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United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-HABITAT Mongolia Office

Room #1001, MUB # 3, Baga toiruu - 15, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA

Tel: +976-11-322711, Fax: +976-11-322711

Job Description Position: Project: Location: Duration: Number: Level: 1. BACKGROUND In recent years, Ulaanbaatar has undergone rapid expansion due to the high-levels of rural-to-urban migration. In-migrants have been settling in Ger areas which have developed on Ulaanbaatar citys periphery to accommodate population growth that has exceeded the capacity planned urban core area. The factors behind in-migration in recent years include poor incomes in the countryside, the Dzuds (extremely cold winter occurrences) of 1999-2001 which resulted in the loss of livestock the main source of income in the countryside, and the Supreme Court decision of 2003 that granted citizens the right to the freedom of movement within Mongolia. The in-migrants have settled in the Ger-areas located outside the conventional built-up area of the city with predominantly traditional Ger (felt-tent) housing and low-levels of infrastructure and service provision. The government of Mongolia and Municipality of Ulaanbaatar are actively engaged in addressing the upgrading issues of Ger Area. With technical assistance from UN-HABITAT the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar has prepared City Wide Pro-poor Ger Area Upgrading Strategy of Ulaanbaatar City, which was completed in 2007 and approved by Citizens Representative Council through the Technical Assistance of UN-HABITATs Ger Area Upgrading Strategy and Implementation Plan (GUSIP). As a step towards implementation of strategy Community Led Ger Area Upgrading in Ulaanbaatar project has been developed. The project will be implemented over the next 2 two years. The incumbent will be responsible for Managing both project including any other project in the pipe line under UN-HABITAT Mongolia. 2. PROJECTS: 2.1 COMMUNITY-LED GER-AREA UPGRADING PROJECT IN ULAANBAATAR 2.1.1 PROJECT GOAL The projects goal is to improve the quality of life of approximately 50,000 Ger area residents in Ulaanbaatar city through community-led Ger area upgrading in 5 selected project sites. 2.1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Community-Led Ger-area Upgrading Project in Ulaanbaatar project are as follows: Project Officer Community-Led Ger Area Upgrading in Ulaanbaatar City and Ger Area Upgrading Strategy and Investment Plan Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 12 months (with possibility of extension) 1 SC

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

To empower the Ger area communities through social mobilisation and organisation; To support community-based assessment and prioritisation of local needs for Ger area upgrading; To improve the quality of life of selected Ger area communities by improving infrastructure and services by using community-led processes; and To document and monitor project implementation progress and improvements in urban governance.

2.1.3 PROJECT COMPONENTS The project has four Major components that are related to the project objectives Component 1: Empowerment of Ger area communities through social mobilisation and organisation: Component 2: Community-based assessment and prioritisation of local needs for Ger area upgrading through Community Action Planning process developed by UN-HABITAT. Component 3: Improvement of the quality of life by using community-led processes: Component 4: Documentation and monitoring of project implementation progress and project evaluation, and study of urban governance in Ulaanbaatar City: Project outputs are achieved through implementation of activities under the above mentioned components 2.1.4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE

The Project Management Structure includes (i) Policy Advisory Group (PAG) (ii) Project Coordination Team (PCT) (iii) Project Management Team (PMT) of UN-HABITAT The incumbent staff is a member of PMT who assist the project management team. The project Management Team works very closely with the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MoUB) and the Ministry of Road Transport, Construction and Urban Development (MoRTCUD)


2.2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The overall objective is to prepare a Citywide Pro-poor Ger-area Upgrading Strategy and Investment Plan (GUSIP) for Ulaanbaatar through a structured consultative process, involving public sector agencies, Duureg (District) and Khoroo (Sub-District) Councils and their communities participation.

2.2.2 PROJECT OUTPUTS The GUSIP Project aims at developing Ger-area upgrading strategies, urban development guidelines and an investment program for three types of Ger areas and related issues in Ulaanbaatar. The Ger-area upgrading strategies and guidelines will be tested through the preparation and implementation of Ger-area Improvement Action Plans (GIAPs) in three pilot areas, one each in the three types of Ger areas. The Project will also develop an Institutional Strengthening Strategy (with the involvement of Mongolian institutes and universities), and formulate and implement knowledge-sharing and policy learning mechanisms for national replication.

2.2.3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE The project management structure of this project includes: (i) Ulaanbaatar city Mayor-led InterMinisterial Policy Advisory Group which has the participation of three Vice-Ministers (Finance, Construction and Urban Development, and Social Welfare); (ii) an MUB-led Coordinating Working Group (Head of all Departments and the Secretary of Ulaanbaatar Regional Council); (iii) three Ger-area Upgrading Issue-specific Working Groups (with representatives from public and private sector, civil society organizations and international aid/donor agencies); (iv) which will be supported by a Project Management Team located at the MUB Office. 3. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. Overall. Under the direct guidance and supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor and National Project Manager, the Project Officer will be responsible to ensure Operation and timely implementation of various planned project activities, and fulfill the necessary management requirements. 3.2. Specific Duties and Responsibilities. 1. Project Management: 1) Support the CTA and NPM in Regular coordination with the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar and MRTCUD for the smooth implementation of the project. 2) Assist in preparation of training materials and manuals and help to conduct necessary training and workshops at different levels as and when required in the process of implementation of the projects. 3) Undertake regular visits to the field to understand the ground situation and take necessary actions for improvement in quality of community mobilization.

4) 2. Planning and Implementation: 1) Draft coordinated plans with the teams of various units to support the implementation of the project in a timely manner. 2) Preparation of work plans and operation plans for various elements/ components of the project on half yearly basis and an annual. 3) Monitor progress on regular basis and give suggestions to NPM and CTA on timely manner for corrective actions. 3. Coordination with the Partners: 1) Assist the CTA and NPM in organizing PAG and PCT meetings. 2) Establish Network and Linkages with the key actors in the field of sustainable human settlements development in general and for Ger area upgrading and development in particular. 5. . 4. Superise and Support Field Staff: 1) Provide with information on concept and approach of the project and the tasks various units to project staff. 2) Support activities of various units of the project so that activities are implemented in a systematic, coordinated and sequential manner. 3) Provide support in various aspects of project implementation to the field offices. 4) Ensure implementation of planned activities by the Social Mobilizes as per the plans. 5) Ensure provision of field reports and monitoring data sheets to monitoring officer by Social Mobilizers.

Monitor and Supervise Micro-Finance activities in the field and provide guidance to Social Mobilizers. 7) Work as the contact person between the International Consultant and Social Mobilizers.

5. Monitoring, Documentation and Reporting: 1) Ensure timely preparation of monthly progress updates. 2) Ensure that regular reports (monthly, quarterly and annual) as agreed with the National partners are provided on timely manner in local languages. 3) Help translating documents of urgency at the times of need both from English to Mongolia and vice versa. . 4) Promote and undertake the documentation of good practices and synthesis of lessons learned, and ensure that these are reflected in improved training and management tools. 5) Support the Monitoring officer and community Mobilizes in obtaining and documenting success stories, new articles, inputs to newsletters, websites etc. 6. Representation 6) Represent UN-HABITAT in various interagency and stakeholder forums with knowledge and expertise of UN-HABITATs thematic areas of works. 7) Representation includes, various working groups of UN system, urban forum, stakeholders forum, Project coordination forums etc. 8) Represent UN-HABITAT in workshops, seminars, meetings of adhoc and thematic nature.

3.3 Other:
1) Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the CTA and NPM that are within the

incumbents expertise and experience.

Qualifications and Experience:

Bachelors degree in a relevant discipline e.g., Urban planning, public administration, international development policy, Community Development, Water and sanitation, engineering, or equivalent; 3 years of work experience related to development programmes and/or projects, with national/international agencies. Experience in Project Management will be an asset; working experience in community based projects/ activities will be an advantage. Excellent organizational skills with demonstrated ability to work independently, handle a variety of concurrent activities, rank priorities, organize work efficiently, and deliver assignments in a timely manner often under time constraints; Ability to communicate effectively, in writing and orally, in English; Computer skills in MS Office. Strong analytical and practical problem-solving skills.

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