JHSBAA Proposal 09-10

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Proposed Agenda
of the Organization

2009 -2010

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell

July 2009
JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Starting from Scratch 1

Provide Resources 4

Develop Connections 6

Support the JHS Band 7

Support Music Education 8

Why I’m Running for Chair 9

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Proposed by Kevin Ransdell i

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

A Message from Kevin Ransdell
I would like to thank you first and foremost for reading this proposal. We are about to embark on what is
surely to be a worthwhile venture. In the coming months we will form an organization that effectively
reconnects us all to our past, supports the present, and plans for the future.

The mission of the JHSBAA is to provide resources to the Jeffersonville High School Band, develop and
encourage lifelong connections between the JHS Band and the JHSBAA, to support the JHS Band in its
musical and educational endeavors, and to support music education that will inspire the JHS Band members
to grow not only in their ability to succeed in performance, but also in life. Through this, we hope to support
the growth, success, and education of the JHS band, and its students.

Outlined in this document is my proposal of how to meet our mission. It includes a breakdown of our
mission and how I would like to fulfill each component as well as a short explanation of why I am running for

This is obviously not a cut and dry plan. These are simply ways in which I want to push the organization.
Ultimately, it is the collective group that decides our direction and our involvement. I hope that everyone feels
free to speak out about where they would like to see this group going. After all, if we have come together for
a common goal, it’s only a matter of agreeing on a path to get us there.

Starting from Scratch

A New Organization
There are certain hurdles which new organizations must conquer in order to gain a solid foundation. By
correctly dealing with these from the start, we will be able to focus almost solely on our mission with the
support of the government without the worry of dodging legal obstacles.

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 1

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Legal Processes Time Line

Below lists a proposed time line of events which need or, at the very least, should occur within the next year
as well as a brief discussion of the process.

September 2009 - Pass bylaws, elect an executive board, open a bank

account, complete and file the Articles of Incorporation
to the Indiana Secretary of State office.

These measures establish governing documents, allocate responsibility, safely guard funds, and establish us
as an official entity in the State of Indiana. Once the Articles of Incorporation are filed, it is estimated that the
Secretary of State will respond within two (2) months. Filing fee is $30.

December 2009 - Upon receipt of incorporation, the organization should

file for tax exemption with the Indiana Dept. of Revenue
(Form NP-20A) and the Internal Revenue Service (SS-4
and Form 1023) as well as file for a DUNS number for
non-profits by calling 866-705-5711.

Upon Incorporation, an organization is given 24 months to complete the tax exemption process. If not
completed during this window, an extension must be filed and the process is subject to increased scrutiny by
all agencies involved. It is imperative to begin early as glitches might occur in the process.

The Indiana Dept. of Revenue (www.in.gov/dor) is responsible for issuing the Tax Identification Number and
granting sales tax exemption. The documents issued should be preserved because the information they
provide will be required for annual reporting requirements. There is no filing fee.

The IRS is responsible for issuing an Employer Identification Number and is needed regardless of whether
their are any employees. This number serves the same purpose as a personal Social Security Number for
the IRS. The IRS is also resposible for 501(c)3 Tax Exemption for Public Charities. The IRS publication #557
is created to help fill out the 1023 form. While there is no filing fee for the EIN, there is a $300 filing fee for the
1023 for organization that anticipate an income of less than 10,000 in the next 10 years and a fee of $750 for
all others.

Lastly, the organization should file for a Data Universal Numbering System number (DUNS number). This is
offered through a commercial company, Dun and Bradstreet. This number is required on most grants and all
federal grants. Call 866-705-5711 or go to http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform/displayHomePage.do. There is
no filing Fee.

All documents returned from these organizations should be preserved because, if the information is not
required for annual reporting, it will be required for donations and grants. All official documents should be
copied. Copies are just as valid as the original in most cases.

March 2009 - With most of the legal items processing, special care
should be taken to check the status of each if they have
not been completed. The organization should turn to

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 2

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

branding and public awareness. An official logo and

letterhead should be created and passed. A website
should be created and Myspace and Facebook cause
sites. The organization should register on Idealist.org
and Guidestar.org. Annual State ( Form NP-20) and
Federal (Form 990 or 990EZ) reporting is due by May
15th for most organizations. Plan for the June meeting.

While most of the legal items are underway it is important to not only check the status of each but continue
to develop. Creating a “brand” helps members and potential donors to see the organization. Branding gives
a sense of professionalism and builds credibility. By creating a website, and Myspace/ Facebook causes,
the organization creates web visibility as well as a way to communicate to members and take donations.

Idealist.org and Guidestar.org are the main organizations associated with the nonprofit world. Both have
separate purposes: Idealist.org is an interactive site where people and organizations can exchange resources
and ideas as well as locate opportunities and supporters where Guidestar.org is a database that publicly
publishes information about nonprofit organizations so that donors may find organizations and decide
whether or not to donate.

While the treasurer and finance committee will be responsible for all reporting, it is important to be looking
toward the deadline. If monthly balance sheets, income statements, statements of retained earnings, and
statement of cash flow are completed, the Form 990 will still take at least 3 days to complete the form itself.

It is also important to plan for the June annual meeting. This includes preparing for elections and discussing
the immediate as well as the long term future of the organization.

Growing Stronger
We are all new at this and the learning curve will be steep. Not only will we accomplish those things listed
above in a timely manner though planning but we will also create guides and policy for ourselves so that we
can avoid pitfalls and mistakes as we grow.

Although much of our first year will be focused on organizing into a legal entity, we will carry out parts of our
mission. After all, it is this mission that brought us together. In the following sections, plans are outlined to
carry out each section of the mission.

Provide resources to the Jeffersonville High School Band

Develop and encourage lifelong connections between the JHS Band and the JHSBAA

Support the JHS Band in its musical and educational endeavors

Support music education that will inspire the JHS Band members to grow not only in their ability to
succeed in performance, but also in life

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 3

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Provide Resources

Assets at our disposal

Every organization has exactly 3 types of Assets: Man Power - sheer numbers; Capital - money; Talent-
intellect. It is the mission of this organization to use those powers to provide for the JHS Band. By
effectively using a combination of these we can cause the maximum impact with limited resources.

We all know that arts programs are always the first to be hit and usually the hardest to be hit. This is surely
the case with the Indiana State Budget this year with arts funding cut by 50%. As this trickles down through
the state-wide organizations then regional organizations and finally local arts groups, the cut is severe.

It is times like this that we have to provide. Even if we are unable to provide money sources, we can provide
individual talent multiplied by all of our members and volunteers.

Short Term Goals

Provide and Serve Lunch - We could do this on the last day of camp. Something cheap and easy like
grilling hamburgers and hotdogs (with a vegetarian option) is much better than smashed PB&J or lunchmeat
sandwiches. We would cook and serve while giving the band parents that normally volunteer the time to
enjoy their own lunch breaks.

Cost: $100 - $200

Host a Booster Night - The students have all the fun. We could recharge the Boosters batteries by holding
a night just for them or something as simple as providing refreshments at their meetings.

Cost: $20-$50

Volunteer for events - Events like ISSMA marching band regional and the ISSMA middle school concert
festival and other events are huge undertakings that require much planning and tons of volunteers. Nothing
like a couple hundred of the bands closest friends to help out.

Cost: FREE

Concert Ushers - Ever notice how the parents themselves seem to be the ushers... for themselves? We
could easily run the operations side of turning the auditorium into a concert hall. We could even fundraise
and offer refreshments afterward.

Cost: FREE

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 4

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Concert Child Care - It has crossed all of our minds who have ever sat through a concert where the child
starting screaming, shouting, or banging on things at the down beat and only seemed to stop after the
concert was over. A couple of alumni who are CPR certified could offer to watch rambunctious young
children for the sake of everyone else in the hall.

Cost: FREE

Long Term Goals

Bring in a Guest Speaker/Composer/Conductor - This can be done through personal connections but
after a discussion with someone who does guest speaking for a living, the suggested total amount is around
$2000 for flight, hotel stay, and a day long event along with all the other costs that might be associated. We
could bring in a guest every four years by budgeting $600 a year for this - leaving us with extra money
should something come up or a good start on the next guest. In “saving years” we could have local artists
visit who might be willing to donate their services.

Cost: $2400 ($600/year)

Scholarships - While most scholarships are focused on post high school, we could offer scholarships to
high school students to better themselves while still in school by going to summer camps or taking private
lessons. This will fall into the work of the scholarship committee who will spend much of their first year
researching how to set up such a fund.

Cost: $600 per scholarship

Composition Project - We could offer this project as an incentive to practice the National Standard of
Music Education # 4: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. We could have the
organization find a way to have it played by “semi-pro” musicians, note-processed in Finale and Sibelius
notation programs, and create a couple professional copies.

Cost: Variable

Fundraise for Equipment - a baby grand piano? A custom sound shell for the auditorium? New curtains or
sound panels for the band room? These are all large expenditures but annually budgeted money could
make them a reality.

Cost: Variable ($10,000 - $30,000)

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 5

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Develop Connections

Reaching Out and Reaching Back

What we all have in common is that once upon a time the JHS Band or its collective members made an
impact on us. Working in conjunction with the current students, alumni and friends of the band can make
lasting impressions while connecting to their past and to the students future. These connections are
fostered through community involvement and one-on-one interaction.

Ways to Get Involved

Homecoming Events - The Athletic Dept. sponsors events each year to bring alumni back. The JHSBAA
could certainly participate in conjunction with the pep bands. The playing of the National Anthem and the
Fight Song with a combined ensemble of sorts would be a great way to start and immediately foster

Band camp Visibility - Through visibility during the most involved part of the year for the students, we can
encourage connections while also preforming services.

Band camp wellness - These two weeks can be hostile to an otherwise sedentary person. The
weeks leading up to this are critical in determining the success of the students. Those that are
trained in fitness and/or physiology could greatly help.

Water Crew - During the hot, humid summers, the students must stay hydrated. Water fountains
are much too slow at refilling the 200 water bottles during the breaks. Parents often take their
breaks to ensure that two 5-gallon coolers say full of water. This provides interaction with the
students as well as takes some unneeded burden off of their parents.

Alumni Ensembles - Alumni ensembles are a great way to get out into the community. The students could
easily get the idea they are the only ones who enjoy doing what they spend the better portion of their high
school years doing. They only see two models. Those that go on to study music and those who give it up.
By being in the community playing music for enjoyment, we can enrich our own lives and suggest to the
students that the music doesn’t stop after graduation. From an alumni band to small quartets, it doesn’t
matter. What matters is that the musician in us is making music again.

Professional Shadow/Collegiate Shadow - Because music programs produce the best and brightest
students, many will want to go on to college and pursue a profession of some type. By having a broad set of
alumni students can find out what careers are out there and possibly even shadow someone for a day. With

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 6

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

alumni scattered at various colleges and universities throughout the area, many students could take
advantage of those connections to really find out information about each college (minus the shiny brochure).

Working Together
Working together is what the performing arts are all about. A group of people working diligently in sync with
one another to create a product much greater than the sum of its parts. Music brings people together in
places all around the world. There is no reason that the music nor the teamwork need to stop for our alumni.
There is no reason why we can’t work not only for but with the students to enrich all of our lives.

Support the JHS Band

Making the Public Aware

Known in the vernacular as “Screaming and Shouting”, making the public aware of what is going on with the
band positively affects the band in many ways. It raises the morale of the students, knowing that people
other than their parents are listening to them. It increases awareness of the band to “future band parents”
and prospective students. It makes it tougher for the School Board to cut funding to a program that has
public support.

Support is Not Providing. It is Augmenting What is There.

A common misconception is that supporting an organization is done through the checkbook once a year,
generally close to April 15th. That is providing resources, as discussed earlier in this proposal. The support
we are discussing concerns supporting your team, rallying the cause - it is simply being there when needed
and cheerleading in between.

JHS Band Program Notes - A monthly blog about the band. The selections being studied, the upcoming
concerts or events, and student spotlights. This could be done for free through Blogger, a Google tool, and
linked to the website for JHSBAA.

Sponsor an achievement award - An award could be for anything. To Be Decided.

Concert Advertising - Flyers, Facebook, Myspace, invitations to important people in the community - they
could all help get people to the concerts. Those with ties at UofL and IUS could encourage musicians who
give lessons to mingle with prospective students and music education majors the chance to see what a
quality program looks like. Lastly, those of us that can be there should. Just showing up means the world to

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 7

JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Support Music Education

As products of music education, we owe a debt to field. We must rally the cause and fight proactively to
save music from the constant onslaught of the budget cuts. Without unified public support, the arts won’t
make it. We had the option to chose music education and future students should as well.

How to Advocate?
Public Service Announcements - PSAs do a great deal to persuade the public. Strong messages and
blunt language strike people. These can be used for recruitment to build stronger programs. Newspaper
ads work wonders as do newsletters, flyers, and public speaking.

Research - A portion of the public will not be moved by an emotionally charged message. More and more
Americans respond to data, facts, and figures to make decisions. The organization can provide longitudinal
research projects on music students and then publicly publish these findings as long as it allows the reader
to come to their own conclusions.

Student Involvement - Hosting a presentation contest by students on the topic of Music Education would
resemble something of a science fair but with more of the emphasis on research instead of experiment
(although experiments might be interesting). Getting the students involved also gets parents, grandparents,
and perhaps even the corporate community involved.

Sticky Subject
Advocacy is a sticky subject in the non-profit sector. In 2008 the IRS made regulation even more strict due
to a number of audits that showed organizations out of compliance. The messages spread as a part of this
organization must be unified and clear as well as approved by the board. There are stiff penalties for the
organization and the individual members of its board for being out of compliance.

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JHSBAA Proposed Agenda of the Organization 2009-2010

Why I’m Running for Chair

An Explanation
Over the past few months, working behind the scenes, I have been wondering what position I might want to
take in this organization. Maximizing my talents, experience, and minimizing my uncertainties leads to only
one of the official positions: Chair.

While this seems like a rather bold statement about myself, it is not aimed to be self boosting but, rather, self
knowing. This position perfectly matches my ability to plan, research, and organize a rough start - all
experiences I have had with previous organizations where I was in a similar capacity - with my confidence in
others to better handle the specifics of other tasks such as membership, the details of finance, and the
intricacies of scholarship funds. While I know a bit about each topic, I know that I can step back and plan for
the long term.

My goal, if elected, is to, in conjunction with the board, complete the legal process of becoming a 501(c)3
public charity organization within 12 months, start at least two initiatives from each of the preceding sections,
begin officer reference binders, and craft a five year plan. These measures will ensure that the organization is
firmly planted in the moment but always looking at what is coming next.

I look forward to growing our organization to fully support our alumni and the students of the JHS Band while
we strive to serve the community as a whole.

Proposed by Kevin Ransdell 9

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