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Introduction: English Language Society (ELS) is established with the aims of providing enrichment activities and cultivating interest in the English Language among the members. The English Language Society plays a vital role in widening the pupils involvement in activities and upgrading their profici8ency in using the English Language. The English Language Society also functions as a society to train pupils in the skills of managing and organizing a society. The English Language Society also helps to promote unity, tolerance and fellowship among members. Matlamat Dan Tujuan : Untuk memperkenalkan, menggalakkan dan memupuk penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua di kalangan ahli persatuan Perlembagaan / Constitution The society shall be known as the 'Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris' of SK KINABUTAN hereafter referred to as the 'English Language Society' 1. Aims and Objectives - To promote, encourage and cultivate the use of English as a second language among members and society as a whole. - To promote unity and better understanding among members.

- To instill a sense of responsibility, creativity, initiative and organizational skills. - To provide enrichment activities and cultivating interest in the English Language among the pupils. - To provide effective language learning opportunities for the usage and practice of the language among the pupils. - To provide the opportunity to learn the language through ICT. - To give a balance education to the pupils with emphasis on both academic and extracurriculum activities. 2. Membership - All students irrespective of race or religion shall be members. 3. Voting Rights - Only members who have parted for the English Society as their GERKO will be allowed to vote. 4. Subscription - The semester subscription shall be the sum of Ringgit Malaysia one only. - Special contributions may be raised from members by resolution of the general meeting of the society 5. General Meeting - One general meeting shall be held annually for the election of the office-bearers. - At least one half of the membership of the society must be present at a general meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a moral. 6. Committee - The committee will comprise the following who shall be termed the office-bearers of the society and who shall be elected at the general meeting.

7. Financial Provision - Subject to the following provision in these rules, the funds of the society may be expended for any purpose necessary for - The carrying out its objects, including the expenses of its administration.

Suggestions Activities

1. Conducting meeting and writing minutes and official letter 2. Scrabble games 3. Play reading 4. Jigsaw puzzle 5. Choral reading/ speaking 6. Crosswords puzzle 7. Spelling Bee 8. Sing-a-long 9. Storytelling 10. Organizing a social party/farewell party 11. Quiz and Language games 12. Telematch 13. English In Camp 14. A visit (Lawatan Sambil Belajar) 15. Watching the Movie

Objective For Organizing The Activities To encourage pupils to learn English and also to improve their conversation and communications in English. The most important is to gain pupils' interest in English Language.

Rules And Guidelines a. All the members must attend the society meeting twice a week. b. All the members must speak in English when they in society activities. c. All the activities that need a competition will open to all the pupils in the school. Challenges a. Many of the pupils do not want to participate the activities or the competition that the English Language Society wants to organize because of: I. Feel ashamed to take part in English activities. ii. English Language is not familiar to some of them. iii. English Language is difficult for them. iv. They are very weak in English conversation so that make them difficult to take part in the activities of the English Language Society. v. They only want the competition on paper for example jigsaw puzzle , crossword puzzle because this activity does not need them to speak.

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