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ASX / Media Release 26 Sep 2013

Solomon Islands High Court Proceedings Updates

Chief Justice refers the matter of who has the legal right to represent landowners to the Chiefs Court. Chiefs Court rules against new Claimants in the Joinder Application and that the Withdrawing Parties have legal right to represent their clan in any matters concerning Kolosori.

Axiom Mining Limited (Axiom) provides the following updates as to the status of the Joinder Application related to the case 258/11 SMM Solomon Limited v Solomon Islands Government, Axiom KB Limited and the registered landowners of Kolosori. As reported in the Quarterly Activities Report dated 30 April 2013, two Solomon Islands nationals (Withdrawing Parties) pursued an application that they filed in November 2011 seeking to be removed as Claimants in the High Court proceedings 258/11 (Proceedings). The application was heard in the High Court of Solomon Islands in June 2013. At this same hearing, three other Solomon Islands nationals applied to be joined as Claimants in the Proceedings (Joinder Application) to effectively replace the Withdrawing Parties and their landowner groups. The Withdrawing Parties opposed the Joinder Application on the basis that they had no standing to represent the landowner groups in this matter. Judgement was handed down on 1 July 2013, allowing the Withdrawing Parties to be removed from the proceedings with the new Claimants in the Joinder Application effectively replacing the Withdrawing Parties. On the issue of the true representatives of the landowner groups in the Proceedings, the judgement suggested that the groups resolve among themselves before either their Chiefs Court or the Local Court. As a consequence of the Withdrawing Partiess application, on 21 September 2013, the Chiefs Court of Isabel Province delivered a judgement in favour of the Withdrawing Parties with the Chiefs Court stating that the Withdrawing Parties have legal standing to represent their clan in any matters concerning Kolosori. Axioms CEO, Mr Ryan Mount said: Recent events including a number of Claimants withdrawing from the Proceedings, and this Chiefs Court ruling reinforce our position in the High Court proceedings. We maintain that we dealt with the correct landowner representatives. Legal due process is taking its course and we look forward to validating our rights next month at the trial. ENDS

Axiom Mining Limited ARBN 119 698 770 Unit 6, 76 Doggett Street Newstead, Queensland 4006, Australia T: +61 7 3319 4100 | F: +61 7 3252 7577 |

About Axiom Mining Limited Axiom Mining Limited focuses on tapping into the resource potential within the mineral-rich Pacific Rim. Through dedication to forging strong bonds and relationships with the local communities and governments where we operate, Axiom Mining has built a diversified portfolio of exploration tenements in the Asia Pacific region. This includes interest in the Isabel nickel deposits, the Arosi gold-silver project and the Itina gold-copper project in the Solomon Islands. The Company also owns all or majority holdings in Vietnams Quang Tri gold project and highly prospective gold silver and copper tenements in North Queensland, Australia. The Company is listed on the ASX. For more information on Axiom Mining and details on our activities, please refer to our company website at Disclaimer Statements in this document that are forward-looking and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results are based on the Companys current beliefs and assumptions regarding a large number of factors affecting its business. There can be no assurance that (i) the Company has correctly measured or identified all of the factors affecting its business or their extent or likely impact; (ii) the publicly available information with respect to these factors on which the Companys analysis is based is complete or accurate; (iii) the Companys analysis is correct; or (iv) the Companys strategy, which is based in part on th is analysis, will be successful.

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