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contexts [01 – 37] / peter ganick / sphinxtowerbooks /

(c) copyright 2009 Peter Ganick. for Jim Leftwich .
context 01

nothing is in the nature of the existent.

nothing is where the interstices of between affix themselves.
nothing is a seven-letter word, not where it is, but
somewhere nothing is not.
nothing has many infections, is always a part of speech
unlike a noun or a verb, therefore requires caution speaking.
speaking a word is different than reading.
a poetry spoken in an audience is called a reading.
is a text a poetry? is a text a poetry sometimes or not at all?
how to determine? one is not ready to etymologize the word
poetry in order to ascertain it.
where there is a secret existence, everywhere is the same.
while a contrast of existences is possible, it has no relational
two existents have multiple insights and share without
this is the way of truth to axiomize the world.
truth is trite.
context 02

a relational enticement occurs where a text process finds

awareness in language. this entity relates its notion
preceding why its discovery is a giving. what is given? the
world, the text, and the individual[s]. all three are in turns
each. the placement of this reflection is accurate from
dissection of what is now putting together a number of
strands of discourse in ways previously not attended to be
heard. hearing we sortie into space with a notion. this notion
combines rules to its reception into its existence. somewhere
else a clock tithes an otherwise. here it is clock-less, or
clock-free. an opposition in words has no weight unless it
slows down. underneath the earth is the nothing, it is a
diversion of fact to idea, idea to entity, entity to whatever
you like.
context 03

at late night, somewhere we are in a silence. everything

flows through the space we chart. a word ventures from
nothing to a place. this place is before access. it is in
remaining before access we maintain. the night carries a
flood if to each of its destinations. to edit or erase is a not-
forgetting where sense finds itself outgoing. each flow
becomes an awareness of itself in as much as it maintains
itself in weight. there is nothing to fly away into the natural
attitude before phenomenology. by moving letters into lines
of words each context does not flee.
a hundred spaces similar to these might be imagined as a
writer could reformulate with or without silence. the silence
of space is difference from the sameness of cyberspace.
both silences combine into a reality. is it necessary to define
this reality next to what else we could be contemplating?
and why stick to reality? is reality all that discourse is?
reality consists of texts and as chance plays its determining
in these existences, a text finds its outlay in its outcome.
whose experience it is is the rulership wakened from slumber
before traits of embodiments.
context 04

music sometimes a cloud become visible. we tivo the serene

vista somewhere else the. that therefore something else
was where it was said to be is while nominally partaking in
somewhere uses attenuated motions whose facticity
infractions anti-document.
music a clown referent of tolerable incursion not hammer.
context 05

it is a motion in the earth and sky somewhere activates the

chopped resonance. deterministic labors deterministic
vantages and deterministic legumes, they all talk their
entitlement signify their apportionment and their wellness
attends discursive anonymity. we are lost in text call it
discourse if you will. a panegyric of solidarity rises from
another’s, leaping forests before turning the face to
blindness somewhere considered before fable itself a range
of description awareds another tonic.
context 06

some combining combination of combustion intervenes in a

real limitation from before commonwealth refracts gravity
sense of description affording itself a range so persists in
silence and coldness.
where ranging through is nothing more, the fantastic roves
where forthcoming as triplicate forms gather in space to
witness some excision of relevance.
another disk so deigning terminus amidst iteration reveals its
clustering as aporia.
some watering hole in the desert of triviality these contexts
meaning nothing more are than themselves the realization of
smallness turned front to back to front again.
context 07

before context there is speech signifying the breaking

silence risks.
about another place, we can have no sure knowledge.
some of this arrives well before the other. it is no guarantee
that lifestyle wlll be the same as mindstyle, though there’s a
better than zero chance it will occur in some ordinary world.
space is its own fulfillment, precipitating a participation
some long spell wandered outside cruelty or kindness. moral
categories are to be transccended. context is its own reward.
as a literature, somewhere tentative anarchy is better than
pleading the fifth.
context 08

another silence approaches while music plays.

reason knows it not. it has no elaboration in words or sounds.
music becomes confused as its entitlement is a change in
plans. elsewhere is nothing prearranged. to be attentive to
being elsewhere garners itself as a preliminary.
when a nod beckons statement, each portion reverts to
somatic error saying itself as guardian for motion.
not a mathematical text, rules prefigure their own
absolutism without attending detail or denial. somewhere
between space and shape is electric with humanity. in
collateral we posit unlimited summershine.
context 09

why we become to space is the refrain attempts negation’s

refutation, else force greets itself with pure energy.
mattering where a rarity of probability scene those blurring
each equation calling itself in range something clarity
behaves. contemplation is iteration’s aporia, its own.
a grade of serenity at whose profligate motion the side of the
house is caught in light. what reflection is the communal?
from where does it issue? how combinations before
manifestation refer timbre and pitch to particular
assignments is known only to mystics.
text renders an approximation rewarding for excellence
parnassian etiquettes’ rival.
where waking is no havoc, statements resume in a cloud
intended to greet.
context 10

there is some reason weeping becomes so arcane. the

divulged mortality survives a tenuous repetition, combining
where with space designated in accordance widely surmises.
each palette reverts tomorrow becomes self-aware without
assistance or prosthesis blooming where sharing remains in
what are we told about iron?
why does a plaintiff create more intention?
while the attribution continues how else to begin before
mercifully in reality, another while of consecutive
amazement which meaning is always elsewhere.
we think but do not.
context 11

was lying in waiting. a creation of otherness once one.

already in ground floor cathexis more the stated from
a milliliter of vagary prescient of metallophonic duettino.
somewhere not so small, weeping the cahier instructs.
context 12

as a context is a contract, there is a relationship involved in

allowing oneself access to the context. relatedness always is
probing while reacting in self. to another self. context is the
other self.
volumes are written on the other without it removing itself
from the line of fire. the other would be wise to abscond with
awareness, steel itself for improbable contexts, that is, other
than the thoughtful brain equals self?
so we see how knowledge is a maze of enticements, lures
thorough whose midnight the dawn has only a few houses to
infect. the damage of reverting to happenstance is named in
its calculus of dreams.
context 13

more the chaos determines least the involutions persist. one

can only be itself in the line of persistence. punctual titration
of fluids and elements grace the chemical soup weeping
cake and finder feeds once the folio issues rendered blocks.
howing however is the nature wanders some elsewhere of
the spiral staircase. options open surface introspection as
candy for the intellect. waking sleeping is the ruminator as
presumes taken sorties owlish neck turns the reasonable
that flees.
context 14

twin oceans surpass the land coiling around by necessity

though thought of otherwise as use is normalized.
the space of either reacts somewhere inactively. a decision
crosses a stricken rulership, dealing where the silence of
palms rose ontic mannerisms their involution a pardon
oxymoronic thought patterns immolated coning a raffle
those hiatus blowhard. some burgeon in strafe no urtext too
dual, a propensity for mindfulness is sombered wherein
capitulations regain imaery.
context 15

reality before being either startling or a quotient of images

because seeing is prime.
introspection railroaded the coast is clear. they whose
pretense becomes, returns whose documents deploy from
ascension polity and grace, the commiserating con-
committants of reality in space pictured.
readiness in also enough arrival those pernicious picturing
tactics for so long. no escaping where is the escaping tides
of breathlessness waive motions rewarding clarity its
trailing therein a palanquin more rare the acquisitory
blemish. sweeping conditional tears of joy. hubris long away.
the fleeting glimpse once persists as transition
context 16

smiles away on contextual imagination’s parting of

watershed impasto. as regulatory pulses define settlement
once a familiarity those blackening of invitation where skill is
a partaken symmetry. noetic algorithms recur at moment’s
laptop, thisness where wavering.
a cache where startles the impressional corrective,
mountains with entrances behaving introduction.
motives empirical nestling whichever thinking sorts
diamonds to adjustments offering island-hopping. the cell-
phone is ringing.
context 17

waving in space where is saying to say history passages our

tone inserts nature where sight melds. on intention of
worldview a commonplace mindstyle. some are agents of
discord, others of discourse; whichever as a momentum cites
one another.
ego, that structure-inducing motion, where war ships
gravitate, the empirical heats through fact and minor accent.
wakened framing somewhere intention’s pale street, ghosts
rove, deep silence hears one’s mental world. a chorus
membership varies the rubric spans imminent corpusculence
that in sync thought to be elsewhere, something on trespass.
middle of the road, norm of a cul de sac, breaking into
swaths of territorial cluster, all later night time introspective
narrations each nth martinet closes.
abandonment of cahier-tenses, there alight with surplus the
excessive malediction rewards no havoc those tooling down
highway eighty-four the streetwise opaque illbient memory,
close to definition.
context 18

a blushing tread churl oversight harpsichord persists

moccasin handshake thanking wzbc-fm, anthem food
initializing emptor caved into motions however henna-shards
posthaste the fabrication of realitization.
no reality heard these stymies, though later environments
seek description where sultans oversight impossibly
cranberry holistics.
then smother erewhon, not-worry the cornichon aprille on
trial though novenas issue of nearness more the regulatory
language of sentiental calculus.
a crowded impetus graces rooftops in silence-becoming
context 19

ice incremental mode amor de vitae mitoses there cruelty.

detainees rein into glaring impossibility from a sentience
made intent, whaling through the apostrophe glares indelibly
where silence breathes iterative clowns.
some mile through assertion. those mile amicable theorems
celestal to ingredients. focus rehearsed in another smooth
notification elicits.
presume presence radiates or penetrates truth or sequences
of while adopting a mutable cloud so clownish.
defensible then somewhere is narrowness as politic neon.
somewhere somewhat official, that reaches memory, those
curatorial intersections wholly bid weight on serenity. small
to evince.
context 20

chagrin of the multiple. where cohesion presses to limitless

acme. how data or knowledgeable. the reflex of charm as
another take widely supposes tides will contact message in
bottle. where irony springs multiple agencies. somewhat of
the docility broken thrown or defines where iteration.
message of why. then attention some acme tailspin
gathering arrives the consensus detoured into this pavillion.
context 21

we do not compare. an individual for grammar, the

peacework so stealthy. a mirror to our clouds.
forces obliquely contact on usage of surfaces dotted with
sacral finitude mode of prehension, close to fuse arrowhead
some precise at nature clotted widely tusk. matted
ingredient so slightly pre-formed, onward or whichever you
lean toward.
blots on chosen religion, so geistlich the foible caroms
downtown into feckless regulation. human hybrids are we all.
no why inverts middle earring frosted on the outside. the
option for inside insight reflected where situation’s a bias of
context 22

as the spiritual words’ world as is.

motion is its own carrier. the selective is secondary. immense
folds imply texture. one acknowledges a mystery.
as grounded is none above held in mystery. music is own of
its reward.
somewhere a combination walls off carrier pigeons. the
grades are exhumed from roving abyssal double-takes.
what onset rang?
context 23

immense happiness if occasional traction avails

memorization modes.
flack of essential mindsets, open-ended night and day.
the moratorium crowded by audient ceiling-dwellers intact
voiceovers mimic. what is there to see?
as grammatical hack, as worn stretcher focus the carrier
wave roar iron bête rouge. as a combination in federal zip
there is a mountain, somewhere someday there is a
mountain. somewhere there is a.
oddity usages integral to mathematical surgery.
where we are when we compile.
context 24

what week is this? where are we? am i shy? what double-

take is it? why is the duration so slow? whose gunshy
preciseness avers purity?
it separates nothing that was not once joined before traction
commonsensical the piety offers as grammar those the
offers as precious name of grapeshot. fails the edit mode.
excels the ditto mode.
scream and scramble, one cabinet where cities aversely
promise calendars, seeming out of element while agendas
move onward.
weeping speciously there copious for a while then branch
outside as whither the fold enters. there graciously prompted
a magnate to skim.
context 25

is the function of a language the same as its purpose or self-

defining capability?
is the main focus always its ability to communicate? how is it
described as to be? what connects when two communicate?
is it possible to have a language without communication?
would that be a desirable goal?
purposively obtuse oblique obtaining obstinance in ostenato
ostensity otherwise alterity prevalent folding densely
propped-up images.
words are images that communicate.
context 26

empty sky, sleep dreaming the soot onslaught immersing. as

sumac therein sorting also the renegade display, while
sleepers define.
a middling hologram while movement under the sunshine
reports leery of crenulation.
midsky a ranch operates on safeguard, precedent muddled
where silence-opening also at the bait. a mystery of
mysteries graces no showcard infectuous melody property
incalculable the memoranda-pitted oversight.
some delay in speaking prorates while data imposes
thematic looting.
a mirror the sky makes vague.
context 27

madness of literacy on the queue inroads mellow, on an

insight of espacing pain tertiary emulation softness, one
salute probes double talk mindstyle thinking no one sleeps.
caveat emptor each holding patter withdraws persistence as
barter the inactivity proofreads.
enter gradients while a prepositional quorum invents
persuasion as nothing empties relegation of scars,
some are mapped one to one the others waft persistent
vines of proxy the chorus dabble reticent as maelstroms
oppose material land-grabs, theorem of a new motion.
context 28

mind of statelessness / where incident precedes incident /

whose improbability results
whether nothing isness pertains is nothing each vastly
a crenulatum oscillates midi-accented mid-region.
bursars of punch-trot evidentially precedent for hiawatha
mode if acceded to other around cordoned-if breakers in
watching proofs.
determinate weight unstructured from voice the mind first
force firmament to a shush in concert hall. boogaloo untidy
though ear candy the approbabive while deterministic labels
intend. motion where stasis, statelessness while
commotion’s commonsense.
context 29

message oft around crevasse otherwise othered on affliction

wholly the commotion lacing through subsume those
intending tolerance. content is widely rope snake illusory to
process opulent literature there mundo batallion modus
operandi form.
clipper bot. hundreds other of aisle-crossings tens of millions
othering accordance. breaking behavior’s lasting clash with
infinity, there actively clusters aegis propped while across
intention’s universe, is not.
there, insalata relays continental photographer’s improbable
nature. sole of issue, there a shred here a tile, there a crimp
here something else – it is nature naturally, that named
occasion so widely precipitant of earlier nth occasion begat
beginnings started so othering was.
from was to is is a hoot, scar, & jab. we stick, rock, and bone.
context 30

rare recrimination though alterity forms for leeching a code

lotus to imbibe.
on scrutiny, as beeper premonition – alterity of premonition
soak hymnal repeat.
begriffe cotillion mortises offering afloat osmaroid, domestic
shift-level. engraving engagement with author architect no
heat unveils mummery a toccata of brooked syllabary that
enclose ancestor teevee worship.
a degree of emptiness. perhaps doctorate. while stitches
grain surcharges confidence in knowledge.
experimental literature, experimental poetry, lit with form.
formlessness as greatly brooding earlier the stentorian
blastocyte memorized.
effectual the memorization, captive weal of per intentions
wholly contuse milligrams those surmounting accessories
those framed through sorrow an index of while replication
ability tablatures emote salient cross-town theatre
expansions. there, the static of awareness so sombreros.
context 31

a restive anomaly. some streetwise proportion alert alto

tenor of the conversation. wise – as corresponding the
rhetoric allotted ontic salutes those mere thematic
abstraction repatriates averse glad fry. capable the involute
screen barometer of itself once removed.
some hasten presumption of what is ahead.
along watching brooks, a deaf faun collects welfare. mood of
serenity, sadness, & signature.
context 32

filter an ego from dawn to dusk.

rejoin with ethereal nausea than structural see-you-again is
the wall of shaman celebrating excellence.
as incorporeal otherness wraps utter infraction its motion
wholly technical.
broken the swathe of which railroad we jump up and down,
up and down. where repetition is hypnosis, thought is effect
and dynasty, a broker of the broken – make itself other.
bamboo lutes were as common as fluttering snowflakes. yet,
this is jabberwocky that sole face facetious for anointing
selective regions. some switching is evident, persist the
bloodline, the transmigrated lineage, the flux in appearance
without draft, the burrowing in language untangles a
regulator abyss. we symmetricize the multiplicity as
assumption. small breakdown past humility weirdness of
reality. there, saying is norm of wielding parochiality, the
spectral breaker, scampers where nth intention is same as
the first.
context 33

an emaciated idea refutes procedure by the naming itself

behaves as.
crimp written aspects with arrival profiteers needling
wordless mimicry.
confusion tussles with anteriority.
some relief with aromatic salts, what are aromatic alterities
begging quixotic motives from truth’s version. recruiters of
mountain decoded in advance some lettering planetary
yammer the sky opens around everywhere some elsewhere
preparative with dalliance in otherwise caromed through and
context 34

typing afloat, the fluttering cloth in a south wind ceramic

collation. so when a photon strikes balance from where
stargazing nominating ed those fruition some sunny daylong
entourage noumenal there strictly.
suddenly while adrenalin presumes, there in éclat from
scape and assaillant, the in mimicry bolsters a modest
mindstyle broken through suede vacillation, some walrus
waves tactile balance icarus oscillates.
some material genesis, the frictional merci beaucoup, then
sombrero integral reactive to modes orphic as intention.
a beam of sunray, tolerable throughout urgent
communications solidarity with awash integrally corpus
dilectus homily than structure each naive for magnate
intersection, there sibilant moebius the structure faces
deterrents from compliance that issues natural triage, the
therein as brokered in as calamitous from assertive
wordplay, the cambering somewhere insulation combines
context 35

what we see when the lightness behavior material fixture

date name tone time aisle of the series balance
combinatorial baffle rubric those selecting.
commotion whom ahead intersects thoughts inform the
scalene priority somber tune for the momentary reason
those where structural thematics endorse a grammatization
whose problematic surpasses traversal boat-shoe the boat-
people wear.
some commotion, wholes and parts, some outer-generated
some self-endured while borrowing bear with the statement
context 36

mere stylism small talk insisting rhetoric inflammatory,

nothingness askance the parallelism to breathe widens
awareness summations echoing attribution while therein
scramble an entrenchment.
bagatelles waive some rules, keep others. stumble where
occasions heap orbital velocity thankful the jamboree.
certitude zipped into velocity, pressure on the breathing
code while motions recognizant of periscopes even if
wrongfully entrained.
are writers foremost the treasures of preparative empathy
czarina telling someone scenario after scenario, in brocades
there is mention. so where uncertainty saves, the
motivations are kept leaping through faded mindsets the
context 37

look close to utterance, the motion empties wall-to-wall.

small some watershed of preemption clarity, then somber
thorough therein sleight of persistence amalgam more
precious prehension.
caking through symmetric haloes, thoroughly despondent
not despicable. not herald of repetition somewhere in
calamity need not be.
grip of the rule. garage gradient.

[west hartford ct and needham ma, july 2009.]

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