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Neusiok District 2014 Freeze-O-Ree February 21-23 Camp Tuscarora Come Get You Some!

Dear Great Neusiok District Scouter: The following pages will introduce you to the 2014 Freeze-O-Ree. This year's event will include both Webelos and Scouts hoping to strengthen the bond between the troop and pack. There are events listed in this guidebook where patrols may compete for the Freeze-O-Ree trophy. Webelos can participate in the events as long as they compete within their troop's patrols. All participants of the 2014 Freeze-O-Ree will receive a patch. Fee is $10.00 per leader, parent, scout or webelo. ***Webelos that plan to campout must have a parent to stay with them during the Freeze-ORee.*** Please respond no later than February 4 with an email to Please include number of scouts, webelos, and adults that plan to attend so the event staff can plan accordingly. Please call Rufus Brown if you have any questions at 919-202-6702.

Yours In Scouting, Rufus Brown Freeze-O-Ree Chairman

Neusiok District 2014 Freeze-O-Ree February 21-23 Camp Tuscarora Schedule Come Get You Some!

Friday February 21,2014 4:00 pm 8:00pm 8:30pm Registration/Camp set-up SPL/Scoutmaster Camporee Orientation Leader's Crackerbarrel Headquarters Dining Hall Dining Hall

Saturday February 22,2014 8:15 am 8:30 am 9:15-10:15 10:30-11:45 12:00 noon 1:00-3:30 pm Flag Raising/Announcements Event #1 Knowledge Event Open Events Competition(Events 3-6) Flag Pole Dining Hall TBA

Event #2 Fire Building Camp wide Competition TBA Lunch on your own Open events competition(Events 3-6) TBA Camporee Field Flagpole

3:45pm-5:00pm Troop Tug of War 5:15pm Flag Lowering

5:30pm- 7:00pm Dinner on your own 7:30pm 8:00pm Dutch Oven Competition Campfire & Awards Peacock Shelter Amphitheater

Sunday February 23,2014 8:45am 9:00am Flag Raising Church service Flag Pole Dining Hall

Neusiok District 2014 Freeze-O-Ree February 21-23 Camp Tuscarora Come Get You Some!
Summary of Competition Events; maximum allocated points that may be earned 1. Knowledge 2. Fire Building 3. Map/Compass 4.First Aid 5.Knot Relay 6.Emergency Shelter 7.Dutch Oven 20 15 All three ranks Tenderfoot to First Class 2nd Class #3F

15 2nd Class#1b; 1st Class #2 15 2nd Class #7c 15 Tenderfoot #4b,4c; 1st Class #7a,7b 15 20 Tenderfoot #2,5(Handbook p.304)

8. Campfire participation 10 Scout Spirit 9.Bonus Points Potential Total 5 Scout Spirit 130 points Event Descriptions Event #1-Knowledge: Saturday at 8:30 am there will be a general knowledge written test. It will be done in the dining hall and must be completed within 30 minutes. Each patrol or troop will work as a team to develop written responses(short answers). There will be 20 questions. The questions will focus on subjects needed to achieve up to and including First Class rank. In addition the subject materials will cover ideas that would be useful or necessary if in a winter environment. The Boy Scout Handbook is one of several good resource documents. Event scoring: Each correctly responded question is worth 1 point ; total possible 20 points. Event #2 Fire Building: Saturday at 10:30 am there will be a fire building competition. At the competition site each Patrol/Troop will select a pre-pared fire site. The prepared site will have two stakes with two strings across the fire site. One string will be 13" above the ground; the other 16". To compete, the patrol will bring to the competition one(1) trash bag(bag not larger

than 13 gallon size) of natural fire making materials. The Patrol/Troop will have six(6) minutes to prepare their fire for lighting. The height of the fire making materials at the point when the fire is lighted will not be allowed to exceed the height of the bottom line. At a common signal, the Patrol/Troop can then attempt to light their fire; maximum competition time to light and burn the fire will be ten minutes. No mechanical lighters will be allowed. Three wooden matches will be provided. Event scoring: If a team uses some form of flint and steel or other sparking device to successfully initiate the fire, it will obtain five(5) bonus points. The fastest time to burn the top string will be given ten(10) points, second 9 through 5th at six(6) points. All other participating Patrols/Troop will obtain five(5) points; total possible 15 points including the bonus points. Event#3 Finding your way using map/compass and pace: In this event the Patrol/Troop will be provided instructions which will require knowledge of the scouts pace as well as how to use a map and compass. Event scoring: In this event there is a total 15 points possible. Event #4 Knot Relay: In this event, the Patrol/Troop will have the opportunity in a relay to tie those knots required Tenderfoot through First Class: Square Knot, two Half Hitches, Taunt line Hitch, Clove Hitch, Bowline, and Timber Hitch. Each Patrol/Troop will be provided in advance of starting the competition the order in which the knots are to be tied and can select the member who will tie that knot. Each team must allow as broad base of participation up to six members; for competing groups of less than five and alternate plan will be arranged. Event Scoring: In this event, for each knot that is correctly tied, the team is given two points. If a scout that ties any of the knots and has earned rank no higher than the rank at which knot is a requirement for that rank then the team earns one extra point(up to a total of three). In these event there is a possible fifteen(15)points. Event #5 Winter Emergency First Aid: In this event the Patrol/Troop will be given a first aid situation. One of the members of the team, but not the team leader, will be selected by the scorer to be the victim. The Patrol/Troop will respond to questions and may be required to perform tasks that will be scored. Event Scoring: In this event there will be a total of 15 points. Seven of the points can be earned by providing the correct question responses; one point from each correct response. Eight points can be earned by correctly performing the required tasks. In this event there is a possible fifteen points.

Event #6-Emergency Shelter: In this event the Patrol/Troop will be given up to 10 minutes to build a shelter from provided materials(tarp, rope, stakes, poles). Once up the shelter must remain in place for one minute to be determined up. Event Scoring: In this event the fastest time to successfully set up the tarp(stays up one minute) will be given ten Points, second through 5th at six points. All other participating Patrols/Troops will obtain five points; total possible 15 points. Event #7-Dutch Oven Cobbler Competition: In this event the Patrol/Troop can prepare a cobbler during dinner. The cobblers will be checked in under the Peacock shelter at 7:30pm before campfire. The judges will judge the cobbler on taste and presentation. The 1st place cobbler will be given 15 points and the second through 5th at 10 points. All other participating Patrols/Troops will obtain five points; possible 20 points. Event #8-Campfire Participation/Event Scoring: All troops participating in the campfire must see Ryan Roberts before 6:00 pm with your skit or song for approval. In this event, if the Patrol/Troop participates in any appropriate manner in the campfire program it will be awarded ten points. Event #9 Bonus "Scout Spirit" points/Event Scoring: In this event, if the District Executive observes a Patrol/Troop conduct themselves in a manner that shows positive Scout Spirit he can award the Patrol/Troop up to five extra bonus points. Scoring at this event concludes at the end of the campfire.

Neusiok District Freeze-O-Ree February 21-23 2014 Come Get You Some
Freeze-O-Ree Roster and Registration
(Due by February 04; late fee if paid from February 17-21st) Troop/Pack Number__________ Patrol Name _______________________ Patrol Name _______________________

Patrol Leader ________________ Patrol Leader _______________ 2 _______________________ 2 _____________________ 3________________________ 3 _____________________ 4 _______________________ 4 _____________________ 5 _______________________ 5 _____________________ 6 _______________________ 6 _____________________ 7 _______________________ 7 _____________________ 8 _______________________ 8 _____________________ 9 _______________________ 9 _____________________ 10 _______________________ 10 _____________________

Patrol/Den Name _______________________ Patrol/Den Name ______________________


Patrol Leader _________________ Patrol Leader _______________ 2 _______________________ 2 _____________________ 3 _______________________ 3 _____________________ 4 _______________________ 4 _____________________ 5 _______________________ 5 _____________________ 6 _______________________ 6 _____________________ 7 _______________________ 7 _____________________ 8 _______________________ 8 _____________________ 9 _______________________ 9 _____________________ 10 _______________________ 10 _____________________
SPL _____________________________ Asst. SPL _________________________ SM ______________________________ Ph. ____________ Date Submitted _____________ Total Attendance ____________________ ______ Boys X $10.00 ($15 late fee) = $ __________ Total Fee Paid $ ____________________ ______ Adults X $10.00 ($15 late fee) = $ _________ Check No. ________ Receipt No. ______
Questions? E-mail or Call Rufus Brown 919-202-6702 cell 919-934-8054 work or email

Certification: All Scouters Listed Above Are Registered in The Boy Scouts of America. Parents joining with son do not have to be registered. Scoutmaster/Leader Signature X _____________________________________ Date__________

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