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January 2007

Dear Resident
I hope you had a very pleasant Christmas and I send you
my best wishes for a healthy, happy and successful new
year in 2007. Whilst saying that, I know that not everyone
in the ward will have been happy during the festive
season, perhaps for unfortunate personal or health
reasons. It can seem bleak and lonely at this time of year
when things aren’t right and I send especially warm
wishes to them.
Your positive response to the first issue of this Independent
Newsletter was much appreciated and I have enjoyed meeting
and talking to many residents of Whitburn and Marsden,
Harry Norman including doing my best to help with problems whenever
Truly Independent possible. It is only by such communication that we get to
know each other.

TIME FOR A CHANGE? • And ONLY if you unite behind one candidate
The next local council elections are rapidly who has a good chance of winning.
approaching and will be held on Thursday, Last May there was a low turnout, the opposition
3rd May, 2007. It will then once again be your vote was split between two candidates and the
opportunity to choose one of the three incumbent Labour councillor was re-elected by
councillors you want to represent you in the a minority of the votes cast. If lethargy and
Council. I am continually told that people are fed disillusionment result in a low poll, you may be
up with some of their inactive and unresponsive sure that we will once again be stuck with the
Labour councillors, so that will be your chance to same regime as we have now.
change one of them. And it can happen: Overleaf, I give some of the reasons why I
• But ONLY if you make it happen by casting believe you should vote for a change, together
your vote. with items of news.
Quite a number of people have expressed Everyone is only too well aware of the relentless
surprise at being contacted and sent newsletters and exorbitant increases in council tax over the
outside of an election period and an even greater last ten years. Just how the low-paid and those
number have commented that it is the first time a on fixed incomes are supposed to cope with this
candidate, or a councillor, has taken the trouble to unjustified burden has never been explained.
knock on their doors to ask their views. If that is Now they say they are holding full consultations
the case, I think it is a shocking indictment of the and apparently expect us to tell them how hard
complacency of a lot of the present councillors. we want to hit ourselves over the head.
They appear at election time, expect to get your Why should there be another rise of any sort?
votes, and then disappear again just as quickly. For the last two years, some of the Independent
councillors have proposed an alternative budget
I suggest you might consider electing someone
which would have enabled a standstill, or even a
who will take a bit more interest in you than that.
reduction in tax with no loss of services, but each
time it has been rejected out of hand.
And don’t forget to watch out for inspectors
You may have heard that South Tyneside Council peering over your back fence to see if you have a
is planning to outsource all its services to the conservatory during the planned council tax
private sector in so-called Strategic Partnerships. revaluation.
There should be a full public debate about this
first, as it is far from a straightforward black and
white matter. There is no doubt that some functions I couldn’t end without mentioning the recent
could be performed by private companies more newsletter distributed by Labour. Well, there’s a
efficiently and at lower cost, qualities for which first for you after all these years. And the
this council has never been renowned. For coincidence that most of the subjects raised
example, the street lighting PFI with Balfour seemed to be those in which I have been active.
Beatty seems to be working well after a shaky I thought the back page was particularly amusing
start. But what about when a social element is when it stated: “Look what the other parties have
present, such as in transport, a subject I’ve raised done for Whitburn and Marsden: Nothing!!!”
before? When the private bus company cancels Considering that the dead hand of this Labour
uneconomic services, what about the elderly and administration has had control here, seemingly
infirm who are left without their regular bus from time immemorial, no-one else has had a
service? There are other considerations as well, chance, have they?!!! Perhaps it really is time for
such as the effect on local employment and a change.
contractors not being directly answerable to
Don’t forget, if you have any comments or if I can
voters. It seems to me highly unlikely that a
help you in any way, please contact me.
wholesale transfer of services would be the best
way forward. And did you know that the council
plans to spend £850,000 of our money on
consultants, just to tell them if they can do it? If you have any comments or questions on
these or any other matter or problem, or
Please let me have your views on this subject. would like me to visit you, please contact me.
And, by the way, don’t expect your existing Dedicated phone/answer phone : 0191 536 5014
councillors to support any opposing views you Post : 35 Laburnum Grove, Cleadon Village, SR6 7RJ
may have. They have to follow the party line. Email :

Printed by CVN Print, Maxwell Street, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 4PU. Published by Harry Norman, 35 Laburnum Grove, Cleadon Village, SR6 7RJ.

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