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Ready for First Certificate Teacher's Book Hilary Thomson Roy Norris MACMILLAN Ready for First Certificate Teacher's Book Hilary Thomson Roy Norris MACMILLAN Contents Contents map of the Coursebook 4 Introduction 6 Lifestyle 10 2 High energy 18 3 Achange for the better? 28 Ready for Reading 37 4 Agood story 7 39 Doing your duty 48 6 Relative relationships 37 Ready for Use of English 66 7 Value for money 69 8 Time travel 77 9 Fact or fiction? 84 Ready for Writing 92 10 Nothing but the truth 97 11 What on Earth’s going on? 106 12 Looking after yourself 115 Ready for Listening 126 13 Against the odds 131 14 As pretty as a picture 140 15 Mind your language 147 Ready for Speaking 154 Photocopiable exercises 161 Progress test 1 (Units 1-3) 176 Progress test 2 (Units 4-6) 182 Progress test 3 (Units 7-9) 188 Progress test 4 (Units 10-12) 194 Progress test 5 (Units 13-15) 200 Final test (FCE Papers 1-5) 206 Answer key to tests 225 Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 0 333 97635 5 Text © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2001 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2001 First published 2001 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Xen Media Ltd. Ilustrated by Mike Atkinson and Rani Rai-Quantrl. Cover idea by Xen Media Ltd. The authors would like to thank their spouses, Miguel Angel and Azucena for their support. Hilary Thomson would also like to thank Roy Norris for his helpful and constructive comments and her teaching and training colleagues for their inspiration, The publishers would like to thank all those who participated in the development of the book, with special thanks to José Vicente Acin Barea, Coral Berriochoa Hausmann, Javier Buendia, Sue Bushell, Jacek Czabanski, Debra Emmett, Elena Garcfa, Loukas Geronikolaou, Emil Aparicio, Roula Kyriakidou, Juan Carlos Lépez Gil, Arturo Mendoza Fernandez, Jackie Newman, Carolyn Parsons, Javier Redondo, Lena Reppa, James Richardson, Yannis Tsihlas, Malcolm Wren and Mayte Zamora Diaz. Jiménez The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their material: Extract adapted from ‘She's black, 'm white, but we're twins’ from Sugar Magazine November 1999. Reprinted with permission of Attic Futura Syndications. Extract adapted from "You Can't Be Sisters’ in Woman's Realm 30.11.99. Reprinted with permission of Rex Features Limited. Extract adapted from ‘0 & A what’ it like to scuba-dive in a shark tank?’ From Best 22.2.00, Reprinted courtesy of Best Magazine © National Magazine Company. Extracts adapted from ‘My Dad's a pop star’ by Jo Uperaft, in Sugar Magazine May 2000, Reprinted by permission of, Attic Futura Syndications. Extract adapted from ‘A load of balls’ from Focus 93 July 1999 © National Magazine Company. Reprinted courtesy of Focus Magazine. Extract, adapted from ‘Love Parties but Dread Dancing’ by Peta Bee, from The Sunday Times Magazine 31st October, 1999. (© Peta Bee/The Sunday Times Magazine, 31st October, 1999, Reprinted with permission. Extract from ‘The End. of the Top Notch Nanny’ by Liz Lightfoot, on the electronic Telegraph 26th July, 1997. © Telegraph Group Limited, 26th July, 1997. Reprinted with permission. Extract from ‘A male enters the nanny state’ by Cathy Comerford, in The Independent 22nd October, 1997, and “Question, listen, think, learn’ by Meg Carter in The Independent, 19th February, 1999. Reprinted by Permission of the Independent Syndication. Extract from ‘Career File’ by Sian Flanighan, from Marie Claire © IPC/Marie Claire. Reprinted with permission of IPC Syndication. Extract adapted from "The Mystery of the Mary Celeste’ by Robert Matthews in Focus March 1999, © National Magazine Company. Reprinted courtesy of Focus Magazine. :xtract from "Too clean for own good’ by Simon Crompton from The Times 4th April, 2000. © ‘Simon Crompton/The Times London 4th April 2000/Times Newspapers Limited 2000, Reprinted with permission, Extract from ‘Brains and bravery of a boy wonder’ by Peter Knighton, in The Guardian 23rd January 1996 © ‘The Guardian, 23rd January, 1996. Reprinted with permission. Extract from ‘Villagers use Bells to sound SOS’ by Maurice Weaver, in The Daily Telegraph 11th December, 2000 © Telegraph Group Limited 11th December, 2000. Reprinted with permission. The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: Corbis p24 (br); Stone p224 (tl, tr, bl). Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd 2005 2004 2003 109876543 Contents map of the Coursebook i RN Cage oc RR VERA 1 bese 1 Habital behaviour tend to; 4 Ghthes Page fequency ates ised to ond 2 Get: Expressions and meanings woul 2 Be used to, get used toandused to i aS Gapped tert (FCE Part 3) 1 Indirect questions 2/3 Gerunds and infinitves 1 Music High ener 2 are 2 Spo Page 14 Multiple matching (FCE Pat 4) 3 Achagge rite ener 4 Comparisons Machines and devices Page 2 2 Articles As... as expressions Multiple choice (FC Part 2) ead for esdig Part: Multiple matching ere A hg 1 So and such 1 Fins 1 Mutiple matching (FCE Part 1) Page 2 Past tenses and time expressions 2 Take: Expression and phrasal verbs 2 Gapped text (FCE Tart 3) Doing your duty Cblgatin, necessity and perision Recording prepositions apps text (CE ar 3) Page 54 ‘he wodd of work 1 Phrasal verbs Genie relations 2 Have: bxpessions and causative Page 66 1 100 and enough 2 Defining elt causes 3 Nondefning eave clauses have 3 Describing people eee rrr 1 The present perfect 1 Shoppi ‘Value for money Page #2 2 Contesting leas 3 xpresing preferences 3 Towns and villages rr 2 Eee Cressons and phrasal ves ‘Multiple matching (FCE Par 4) "Rock of ages" Gapped test (FCE Part 3) Time travel Page 94 The future and time linkers Travel Phrasal verbs 1 Gapped text FCE Part 3) 4 AiR Sere ant 2) 1, Modal verbs of speculation Give: Expressions and phrasal verbs 2 Question tags Qtr fiow Page 105 OL) pny aes 1 Multiple choice (FCE Part 2) 2 Gapped text (CE Part 3) Part 2: Questions 10 fistingber te run 1 The passive 1 Grime and punishment Multiple matching (FCE Part 1) Page 122 2 Pastnecesity 2 Phiasal verbs What on Earth's going on? 4 Conditionals 1 Weather Multiple matching (FCE Part 4) 11 Page 134 2 50, neither and nor 2 Put: Expressions and phrasal verbs Text about Christiana Tugwell 12 Woking vous 11 2.Countable and uncountable Health matters Page 146 ours 3 Reported speech 4 Reporting verbs 5. Reported questions ey rr ar Multiple matching (FCE Pat 1) aes Page 162 2 Vets followed by prepositions 2 Make an do: Expressions and 2 Gapped text (FCE Part 3) 2 Ran 14 eR 1 a TRS RISER iE 15 sg aaa "eames ua one rs Wordist Additional material age 200, Page 202 age 206 ‘Grammar reference EC writing Informa eters (CE Part 2) Use of Englist “Transformations (FCE Part 3) ui 9, Malle machi (cepa Speaking Taking abut patos (FC Par 2) 1 Transactional letters Asking for information (FCE Part 1) 2 Articles (FCE Par 2) ‘Composions (FCE Pat 2) ‘Word formation: fixes ‘Wort formation (FCE Part 5) ‘Word formation: suffixes Ailes: Error correction ‘Wor formation (FCE Pat 5) 1 Blank filing (CE Part 2) 2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 4) 1 Muliple maiing (CE Pon 3) 2 Matching FE Part) 1 Collaborative task (CE Part 3) 2 Further dscussion (FCE Pat a) eT Pry Short stories (FCE Part 2) Wor fomaton: adjectives Transformations (FCE Part 3) Word formation (FCE Part 5) heparin for Listerng Focus on istractors Multiple choice (FCE Part 1) Talking about photos (FCE Part 2) Letters: An application (FCE Part 2) Descriptions (FCE Part 2) Letters: complaint (FCE Part 1) 4 lod fort Ft a8) 2 Multiple choice coz (FCE Pa Spence ror corection(FCE Part) Error correction (FCE Pat 4) Transformation (FCE Part 3) ror corection(FCE Pat 4) Tansformations(FCE Part 3) 1 Tuefalse (FCE Part 4) 1) 2 Blank filing (FCE Part 2) Prepostons (CE Pat 2), 1 Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) 2 YesiNo (FCE Par 4) ery 1 Note taking (FCE Part 2), 2 Matching (FCE Pat 4) 1 Talking about photos (FCE Part 2) 2 Collaborative task (FCE Part 3) 1 Collaborative task (FCE Part 3) 2 Interview (FCE Part 1) Supemartet pach ‘king abot potos (XE Pat 2) Somposton CE Par 2) Arties (FCE Part 2) Transformations (FCE Part 3) Word formation (FCE Part 5) ‘Multiple choice doze (FCE Part Multiple choice (FCE Part 1) » 4 Interview (FCE Part 1), 2 Talking about photos (FCE Part 2) 1 Short stores (FE Part 2), 2 Informal eters (CE Part 2) 1 An aril story (FCE Part 2) 2 Articles (FCE Part 2) pen cloze(FCE Part 2), ford formation: Adjectives Transformations (FCE Part 3) Wiord formation (FCE Pat 5) Error cortectin (FCE Part) TruelFalse (FCE Part 4) 1, Note taking (FCE Part 2) 2 Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) 1 Collaborative task (FCE Part 3) 2 Further discussion (FCE Part a) 4, Collaborative tsk (FCE Part 3) 2 Farther discussion (FCE Part) Compositions (FCE Part 2) Formal transactional lets (FCE Prt 1) Error conection (FCE Part 4) Transformations (FCE Part 3) 1 Note taking (FCE Part 2) 2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 1) Speculatng about a photo Colsboratve task (FCE Pat 3) 4 Reports (FCE Part 2) 2 Transactional letters: Giving formation (FCE art 1) oa formal eters An apliaton (FCE Part 2) m Narsoctonl eters een) 1 Set books (FCE Part 2) 2 Compositions (FCE Part 2) rr) 1 Mtl hice doze (FE Prt 1) 2 Word formation (FCE Part 5) Open cloze(FCE Part 3) Tansformations (FCE Part 3) ‘Word formation: Nouns Erorcorecion (FCE Pat 4) Transformations (FCE Part 3) Word formation: Suffixes Word formation (FCE Part 5) Transfomations (FCE Part 3) Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) Ps 1 YesiNo (FCE Part 4) 2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 1) Mahiple choice (FCE Part 4) Talking about photos (FCE Part 2) Collaborative task (FCE Part 3) ‘Articles (FCE Part 2) Multiple choice cloze (FCE Part Tanslormations(FCE Pat 3) 1) Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) 3: Collaborative task reer)

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