Allround BypassNew

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Bypass Fraud

Executive Summary >> Interconnect Bypass Detection

More than ever operators are under the pressure to reduce their costs due to the global economical downturn. But cost savings have their barriers otherwise the whole business becomes in danger. Additionally, there is limited growth potential, expensive funding/financial resources and high demand for profit. Therefore, senior management has the highest responsibility to recover each cent in revenue and mobilize all hidden resources: CTOs, CMOs and CFOs must catalyze and lead these efforts both on the retail and wholesale business legs.


The easiest and fastest money comes from reducing the loss of Interconnect Bypass. It is a well-known danger with losses usually underestimated. Telecom industry analysts size the loss for 5-15% of each operator's interconnect termination revenues and, based on our experience, we confirm 6-10%.


Showing the real financial impact of each type of bypass fraud to the entire traffic Identifying the bypassers carrier or subscriber level, MSISDN Supporting and enabling the proper actions by providing all the evidences needed to eliminate the problem We not only indicate, but detect any kind of bypass fraud:

Domestic and international termination,

call selling and so on

SIM-boxing and interconnect carrier bypass Emergency call bypass >> ALL THESE WILL IMMEDIATELY COUNT ON THE PROFIT SIDE
Your infrastructure already serves the whole volume of traffic but you do not get paid for it. Since only the detection and handling of bypass cases are the cost factors, usually 80% of the recovered revenue immediately increases the profit. Good news, isn't it? Your reward? Your ability to answer the strong push to find every cent ever rolled and lost under the table will also improve and all these findings will immediately count on the profit side.

To push the highest profit for your company opt immediately for a Bypass Audit to identify the bypass-type and loss caused in your network. To minimize your initial risk, we offer it for free if the results is under 500 000 USD. If the Audit is successful losses that should and can be recovered are above the limit based on the problem types detected during the audit results, we advise the most effective service level to obtain from Allround.

3.5 M USD additional revenue as an average recovered by Allround in the past 12 months. How much is unaccounted for in your network?

interconnect bypass
What is the phenomenon? It is the illegal manipulation or exploitation of routing to avoid or substantially reduce the legally authorized charges. It occurs when a carrier/subscriber routes expensive calls (such as international calls) to a much cheaper path.

Keeping in mind that you are also under strong cost control Allround offering is available as Interconnect Bypass Audit Interconnect Bypass Detection as service Interconnect Bypass Detection solution as licensed software We offer a Bypass Audit to identify the bypass-type and Regular Off-line Reporting: traffic for selected day is sent to Allround, we analyze and create a report and best practice advises what to do. On-line Continuous Monitoring: if the type of the problem requires continuous monitoring we implement an on-line connection to your system and report immediately if intervention is needed. On-site Managed Service: if the country legislation or the volume of the data does not permit sending it to us, we install the solution on your premises but manage it according to an SLA.

Who is affected? Each operator! Interconnect Bypass is a danger for your business. Stopping it brings immediate benefits by improving your profit within 3 month. Allround will help you in the whole process from detection to elimination. Furthermore, if you rather believe in the traditional model we are standing at your disposal with a license based solution and all the trainings and support to effectively combat interconnect bypass.

>> For further information please call at +36 1 206 6280 or e-mail us to

With presence in 4 continents - North-America, Europe, Middle-East, Africa and more than 20 countries Allround pioneered commercial CDR/xDR processing and is a leader in risk management, roaming and the billing testing area. ALLROUND puts telecom operators in control with its integrated Risk Management Framework providing a real business enabler, comprehensive solution to telecom operators. Allround built its Risk Management Framework 2.0 based on real operator needs incorporating our 13+ year experience, Word Billing Award winning methodologies and innovative products. Supports all mobile and fixed-line access technologies, addresses multiple business areas by utilizing all business process and technical level synergies: Fraud Management, Interconnect Bypass Detection, Revenue Assurance, Churn Prevention, Internal Fraud Detection, Partner Monitoring. ALLROUND is a profitable, private European company headquartered in Hungary. The company is an Associate Member of GSM Association since April 2002.

Allround Global Footprint

The development project of the new CeDaR technological platform was realized with the support of the European Union within the New Hungary Development Plan.

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