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Every day Sometimes Often Always Usually Seldom Never Firstthen Now At the moment Look! Listen!

- Hbitos y situaciones permanentes - Verdades generales - Gustos y opiniones - Futuro: horarios, programas - Algo que est ocurriendo en el momento de hablar - Futuro: cuando ya has decidido o planeado algo (planes fijos, citas) - Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado o para decir el momento concreto en que empezaron o sucedieron.

S + Vb (-s en la 3 persona) S+ DONT/DOESNT + Vb DO/DOES + S + VB? S + am/is/are + Vb + -ING S +am/is/are + NOT + Vb + -ING Am/is/are + S + Vb + -ING? S + Vb in the past (regular & irregular verbs) S + DIDNT + infinitive verb DID + S + infinitive Vb?

EXAMPLE: affirmative
I work in a hospital He works in a hospital Susan likes football We live in London I am playing tennis He is playing golf They are speaking

EXAMPLE: negative
I dont work in a hospital He doesnt work in a hospital Susan doesnt like football We dont live in London I am not playing tennis He isnt playing golf They arent speaking

EXAMPLE: interrogative
Do you work in a hospital? Does he work in hospital? Does Susan like football? Do we live in London? Are you playing tennis? Is he playing golf? Are they speaking?

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Past Simple

Last ago In 1990 yesterday

I played golf He went to the park They spoke

I didnt play golf He didnt go to the park They didnt speak

Did you play golf? Did he go to the park? Did they speak?


- Accin que estaba ocurriendo en un momento concreto del pasado - Dos o ms acciones que estaban ocurriendo a la vez o

S + was / were + Vb + -ING S + wasnt / werent + Vb + -ING

At 10, I was studying While he was cooking, I was cleaning

At 10, I wasnt studying He wasnt cooking

Were you studying? Was he cooking?

Past Continuous

que duraron un cierto tiempo en el pasado - Una accin larga que estaba ocurriendo cuando fue interrumpida por otra (con el past cont. expresamos la accin en progreso y con el past simple la accin breve que interrumpe) - Predicciones: algo que crees que ocurrir - Decisiones espontneas - Promesas - Ofrecimientos y peticiones educadas - Intenciones - Planes futuros - Predicciones basadas en hechos del presente

Was / were + S + Vb + -ING?

We werent playing Were we playing? We were playing in the garden when it started to rain

S + WILL + infinitivo verb S + WONT + infinitivo verb WILL + S + infinitivo verb? S + am / is / are + GOING TO + Vb S + am / is / are + NOT + GOING TO + Vb Am / is / are + S + GOING TO + Vb? S + have / has + participle S + havent / hasnt +

They will win the match I will bring you the game He will come soon I am going to be a doctor She is going to have a baby They are going to build a bridge I have received a letter

Future: WILL

They wont win the match I wont bring you the game He wont come soon I am not going to be a doctor She is not going to have a baby They are not going to build a bridge I havent received a letter

Will they win the match? Will you bring me the game? Will he come soon? Are you going to be a doctor? Is she going to have a baby? Are they going to build a bridge? Have you received a letter?

Future: GOING TO
Just Yet Already So far


- Accin en el pasado con resultado en el presente - Acciones que

She hasnt eaten yet Has she eaten?


Up to now Since For Recently

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

acaban de ocurrir - Accin que empez en el pasado y continua hasta el presente All day - Accin que empez The whole day en el pasado y que How long contina en el Since presente. Se resalta la For duracin de la actividad. - Accin que empez en el pasado y puede haber acabado recientemente - Accin pasada que acaba de concluir, cuyo resultado es evidente Already - Accin pasada que Just ocurri antes que Never otra (pasado ms pasado que el pasado simple) How long Since For

participle Have / has + S + participle? S + have / has + been + Vb + -ING S + havent / hasnt + been + Vb + -ING Have / has + S + been + Vb + -ING?

She has just eaten

They havent lived They have lived here here for 10 years I have been working here for 10 years I havent been working

Have they lived here? Have you been working here for 10 years? Have they been reading? Have you been painting?

They have been reading all morning I have been painting

They havent been reading I havent been painting

S + had + participle S + hadnt + participle Had + S + participle?

I had already finished She had left They had gone I had been painting all day She had been working They have been sleeping

I hadnt finished She hadnt left They hadnt gone I hadnt been painting all day She hadnt been working They hadnt been sleeping

Had you finished? Had she left? Had they gone? Had you been painting all day? Had she been working? Had they been sleeping?

Past Perfect Continuous

- Subraya la duracin S + had + been + de una accin que participle ocurri en el pasado antes que otra. S + hadnt + been + participle Had + S +been + participle?

Future Continuous

- Accin que estar en marcha en un momento determinado del futuro

S + WILL + BE + Vb + -ING S + WONT + BE + Vb + - ING WILL + S + BE + Vb + -ING?

At this time next I wont be flying week, I will be flying to London He will be studying He wont be studying They will be preparing the party They wont be preparing the party I wont have finished

Will you be flying? Will he be studying? Will they be preparing the partu? Will you have finished? Will he have returned?

Future Perfect

- Acciones que estarn terminadas en un momento determinado del futuro

S + WILL + HAVE + participle S + WONT + HAVE + participle WILL + S + HAVE + participle?

By next week, I will have finished the project. He will have return by 10

He wont have returned



- Situaciones generales que son siempre as - Situaciones que pensamos que son posibles

If + presente simple If + presente simple

Presente simple Futuro (will + infinitivo) Modal + infinitivo Imperativo

If you have a microwave, you cook more quickly If you go to bed early you will feel better tomorrow If you come with us, you must not complain If you come with us, take a coat If we won the lottery we would buy a bigger house



- Situaciones posibles pero poco probables - Situaciones hipotticas o imaginarias - If I were you se usa para dar consejos - Situaciones pasadas que no ocurrieron

If + pasado simple

Condicional (Would / could / might + infinitivo)

If + pasado perfecto

Condicional perfecto (World have / could have / might have + participio

If we had seen gone to the party, we would have seen her.

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