute
measurable exchange-value. Sayer (1991,
does not enter into a relationship with one
pp. 25-6) observes that, for Marx:
employer. She is not dependent upon any
individual client, and does not make her In the process of exchange ... all commod-
living by transferring rights of command over ities are routinely compared and equated to
her person to anyone or any firm in one another: they have in addition to a use
particular. Does the fact that the prostitute value, an exchange value ... The exchange
’hires out’ her ‘services’ to numerous value of all commodities, relative to one
different clients make her more free than the another, are expressed in quantities of a
wage worker who ’hires out’ her ‘labour’ to single equivalent, money. The price-tag on
one employer? The answer is surely no. In a given commodity tells us in what propor-
order to make a living from prostitution, it is tions it can exchange for every other com-
actually imperative that Desiree sees clients modity: how many units of commodity x
not as a series of separate individuals, but as would have to be sold in order to purchase
one unified, collective body. Desiree cannot commodity y or z.

Volirme 2 Nirniber 2 lnniinry 1995 0 Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995


The concept of value presupposes ex- priority. Roberts (1992, p. 357), for example,
change, and sexual services, unlike human observes that ‘no woman can ever be free in a
labour power, are not generally exchanged in society which perpetuates the division of all
this society. In capitalist societies, it is the women into whores and madonnas’. Of
norm to sell labour power and people are not course, it is vital to campaign for prostitutes
dishonoured by temporarily ’contracting out’ to be accorded full civil rights and of course
this form of ‘property’ in their person. But we should campaign to reveal the hypocrisy
sexual acts are not typically viewed as and misogyny behind the whore stigma. But
commodities, and sexuality is not regulated what would de-stigmatization alone mean
by the ideology of the market. Instead, a for prostitutes? To begin with, if it is right to
complex set of pre-capitalist and non-market suggest that the demand for prostitute’s ser-
ideas - including honour, shame, love, vices stems in large part from the contra-
pleasure, loyalty - generally govern people’s dictory and repressive ideologies which
sexual interaction. Prostitutes and clients surround human sexuality, then, paradoxi-
alike are socialized in a world where cally, the prostitute’s livelihood actually
particular meanings are attached to human depends on the maintenance of the very ide-
sexuality (meanings which underpin the ology which degrades her and makes her into
codes and conventions governing sexual a social outcast. Her liminal status as a person
interaction), a world in which it is widely who is not a person is simultaneously the
held that the only legitimate sex is between source of her stigma and her subsistence.
men and women who love each other and But even if the demand for prostitute’s
that ’money can’t buy you love’. In buying services did persist, there are other grounds
access to the ’sexual property’ that a for questioning the idea that prostitution
prostitute has in her person, the client thus would be empowering if only it were de-
draws the prostitute into a marginal social stigmatized. Few people would suggest that
world where ’sexual services’ are assumed to women who work as auxiliary nurses on
have an exchange value and where the geriatric wards are somehow liberated
’normal’ codes and conventions regulating because they are changing the incontinence
the interaction between sexual partners do pads of strangers in return for cash rather
not apply. The working life of the prostitute than performing this task for their own
thus takes place in a space between two relatives out of a sense of duty, and though it
worlds, incompletely dominated by the might be objected that some prostitutes enjoy
ideology of the free market and yet detached their work, the number of women who
from pre-market values and codes. actually derive any great personal satisfaction
The client exchanges money (the universal or fulfilment from spending day after day
medium for the expression of the exchange sticking vibrators up strange men’s bottoms,
values of commodities) for something which feigning orgiastic delight as they sit on limp
is riot universally recognized as a commodity. penises and so on, is probably insignificant.
Unlike other parties to commodity exchange How would the de-stigmatized prostitute’s
in capitalist societies (see Sayer 1991, situation differ from that of women working
pp. 58-9), then, prostitute and client are not in other menial ’caring’jobs?
socially equated as equals through their People only elect to ’hire out’ any kind of
transaction. The client parts with something ’property’ in their person in the absence of
that is alienable, permeated by his will, a any better alternative means of subsisting.
mere commodity. The prostitute parts with The ’freedom’ involved in ‘free choice’
something that is socially constructed as an prostitution could only ever have the same
integral part of her identity, her honour, her abstract and ephemeral character as the wage
position in society. She is not posited and worker’s ‘freedom’. At present, inequalities
confirmed as the client’s equal through the structured along lines of class, gender and
exchange, but stigmatized as his, and ‘racialized’ identities mean that the people for
everyone else’s, social inferior. To a majority whom prostitution becomes a rational
of people, often even the woman herself, the economic ‘choice’are predominantly working-
prostitute, unlike the wage labourer, is class women and within this, disproportion-
genuinely and irrevocably dishonoured ately women of colour.3There is no reason to
through the contracts she enters into with suppose that de-stigmatization would signifi-
clients. Even substantial sums of money will cantly change this pattern, and the idea
not necessarily buy a woman an escape from that women could ever be empowered by
this stigma and its social and psychological entering an industry that is gendered
consequences. and ’racialized’ to the extent that the sex in-
Those in the ’sex work’ camp insist that de- dustry is, therefore seems more than a little
stigmatizing ’the whore’ is an urgent political dubious.

Notes Delacoste, F. and Alexander, P. (eds.) (1988) Sex

Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry.
I . The research has been in progress for over a London: Virago.
vex, and has employed a number of tech- COYOTE. (1988) COYOTE/National Task Force on
niques; interviews and informal conversations Prostitution. In F. Delacoste and P. Alexander
with Desiree, her receptionists and clients, (eds.) Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex
obsenrations of clients arriving, leaving and industry. London: Virago.
waiting at her premises, tape recordings of Dworkin, A. (1987) Intercourse. London: Secker and
Desirec’s sessions with clients, questionnaires Warburg.
on client requirements completed by Desiree Furedi, A. (1992) Who’s Screwing Who? In Nuw
after clients leave, and participant observation Woman, Dec.
as a receptionist. The ethical and methodologi- Hochschild, A. (1983) The Managed Heart. Berkeley:
cal problems and issues posed by the research University of California Press.
are discussed at some length in O’Connell Hoigard, C. and Finstad, L. (1992) Prostitution,
Davidson and Layder (1993). Money arid Love. Cambridge: Polity Press.
2. Of course, his greater economic power is not Jeffreys, S. (1990) Anticlimax. London: The
unconnected to what he has in his Y fronts, but Women’s Press.
tor reasons of political strategy, as well as Kennedy, H. (1993) Eve Was Franied: Women a d
others, i t is important to avoid making an over British Justice. London: Vintage.
simplistic equation between male economic Kinnell, H. (1989) Prosbitutes, Their Clierits and Risks
m d social power and male sexual dominance of HIV. Birmingham: University, Dept. Public
as well as to recognize that male sexuality is not Health Medicine.
‘irredeemably violent, coercive or connected Lockett, G. (1988) Destroying condoms. In F.
with emotions of domination’ (Scgal 1990, Delacoste and P. Alexander (eds.) Sex Work:
p. 216). Writings by Women in the Sex Industry. London:
3. I n the USA, it is estimated that approximately Virago.
4O”b ot street prostitutes are women of colour Lopez Jones, N. (1990) ’Guilty Until I’roven
(Alcxander 1988, p. 197), and in Amsterdam‘s Innocent’, N e w Lou) Joirrnnl, 11 May.
red light district, the Mr A. d e Graaf Institute, a MacKinnon, C. (1984) Comments. In Signs, 10,l.
rescarcti organization which campaigns for the Marx, K. (1973) Grundrisse. Harmondsworth:
decriminalization of prostitution, estimates that Penguin.
over 50”%of prostitutes are of African, Latino Mclntosh, M. (1994) The Feminist Debate on
and South East Asian descent. My own Prostitution. Paper presented to the BSA
preliminary analysis of British contact maga- Annual Conference, University of Central
rines suggest that women of African-Caribbean Lancashire, Preston, 28-31 March.
descent are hugely over-represented in this McLeod, E. (1982) Womeri Working: Prostitution
form o t work, constituting around 18% of Noui. London: Croom Helm.
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References Pateman, C. (1988) The Sexual Contract. Cambridge:
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Volume 2 Niiinber 1 lariuary 1995 0Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995

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