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1 Student Name: Nisha Wali Instructor: Michele McKelvey Section: DEU St.


University of Connecticut School of Nursing NUR 4292 Senior Capstone Clinical Experience Student Assessment Tool This assessment tool addresses all clinical learning experiences. The student will be assessed on each objective at both mid-semester and end of semester. It is expected that improvement will be noted in all areas from one evaluation period to the next. Objective 1: Applies theoretical and experiential learning, leadership skills, communication skills, and standards of practice n the provision of care. 0-100 Midterm evidence/comments: Mid-Term _____ Final 90

Final evidence/comments: At the beginning of the semester this was an area which I had limited confidence. Since being on the DEU and having an exclusively preceptor based experience I have honed my communication, applied knowledge from both the clinical setting and academic setting to my practice. I have learned leadership roles well and learned how to delegate nursing tasks accordingly. Objective 2: Bases nursing decisions and actions with assigned client(s) on evidence, research, ethical knowing, and esthetic knowledge. 0-100 1. Collects Data on the client and family: Uses multiple sources. 2. Determines appropriate nursing diagnoses: 3. Identifies priority nursing diagnoses: 4. Establishes patient focused goals: (Short and long term) 5. Plans individualized interventions: 6. Identifies scientific rationale for Nursing interventions: 7. Intervenes safely & appropriately: Mid-Term _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Final ___90__ _90____ __90___ __90___ __85___ __90___ __95___

2 8. Evaluates Patient Goals: 9. Re-works Plan of Care to meet Patient goals: Midterm evidence/comments: _____ _____ __90___ ___85__

Final evidence/comments: The objective area I have significantly improved since mid term evaluations. I have learned to make time for all of the interventions and specialized care that my patients deserve while still completing my nursing tasks a balance that I was not sure I would have been able to accomplish before the end of the semester. I feel I have achieved this objective. Objective 3: Demonstrates PRAXIS: see Professional Behaviors Objective 4: Practices elements of caring (compassion, competence, conscience, confidence, commitment, comportment, culture, and community). 0-100 Midterm evidence/comments: Mid-Term _____ Final __95_

Final evidence/comments: I have grown in knowledge but I have equally grown in perspective as a result of this semester. I have become more conscious of the experiences the patients are having and how my actions are either enhancing or detracting from them. I have tried to re-evaluate often and have become more caring and compassionate a provider because of this new awareness. Objective 5: Demonstrates safe technical skills with an understanding of appropriate scientific rationales in the provision of care. 0-100 Midterm evidence/comments: Final evidence/comments: Becoming more skilled in the task oriented piece of nursing was something wanted to get very comfortable doing this semester. I feel I have achieved this especially because of the confidence I have in passing meds, hanging new IVS and answering questions about the plan of care for family members and patients. Mid-Term _____ Final 90

3 Objective 6: Collaborates with the interdisciplinary health care team to establish a holistic plan of care. 0-100 Midterm evidence/comments: Final evidence/comments: This area of practice was the area I was most nervous about taking on as a student on this unit. As is came not knowing any of the clinicians I feel I have made myself more accessible and learned how to prepare my report to physicians and other members of the care team should they have questions regarding my assessment. This area has also improved my confidence in my nursing judgment and I am learning to rely on it more and more as this confidence builds. Objective 7: Establishes priorities in the provision and delegation of safe care with a small group of clients. 0-100 Mid-Term _____ Final 90 Midterm evidence/comments: Final evidence/comments: Priority I was convinced before the onset of this semester was something that simply could not be done. There were too many factors and each in my mind had equal merit. However in practice whether I do it consciously or not, I prioritize who I am going to see first and who will need more attention based on the admitting diagnosis and according symptoms. This was surprising until my preceptor pointed out that I was doing this unconsciously. Objective 8: Uses information management and computerized technology in the provision of care. 0-100 Midterm evidence/comments: Final evidence/comments Maintaining my patient privacy was key this experience because of the very advances emar system. This system while challenging to learn at first it proved to help me solidify good habits in medicine administration and knowledge of basic medical surgical pharmacology. The system was easy enough to learn and I feel I have been successful with it throughout this semester. Mid-Term _____ Final 95 Mid-Term _____ Final 90

Professional Practicum Behavior: PRAXIS

Students must Pass all Professional Behaviors listed below to progress to the next clinical course or graduate P= Pass = Meets expectation NI = Needs Improvement (ONLY used at Mid- Term) = is inconsistent in meeting Expectation at this time F= Fail= Does not meet expectation IF an F or NI is earned at midterm, the student will receive an official midterm warning through the peoplesoft system. Mid-Term _ Final P: Professionalism Behavior: Communicates professionally with patient, staff, peers, faculty: written, verbal, non-verbal.. ______ ___P_ Advocates for patient family. ______ ____ P __ Presentation: Adheres to uniform/dress policy in all areas.. Conduct: Demonstrates appropriate boundaries for all professional relationships Ready to begin assignment at scheduled time. Communicates absence to appropriate person/faculty. Initiates a plan to address absence..... Maintains composure/professional behavior during challenging interactions with patients, peers, staff, and faculty.. R: Respect Others: Listen to others and works this team to Provide care... Richness: Articulates own values and supports those of patient/family... Diversity: Professionally delivers care with non-judgmental approach for all patients and patients families and displays compassion.. Self: Attends clinical Physically, mentally, and educationally alert and rested ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ___ P ___ __ P ____ ____ P __ ___ P ___ ___ P ___ __ P ___

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5 A: Accountability Actions: Completes all written assignment on time.. Accepts constructive criticism and modifies behavior.. Transmits accurate detailed information for optimal transition of care... X: eXcellence Practice: adheres to agency policies/procedures when providing care Research: uses evidence based data to inform practice.... Teaching: Elicits patient/family understanding to ensure accurate communication of information.. I: Integrity & Inquisitiveness Integrity: Follows through Identifies own limitations and seeks appropriate assistance as needed Admits errors, assumes responsibility for mistakes then implements a plan to prevent repetition of the same mistakes.. Maintains confidentiality of patient, family, and peer information per HIPPA guidelines. Inquisitiveness: Seeks out learning experiences for self peers and staff S: Service Students: Supportive to peers Attentive during group activities. Makes valuable contributions during pre/post Conference meetings Profession: Completes required evaluations Self; Course; Instructor Community: Completes service learning per course requirements

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6 Note: In order to successfully complete this Nursing Practicum course the student must achieve at least a 73 or more on each of the objectives of the assessment instrument and receive a passing grade in ALL of the professional behaviors. Mid-term Assessment: Mid-term Grade ________ Professional Behaviors _____ P ____ ____________________________ Date

_____________________________________ Clinical Instructors Signature Comments:

Final Assessment: Final Grade _90_ _____________________________________ Clinical Instructors Signature

Professional Behaviors ____P_____ ____________________________ Date

____Nisha Wali____________________ Students Signature Comments:

_____4-20-12_______________________ Date

This experience has been a wonderful growth opportunity for myself and I would 100 percent recommend this as a model for future clinical teaching structures. I will never forget my time on 7-2 it has made me into a better and more experienced well rounded nursing professional

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