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Ravenna Church of the Nazarene

530 Main Street Ravenna, KY 40472 Pastor, Rev. Rob Steinbrook (606) 643-5958 Assistant Pastor, Rev. Josh Sutton (606) 643-5631 October 6th, 2013

Tonight: Pizza at the Pastors house immediately following the evening service. Everyone is invited! 127 Glory Street, just up the street from Calvary Baptist Church. Quiz Practice: The Quiz team will meet at 5PM for practice tonight. The Choir will NOT practice tonight or next Week. Wednesday night supper and Bible Study: This Week we will have a fish supper! Bring a side dish and be here by 6:30PM for the meal. After we eat, the children will have a lesson with Josh and we will have a Bible Study for the adults.


District Quiz at Beattyville!


Missionaries to Indonesia, the Young family, will be with us. Check out their website:


The Church Board will meet after the service.


WelcomeandAnnouncementsRev.JoshSutton CongregationalSinging Leader,ArthurDavidBallard MorningPrayerRev.WarrenToler ChoirSpecial Director,ShonnaBallard MorningTithesandOfferingsRev.RobSteinbrook *Childrendismissed MissionsAnnouncementNinaToler SpecialSingingKimHockensmith SermonRev.RobSteinbrook ChildrensChurch WeofferChildrensChurchforchildrenages411.Thekidsmeet downstairsafterthechoirsingswithRev.JoshSutton. SingingSchedule ThisEveningArthurDavid NextSundayMorningNelle NextSundayEveningPatti

We will have a special Christmas concert with the Dubbeld family. The Dubbelds are Nazarene Song Evangelists and they perform across the country. They also sing at the National Quartet Convention each year. You can learn more about them at:
DontforgettobeprayingabouttheIrvinewet/dryvotethatwill takeplaceonOctober8thfrom6amto6pm.Ifyouareeligibleto voteonthisissue,besuretocastyourvote.TheNazareneManual states: 34. We hold specifically that the following practices should
be avoided: 34.5. The use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or trafficking therein; giving influence to, or voting for, the licensing of places for the sale of the same; using illicit drugs or trafficking therein; using of tobacco in any of its forms, or trafficking therein.

The teens will go out to eat and then Bowling in Richmond with Pastor Josh. We will meet at the church and we will leave at 5pm in the church van!

The Children will take a trip to the Bounce House with Josh! Mark your calendar for this Fall Break trip for the kids! Next Sunday, October 13th: We meet at Estill Springs for our Evening Service and a pitch in meal. Bring a dish and plan to be at this historical site for worship and fellowship. THANK YOU to all who gave for the Alabaster offering. We received a total of $570.44 for this mission offering!

Our Mission is to lead people into the Saving and Sanctifying power of God and to help them live Christ-centered lives.

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ScheduleofServices SundaySchool 10:00AM SundayMorningWorship 10:45AM SundayQuizPractice5:00PM SundayChoirPractice5:00PM SundayEveningWorship 6:00PM WednesdayEveningMeal 6:30PM WednesdayEveningBibleStudy 7:00PM

ReadthroughtheNewTestamentin149Days: MondayActsChapter13 TuesdayActsChapter14&15 WednesdayActsChapter16 ThursdayActsChapter17&18 FridayActsChapter19 SaturdayActsChapter20 SundayActsChapter21

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