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Welcome to CFS, the comprehensive cold-formed steel component design software. The endless variety of shapes and sizes of cold-formed steel members, combined with the complex failure modes of this type of construction, results in difficult and time-consuming structural calculations to determine the strength of such members. Background The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has issued numerous editions of the "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members" over the years. The 1986 Edition introduced a significant change to member local buckling strength determination called the "Unified Approach". This approach requires the computation of effective widths of each element of the cross section, based on the slenderness of the element, the stress in the element, and the degree of edge stiffening. The effective section properties are then used to determine the strength. This is often an iterative process due to shifting of the neutral axis and thus changes in stress level. The first version of CFS was written in 1987 to assist the engineer in performing these calculations. From the start, the primary goal was to handle any general shape of uniform material thickness. The internal calculations were developed from mathematically rigorous derivations for arbitrary shapes, including integration through the bend radius segments and across the material thickness. Furthermore, the calculations of torsional properties, which are often crucial in the determination of member strength, use exact integrations for thin-walled sections that incorporate the bend radius segments as well. Just as important was the goal to make the application easy to use. A flexible method of defining cross section shapes was devised that simply requires the length and angle of consecutive connected elements, and the bend radius between each of them. Additionally, the interface was graphical to provide the user with immediate visual confirmation of the inputs as they are given. This Version The CFS application has evolved through changes in appearance, numerous enhancements, and changes to the AISI Specification. The 1996 Edition of the Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members combined Load Factor and Resistance Design (LRFD) and allowable stress design (ASD) into one specification. The 1999 Edition was published as Supplement No. 1 to the 1996 Edition, which further refined the Specification and added some new provisions. Subsequently, AISI worked with Canada (Canada Standards Association) and Mexico (CANACERO) to develop the 2001 Edition of the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. This was further revised in 2004 Supplement with several new provisions, and the incorporation of the Direct Strength Method as an Appendix. Most recently, AISI published the 2007 Edition of the North American Specification. This version of CFS provides calculations from the 2007, 2004, and 2001 Editions, including ASD and LRFD methods (U.S. and Mexico) and the LSD method (Canada). Calculations for the ASD and LRFD methods from the 1999 Edition continue to be available in CFS. Also, the 2002 Edition of the ASCE Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (ASCE-8-02) is used for ASD and LRFD methods with stainless steel materials. Responsibility It is strongly recommended that the user of this software have a good understanding of these specifications. CFS is intended to assist the engineer in performing the necessary structural calculations for cold-formed steel structures, and to increase your productivity. However, it cannot replace responsible engineering practice and judgment.

Great effort has been made to ensure that the computations performed by CFS are correct within the guidelines and assumptions stated in this documentation. The author takes no responsibility for any errors that occur. The interpretation of the output and the application of such data is solely the responsibility of the user.

RSG Software, Inc.

2803 NW Chipman Road Lee's Summit MO, 64081

The CFS application allows you to work with two types of objects: Section and Analysis. A Section is a geometric definition of a cold-formed steel cross sectional shape and its material properties. An Analysis is a configuration of cold-formed steel members, supports, and loads, for a simple beam, continuous beam, or beam-column arrangement. Sections Sections are composed of one or more individual cold-formed steel cross sectional shapes (parts) that together represent a beam or column member. Each part in a section is of uniform thickness with curved bends, and may be an open or closed shape. Parts are made up of elements that each define the flat portion of the shape, the radius at the bend, an optional hole size, and some behavior characteristics. Many useful editing features are available to quickly modify shapes. In addition to ordinary cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete functions, you may also rotate and mirror parts and entire sections, add stiffening ribs to elements of a section, and generate the second half of a symmetrical part. You may also undo and redo the last change you make. A section also has a specific set of material properties associated with it. CFS provides several carbon steel and stainless steel material types to choose from. Additionally, you may define a custom carbon steel or stainless steel material for a section. Analyses An Analysis is composed of members, supports, and loads. It may be used for analyzing simple beams, continuous beams, or beam-columns, with both vertical and horizontal transverse loads, as well as axial loads. Each member has an associated section, and all sections used in an analysis must be open (loaded) when working with the analysis. Member locations are defined independent from support locations. This approach provides a convenient way to define overlaps and multiple supports without numerous member segments and nodes. Supports may be horizontal, vertical, torsional, and rotational about both X and Y axes. Loads are grouped by loading type (dead, live, etc.), and numerous ASD, LRFD, and LSD load combinations may be defined. Transverse loads may be distributed (uniform or trapezoidal) or concentrated. Axial loads are defined by specifying both ends: the point of application and the point of restraint. Computations Several computations are available: Section Properties (full and net), Section Strength (axial, bending, and shear), Member Checks, and Web Crippling Checks. The output from any of these computations may be combined into reports for saving and printing. A finite strip elastic buckling analysis can be performed on any section containing one part. You may also display and print shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for an analysis.

CFS is a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) application. This means that you may have several windows open at the same time. The main CFS window is a container for all the MDI windows. There are three types of windows in the MDI: Section Window, Analysis Window, and Report Window. Additionally there are two windows for defining inputs: Section Inputs and Analysis Inputs. These are `floating' windows that are displayed separate from the main CFS window. They may be moved outside the boundaries of the CFS window, and they may be closed and reopened at any time. There are also temporary `dialog' windows used for entering specific information to complete a task. Some examples are Section Wizard, Insert Ribs, Member Check Parameters, Web Crippling Parameters, and Analysis Wizard. The main CFS window contains a menu of commands at the top. These commands are used to perform specific tasks, and are grouped into the categories: File, Edit, View, Compute, Tools, Window, and Help. Many of the commands on these menus have shortcut keys which are displayed next to the command. Some of the menu commands are available in pop-up menus from the section window, analysis window, and input grids. A toolbar also provides quick access to many of the menu commands. Units Many inputs throughout the application are numerical with an associated unit of measure. Initially, these inputs use the units defined by the application defaults (see Options - Units). These inputs contain a drop-down list showing conversions to other units of the same type. You may select any of the values in the list, thereby changing the default unit for that specific input. You may also type in the value and the unit you want to use. If you start modifying an input and change your mind, you may press the Esc key to revert to the previous value. Tab Pages Several input windows contain multiple pages that are accessed with tabs. By clicking on a tab, you can change the displayed page. You may also use the Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab keys to cycle through the pages. Grid Inputs Many of the inputs for sections and analyses are organized in a tabular form, or grid. Grids behave very similar to spreadsheets. By positioning the cell pointer on the desired location, you may change the entry by just retyping it, or by editing it. An input can be made available to edit by either double-clicking on it or by pressing F2. Rows in a grid may be inserted, deleted, copied, pasted, etc. Several keys may be used for navigation and cell selection in a grid. Arrow keys, Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End all move the cell pointer around the grid. Using these keys while holding the Shift key extends the selection of cells. Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V are used to cut, copy, and paste rows.

Working With Sections

There are three ways to create a Section Window: create a new section with the Section Wizard, open an existing section (sct) file, or open a section from a section library (scl) file. The section window contains a graphic of the cross sectional shape. All the inputs for a section are contained in the Section Inputs window. These inputs are grouped into three categories, each on a separate page in the window. The Section Page contains inputs that apply to the entire section. The Part Page contains inputs that apply to each individual part. The Elements Page contains inputs that define the elements for each part. Many useful editing features are available to quickly modify shapes. In addition to ordinary cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete functions, you may also rotate and mirror parts and entire sections, add stiffening ribs to elements of a section, and generate the second half of a symmetrical part. You may also undo the last change you make. See the Edit menu. A section also has a specific set of material properties associated with it. These properties are defined on the Section Page, and apply to all parts in the section. CFS provides several carbon steel and stainless steel material types to choose from. Additionally, you may define a custom carbon steel or custom stainless steel material for a section. There are several computations that may be performed for a section. These are accessed from the Compute menu. Full and net section properties are computed using the Properties command. The fully braced strength is computed using the Strength command. A member check can be performed using the Member Check command. This check requires some additional inputs defining the member parameters and the internal forces. A web crippling check can be performed using the Web Crippling command. This check also requires some additional inputs defining parameters and loads. And finally, a finite strip elastic buckling analysis can be performed on any section containing one part.

Section Wizard - Screen 1 of 2

This window is displayed by selecting New Section from the File menu. The Section Wizard is used to easily create the geometry for many common shapes. Once you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the section. The first screen of the Section Wizard is used to select the type of section you want to create. After you select the shape, press the Next button to proceed to the next screen (see Screen 2 of 2). If the shape isn't represented, you may define any shape by choosing `Custom', and then pressing the Finished button. This will create a section with no geometry, from which you may start building the shape you need.

Section Wizard - Screen 2 of 2

This window is displayed by selecting New Section from the File menu. The Section Wizard is used to easily create the geometry for many common shapes. After you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the section. The second screen of the Section Wizard is used to define the geometric parameters applicable to the shape you selected (see Screen 1 of 2). All of the dimensional parameters of Section Depth, Flange Width, and Lip Length are measured to the outside intersection points, except for panel sections which dimension to the centerline of the thickness. Some of the inputs do not apply to every shape. Thickness (name) A selection of predefined thicknesses and corresponding default bend radii. If you select a different thickness name, the thickness and default bend radius are updated. The predefined thicknesses may be customized by selecting Options from the Tools menu. The design thickness of the part. If you enter a thickness that matches a predefined thickness, its corresponding default bend radius will be assigned. If it does not match a predefined thickness and the bend radius is less than the new thickness, the bend radius is set equal to the new thickness. The overall vertical dimension of the section. The width of the flange. This is usually the dimension of the horizontal element(s). For angle sections, it is the length of the legs. The length of the lip edge stiffener. The inside bend radius for all bends on the part. If some bends use a different bend radius, you may make these changes after the Section Wizard creates the section. The angle of the web, measured from the horizontal. The angle of the lip, measured from the horizontal. The horizontal distance from the center of one rib to the center of the next rib. This only applies to panel sections. The number of rib spacings in the panel. There is one more rib than the number of spacings.

Thickness (value)

Section Depth Flange Width Lip Length Radius

Web Angle Lip Angle Rib Spacing

Number of Spacings

Section Inputs - Section Page

This window is displayed when you create a new section or open an existing section. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the section itself and will not lose any information about the section. To redisplay this window (when a section is open), select Section Inputs from the View menu, or press F3. This page contains general inputs that apply to the entire section. See also Part Page, Elements Page, and Direct Strength Page. Description Project Revised Text describing the type of section. Text describing the use for the section. The date and time of the last revision to the section, and the name of the user that made the last revision. The user name comes from the Heading page of the Options window. The designation for the type of material of the section. When you select a different material, the yield strength and tensile strength inputs are updated to the defaults for that material. For carbon steels, these may then be changed if necessary. If you have created a custom material it will also be available to select from the list. Additionally, you may view detailed information about the material and customize it specifically for the current section by pressing the button next to the material type.

Material Type

Apply strength increase from cold work of forming: Indicates whether to calculate and apply the strength increase from cold work of forming. Not available for stainless steel materials. Yield Strength, Fy The section material yield strength used for design calculations. For stainless steel materials, this represents the longitudinal compression yield strength and is not editable. The section material longitudinal ultimate tensile strength. For stainless steel materials, this is not editable. St. Venant torsion constant to be used instead of the value calculated by CFS, if the override is greater than the calculated value. This is useful for sections containing multiple parts that are connected such that the section torsion constant is larger than the sum of the individual part torsion constants, which generally happens when separate parts join to form a closed shape. The Section Wizard will compute and assign the appropriate value for applicable sections, however if you subsequently make changes to the inputs, this value will not be automatically updated. Torsional warping constant to be used instead of the value calculated by CFS, if the override is greater than zero. This is useful for sections containing multiple parts that are connected such that the section torsional warping constant is different from the sum of the individual part torsional warping constants. The Section Wizard will compute and assign the appropriate value for applicable sections, however if you subsequently make changes to the inputs, this value will not be automatically updated.

Tensile Strength, Fu J Override

Cw Override

Connector Spacing

For built-up sections of more than one part, this defines the spacing between shear connectors. It is used to adjust the KL/r for column members.

Section Inputs - Part Page

This window is displayed when you create a new section or open an existing section. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the section itself and will not lose any information about the section. To redisplay this window (when a section is open), select Section Inputs from the View menu, or press F3. A section may contain multiple parts that act together as a member. This page contains the inputs for each part of the section, one part at a time. See also Section Page, Elements Page, and Direct Strength Page. Part Name The name associated with the part, useful in built-up sections to identify the different parts more readily. The name may be changed to any name not already used in the section. To view the part inputs for a different part, select its name from the list. There is always one more entry in the list than there are parts currently defined. To add a part, select the last entry in the list and optionally rename it. You may delete a part by deleting its name and pressing Enter. A selection of predefined thicknesses and corresponding default radii. If you select a different thickness name, the thickness and default radius are updated. The predefined thicknesses may be customized by selecting Options from the Tools menu. The design thickness of the part. If you enter a thickness that matches a predefined thickness, its corresponding default radius will be assigned. If it does not match a predefined thickness and the default radius is less than the new thickness, the default radius is set equal to the new thickness. The inside bend radius used for new elements on the part. Changing this input will automatically change existing radii on the current part that were equal to the previous default radius.

Thickness (name)

Thickness (value)

Default Inside Radius

Centerline Dimensions When unchecked, element lengths and hole distances are measured to the outside intersection points. When checked, element lengths and hole distances are measured to the centerline intersection points. Changing this input automatically adjusts the element lengths and hole distances. Centerline dimensions are useful for panels and similar shapes that use the same centerline dimensions for different material thicknesses. Closed Part When unchecked, the part geometry is open, such as a channel or zee. When checked, the part geometry is closed, such as a tube.

Placement of Part from Origin: X The horizontal position of the current part with respect to the section origin. This position may be defined as measured to the left edge, to the right edge, or to the center of gravity of the part. Positive X is to the right of the origin. The vertical position of the current part with respect to the section origin. This position may be defined as measured to the top edge, to the bottom edge, or to the center of gravity of the part. Positive Y is above the origin.

Distance from Center of Gravity:

The horizontal distance from the center of gravity of the current part to the extreme left and right edges of the part. The vertical distance from the center of gravity of the current part to the extreme lower (bottom) and upper (top) edges of the part.

Section Inputs - Elements Page

This window is displayed when you create a new section or open an existing section. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the section itself and will not lose any information about the section. To redisplay this window (when a section is open), select Section Inputs from the View menu, or press F3. Parts are made up of elements, each defining the geometry and behavior of a flat segment of the shape. This page contains the inputs for elements, one part at a time. See also Section Page, Part Page, and Direct Strength Page. Part Name Length The name of the part whose elements are currently displayed in the grid. The distance measured parallel to the element between the outside intersection points, or between the centerline intersection points if using centerline dimensions. To add an element to an open part, enter its length on the blank row after the last element. To add an element to a closed part, modify the length (or angle) of the last element. The length and angle of the added element on a closed part will always be determined by the program to close to the beginning of the first element. The direction of an element from the preceding element. An angle of 0 is horizontal to the right. Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise. The inside radius of the bend between the current element and the preceding element. The radius of the first bend on an open part has no relevance. The radius of the first bend on a closed part is the radius between the last element and the first element. Indicates the type of shear and web crippling behavior of the element. All web types other than 'None' have shear and web crippling strength. 'Cee', 'Zee', 'Hat', and 'Deck' are used for the web elements in those types of sections. 'Double' is used for webs restrained against rotation such as back-to-back Cees. 'Nested' is used for 'Zee' shapes that are overlapped at a support. 'Single' is a generic type for all other elements that should contribute to the shear and web crippling strength. Calculations using the 1999 AISI Specification and 2002 ASCE Specification treat 'Cee', 'Zee', 'Hat', and 'Deck' webs as 'Single' webs. Calculations using the 2001 AISI Specification treat 'Single' webs as 'Cee' webs. k Coefficient The plate buckling coefficient used to determine the effective width of the element under compression. Usually you may leave this as the default value of 0, which indicates the program should determine the appropriate value (see Element Behavior). This is useful for intermediate stiffeners or unusual situations. If you enter a non-zero plate buckling coefficient, it is applied using the compression width of the element and the maximum compressive stress in the element. You may not define a plate buckling coefficient and a hole in the same element. The size of the hole in the plane of the cross section. The default hole size of 0 indicates the element has no hole. The maximum hole size is 80% of the flat width of the element. You may not define a hole and a plate buckling coefficient in the same element. The distance from the beginning of the element to the center of the hole, measured from the outside intersection point, or from the centerline intersection point if using centerline dimensions.




Hole Size


Section Inputs - Direct Strength Page

This window is displayed when you create a new section or open an existing section. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the section itself and will not lose any information about the section. To redisplay this window (when a section is open), select Section Inputs from the View menu, or press F3. Parts are made up of elements, each defining the geometry and behavior of a flat segment of the shape. This page contains the inputs for elements, one part at a time. See also Section Page, Part Page, and Elements Page. Use Direct Strength Check this box to use the Direct Strength Method of calculating section strength according to the AISI Specification. You must compute the elastic buckling behavior and enter the corresponding direct strength parameters in the table. You may use the Elastic Buckling feature from the Compute menu for sections consisting of one part. This tool allows you to select points directly from the buckling plot and transfer the values into the table. Check this box if the section complies with the geometric parameters of prequalified sections as defined in the Direct Strength provisions of the AISI Specification. The strength of prequalified sections is determined using a lower factor of safety or a higher resistance factor. The ratio of the critical elastic local buckling load to the compressive yield load. A value of 0 causes CFS to revert to the Main Specification provisions even if you check the box to Use Direct Strength. The ratio of the critical elastic distortional buckling load to the compressive yield load. A value of 0 causes CFS to revert to the Main Specification provisions even if you check the box to Use Direct Strength. The ratio of the critical elastic local buckling moment to the yield moment. A separate value is required for each direction of bending. A value of 0 causes CFS to revert to the Main Specification provisions even if you check the box to Use Direct Strength. The ratio of the critical elastic distortional buckling load to the yield moment. A separate value is required for each direction of bending. A value of 0 causes CFS to revert to the Main Specification provisions even if you check the box to Use Direct Strength.

Prequalified Section





Custom Material Properties - Carbon Steel Page

This window is displayed when you press the ... button on either the Material page of the Options window, or on the Section page of the Section Inputs window. If you came from the Options window, you are defining the default material for new sections; it does not affect any existing sections. If you came from the Section Inputs window, you are defining the material for the current section only. This page will appear if the original material was a carbon steel. See also Stainless Steel Page. Material Type Modulus of Elasticity, E Minimum Yield Strength Default Yield Strength The designation for the type of material of the section. AISI specifies this value to be 29500 ksi or 203,000 MPa for carbon steel. The minimum value of yield strength for this type of carbon steel. The default value of yield strength when using this type of carbon steel (usually the minimum yield strength).

Minimum Tensile Strength The minimum value of tensile strength for this type of carbon steel. This also is used as a maximum value of yield strength. Maximum Tensile Strength The maximum value of tensile strength for this type of carbon steel. Default Tensile Strength Default Button The default value of tensile strength when using this type of carbon steel (usually the minimum tensile strength). This button sets the material to the current default settings for the new sections (defined in the Options window). This button allows you to customize the material currently being displayed. You may modify the name of the material, but CFS will always place the name inside brackets to identify it as a material not originally provided with CFS. You may also modify any of the numerical inputs, with some limitations imposed by CFS. The customized material will then become your default material for new sections.

Customize Button

Custom Material Properties - Stainless Steel Page

This window is displayed when you press the ... button on either the Material page of the Options window, or on the Section page of the Section Inputs window. If you came from the Options window, you are defining the default material for new sections; it does not affect any existing sections. If you came from the Section Inputs window, you are defining the material for the current section only. This page will appear if the original material was a stainless steel. See also Carbon Steel Page. Material Type Property Directions The designation for the type of material of the section. Stainless steel properties may vary in the different directions. Longitudinal is parallel to the direction the steel was produced in, which CFS assumes to be the direction of the longitudinal axis of a member. Transverse is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, in the plane of the sheet. The initial modulus of elasticity, which is the slope of the stress-strain curve at zero stress. The yield strength of the material as determined by the 0.0001 offset. A coefficient indicating the linearity of the stress-strain curve (refer to the ASCE 2002 Specification, Appendix B). The coefficient for shear is used to determine the plasticity reduction factor for shear (Gs/Go) as computed using the same modified Ramberg-Osgood Equation, except that a 0.003 offset is used instead of 0.002. The tensile strength in the longitudinal direction. This button sets the material to the current default settings for the new sections (defined in the Options window). This button allows you to customize the material currently being displayed. You may modify the name of the material, but CFS will always place the name inside brackets to identify it as a material not originally provided with CFS. You may also modify any of the numerical inputs, with some limitations imposed by CFS. The customized material will then become your default material for new sections.

Modulus, Eo

Yield Strength, Fy Ramberg-Osgood Coefficient, n

Tensile Strength, Fu Default Button

Customize Button

Section Window
The section window displays a graphic of the section. Every open section has a corresponding section window, whether it was created as a new section with the Section Wizard, or opened from a section file or a section library. The graphic contains some markers in addition to the geometry. Each part in the section contains a dot at its center of gravity. The origin of the section is shown as a plus (+). After any computations, the principal axes are shown as perpendicular lines. The long line is the major axis and the short line is the minor axis. The shear center is identified as a plus with a circle. This window normally comes up in Selection Mode. In this mode, you may use the mouse to select parts and elements. Selected elements are shown highlighted in the graphic. You may select any element in the section simply by clicking on it. You may select multiple consecutive elements on a part by clicking on one element and dragging to another element. You may select an entire part by doubleclicking on it. A pop-up menu of edit commands is available by clicking with the right mouse button. In Selection Mode, you may also measure the distance between two points on the section. Hold the Ctrl key and click the first point. CFS will select the nearest endpoint, midpoint, or arc quadrant, and show a point marker in the window. Then hold the control key and click the second point to display distance information for the two points. You may zoom and pan the graphic using either the mouse or the keyboard. To switch to Zoom Mode, click on the small magnifying glass in the lower right corner of the window, or press F6. In Zoom Mode, anywhere you click in the graphic will shift to the center of the window and change magnification. Clicking with the left mouse button zooms in, and clicking with the right mouse button zooms out. You may also pan the graphic using the scroll bars. You may use the following keys to zoom and pan: F6 Home Esc Page Up Page Down Arrow Keys Ctrl-Arrow Keys Toggle between Zoom Mode and Selection Mode Zoom to 100% and center Zoom to 100% and center Zoom in Zoom out Pan Pan in larger increments

Elastic Buckling Parameters

This window is displayed when you select Elastic Buckling from the Compute menu. After you enter the appropriate values and choose the appropriate settings, press the OK button and the Elastic Buckling Results will be displayed when the analysis is complete. The elastic buckling analysis uses the finite strip method to determine the magnitude of the forces at which elastic buckling occurs. These buckling forces are affected by the member length (half wave length) and the stress distribution. The analysis will determine forces corresponding to numerous member lengths, and identify the lengths that correspond to controlling buckling modes. The time to complete the analysis can take from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the complexity of the cross-section, the number of member lengths to calculate, and the speed of the computer. Start Length The smallest member length to consider in the buckling analysis. To capture local buckling, this should generally be less than 1/2 the width of the largest flat element.

End Length

The largest member length to consider in the buckling analysis. Intermediate lengths of 5 to 10 times the size of the section may exhibit distortional buckling. Greater lengths will reveal flexural and/or torsional buckling modes. The size of the length increments to use between the start length and the end length. The choices are: Small - each length is about 1.125 times the previous length (20 increments in a 10x length range). Medium - each length is about 1.25 times the previous length (10 increments in a 10x length range). Large - each length is about 1.6 times the previous length (5 increments in a 10x length range). The vertical and horizontal sider bars are used to define the stress distribution you would like to apply to the cross-section. With both slider bars in the middle, uniform compression is applied. The vertical slider bar controls the moment about the X axis, where the top position produces a positive moment and the bottom position produces a negative moment. The horizontal slider bar controls the moment about the Y axis, where the right position produces a positive moment and the left position produces a negative moment.

Increment Size

Stress Distribution

Elastic Buckling Results

The Elastic Buckling window is displayed when you choose Elastic Buckling from the Compute menu, define the parameters to use in the analysis, and then perform the analysis. The elastic buckling analysis uses the finite strip method to determine the magnitude of the forces at which elastic buckling occurs. This analysis involves dividing the section into several flat strips throughout the flat and curved portions of the section. The number of strips is automatically determined by CFS based on the size of the element and the stress distribution. More strips are used for larger elements with stress gradients. Fewer strips are used for smaller elements with uniform stress.

This screen shows a plot of buckling stress vs. member length. The member length is shown on a horizontal logarithmic scale to provide greater resolution for the short wave-length behavior. The stress magnitude represents the maximum stress in the cross section, which is generally the maximum compressive stress, but may be the maximum tensile stress if bending about a non-symmetric axis. The magnitude of the stress and resulting forces is displayed in the upper right corner corresponding to the position of the X on the plotted profile. You can move the X to other locations on the profile to display the corresponding values by pressing the left and right arrow keys or clicking on the profile. Some specific locations on the profile have mode shapes available for display. You can move the X to the mode shape locations by holding the Ctrl key and pressing the left and right arrow keys. The Mode Shape button will display the mode shape, and subsequently pressing the Stress Plot button will return to the stress vs. length profile as shown above.

This particular example illustrates a distortional buckling mode shape. Since it occurs at a local minima, the load ratio (P/Py) can be automatically be applied to the Direct Strength value for the section by clicking on the Direct Strength button. You just need to select whether its a local or distortional buckling mode and click OK. To fill in additional direct strength values for the section, run the elastic buckling analysis for the other basic stress distributions (positive and negative bending about x and y axes). The Print button will print the elastic buckling results to the default printer. It contains the stress vs. length plot and each controlling mode shape. This printout is formatted for standard 8x11 inch paper in portrait orientation. Other sizes and orientations should work, but may result in less effective use of the paper. To change the default printer, paper size, or orientation, press the Printer button.

Working With Analyses

There are two ways to create an Analysis Window: create a new analysis with the Analysis Wizard or open an existing analysis (anl) file. The analysis window contains a graphic of the members, supports, and loads. Simple beams, continuous beams, beams with laps, and beam-columns are examples of the types of problems that can be analyzed. All the inputs for an analysis are contained in the Analysis Inputs window. These inputs are grouped into five categories, each on a separate page in the window. The General Page contains inputs and information for the analysis. The Members Page contains inputs that define the members in the analysis. The Supports Page contains inputs that define the member supports. The Loadings Page contains inputs that define loads applied to the members, and are grouped into different loadings. The Combinations Page contains inputs that define combinations of loadings to analyze. All geometric locations are input using a one-dimensional global coordinate system. Members, supports, and loads are all defined independently, so that members may span across multiple supports, and loads may span across multiple members. Node numbers and beam elements are assigned internally by CFS and are invisible to the user. The plot of the geometry is always shown with the members in a horizontal orientation, but the analysis is still valid for vertical columns. Each member has an associated section, and all sections used in an analysis must be open (loaded) when working with the analysis. The orientation of the section is as viewed from the left end of the member. Supports may be horizontal (X), vertical (Y), torsional (T), and rotational about both X and Y axes (Rx and Ry). CFS does not consider ends of overlapped sections or inflection points as support locations. If you want to consider these as support points, you must explicitly define them. Loads are grouped by loading type (dead, live, etc.), and numerous ASD and LRFD load combinations may be defined. Transverse loads may be distributed (uniform or trapezoidal) as well as concentrated, and may be in any direction perpendicular to the members. Axial loads are defined by specifying both ends: the point of application and the point of restraint. Once an analysis is defined, computations may be performed for one load combination at a time. The current combination on the Combinations Page of the Analysis Inputs is displayed in the analysis window. You may create shear, moment, and deflection diagrams, and you may also compute member checks and web crippling checks for any location. These are accessed from the Compute menu.

Analysis Wizard - Screen 1 of 4

This window is displayed by selecting New Analysis from the File menu. The Analysis Wizard is used to easily create the geometry and loads for many common beam and column configurations. Once you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the analysis. The first screen of the Analysis Wizard is used to select the type of analysis you want to create. After you select the configuration, press the Next button to proceed to the next screen (see Screen 2 of 4). If the analysis configuration isn't represented, you may define any analysis by choosing `Custom', and then pressing the Finished button. This will create an analysis with no members, supports, or loads, from which you may start building the configuration you need.

Analysis Wizard - Screen 2 of 4

This window is displayed by selecting New Analysis from the File menu. The Analysis Wizard is used to easily create the geometry and loads for many common beam and column configurations. Once you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the analysis. The second screen of the Analysis Wizard is used to define the parameters for members and supports. After you enter the parameters you want, press the Next button to proceed to the next screen (see Screen 3 of 4). Section Span Lengths The name of the section file to use for the members. This drop-down list contains all of the sections currently open in CFS. The length of each span, or distance between vertical supports, separated by commas (or periods if a comma is your decimal separater). You may enter up to 10 spans. The length of cantilever beyond the first and last supports. The length of beam overlap on each side of the supports. Only available for Multi-Span Beam with Laps. Indicates whether the extreme ends of the members are in rotation about both the X and Y axes. If checked, you cannot have a cantilever length. The length of bearing in the longitudinal direction (width of the supports). Indicates whether the bearing flanges are fastened to the supports. This can affect the web crippling strength at the support. Indicates the type of bracing between vertical supports: None, Mid-Point, ThirdPoints, Quarter-Points, or Fully Braced. This will create horizontal (X) and torsional (T) supports at the specified intervals. These brace points will restrain all flanges against twisting and lateral movement. For members having one flange fastened to deck, sheathing, roof system, or other continually connected system, select the flange that is attached: Bottom, Top, Left, or Right. Otherwise, select None. You can have both a braced flange and discrete member bracing at the same time. If there is a braced flange, enter the moment reduction factor as defined in the AISI or ASCE Specification for your situation. For example: R=0.70 for continuous span Z sections R=0.60 for continuous span C sections R=0.70 for simple span C or Z section, depth 6.5" R=0.65 for simple span C or Z section, 6.5" < depth 8.5" R=0.50 for simple span Z section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" R=0.40 for simple span C section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" The rotational stiffness provided to the braced flange by connection to the bracing material (deck, sheathing, etc.). This stiffness is incorporated in the distortional buckling calculations for the flange which is braced (bottom, top, left, or right). The units for this input are moment/radian/unit length (such as k-

Cantilever Length Lap Length

Fixed End Supports Bearing Length Fastened Support

Member Bracing

Braced Flange

Moment Reduction, R

Rot. Stiffness

in/rad/in) which is then reduced to a force (such as k). Refer to the AISI Specification and Commentary for more information on determining what value to use.

Analysis Wizard - Screen 3 of 4

This window is displayed by selecting New Analysis from the File menu. The Analysis Wizard is used to easily create the geometry and loads for many common beam and column configurations. Once you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the analysis. The third screen of the Analysis Wizard is used to define the applied loads. After you enter the parameters you want, press the Next button to proceed to the next screen (see Screen 4 of 4). Tributary Width The width across which pressure loads are carried by the members in the analysis. For beams, this applies to all load types listed below. For columns, this only applies to the wind load. For beam arrangements, indicates whether to include the beam self-weight as an additional dead load. Not applicable to columns. Gravity load due to the weight of construction materials and permanent equipment, stated in force per unit area for beams, and force for columns. Gravity load due to intended use and occupancy, stated in force per unit area for beams, and force for columns. Gravity load due to intended use of product storage on racks, stated in force per unit area for beams, and force for columns. Gravity load due to intended use on roofs, stated in force per unit area for beams, and force for columns. Gravity load due to accumulation of snow, stated in force per unit area for beams, and force for columns. Transverse load due to wind, stated in force per unit area. For beams, this is an uplift force as is commonly applied to roof members. This input applies to beam analyses. A load angle of 90 degrees indicates vertical loads. The dead load, live load, roof live load, and snow load are applied as negative magnitudes, producing a download load. Wind uplift is applied as a positive magnitude, producing an upward load. Load angles other than 90 degrees can be used to simulate members installed at an angle (such as purlins). For example, rather than rotating a section by 30 degrees to reflect its installed angle, you should adjust the load angles by -30 degrees, and therefore enter a 60 degree load angle.

Include beam self-weight

Dead Load

Live Load

Product Load Roof Live Load

Snow Load

Wind Load or Uplift

Load Angle

Analysis Wizard - Screen 4 of 4

This window is displayed by selecting New Analysis from the File menu. The Analysis Wizard is used to easily create the geometry and loads for many common beam and column configurations. Once you finish the Wizard, you have full editing capabilities for the analysis. The fourth screen of the Analysis Wizard is used to select the load combinations to include in the analysis. After selecting the load combinations you want, press the Finished button and the new analysis will be generated. The load combinations list includes several sets of commonly used load combinations, plus a set of custom load combinations if you defined any in the Options window. Under combinations to include, check or uncheck the applicable load combinations to your analysis problem. Each load combination has an associated design method (ASD, LRFD, or LSD). The current application setting for the design specification will determine which specification is actually applied to each combination. For example, if the selected specification is 2001 AISI-US (ASD), but the load combination is LRFD or LSD, then the specification applied to that combination would be 2001 AISI-US (LRFD). Check the box for Use Inflection Point Bracing if you want the analysis to treat inflection points as brace points. This setting will apply to all selected load combinations. So if you want some of them to be changed, you can get more specific on the Combinations page of the Analysis Inputs window.

Analysis Inputs - General Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains general inputs and information for the analysis. See also Members Page, Supports Page, Loadings Page, Combinations Page, and Notes Page. Description Project Revised Text describing the type of analysis. Text describing the use for the analysis. The date and time of the last revision to the analysis inputs, and the name of the user that made the last revision. The user name comes from the Heading page of the Options window.

Analysis Inputs - Members Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains inputs for the members in the analysis. Each row in the grid represents a member in the analysis. See also General Page, Supports Page, Loadings Page, Combinations Page, and Notes Page. Section The name of the section file to use for the member. This drop-down list contains all of the sections currently open in CFS. To add a different section to an analysis, you must first open the section. To add a member, enter its section name in the blank row after the last member. Each member in an analysis may use a different section.

Start Location The global longitudinal position of the left end of the member. Multiple members must be continuous. Members may overlap but you cannot have gaps between members. End Location The global longitudinal position of the right end of the member. This location must be greater than the start location, otherwise they will get swapped.

Braced Flange For members having one flange fastened to deck, sheathing, roof system, or other continually connected system, select the flange that is attached: Bottom, Top, Left, or Right. Otherwise, select None. R If there is a braced flange, enter the moment reduction factor as defined in the AISI or ASCE Specification for your situation. For example: R=0.70 for continuous span Z sections R=0.60 for continuous span C sections R=0.70 for simple span C or Z section, depth 6.5" R=0.65 for simple span C or Z section, 6.5" < depth 8.5" R=0.50 for simple span Z section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" R=0.40 for simple span C section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" The rotational stiffness provided to the braced flange by connection to the bracing material (deck, sheathing, etc.). This stiffness is incorporated in the distortional buckling calculations for the flange which is braced (bottom, top, left, or right). The units for this input are moment/radian/unit length (such as k-in/rad/in) which is then reduced to a force (such as k). Refer to the AISI Specification and Commentary for more information on determining what value to use. The axial load eccentricity in the X and Y direction, measured from the origin of the section. Positive ex is horizontal to the right of the origin and positive ey is vertically above the origin. The combination of the axial load and these eccentricities produces additional bending moment.

Rot. Stiffness

ex, ey

Analysis Inputs - Supports Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains inputs for the supports in the analysis. Each row in the grid represents one support definition. See also General Page, Members Page, Loadings Page, Combinations Page, and Notes Page. Support Type Support types may be horizontal (X), vertical (Y), torsional (T), rotation about X axis (Rx), rotation about Y axis (Ry), or a combination of the above. Rotational supports are only allowed at the left-most or right-most ends of the members. To add a support, enter its type in the blank row after the last support. The global longitudinal position of the support.


Bearing Length The length of bearing in the longitudinal direction (width of the support). Fastened Indicates whether the bearing flange is fastened to the support. This can affect the webcrippling strength at the support. To change between Yes and No, press F2 or a letter key, or double-click. The effective length factor to use in the span between this support and the next support of this type. If X, Y, and T supports are at the same location with different effective length factors, you may define them separately. Note that horizontal (X) supports define Ky for buckling about the Y axis, and vertical (Y) supports define Kx for buckling about the X axis. If the section cantilevers beyond the last support, CFS uses K=2.0 on the cantilevered length, regardless of the factor entered. You may model a continuously supported span by entering a factor of K=0. But you may not apply loads in the direction of a continuous support.

Analysis Inputs - Loadings Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains inputs for the loads in the analysis. Loads may be grouped into different types of loadings (dead, live, etc.). The grid displays the loads for one loading at a time. Each row in the grid defines one load. See also General Page, Members Page, Supports Page, Combinations Page, and Notes Page. Loading The name associated with the loading. This name may be changed to any name not already used. To view the loads for a different loading, select its name from the list. There is always one more entry in the list than there are loadings currently defined. To add a loading, select the last entry in the list and optionally rename it. You may delete a loading by deleting its name and pressing Enter. Select either Distributed, Concentrated, or Axial. Distributed and concentrated loads are applied transverse to the member, whereas axial loads are applied longitudinally. For distributed and concentrated loads, the angle of the load with respect to the cross section coordinate system. An angle of 0 is horizontal to the right. An angle of 90 degrees is vertically upward. Not applicable to axial loads. The global longitudinal position of the start of a distributed or axial load, or the single position of a concentrated load. Since loads are global (as opposed to local member loads), they may span across multiple supports and multiple members. The start and end locations of an axial load represent the point of application and the point of restraint. For distributed and axial loads, the global longitudinal position of the end of the load. Not applicable to concentrated loads. The magnitude of the load at the start location. For distributed loads, this is a force per unit length. For concentrated and axial loads, this is a force. The magnitude of the load at the end location. For distributed loads, this is a force per unit length. For axial loads, this is a force, and must be equal to the start magnitude. Not applicable to concentrated loads. For concentrated loads, the length of bearing in the longitudinal direction. Not applicable for distributed or axial loads.

Load Type

Load Angle

Start Location

End Location

Start Magnitude End Magnitude

Bearing Length

Analysis Inputs - Combinations Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains inputs for the load combinations to analyze. A load combination is a set of loadings with corresponding load factors. The grid displays the loadings and factors for one combination at a time. You may define several load combinations, but you may only analyze one combination at a time. See also General Page, Members Page, Supports Page, Loadings Page, and Notes Page. Combination The name associated with the load combination. This name may be changed to any name not already used. To view the loadings and load factors for a different combination, select its name from the list. There is always one more entry in the list than there are combinations currently defined. To add a combination, select the last entry in the list and optionally rename it. You may delete a combination by deleting its name and pressing Enter. Choose the design specification to be used with the current load combination. If the load combination uses unfactored loads, select an ASD specification. If the load combination uses factored loads, select an LRFD or LSD specification.


Use Inflection Point Bracing Check this box if you want the analysis to treat inflection points as brace points for the current load combination. Loading The name of the loading to include in the current combination. This drop-down list contains all of the loadings currently defined in the analysis, plus member self weight. The self weight loading is a distributed load in the negative Y direction, based on each members cross section area and a density of 0.2833 lb/in3. To add a loading to the combination, enter its name in the blank row after the last loading in the combination. To add a loading that does not yet exist, you must first create it on the loadings page. The multiplier to apply to all the loads in the loading. This may be positive or negative.

Load Factor

Analysis Inputs - Notes Page

This window is displayed when you create a new analysis or open an existing analysis. It is displayed as a floating window separate from the main application window. Closing this window will not close the analysis itself and will not lose any information about the analysis. To redisplay this window (when an analysis is open), select Analysis Inputs from the View menu, or press F4. This page contains inputs for the load combinations to analyze. A load combination is a set of loadings with corresponding load factors. The grid displays the loadings and factors for one combination at a time. You may define several load combinations, but you may only analyze one combination at a time. See also General Page, Members Page, Supports Page, Loadings Page, and Combinations Page. The text box on this page can be used to enter any descriptive information about the analysis. This information is included in the printout of the analysis inputs, and is saved with the analysis file.

Analysis Window
The analysis window displays a graphic of the analysis. Every open analysis has a corresponding analysis window, whether it was created as a new analysis with the Analysis Wizard, or opened from an analysis file. The graphic contains a horizontal representation of the members, viewed at an angle. The orientation of the section for each member is as viewed from the left end of the member. Overlapping members are shown with a slight stagger in the lines so the overlap is visible. Supports are shown as follows: X supports are horizontal lines, Y supports are vertical lines, torsional supports are circles around the member, and rotational supports are horizontal or vertical hatched walls. Graphical representations are also given for members with braced flanges and fully braced regions. And if the analysis inputs window is currently on the Loadings page, all the loads for that loading are also shown in the graphic. This window normally comes up in Selection Mode. In this mode, you may use the mouse to select members and supports. Selected items are shown highlighted in the graphic. You may select any member or support simply by clicking on it. You may select multiple consecutive members or supports by clicking on one and dragging to another. You may select all the members or supports by double-clicking. You may zoom and pan the graphic using either the mouse or the keyboard. To switch to Zoom Mode, click on the small magnifying glass in the lower right corner of the window, or press F6. In Zoom Mode, anywhere you click in the graphic will shift to the center of the window and change magnification. Clicking with the left mouse button zooms in, and clicking with the right mouse button zooms out. You may also pan the graphic using the scroll bars. You may use the following keys to zoom and pan: F6 Home Esc Page Up Page Down Arrow Keys Ctrl-Arrow Keys Toggle between Zoom Mode and Selection Mode Zoom to 100% and center Zoom to 100% and center Zoom in Zoom out Pan Pan in larger increments

Analysis Diagrams
The Diagrams window is displayed when you select Diagrams from the Compute menu (only available for an analysis). This window shows diagrams for reactions, shears, moments, and deflections for the current load combination. The magnitudes of the reactions and the peak values of shear, moment, and deflection are labeled on the diagrams. You can move the mouse pointer along the length of a diagram to display the magnitude at any location. The Report button will produce a text version of the peak values on the diagrams. See Diagrams Report. If the current load combination does not include any transverse loads (distributed or concentrated), diagrams cannot be displayed. If there are transverse loads in both the vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) directions, you may view either one by selecting the corresponding option button. Deflections are determined using full section properties and factored loads. To determine service load deflections, create a load combination that includes the service loads. Use a load factor of 1 for each loading if the section is fully effective. Otherwise use the ratio Ix/Ixe as the load factor or as a multiplier on the deflection values, where Ixe is the effective moment of inertia at the service load. If you check the box for Envelope of all combinations, the diagrams are generated as shaded regions representing the minimum and maximum values along the length. The Print button will print the currently displayed diagrams to the default printer. This printout is formatted for standard 8x11 inch paper in portrait orientation. Other sizes and orientations should work, but may result in less effective use of the paper or illegible diagrams. To change the default printer, paper size, or orientation, press the Printer button.

Working With Reports

Reports are created by performing computations (see also Properties, Strength, Member Check, Web Crippling, and Diagrams Report). All computations are displayed in a temporary window that allows you to browse the output. If you want to hold this output in a report window for subsequent saving or printing, select the OK button (or press Enter). Otherwise select the Cancel button (or press Esc). Outputs from different sections or analyses will automatically result in separate report windows. However, report windows may contain output from several different computations for the same section or analysis. As long as the inputs for the section or analysis have not changed between computations, selecting OK will append the original report with the current output. If changes were made, a new report window will be created, even if a previous report window exists for the same section or analysis. The contents of a report cannot be edited. However, you may select portions of the report and copy it to the clipboard using the Copy command on the Edit menu, or pressing Ctrl-C. Once on the clipboard, you may paste it into another application such as WordPad. Once a report is created, it may be printed by selecting Print from the File menu. If you print the inputs for the associated section or analysis at the same time as the report, these printouts may combine to conserve paper. They share the same heading information. A report may be saved with its associated section or analysis. When you save a section or analysis and there is an associated report window, they are saved together. When you open that file later, the report window will be redisplayed. If you change any inputs to the section or analysis after creating a report, that report loses its association with the section or analysis, and cannot be saved. Also, a report cannot be saved by itself, separate from a section or analysis.

Properties Report
The Properties report is created when you select Properties from the Compute menu (only available for sections). This report includes full section properties in accordance with conventional methods of structural design. These properties are computed using mathematically rigorous derivations, including integration through the bend radius segments and across the material thickness. The calculations for torsional properties use exact integrations for thin-walled sections that incorporate the bend radius segments as well. For sections containing more than one part, and any of the parts do not have a principal axis on the principal axis of the section, the location of the shear center (Xo and Yo) is an approximation. The torsional warping constant (Cw) and St. Venant torsion constant (J) are computed as the sum of the Cw and J values for the individual parts. Element connectivity between parts tends to change these properties. In such cases, you should manually determine and enter an override in the Section Inputs window. These overrides are then shown in this report instead of the values computed by CFS. If the section contains any holes, the net section properties are also reported. Principal axis properties and torsional properties are not shown for net sections, because these are generally used for determining member behavior, which is not affected by the local discontinuities of holes.

Strength Report
The Strength report is created when you select Strength from the Compute menu (only available for sections). If ASD is selected on the Compute menu, this report includes strengths for the Allowable Stress Design method. If LRFD is selected on the Compute menu, this report includes design strengths for the Load and Resistance Factor Design method. The strength values in this report are for the fully braced case. In other words, axial and bending strengths are based on the initiation of yielding. This report includes strengths for compression, tension, shear, and bending. A positive moment about the X axis has compression above the X axis. A positive moment about the Y axis has compression to the right of the Y axis. The compression and bending strengths are accompanied by the effective section properties used in determining the nominal strength of the section, where the maximum stress is the yield stress. The effective widths of elements are determined in accordance with Procedure I of the 1996 AISI Specification for carbon steel, and Procedure I of the 2002 ASCE Specification for stainless steel (see Element Behavior). If the section has any holes, the effective properties are computed based on the net section. This is because fully braced failure will occur at the weakest point in the member. The yield stress used for each strength type is increased to the appropriate calculated value if you choose to apply strength increase from cold work of forming in the Section Inputs window (for carbon steel only), and the section meets the other specification criteria necessary to use the increase. Since CFS allows you to specify radii of different sizes, it uses a generalized form of the AISI calculation for the strength increase: Fya = (AcFyc + AfFy)/(Ac+Af), where Ac and Fyc are the area and the tensile yield point of each corner, and Af is the area of each flat, disregarding any holes. For axial loads, the summations apply to all elements. For bending loads, the summations apply to flats at the extreme fiber of the full section parallel to the axis of bending, and the adjacent corners. If there are no flats along the extreme fiber, no strength increase is used. Any bend with R/t>7 or angle of bend (exterior angle) <60 does not get a strength increase (Fyc=Fy). Since the strength increase applies only if = 1 for all elements in the section, each strength type (tension, compression, +Mx, -Mx, +My, and -My) independently determines whether its strength increase is allowed. Since fully braced strengths are computed using the net section, the strength increase will only apply if both the full section and the net section are fully effective with the extreme fiber at Fya. There is an unusual case for the lateral buckling strength calculation (not computed in this report), where the moment causing initial yield at the extreme compression fiber of the full section is calculated. This could result in a tension stress greater than Fy and a compression stress greater than otherwise calculated. Since this situation might not be fully effective, whereas it might have been with the extreme tension fiber at Fy, this special case requires the additional check for a fully effective full section. It is important to note that since CFS allows the definition of any general shape, the assumptions made by CFS for determining these strengths may not always be appropriate. It is the responsibility of the engineer to evaluate these assumptions and determine the validity of the results.

Member Check Parameters

This window is displayed when you select Member Check from the Compute menu, and the active window is a section. After you enter the appropriate values, press the OK button and the Member Check output will be displayed. Unbraced Lengths Lx, Ly, Lt The unbraced lengths of the member for buckling about the X axis (in the Y direction), buckling about the Y axis (in the X direction), and torsional buckling, respectively. For lateral buckling of beams symmetrical about the X axis and bending about the X axis, Ly and Lt are the controlling unbraced lengths. For sections not oriented to the principal axes, either Lx or Ly, and Lt are required to be 0. This is because the buckling equations are only applicable using the principal axes. Either Lx or Ly may be greater than zero for buckling about one axis while braced against twisting and bending about the other axis. Kx, Ky, Kt Coefficients Cbx, Cby The bending coefficients used to determine the elastic critical moments for the member about the X axis and Y axis, respectively. The value is dependent on the moment gradient throughout the unbraced length. You may conservatively use the default value of 1. For singly-symmetric carbon steel sections bending about the centroidal axis perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, you must enter the reciprocal of CTF as the value of Cb, which may also be conservatively set to 1. The moment coefficients used in the combined compressive axial load and bending interaction equation, for moments about the X axis and Y axis, respectively. You may conservatively use the default value of 1. For members having one flange fastened to deck, sheathing, roof system, or other continually connected system, select the flange that is attached: Bottom, Top, Left, or Right. Otherwise, select None. If there is a braced flange, enter the moment reduction factor as defined in the AISI or ASCE Specification for your situation. For example: R=0.70 for continuous span Z sections R=0.60 for continuous span C sections R=0.70 for simple span C or Z section, depth 6.5" R=0.65 for simple span C or Z section, 6.5" < depth 8.5" R=0.50 for simple span Z section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" R=0.40 for simple span C section, 8.5" < depth 11.5" The rotational stiffness provided to the braced flange by connection to the bracing material (deck, sheathing, etc.). This stiffness is incorporated in the distortional buckling calculations for the flange which is braced (bottom, top, left, or right). The units for this input are moment/radian/unit length (such as kin/rad/in) which is then reduced to a force (such as k). Refer to the AISI Specification and Commentary for more information on determining what value to use. The effective length factors applied to the respective unbraced lengths.

Cmx, Cmy

Braced Flange

Reduction Factor, R

Stiffness, k

Internal Forces P ex, ey The axial force (factored for LRFD) applied to the section. Positive loads are compression and negative loads are tension. The axial load eccentricity in the X and Y direction, measured from the origin of the section. Positive ex is horizontal to the right of the origin and positive ey is vertically above the origin. The combination of the axial load and these eccentricities produces additional bending moment if the unbraced length is greater than zero. The moment (factored for LRFD) about the X axis applied to the section. Positive moments produce compression above the X axis. The shear force (factored for LRFD) in the Y direction applied to the section. This generally accompanies a moment about the X axis. The moment (factored for LRFD) about the Y axis applied to the section. Positive moments produce compression to the right of the Y axis. The shear force (factored for LRFD) in the X direction applied to the section. This generally accompanies a moment about the Y axis.


Vy My


Member Check Report

The Member Check report is created when you choose Member Check from the Compute menu. For sections, you must enter the member check parameters and loads. For an analysis, you must select the member locations to perform the check(s). This report consists of a summary of the parameters, the loads (total or entered, applied, and strength), and the interaction equations for combined axial and bending, and combined bending and shear. For section member checks, 'Applied' loads are the same as the 'Entered' loads except additional moments will occur with axial load eccentricities, measured from the point of application to the centroid of the effective section. Additionally, angle sections might have an extra moment of PL/1000 applied per AISI C5 and ASCE 3.5. For analysis member checks, `Total' loads are those determined from the analysis force and moment distribution, and are applied to all members that exist at the location being checked. 'Applied' loads are the portions of the 'Total' loads seen by the member being checked. For axial loads, this is proportioned by the full section area. For bending and shear loads, this is proportioned by the full section moment of inertia. These loads may also include adjustments for eccentricities, as stated above for section member checks. The 'Strength' values are the design strengths for the section computed according to the selected specification. Buckling strengths of unsymmetrical sections oriented to their principal axes are computed using the theoretical method shown in the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual - Supplementary Information. For point-symmetric sections, the column buckling calculations do not use KxLx/rx and KyLy/ry, but instead use Max(KxLx, KyLy)/r2 and Min(KxLx, KyLy)/r1. This is because point-symmetric sections are not necessarily oriented to their principal axes, and the column buckling must consider the greatest length with the weakest axis. The effective section properties are computed at the axial and bending loads applied to the full section. These may be used for independent calculations of deflections or working stresses. The interaction equations for combined axial load and bending and combined bending and shear are shown. Note that the combined bending and shear equation is for unreinforced webs.

Web Crippling Parameters

This window is displayed when you select Web Crippling from the Compute menu, and the active window is a section. After you enter the appropriate values, press the OK button and the Web Crippling output will be displayed. Load Applied To This is the surface of the section that the concentrated load or reaction is applied to. Select from Bottom Flange, Top Flange, Left Flange, Right Flange.

Concentrated Load or Reaction The magnitude (factored for LRFD) of the load applied to the flange. Moment at Point of Load The moment (factored for LRFD) in the member about the axis of bending under consideration. If the load is applied to the top or bottom flange, this moment should be the moment about the X axis. If the load is applied to the left or right flange, this moment should be the moment about the Y axis. Actual length of bearing for the applied load or reaction. Indicates whether the bearing flange is fastened to the support. This can affect the web crippling strength.

Bearing Length Flange fastened to support

Distance from edge of bearing to end of member: The distance along the member from the edge of bearing to the end of the member. If the bearing is close to the end of the member, the web crippling strength is lower. Distance from edge of bearing to edge of opposite load: The distance along the member from the edge of bearing to the edge of a load applied to the opposite flange of the member. If an opposing load is near this load, the web crippling strength could be lower. If there is not an opposing concentrated load, then enter a distance of several times the member depth.

Web Crippling Report

The Web Crippling Check report is created when you choose Web Crippling from the Compute menu. For sections, you must enter the web crippling parameters and loads. For an analysis, you must select the member locations to perform the check(s). This report consists of a summary of the web crippling parameters and loads, web crippling strength computations, and the appropriate interaction equation(s). For an analysis with multiple members at the specified location, the bearing load and bending moment on each member is proportional to its moment of inertia about the axis of bending. The web crippling strength of the section is determined by summing the strengths of all the web elements. If other elements in the section lie between a web element's bearing flange and the bearing surface, that web element will be excluded from the strength summation. The appropriate web crippling equation from the selected specification is determined for each web. The following abbreviations are used in classifying the type of calculation performed for each element: FS FU US UU EOF ETF IOF ITF Fastened, Stiffened flange Fastened, Unstiffened flange Unfastened, Stiffened flange Unfastened, Unstiffened flange End-One-Flange loading End-Two-Flange loading Interior-One-Flange loading Interior-Two-Flange loading

If any parameters exceed the limits imposed by the selected specification (R/t, h/t, N/t, N/h, etc.), those limits are noted for each web element checked. For web elements that do not have a bearing flange, the same equations are used with a zero bend radius. For web elements with holes, the hole is assumed to be positioned longitudinally at the edge of bearing. Although the hole provisions apply to C-sections with centered web holes, CFS uses the same calculations for other conditions. If the bearing flange is not perpendicular to the direction of loading, the strength in the direction of loading is determined by dividing the strength by the cosine of the angle between the flange and the surface perpendicular to the direction of loading. This assumes that the component parallel to the flange is resisted by an adequate connection. If any of the web element strengths listed should not be considered, be sure to subtract it from the section strength. This might occur if the support does not contact all of the assumed bearing flanges.

Locations to Check
This window is displayed when you select Member Check or Web Crippling from the Compute menu, and the active window is an analysis. It offers three options on which design checks to include in the report: Report controlling location among all load combinations This option will check all critical locations (as described below) for every load combination, and report only the one with the highest unity check value. It will also change the current load combination to the one that controlled. Report controlling location for this load combination This option will check all critical locations (as described below) for the current load combination, and report only the one with the highest unity check value. Report selected locations for this load combination This option lets you select which locations to check and include in the report. It provides a list of critical locations from which to choose. For member checks, you may also specify any other location in the analysis to check. Locations For member checks, this list includes locations of shear and moment minima and maxima, and ends of members. For web crippling checks, it includes locations of each load carrying support and each concentrated load. If a particular location could have different results on each side of the location (due to a difference in shear, unbraced length, axial load, or end of a member), then the entry will indicate left side or right side. You may select as many of these locations as you want. You may quickly select all the locations in the list by pressing the Check All button. Then the button will change to Uncheck All, which you may use to deselect all the locations. The list of locations may not necessarily contain all controlling locations. For example, if the unbraced length varies significantly within a member span, the maximum forces may not occur within the controlling unbraced length. To add a different location to the list, enter it here and press the Add button. This will add it to the list and select it. If the location could have different results on each side of the entered location, the entry will indicate left side or right side, or there could be one entry for each side.

Check All Button

Add Button

Diagrams Report
This report is created when you click the Report button on the Diagrams window. It contains the maximum shears, moments, and deflections for the current load combination, or for the envelope of all load combinations if selected on the Diagrams window. Inflection points are also shown if the report is not for the envelope solution. This output can be appended to an analysis report containing other analysis outputs, such as member checks and web crippling checks. See Working With Reports.

File Menu
The following commands are available on the File menu: New Section New Analysis See Section Wizard. See Analysis Wizard. You must have at least one section open before you can create a new analysis. Displays a dialog window for choosing an existing file to open. There are three types of files available to CFS: section (sct), section library (scl), and analysis (anl). If you choose a section library file, an additional window will be displayed for you to select the section you want from within the library (see Open Library Section). See Recent Files. Saves the information associated with the current window to a file of the assigned name. If the current window is a section or analysis with an associated report window, the report will be saved in the file as well. When an analysis is saved, all the unsaved sections used as members in the analysis will also be saved. If the current window is a report, or a section or analysis that has not yet been saved, the Save As command will be performed. Saves the information associated with the current window to a file, allowing you to specify a new file name or file type. If the current window is a section, you may save it to a DXF file to transfer the geometry to a CAD application. If the current window is a report, you can save the contents of the report to a Word Document (.doc) file or a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. Closes the current window. Displays a report window containing a summary of the inputs for the current section or analysis. This is the same content included in the printout for section inputs or analysis inputs, except for the graphic representation. You may include this in a consolidated report for printing or saving. See also Working With Reports. See Print. Terminates the application. If there are any unsaved changes, you will be prompted for saving prior to the program terminating.


Recent Files Save

Save As

Close Report Inputs

Print Exit

Open Library Section

When you select Open from the File menu and then select a section library (scl) file, the Open Library Section window appears. A section library is a collection of section files organized by section type. CFS includes libraries of some manufacturers' products and some industry standard shapes. In this window, first select the section type you want to use. Then in the section list, select the name of the section you want to open and press the Open button. Once a library section is opened, you may work with it like any other section. You may edit the section and perform computations. The only difference is you cannot save it back to the library, but you can save it as its own section file. If you are not familiar with the terminology used for the section types or the section names, contact the source shown at the top of the window for further information. To create a library created for your own use, or for distribution to other CFS users, refer to Library Builder on the Tools menu.

Recent Files
When you select Recent Files from the File menu, the Recent Files window is displayed. This window contains a list of the latest files you have used. These files may be section files, library file sections, or analysis files. Simply select the file you want to re-open and press the Open button. Note: Library file sections are shown with the path and file name of the section library file, followed by the pipe symbol (|), section type, backslash (\) and the section name.

This window is displayed by selecting Print from the File menu. It is not available if there are no windows currently open. Printer A list of available printers. Select which printer to use. CFS output is formatted for standard 8x11 inch paper in portrait orientation. Other sizes and orientations should work, but may result in less effective use of the paper. A list of all available data to print, based on the currently open files and generated reports. You may select any or all of the outputs in the list. Entries that share the same heading information are positioned adjacent to each other in this list. If you select multiple entries that share the same heading information, these printouts may combine to conserve paper. This button displays the Heading Page of the Options window. This allows you to make changes to heading information prior to printing. Note however that you cannot change the user name at this point since it wouldnt affect headings for current reports. It only affects headings for subsequently edited sections or analyses.

Print What

Heading Button

Edit Menu
This menu provides several ways to edit sections and analyses. Refer to the following topics: Undo Cut, Copy, and Paste Insert and Delete Rotate and Mirror Center Section Complete Part Symmetry Insert Ribs

The Undo command on the Edit menu will undo the last change you made to either a section or an analysis. This command is available after you make a change and until you switch to a different section or analysis window. After you use the undo command, you may use it again to redo what you just undid.

Cut, Copy, and Paste

These commands on the Edit menu apply primarily to rows of grid inputs: elements, members, supports, loads, and load factors. The Cut command (Ctrl-X) removes the selected row or rows from the grid, and copies them to the clipboard. This allows you to later paste them back into the same grid. The Copy command (Ctrl-C) also copies the selected row or rows to the clipboard, but does not remove them from the grid. For the elements grid, if you select all the rows in the grid (including the blank row at the bottom for open shapes), the Copy command will copy all of the inputs for the part (thickness, position, etc.) along with the elements themselves to the clipboard. The Cut command will do the same thing, plus remove the entire part from the section. The clipboard part may then be pasted into different section as an additional part, instead of being pasted in as additional elements to the current part. Similarly, Cut and Copy in the loads grid and load factors grid operate on the entire loading and entire load combination respectively, if you select all the rows including the blank row at the bottom. The Paste command (Ctrl-V) inserts the copied row or rows into the grid at the current cell pointer location. If more than one row is selected when you paste, the selected rows are removed when the copied rows are inserted. If the current grid is for different inputs than those copied to the clipboard, you cannot paste into it. If the clipboard contains an entire part, loading, or load combination, it will be pasted as a new entry at the end of the list. Since section elements, analysis members, and analysis supports may be selected in the graphic, you may perform the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands without using the grid in the inputs window. In addition to the grid inputs, you may use cut, copy, and paste in text inputs with the shortcut keys Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V.

Insert and Delete

The Delete command on the Edit menu apply to rows of grid inputs: elements, members, supports, loads, and load factors. It removes the selected row or rows from the grid. If all the elements of a part are selected, plus the blank row at the bottom for an open shape, the Delete command will delete the part and its elements. If all the loads in a loading are selected, plus the blank row at the bottom, the Delete command will delete the loading and its loads. If all the load factors in a load combination are selected, plus the blank row at the bottom, the Delete command will delete the load combination and its load factors. The Delete command performs a special operation when you select elements that comprise a rib or ribs (see Insert Ribs). CFS recognizes when the preceding and succeeding elements are collinear, and rejoins them into one element after the selected elements are removed. Since section elements, analysis members, and analysis supports may be selected in the graphic, you may perform the Delete command without using the grid in the inputs window. The Insert command on the Edit menu applies only to the elements grid, because it is the only grid for which row position has significance. It inserts a row at the current cell pointer location. If several rows are selected, the same number of rows are inserted at the position of the first selected row. The inserted row or rows will be copies of the first row that was selected.

Rotate and Mirror

These commands on the Edit menu apply to sections and parts within sections. If the current section contains only one part, the Rotate-Part command is the same as the Rotate-Section command, and the Mirror-Part command is the same as the Mirror-Section command. The Rotate command rotates the current part or section about the origin. A pop-up window prompts you for the angle to rotate. A positive angle rotates counter-clockwise. If any computations have been performed prior to rotating a section, the default rotation angle is the negative of the angle of the major axis (). This allows you to rotate the section to its principal axes, which is necessary for determining member buckling strengths. The Mirror command mirrors the current part or section. A pop-up window prompts you for the angle of the mirror. The angle you specify defines a line through the origin about which the part or section is flipped. For example, a 90 degree mirror angle flips left and right, and a 0 degree mirror angle flips top and bottom. If the rotate or mirror transformation is orthogonal, the placement references to the edges of parts will be adjusted accordingly. Otherwise, the placement references will be set to the center of gravity.

Center Section
This command on the Edit menu is an easy way to shift the position of all of the parts in the section so the centroid of the section is at the origin. For built-up sections, it is sometimes easier to position the parts relative to a particular edge rather than the centroid. But since axial loads are applied at the origin, it is often necessary to shift the part locations so the centroid is located at the origin. This way axial loads are applied at the centroid, and the axial eccentricity will be limited to that caused by a shift in the effective section centroid, or by eccentricities manually entered as member check parameters or analysis inputs.

Complete Part Symmetry

This command on the Edit menu is an easy way to generate elements for the second half of a symmetrical part. If you are creating a custom shape that has an axis of symmetry, enter the elements up to and including the middle element. At this point, the Complete Part Symmetry command will copy each of the elements (except the middle element) in reverse order as mirrored elements. The middle element indicates the direction of the mirrored image. It is perpendicular to the axis of symmetry.

Insert Ribs
This command on the Edit menu is an easy way for you to define the geometry of ribs to add to the currently selected element of a part. This command is not available if more than one element is selected. The Insert Ribs window is displayed with the following inputs: Type of Rib There are two types of ribs that you may insert, both of which consist of three elements and may have sloping sides. The first type uses the parts default radius for all bends, and the second type adjusts the rib width to accommodate the inside bend radius you specify so there is not flat width at the top of the rib. If the selected element is more horizontal than vertical, you may choose to place the ribs above or below it. If the selected element is more vertical than horizontal, you may choose to place the ribs to the left or right of it. The height of the rib from the selected element. If the part uses centerline dimensioning, this height is from the centerline of the element to the centerline of the top of the rib. Otherwise, the it is the overall height of the rib. The angle of the side elements of the rib relative to the selected element. The length of the middle element at the top of the rib. Applies only to the first type of rib. The inside radius at the middle of the rib. Applies only to the second type of rib. You may insert several ribs on the same element. They are always inserted evenly spaced.

Side of Element

Rib Height

Rib Side Angle Rib Top Width Inside Radius, R Number of Ribs

View Menu
This menu provides a way to display the Section Inputs window and Analysis Input window. It also allows you to show or hide the toolbar, and switch between zoom and select mode in the Section Window and Analysis Window.

Compute Menu
This menu contains commands for performing computations and generating output for reports. Properties For sections, computes and displays full and net section properties. Not available for analyses. See Properties Report. For sections, computes and displays the strength of a fully braced member for tension, compression, bending about X and Y axes, and shear. Not available for analyses. See Strength Report. For sections, you are prompted for member parameters and loads, and subsequently the member check computations are displayed. For an analysis, you are prompted for the locations to perform member checks, and subsequently the member check computations are displayed. For sections, you are prompted for web crippling parameters and loads, and subsequently the web crippling computations are displayed. For an analysis, you are prompted for the locations to perform web crippling checks, and subsequently the web crippling computations are displayed.


Member Check

Web Crippling

Torsion Properties For sections with one part, you may compute detailed torsion properties of the shape. For each element in the part, the values Ro, Wn, and Sw are reported at the start and end, as well as any minima or maxima for Sw. This report also provides the resulting computed values for shear center and torsion constants. Elastic Buckling For sections with one part, you may perform a finite element elastic buckling analysis. See Elastic Buckling Parameters. For an analysis, you may display and print shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for the current load combination, for either the X or Y direction. See Analysis Diagrams.


Tools Menu
This menu provides access to application settings. Specification This menu allows you to select which design specification to use in performing strength calculations. For ASD choices, loads should be entered as their nominal values (not factored). For LRFD and LSD choices, loads should be entered as their factored values. For stainless steel members, all ASD choices will use the ASD calculations from ASCE-8-02, and all LRFD and LSD choices will use the LRFD calculations from ASCE-8-02. Choose Strength, Member Check, Effective Section, or All to include a trace of the detailed calculations in each report, with references to the AISI or ASCE equation numbers. This can be useful for comparison to hand calculations and to satisfy code officials. The Section Inputs window and the Analysis Inputs window are displayed separate from the main application window. If this menu entry is checked, the inputs windows (when open) will always be displayed on top of the main application window. If this menu entry is unchecked, the input windows (when open) will be displayed on top of the main application window when active, and behind the main application window when not active. In either case, the input windows may be moved outside the boundaries of the main application window. They may also be closed at any time, and then reopened using the View menu. A number of application options are available, and are organized into the following pages: Units, Material, Thicknesses, Heading, and Combinations. To purchase a license for the full version of CFS, visit the RSG Software web site to fill out and submit your order form. After purchasing a license, you will receive a license key to activate the full version. Choose Enter License Key from the License menu to complete the activation. The Library Builder is a tool for making your own section libraries.

Include Trace

Inputs On Top



Library Builder

Options - Units Page

This window is displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu. If you make changes to any units, all inputs will automatically change to the new units, however existing reports will not be affected. The units for moments and distributed loads are derived from the your selections for length and force units. System of Units A list of predefined sets of default unit types: U.S. and Metric. If you change an individual unit type, the system of units will be displayed as Custom. The length unit used for the section geometry and other small dimensions. The length unit used for beam spans and other large dimensions. The angle unit used for element angles and other angles in the plane of the cross section. The force unit used for applied loads and load strengths. The force per unit area unit used for material strengths and modulus of elasticity. The moment unit used for applied moments and moment strengths.

Section Length Angle

Force Stress Moment

Options - Material Page

This window is displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu. If you change the default material or any of its parameters, these changes will be applied as defaults for any newly created sections. This does not affect any existing sections. Material Type The designation for the default material type. When you select a different material, the yield strength and tensile strength inputs are updated to the defaults for that material. For carbon steels, these may then be changed if necessary. You may view detailed information about the material and customize it for use on any existing section by pressing the button next to the material type. (see Custom Carbon Steel or Custom Stainless Steel)

Apply strength increase from cold work of forming: Indicates whether to calculate and apply the strength increase from cold work of forming. Not available for stainless steel materials. Yield Strength The section material yield strength used for design calculations. For stainless steel materials, this represents the longitudinal compression yield strength and is not editable. The section material longitudinal ultimate tensile strength. For stainless steel materials, this is not editable.

Tensile Strength

Options - Thicknesses Page

This window is displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu. If you change any of these values, all currently open sections have their part thickness names updated if necessary. The actual part thickness values and radii for existing sections do not get changed. The current row is marked with the >> pointer, and identifies the default thickness for any newly created parts and sections. Name A name used to readily identify a particular design thickness and corresponding default bend radius. The design thickness associated with the thickness name. The default inside bend radius used for new elements on the part.

Thickness Inside Radius

Options - Heading Page

This window is displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu. This information is included in the heading of all printouts. User Name The user name to be assigned to any section or analysis that is edited. The heading of all printouts shows the user name of the person who last edited the file, which might be this user name or someone else. If you licensed the full version of CFS by entering a license code, the User Name and Company cannot be changed. The company or organization to include in the heading of all printouts. Two lines of company address to include in the heading of all printouts. The e-mail address to include in the heading of all printouts. The phone number to include in the heading of all printouts. The fax number to include in the heading of all printouts.

Company Address E-mail Phone Fax

Options - Combinations Page

This window is displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu. When you create a new analysis, you can choose from several sets of commonly used load combinations. This window allows you to create and save your own custom load combinations for use in new analyses. Custom Combination The name associated with the load combination. This name may be changed to any name not already used. To view the load factors for a different combination, select its name from the list. There is always one more entry in the list than there are combinations currently defined. To add a combination, select the last entry in the list and optionally rename it. You may delete a combination by deleting its name and pressing Enter. Choose the design specification to be used with the current load combination. If the load combination uses unfactored loads, select an ASD specification. If the load combination uses factored loads, select an LRFD or LSD specification. The multiplier to apply to all the loads in the loading. The loadings listed are predefined based on the loading types available in the Analysis Wizard.


Load Factor

This window is displayed by selecting Enter New License from the Tools menu. After you purchase a license and receive a key, use this window to activate the license. You must enter the User Name, Company, and License Key exactly how it was provided to you from RSG Software. If received electronically, you should use Copy and Paste to ensure the correct information is entered. This will help avoid typos and any confusion between letters (O, I) and numbers (0, 1). Once entered properly, clicking on OK will activate all the features of the full version of CFS. If the license key is invalid, please recheck all three entries against the information provided to you by RSG Software. Make sure there are no typos or mis-spellings. If you change employees, or your company changes its name, you may request a new key if you are licensed for the latest version of CFS. Contact RSG Software for more information. A change is not permitted within one year of the most recently issued key. If it's less than one year, you would need to purchase an additional license.

Library Builder
The Library Builder is accessed from the Tools menu. This utility allows you to create your own section libraries, just like the ones provided with CFS. Section libraries are a convenient way to store and share common sections, and prevent them from being modified. To create a library of sections, you need to first create each of the individual section files to include, and organize them in a directory (folder) structure as shown below. Any Folder Library Folder Section Type 1 Folder Section Type 2 Folder Section Type 3 Folder All the sections must be in one of the Section Type sub-folders of the Library Folder. The name you use for the library folder will become the name of the generated library file. The names you use for each of the section type folders will become the section type names stored within the section library. You may have any number of sections in each type, and any number of types in the library. But you must have at least one section in one sub-folder of the library folder. To use the library builder, enter the path to the library directory, or click on the Browse button to select the directory. Complete the Company and Address fields with whatever information you feel is pertinent to the library. Then click on the Build button to create the library. The library file will be located in the same directory as the library folder (not in the library folder). It will have the .scl file extension, and is ready to be opened by CFS.

Window Menu
The following commands are available on the Window menu: Cascade Arranges all the windows in the CFS window starting in the upper left corner working down and to the right. Arranges all the windows in the CFS window so they are all visible and equal in size.


Arrange Icons Organizes minimized windows neatly at the bottom of the CFS window. Close All Window List Closes all windows, except for the main CFS window. All of the windows within the CFS window are listed in this menu. To switch to any of these windows, simply select it from here.

Symbols and Abbreviations

A Ae AISI Area ASCE ASD Cbx Cby Cmx Cmy Cw D/t D/w E Eo ex ey Fu Fy h I1 I2 Ic Io Ix Ixe Ixy Iy Iye J jx jy KL/r Kx Ky Kt k k LRFD LSD Lx Ly Lt Max Maxo May Mayo Mnx Mnxo Mny Mnyo Cross sectional area Effective cross sectional area American Iron and Steel Institute Cross sectional area American Society of Civil Engineers Allowable Strength Design Bending coefficient dependent on moment gradient for bending about the X axis Bending coefficient dependent on moment gradient for bending about the Y axis Moment coefficient in interaction formula for bending about the X axis Moment coefficient in interaction formula for bending about the Y axis Torsional warping constant Outside diameter to thickness ratio Ratio of overall depth of lip to flat width of flange Modulus of elasticity Initial modulus of elasticity (stainless steel) Axial load eccentricity in the X direction, measured from the origin with positive to the right Axial load eccentricity in the Y direction, measured from the origin with positive up Longitudinal ultimate tensile strength Yield strength Height of the flat portion of a web Moment of inertia about the major axis Moment of inertia about the minor axis Polar moment of inertia about the centroid Polar moment of inertia about the shear center Moment of inertia about the X axis Effective moment of inertia about the X axis Product of inertia about the X and Y axes Moment of inertia about the Y axis Effective moment of inertia about the Y axis St. Venant torsion constant Section property for torsional-flexural buckling: [x3dA + xy2dA]/(2Iy) - xo Section property for torsional-flexural buckling: [y3dA + yx2dA]/(2Ix) - yo Slenderness ratio of a compressive member Effective length factor for buckling about the X axis ( in the Y direction) Effective length factor for buckling about the Y axis ( in the X direction) Effective length factor for torsional buckling Plate buckling coefficient Rotational stiffness provided to a flange by attachment to deck or sheathing Load and Resistance Factor Design Limit States Design Unbraced length for buckling about the X axis (in the Y direction) Unbraced length for buckling about the Y axis (in the X direction) Unbraced length for torsional buckling Allowable moment about the X axis Allowable moment about the X axis, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced) Allowable moment about the Y axis Allowable moment about the Y axis, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced) Design moment strength about the X axis Design moment strength about the X axis, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced) Design moment strength about the Y axis Design moment strength about the Y axis, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced)

Mx My N n P Pa Pa Pao Pax Pay Pn Pn Pno Pnx Pny R r1 r2 rc ro rx ry Sx(b) Sxe(b) Sx(t) Sxe(t) Sy(l) Sye(l) Sy(r) Sye(r) t Ta Tn Vax Vay Vnx Vny Vx Vy Wt. w w/t X Xo x(l) x(r) Y Yo y(b) y(t)

Applied moment about the X axis, positive moment has compression above the X axis Applied moment about the Y axis, positive moment has compression to the right of the Y axis Bearing length for web crippling check Modified Ramberg-Osgood Equation coefficient, indicating the linearity of the stress-strain curve. Applied compressive force Allowable compressive force Allowable web crippling force for an element, perpendicular to the bearing flange Allowable compressive force, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced) Allowable web crippling force for an element, in the X direction Allowable web crippling force for an element, in the Y direction Design axial compressive strength Design web crippling strength for an element, perpendicular to the bearing flange Design axial compressive strength, based on initiation of yielding (fully braced) Design web crippling strength for an element, in the X direction Design web crippling strength for an element, in the Y direction Moment reduction factor for beam with braced tension flange Radius of gyration about the major axis Radius of gyration about the minor axis Polar radius of gyration about the centroid Polar radius of gyration about the shear center Radius of gyration about the X axis Radius of gyration about the Y axis Section modulus about the X axis for the extreme bottom fiber Effective section modulus about the X axis for the extreme bottom fiber Section modulus about the X axis for the extreme top fiber Effective section modulus about the X axis for the extreme top fiber Section modulus about the Y axis for the extreme left fiber Effective section modulus about the Y axis for the extreme left fiber Section modulus about the Y axis for the extreme right fiber Effective section modulus about the Y axis for the extreme right fiber Design thickness of the material Allowable tensile force Design axial tensile strength Allowable shear force in the horizontal direction Allowable shear force in the vertical direction Design shear strength in the horizontal direction Design shear strength in the vertical direction Applied shear force in the horizontal direction Applied shear force in the vertical direction Weight per unit length for a section Width of the flat portion of an element Width to thickness ratio for an element Horizontal axis or dimension in the plane of the cross section, positive is to the right Horizontal coordinate of the shear center relative to the centroid Horizontal distance from the centroid of the section to the extreme left fiber Horizontal distance from the centroid of the section to the extreme right fiber Vertical axis or dimension in the plane of the cross section, positive is up Vertical coordinate of the shear center relative to the centroid Vertical distance from the centroid of the section to the extreme bottom fiber Vertical distance from the centroid of the section to the extreme top fiber Angle of the major axis with respect to the X axis, counter-clockwise is positive.

CFS Units
The following units are available for use in CFS. Length Units in ft mm cm m inches feet millimeters centimeters meters

Angle Units deg rad grad degrees radians grads

Force Units lb k N kN kgf tonne pounds kips Newtons kilonewtons kilograms force metric tonne

Stress Units psi ksi psf ksf Pa kPa MPa GPa kgf/mm^2 kgf/m^2 tonne/m^2 pounds per square inch kips per square inch pounds per square foot kips per square foot Pascals kilopascals megapascals gigapascals kilograms force per square millimeter kilograms force per square meter metric tonnes per square meter

Moment Units lb-in lb-ft k-in k-ft N-mm N-m kN-mm kN-m kgf-mm kgf-m tonne-m pound inches pound feet kip inches kip feet Newton millimeters Newton meters kilonewton millimeters kilonewton meters kilogram force millimeters kilogram force meters metric tonne meters

Distributed Load Units lb/in lb/ft k/in k/ft N/mm N/m kN/mm kN/m kgf/mm kgf/m tonne/m pounds per inch pounds per foot kips per inch kip per foot Newtons per millimeter Newtons per meter kilonewtons per millimeter kilonewtons per meter kilograms force per millimeter kilograms force per meter metric tonnes per meter

These definitions come from the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. General Terms Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. Shapes manufactured by press-braking blanks sheared from sheets, cut lengths of coils or plates, or by roll forming cold- or hot-rolled coils or sheets; both forming operations being performed at ambient room temperature, that is, without manifest addition of heat such as would be required for hot forming. Confirmatory Test. Test made, when desired, on members, connections, and assemblies designed according to the provisions of Chapters A through G of this Specification or its specific references, in order to compare actual versus calculated performance. Cross-Sectional Area: Effective Area. Effective area, Ae, calculated using the effective widths of component elements in accordance with Chapter B. It can be a gross area or a net area, as applicable, if the effective widths of all component elements, determined in accordance with Chapter B, are equal to the actual flat widths. Full, Unreduced Area. Full, unreduced area, A, calculated without reducing the widths of component element to their effective widths. It can be an unreduced gross area or an unreduced net area, as applicable. Gross Area. Gross area, Ag, without deductions for holes, openings, and cutouts. Net Area. Net area, An, equal to gross area less the area of holes, openings, and cutouts. Distortional Buckling. Buckling mode in which the angle between elements of the cross section does not stay constant. Doubly Symmetric Section. A section symmetric about two orthogonal axes through its centroid. Effective Design Width. Flat width of an element reduced for design purposes, also known simply as the effective width. Flange of a Section in Bending. Flat width of flange including any intermediate stiffeners plus adjoining corners. Flat Width. Width of an element exclusive of corners measured along its plane. Flat-Width-to-Thickness Ratio (Flat Width Ratio). Flat width of an element measured along its plane, divided by its thickness. Girt. Horizontal structural member which supports wall panel and is subjected to principally bending under applied loads. Local Buckling. Buckling of elements only within a section, where the line junctions between elements remain straight and angles between elements do not change. Master Coil. One continuous, weld-free coil as produced by a hot mill, cold mill, metallic coating line or paint line and identifiable by unique coil number. This coil may be cut into smaller coils or slit into narrower coils; however, all of these smaller and/or narrower finished coils could be said to have come from the same master coil if they are traceable to the original master coil number. Multiple-Stiffened Element. Element stiffened between webs, or between a web and a stiffened edge, by means of intermediate stiffeners parallel to the direction of stress.

Performance Test. Test made on structural members, connections, and assemblies whose performance cannot be determined by the provisions of Chapters A through G of this Specification or its specific references. Point-Symmetric Section. Section symmetrical about a point (centroid) such as a Z-section having equal flanges. Purlin. Horizontal structural member which supports roof deck and is subjected to principally bending under applied loads. Rational Engineering Analysis. Analysis based on theory that is appropriate for the situation, any available test data that is relevant, and sound engineering judgment. Singly-Symmetric Section. Section symmetric about only one axis through its centroid. Specified Minimum Yield Point. Lower limit of yield point in a test specified to qualify a lot of steel for use in a cold-formed steel structural member designed at that yield point. Stiffened or Partially Stiffened Compression Elements. Flat compression element (i.e., a plane compression flange of a flexural member or a plane web or flange of a compression member) of which both edges parallel to the direction of stress are stiffened either by a web, flange, stiffening lip, intermediate stiffener, or the like. SS. ASTM designation for certain sheet steels intended for structural applications. Stress. Stress as used in this Specification means force per unit area. Sub-Element of a Multiple Stiffened Element. Portion of a multiple stiffened element between adjacent intermediate stiffeners, between web and intermediate stiffener, or between edge and intermediate stiffener. Tensile Strength. Maximum stress reached in a tension test. Thickness. The thickness, t, of any element or section shall be the base steel thickness, exclusive of coatings. Torsional-Flexural Buckling. Buckling mode in which compression members bend and twist simultaneously without change in cross sectional shape. Unstiffened Compression Elements. Flat compression element stiffened at only one edge parallel to the direction of stress. Unsymmetric Section. Section not symmetric either about an axis or a point. Virgin Steel. Steel as received from the steel producer or warehouse before being cold worked as a result of fabricating operations. Virgin Steel Properties. Mechanical properties of virgin steel such as yield point, tensile strength, and elongation. Web. In a member subjected to flexure, the portion of the section that is joined to two flanges, or that is joined to only one flange provided it crosses the neutral axis. Yield Point. Yield point, Fy or Fsy, as used in this Specification shall mean yield point or yield strength. ASD and LRFD Terms (USA and Mexico): ASD (Allowable Stress Design, herein referred as Allowable Strength Design). A method of proportioning structural components (members, connectors, connecting elements and assemblages) such that the allowable stress, allowable force or allowable moment is not exceeded by the required allowable strength of the component determined by the load effects of all appropriate combinations of nominal loads. Allowable Design Strength. Allowable strength, Rn/, (force, moment, as appropriate), provided by the structural component.

Design Strength. Factored resistance, Rn (force, moment, as appropriate), provided by the structural component. LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design). A method of proportioning structural components (members, connectors, connecting elements and assemblages) such that no applicable limit state is exceeded when the structure is subjected to all appropriate combinations of factored loads. Nominal loads. The magnitudes of the loads specified by the applicable code not including load factors. Nominal strength. The capacity of a structure or component to resist the effects of loads, as determined in accordance with this Specification using specified material strengths and dimensions. Required Allowable Strength. Load effect (force, moment, as appropriate) acting on the structural component determined by structural analysis from the nominal loads for ASD (using all appropriate load combinations). Required Strength. Load effect (force, moment, as appropriate) acting on the structural component determined by structural analysis from the factored loads for LRFD or nominal loads for ASD (using all appropriate load combinations). Resistance. See the definition of Nominal Strength. Resistance Factor. A factor that accounts for unavoidable deviations of the actual strength from the nominal value and the manner and consequences of failure. LSD Terms (Canada): Limit States. Those conditions in which a structural member ceases to fulfill the function for which it was designed. Those states concerning safety are called the ultimate limit states. The ultimate limit state for strength is the maximum load-carrying capacity. Limit states that restrict the intended use of a member for reasons other than safety, such as deflection and vibration, are called serviceability limit states. Limit States Design (LSD). A method of proportioning structural components (members, connectors, connecting elements and assemblages) such that no applicable limit state is exceeded when the structure is subjected to all appropriate load combinations. Factored Load. Product of a specified load and appropriate load factor. Factored Resistance. Product of nominal resistance and appropriate resistance factor. Nominal Resistance. The capacity of a structure or component to resist the effects of loads, determined in accordance with this Specification using specified material strengths and dimensions. Resistance Factor. A factor that accounts for unavoidable deviations of the actual strength from the nominal value and the manner and consequences of failure. Specified loads. The magnitudes of the loads specified by the applicable code not including load factors.

Origin The (0,0) point of the coordinate system used for the placement of parts in a section, and the reference point for axial load eccentricities. It is shown as a plus (+) in the section window.

General Messages
The following is a list of general messages that may be displayed. See also Section Messages, Analysis Messages, and Report Messages. If no unit is specified, the default unit is assumed. If no unit is specified, the previously displayed unit is assumed. License is no longer available. License not found. Please select a unit from: {units list}. Replace currently defined thicknesses with program defaults? Save changes to Filename? Select at least one item to print. System Information Is Unavailable At This Time. The value entered is outside the range allowed by CFS. This is a dimensionless value and should not contain units. Unexpected Error: Description. Unexpected Error: Description, Program ending. Value less than x. Value greater than x.

Section Messages
The following is a list of messages relating to sections that may be displayed. See also General Messages, Analysis Messages, and Report Messages. Could not find library section: Filename. Default Fu greater than Maximum Fu. Default Fu less than Minimum Fu. Default Fy greater than Minimum Fu. Default Fy less than Minimum Fy. Limit 254 elements for an open part. Limit 254 thicknesses. Limit 255 elements for a closed part. PartName element n has been lengthened. PartName element n has been removed. PartName element n hole has been moved. PartName element n hole has been reduced. PartName element n is too short. PartName element n length is zero and should be removed. PartName elements n and m are in opposite directions. PartName has no elements. Section file could not be opened. Section file could not be saved. Section has no parts. The report for this section was created with a different version of CFS. It cannot be appended or resaved. Too many elements to paste. Tensile Strength exceeds 2.5Fy. Unrecognized section file version. Yield strain exceeds 0.01.

Analysis Messages
The following is a list of analysis messages that may be displayed. See also General Messages, Section Messages, and Report Messages. All loads net to zero. Analysis file could not be opened. Analysis file could not be saved. Cannot have horizontal loads with fully braced X supports. Cannot have vertical loads with fully braced Y supports. Error calculating properties for SectionName. First support not on member. Gap before member n. Inadequate X support. Inadequate Y support. Last support not on member. Limit 254 load factors. Limit 254 loads. Limit 254 members. Limit 254 supports. Loading description, load n not on member. Member n has no length. Member n section file not open. Member n uses an unsymmetrical section that is not fully braced. Members not defined. No loads applied. No T supports defined. No X supports defined. No Y supports defined. Rotational restraint not allowed between ends. Support n contains a duplicate definition. Supports not defined. The report for this analysis was created with a different version of CFS. It cannot be appended or resaved. Too many load factors to paste. Too many loads to paste. Too many members to paste. Too many supports to paste. Unsymmetrical section SectionName not fully braced.

Report Messages
The following is a list of messages that may be included in reports. See also General Messages, Section Messages, and Analysis Messages. D/t exceeds 0.441E/Fy. (CS) D/t exceeds 0.881E/Fy. (SS) Edge stiffener angle not within 40-140. Edge stiffener D/w exceeds 0.8. KL/r exceeds 200. PartName element n w/t exceeds x. Section contains no web elements for vertical shear. Section contains no web elements for horizontal shear. Section does not meet all requirements of AISI C4.4. Value of x in AISI C4.4 assumed to be 0.5.

Element Behavior
The effective section properties and allowable loads are computed using Procedure I of the AISI and ASCE specifications, as selected in the application. However, since CFS allows you to define any general shape including holes, there are some situations that are not covered by these specifications. Therefore, some assumptions have been made as described below. These assumptions are made with reasonable engineering judgment but might not always be appropriate for your design. It is the responsibility of the engineer to evaluate these assumptions and determine the validity of the results. Unstiffened Elements The first and last elements of an open part are considered unstiffened. However if the free edge is in tension, the element is considered stiffened. If an unstiffened element contains a hole, any ineffective area exclusive of the hole is removed from the section. Thus if a hole is entirely within the ineffective portion, the element has the same capacity with or without the hole. Partially Stiffened Elements The second and second to last elements of an open part are considered partially stiffened, if it is entirely in compression and the adjacent edge element is treated as unstiffened. Otherwise it is treated as stiffened. If a partially stiffened element contains a hole, the two flat portions of the element on each side of the hole are treated as unstiffened elements. Further, the plate buckling coefficients for these two elements are reduced below the normal value for unstiffened elements, just as a partially stiffened element has a reduced plate buckling coefficient. These plate buckling coefficients are proportioned by the same ratio as the width reduction factor for the partially stiffened element. Stiffened Elements All elements between the third and third to last element of an open part and all elements of a closed part are considered stiffened, except for cases where elements are identified by CFS as having intermediate stiffeners (see Intermediate Stiffeners below). The plate buckling coefficient (k) for stiffened elements is computed based on the stress gradient per AISI B2.3 and ASCE 2.2.2. If a stiffened element contains a hole, the effective width is computed according to AISI B2.2 if uniformly compressed or AISI B2.4(a) if under a stress gradient. AISI B2.2 only applies to a centered hole with dh/w 0.5 and w/t 70. Also note that AISI requires the hole to be circular. Since the hole shape is not an input, CFS assumes that the hole is circular. AISI B2.4 only applies to C-section webs with centered holes, however CFS extends the usage of the section to other cases. For do/h < 0.38, the provision is applied as long as the compressive stress at the edge of the hole is sufficiently less than the maximum stress in the element. Also, if the hole is entirely in tension, this provision is applied regardless of the hole size. However, the assumption that no hole exists is interpreted as follows: the ineffective portion is determined according to B2.3(a) as specified, but the entire hole area plus the ineffective area exclusive of the hole is removed from the section. For a hole having do/h 0.38 that is not entirely in tension, or any of the criteria described above for AISI B2.2 and B2.4 are not met, then the flat portion(s) of the element in compression are treated as unstiffened elements as described in B2.4(a) for do/h 0.38. Three Element Parts

If a part has three elements, the middle element is considered fully stiffened. One Element Parts If a part has only one element, it is treated as an unstiffened element. If both edges are in compression, the ineffective area is removed from each edge, proportioned by the relative stresses at the edges. Stiffness Override If you input an element stiffness (k), it is used with the average compressive stress in the element, and the width of the compressive portion of the element to determine the effective width. The position of the ineffective portion is determined using the same method as for stiffened elements with a stress gradient, even if the override is applied to an edge element. Elements with holes cannot have a stiffness override. Intermediate Stiffeners The 2001 and later AISI Specification Editions have a provision for elements with multiple intermediate stiffeners. CFS applies this new provision by first searching for elements that may contain intermediate stiffeners. Starting from the second element and continuing through to the second-to-last element, intermediate stiffeners are identified when a set of two or more elements are found to be collinear (parallel and along the same line). There are some conditions that disqualify all or part of the section as having intermediate stiffeners: If the stiffened element crosses the neutral axis, only those elements in compression are considered using this method. Any elements with user-defined plate buckling coefficients (k) will terminate the extent of an element with intermediate stiffeners. If the total flat width of the collinear elements is less than the flat widths contained in the bounded non-collinear elements (stiffeners), those non-collinear elements are considered too large to be treated as intermediate stiffeners. For example, a symmetrical panel section with uniform corrugations, neither the top series of elements nor the bottom series of elements would be treated as intermediately stiffened elements. All the interior elements would all be treated as fully stiffened.

CFS uses this method even if there is only one intermediate stiffener. If a stress gradient exists along the stiffened element, the method is still applied using the average compressive stress in the element. Earlier editions of the AISI Specification contained different provisions for multiple intermediate stiffeners, but CFS uses the above method for all cases, including stainless steel design. Large Radius Arc Segments For sections containing curved segments with a large R/t, the effective section have may have reductions in these areas. The effective area calculations for cylindrical tubular members under compression (AISI C6.2 and ASCE 3.6.2) have been extended in CFS for use on arc segments of non-cylindrical sections. This provides continuity in member strength for sections that are nearly cylindrical. Extreme Fiber If the extreme compression fiber of the section is the tip of an unstiffened element, application of the AISI and ASCE Specifications might produce conservative allowable moments. If the element is not fully effective, the depth of the section is reduced dramatically. CFS uses the reduced depth for the effective moment of inertia, but uses the extreme fiber of the full section for calculating the section modulus. Shear Distribution

For sections having multiple webs, the average shear stress in a web element in the direction of the element is assumed to be proportional to the cosine of the angle between the direction of the load and the direction of the element. Based on this distribution, the allowable shear is the maximum total shear in the direction of loading at which all web elements are at or below their respective allowable shear loads for unreinforced webs (AISI C3.2, ASCE 3.3.2). If all web elements are perpendicular to the direction of loading, the allowable load is zero. In computing the shear strength of webs with holes, CFS assumes the holes to be non-circular, which results in a capacity slightly less than for circular holes. Although AISI C3.2.2 only applies to C-sections with centered holes, CFS uses the same calculations for other conditions.

Technical Assistance
Engineering Practice The CFS application is not intended to guide you regarding best engineering practices. Nor is the author in a position to make recommendations on engineering practice. Such issues should be pursued with engineers experienced in the type of construction, educational institutions involved in related research, or the appropriate building officials. Specification Questions Any specification is subject to interpretation when attempting to apply it to real world situations. CFS makes some assumptions in the calculations that it performs. These are explained in the various portions of this documentation as related to each type of calculation. Further interpretation of the AISI, ASCE, or similar specifications are beyond both the scope of this application and the responsibility of the author. Such issues should be pursued with appropriate organization. Verification of Computations CFS has been used extensively for many years. Computational bugs have been extremely rare in recent years, however it is still possible that one could arise. If you disagree with an output, you should first review all the inputs and their meanings, and understand all the assumptions as stated in this documentation. If you still disagree with an output, you should report it. Suggestions and Complaints The CFS application has evolved through many phases of improvement and refinement. To continue in this direction, comments are encouraged. Whether you have a suggestion for a minor change, need a new feature, or simply dont like the way something works, please send your comments to us. System Errors and Hardware Problems These are often difficult to resolve. With the wide range of computer hardware and accessories, operating systems and drivers, and application software, it is impossible to test every configuration and avoid all the conflicts that could occur. CFS has been shown to run successfully on a variety of configurations, but it is still possible to encounter system difficulties. If CFS runs fine on one computer, but has problems on another computer, it is highly likely that the cause is a hardware, operating system, or driver problem. First try rebooting the computer. Next try re-installing CFS. If the problem still exists, you should have a computer specialist evaluate the hardware and operating system. If the problem is still not resolved, and it can be duplicated on a regular basis, you should report it. Contacting RSG Software The best way to contact RSG Software is by e-mail. This provides a convenient record of the correspondence, and an expedient method of reply. You can also attach any necessary files.

RSG Software, Inc.

2803 NW Chipman Road Lees Summit, MO 64081

End User License Agreement

RSG Software, Inc. ("RSG") is willing to license the CFS software and related files ("Software") to you only if you accept all of the terms in this license agreement. Please read the terms carefully before using the Software. By using this Software, you are agreeing to be bound by all the terms of this license. If you do not agree to these terms, promptly remove the Software from your computer. Ownership of the Software 1. The Software and accompanying materials are owned by RSG and are protected by United States copyright laws, by laws of other nations, and by international treaties. Grant Of License 2. RSG grants to you the exclusive right to use this copy of the Software. Restrictions on Use and Transfer 3. You may copy the Software provided the Software is solely for use within the guidelines of this agreement. Expressly prohibited is copying the Software for use by another person or persons who have not licensed the Software. The Software may not be used concurrently on more than one machine, unless concurrent licenses have been granted. 4. You may not copy or distribute the documentation or supplemental files. You may print any on-line documentation for personal use. 5. You may not reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble, or modify the Software in any way. Limited Warranty 6. RSG warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying documentation for a period of 90 days from the date of your receipt of the Software. Any implied warranties on the Software are limited to 90 days. 7. RSG DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS. RSG does not warrant that the Software and documentation are free of errors. It is understood and agreed that in no event shall RSG be liable for any consequential damages resulting from a defect in the Software, even if RSG has been advised of the possibility of such damage. 8. RSG'S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE, AT RSG'S CHOICE, EITHER (A) RETURN OF THE PRICE PAID OR (B) REPLACEMENT OF THE SOFTWARE THAT DOES NOT MEET RSG'S LIMITED WARRANTY AND WHICH IS RETURNED TO RSG WITH A COPY OF YOUR RECEIPT. Any replacement Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer. These remedies are not available outside the United States of America. 9. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Software has resulted from modification, accident, abuse, or misapplication. 10. IN NO EVENT WILL RSG BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE.

11. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and enforced under the laws of the State of Missouri. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No waiver, alteration or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of RSG and Licensee. In the event that RSG retains an attorney to enforce this Agreement, RSG shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other relief available at law or equity, its expenses, court costs, and reasonable attorney's fees. 12. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The Software and documentation are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (1) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.2277013 or subparagraphs (1)(ii) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. 13. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement or wish to contact RSG for any reason, please write: RSG Software, 2803 NW Chipman Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64081, or email Copyright 2009 RSG Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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