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= ib LIC RD SIVA-PARINAY AH 4 POEM IN THE KASHMIRI LANGUAGE Dod Bt 0 We PULL Ley (RAZDAN) i Ray OMAYA OR,OLOSS TY SANSKRIT ay MAHAMABOPADAHYAYA MUKUNDARAMA SASTRY Sd Pree ron eer Wares Sol OO Se a ba a THE ASIATIC SOCIETY 1, PARK STREET, CALCUTTA-16 ed A POEM IN THE KA! ay KRSNA RAJANAKA (RAZBAN) wir A Om;YA on GLOSS IN SANSKRIT ay MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA MUKUNDAR. EDITED BY SIR GEORGE A. GRIERSON, K. PBA, | Honorary Fellow of the Asiatic Sooiety of Bengal Gérreepondent stranger de l'Institut de France ; Honorary Member: Nagari Pracarint Sabha (Benares),, Amero Oriental. Society, agar i. Finno-Ougrienne, UAssociation Phonétique Tnterna- citte Pinihar and Orissa Research Society, Modern Language Association ; Honorary Fellow * Royat Minish Academy of Soiences, Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Sooiety ; Foreign Associate ‘Member : Soott sique de Paris; Corresponding Member: Kénigliche Genelleohaft. der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. AMA SASTRY B,, Px.D., D.Lrrr., LL-D.. THE ASIATIC SOCIETY 1, PARK STREET, CALCUTTA -16 1989 Work No—, 224 © The Asiatic Society First published in 1914-25 Reprinted in 1989 Published by Dr. Ashin Das Gupta Administrator The Asiatic Society 1, Park Street Calcutta-700016 Printed by M/s. Communik Media Service 50, Ashoke Avenue Calcutta-700047 Price: Rs. 120.00 PREFACE. Wrrs much regret, I record the death of that excellent scholar Mahamahépidhyaya Mukundarima Sastri, which occurred in the year 1921, while this work was passing through the press. His knowledge of the Kashmiri language, ancient and modern, was, I believe, unique. 1 owe much to his teaching and to the help he gave me in the preparation of the chdyd@ printed in the following pages and of the notes which formed the basis of the, Kashmiri dictionary now being published by the Society. In regard to other points I have nothing to add to the ad interim Preliminary Note issied with tho first fasciculus of this work, except to express my regret that in the earlier pages, a great many Kashmict types have broken off in the course of printing. These, so far as I have noted them, are entered in the List of Errata and explain its length. In the later pages, -the printers have overcome this difficulty with some success. The spelling of certain Kashmir! words is doubtful, and till I had worked several times through the text, I did not always sticceed in producing uniformity in this respect. On this ac- count, after the List of Errata, I add a list of preferable spell- ings of certain words which escaped my eyes when correcting the proofs. None of these are of importance, but, in the interests of uniformity, I give them for the benefit of students of the language. I must also offer my thanks to Professor Jules Bloch, who was kind enough to read through the proofs of the earlier fasciculi. The outbreak of the War called him forth to the defence of his country, and prohibited me from troubling him further with my doubts or difficulties; but I cannot refrain from putting on record my gratitude for his valuable help. @. A. GRIERSON. CaMBEBLEY, 28rd June, 1924. PRELIMINARY NOTE 4D INTERIM). Fae With the few exceptions noted below, the Kashmiri portion of this work follows the system of spelling employed by Isvara Kaula in his Kasmira-éabdimrta, and by mein my Essays on Kagmiri Grammar. Attention may be called to the extremely frequent use by the author of the emphatic suffix y, often employed pleonastically metri causa. In the first four chapters this y is regularly represented in the Sanskrit chdyd by the word #va; but from the 5th Chapter on, I have exercised my discretion as editor, in omitting the éva, when the suffix is merely pleonastic. By that time the reader will be ac- customed to its appearance in this otiose character, and will not be tempted to confuse it with other forms. According to the Kaémira-éabdamrta (II, iii, 21; of Essays, p. 92), when this y is added to a word ending in a consonant, d-mdtré is used as a junction vowel. Thus erga kardn*y (karin + y), doing indeed. In tho present work g is often used instead of d-mdtrd, as in kardngy (wertq), This is hardly more than a variation of spelling. We may also note that the author frequently employs present participles ending in -an instead of the an prescribed by the grammars. Thus in verse 418 we have 1% galan instead of gilin avery. With emphatic y, wo have wx wanangy instead of wart wandnty in verse 408, and so on, The conjunctive participle of verbs whose roots contain the letter a, according to the Hesays, takes the form ‘sftq_karith. Here, however, the author generally writes Sf€4 Lar'th. Thus, he writes tfee in v.24, He similarly Preliminary Note. writes the acousative-dative of the second declension with i-matré. Thus -eefre néthangn's, instead of were néthananis, in v. 88, He often, metri causa, changes a final i to %, as in we% garake for wefa garaki (y. 22) and w% karans for wxfa karani (v. 126). In other respects the grammar closely. follows, the system of Iévara Kaula, as explained in my Dssays. The Sanskrit chayé is an extremely literal, word for word, translation, prepared under my supervision by Maha- mehopidhyaya Mukundarima Sastri. In editing it for the press, T have freely relaxed the usual rules of Sandhi Tn this T have not studied consistency, my sole aim being to assist the reader in disentangling the corresponding Kashmiri words from the suffixes with which they are encumbered. As originally propared, the chaya was inter- linear, each Sanskrit word being written under the cor- responding Kishmiri word. Practical considerations of typography have-led me, against the intention of its author, to print it separately on the page facing the corresponding text. I fully admit that, from the point of view of the Sanskrit scholar, in this condition it strongly resembles mirkhayalpana. It is, however, printed solely with the object of assisting students of Kashmirl, and not as a specimen of elegant Sanskrit. G. A. G. frraftwarsfcaarery areCareTaRTaTaa | Wt wa: sae wea afaat u at gmt farted gergawange2: | Megfay wee ane wom ate on watesftorramefatefawst date free War det gutgfegeha? ere geez | aga Wifeam fafeatata wt Per eg: eeret Yl sguarg feaguage: wy a: wewam nao srretermafirgrry az Sra granfsrraracaeatsnty- a ageftaaagufeat: Wasi slo vo fruda to wqo Bro Wo do xo ee enraaretes ant Femafag — daycaite — wearurardarferegfizg (are) vrerarata * io. en wenfirt * sapnawat sretevruficrrrrewtaeredterwn 1 s safe | sift! ata cage dyad faetegfanttfaghage eaer dates wguew’, ore eafegietuqearnat sanrerggaed Warnarat qarganta 1 aie fe “feat inefsamranatetrarradente er adtorafne faa figure faumentor veagarrgen fa ufa- ait 5 argaia genta amtaremna ovda dniaante sqm faauiiaitaafaangiggadien(afes)anet aqgeeay eraerey arpmfh yernfe Seger si frackcen share? wen: warerfedt aarti wewrerenn: qusm: asst aginifawmntectadin- sia quratd @ megracfear, witdareacfamn, aaacanizar = fawa enfea wfeare; tad gal) merit sat Semen soray | sat are urerfan-saenfamrdanenfad-ufece- wfamagedegygag zuratymtz aviegaiga werent waprangeard wat aay; aude uftqar grereufe- afar quadfere are wersdyder earite 11 ate are sere eat usramareatge genfirara:, sere (ARG - areditarenga ras ht - aaite- ( Sage ) -wrerarerarer ( aganneofrats-yagatermreaeraer ) tremaa-natarfa- wre agerar, Travan elt Fare fan erermareyery- fear fugitemeturrnt are oe aeregferareers | aeurarfagene wa hia hea gotiver-Mawaes warfare enafist sngigntstcadusrarate me “metic wide Syraranfe? gfe. ent sofurmawtammegmere gen arrange Raareaaaagargm: gadt fafereea- afgaten garerengagg: afta arfereaat awe: SGI; Ty wud ayaa wate aigirdited Afsareagrandhianntemeencitng | wat reread weadifagengatictrgmmmamerethrewewty- Tragayraagatginerey | are wrddacwuterecefrenit- afaart | wifafagimmiageet ufweratfretzeadtid, arqyeitfe. mureeniefawd, Rerefrar nfs fart: cemnivetid a1 wet frufmadt: eqfemrenergrer aititecueaayange- safer 1 aatsafangt awa: wrest weETUTEAMATarcayhe- wererenfefarme Aas 1 Sovterp sou: “Feed oar wfserdiec” afe— are- afegrgean aredifieunnfafait gaara wert wate wen: Gumitsaggie fates," aa g gatigeanwearg- uktata ggegute fefear a werdishee facdteeig We Tye wr wig wfray samy: arerermefewatage: wwerierente 7. The gods come to Dakea’s sacri Davi goes to it without invitation and asks why Siva is not invited. Dakga gives an insulting reply. She casts herself into the sacrificial fire 8. Praise of Davi under the form of Jwala a 9. Praise of Davi, as one with Siva * 10, Nandin goes to Kailésa and tells Giva that Devi = become Sati. Creation of Virabhadra, ms 11: Virwbhadra arrives at Dakge's sacrifice. Ho slays Daksa, Herouts and slays tho gods present. The gods, in order to pacify Siva, sing his praises 12, Kygna’s hymn,in honour of Siva. The 12th hee te in ‘Hindi, and ia here omitted, (vv. 133-143) ; 13. Brahma’s hymn in honour of Siva 14. Dharmari (Yama’s) hymn in honour!of Siva 18. Indra’s hymn in honour of Siva, The 16th chapter is in Hindi, and ie here omitted (vv. 172-177) oe 16. Varuna’s hymn in honouriof Siva 17, Citragupta’s hymn in honour of Siva. The 17th nates is in Hindi, and is here omitted (vv. 183-186) 18. The Gandbarvas’ bymn in honour of Siva “19, The Sun-god’s hymn in honour of Siva : 20, ‘The Moon-god’s hymn‘in honour of Siva. The 30th chapter ‘isin Hindi, and ie here omitted (vv. 216-228) ‘The joint hymn of Lakgmi and Sarasvati in honour of Siva . Hymn of the planet Mars in, honour of Siva Hymn of the planet Mercury in honour of Siva Page 12 16 24, 25. 27. 28. 29. 32, 33. 34. 35 36, 37. CONTENTS Page Hymn of the planet Jupiter in honour of Siva... we Hymn of the planet Venus in honour of Siva... + 88 Hymn of the planet Saturn in honour of Siva, The 26th chapter is in Hindi, and és here omitted (vv. 255-265) =a 00: N@rada’s hymn in honour of Siva oS tia Ae Hymn sung jointly by all the gods in honour of Siva. Thé~ 28th chapter is in Hindi, and is here omitted (vv. 288-299)... 98 Siva acknowledges the preceding hymn, He is pacified, and expresses himsolf-as pleased with their devotion (Bhakit). Ho cares not for eating or drinking and has no pleasure in sacrifices. He longs for Bhakti and for nothing else. Chapter 29 és in Hindt, and ie here omitted (vv. 300-804) 98 ‘The author’s praise of Siva. Account of the gods’ intercession ~ on behalf of Dakga. a Bi + 98 Daksa is brought to life. His head having been reduced to ashes, he is given a goat’shead = + 102 Dakga’s hymn describing how he has become freed from worldly desires = = ++ 106 Another hymn of Daksa on the same subject ++ 108 Dakga’s solf-abasement e és ls Daksa sings a hymn in praise of Siva, and asks pardon. Thi is granted. is Fe rt a6. Another hymn of Daksa. z = M8 Having finished his praises of Siva, Daksa agaif commences his sacrifice. Having pacified Siva the gods obtain permis sion to depart, and repair to their respective abodes... 128° ‘The sacrifice being completed, Narada commences a triumph- song in praise of Siva asthe latter departs for Kailésa ,. 132. N@rada’s triumph-song. The 39th chapter is in Hindi, and is here omitted (vv, 897-407) He be 1st 40, Another triumph-song of Narada. He prophesies the mar: riage with Parvat « ie " +. 184 41. Epilogue of the author in praise of Siva, as an introduction to the second part = : = -- 138 PART I, 1. Birth of Parvati, Hor youth and upbringing. Her desire for Siva as her husband, She wanders in the forest calling for him “a a = 5 = M4 2. Parvati has memories of her former birth as Sati, and utters praises of Siva .. $y a0 + + 146 3, Remembering Siva's comely appearance and his lovable dis position, Parvati laments her absence from him. and addresses him in prayer. The 3rd chapter iain Hindi, and is here omitted (vv. 468-465) . 152 4. Continuation of the foregoing. She claims identity with Siva.. 152 5. . Description of Parvati in the forest. ‘The beanty of the forest blessed by her presence. She enters a lake and, standing in the water, invokes Siva 160 { i a OONTENTS, Page 6. PGrvati sings. hymn of praise to Siva, alluding to each day of the luner fortnight é ak + 164 7. Siva disguises himself as an ascetic, and comes to Parvati to test her. Hb urges her to worship Rama, not Siva es 170! 8. Continuation of the foregoing. Siva, in his character of an ascetic, advises Parvati to devote herself to Rima, Lakemi, and‘Krena. ‘The 8th chapter is in Hindi, and is here omitted (vv. 545-552). ys i 4 oe 174 9. Parvati's reply. She tells the disguised ascetic to go to the Dandaka forest, where he wil) find that Siva aione is to be worshipped... - S a # 10. P&rvati continues her advice to the ascetic to go to the Dandaka forest. He will thero find that Siva is all in all, that he alone exists, that he is Brahma, Bhagavat, all the gods, and all creation, and that there is no duality. The 10th chapter is in Hindi, and is here omitted (vv, 560-570)... 176 11, Siva’s reply.’ He praises Parvati’s beauty, and argues that 80 lovely a person aa she, should not undertake such ascetic practices ‘4 se a a a 12, Coptinnation of the foregoing. He advises her to go home. iva isnot ahouseholder. He is not eetfna- waa a ge Be FTE | qeq faaara-dg ae fatn Ea nee sf ae seq atte ae EI qutae fag 3 are qatar | a at wel & Ufay FE ATE AT I TET FF EE TY iigd-qaq | i al fat vem ga eae eee —800] WeASAAAT | RE" 233 @ta nate atiwat ode: Ge afer: | ata (aemr@) aree-gatweu wer wae gaa: woe ag sagfet d-(ared-)nfa afad-aar eva yarat etut wai afer meata-# framge: eg SU-ate-@ orton: Haier Blears | age yor Aaa afew RTT arew med faa afer aferaen: | afed afer-ae-ar Wausaee aygernaragrg | aa wayd-ga «ita fe afer aveael i ww ger ge yer ates git WITT qd fara aera wie weg docafa-7 wa! adiga saat afe-R wat weifa % atag-are-# tt sea tl mremeret ag erat Tee ATTA | quite afer wreraci me srg areas ygrata: wat ufamia qoaaa aie daeq! wqqt: uemafed aferaer aged fe -are ate i wate Aire wt overs wet | weg wen nen wah wea weg FET regen ya Garey ANTE | a ge ez war ae ea-Efsarard afraTeT ed sugared &: of ayer aedeters | war ahi: weg afer Fema S00 30 234 29, THE WEDDING PROCESSION APPROACHES. [so1— cafe da afr eg af EH! em Sq we gate TY A I dey areg- foram wf Stal ay aH ZTE 5a ga Marat ear Ae aifam audtasig gy Hart atte sag afra fas gra ate Vez 0 qatay fra aa SA firs ate! SRC ey eae qq aT wy AY gry cet \ wa ga de we are quit Wee a wary ay Anaya | a fag caiey Ea au-faara 0 TEA AWA Wey GH Tey FA! 2ay aieg-faay at SY TE A AA EAGT aH BY BE feria Xe wag Saat we ataarta afaq fea qe-wnaray arate | Ey Sy meats deg TaATAT aequlfe ufane_afa-few eutfca 1 aaa aa vara afta eye i qaiay fia aay ay Tar Ty! faa gaula fy ge wercra fira-fra a pinnae 2? 8H) WaATAAAT I RE I 235 anew Ue afven aente ceeuifa af wey ogy utien aqaea ves afer n Ieeae arefiar vtward we Swat areas ord afer en yates ATM: atta sented afer ae wrt | sre arall-eerrore, frien: et: sare: Waa aT-aet ya: wae afer-t Afar weg | ay watta upta-are agar gar gooefa-& saaitaraaria: 0 et aaa-a-8 gfe wer deg Tomine: | aeg afer we Ret aaa BATA coy afawia ofa Qa-aten: verter 1 wa we gaat afer ofateag nu ag fart ae: era reg sueefa-a wa: 1 naviad aefiar wuhreni ay ot faahe wat 0 oa whe: warren afer ater Saya: | wa ware-ta: afer werteredt 0 we ofa qieaanfats (are) wea | wate afer waters wares 1 waa nefiarsia-ae@ aferer ofa: 1 wie: ae egranizfe: nce u WaS-AT-Ae Ya: aUT-aTT- eA gap eae | Faret waid-d agg ate werac: Tifa: 0 236 29. THE WEDDING PROCESSION ArPROAGHES RE Mae WE TAT AG TA Te | sfeq rea fea ai-are 0 wg aq BING TE Meg TE | rea 74 wig fea Sita -Fefe ate watsary wife SPT SF ata we! xfem fade, ene Fe-ATe I cq aa stan ware we Ee ATE GL wag ara a fade 741 EE ataq ue tal sir TEATS WATEUT afea ge) WaT A AE GATE aa FA wefag enay WEGT AL MATZ ! way ea AG FAG Wey Fegy | afte aaTeg, GAITE-ATETE | RE AT AL-TG TE STE ATATE I SY RENE TV SLT Say! wae areTE PATHE TaAATE It qe ATT We STS TEA | qe aang eae wag BEATA SRN aohaq afa I ga cea aa a wae atge req wr 7 waTfta TEq farsa, ea aw Bay! By ated Srs-ega Fe TAY 822) weeaaag tl RE afer (fe) any: a: faqen mega af waare fua-eu ctieey fa feaag 2 awe sing 2 fagan-aiz xm git fraaraay aaa = ssa Sara @ atgg sr | wey Uwe wadee e rey sine & feqaeart ou 882) urdat fare egurrmiate 1 Re 243 srrmeg (9) arg: wate at wale meer ere | wa fare aranfe wer arated are fira-sfa n cee aaa aha mater Fes Wg 8-ea oral t Paqareaed etal Seg arafad-aer earg® feerara ( eid ) ave ate dof ATT ardiwd ot asta eafery ove satfesra: 1 fe we ame weirs afreta wer | wifes (gent) Paea: sag afer ce (arsiaargaaaa ) 0 aude we0: afer ofs- 1 2455 usaiat wreggarat dat: afr gata ages oetfeat: fararer | gata Wigan: yates: ata auaa mgt: ate fryaaerge: aeenaatte wfer srt serra wafaaaa ned weg | wefarata: ge qonrare: aie wate mgr: fe fryarerega: 0 gatearente ag? afer cure sein varia eroey fae ( Fargtw: ) 1 wen yor sowed were: ofr mata wget: af fagarerega: 0 cay 1 Wrarere, atrerenraraty yruat egies | fetenerate: waite fang | t Tag eatery efrecrn ofr wate mgt: ats frysrercge upe-ut wate wea ate arraters (Prizht gq) satroag Pererafingg 0 afeeedt gata adder: ata ' wata mgt: wife fagarerega: 0 wrvte gfe facun getec ofa mata yaroe wytal-arore | 30. eARvar! DESCRIBES SIVA'S VIRTURS. swaw-ag feagy faay z cea dag @ faqarart qeq aaaat imgy & afa-craq ag gia ATH | req Ha ayy BE SLT FEL 2 rsa ting % faqaaat afar, meee aa vara & arity B TEL WAT | wfaaa aTagy afa wae aa? cea tac % faqaaaq see aqg-ny alfea Age WAY 2 sea frm aragy Tse4 TH! esa za-feagy aritet = zea ving & faq ary tl afS-waTt GI TEA SNIY 2 saat wag4 ay are ' oA decregy Frama, quq tat S faqat-ary, esq fauamaray ag-AT > dta-afa Srumy fagg faz | ara-aey AY TTL z esq tag & faqar-ayt 0 —863) adat Sfsrre aqareatafa w Ret geauy (wa) faera farec ofa wake wet afy fayaqerya: 1 quaa Marea: agrat: ata afagians were az 9a | sata erg adera: aie Gare squat sofa auta wee ate feyarerya: aer-ea styat fret mara: ofa ’ witacewte ote wate ada | j afwarg fanaa ee ote gar aie wate mgt afe fayarerga: 1 ego ggraet wear tafrgt aifera af 6 ama famuag caer fagara | wama wagtat eritetre: ata saute wet ata faganarye: 0 t semaat af sata wea aie wrorena: faarreg Sfera we | wa fares faenutta ofa outa gz: ata fryarertge: gata fautiaaa: wea ( gerr) afer 7 (aa) gure faafed atta ag) aeenfa gardien wage: ofa saute wg ata fagerercya: 930. PAnvari DESORIBES SIVA's viaroxs. arag megy Tart wae aa eaRY ATETTE | TaTTA Sieg wea 3 wea vac? Fagaa-are a TBA TATATYE BATAT F satare azarae faa age) Fare atfirr anate-aq & cea sat 2 fagarerg ucey Im rage stay Bq SE AY MA LEQ aA | rea sec} req maz 3 rey sing 3 faqar-are 0 GURU YI TTS TTY TSA TATATY ALT TTT | eer wraiz-74 afzhary F zea vat 2 faqan-art 0 efa-efa aq rea suet % BUY AIATATY wer! wren weg Leggy sifeq & rey sing % Faget are ee i * saggy (eee) cfr meerey ~808) wrddt stfu agarqiafa i g6 4 249 ae area: awTfeaTy: aie afar are frad-aver qreaeere-zfa | aenisenta qara aera af ata wee ofa fayarercyga: aaa qaaudam aya: afz saranat great ga: ageay | sore arm autres ote aut agi: uta fayanarga: cea wna diag Wig: why faaeu: gigeu: amiea: grey: gata matt wate wer ofa aata ates of wate mgt afta fyarerge: 1 geen ae dae sro gata aang afearei-sitag | sume orrecin: afetee ofa auta wet ata fryarerdga: wwe-wne aa ayia araved ( uftwa:) wie ware says eat-wae | areeat mer greed afet ofa aata age: ate fyarerga: n° P YRERORAESETT « 250 31. ENAKA’s ARPEY TO PARVATI. 860 31. MBNAKX sconDS PAnvaTI FOR THUS SPEAKING WELL O¥ THE HORRIBLY BRIDEGROOM. PARVATI JUSTOVIES HERSEDN. NARADA REPORTS THE STATE OF AFFAIRS TO SIVA, cay offs waite faa-eter | oe ag wy ae cater ne eet ARIAT Ae Fay ATATE TAY ANE | aay ofa Fa Faq WoT YATE TENT Oo w Hee GAT FT| TG STATE | WE GE Fag AS ry HEL SET afaea gare za we ae zateTE | wig ida Fag ge sate A sare ay fees GY ATTaTE wa! faa ae wea Sfedfe we ae AN au wag AT ea Gea ea | re ware tee fae aaa aes ae I i aerzggy awany af Gq yK! j sary sevig oats ae ETN ESL : sete fe ga area area | waa ey uvafaas we-aTere aaeqag war fie aTeaTE TH | weet arf oa ge aft aia 0 TOTS, Sq WAT AA FATA GT! ag afa ay qe tf Sef geo —878) Haren: wferave: 1 Re 251 i vet magia gat wnaiafaa afaacfa Rar een eet verte wieder fmesitftier ta: add: ang: gat (qtaiigar) ofeae? awa aor (arat) ucee wrerent wet afue-aar fam wufreria fat ( aeifaeng ) | Weqe-Ae aur (arar) ezie mud Aaafe-fs Gur Wel TET coo 1 aor afe-aa-a-fa aunt ate weaged | Bi ote item wet was myst gx ney grew afoot ayia waged ate aval araty 1 wer (faae) geenta doqt afa auerea 1 safeer ae ufear-agr aferaa afamita aoa (arg afr) 1 ; surge fafaste ofe-a ofefaut afe a agmta nv Sogn gator wet eee yET aa | (arererg) ea fi-me derfa-ai owen: ard mea agaq aertae arered defs w-ea garg! miata Sey ee we wen coy fi weg crete e-wa argrat arery | Mifare: ger atefirae watarren (wag: ) 1 wamad deren: afi ote tat: | stat defa e-er a: eenfa wage wtica afer wera: dra iat | wer fird-ufaerfa wer ag: crear Bera gt (eared: ) 0 32. WKRADA'S REQUEST TO Siva. foug areg-foraa aft gq <7q THI afeq ng cafe an widg ware aim weifnay fam zara ary wa | aay aqae vat wa ww UTA | See ay aq ag aaay Aatadt em afeq oe qd-sa-fafa 7a mam 1 xara stg areretary are fraiey ar | afta ga cimmard fray at afay fea afe ag ara |e FAT | gat af arfa aq safe @ai-esaT 1 sizg of aly afee sirg ae aq ay dzae 4a BE TaaTIE | a? I 32. NERADA PRAISES SIVA, AND ASKS MM TO ABANDON MIS HORRIBLE VORM. esara-tfe 9aTa | waTe By ST aya eee Be BT yy Te izeg fadia-ea-farfa BLA we) aq alfa a agta wre WITT FE WY wMA-aTT THVT GT WY A et qa-aray ma i 87) “arezeq faery 1 RR I ata angfter os yo eee afag sera wa: afer nea: dog: aut ag-za-ag" 1 warfare watt wag afar areas | fafa: gar-8a-ae Qi} feat: aa wat Paueer neon fen on gen adara Saradt wa: 1 ‘Wi Fa gegen sage aeegr i eget ardta awrat: afac stereng-a are Wet weg Tg aay ATT eaem: eT gd Haat arofaad: wie Moreryaat: | Sa wea wifeers wer era aifaat-eroa 1 agen ta ultra Sa ora ate: firdteg 1 @ ofert-wikete wena, fe (ga:) edamame: nae ii arrzefaed fwd afa eet S-aonm-fawia wera: | agqoe: afer aa-afrerag nccy &: afer-@ fgdta: were afre’ fad@a- tl BE AGTATE GE STATA, faarare | BE Fa THT ARG afa we famtare aerasa 9fey 3 alae Ae | Jae aq ae eae WET SEM be aif Sa are BAL AAA ARIAT! xe gt de far qe GY SHAT aq aaa raa-uis 7a aie afefe alfe faafe MVR we aiR | aa erat ee aE aeaH | wg mazadt waz ae FRAG U CRA NAT 44, ateNAKA, SxinItG SIVA IN 4 FORM OF UNRARTULY RRAUTY, PRAISES: HIM. a aq atay ferata | duta-gat ata Ue RE wea Gita FAR AE ACA acel eiang <5 AIATE RRA GUST ATA qata-gat acat —027) Jat aifad Wifa Re (aa) dog: cega wafaaaen 1 qaat aaa doer aaa oT (agerg:) a: (arg) AETAT: aE wagirae usamaurieng | ata we arqul ser efcarfa (g:) Rat aremATTY NH e2en aa creat & aremtega frart (4) 1 afer we ara ae aafamia ( adta ) ea fagerrg anata yadin eye safer gaq! ; srone-aem: grat, wer: ( Farerat: ) sqa-aer: UTRTeTT: qaqn wufad nger fai-are aaa: PVA: Ae TTTAT | <¢ afer-fai wai feign waredt afer ererary qufren wufren garter dnar-er wig! (mareg) oer wi (gatea: ) @epemrtg Forar-# awed ( stfamfeg) 0 wu aga @eeee we oy orefzar-amed | eur Garage raga oe geliger-aateg wean ge tl waacendtacd afrae ger aaa eis nes aa ate: cotiaeayt, @-fencaz | weti-gat gata u exe fico aa fatare ae vers, gitar wiwce erg | qranra ge-aat gaara wer-gat gat-# 1 34, MENAKR PRAISES SIVA, wane sfufaa state rear F974 EE ATE ate atafe wa-are atfay ee idtn-gat acaT wtafc-ara-we wTATA ay ara-atfera arate a7 acard <9 ate THAT aata-gat aTaT aaa A safe oaarata, seq ergy alfag ge qatafca ateg aut, dita gat aTat ne ee tl aia wate WATE antic aay aay WH fra tua fe Beta, feetyy aq! Beara ato wa TUT AGI & wate Hens 9 ELL TH age wary > Gare aq faueg atte © ofa aaa aa | SUTSa. BR By ATA AG | fara say feos Baa Fy AG! = witt Aaa Ee ey ETAT aifigere fq alfer req aq! wee €4 8 > 5a aay 7a * In each line of this song, the passage beginning with the mark ° should be read twice. The verses contain a varying number of lines, and, at the end of each verso, verse 975 is to bé repeated. 978} wareat ir: wrefir ATTY Be H (meager: erregrera: ) & gare auimitgre mau: vafer-@ 1 (aa: ) Aaraga TeretT waa arg! (at sdardtqt: ) Pramerrersts 9g-fera Fefegter dern-qaat-afaerter 0 aytat: n ge aaratfa: acfanae gacfa Maa use @ adver fees fe dt ite faced wear gTeat (sf) ae coe " Qagge aftad: secrete: t! qennfa wenfa arit-nisenta safe faster: ara @-Arnerenfag ge Se crott gat @ weiter ° 1 wore dat frente se! feraqed yer smal oerag (ofa ) are! agreri-dereta_afe ferfi (ama: ) nay AF! @-faie ada efe var gar ga | @ oeurmerde wiuenaret: efa-8 Fxeecte wa: ae! qaenea ate wea ge worTs Ta! So ee o qfatcanraafate argeariagar | Hay sty « eafeeierce Fecrefnara: aramrar fait: | wefan se wan fe 26 282 40, "THR NRIDESMATDS PRAISE SIVA, (73— frie ats ge + ae He AT! aa AAR + Ga ATA TE! e wit ats. gE HA BAA Seteaara fed so W-TA Aq! aerate wafa o Ra AAA AL! aa-AeT ay az aera aa | aren aga» wie EA A! arn vare-da faa sigaa a4 2 wilt aaas > ES ea ETAT alaa a 2a ° ge win Aq! afgars sqa-fan © faa Ata Aq! & wie Haass ga eT eT se wig are alfee + aift seq aq sate Wa 7a o qeafa a4 7a! ava-fira Waa > aq am aa I UTHaaA-ee EE aH Aq | & ame aearss > Ea F4 HF AT I aeeme-eg ¢ GQ WHET Aq | saaaa-ara-fafn ¢ Eq atea aa) @ wit aews « ga eA EA Ag aza-afa-afea aifa ¢ Bla-eqTa Aa | aaa aga ° Wa Hea 74! arent Tre te TTA I Bo I faderat aa) afe we ofan gat! aurat gaarat wife wee are = amu oN gaara ofa-a aa geacenfn ga: aemmeaten nat ( aay) afer aa gain (am) sawed aid ae: quate are! aerarar etaa ata wifi negia wat! aa eepar-@yat gaefa seater (oat) ge | @ mae ot Mare Gara a ute Frfaers are! @-nfaar ata eater gaefe fatiegta a: @ oeherag o 1 eo tl = aq wird Year sa Sosa: | Tea: aes Te @ aaite gar Qaranenmead Fre 8H AeA (afe)» mmasifaaca: wie areata? Ga! @ mins ol afqerarcttar afe arate: ATT gqua-ws-eqat afa qa a! @ adie ° | g-uanfedge Getta wnretats tt eqraher arumt safest erearersiteed aT | 40. rue aRIDESMaTDS PRAISIC SIVA fara fora. qa -Bq oo GT-GaA AA! waa-aay wie + ete fatay 7a! saara otfa-aat> Be AI Aa! @ wiz aeas > Ga wy HTL arama fafa fe ¢ Se ATA AT! a-st-at aa o alfa maa aa! sifa Feat ae fer wad 7a) ZETA TAHT wig, a! Qarat AT > FAA WA Aa | & awitt Aes + BE WL AA ATI Hq ay ag aa 9 HRITT aq water > iz fs = ae! sufeart aty BT? ate, ara a4 | afe wigatae + Fa VIA AT) Bowie Naas. Tae WAN ek qre-waT BA o WEATAT Ta! am dm Cael > sy TTF AL Sera WH GA Ao AZ AAA AG) 4 GA TH MA GA FAT AZ| & wie Hees ¢ Bq UWL AT marae fee ATT 9 MARTA AR | ag We BS o HAGA Az —987) waretifin wet Mae a 2° 285 fora fore ( eft weal) egafa freéerart are angat (swim) water oyfe saree atfauta @1 qqwuracd ere fe roa at | @ srierewe © 1 (wrereenered ) area ay Oe Rarer -er ga: | wise @: ( gfe wert) werfea: ( eerie ) areata arate ga: 1 aa sq: faifen, ita Wert are | yw nen waa-ae aia salen: (wy) ga: | @ gettat ge erat G7 ( frees) aa @ mina on fac: wa eqa soft aienter: aa | REMOTE WAT as WIE s afwant aa wife fee ora e 1 wer ofaeita-efea: ofe strata! are) @ weeny on eee waenafe: afer agtcarat ga: 1 avare ween: faye aaa tiated a) eqfaant aa afer-aa a gig: mgadt ares fad afer-@ avtvag fare afe-& gata a1 & amined on. Q-omurat aa yareaaa): 7: | mre graat-sfen safe giardate: ara 41, “a SONG fit PRAISE OF 'VIGYO- aq cat RH EE TT fame ata ato Baa Fa Aa! @ wit Aeoss ES wT TTA afm ate ° aq ea 42 | fay safa ttael o AG WAT Aa angat Ro BT BA AH AL! @ att Maas + ES HA! freee aifeqs emmreq ag ee 41, A SONG IN PRAISE OF Vigyu. rat wegre WE 14 FA aaacfay, TE WS NS te il amit ay AzitR AR Fa aA, AT ga ae WT! ate, TRIGE A TET SEA aaa fey TINTON nade tl faa wa Sfeate ifs Fea: fat ae Sgt AT ZA! wae afe reed fa S17 aaa fae Tare WIA aga-faay ae afta a9 1 fi wr a sy a ang aa! i 4 é Pfaaguereg arafey ney we rat grat whe gens gas! @-fama Sta ge AAA a: GaP! & cane on afer: aan afwar games (war) .are | au awafe faga wa wenrat ara Sangrar et coe frafe eat a) 2 omaag i 80 mage@anar huge waft 1 st il qrelang-aiererere: rena dog: waiter: (aque ) sagt Targen:” waa: eee awgr-ailfoar afer aeel-erenfiey auaeT ITS SNS HS Ty TST Tt ret agrfed-marer g (a) sre srfer reetiwers (aqueer) saat o ceo anfa aftenfa (qa) wifunia seg falta arta weiar gare ate: Padre: (aq) 1 wadtaatta-arfa (ad ar) gre seta (aguerer ) swafet on sgaere-azarat afar am: Raye: ye (ate) at aw wat! © cova fereeaer sft: wewra I ¢ Rent aacrat cara wafeaat aTetat Sareea aigat ee afer Karey I tReet Fear srt aren | aeateet ufcarstfer Ta: 9 41, & sox ne rmaisEB OF VIRYU. afmfe-afat we gat aaa- fae cruret wa I Bay ge eT Uae FA ga ate ga FE ARATE HA! a7 BS TAY Rare A aa fey TUTE FM ata ay FATA a fra faa ga-wie a4 | faa ata aifa gy Aaa] a4 aaq-fae THT Wy af afa- ag Fe aaay uxt faq fa saat xa aq aft a8 T1947 ft a Ty ana-fey crereeg Wa cee shafee sure aq gatuTy aay are Ste WE: STAT | saq-iae wae ater aaa-foe Tee wa aaa aie ga aq fey AA aq wife afa- ax fey ears! Fagus pl festa aaa fan TST BWA Atfrngreren ara | et aaem-adza afer gfe: dvaait ( agueer ) wUaFATO nN safe-a Gi aren ( waand} ) em-ea (gai) gaat (#21) @: (ag) wafe aita wat gf sifas nesta) sar afe saad: gaara: sceeare: (aqueer) waafero 1 Tetaen-frte: genfie: fregarem-geia ag afaigenget oar aac arg: ( senuafa ) 1 arenas ara ( gue) ad a: adtemarytdarat waar: (ay0eer ) wUafTo nN afer: ae gat gata (tt amaa) gagreat (atganuina) maga aafa gfgara faata:* 4 quae wax mat (afy) afer (ef) year (qaufa) gaat (water) ( wy0em ) awafmo eee Pen: (wasava:) wes (Pecmennaad) ga gatuaa wad mag ufad-se: wa FwATAaTY | aiqe-ufee voy-sar weg (agveTer) auafro 1 fede: sista arfer oer (Sac: ) agu: meered: we Mga ee aye era (|na:) | Qqrenia: (fameteqerar) mar grata (agueer ) aaafee i * apiawrerds aera sty fariegfefeiay za amt cfs Hie 37 1A. sono tw PRAISE OF VIRNU mars Za See Ag BETA grata aT FAT aa! Sigfe-WHY, BAG FAL aaa fay TMTET AZ fag we aaita 4 fae 7A BE aaa aa ata ae x afaa ata! wmaqa ALA A ace AA ana fae TST AAW afar Wraara] WAS AA mg 14 BZ BH FT ara aa! siea wealth afa-afe a7 aaa-fey Tere Wheel aTAq war a FRE aa pafzene? ay ae ami-ata! araieatt 3% 7 arnt fae mae qaa-fay TATE AT u faaa wigs. a fawa aa aa he ara faa are U4! faa az gy we Qe tet gat ana fee Trerey BAM wan afa- ae Waa afa aa at aa FE at ang 1 —1003) situa aati ee a arg: ( feaeertr: ) fader: ad war agarygatare (wer) qeeht( aan jaz: greg, wag fay: 1 fagrentarat (aera) trgfad aver mugfao 1 wa (wae) Tee SYA A va wer vata saat wee mais wes ea sya mofaay fener: (gen) faifeera: q dafeere: aay wate ii aanfeard mifva-ay gataraeaagiiar iman Hoge fagr aene gid mat say) nawa fotean asian waar RuUTRO N Yoo Wy Daa ) Waa waw wa waa aay (aa:) fafronedt afer om: yfeura: (gegen. ‘araategy: ) | (aa) areremit: (Her) qet-senta: ga: (uew) tina: afer farerea: auafae 1 argaig ufay argag a frag raat are Aleem: sea Se arava | ata aet mae wens afer fait ( wagaend ) wea wugfme 0 ita ae att-aatga ( wea geuter ) ag wee wt: warm: ( atafaaaaa: a) a BAT ara" * weasiaifcwata wefatere ar seater ura: 1 41, Bona IN PRAISE OF VIBxU- < agy za Bt xy asFas ana- faq TNE WF |! xq aq WE agefa faa ag Hey TY WAT | aa san aa ag era eo aaa fay TUTE AT | re aft Sat SE STG TF mfaarg we wf Fata! a reg gH FTE ae aaa- fag TraTET WA Loe KT wTa-SZ Ae-araalfa waa ay wa Nat alae AA! ag wate TE FH GE AA TA aaa fae Tae BAN Sqr Sy FAR TE aitfaa aa ay a aqe-atat a1 | fre fae a gmt Oe aay aay fey TaTaAe WA | aden By FAT A aa Um Sgt Faq wT swe HFEF SUL aaa faq TUTE A I moe = 1048) Pfrugureree arate | et tt 293 wutid afagent aie eyreraert weraat (qnecai) mage 1 av gd wens wATeRagta ayaa (ea Thee daferm: ) as aaa nee gel eta wrod | am safeate sat aa oreraatat sary muafee 1 (avin: ) wet (4) ger sg: afer get waaay (yr) Sqn wifegiit eat arafa gengd | wife: (wafgwat) aalet afer @ yet aaa (nat ga) wuafe i doo srarena-grd agreraragat: waa: wer aia snd-ea (a8 aaa wafe) at waarears ore | gfe: afta via ea afer fared ( warfer ) amwart & wuafro 0 war-gamer um ofa aor: Haare: aq (mere) aaa (yet) waiter gfe aradtag | wen aa werat gfe afe: waat wagtaro qafatéd: afe aerrel (aergaiar ga) frepe Baie SET-wa WAT Teer (gad) soe! afeurey om g ag (ei) nae geTTY wuafo + coer ater emrgainat acqemela aa ce wie fateate Tey 42, goNe: OF THE BRIDESMAIDS, ares araatfa farm, centr, en PRA OL TTL! mraa a aatad fae a Be aaa aaa- fae Taree wa! agg Fe af TE ST ST nae fay wa fama afy Te Weare ATE BET YA aaacfay TUTET WEN ton stl . A PRAYER OF THE AUTHOR, UNDER THE FORM OF 4 SONG ‘ov THE BRIDESMAIDS. yaoe we waaae wat afm faa me eee WaT Re Ut atfameng faq faarr cee afm afe faq ufmarag we | vam Rife ora aaats wait afa fan my WAGE wait I aaa afm tf ga I gata mm (wererem ) ae area faarefaraquntfn-attart eerettie: fear: eet afer Wakes oe (am) afer: enfereafar seat ewevarawré wrefeata | (arr) aren-srent: afer wetgfa: crergerthearar: ama wor daar wifrerer wa: | va: ( fer) safer-are sauna amas way ARR I meqsi-ang: aa erga fa-ara wate at aaad-aTa-arg | ar fai site safer safe wet sarraa-are-# facafa: gar-anfirerer -arererat raver wat (7 ) | arenrert-g8 meget wafer srermenf ga: erg reget -aren: ar ena ye ere eet rT: | awe: gpeeearer at (area) wafer guerra-7-Fa wenfa : mnfearery i 5 we seferta oe 61. PRATUR 70 SIVA FOR THR GOLDEN sxowraLt — (1220— SURI WT fey fay oy aeaie waA | EE WY aH Ae Ae CT BEL FTAA aie af aq a waeA TY Ree 7a | z Ne eS feqa ae a May AH A ATT AAW 1 eee ht faqy qactg—ag srry af] @ | fefaa atfta aay we qe-fan om 0 afry areater ee walae Weare fay thet Bay | 63 418 78, ANOTHER BONG OF MENAKK IN PRAISE OF vigyu. [1388 afersfe wey RCT waet aa-agfaa Aq FCF St Padang saa ore a Tears TAT | qa-eite aqua erat ae-agfed aq ata Tt agente aa Rear waet Hera Ss-ATAT_ wnat | qa-ige Gere a7et aa-agfar aq ATT ST pece ll exe gg Maa Te sent SE aTeRe ae | anaes GE Tate ere wamafae Aq ATT Ha ti aitade eee aaat ae faeag aT we | UFR 8 BA AIA anat aa-agfaa Aq TS ate ti wie wfey sare anet afe it faanrana aaa | faa fafaa qaraae_ anat aa-agfead Aq FL eet 1900) ret aA warferqae weAtfer 1 OF 1 arorerarerara we-grean ( da) Farrer suerehad-aet aaTeuMAee WHO dure rercarer sae ss 7a airafer: ( aa )wrererer saprtraa-aa | (aret) Saard: sarge soe ead aa wateumase Alo qoragty wae: daewer sowthyad-aa (aa Weta) aaRtTe sree TT samead-aa | cedteniaase-durzaa sTeehad-aa, Wareumese wto tl isco I eye aufaaiteceer sowrthetd-va facacaa avatar sometd-aa | agaarerarat saat ware sugithad-aa waTeUMase WTO Il Wadardae urate soecthrad-aa rer-aderer fagrg eat write suethad-7a | aearai Farat a acacia saerthrad-aa weatwumRee ETO I airwarerarat ge frevaa sarehrti-wa aearat Shite ara (wwe grr) eaerchradaa | (nfreter) gacfe (Ant aaareatat) argerat eqarat seer wai-a wateumaset auto . aNornen BONG OF MENAKA IN PRAISE or vigyu. [1904— agn Harare ara afa aifee agate aaa | wou-aye maaraaa tet aa-agfaa ag ate TTT I aut: qa-a1caa wet aquifer wag ant sigra we gIeTe aret an-ag faa AR are tet Weeeall strata ofa sag eet ant waraTe aA | matin quarare ere aa-agfad ag a

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