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SPS Science Form 4

Chapter 6: Nuclear Energy 6.1 Understanding radioactive substances 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 State the substance that is unstable and will decay and emit radioactive radiation. State three types of radioactive radiations. State the type of radioactive radiation that is the nucleus of helium. State the type of radioactive radiation that consists of positively charged particles. State the type of radioactive radiation that consists of high speed electrons which are negatively charged. State the type of radioactive radiation that is neutral and consists of high-power electromagnetic waves. State the type of radioactive radiation that has the highest penetration power. State the type of radioactive radiation that can be blocked by a thick lead. State the type of radioactive radiation that can be blocked by a thin sheet of aluminium. 10 State the type of radioactive radiation that can be blocked by a sheet of paper. 11 State the type of radioactive radiation that can be used to sterilise pests in agriculture. 12 State the type of radioactive substance which emits gamma ray that can be used to kill cancer cells. 13 State the study of ancient artifacts from the past. 14 Name the radioisotope that is used in carbon dating or radiocarbon dating. 15 State the device that can be used to detect radioactive rays.

SPS Science Form 4

6.2 6.3 Understanding the production of nuclear energy and its uses Aware of the need for proper handling of radioactive substances 1 2 3 4 5 State two methods that can be used to produce nuclear energy in nuclear reactors. State the use of nuclear energy. Name the radioactive substance used in the production of nuclear energy in nuclear reactor . State the subatomic particle that is used to bombard a uranium nucleus in nuclear reactor to enable the occurrence of nuclear fission. State the process of collision and combination of two light nuclei to form a heavier and more stable nucleus with the release of a large amount of energy. 6 7 8 9 State the energy change which occurs in the production of electrical energy in nuclear reactors. Apart from nuclear energy, state two types of energies that are also released in nuclear fission. State two effects of being exposed to a certain dose of radioactive radiation over a short period. State two effects of being exposed to a certain dose of radioactive radiation over a longer period. 10 State one device used to indicate the intensity of radioactive radiation exposed to the workers. 11 State a proper way to store radioactive substances. 12 State one misuse of radioactive substances.

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