Predicting Wife Death

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Predicting Wife Death

There is a very popular quote that refers to some combinations that indicate death of wife in Prashna Anushtana Panddhati. Prashna Anushtana Paddhati (AD 1550 approx) is a book older than Prasnamarga, and it is based on this very authentic text that Prasnamarga acharya created his own work. Since the quote is from such an authentic text, and since it is very popular, it must have been reflecting truth in numerous cases. Let us look at the quote The above quote lists many major combinations. They are 1) If a malefic aspected by another malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 2)If a weak (debilitated or combusted) malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 3) If a malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, hemmed between other malefics (i.e. other malefics should be th th th present in 6 and 8 ) and if that malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 4) If a malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic is placed in the varga of other malefic planets th and if that malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 5) If a malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic is the lord of the 8 house as well, and if that th malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 6) If a malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic is the depositor of mandi as well, and if that th malefic in 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 7) If a malefic is placed in 7 from lagna, and if that malefic is lord of 5 house as well, and if that malefic in th 7 is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it then the natives wife will die. 8) If Jupiter in 7 is placed in Capricorn, and if that malefic Jupiter is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards th it then the natives wife will die. (For cancer lagna 6 lord Jupiter is a malefic) 9) If Venus in 7 is placed in Scorpio, and if that malefic venus is devoid of any beneficial aspect towards it th then the natives wife will die. (For Taurus lagna 6 lord Venus is a malefic) Similar combination applies for Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces as well. These are all some combinations that indicate definite death or loss of wife. Learn them clearly, also because, similar logic can be applied to all other houses as well.
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