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Kin 163 Review Scientific Methods 1.

A hidden variable that may cause an association that the researcher attributes to other variables confounding variable 2. Type of research necessary to establish a cause and effect relationship experimental 3. When neither the subjects or the subjects are in the control group and which subjects are in the treatment group double-blind 4. Term to describe when each subject is in both the control group and the treatment group (serves as his/her own control) crossover study 5. This type of research involves observations and comparisons of the quantities and types of foods eaten by large groups of people and the health status of those groups are known as epidemiological research Ergogenic aids 1. This popular sports supplement has the most ergogenic effect on power/strength activities using the ATP-PCr energy system Creatine (sports: weight lifting, short sprint) 2. This specific ergogenic aid increases blood pH to help improve anaerobic performance sodium bicarbonate (helps raise pH from acidic level back to normal level) 3. Carbohydrate loading is in this class of ergogenic aids nutritional 4. Classes of ergogenic aids: nutritional, mechanical, psychological, pharmacological, physiological 5. This popular ergogenic aid stimulates the central nervous system, increases the secretion of epinephrine, increases heart rate, and increases the release of calcium ions in muscle cell and has been shown to decrease ratings of perceived exertion during exercise caffeine 6. DSHEA law 1994 7. Light weight running shoes are an example of this class of ergogenic aids - mechanical Carbohydrates 1. Number of calories per gram of carbohydrate 4 2. Best way to know if your muscles have increased their glycogen stores from CHO loading monitor for weight gain 3. Found in fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes, this non-digestible CHO helps add bulk to your diet and may help reduce risk of heart disease fiber 4. The 3 disaccharides lactose, sucrose, maltose 5. The 3 monosaccharide fructose, glucose, galactose 6. Glucose is the most important to our body

Nutrition for health 1. The macronutrient categories carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water 2. Micronutrient vitamins and minerals 3. This type of nutrient cannot be made in sufficient quantities by the body essential nutrients 4. Foods that contain a high amount of a specific nutrient compared to its caloric content have a high nutrient density 5. 3 major functions of nutrients in the body: provide energy, promote growth and development, regulate metabolism Nutrition labels 1. The ingredients list on a food label are listed in descending order by weight 2. The nutrients listed on the food label that should be limited in your diet total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium 3. 20% or higher of nutrient is high source of nutrient; 5% or below is low, between 5% to 20% is medium 4. This important micronutrient involved in bone formation is found in dairy products, green leafy veggies, and fortified orange juice calcium 2,000 kcal (C) * 60% = 1,200 kcal/4kcal per gram of carb = 300 Body Composition Android Apple-shaped body fat distribution, which is associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases Gynoid Pear-shaped body fat distribution most common in females Bioelectrical impedence a method to assess body fat percentage by measuring the time it takes a current to pass through the body Obese an individual with a BMI above 30 Overweight - An individual with a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 Lean body mass make up of bone, muscle, water, organs and connective tissue Muscle Strength and Endurance Eccentric type of contraction in which the muscle lengthens Isometric type of contraction in which the muscle remains at the same length Plyometrics type of muscle contraction that involves first lengthening the muscle before shortening it Fast-twitch muscle fibers typically white Slow-twitch muscle fibers innervated by small motor neurons Hypertrophy high volume resistance training program that is designed to increase the size of the muscle Neural adaptations strength gains after the first 16 sessions of a resistance program

Size principle muscle fibers are recruited from small to large To be trained, muscle fibers must be recruited and fatigued. Activities should be selected by their fitness benefits and your ability to make a commitment.

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