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Management game

There will be two group dividend in equal parts the one group will be the buyer and the other will be the seller the buyer has to buy a Intel chip for his company dell laptop 1000 and the seller will be is the provider of Intel chip there will be a budget given to the buyer as well as the seller without knowing each other that what is the budget of seller to the buyer and what is the budget of buyer to the seller. Then the buyer will come to buy according to the budget given to him and negotiate with the seller to make a deal. When the group is made there will be two individual in group of buyer and seller. When deal is been agreed by the seller and buyer then the seller has to make an agreement form as follows


Condition 1. Transportation charge 2. Insurance 3. Credit

25,000 50,000 As per agreed

Signature Buyer The budget for the seller they have to sell is in 500 -1200 The budget for the buyer they have to buy is in 500-1100

Signature Seller

So both the party has to deal in such a way that there must be a win- win situation for both the parties And if the buyer and seller seller agrees then they have to seller have to make the agreement as above and write in box that agreement agreed and the amount and signature by both the parties

Following will to be assessed 1. Negotiation skill 2. Decision making

Role play
Imagine this scenario: You've spent weeks putting together a proposal to present to your company's senior executive team. Your goal is to convince them that donating money each quarter to a charitable cause would not only help the company's image with customers, but also improve team morale. You're passionate about the issue, and you're confident that once your presentation is finished, they'll be "sold." When the time comes, you speak from your heart and give them several facts that prove your argument. You also present examples from other successful companies in your industry that currently give to charity on a regular basis. When you're done, however, you're shocked and discouraged when the CEO rejects the idea without even discussing it with the rest of the executive team. When you ask why, she tells you that it's just too expensive, despite the evidence you presented that shows a positive financial return. The measures will be on the bases of 1. Patience 2. Creativity

Anmol A Dubey (1214Ams020)

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