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“Intellectual history on [a] high order. ..and very exciting” Bee ene reo A ua el ad a erate alice Aol So) Las akeahetcas and very exciting” John Leonard, THE NEWYORK TIMES Cee eC aoa ee une ing ofa) ar [ear re in which intellec-' | i Retro Re re] Teusuiiass (One uma eral , ANC by it he ins something precise. The rm Co eee ML ae ean ayy fakes Woes bad mage fore Ra) DS ean n iS Jwhich is going fo reek id isa Palestinian Ardb and (ooo re tel omell ered ck eR ol like what he finds:” pte a ere needs ORT ASS a eee Lperia Feo O ao Rope o a) Mg yeti and as Refsuasive a case dgaihst Soe i Ete yet Ua er mene \ Coleen ele Rae eee aisle gen On CAE ULE oR OC out ee id ; 68, ANd by it he rheans something precise. The f i Carvay takes itias his Ee eee fel re Ra Masi Vela } ‘aching it, settling it, ruling it, all! |'4 rela) dn 3014 REVIEW OF BOOKS i wae a studies the Orient (arjd/specifically the Muslim Orient), kon Teas definedasbeing 4% Ss, uNcthanging and ultimately ssay which is going fo. fessor Jaid is‘ Palestinian Ardb (eo Tirerorel tet 1) (Tel Vous fantage point fo observe the West joey 4b like whaf he finds.” WO ier eis ML Seat i eee \ Itjs bound to usher in a new epoch in the ey Ne) ay Webbe + PRPAL Ce, Ait an ee nett =f semen eae ; — Edward W. Said ——— ‘Vintage Hooks Eton, October 1979 Copyright © 1978 by Edward W. Suid ‘Alrighis reserved under International and Pan-American ‘Copyright Conventions: Publshed in the United Sance "by Randoen Hoa, Inc, New Ye Random House, ln. ia November 177 trary of Congress Cataloging in Pablicaion Date ‘Sud, Edward W ‘Ovieatlxn. _Inciales biliographical references and index © 1 Ails—Foreign opinion, Occkleotal. 2. Ne opinion Occidental: 3. Asia Sw 4, Near East—Stody and teaching 6, FastandWest. 1 Tie 7 1979. 9507072 79-10397 ISBN 0:394-74067. in the United States of America Gkrdeve, The Snake Charmer (Se Copyright © 1978 by Edward W. Saict i under International and Manufactured in the United States of America Cover: Jean-l.éon Géréme, The Snake Charmer (detail), ‘Sourtesy of the Sterling and Francine Clark Ant Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Since this copyright €annot accommodate all the PStmissions acknowledgments thes seen ba font on the following two pages. f i i | & sdtgjon A 9B Vietage Books Editon, Octotey 1979 Copyright © 1978 by Edward W. Saag onder ee by Random House of Canada re Originally published by Pantheon Books, A Division of Random Howe, Inc, in Nowember 1975. Library of Congress Catologing in Publication Data Said. Edward W Onentalnm. Includes bibiiographeca!l references and indes. 1. Asia—Foreign opinion, Occidental, 2. Near East—Foreign opinion, Occidental 3. and teaching. 4. Near East— Study and teaching. S. Imperiatiom 6 Eastand West 1 Title. DSI2S24 1979 950-072 79-10497 ISBN 0-394.74067-X Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Catuloging in Publication Data Said. Edward W Onentaliam. Includes bibliographical references and index, |. Asia—Foreign opinion, Occidental, 2. Near East—Foreign opinion, Occidental. 3 andteaching. 4. Near East— Study and 5S. Imperiaiiam 6 East and West. | Tithe, DSI2S% 1979 9ss7oT2 79-10497 ISBN 0-994.74067.% Manufactured in the United States of America Cover: Jean-Léon Gériime, The Snake Charmer (detail), SOurtesy of the Sterling and Francine Clark dhamstown, Library of Comercss C ataheging im Pablication Dist Sad. Powaed W Ovscetalingn. Inctuntrs Pebtwngr aptonc a! referetees asted ime, |. Atia~-Porvign opiaion Occidental, 2 Near East — Foreign open Oxcntental 3 and teaching 4. Near ans Stusty anel teaching: S. Imperiaiem 6 Past snd Wout. L Tithe, DSI2SM ive ewer? 1%. 10097 ISBN 6.994. 74067.X% Manufactured in the United States of America by Random House, fac, New York, and in Cama, by Raadom Howe of Canada Lieaed, Toronss. Originally pudinted try ee eevee ot Rardoc: Hoane, Ine _ i Nowember 1978 Library of Compre Caan tm rel yo. —_ Ee Vietage Books Editiin, October 1079 Copyright © 1978 by Edward W. Sag All nghts reserved wader Tatctnational and Pa Arsoric sy Copyright Conventions, Published in the United Sian... by Random Howse, Inc, New Yorl. aed in Casag,. by Random Houw of Canada Limited, Toronto. Origmally published by Panthron Badks, A Division «+ Random Howe, Ise. im Nowember 197s. Library of Compress C sstolanging bn Probite ation Date Send. Edward Wo : Sra scAnlcgnent i ae he loin a emiaan pi ans tn & Uni it; Ese om Set of he en ie « ‘Sheree teeth Conese Exc tom “ine Ratna Jeeta Commie. Mocmillan Publishing Co. tne: Escert from “Propaganda” by Harold Seligman, vl 12 (1934), Maomilan Publshiog Co. Ine. apd A. P. Wat & Sos, Li Except fom Byzania” by Wiliams Bul Yeas, ie The Collected Poms, Copyright 1933 by Macmilan Pultishing Co, Toc, renewed 1901 by Beri Coorg Yeute ‘he Now York Times Company: Excerps from “Arabs hm, and the omar the Wet hy Ear W. Sud in The Now Yort Toner Book Review, Oviober 3}, 1976. Copyrait © 197% ty The New York Tins ompany hepsi by pemison Noahwcse University Prax: Excerpt from "The Arab Porvayat ivan W, Sain The drtsiracConrontsom of hun 187. Besoin ined by Ishi Aarne, Copyogh © 1970 by No Seem Univerty Pre ResniceHal, Inc: Excerpt from The Persians by Aochy Auihoy 3 Pocck. Copyright @ 1970 by Prentice Hal Contents Acknowledgments xi Inodution Chapter 1 The Scope of Orientalism 1. Koowing the Oriental 31 1. Imaginative Geography and Its Representations Orientalizing the Onental 89 ML Projects 73 IV, Crisis 92 / Chapter 2 Orientalist Structures and Restructones 74, Redraw Frontiers, Redefined Iisues, Secslaized Religion 113 VIL Sivestre de Sacy and Emest Renan: Rational Anihropology and Philological Laboratory 123 1¥/ IIL. Oriental Residence and Scholarship: The Requirements of Lesicopraphy and Imagination 49 al 1¥- Piavon and Pilgrimages, British ond French 166 Chapter 3 Orientalism Now 1. Latent and Manifest Orientalism 201 TL Siyle, Eapertse, Vision: Orentaliom’s Worldliness 226 UL, Modem Anglo-French Orientalism in Pulles Flower 25 IV. The Latest Phase 284 Inder” 351 i j i Acknowledgments have been reading about Orientals for a number of years, ‘but most of this book was written during 1975-1976, which spent as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California. In this unique and generous insti- tution, it was my good fortune not only to have benefited agreeably from several colleagues, but also from the help of Joan Warm bbruna, Chris Hoth, Jane Kielsmeier, Preston Cutler, and the cen ters director, Gardner Lindzey. The list of friends, colleagues, and ‘who read, o€ listened to, parts oF the whole ofthis mamu- script is s0 long as to embarrass me, and now that it has finally appeared as a book, perhaps even them. Nevertheless T shoul mention with gratitude the always helpful encouragement of Janet and Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Noam Chomsky, and Roger Owen, who followed this project from its beginning to its conclusion. Likewise 1 must gratefully acknowledge the helpful and critical interest of the colleagues, friends, and students in various places. whose questions and discussion sharpened the text considerably. Andeé Schiffrin and Jeanne Morton of Pantheon Books were ideal pub- lisher and copy editor, respectively, and made the ordeal (for the Author, at Jeast) of preparing the manuscript an instructive and ‘enuinely intelligent process. Mariam Said helped me a great deal With her research on the early modern history of Orientalst insic tutions. Apart from that, though, her loving support really made ‘uch of the work on this book not only New York September-October 197 “They cannot represent themselves; they must be repre= sented. Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire (of Louir Bonaparte ‘The East carer. Benjamin Diseaeli, Tancred Introduction I the tribe te ot 1975-1978 the plce, of course fac as a European wat concerned memories and . Russians, Spanish, anit cline E : ORTENTALISM as: contrasting image ea, pewonalty,exPeience. Yet wtosinc mercy imopnaive, Toe Oricot i an incprl pon Eangean mori aon acre Oth Gap tat par calirally snc eve ° Sr Rar wt Supping inst gry dori cen colds Trecitaw, the Ancerican considera less dens. Indochine adventures © te creatin trove sesatic “Oriental” awareness. Morcover, the vaslly expanded TFerecsan political and economic role inthe Near East (the Mid Fast) males reat clas on our un Tr oll be clear to the reader (and will becom Broughout he many pages that follow) that by Orientalism I mem Seerak things, all of them, in my opinion, interdependent. The Tas sadly accepid designation for Orientalism is an academi Gre, nd deed the abc sill serves in a number of ac Tpablions Anyone who icachcs, writes about, or res {Grient=and ths applies whethce th sisogia, historian, o pilolgis—either in is speci Seal pec. isan Orientalist, and what b ali, Compared with Oriental ra studies, tis true that the em Oriental ferred by specialists today, both Tes Sapo aad goaead aad Peeve Wt connotes the Sigeeamiar cese AUTO Tineeethcenty ud a {Geabeavernery Eurpean colonial Neveriiles f€Ofient” as their main focus Ith the Orient in bis new or old guise as their sin authoot The pont tat esea ifit dous not ive on academy through is person isan anth is kes vive as it once did, Oriet ough its doctrines and thrses abou ee nl $sHy 3 are peer meaoing or Orientalism. Osicntalis sf a ed spn an netologieal and cpistcmolo; ical the Orient and (most of the timc) “the PERS Sey large mise of writs, among whom Politica theorists, economists, sod i ‘acoepted the basic distinction betwee labora teas pic ‘804 positical accounts concernin; ie srodicton x ‘Oren peopl, eusoms, “iad” destiny, an 30 on. Tht Orie fal can accommodate Aeschfus, say, tnd Victor Mago, Dante vind Kart Mara. A lite Later in this troduction 1 shall deli fhe methodological problems one encounters fa 0 bréaily cone The interchange betwcen the academic and the more oe led imaginative meanings of Ocentalom is a constant one, and sings the Ine eighteenth century there has een a comberale, ult Alscphined perhaps even regulated tac Between the two. Mere Trecme to the thin! meaning of Ocean, which, someting fnore historeally and materially defiaed than either ofthe oles feo. Taking the late eighteenth century as a very roughly defined Siaring poit Orientalism can be discussed and analyzed 38 the Corporat inition for dealing withthe Orient—dealing with by making statement aout i, authorizing views ot, desenibing iby teaching i, setting it ruling over 4: is short, Oneatalism je for dominating, resructing, and having ai iT Fave To Useful NereTS employ scale nowow OCs aCHUE, a dectbed by ini The Archeology of Knovledge and in Discipline and Punish, My contention is that without examining ntl as a discourse one cannot possibly understand the rmossly systematic discipline by which European cults was be to manage--and even produce—the Onent politcal, socio= Togial aly, scentically, and imaginatively he post Enlightenment perind. Moreover, so actbeitative x position dk Orientals have that I believe no-one writing, think ing, or acting on the Orient could do ft taking acount militarily, deo ‘ofthe limitations on thought and action imposed by Onentalim In bret, because of Orientalism the Orient was pot (and 8 m0) & fice subject of thought or action. This snot to sy that Ovens unilaterally determines what can be said about the Orient, but that itis the whole network of interests inevitably brought 0 Dear om (and therefore always involved in) avy occasion when that pec ntty “the Orient” isin question “flow this happens i what this book tries to demonstrat, It also tries to show that Europes culture pained in strength and ienity by setting isl of gat the Ori und self Historically and culturally there is a quantitative ay well a8 & qualitative dllerence be ve Orient dunt the prod 1 surrogate and even under ween the Franct-Britsh involvement i American asgndaney afer ‘ ORIENTALISM Weal War The trvorement fev oer Poropen and Tame power To speak of Oriental tector te ean siiougk ot exGtay, of « Beth and Freeh cas Pri: © proect whos dimensions take im och dia ce Taio tmapontcs Hk, te whol of Inia nd te a iia texts andthe bial lands the speeds elo ys bow long adn of clei administra ocakate Bet copes mere Orisa exper and "tan Tal peseworte 4 complex ary of Oriental” ess (Onc Aes, Orenal splcodor, cil, semsaliy), many Eases See Halong, snd waco Somenicated fo ea Eanes tse dhe lit an be xtcded more ox eo fdeincy. My har Bete Cette Svs roms pout dearer apes Bes mies Frcs nd Uc Orel, wach le cay eset cle had ely rot oly td nd the Beans ie tin beining of the socecth century unl the end Bet Wac Mt Frence tnd Brian dominated he Oren ond Dien sce Word War M Ameen hus dooinncd Be etarpeects ta Fine tod Beta core cd Out IR es teen caormocny productive een i lenge demmrscs tc compernely grea tng lhe Ox body oe Cee iis, Preach of Anon), comes the lars be said at once that even withthe generovs number Btbcka and authors that examine, thr rch larger numb lat Tsing tye fad to leave wt. My argument, howsver, dc Spm aa exhaustive catalogue of ters daling with i om acy lini tof ex autor, os 1p the Oneal canon, 1 have depend A iferens mebiclgialallcnative howe hack. and it is these T want now to Hats been iG he asumption thatthe Orca is not am ‘ne Ht merely sre ort the Occea Wh wither, We mus tae tenouly Vico peat ob ee emcee : Bs a ty, cot cm en oo eer 3 reel entities 40 say nothing of historical entities Ps ee tical sectors as “Orient” and.“Ocei- Ee a eat re turtstbony a gan ot Om eee se act apo al seni eee aes ace ee Se ee! cadets a ete fs ms a Sey ee et eee et ee ero a Beer ant eres ae aege poe mre y= 127 Gl Reeser ce iranian ten pe ht ee ee Sete cee oi ee aerate rn ee pati coe rece srt ome eo pas se sot eos EO ie ay oars, os a ee as epee eat seer en ee eas as the preeminent thing about the Orient, and mot 0 its | net being as Wallace Steven's phrase as it ‘Arecond qualification shat ies,cltrs, nd histories cant setosy be undentood or studied witout thelr fore, o¢ Breciely ther configurations of power, ako being studied. To be Hee thatthe Oriot was created or, as calls, “Orentalized™ a to believe tat such things happen simply ax necessity of the imagination, isto be Shingeoucer Aa SEAS ‘Scent and Orient is relationship of powcr, of domination, st anying depres of a complex hegemony and guile accurately Inet a the ile of KM. Panik clase nla and Wester Dominance’ The Oreat was Orcas ot only becase wot Ascovered to he “Oriental” in all those ways considered common y - ‘ORIENTALISM iyo cae ioc) Eon cou is, submitted to being-—meie Ore ae ey litle consent Yo be found, for exces Peta Tha Metso ih an Espn ore © focal model of the Oriesal onsen oe way ile never represented her emotions, presence, or bee’, Mae, Hp fal erred ex He wos Soci Imale, and these were historical facts of Jomvration Wy Bim not cnly to possess Kuchuk Hancm physically tag Mor her and te his readers in what way she wes typeaty ad My atguiment is that Flaubert’s situation of strength in rela Kichuk Hanem was not an isolated instance. It sirly stand te ce ee sy ma ee ine Gren tea wr ouance im the fact that pet Pease Sop EGTA Acc pose a Breer a gear Aas one hat im its aeademic or scholarly form, it claims to be). Neve teas pass ne ce vol Perea deccure te ry cse tes wo Belge susony snd ts rina a eetteee Soca nt con ea Pe ain) fom hc pe of Ce TsO wate preset nthe Uni Sas brow! just as that same invests ae arte, Introdaction 7 fami, and ution he Iter of sate institutions (the army he foto, the central bureaucracy) whove role inthe polity dee, Fomitation. Culture of coure, Is to be found operating within ‘Gu society, where the influence of tess, of insttutons, and of ‘ther persons works not through domination bs by. what Grams fas coment. Tn any society aot wtaitaran, theo, certain eutral forms predominate over others, jus as certain ideas ate more i flucnal than others; the form of this cltral leadership i what Gramsci has identified a hegemony, an indispensable concept f fry understanding of cultural fe inthe industri West. i hegemony or rather the result of cultaral hegemony at work, that ies Ocetalim the durability and the strength Ihave been speak: fg about so far. Qrienfalism is never far {com what Deis Hay dus called the ides of Excope 2 collet nigh identifying “a ucopeans.a against all “hoseynon Europeans, and indeed ican ‘argued. thatthe major component ia Earopean illu pr lal mat made that colle hegemonic both in and outside ‘ope’ hidea of European dently 4 asupeniut one io comparison with lL he son. European peoples and sulures Tere i i tion the hegemony of European ideas about the Orient, themselves reiterating European superiority over Orcatal backwardness, ie lly overriding the possbilty that a more Tadependent, of more Skeptical, thinker might have had dileret ews on the male Tha quite constant way, Orienalsm depends fori srategy om this flexible portional superiority, which pats the Westerner ia & tole series of posible relationships wih the Orient witodt vee Toxing im the felative upper hand. And why soul it Rave Deca otherwise, especialy during the period of extraordinary Europea ‘scendancy from the late Renaissaoce 1 the preset? The wien the scholar, the missionary, the iadet, of the soldier was ia, Of thought about, the Orient Because he coud be there, rg think about it, with very litle restance on the Orent’spart?Under the general heading of knowledge of the Orient, and within the ame brlla of Western hegemony over the Orient during the period fom the end of the eighteenth century, there emerged a complex Orient ble for study in the academy, for display in the museum, fo reconstrction in the cclonial office, for theoretical usration Anthropological, biological, Hingis. racial, and historical theses about mankiad’ and the universe, for instances of economic snd sociological theories of development, revolution, cult pert : ORIENTALISM aly, asl relipows character. Additonal, the imapotng Sede wl Orisa wes eos Hen abt who or what wa a0 0 eet ipe greed mot mply by empl reary By of i, ens te pot Gpiie anys Chresomatis be ps Edward Wie Fpisoprapic Doves (sce te nial by Steven Marca Ena Tok ‘Abd et, one mut repeatedly ak ones wi Slietak-ahoat winch who ald deny that they we Pei icine of Exopean super, varows hinds of re Aprilia, an the He, dopmaric views of “the Orica Kt ies! and vachaaping sbsiecton’-—or the much Sed work produced by simon uncountabicindnidual. wr Io one would take up as individual iactae $B Be Oren. In sense the two alerstves, general sod ee 9 ee erg owe sare ar oe oad have o deal with phonons in the Tile Door with prea ass le Nerval oe Flector A PB wont i nce posite to employ bh perspecines rogers Is there an bviou dager o dst thit scenic Orentatum hs always ed as to reac oct pects lof pn : stematealy? Beate as ior andinacarcy rate te Lind Jeet 0 ops enc aed os Sepng to del with thse people mal ets of my ovn cobemgs Seay out of the methodores, Selis{tave brn cacusing. aaa! ot inte ito writing «count Brera heel ot decries ‘the second istanse Ta nid writing rage Sess seae tol a ck of ge aed linc f fore informing the el, giving tt special cogency. lw then fo recogni indviualty and’ recourieMSa it tcliget, and by no means patie of merely dictatoral each Il T mentioned tree aspects of my contemporary tality: 1 must explain and triely laces them now, 10 that it can be Seen he Tas le to a paniular couse of research and wtng, easy to argv that knowledge shout % Gea} whereas knowlege” about SoeapONT) a is My owa formal and. profesonat ans." ile which indicates the 6 my eld and therefore the unlikely eventuality that there might be anything politcal about what T-do in that Bld ‘OF course all thee Tabels'an terms are quite unnuonced as T oe ‘hem here, but the general teuth of what Iam pointing to, 1 thi widely held. One feason for saying that a humanist who wes atout Wordsworth, or an eiiior whose specialty is Keats not iavolved in anything political i that what he does seems to have icc politcal eflct upon realy in the everday wmse. A scholar whose field is Soveteconcmics works i a highly charged area where there is much government itera, and what he might prodice in the way of sties or proposal wil be taken up by Policymakers, government oficial. institutional economist Ieligence experts. The dtinction between “humanists” and persons whose work has policy implications, or plial siaifcane, can be broadened further by saying that the formers logical cole iss matter of incident importance to politics (althouth poly of great moment to his clleagues in th fd, who may objet 10 his ‘Statins or fascism or too easy term), whores the Hooley of the Inter is woven directly into his materal~indoe Scanomis politi and_socoiogy in ya eologcal Sciences and thertore taken Tor grand es Bing ‘Nevertheless the determining impingsment on most knowlege w ‘ORIENTALISM eee: Ti i on ny eis | IGrcutstances of life, from the fact of his involvement (cone Peery nice smc ictee soa es wilh—or bave unmediated political significance is tho Soesion tha Ihave tried to teat in some detail clsew re ‘ “a SEapwladge Tonal tan f rey politcal Inowe Sherares The ighly if obscurly organ! when knowledge“ b prod Sa undead Wis Yay when Te ajc Hed 8 label to dict any work for darne It pretended suprapolical ject, We ny foc Socktytecopszes a gradation of police! ils Yow felis of Knowles. To some erent Ben scl comes tm the posibilty 1 Ino seovomic terms; bot to 4 greater ett rom the closeness of fel osscrs Folica soit. Ths an economic sy (E220) Pte and i eet on mal Jo's fommisioned bythe Defense Deparin ind of pois status impossible for + dial tterary | E ' & nrodaction| n My pot here that Rus a3 pneral bec mater tertile over mer dtncton ch m "oeomis™ ‘a Tear hnory becane poles ocety i Cranes see jr ny such eal of il society a8 the sadeny tnd Teter them with siiiance of dst concert jae ean to pres al this ay futher on peal here rion seems tome thatthe yale an eresiy of my ewe sorte demonteated by being much more spc, inthe way for San ceReam Chewy hat sail he itrmcaa conection SEEPS the Vielam Wac andthe notion of objective shalhip stirs applied to cover sntesponsored miliary rescetch® Now SEL Taetin France, and recent the Unie lates ae imperial ss ie pita soles impart other cl soit wen PP testcy, a drect pla lfaion 9 it were, whee and whe: SevRaacee perinng 10 thor pera! interes abroad awe rece 0 tha t's conten for example 1 ya rglahman in Ida oe Egyp in he later ninetech entry Tok mines inthe counties that was sever fa fom the Stats in is mind as Beith colonies, To say tha may seem que Silrent fom saying that all eae iia 3 Egypt i somehow ngetand in ts tate char a sing in is ay spiel fs eo at no-production of Knowledge SC Onenalisa, iqive human sccnees can ever ignore oF desl ie aod {okeren aca TURN rotjecr his own Seu, thet er Anna a ‘Ametcan fisk-Aan indvaiua second. And to be a European ot {fe American ia such a sition f by ho means a inert fast meant and means being aware, however dimly, that one belangs ret in the Orient, Sid more importa & power with definite interest int atone belongs toa part of the earth with a definite history of wolvement inthe Orient almost since the time of Homer Pat inthis way, these political actuaiies are sil oo undefined and general to be relly Anyene would agree 1 the without neces that they mattered very much, for instance, to Flaubert | orto HLA, R Git he wrote Moder sta IES Fa a distance between the Dig dominating fact, as 1 have de a 2 ORIENTALISM. ict tt tm la Pe cota |e -goie tven done about the scribed it and the tals of everyday li ciptine of now peer Ya le ve elimiate from 7 mtn the start any notion that “t, se segue Inet donates cn espn seer ao ‘ Jere dain cn sped mocha an rahe fags caus Wii) erable See ol teint approach an iterexing ind a eae, a fy trate ns. Tg working a between he Pose thea American interest in the Orie a ain dtl compontion, Pett asome of he aio histori ac peancurn peie 2 polars arc, Tink, pesfecty PAPE) ae api ecb i ena» 2 OE a ton ee Sf somentons, predecessors set bea Sy a be PS ee called the les fo make the Orin i it what Walter Peni ‘ wiowsly “was inthe at Je ductive person in the name of the an belicved on his own, sing of Pr ch te poets ticned on Bi ee nave trot forth his work Yet bela 0 political, institutional, and ideo Stemctace allow Se we actin the same manner om the individual author. Sa rote an aeesing fac to ny ilrpcet Aum il ter gucced nthe Comes humaine BY re Oe Gestry sain sre and Cue, Bot hg a re pac of dey seconary nontchis PE eae wey to domean is erry “enka 0 teil wo be leg worth sérious study. Simifarly—as. lacry Denies ten ienlysbowingphonphers wil conduct tienes of Locke me aod enpincam wihout ever Rin scun ht tere on cx cones on i thee Gane wane trece ther “phisopie™ downs and al $k, ftcaton of tne. argument frelon expe ae St | Mimt'thoe ae eonmor eoough nays by which seumporty eaip seat Ry no nea. | hdanlp bey il pur e seep power ni. |" Reape tue Gat ot tempt to rb hore se icange +i | “thet pits tave ten cry oncasi: perhaps Seta ntpttn tires my ov A ha bt an oe with the enormous technical advances im detailed fetal nasa rer mo psig aay fn the ha Mcrary studies in general, and American Marni Becta, rnd sof sty a acer neenne ercees cence Scrip: ans enon hos me i Mascara sobs a» oe deel he tw tous felon nd ates te For Oren wor. } «binge one vp direly against that oestion that i, to reaiing, Thereote, Orientation ix ‘cel thats reid passive Hose age 'and dito onsen nowt representative and and. expres Wore imper a Steet ob sepalial ausionne no Pepto cgi) serie and ohn only of basic pe 3S ofc ae hy such_ me psscholoy cl cal ea m thas it does with os w ORIENTALISM tha: pat Hoa, and Scholarly en avoidance an intellectusl and’ Ml ahvaye femsin the perenia ce i iterary scholar and ¢ hile lar and Tens an pil teal. Tn eee este to Bock the larger setae nea” estually sei SF and, in my ows perspective pinion Pepe Ty in is cones : Sc reproduce tell from. ois LP t oe in fine, bow can we treat the ‘cultural, historical ples, to beieve 5 r ss Tear open ese Greta sa ind ot wie Tutuan et The produ te the Mee ove ot 7 Sit (onl tne we higet and DAT yo understand what 1 = ame W Te enon cenmaty Sines ET supe © om wel be ins by sent He A tein ME wate ct a oc A Aisi. Cae Nevin, ° Sn impel a ed emit. w ns had dete vies eu nes wen ST logy ESR So Se rig ESBGK ae gute easly io be run a we tke be Onentalist 2 ow di Pa sg, ad memati metcalcinne ins. Sar cons ee oy mee east Goer On ign wd cere | eS eee rhnements. SS. : = i be applied fl Sees saan? Wat ow oe { yan May 0 | poe ae Sey eh yee! PE a aa ta he MY By whole pigs en Tween ealtuiral work, political tendencies. “state, and tl i aan ae ay Rs ais Nk Po crned by such concer HR his ey tance oc te pois and ca Sey ey iy ables aan i er See a eoetce and plc MY SR Sty dient wayy yan errete Seale invenigaion sot forma Th May of tee by Willan nt Ra ch fei vient of (he ye MI oo “malier, and ts historical circumstances i os hr eran a «revo A Bie Fe eee capa i manele feed eno tough ee ni mela BO Fo wor in ooprtrcrs bepning Panne” A mai MS iat Ora ORIENTALISM © Tal an a opr Wa that here i Ber er een wattle staring ints Senn + p aetna reo Sime oe Bee Rover ny npr ha te ae Maes tet moe enol le (wth what sare eee ath) hain he tly of Onc as tan aly remain a ‘Sito y eich cen’ Seer cpanel fo te mas and a Svclarte 3 See prblemte, fauigural delimitation is Louis Alten 7 the ones best a8 encyclopedic nari Ofent thee le works on cer och as make th eon atetcnet tssocion # ‘experience of the Arabs and Islam), hoes other sod othe Oe ct pe i cme +e Pen an tet sets gon nar mm ot bc ecu dis EUOS en een, or of am, apart cam i Mee Nn enc se ne mt pe Cathe Eh S77 or ea in tn more nat par of pe area ect & ae ese 1 ae and ia 30 fa Fe ea cty Brn mn cinee Say Senge Zen- Aves, te peeninehe eek sus dring te ft Sede a ae thn Nap’ inert the ees cane ope fret) intend Prech ners Hates, lon andthe Arb Fae a enn he Ease Medica fom Se Fre spemcctycnury on. Yet my denn of et rte ier sabato js 10 eet ecm we Ont of Germany Tals TeeeTeaae ga on (oy tne ct hal one of he fara sor an nt th One nthe ent Satna ak pn ce that xt gry up the Seank eek sere Amen serial enue rma ec ros caly te rina sod ance ee te Pec ne in Oven tus, ba a se Feat poins ce bly sion to peat ci Fee ee Sacacny sty the American Ofna Pos sw worth tt ks ute secon Fy rin ro eu Bogan tome cn scice ote ure quay, com. and mo Sibi, ewe ant Ametcus Sanyo One MO sho tn ee Sn ah a vin, Dot ik Wake wwe tar he ‘ Be sce pon et ee \ pot because ORIENTALIsi Me Shera pon by Germans. i vas not only the frst modern and institune jos 52%: f Bowe Persia; he was also aes the Druze Bae hpi nr Coa Gilat claim Of priority and subsequent nce “sah sea alae mt Jp the sind place—and here the fa resi are amply made wp for thre mac ee, Fecent ork on the backround in Biblicel scholachyenn PSA Seba Taye called’ modern Orientalism, ‘The tenn eee G Maminatingly relevant is E. S. shatters ; cae Stel The Fall of Ferusalem,§ an indispeasatic vacy 6 Sp Ba eal of what goes on in Coleridge, Browtins, aa) Geet TBlGt To some depree Shatfer’s work relines upor “te een sacar en lm sale German Biblical scholars and usin; or intelligent and always interesting way. ae British writers. Yer ae ‘missing in the b oo Epollal a5 well as keological cle Ore ie Bray and French writes Tn ppl) coe jin addition, unlike Shafer 1 attempt " Oe plion aod linguist nace cn in academic as iy i well x ltcrary Onna Saree connection between Brith and Kine nant B08 he rie ofan explicit co oni ar mye Oriental hen too. 1 wish 40 show how al he ee mors ores in American Ove !s8 § Possibly misleading aspect to my sus ay este, 1 do not exhasinc Regie hn per o> nove an wrt fom to scour Ie it iccimann, Nos» proche, and esl = Imation ” reson casa cone Sie Key © ALMA 5. One reson Coy young coun Wl Laila, thal Be se cma ita Er DSN Caaston ‘Showen a subject “as ChADEINE 3° ‘chemistry: new discoveries ate 9 ee pans of nee man 3H aay nian of Porcine erro “Me Bak A a, 9 in imping that by about 1830, wc ce arch ac, Geman scolar bad fly ais en lem ncce Yt 26 tine in Geman ne is Eee creo te sneteih ent col 8 Sat ancora ters neni nd 8 amar rt in the Oren. Ther wat nahn. i susie ae od wo the Anglo-French presence i ada the Carat efcn, Moreover, the German Orient was aot ae oe ey ofa east x lial et: wat mae Yc fanai,and even nol, ul WA MMSE te aust of Wand Syria were actual for Chaeabsiand, aa we doron, sac, or Neva. Thee some gsi {ane Lamas: gat the fo mont renowned Geman woes 08 a0 me Wenblichr Divan and Fdrch Schlegets I or ond Welsh dr Inde, were based respectively er in porcy and on Rous spent in Pais bras. What Teen Srotal scolar dk was to refine and elaborate fh: se pone application wast texts, myths as, and languages 1a cry fathered from the Orient by impel Britain aod Franc. ‘ra what Geman Oricon had in. common with Ang: remh and intr American Orientalism was a Kind of intllstal Titoiy over the Oren within Western cour. This abo ‘natn lrge part be the subject of any description of Orewa, odio ths study, ven the ume Orewa wages 8 Serious perhaps ponderous eye of experi; whem 1 appt 1 Thovets ametcsh soci cients (since they do 90% cal hem faves Orientals my ase ofthe wor is anomalous 10 dea ‘Seaton to the way Mile Ease experts cn sil cn 08 ekg of Octal’ inteeus! pion in netecalir sear. sree te ashing mytous oc eatural sbout anthoy, 1 i oomph psauted nssrinatd: instrumental ts pertasie Tahoe, tr ertanhes canoes of wad luc tien ORLENTALISM snsningoitate rom sertsin ess It ies a tv, 0 fm asec yank and jodgests H forms transi, ren Fees af, authodty ca, indeod. mest, be analyzed. AQ Ne peers at nthorty apply to Ovetaism, and muh of wi de pe ty ho dsr bth Ue storia authority in and {he personal sorties of Oration. Sfp pandpa metnopcal devices for sdying authority bom sae ohar ae caled sree locaton, which is 2 way of dest fie te authors penton im est with regard to the Onc Beare wos about ad artes formation, which i a w3y Gransbeing We rlstinshipberwecn texts and the way in wach poops ttre pe of tens, cven foun genes, acspire mau Si, and efeenial power among themcles and thereat ftv tere lrg. Tose the ton of strategy simply to dens ih pate eer write on the Orient hat face: how to get id ftom 49 approach how not tobe detated of overshlred By ts suhinly, As scope, fo avfal dimensions. Every. Oy aie aterm ata | Tape io fi en tx inca the kind of ar oe soe be alps, the ype of stracturehe hulls, the hinds wt ser he kinds of i ep bic text—all of which ad vp fhe reader, consiing the Orn itor speaking in its Phat None o! ct however Every witer on the Or Homer) asumes sme Oriental he Ott which be refers anos ‘ith eden, with sian, Jie Tip ctemble of scntoonhige between v's ariel aspects of the Orient tr formato xing that op > tacts rot Oe iter. AOrea lantasies—whose emia og roe ine = ; Bigs mcs) vce 1 a my cen ry So file nin te One tr | eee ener Link that tis hes can be vcore! that is, on the fact ts! the Orieot speak, desi ryodecton e a pias sem sate is cue Seep treictay ic amen ont tie a wren. me casein and as moral fact. The nepal Fay ne ose ee ea Se oat epoca Sain a ee a Sa ie tr nt vn oS al Eee eb ee on oe ORIENTALISM Be ae fim he Ore on ee ee rcas oes 2s te We as ot ee a eigen svcd Yo tern Went a Oe ar ea emake Be Onn vale ce re Bee Aad te reprciatons ry on a ee ceeaig eed ces on athe Sy ere OU oh ie Se ia rie aera key eke nu (et oe erie ies ete Ocha) i hte cnge eR icity ithe bc pred 10 See wee oes Reger Dupcrn, and ane erm ereog op ce oto he Orca Hee eset tern ek prs stony ans cp Re ethene Cape wes x xyes estat he wc fret acaen! prem che eetigte Orta When rnd he ure of te oh entry the Oren denial revealed the age ofits langues. Dieta Heres dite paieest os» erupt ba Ieio made the covery passed it on to ether sche. essay leh new soar onde B Sev velco or ving he npn Fre i x Frosh tows a te Oo ; led exe Simny “ByinGonte, snd Hugo rstucar the Ones Me ee nH ret he On ah tn pee M i. At mot hal” Oran vision: it very rarely guided it. Hafonded mori he re that produced it sn Stich was aso Ss Probced by the West. 0 Bet both a nia comers 1 the dominant euture Any show the field’ H_Parchal author Seemalry Byars, io folios: ho foexpain bow Orie Inroducton a lar who sad the istry of ie ist ep ake all he aera eee a gy nent douse a pombe nas a Sa ea en tens complet fo sean. Witt ay Nd iat material eecvenes Orestalom would thr le, whee its ad wan och more ta tat be a arti ee Sacemine not en scholarly works but aio rane lertare, political trict, journalistic texts, travel books, marten and philogical studies. In other words, my hybrid pet See is breadly historical and “anthropological,” given that T Bepeve al texts to be worldly and circumstantial in (of course) Meat vary from genre to genre, and from historical period to historical pri. "Yet unlike Michel Foucault, to whose work 1 am greatly in- dette, Ido believe inthe determining imprint of individual writers ‘pom the olberwise anonymous collective body of texts constituting. arscunive formation like Orientalism. The unity of the large fasemble of texts I analyze is due in part to the fact that they frequently refer to each other: Orientalism ig after alla system for citing works and authors. Edward Wiliam Lane's Mfonners and Gitont of the Modern Egyptians was read and cited by such ‘vere figures as Nerval, Flaubert, and Richard Burton. He was an authority whose se was an imperative for anyone writing o thi ing sbout the Orient, not just about Egypt: when Nerval borrows Passages verbatim from Modern Egyptians it is 1 use Lane's authority to assist him in describing village scenes in Syrig, not Egypt. Lane's authority and the opportunities provided for citing him dscriminately as well as inditcriminately were there because Orientalism could give his text the kind of distributive eurreney ‘that he acquired, There is no way, however, of understanding Lane's Surreney without also understanding the peculiar features of ls text; this s equally true of Renan, Sacy, Lamartine, Schlegel, ans 2 poup of other influential writers. Foucault believes that in general the individual text of author counts for very itl; empiically, i the cate of Orientalism (and perhaps nowhere che) # find this not Yo beso. Accordingly my analyser employ close textual feadings u ORIENTALISM. ox poli to eel fhe diate between inva! txe “writer and the complex collective formation to which his work 'y Toon Setar thongs lech on wnple elton of wri ene i Mew comple Neary ce ever moors" ‘Orienatams Of this falling 1 am very conscious. The fabric ot Thick a discourse as Orietaliom has survived and functions’ ‘Weater society hoctuse of richness: all Thave done is to desc ite, pats of thay fabric at cetin moment, and merely to sugges: ie Finence of a larger wok. detailed, ineresting, dotted wig foeiaing figures tex and vets T have console mys vi Telleving that this book is one installment of several, and hope tenga tary ad ces who miht want write ethers Eee petent eg te bevees on mopelion adc ‘her ies would go more Sevpy into the connection Broce ‘reo sd pdseoy, or it Ulan, Dutch, Ger Sei Onna Get the dymamic between scholant iaginve wing or int the reatonaip betwen admin ideas td ince! dpi. Peron th mt ipo Stal wold eto andere sain cvtepory alter ‘ite, oak won can sty ctor cures and tran arin, or tnispesie and nonmanpalat GASINE Bal fen one wosK! have W eink the who Babin of Ksowltpe and power Thee ae all tks kt on ai) np nt sh Pepe SCAN. Scration on method ts $3819 mate nena Ihre witch ine sey Siac ind. Forster erature and erican, Or Fes oes marvcosistance ofthe interyations betwen sx) tory. and textwalty, moreover, the Sadity & ly mcr rie pel * Pee at pove tech ean, ih i ery Si, eens sate he On, BEA rman hn wen nih to ale has not been done; two, 10 critic son en 0 them in a way 1 ne—avith the hope of stn ets i ey prt yey Wn Introduction 2 pate ne wo of ation, fr ed i in et i ts tr stat Prone ela ep oma ea Ta af Wen pnd th le pes woe oengh ok Woe ey ot fy sen ten et si pe onthe oe eo on on pct fore sre ct zp an emrons ompoy e at oe hepa weve sore wi ao which ci Fc ne oc exostion mock ie ete get Oren” oe oe a Ct genet a Be et th fac mand A shad ins of peopel ad te lar Ton “Oexas Soncara o Re pala hems, Co ac donpment of ode Onl Fe en spe oopien, an aot Te ce amin 0 he work life Sen aan Chie TH “Ones NN ee, miss PS er nd 470 Tn i te ei i Onet and a Feed ot we Te ary lt con ol Chapt Thee a Me nen Brlah aad rach ARR aly shack ihe poet ele) sey ara Ocealsg i he Usted Se Se a ion the Pi Notes Gras eee (cial aaron the emo Sena raong nye prot oe See a chet ha dept gous Se arene Came mee Mt es Fel ir cmlot ty sang, ele "Mch of the perma investment ii stay. dees. fa pa Coe rena chi oviag Ye ee hah ssa air my eda, ee com Pain marge and te Gate Sac, ar een Waser 094 eee ee posick nny ms sale ee eae ising ceo Sarin ese cous ve damston a em Sette! ae us seal Oren Tue shy ame 26 ORIENTALISM. Ba Ceaicis ee rio Thhave achieved i the inventory prescribed By’ Gramsci no nt Soe inee ee eee gery eee eet iettececs teins sees oc Sp ecko gass sy sheet oe eer re als ct) pons sn eeieharectyarns nia Bi ecetams oar dcctcm an cee iuauly ihe sa i - glnanliga ten ooeaetie ey mcs Stier ect choca cre, Secor Svw oh, mdb ey tailor lana gona “Interests. ¢ : re 1096 pect of the electronic, postmodern world is that thre Ibsen reinforcement ofthe stereotypes by which the Ovcxt Pew Television, the fs, and all the media's resources 3" fer alormaton iio more nnd more standardized mcs >t Sethe Orient is concerned, standardization and cultural stereoyt WBSte lensed the hold of the ninctenth-century academic.» its demonclogy uf the mysterious Orient.” This is no As than in the ways by which the Near East is grove Shings have contributed y Fac ews was upon ‘0 he pron ihc thse ot Asreduction n hence of any cat potion making it posible cites to a oT scemney aces the Abs or lh en rly nse saying thal beeanse the Mids East Faaieir ited wah Grest Powe ple, teem, an 3 nded dichotomy of foctrlving, democrat fac ts and errors Arabs, the chances of anything sod oie of what one talks about in taking about the x ast are deprsigly small Neat Eat eines af oe ten ar in pat what made me ee eee eee The ie of an Arab Palestinian in the Wes, we yin Amery dhatesing, Tere exe Dee a8 aarrdncnimoan consensus tat polialy Be docs not ex and then abowe hat, ii os uns a8 OeEhan te ne ef rac, calor stereotypes pli ne Crien, dehumanizing, Weoogy holding in the Arab ote Kren is very song indeed, ad is ths web which every Plan har come fo elas hi wiglypuniing dexing fara mates worse for bn 0 remark tat no person academic: diy smolved wih the New East-no Orel, that has ever inthe Usted States cuturaly and polaly Went himsell tolccaredly withthe Ara; certainly ther Bave ben ident Featons on sme level, ba they have ver aka an “cep form at siete! American ents wit Zi, nd ah $09 frequnty they have been radally Dawed by thet association tier wit aeredied.polical and. economic interests Sempary and Sate Department Ambit, for example) oF Wi — “Phe nexus of knowledge and power creating “the Orental® and in some obliterating hm a a human beag bs theefore nt foe mmc ancaclusiey academic ate. Yet itis a Inelclal mater tse very obvious portance Ihave hewn able to Pat 0.86) humanists ad politcal onsen foc the analysis a een fla very worly mate, he fe, developmen, 204 consolidation of Oventlam, Fo ofc erat and ale Plea, ever tears anes ‘trees io mean ceranly my aud ol Oneal a Same Sony aad Waray fare Gt oa z- Tica, an by a almost inescapable Jogi Lhe Ait writing We Wear af 3 -ange ance saree un myself wing 1 ‘estefan. Tht ant Semis and 1 erp i way ealaad a The Scope of Orientalism “se saieinquict et ambitiews de Européens «impatient em ployer es nouvenvslastruments de leur pune <« ‘ean Baptite-Jovgph Fouter, Préfce hitorique (1909). ‘Deseription de FEgypie 1 Palstanea Yor ts Toon} = a “a The Scope of Orientalism ... le génie inquiet et ambitieux de Européens . . . impatient d’e ployer les nouveaux instruments de leur puissance . . . —Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier, Préface historique (180! Description de l Egypte Knowing the Oriental mes Balfour lectured the House of fh which we have to deal in Egypt.” fferent category” than those — Jsle of Wight or the West Riding of Yorkshire.” He thority of a long-time member of Parliament, cord Salisbury, former chief secretary — og for Scotland, former prime minister, ~ yeteran of numerous overseas crises, achievements, and changes. During his involvement in imperial affairs Balfour served a monarch who in 1876 had been declared Empress of India; he had been specially well placed in positions of uncommon influence to follow Afghan and Zulu wars, the British occupation of Egypt in 1882, the death of General Gordon in the Sudan, the Fashoda Incident, the batile of Omdurman, the Boer War, the Russo-Japanese War. ‘Jn addition his remarkable social eminence, the breadth of his Jeaning and wit—he could write on such varied subjects as rgson, Handel, theism, and golf—his education at Eton and’ Trinity College, Cambridge, and his apparent command over im- ~ perial affairs all gave considerable authority to what he told the Commons in June 1910. But there was still more to Balfour's" speech, or at least to his need for giving it so didactically and moral-" tically. Some members were questioning the necessity for “Eng- land in Egypt,” the subject of Alfred Milner’s enthusiastic book of ees designating a once-profitable occupation that had eas aid of trouble now that Egyptian nationalism was on . ic continuing British presence in Egypt no longer so af to defend. Balfour, then, to inform and explain. eke nt ee of J. M. Robertson, the member of ht Rae ae pt put Robertson's question again: “What LS people ae ‘al eve these airs of superiority with regard to Se AQaestale waa te i anne to call Oriental?” The choice of = Mandevilic: it had jaucer espe and Byron. It desig- =felsOt fturally. SOHld speak i Europe of an Oriental personality, an Orietal 3 1910, Arthur Jai “the problems witl d, “belong to a wholly dil ~ On June 13, _ Commons on These, he sai “affecting the spoke with the aut former private secretary to Li for Ireland, former secretary 2 ORIENTALISM sing i; his choice was understandatic (ile foro comment whatever faba eps athe of superiority. Bat I ak (Roberton ang tee sae] who hes even the most supercial knowledge ot Tar. wil lok i he face the facts with which a Bricy fisicenan ba wo deal when eis putin a postion of supremacy ‘fer peat acs ke the nbabitants of Egypt and countries ny TBes We hapw te cilation of Eaypt beter than we know the Slitton of any cher coontry. We know it further back, we Mow 4 tre intimately: we know more about it It goes for Desond the pety span ofthe history of our race, which i los T the prtisonperiod ats ime whca the Exyptin civilisation flready posted ts prime Lack a all the Oriental countre Bo great themes dominate his remarks here and in what wil a: land -power, the Baconian themes, As Balfour : dhe nesesty for Bish occupation of Exypi supraacy ited with “our” Knowledge of Esypt and not Greconomic power. Knowledge to Bali ehlization from its origins to its prim. Be iments bey able 10 do thar. Knowles: Tenmedi foe ond self, into-the foreign sc ledge is inkerently vulnerahic to 4-4 “act” which if it develops, change, o ‘elt ia the wey that civilizations fregucn!y to day ‘untry—since we Know it and it, British knowledge of Esypt 0 ‘make such ques sce petty ones ipo. a0-Oniental tke, Oricalal despotiom, oF an Orient ‘ee of prot ‘and be uaderstond. Marx had used the want and sey and inferior. 1 S9PPORE he working ‘government which and iewhere 8 008 & en epee that it the dirty work, the Bing om the necessary about g0 on to the next on of sare ust Tage ould sy hat ine Ease eves in EE Inter work, Sac these fact are (98, par this arzuent ae government shold be exersed by vs? think Mince shows that they have {oped hog hk that enprnce sows ta hey hare tad tric goverment han nh wk story of Te aey ever Rad before, aod whch not only i Den Soe brent «beet othe wo ihe ied ens houghteany tive Tor ter se: wm ane there alate Isto of Europe sae. Balfour produces no evidence that Egyptians and “the races wight whim we deal” appreciate or even understand the ’ Bg dni by coli cua. 1 dor nt oa Tear weve, wo let the Eayplan speak for himself, singe sumably any Egyptian who would speak outs more likely 10 Be “the agitate who] wishes to cise diets” than the good naive who oytiooks the "ificulies” of foreiga domination. And 30, having seed the ethical problems, Balfour tums at last to the | races ones “Lis-ont business 1o_gouce with of witht Balfour must then 1 adit their greats ORIENTALISM en ace, 2 diferent diipline, diferent conditions of bi shakes tei wotkof governing possible is thei sense oft es tin a oa eres Torch contr which sent them there, those popelaon: ny Gib at some of order which isthe very basis of thetr Gviteanes? ee eer cose see “among whom they have been sent. : SEMUMMiae a peemines of his catire speech. England vax Pbave self-government; England confirms that by occupye ees cet cermngs te: Ber ore ar tr tn Seamer. Spor, Bash cecupstion But ifthe special intimacy terme sand governed in Egypt i disturbed by Parigmert bth the autor of what. is the dominant rose ‘upto remain the dominant ra as boca under infor hah them ow you Is, pie them al te ee a pi yon so nk Sich a Egypt, not we ert have ped pon hem. 5 eslrmance Ballou specch is significa’ land represents, 2 va) ‘Lclonial fil io FT ithe Orientals, itis because the) bei aa | Pod t home bya govemment that endorses what they tae Ser tem and what is Foe et Ene cern word only because the powesfal and they are ste ve efectvely brought them ont ofthe spina me ane a toned fem ino reba wea provucive colonies se roman xclencas oal alow veil ar ce ee We oy tae ia er nan epi a Sion yi es tl Penge, om a Sore eo irern coe a forcing Egypt’ rise from Oriental neglect to its preseat lonely ts REEL SS Bee res» kor, rm noe = ere ORIENTALISM hace bo teen contri scoring 1 Grea theory expat Hepp tatoo ns mines about Oriental craton arg rome ints manogenent of everyay Busines In EYpt The met Grune ming about the theory during the Fist Geode pe Pete onal was tat k worked and worked sagsrin) we ‘The argument. wheo redoced i its simplest form. was clear, way nae to gp. Thee are Westra, an hrs ose eee ater mt Be dna rene having hic lo ossupid the nora Sap reat se es kann pe fot coe oF another Wester power, That Balfour and Crom, Fee tal sere orld ip rman down to each rca etal and ail ences was ot at alan indication 6 tc Spapeste Yesonses Rater vas on indication of how sire Gy Hae getcrldcrne bd become b the time hey put tose ta stomied and fev Tike Bale woe tes on Orientals pretended Avni, Crome ape sot Ores speciesy * bad al oh dea ih, then forthe tw Hea i Ep uring wich be emery a the param Bema a Eagands enpice. Balours “Ovcutan” ore ¢ fess” which he made the opie of a ong esny ps Pedbrgh Revs Janiry 1908. Once ain. profitable dialectic 0 EE notion is that England's «9 3s militarien-and-commercal cots ft the colony (as opposed 1 Its 16 the Code of Christian morai)”)_2" rd to Cromer, logic is some ch the Orient is disposed altogether (0 + | at aga mp rscin | 4 accept logic. It is ati aad e8deavor to finn the conte ory md, it may be hoped, 251% 5 od the ruled.” Lurking <<") yt the subject race is imperial 2 etnding and intcguen o 40d incontinent tory. 12 Tobe more calc, what meta Ag aces ie Sa ak ek aot tations ‘who are all, nations Sects cone demas ik Bs ico com er a sea Sir re ose ec cal sas cn, Sorat aa brett ba rowledge and experience tempered by loc considers ee in Pa et mc won Sn ye coen Fa nas ee a pce bt Sng De sto ak Shai in ge ee a Reece ee ee apd pelapee rt po on ee eee cee oe phe hepeetenedrienpetere ‘han his, commerce will pain’ How much “serious consideration” the ruler ought 10 give pro> | absence of foreign occupation, a self-sustaining. national: siesee Soe Seppe so SEED things about Orientals for Cromer was that sauaging I Knowing the Oriental ‘on Jone 13, 1910, Anhur James Balfour lectured the Howse of Pe mons on “the problems with which we have to dea in Egypt.” Traarhe said, "belong t0 a wholly different category” than those “Tffeling the Isle of Wight or the West Riding of Yorkshire" He spoke with the authority of a long-time member of Parliament, Teemer private secretary to Lord Salisbury, former chiet seeretary fer Ireland, former secretary for Scotland, former prime minister, fcteran of numerous overseas crises, achievements, and changes During his involvement in imperial afairs Balfour served a monarch tho in 1876 had been declared Empress of Indi; he had been ‘pecially wel placed i positions of uncommon influence to fllow. fhe Afghan and Zulu wars, the British occupation of Egypt in 1882, ‘ath, of General Gordon in the Sudan, the Fashoda Incident, rc batle of Omdurman, the Boer War, the Russo-Japancse War Jn addition his remarkable social eminence, the breadth of his learning and wit—he could write on such varied. subjects as Berpson, Handel, theism, and golf—his education at Eton and’ Trinity College, Cambridge, and his apparent command over im- peril affairs all gave considerable authority to what he told the. Commons in June 1910. But there was still more to Balfour's speech, oF a least 1 his nced for giving itso didatically and moral istically. Some members were questioning the necesity for “Eag- Jand in Egypt,” the subject of Alfred Milner’ enthusiastic book of 1892, but here designating a once-profitable occupation that had e a source of trouble now that Egyptian nationalism was on 1d the continuing British presence in Egypt no longer 30 feisy to defend, Balfour, then, to inform and expla, Recalling the challenge of J. M. Roberton, the member of Tyneside, Balfour 's question again: “What Fight have you to take up these airs of superiority with regard 10 rople whom you choose to call Ori ‘Be Ss nn ep Ci = Gel Ade oc nea pcr, wal cera. Qa “SOU speak ia Europe of an Oriental personality. an nt “steal ia ORIENTALISM “ics td been coirlled sorting to general theory ep fork by Balfour in his atows about Oriental civiaton Gre nis management of every Posies 0 Ey Gaportnt thing about the theory daring the fist daca Arto cary wa that twos, and worked ‘The szpoment, when redced tn ts simplest fo the latter_must be-dom Se eee Regent Valike Balfour, whose theses on Orientals pretended i ee eather 1 pissin Eeypt during which be emerged as the paramou: Jn Englands empire. Balfour's “Orientals” aie « Pahich he made th topic ofa long essay ‘Review in January 1908. Once again, b: MGs oF Orta what makes their mana, Spower, more power re (2 opposed de of Christian sora Espo Comes, ope son is disposed altogether to ict fring aseri Io accept logic. It is rati ol’ Phas heen analyzed firs. But atthe one! asthe Went was concerned during the nse i Thay or achive of intocnation “1H commonly and, in some of its aspects, unanimously held. What found the archive together was a family Of ideas” and a sniying, 6 Tan sasimpion had een made Ot h ‘ « ORTENTALISM tof vane proven in various Plane the behavior of Onenai they wane MEME, a genealogy, an stmonpn ee! © Sliowed Borpeans to ea! wih ant oe Phenomenon possessing repuler chore SGorable Ideas, Orientalist notions in ‘€alled Orientals as well as “cope Wesker: in shor. Orenainn ten 2 oreo ie emer of Oren Fi Seven Ween ery ond Ore is pated onc how in Ss =: me nt HB 0 sete in adinisraeos fre PREM reached the pe of ity. fre Ind bees achieved no Orica Features. First of ll, in Europe tn about the Orient at esi om the Ey Oris lationship of Expr West that sl Faeroe ni owt ei ane Rapseonie Wener browledse venture ite ater. Pa pen Nagle he Ort 2 $6 oe a ae second fm . Mt wenteth-century, Oriented tei Tal be examining there was er tbe ambation to formalate thei di ce sitably in modern terms, put ace cen vey clone touch with sen reat a ie resins of Semi in 1848 for etampe Ra a a aye tat drew heavily for is authority open pertive grammar, comparative anatomy, fey ihre en is Octal presize andthe oe ide eee Oriental vulnerable, ait has bom ve se cee aes eel as seiusly infvential currents of thought in the Was Ovcatatam has been subjected 1 impels, posits opisdiar Rsorlan, Darvini, rcam_Exxuiansn- Mack pape Bot Oni, ke any fhe nal aml wl Sea pad pradigna of roach, its own eared iin tp nptenth cxntry the Bld in Meese enccnoly in prestige, o» Oud ao te repuiation a4 Grace ok vc Insitutions ov the Société asaiquey tbe ROE (Ada Soriay, the Deutsche Morgenlindche Geselistal, snd Gee Ameren Oriental Socery. With te growth of these Sole Seat aonfctese al sco Europ, in he pombe of reas Meee Oriel adie; consoquenly vere was a0 S=PAMSOS i tvatabie: means for, dascminatng, Orientals, Osan sista Ceping with the Fundraten des Orient OMe ge eer ot ksowicdge w vot Ue main pecan Fe amongst Oricaalists etn, experiences, and insight sown Establishment. During o¢ hese nations exe "et of si ass. amd vee ple Mn tied frm in which eset oes tape i sha Be OM et Eni ie en age ene Fleer Ne ne hy cu ce exes ii 8 at thn ed 2 ORTENTALISM ae cee e een, Fee eee es cee ho npn Phestmenon poneuing regula charcerrac Sens we) Siete tee Oma hte ne) oe ‘as those called Occident Pee Bee nine Sec Sie Or 5 ea IP we mise repared io note how ints dence oh ment an Bees Ores deepened anderen tke scam common practice during the 6 fle adnate on Tada eet ee of fifty-five, then a fur the eee Oren wares ead generated, just as n0 Westeree century Tenaissanice took plac on by be Raposo in many ways the very of Egypt since Egypt and subsequently the other ie the ie province, che Iaboraor. the teats about the Orient. I shall return to asl a twentehcenury OF oe eT sal be examining there was een) outset of Feast Orisalns the ambition to formule Ne is. whe ncn a isights tab in modern terms © Pt Fee ae Ona in very clone touch with moder reals es rie investigation of Semitic in 1848, fr SUDP a eet in a ale that drew heavily for its authority oPon my comparative grammar, comparative analony ar peery ihe en his Orientalism prestige andthe thet side ler ade Orientalism vlneable, ast hs been ever ics grmessh as well as serious invent caren of © Wet, Oriental has been subjected to imperil tipi, Historian, Darwinism, racian_Fseuanisn, MCE, feows Esablshment. During the niteeath century the Seid el ecco poe, on A a te ren a Fars of rah tesutons ss the Soe asa ee ce Devtche Morgsnlndache Govlicha td fe Remains Oriaal Socey. Wit the growth of tee Sie Ba fee Ort iy op, n he met oo eet mci: conmquenly ee wet a= Pana ee cree fox, Smsconatng Oven. OF lice cepcing th the Funazreten dev Ores STDS tent ot owed w+ wel = 8 Se ret 5 Fe ia ii siya ry sew fe es sp nse on in which se o Nd fom ie a, BER Sener woes sue ane Fs, Nena ree re a iy con se Pe Seay sete te Orient. Foe Orca 92 Sepa: Wat Oreo, he gay ‘of the natural and socal epee stad “paradigms” of oe sown ned sce “ ORIENTALIS ot orientalis the two words thus conceived pee lived in outs. The vision and narceat up, kept each other Foca Always the Westerne ct that knowledge —80 cont 8 concerns of & gs 9s ye oe coer ping. A certain fi ture, he could penetrate, Belen oer reel oe ergy Bete and meaning tothe be Nocabulary of such @ privileze, and s ‘i 3 oe 2 eae mucha vision. My argument (ah: ee Ob Seagate sir : i econ i ee ena ental: BS id. and does Ornalam ls, al oie Bail topether as historical phenomenon omy Bontemporary problem, and a material tea DP Mesin, an accomplished technician of em © Ocientalism. He can furnish us with ‘Government of Subject Races say gny et up from Ea x ences RINE oe i siting os muro Mtr dre a en a 7 Scncelhaipdeean tn reayoiglaa errs major, and che ear BS “agent,” who has = . ‘tenant his captain, and the capt oe caw oth a specialist's k: the ‘colonel, and the colonel huis brigadier commanding thr a Sand an Anglo-Saxon individuality, with th eral wo obeys be Vey. wh bit Kamion. Tie tomner may "eat ocala ae ste 2 none, oF cv “As deeply forged as is this monstrous chain ‘of command, as strong] ee Pecans: ss won ee te arent ofthe West andthe ents weak a ems eetieg of the diflerent par West Soci Heng aT och wenRTENS - el Se 06 “should endeavour, so far as is possible. attendant on the governmen! of the Is vague and unattractive, bu th Sena. Com pe erator Ppt sae nel ve abd 1) Oo jhe ar he East © os on." eee yw anes bomen a ea eesti re comeenset ie man aly, Ora cre nk le ie gtepaprogses entoty lide, o y cavve to comsequenos ME eae eae By ving tn comeserns manly, UE 6 6 de Meer other yo ros Gl ty ayo evn ele) A Ya er ern om De ape cea “or (Wesencs) a HY, Sa en Ca | ey are let son ee pee inemporce ft, Stn al ! het 1 ren may voi wat esl mia Fe a Togas Has Ocenia mk WE tn We a ane ok ean, meee, pul PT ORMENTALISM (Gs the categories were used by Balfour ang ‘sually to polarize the distinction anc," ‘Oriental: the Westemer move Weners Ante jae rerfuge is highly devel- ommedating power) the Order. With what effec snd gat! © ped DEN pegaiy ste AOE SETI AP ed fOr siderable expense sch militant divisions have been main een fe eel ete ene gg ell as in Ham SEIS TS utd feed leaped epetatoi vo ia A Me Tying tern Oo Ne peace ‘Another illostration dovetails nestly—perh vengeance TTS oe Therene, if “Westerners OO ty devel Kisigers anys. In is February 1972 sc, he 08 MM eae vate” amd NE DT AO a dourna of Prchiiry pints an cay by Haris W. cine am Oe the vale of times” SOON aes “ ni val mate of afairs because ts of the econonty.” TRE Pocely to show how on the She rsa poston of the eis in A se mt paces ese oft ewo ma 5 “fin earned sqiton se oven wale of wales eae tt conince, No merely ase Ti ee a ity of truth; no theoretical list of cers Set aheur application 10 the beavior of wan dtnbutes. i without application 10 Sed On the ne band there are Wester Ort terior are Arab Ont: the former are (2 sea cet) rational, pacctl, bral, opcal, capable of [icra vac, withost natural espicion: the later ate nope ties tings Oct of what collective and yet pareularze. ww Sth Ort do tse Naterents emerge? What specialized Sar imagnatve prosures what isittions and traditions, what ap Solara foes produce such similarity in the descipons of the PT! rent be found in Cromer, Ballou, and our cotempory 3 Wetera Il Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: “i Orientalizing the Oriental 1 Sry speaking, Oriental is fit of learned Ghiste Wot, Orenatum i coniderd to hive sumer ifooal estence with the decision of tes Church Comma of. “a Pera | separates them, and second, as inviting the West 10 co ta. tnd otheross gover (Us0Ugh soperior Knows Seeiectiling pov) Ge Ot, Wih what edoct and SBiratasexpets toch vltant visions have been ncn fe at prsent needs fo be reminded acta heaton doves ney—pechaps 12 neu Hisiagts tly In ts February 1972 tase tse a een at Ppchcn) prin an cany by Harold W. Cie [eenkibed ss arctired member of the Bureau of Intelipacs’™” Research, United States Department of State; the essay's tiie cr (Ab Worl"), on, ad es content argue a highly ch (Grea eo mind. Ths for his four-page: dot Paytolopeal poral of ore 100 milion peoptc Prod of 1.300 year, iden cits exactly fou Mes recent book on Tripoli one tue Of the f a Pare AbAlvam, the period Oriente Moderno, Majé Khadr, a weinown Ocenalit. The rs Ho uncover “the iner workings of Arab beh ir pin of view s“aberant™ but for Arabs ‘Abert aspcious str, Ws are old that Arabs sre cee “prestige sys: patie followers and cients (as an AstArab sity isan slvays has been bassd on gales at: hat Ara can function 0 isons; tat prestige & bat solely cn th btu sae area theiore1 [A Mie of revenge (here Glidden triumphan%iy ccs he 1970 Abram to show that “in. 1969 {in Ey) in 1070 hes the perpetrators were apprehend the murders were based on a sie "8 on desire to satisfy real o ins" fa desire for blood revenge): tf [of View “the only rational thing for the AW fr te Arabs the station & ata “The Scope of Orientalism is ia. “characterized by anxiety €% Aas aN, pm at nr, wht bch presed in. Foner polity"; the art of subterfuge is highly devel- cine a: eal ia Arab iG Yersing. otherwise the Arab would fel ENS shame Terr, "Westeers comer peace La a sine hare spy Se Se ee mal acct ao Macs ops Ont opt cess 7 pase of the Orient do these statements emerge? What specialized skills, Siliaea sare ses selene as a Oren ann Cor alm car oan Il Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental Sercty Orientalism earned Ws a fed of study. the (Grates We Stctin conca e tae formal exstenes wits the deiion of the Church Counc of 0 Hebrew sider 0 Salamancs Tings, and etic unit ca to make an all-purpose posnle, This x certainly true of Orientalism, Papen of schoary speciation asa g adie rent Fy evelne Weil, perhaps even cccenvic aitude of Ori appareat, For although many learned disciplines Taken towseds, say, human material (2 historian Inuman past from «special vantage point in the pr Bo eal analogy for taking a fixed, more or le Postion towards 8 wide variety of social, Tings Dorel relies. A classics, a Romance sp ‘Apsticanis focuses 09 a relatively modest portico SPA a Lalla oft Bot Orientalon i td wit oprephicel ambition” And since Ore ahemslies with things Orintal (2 special hs than an expert in Chicse dialect o in I ORIENTALISM foh 9 series of chaies tn snd Syriac at Paris, Oxford, Bologna sional Orentalist only the po mae. They sequiecoberence and integrity i time 1 devote themselves im diferent ways Foy agreed-upon subject matter. Yet it goes cd of study b rarely a8 simply defined ax hited partsans—asualy scholars, profesor ; clam its. Besides, a field can change © snnt traditional disciplines like 4 Orientaist by poopie who call “The rule in Gre - aL at elk = ve most ean to accept enormous, indiscrimna Infinite capacity for subdivision as one of the ‘of Orientalisn—one that is evidenced” imperial vagueness and precise dt Oak mids. nthe isinston historical thas been its increasing ‘Orientals tke EP" hit (is sev ao Seer mf fem peal a ‘opened study of China, Sinope I or an ot acaieicallycongueTes fot toe ar eet cen, ARICA estas a cs were able inteligibly to eveae Dyer aod SE Wit Sask By the me of ered selon ni 3» SH maging. Thee a odes Tags oe onl Seon he meant etc. One Sopot de Seat ghly from 1765 to 1850 given, by Raymond er sence oremale™ Quite aie fom the al made by Yeamed.profes= see dnoveis of things Oriental mad: ‘Searing pein Europ, tere was the virtual epidemic Arona secting ever) major post, etait, and pilosophe reed Schwobs notion fs that “Oriental” identifies stesferorfemional enthusiasm for everything Asiatic, whieh Sar vonderaly synonymous wih the exotic, the mysterious the Frsound, he Senna: tis is later iansposition eastwards of 8 Toner ethusiam in Europe for Greck and Latin antiquity daring the High Renasance. In 1829 Victor Hugo pot this change i ‘cctos a follows: “Av siele de Louis XIV on était hells Iuiicapton et orenatste™ A ninetceath-century Orientals ‘at therclore either a scholar (a Sinologi, an Islamicst, an Indian Exropeanst) ora gifted enthusiast (THogo in Les Orientales, Goethe in the Wesistcher Divan), or both (Richard Burton, Edward Lane Fre Ses) second inder of how inclusive Orienatiom had become sine the Council of Vienne is to be found in nineteenth-ceatuy trois ofthe fd isl The most thorough ofits kind is Jules Mots Vines Ansihioie des udes orientale, twe-wolme ohn ot everything ot + ying of note that took place in Orientalism Bee seo 1840 and 1867 Mol was the ‘late in Pas, sn for secretary of the Socité Za ao omen more than the ft lf othe can Mr vas te capital of the Ona weed Mobis poston gna et Besiamin, of the nineteenth. century) tothe ‘en more in the Societé could not have € Oreatalm. There is satcely anything done by ORIENTALISM European scholar touching Asie durin hat Moti doesnot enter under “Stes orion fnterest to Orienalst scholar, iy a Tit dilects, Hebrew, Pehlev, Assyrian b Works considered Orienalst is i Orientals stud But the ra ‘ very Known Asiatic and Nocth Al moder. Gustave Dugat’s Histor UP ou XIN’ siecle (1868-18 figures, but the range represate Such eclecticism a ‘Academic Orient flaslcal period of Sided. Not doth quite late in th ‘exception of Napoleon's Iostt fBiven to the academic study of ‘Moreover, the Orica studicd was a cx theimpact of the Orcat was made the ol as In the impress of Greece on iimeic artifacts like sculpture and Beineen an Onertalist and the Orient vas HCAs reported of some of the curly Orientals that their fist view of an es “cured them completely of their Orintaint Orientals raveled inthe country of his speci ih wachakable abstract maxims bout th interested ina ality ofthese musty “tuths” by eps ;ampunt of exact positive knows the mythology ofthe myer Bees to comprehending, ence: Be tery pomer tod vane of Ores" Lol second-order knowledge—lurkine ite of is ows, wba! V.C ne coed sos ee et the Ho ry goes with such work, Na os ™) ‘of the Orient, 28 Oo ee tone temporary attitudes and POPS eed pe conc of 08 a a tical uses of «ey te tweth a0. : 7 se Orientalist, 2 eal htlf an Ont nto a Top io World War Il, Yet the designation. _soja eames Olin programs or depack sera Se ais es Os a Spartan of Oral ties Ce a er 1989. the Bosh goverment em = = one Unt Cree er Oren, Savon, Eat European and, Afican Be Mt comer and advise on proposals for fire Serpe The Myer Repo, a 1 was called when. ‘Trevis 196 seemed unrobled by the broad designation of el ema which fund servicealy employed in America ‘clr eee! Fo ve te greatest name fn moder ‘nec Mans sti, HA Gib, preferred to al meet Oesab rater tha an Arabi. Cibo himself ls that ete cod eth wply lop “area study for Orentaliom Aa olshowing that re sts and Orientalism ae ll isha pnprapia ies” But th Think ngenuoualy oa olen teenies toon ae sess hts tla acy ate aware in a secure, S atacand lev arcinoe mnt ih y were Oriental nt fete nevis Albsnian. The goog Sid ells oes tp Yet Simeone Pa Fins eo of what ol peo sci nilcsonce ouside one's cn The Pret pitosopie Gass Bache ‘et vhat he aed the pois of spore The ji noqires seme of inimscy, secrecy. <4 . are 1 eer appre cehne poetical seme ak oes eee a nae tye core Pant tha iyo srw cosa Mon dae ex emotional i “ere th it 3 eo eoccus when we deal it mer even know about sueh te end of tie Meri side Kingdom ESP os Sats aps Far Bt ing, but even this re vsry cleat sot of i imaginative, quatl dot by a hind yi aime very diferent and distant (om SN eno dbl that maginative geography and oad tomy ison sense of self By dramatiz: ay phe mid on aoe Tas 01 Whe felings we offen ave at stall we know about time and than anything else things as postive history and postive paso ater History He retry wc Europe and the United Sate have imprestive hewn fo pint fo. Scholars now do know more about the pa 5 di, foe example, in Gibbs this ino ay that they know all there to kaOW, BOR, x pray that hat they know has ‘eflectiy tna he napa eeopraphical and historical knowledge 4 sree coming We nied not decile here whether Chis Kind [dinate inns tory and ogre, wet 2 a time being that CUBE Ruceetlog mor than what appears tobe merely ps in Europe the Orient was something rm about A Teast ul he cuter has $o elegantly shown, tne wind of Osta alts, the lai ‘Sean asoristions with the East’ te informed —always seem, a. hive there mot aa Instone extant. Aeschylus have been ery : What mater Bare i that Asis spe European imagiotcn, which What howe “other” word beyond Hesings of emptiness, los, and disaster ths Fear Oriental challenges tothe West fine porous past Ava Jah Bachar, pap mst As Bosptlsesiciy omnes wih 6 IB tet ecenes Oren H ostyed by hs mother, © PBaehates. Having dcied Dicayros ty ne Besos diy, Petar th ery WA ote epee copii a he = lmunctn on The Bac $. nt this rope hat ariculates the, Orie: ie as mast eas ate gente, OLB the porate : Soh = ae : egy between Aeschyla"'s ofehesta ise Tree 6 we playwright conceives He Ses ona he Asi woo hich aso il seared evsope of Ovetalt aie a amos Aap fo comets che but alvay, dominating scrutiny. Socondly, there is the "inca Se stool demos 3 tom Fen eras the myinlyatctve opps ra te normal naloes, The difreoce separating East from ‘tk spalue y the sense wih which, a Sn, Prato ‘sce yseialbcchnts, When ster be himwelf becomes Stat he dete not so mich for hing given 1 copa oe ing income Dionysus mena ex plc The eo tat Eudes intends rama pot inthe pay of Cada adie Armen wo ae ht “oven” lone doe Ro ile ERE eth thing pea they sy wich ea Sty the fice oan pers and eipery conn rite. cea Oneal yar vil bs ten shah between West and Orie, teh to othe cea ree Oa paces rk tnt ena ao s ORIENTAL 1 eastward-loking andl ambitions W totus historian, traveler, incthow Prewousy b eet ws Retr op Wile tomgeeret Chest UaliE ental spheres: there was aN faonllar Orient which Re ) sida novel Orien The Ors Eden or Pa Rea Ay ace place « te America, order to 5 Columba heme! es Werld), Certainly neithe the other: itis thelr vac fapacity for entertaining teresting Consider bow the Or became known in the West as fince antiquity. There were the there were travelers like Ma ‘and patterned. 4 repviat ater hima Loovice os V fiabulinte like Mande Easter movements. prin fall pilgrims, chiety the Cross Irvctured archive is built up trom th these experiences. Out of this vor the journey, the histor “We polemical confrontation. These are © Orient is experienced, and they shape form of the encounter between Los! 2 ‘number of encounters soe vats Tyas sprakiog about earlier. Sets ieequires, for one reason o¢ anoths! Aamiliar, One tends to stop Inorel ox completely well b= ersians of prev SESE a cone snd eliions hegemony of Iam, ios Pera, ya and Egypt, then Turkey, thea Sale toe Mon aris inte eighth and incest Sp Sly, and ports France were conquered. By the thirteen erect otra red as fr east Tai, ‘Chana Ano ths extrerdinary asalt Europe could it ery Deep fear and a Kind of ave. Christian Sine the bmi congue ha cant terest the Speaere and feet magnificence of the Muss, sion ta "coeva th he darkest and mont lothful Earpean nal" (But with some satisfaction he wes mead emshing one ot dr ta Rasieem Expand shoe, 2 Suncl Chew rocoen a Seedy Ta Croce ent Rove “sa ene ies” aw Mar, aad cn fe tnt tages are pati ity of Onerean Islam dnd it encroach Ha nd encroach pon Ch of URE prea an tian Erope™ ‘am for Europe sf the Mastin, Ox ay eee the redoubtable Orien il the met ofcomenpor whose ee iB Rot so, mich the East jtct aa Eiowa, snd therefore tess. fcarso rte ¥ omc, to the se Scope of Orientalism 6 en on sox Christan pict’ of sam was intend in corrgdaring Te Middle Ages and eat) Se ried sae aE Sis tae the Neat Oren had bess all See common wor pre o Lin Catan RE fe ond te worship of Saracens PE de Roland pot. By the mile of te ahem oa aes belanly-som Fee eget 16 eviows European tinker “thet So Beet be dove about Islam." which had twned the sea Beste cmmcetan by isett ariving militarily ia Eanes IOS em recounts a dramatic episode bet ‘en Johf Segovia. Ni. eu Sane.” The idee vas John o Bea aged conercce with amin ubish Betas er whclerte convenion of Mosinee Hee. oe a wn paca nel a fhrcice and fn words whic wi sike «hora ‘han war pide sees ret general Earp ae we Orca i teat of sm cabetent bat ORIENTALISM. Iigues, vitues, and Vor, & something woven int We. te Renaante Eneand lone, af Samucl Chew neces ot Tis cake study The Crexcent and'the Rove, er. a - hase Aibject is not so much the Ease iin Beri Jes fexrome to the Was Tas Sees cro Ben. My point, onever, eam as anyon 2 aire le Orient, and to ne © eortrlerenti ox “conterence Westo have been a staged conference wih Ia “The S:ope of Orientals o ce extravagant forms would ins ace he ceo he ores and eo 2A nce Kvah with ey et Fe a ny ted os cee Tae en, Tere en Csi pte whch Bre rei pure tac) wre tanned Be cand in which the geal olin wat oe mle 208 pages ference, but ony with & Sete a Al te corso that ete made ine Soe canny aca were oly & ence f wha Ba opt to be vce, shoring wp a weak Bede her Ccnon opinion was an erection whch oud aenotsed, reno be ebul ‘and mote and 0 “This rigorous Christan picture’ of Islam was intensified in i Ways, mncloding—during we Middle Ages and carly a as By this time the Near =ferigsrourated inthe common workd-pcture of Latin Christianty ‘worship of Saracens is PO pollo. By the middle of the beilintly-shown, if ‘=a in the Chanson de Roland the trayed as embracing Mahomet and Af fiteenth century, as R. W.. Southern has inkers "that something fame’ apparent to serious European Moat ob doo abut Islam,” which had ted the sual Bear emmcenat by sel ariving italy in Easter ops: counts a dramatic epoue beeen 1450 Fo a Sepia, Nicolas of Coss, Jean Gea Tempted 1: sanference” The idea was John ol in which Chess enpics the wholesale conversion of Muslims, “He tw Oi ee cere wit a plical swell at srhly SO Fe errs: nich wil strike « choc in oder Sa Bese ae are i woe to lat ten yews wende Be Semagi tun ve” THO We PLEO a tate epeode Wo eel (ot BT " tO gor of «general European amp Sl igecrrelanay ae ‘Orient ia front of Grom Beds to Luher—10 put » TOPTSCaIat Le Ona together in some cohersat Borope, to stage the Orient and Ero et or ne an St ie twa eS oe ORIENTALISM. es WU he iti ia es Se eagle By er Pe erm rcs DASE AL A pic level, treats never tre Ses rt tee = Rte nee tt hy wee rad ou be tale coniendy expected « happy era Prams lie Crsian inowiedge vt ices nat he wan Er ye the soltion of ere and ctiewhe his dencnstration ‘The Scope of Oren | Fajwcah cote tat Aria was “on. te ing of tral ny fr ere! cuans™ and ag apostate, whereat i the twentieth aed nan eit speci, wl fe one sO ely no oe than seconde Arian Ta sino naw ae a Aeginesa new concreteness ‘A field is often an enclosed space. THE Beaters ene, Oven eo spent n,n his sage wl Fp! BS ete rer ok wth Oy sto be, tan ited eesion The On er bt rather 2 hed fe, 8 See te fam Europe. An Orta ba te pa Re tree tr wich Eaope ore on Fe odin x history and ual ' ee Papen) some hal pot ee ae ors do ots Oneal Se stat 8 net eae wie nd tne ts 8 eae el pe pin, Cleopats Ee, Tey, Sle ‘ Asay ih we Sp Oni Se, Bayon te Ol re cee etn, Manco, and dons Bee ne ee soner ly, haleimagne, ble Bee ene cere, es, The EAP Be ee casey om ete: Sete Be ee rcenn uy sch wa sha ee a eo, sunspene. Conasi Sal Fee Mn med and te Pome dt Cid Ia elent's icies for tele productions, in ways that i a tres popnanne te mo AES, Het ered card Orca cho etter tym cio a, oe Wises erincytotesovnco TA celebrated instanceof how dramatic theater 8 whose Irie by fons cat Hiosory of tam cose aces sick preliminary dncouse 10 bi, mn) Koran (1734) and Sion Ockleys Hier of he Tota) porta” mening = Pie ae ae Gtadegusely descites @Herbelots work fh “i Nork, Which wash) tars ore Wnt: ma nineteenth centur Pane a enterprise. D’Herbelot read a, i 4, in Arabic, Persian, and a Me ne to find out about ea ae matters hitherto oe mit ded to compose wo rig 80 alphabetically arran Only the first p Stated that “orientale we learn that orl, for what ige availabe ot sources 6 the seader at Teng that éHerbelots ste et apreabe' ober Orta er cans Postoks, sod Erpenis, pede’ A, Gal Too narrowly grammatical, lesen erbelot as able 10 ee an readers thatthe sy Sette won moe tan ust hls and fates Be orlng Calin, ae fer Os SO Be vient ample en of what Ht mea 9 Kan ye rc an es that woul both Hl he, mind ant setae ent, pcos comeived expectations Be ers ax eierilor’, Europe discovered its APOC ‘ametfasins no Orenalizing the Orient, A certain some of rrrappes here and thre in what Galland had 10 sy 2%t see arierios materia orientalis: x in te work Bae renter geographers like Raphael du Mans, Europeans foul pereive thatthe Orient was Being oUt ty Waser scence" But what becomes evident fs Moiese of Wiese perspective: there is slo the MnP! Iortaking th immense fecundity ofthe Orient and Bak, Me cpasmascaly, cvce aiphsbetically, Krewe by MC Testes Galea sid or erbelo hat be at Piblivheque did 20 at eas about the Orient Fat Beefs Open. doce nv confi the Octo STRESS Ae mir tres nor wants to unset inoue eventale did was represent ave been & 100 ase Se i Goaceming corre Lorain eS Bay sc ta Sore, Fe mame om eo in o. trom A to 2 Uoder Magione nya ana ren ppanoca Soe conan. ties S08 SION tte in hen proceeded 10 confirm ‘Mohammed fad doctrinal value 95 (lows Ics beam: poner Manor, Avis Incioet alc po fe com oo rts OF ometion, oye lt EAM es cores, te PAROS ot ae te mete ont arr Jas dope ee Ae Nes Hoge, te sot ean es of retain’ pou fe Wee nl te re nt eet si om he rade crmed fds a co ete OF ctl, Not cn the Oren os Fe en Csi, pe eens ne Rei eh rent (nd a or caenion and verti Ewa icp ey ot Oa te Ovens stage THAT ie eae tobe eco ain Se ets i gral and pstemalopa emt ase imitation 3 ve oa clin ine represcating isutionalized Westers ow it the long historical scecun cal ne Ort, Ores tus come 1 three-way Ea turn fo more gaa Se2OU Of Mohammed AE Ma te Ore onthe Osentalist, and onthe Wes Rae oF est traeht narra me Ja oa Ovietalsm. 1 would be wrong, think 0 noes Test counts in the Bibi. mw Fr grength of the Uhree-wayrelaionship thus ‘established. Foe the Pasi removed when rast One ald, fltier for an alphabetical item. Me, Tying outaide the bow “=a et the Guiely on his (admittedly prominent) (Orient as the provi “e akan. stone CRE Oeentalist stage es erp =) oa \apelaee Taito Wester tender oe Mase allot which are subsumed ac EHltocors alphabetized Bilin a Tath at nin ss et Wor ren aps een ree vie mee oo Pa ca cae. tere positly mera BMD or see. They se an is whole didactic process nit BEG se They ae to Chenega, One ought again oremerber that a SONGS LaBare Slien, Pry fer coeiom pon re ray, changing Hom Fee ees such characters as ‘abjecs into units of knowledge. TH= problem isnot that convo Bites the diocoriee om {ate place, is perfectly natal fr ¢ St et ne aoe Bee reeties wranpocer: ercoms Naa Pitot one, always been inclined to impose complete transformations on of titty character toe bee in er cles to HY 8 Prophet is part Sy ene ccc, they ought © . mp ed orientate Oriente wioss tot) Oven was aba He soe 2s fgent, not ofthe ma en as exience 10 the ner eificlt to understand noe ee ete ae mae os re ey St Fos ies of Onetlnn’spowet and efectenes, Se ene a is of Con) FO ne eas pe learod fds and Codes Des. of Morin neat et ome a sie a the Hit Teter Christianity, i is also cecum: i . by 852788 of oe and Span Ms — the — wnt stage a+ he nea yf moral and pte I aig cing sondern bro ips Seer hs comes 1 cir 8 ENT } Be so ren he Onc a oe Wee Se Fa twos wen. nk. omic Ie wou aio thar ebb. oc the Ot) i correced ven penal EF Eoropean toc a sans the oe to te Ries rai a seep One! Se page) mie One Tae of erned pagent. oto he Hear ctc's tne eee to ove een 2 eatense Oren Boke oiace proce nite d Gani pain Ow veh ogin pit concn: upon rw ray ch Fe are eter robin ot hat convening fafesplace. ts perfectly natal forthe human mind 10 rst Fe ct renga terre ota hee crys a inctied vo impooe complete transformations 08 TGultares, receiving these other cultures not as they are but as, for ere ocr ty oi be. Toe Satay me ‘from something Sel forthe tae of Ws clare, i some cme eat Trae proces of comrenian He ug, basi mm se ips ne. wah Mig ae ar mm A Gere insensitive sc LWAES the over elt shcmati mnie Stennis oo Sea tie erase es oe cae trom he a Dates 5 paral Dn io a Ba eS eee sem et we of the Orient fn iscsi were liter representations nce. ely careful thei m Ese a at Dante has 0s aot Islam, Barter in the eta Mins em vp, AEE. iain ave amore ‘eho, along, with ‘fective their hose virtuous heathens Pacor, Aeneas, brah erates, Plato, and Aristotle, ae Be tx cel ofthe Inferno, ers suffer a sinimal Heaters honorable) punishment form as ‘nad the benefit of eee rrctaion. Dec, of course, imine Oe reat Yirtoes| eeeepmimncts, but becose they were Dot Ce he eres ther, however igh, to Hell EST x great But the special anachroniams and survey Sins yet they ares pe 2 oe harp Fer of distinctions, 1 Of the figures est ping pr-chvisian wminais inte 0 SE Bs ako @ typics Ba varion win pot Chvisin Mose SO OT ike Roman speci Js 88 Be meted out to him trouble Dante “ Dante Hanes ie reat Moslim philosophers 258 FE Chiistianity, That Wey ‘coor - Brags inter a eae a Tages levels te Bees 2d Be ean anal vison nine © RARE athens, in wich Avert TE DIR Bea nae wi Socrates an! Poe (simile S Bees cerca 1700-1716), wire « docusion At PS Bpereen Seca nd Conti) . Re rs an retnomcnts of Dante's pce Ee Ree ae etre ot oe eee (be crates af Western soe Spt data abo a sry ie: what mar Thine teen cling the Ove foaled i he pects Sala w we Cotpoaghsbou the Orie in aw nin, make, mote rahe on ‘eprsenta> Thee ‘ca the Oceat. M istoncal He Sacat oF about AY is decisive i wt rh on, 2 von by. 82S Temper the common eRe and Avice ae i eprom, mihout mech reperd foe cea et? or saying ie Bash Dts docs ene? olen way the effect of such . Bn . Mr tv wie mevy a — az the rations oc ftheen the goals ofthe varices Secon ae pic To ince tc a endo mca my ie : cn sand to have a func- wey b) ae ) ae one ind ose. Ths are alvays represented as ous aot merely ry, spicialy ouside Prrern's words, became “Oe ST "The Occident was now living tne Venerable sith the ecclesia Sean re i Be ovens. ne wings of Be eS Srecrrens st eT Nopent and Bede 19 ST Burchard. of Mount Syon. Sa Via ci inthe Chanson de Roland, ant ee (tat “abuser oT HS WOOT ders Havin Ff Bes ography, from the vivid portraits 10 0% found in Ih of @Herbelot’s Biblioshegme to the prosaic nicl this discourse considers © the Orient. What for example 3 © dis an imposter, ‘Mohammed occurs. Under (iscoutse—by which, mean sity eee he Orient NPRpaken or wrticn So Erect reas tars, 0c oP es er Ra eek eevee co and of the dramatic der transmutations of these ally a ‘to which T must now furl. it Projects a Packer, Betopcan ee Feneae eauivalen Seaenns FE al thew fncton in 3 Smiter ns bese w emi 1 moe tata belot's Biblio Kees of Oriectaism if only to jude How exactly wrong (and How a ions the any ERASE Fences, invincible, {ata No! Mees care by Dante. Sonvit Moh either, : Phy Michelet, that “he Ori OF ats dreams, By the magic of it phe, is contained does it seem n: .< gods of light by the charm Sette cor eet teh yh a ons Maes the atement orope ond the Orient have fone ugh innimersble SE eelaieheaatied even though the line between Fas and West has made 8 Thus gains litle Peston impression upon Europe. Yet it eneral it was Mampi Pris Pe Eat, not vce ven . E loving (kai is bis Such eatepories indeed ‘The Scope of Orestaliom s ‘Ovient came wo stand for what Henri Baudet a dal wave Certainly this was the casein AS te ofthe eighteenth century the point at eee, ot "Oven! anowletge ke) Hels Het uop meaning primary Islam, the Arab, oF : ee oul that tine cltal memory g3¥e cabal Sec sch reat) Stat evens a he fal of oe” Behe Croats, andthe conquest ofS and Spain, The Ml i mie Gitar gai the menacing Orient they di not atthe same i ds are ten Eeeetoce what mained of Asi pee cht re wor always India, where, after Portugal pioneered Europe be frst bans of European presence in the early sixteenth century, rea eae Ane od together they dispose ani a Bacar cngd erlang pod (rom 160082 SY lop Chslonny o? Ber aaly merce sclviy, dominated pti 3 Tas inal oer provided ndgeoat ae occupying force Yet ‘Alcs. snd Spans fhrat ty Europe. Rather it was because native authority rumbled Theteoniy. there and opened the land to inter-European rivalry and to outright TBarpean political control thatthe Indian Orient cou be treated a by Entope with such proprietary hauteur—never with the sense of PRE from the ec! foserved for Islam" Neverthcles, between this hateur and fofthing ike vccurate postive knowledge there existed a vst apa, Dierbelots ences for Indo Persian subjects in the Biblehéque were al based on Islamic sources, and itis eve {ay that unt te ary ninetcnth century “Oriental languages” wag Eine» sony for “smite nuns Te ‘Oriental Some fay pacrow ints in which Islam waste atcha Gren Sample Sanskrit, Indian religion, and Todian history di nt Aethire the satus of scientific Knowledge uo after Si Willa, Sones efforts in the tae eighicenth century, and even Jone i fart in loci came to him by way of prior interest in aad owe of tn is tot rutpning. the, thatthe fit major work. Ose after dlltbekts Biblithegue was Sino OSKeO a ent nunc rst vlvne oppeoed a L708. Peer aero eT Cretan bar opined tat Ocean Awards the Maslims-—that to them is owed what was ft fll” os Diadora lime from te cen ake bis the infectious in fuenen = "2: fe cen cate en Mae icc ot Taam aah Dt sess made cae that hm we os at Hons 0 Msi onthe oer and Who Mian (Oriental) riches had alway. 2 Gass, Anse sed nis samc? of the Avesta at Sura er ee Bg te pa a Fat ts Sem withstanding ih Bee epee of human Be rE and expand meth eich Meateranan bi. Les at) Sepa wor ied wh eA Fa he Sone om come eal he Creat Bla fe ees ete ps fo ant ico a Pera ck eva and Aube wen. TB Se a ec rock, an aoe A ante we rte aryanyone seemed PE ee Saoen de To rtnion Oi Taron ofthe Aven 20 she owieg 10 Te sora ts Coal Asa oat Thera to or ochools 9 10 Greonatn henge o the Remaisance ‘Gimeacd to Earope by Isamb, he inter Sa ter er ges pan, an ify aries Be cs en proves were st is NY Bie Tevet ce mack ty ‘ol quisi-Arian eli Fa ix, duc, the Oven ws revel «0 Europe SS Muay of texts, languages, and cna, Si for the Be is pecs selon ad Nas OA Best cit wetoveres the mys fit sosraphie eee ay otrocting competsaions IO bis accomplishments: Be w28 Meese en tndtaigalc scholar moss POST O22 wi ii, snd an et ran, Eamon Ora é ee ln tno os ee aan vic pas ine des and ime Ie hte Eat Inia COPY TR cence ores iN Rese in Asi” be ey Rut femumerated amon at ii the Las ofthe Hinds and ca ly nao Seinen ooo a Productions of In ” -ype Scope of Orit : te its ansiquiy, sof = wonder Se han te Grek, ore SHI the Bae Ply ed an ih i tot inthe roots of verbs and 8 a uid psy have been pred Oy eee ano on cod can em Sa nen vee tomoecmmet sere ike Jones te they were medi SS frac ca el, oxo es nga Han poe of investigating “he scenes ie ope of acitatingameboation thee hats noite ne orig 2 = er chicas gol ws state in the Centenary Vong Beep ttc Sey founded 18236 Heme Thome Maes tcc dealings withthe modern Orientals the Say Belts Jones ha only two lst lh Jet Beery ate nes for sictres laced on te humanly I ar tea Serdeel chris of hte presence the Osa They were either judges or they were doctors ‘Even Edgar Quinet. Bipeise tore metapnsically than realistically, was dimly ‘coaceidl Fee ar consi. “Liasie« x prone” fe id Tecan ds rons "Larne +s dost Westie vent poeta om ahve 0 Gane aer a on tt et nce, Faces inh See, Sets Betas ose One he Eoropse Orca Bee rn ots bat, px cereal Oh errr com Sl ict oes Ol ip cosical Oval pet 6 Fe ee srmage, 1 te modem Oval BA ee se cd, om, tenet ote SEM Captor wast fo the moter OE Be a eves pce Stars PS of =n in Napoleor ms em =: = ina a hears of Fagland, his the Treaty of Campo Formio i recently animadverted on "les vohcoer in the memoris an! Orient generally and to siete Tay ra use he tobe under at it possible for a Pe amsost oppressively imper Masel es 2 sient, whose jo it wag EE Mew. The climax ofthe VO}IBe Be count of Islam as a religions tie 10 Islam as 2 religion nevertheless Napoleon squcre ctuel de TWP, all was a can) Feit nthe second volume ewe were canonically os Pee acm ot politcal insttons Spice sd Volney's Considérations su a For Volney aft Aerealzation of French colonial Tim in Volney was the coomers Baty, of tn ostace obs faced inte ONE tpediionary force Riese yer exlciy wo Volncy in is SSE te Be epen aie, tne Compornes Che ft St SI 1798 1 errand. on Sait He) 1799, which he dictated to Gener three barrier 10 Vote, he sad, considered th sto ren ire ont and Tat ay Fre terre Te an ter wars-onesainst Engh ian hi Miss Volneys anesnent 8 TBH was cca 0 Napoleon, s woul etna. tat hin Voyage a te Conse Pea ae cn wig 1 nO ean pandbook. foe ate Re cer el mb Ont ST fm European meh Une teen Yolo Jou el compet 88 228, Srarcteitially ge rhe Scope of Osentals se Prom ts Ent omen that te Armée nous, ela de presi Ma Ara oreo» ai te Ne ‘proclamation of Jul: is musulmans,” as Bonet secheiks vénéraient TEmir jeune et ats eee IR 2 IME et 0 Be po Ta ap at ares wo edi + Siaunsophp blir tabs Ra ting ot er pare tbs oes ee... ae) Sep ed Egypte cy i anomet Sosidet zs ams § Baigoey beni Ber, J @yihe Nile, 1 find hime ae oe Nn reso hs ST, Bere yo sin he Ort 4 wih achevenet ad ot proaies ‘ico, enbusast, Dustin Posie stnned be Tries veered he young and pradeat emi. Behe ald was ip Tre ope decades hs unprecedented 7 as urged by Pec ne appeared 1 the dazed tribes sembly. (Comp Tinea atone ofthe Oeient) are cto a thc only have een prepared Dolor mY We sal tae you om Hopes, php oly by someone who bad no por SPN You and Sent rpat books and scholars od Wm. Tye ideo Gite a fuiscale academy is very much an expect 32S el ah EY naw ma olaionary dececs cprtcalaly the One Ot Priest as ith March 30, 1793—esabling an dole pebldg Ree eats mais to tach Abie, Taki 2 enlany* vhs cect waste rationalist oe of dspeling EE Bie even tne mom recondie tnowils Ta eer nieass Oucnaia wanna, wee slate Be Ny Cecing in Se 1796, wes ho ROE ats ot Aras te Ecole pbque de lng oes ae re neta of net vey malt OS Babe vce nis noses omit to Hid for beat SE Se tony of them were pousealy weft Say tha several ad en 10 Napoleon EYP. tn were cola paso Nepean x Egypt. T ‘From belng 8 land of obscurity known al second hand throug the on ‘pls eae yews wo bee 2 SE pe 9 oO surgeons, and antiguarians, ws (tthe sy Ts pb war les sxzreive tps nr rock: and une the Abbe Le Marte, (OF ROMER Rlapibis es tobe a can Aboot tom he ist moment ot the occasion Ne ts experime — 8 We Would cll t tov today. Most i impo sail sen, and stdied es and Sed ws be eon Bat colestive appropriation ef oe er Fetes The tint few Seapine Func Se Sind of weacuteact or Foy este foal Ass, between Europ Youll also enter a history Whose by figures no less great than Homer, ingot, amd Pythagoras, who grace the "The Onent-in shor. cxisted oatinacs similarly £0 Over Hye a quare meter in siz, rpc pags bd been thought of as pomesing COMPA, scale) Ce tre toting. pst, however, be mast ost) the pion a semching tat needed to be undenne Met i happened. The dramatic perspective & never tan Bearer is European audience and ofthe Oriental Cases Bt was manipulating, be writes: ed scscinbes Ue impression sade on the whole of Eas toch eiiy and sory tht the word in Mois decives only atthe moment that it happened, Thar ihc been conceived, uaderaken, and carted om tae ‘ay. feb arviaew coup de shire bad its advantages foe OBS sell: BE ahi country, which has trommited its toowlees (© $9 OEE Trtions, i tay plunged into barbarno Fy 1 tec ct wing alt hse actos together, GTi FFource now describes Tepricon apreciated ine innce cat his een Sl ARG Mee re eceeean Eosope, he Orient and Ae Sy “pe Scope Ocetisn " the Despont contnaton of nw of «0 peeitelgetied paetaale cons Its formes - Tramutated by Buffon.” Orit serves 38 & fete man Wes tes wen Fr sna European Datei aes hash Bt pubsances” of Orientals sere (0 WaRtGhS i ptf peta smi os a re Ocsetel abs. Or. 10 ce oe Ora ear, ey tang Fa elon a hve Oneal phyla ieceers = ‘ the Ore. se he succostul cbalming of mt appends ah for in European Dai, so that shovalies fallen teen eile rls of Napoleons * Know aid of hoor ean be Pr Frese Ota campoten.” Set ary Care of Napoleon's occupation of ERI Sh fel onc Pets Sey te feiy_o is overall pension ot FSS Boe ig Orient. Quite Hrally, the occupation gave bith wet lero: oe ee ree cxpeicce of the Orient as interpreted. fom eletignys cnt Be ess of aacourse founded by Napoleon in Eyl: Dit ot every son Mee agencies of domination and isseminaion included ihe ny genera Meer tthe Description. Te cs, as it has been chartered Hp chatecoue. wax that Egypt “restored to prowpenty re yas and ealighened administration. would se dion Tercitig ye upon al is Oren neighbors True, the ot lech sein TEatopean powers would sek to compet inthis mission, none more ee ee But what would happen as a continuing legacy of the ao,” reidental sion tothe Orest—despite nt EMOPERR ee fe ag npn, or og avout conclu etn ck see projets new visors, new enerpos CBI Bon “eon Breas ee Oe doen with tne conquering Eup ede oat oa Tee Aner Nepoicon, then, the very lngsage of Octal hates vias dscripve rain was upraded sod Doc Be sorrey a ays of representation bt» lnnguase, inde este ee craton Along. wih the toques mires, os shone SORED Berman sures for tne moder Purope demote we St He asce Yaa, Potre, the Ones was reco Fe Becatnsaies in thor hrm oat of he Oricon rt i Decne bacane the muerte ofa sorter rs Bee ea Borope, hee wo bso nse ae copa coca, ow ean ssbiue 2a SOO Fe err cae of ann is beiy Fo the Ss inn power ad not thsi persia i issued a whole = ae “he Sopot poder} works are onthe most spam Sil ia pe, dace of te undeaking tie of a Page aE eP pli il Per do St. toes, imprees ws ott siecle Piet Mam eat Manga erin ae ae ly thie conn ih the axes ot Mverance, calm dating and foresighy POF aa kindof womb out af vi a Garten Sc at st come 3 ral and tana Pandora thee creat they were Bree cnn ore Ginette Sn sac sory : Be ene i uniting the civiztions of dierent ate Ft ly wrought inition Hanae teatons turned out i's 8 Of what wee owe to BRE tow to look te hat ty Me Heep of ee imasnane acy Be sin i ee wits ew mi, he in ot the Ont at atoms tote nnetecth cealty were the great European in Tarte genuine imposition ofthe power of mods technology iit modern conc See Sit upon tome sale an Sided eoprapial ely Setters Bast and West: tis is what Cook perceives and whl Tei fooreas, speeches, prospectuses, and leer, de Leseps advertises Pe Geaesogicaly, Ferdinand’s stort was auspicious. Mathes df Bias frie, had come to Egypt with Napoleon and remained fhere (4s "unofcial French representative,” Marlowe sayo") for SEP 1882 are prin Tour ears aftr the French evacuated it in 1801. Many of Ferd 88294 only io manic finds Iter wings rofer back to Napoleon's own interes ggg x canal, wich, because he had been mbinformed AY Seria, fe never thought was a realizable goal Infected by Oe a fetaic History of canal projects that included French shen Md Orient, and Fetarained by Richeliw and the Saint-Simonians, de Leseps fer ah te penn Named wo Epypt in 1854, ther to embark on the undertaking WA customs Seabevenmally completed ten yars ater. He had no real engrea ook enthusiasm fagiescxproved. On a tremendous fit in bis near dine AMES Hater, mover, and creator Kept him going: as his, dipomet land financial talents gained bie EeyP Thescems to have acquired the necessary Ro ceephcen faces cl, perhaps, be earned how $0 Pama Peles icecrtnor in the worl-hsorical tenet a0 as SU eewhat bis "pensée morale.” ashe called his ally meat Sem casper” be toi! them in 1860, Ee menses seve He crests Toto! td Tere SO MRSS AIS Ste fe rapprosneirs ceot cet coe sana, LA Shihan tse ref eoge ot vou von Fepom B Tat 5 Seabees wih och ns age Ceara omen by Se ects 1058 mS © reine a ans tae be eb: Come? le des langues de Lessepe's 5 ‘ 2 alee ORIENTALISM BO serie hecnie : ee Reenter = nice ~d lt Ouvriers que notre France al Or Face soe ‘Yes pes, ies bon, soot venus jus ert gay *"Texyobuphsnpepalap lence sera Be em eee Asie e TEsrop, ts lanain que ls mit envcoppe Bo es peuples exclave, fecorinconna 204 marine statistics wi 864 he cited with appr. scene life would Sriginality would were their own SE 88 0 Feces ures gue srs Sonne Sn he pes a nels de ce ce, mas encore Woe Be tne acces qua vues humanity ‘man Be msi wos es ape, 1008 ier immense, a crix debut ot ee ecu, oe de evils, ie He Tees ef ge de roves reps cimesam deen Seer nate dane et ening: deat de rie, rat enon por Te pees, ae 8 nk He a oo done te pespenives de Tevet, awe Poni epirnces! Pit sene ces be se rapproten tautcrrooabct case roconmasnt,oses Bos dar aai cnt Dies, crouvent i treallement ope Fe ie tact © Oscdent © Ont! rope fie, conte, alc, Eveiges 108! Se seen a gacsomton ea, edd Fae terre pen vse qe let epacs mab Sear ee Foret ls bates dese, Pe geese cn pn mers ee Tal gu we sou vin plane so es coun! U1. Fes ape poencet Tose, 2 Ponet & Ossie ae eae ce vo por croc Va Do de ara Jer pavilions, flotant se rapproch mes, enfa Fes oer tne Orint never 1 leave it (oath 2 JANE Fee Ba ee ner wuld ecto Eaypt ING OES the canal by pronouncing the name of de Leer) rs peel an ey tape a oe ” ORIENTALISM Sa seal by scala nase St es Pn nts to hem eyens the mn asia! Ort at md sent vs fllacy to asume tat the Sa Bi cate mes im nich human beng BS Freee te tao wt to aay, 10 Spook literally to reality i 10 risk think of using Amadis of Gaul nteday) Spain than OnE the House of Commons: be wed wo jg One woukd no more U isteenbrcentary (OF Pre ibe to understand, 82 te Ore newt Feely mate of te ail poke eS is ase the Bi tee imale dala al 1 i and do ty to use texts in v0 simple vy ftom the Wot ic jordan Bape ttre Cone and Don On, ‘would not ‘could be trac — ¥ Pet tami! I See cr wasn Ooty ny, oem Se Be erg nyc teense aay a Pemchin Ages Lona eee aes ecome th te oan, Pa : oe ou Hee ces retro a aE at taely wo pel? es, mabe the textual Be sins (vor textual at Bg ctr at close quarters some eucteing aod previously distant. In sch ¢ Beet oti wo what in one’s previous experience Fare ras vo what one bas read about it. Travel Banks BE restos canara ind of tex ope ig OE Bepicee nti se, any took one ca ON Ge Gees ot hn human tendency to fall Baek om » xt tonics of travel in srange parts som tale Peasy, Many travels find thems sying of 8m rise Sri omy tat tra nn Seid, meaning tat Pree wars ook rat woskt te And ot a Berber ree vous ox guidebooks compose them in oes ine nor beter, hac XW colo, Pa Bsn sn ot Th Ue SS tah pts, an expec xd aa be. descaibed 7s ee Se crete Core) a Ti comedy ot ee sets ot 20 och tal Wate ss amehing ide, One is whea a human ing relatively unknow® ‘one bas ee the ernest De Lscys a oi = ps ae aly a Se aerate oer Ge, even than the actual ga earch fo the Bate Tefal to ind the bats, but that he ave told him aboot ‘ORIENTALISM ee i rr ety fier se emp dof entre eae eee eee re er erect we fcncr ar Basis Satay mace ser on th subjece—no long ons but thee he Ral sl panabeetareealonts Bs Sisees te Paid wit scaly ines Ube ee since at wn fers fe ae wt ad atc Sat saat knowledge stout Sircmbtaes similar to the oncs 1 I snes T hav ete preset moms i ery raity ‘rete isence or weigh, nr ‘realy respons te i le or the tex deposi Pere powers mlitay than the Oneat—e oa bs ie rk The peopetive el a de Lowe ake too ang the gn Naples forthe Orient—i th oe hat Tensions lence of th Orient Pees APE ne of Onna, over and abe he the dont anything about the, sufsed thee Mee ennui nt, Te a mein, pen Napicon’ case 0 Wet them Oren et wks 2 the Deeription de TEQYPG Mee a coats te cut crm ok de Leys cul me Be crcl pave tem he sorceeat ea eve, wich had nonin 1 do wih Om of Re roo “hor word, hd all the actual human le Le or and Westerner ofthe Judge? “sil fo ye sd Tin Til by Tce we bin tik of Ores Wese pro (eased wo TT ele Peres ein te ‘Kstorans like Michelet, RABES, aaralves 3 ry, characte ous of Orie Sa destiny Tor hundeeds Dusit nincicei and Grenieth centres the Orient Ber see cersous quanty, because by then the reaches of Teagan aed aca geography bad shrunk, becuse he OFS Fitipentcasticehip ws etrmincd by on unstoppable Eis xpi in search of mark slones, ed fal deraue A tchoary discourse to an impe rrp sea apparent Be ceca Balfour, and Cronee Thi 70 Madertandable on only the most ri ff men of vison and: gen, Heroes Be ee ae Erm, ana Baur a Ie 00 Reaper ere ee a te chain of Herolt HR Hoes youl i we cere, ficient sie, OS SE ery aropean emp) and» Pests en at Etre he Onc (ST canes aay one cana br he means 0 pe Petree prove i any ale pac pet a, a i. et Orie Ba mh od. . Fre theme” oH ed sense—preposterous trar regastirative otherness, ‘of an essentialist character icity work was concerned and Tod meg Bi oe on centomary pase, n-paisiaig “pa with s “historical” subjectivity, above all, non-active, chard foi he ony se Pte evel ot the thematic, ie Oneal] adore am : Tats conception ofthe countries, nations and peoples atthe TBfeat understudy, conception which expresses lf trou GGarciedeed cthnot typology . and will soon proceed with fowards cals Mpacocing to the traditional orientalis, an essence should exist Sapam even clearly described in metaphysical terms—which Gonsivics he inalienable and common basis of all the beings m= Hered he essence is both “historia,” since it goes back to the fawn of history, and fandamentallys-historical, since it transis {he being the objcct" of study, within its inalienable and, note titative spect, insted of defining it as all ther being sts, Intions, peoples, and cultaes—as » product a resultant of the {eatin ofthe forces operating in the Feld of historical evolution “Thus one end witha typolog)—based on a real specify, but Getached from history, and, consequently, conceived as being ie Tingible,eseutal—which makes of the studied “object” spas i being with regard to whom the studying subject is transcendent ‘we wil havea homo Sinicus,« homo Arabicus (and why S08 Home Acgyptcun et.) «homo Africans, the man--the “SOnBal “g tan," i understood being the European man of the istic Period, tht ip since Greck antiquity, One sees how. much, owt The ethic to tne twentieth comury, the hegemonis of FRE hing minorities, waved by Marx and Bagels, and the enter lsum dsmaniied by Freud ae accompanied by europocetien Inthe ace of human and social sienes, and more those in direct relationship with noo-Faropean peoplek ‘Absiel Mock. sees Orientals as having 2 history which, 2, ort othe Orca of the late eweneth centr ed 8 6 ‘Gemsbed above: Let ws now briefly outline that Net , ae ah Becrrcn : : Seceemkecnyeticwion a Steet its apn te Semis Siar ticemtfeecce oc es EIS tes Ne ised in Earopen cle, But — Fagen ms epee pe ™ ree ne nthe nineteenth cen, Ong } 5 Mees Fane ogy. nok Gri, eve Banta de by f be ls sand phtenologss, was it made the bas ee mmc wrt fm te EP original 7a cr as it was in comparative linguistics of been. On mn i car ensicably sin, and 16 (bites pete : : : ta ana aie since Panera eer ee te Europe and aa Peak ee wat two tris (1) g-mevly re Bere otont once remarking, however, that “Semiles” were Ot * Ba Spe asa wt) nw ek reed Ga a em te Ms eps ate epee ME I > able os eee adh Sra opie ncletual genealogy of Orientalism would certainly ; arma See enon unbok,Sental,Duroul Remus Wi Satakrt in Paris, iste Praises, Wei, Dovy, Muir, vo mention 8 few famous names amt eas eras alae ie De Mrcnth century. Te woud aso ine Thauee capa of earned socks the ost aig, Sr ie ay, andes e125 A Best Roy ned in 1842; and soo. But tight pense Ce seta of imagine and travel EI =e iy cnn ee OF rector apical tempos, and roi eparment ee er vena be ire. ne fr, oe ME Sees Se eet spell Gch and mabe 8 AEE Cee ee Ercan cote Hand SGoathe, Huge, Lamarie, © Gautier, Late, inthe tate te could add Doughty, Barres, Reve wre give « bolder cutine to Disaels imypiey.” In tin enterprise thee is considerate EY ad Oriel vations (PY PROS ce 1d Turkey, but ao ‘ ‘ORIENTALISM es mts st Eseries = sito ernn Spee a ny ang Ps ‘bcoveces in com 8. discipline, ome Fre bop, teh Grin a eI pie. The asiacg brug rte Pato Paok ei, ghtcenth century and fora Bain aod France dominied Orica pom (hn Be fingusic taper Lagi akc cee eo! changing uniform. as eel had prac. held thar Sandi and “he Scope of Orientalism © peywevee, copoued a "Sead empey Them, « merely faith" ai in Sebege tctars upon te Senites and ee ass wily died in European cule Bat ee tbe later in the nineteenth century mong He clon and phrenclogiss, wast made the bass ‘ras in comparative linguistics oF Se ta” Oneot ined Africa. and Islam eve Ne ane One w ee Ea a ekng.bowee, at "Senies” te ok Bay ie Jews bur the Musims aswell), the Aran myth domi } a See Nal anhropsogy at he exe ofthe Sea poo Fe unl gencalgy of Oretal woud certainly Fmt etal, Burt, Rem aon i manan + amows nas anes Dv Oey camry 1 woul abo nce Fea eric be Soc ae, Se rename snc, founded a 1823; te Amaia Be headin 842 ano on Butt ih pests Sea on of nga nd ve Mae Sra a ene cad by Oras eich eee cst por ad cil depres Fe ert Ee acre ser fo te a Ce Sock na wl chan aks a sea Ca ee Peat dacoune tes a Goethe, Hugo, Lamartine. ‘Chateaubriand, Kinglake, Nerval, Flaa- See Hore Lami oe vin, Deel One Es ae ezrin nd ely Sec eis Ce eae ee cn © eee Bee i eee ater ae fo Deets Seesey i care er come trom the uncarthing of dead Oriental civilizations ‘(by Europeam Svan) in Meet sc fae papa oe rh ey mek Sneek tn ee oa te ames cepa of ete Ne bY an min ‘ORIENTALISM (ith the exception of parts ofthe Orton: a iebesssp ae 1918) Tee piscial cosine eee ec re ne een ai ‘meant at first the identi... ien--adeed, tests; these could be commer: and the Idamic teritorics, for example. B: aaa Soest mceccn | aera, See teeneactery times BP Peete Among e Ser (1808). These mcs Pega nestles Gases. ee en Ae Socictis, ee Praphical exploration fun en nplantats red the Orient of sci ot at al like MBE Lo Mephile Gaier t se Sop of Osean rot gts maint, sett 0 ac 1 fe fe ie European seit, 10 ent, Nena me iol. 8 ib rier to revel 38 ence wen, of conse gr eriglnal preface ype Orient of which Hugo sPol gyms of Fare enn, = oe = ens FOr occupaton ns PS esenanent and pol precept oS Sipe Seta sensiiity at ist, they rain other Mone Be oes f tought etn. and De Peete a gener apprtens of the re acpi ay 2 1 a ee en unas), Kemah (ol the Coches Be Tales arson © 2 sant ome se) ate cesar ands opponent oS Fe es in coneraton, he Csi Gar es i Ep oct bd a feow ae lt YE mats Pasa. case your bed roe ba tis stmt SS Beare not whose ad you would neve! Devs Doe Hel Bee oad of Palesine gain! 1 many TL Seo at ort sin Sars, Se a cope and ron, range Bee ote have te xc tro tc Ee Os That youshovid boast of line Dock ceacing bis races is mot the FFor indeed the Saracen does boast of to Eblis, the Muslim Lucifer, But what Aeeblo historia by which Seott makes, Jeting Christian attack Muslim theological ak thug ORIENTALISM seeded P- eon {Wis allowed wp after 1918), The principal col Empire, which ory tapel Sp soon phim psamied | Piped son le wl” To coioze meant nen alitenne Tere eee wenn enn, te te cor bene ra Be ieee ora Crs pores eaernt: tion ohh Hugo spoke in his original reac totient as “nage” or “pense,” symbole of ropation générale." “Af Repraas for edn thes tres des comp Tea tothe Ove Ate ay Pcie scp Sch ex orp Bie Onenates. SE iltithee cee ad creel tela Fon — s See Crh Mini by the Bap Dies rest sensbity Sie eee i, Society (1799), the B Pees tar bis of thought, feeling, and Teen aS HIRO Te nde Scie or Le gence areca of the Ose hes miso “op Be sch grt wren 2 1 en Ue ee, Paina 1023), Se Kean (ok Oe CoS BE cr dope Semen nol mewn Maen Pata Croer nd bis oppons, who SA ee i cue in coon, te Cini Goores ie aera te atv baa elow ate all: YOR remarks Peek ought. tat your Winded race had tele Gece IS ete tres ab you woold never have Doth Sp a en mice) lund of Palestine agains 20 may ARE Be ee ropeak not thos of thee in parcaat, SARE Beer ty people and vt. Stnue 0 0 ek neal of et ave te descent rom the El OOK Hat you should boast of" sss sacacn toca bows of tracing be 182 BRST Sees a ers Duk wat ily cao 8 Te fetblehistoricism by which Seo Jeting Chinian attack Muslin theob fentury Europeans would not hey The airy consescension of damning * White migating. the ofense with = cook _panicular aly naw) syn ao Hote people. “general ST dont ican you Salsa), and Ay tachi into,» Here ‘ued Fer note hw soph te esta cold ita te Hes of evi exceptions. I is 48 Un the one hase violist Structres and Restractures at net in Dace ete discos do ne YO Se seo Mirgue ba ts wseequivaen fo sen of more depainest se.) mc Folens hstrigue fran undead a exes te form of ered, brought to light ecu 8 vt onder to place it bore the ioe pO Sacj considered a learoed at all scholars. sxe p> satay the making visible of materia, Ge mee of a tableau was the construction of a sort of Pestemine Panopticon, Scholarly discipline was therefore speci it see (and is stots) 108 Hadtncclcdes which Gf he was a Nstorian) had hitherto Best Hts Qe nlc the vocabulary of ssvalizd power and sea asia with Say’ repulaion 3 1 BONE deat successuly ii is erm ner vo Folk insurmountable difficulties; he acquired the means to present Be Re ai ne eT ged See Sa eeeeeett Se er or ncone Te ae Ci re aed comer Ste eerie ci sata pom a Aastra eT ete a Sten ew ae eine a erent as int ee ae sar Sat a a as a ORIENTALISM teresa Oem or Sat mach to inugen fe hs d enc ei ew and i race Pie stereo oon cel ee aE: a paced by a compen des hates dita clas European knows: i ‘ange of untsua! ex te copa Pot othe Hetrean ‘Ovientais Strctores and Restacares ne fhe oust, soto speak wih an imernaly shying Arabic en alam Hi-Taleb_almostafid/wa_ gap min manthoum a manthur” (A book pleasant and Toe the studious pupil/it collets fragments of both that they contain war claimed 4% tpi hig sabes Ind cover the censrship ofthe vient exerted By Nie Orialst. Moreover, the intemal onder of thei contents, the Of their part, The choice of-fergments, never TeV SaRe impression that frapmens were ot cose importance or (0 their chonologial development, or for Wii seshctic beauty (a6 Sucys were not), they most nevertheless feb a erin Orieal naturalness or fica meta But Pista ir never said. Sacy claims spy to ere prone meget oO Iya TorgessUieOriataisT efor” ang Tater : riled By a chresiomaty tbe Osea ut court ture (representation of Orient by O ec retaid wit the Ovenalit's rational From being uawstsinable on is own, it becomes pedagogical Tel from being fst it found, ence 7H sng ors Hake made fo opto tin th poses. Suey ants Aly spent te Orcs hy nay Orel ree {oie West” Says wen canoes the Oren: eget u canon gl textual objets passed on from-onc_gsneration of stdenis to Reso. ‘a the ving legacy of Sacy’sdscipes was astounding, Every Inajor Arabist in Earope daring the nietecmth century cased is Teleco authority Back 40 on. Universities and acedemis im France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and especially Germany ere dated with the weaents who formed themselves 2 hs fst nd touph ie antblopalloaepoved hy his wrk” As ‘ORIENTALISM i of» plagopical tesa, be : Sets cece ea inline ews and is supporting argument. Fit ofall, he always ones =Orienton jis own could not survive a European’ soc patence. Say defended the lity sed me ies defended he liye hm A Bale ey properly tragslormed byt, Dek ob appre. Enc al alti i cantied an Ora tere ie =e ee range of unusual ex Tterature capable ot Poetry ofthe Hcbeews.* eS iT actus steak ok pot sham manic (A tk pena sa swe ck ver wily Eos fo ta ey can vs ne peal Pe a de One eae) Peoria, Maco a Fs eee opments: eT TL Bae eas it ingsion tat opment Wien eer Ca Says wee nto) ma eee ae Bearer crac a cet msn ; cones a ig toes ooh the Osea sau cout ei by Orient) Become Fla wah the Ovens on being distant, i becomes availabe SSS Flips Pecomie From being unsustainable on ifs ows, it feats iemn being lst, its found, eve 7S msing parts Hake Ge to-tpe ana rom icin the panes Sey’ anTcTOpes sy apply Oneal Petes ‘gbegete canon ot toes 0 fot only supplement tbe Orie fo the West” Sacys work canonizes he Orient Sf textual objets passed. Renan St he Tving legacy of Sacy’s disciples was astounding. EY Imijor Ambar in rope during the nincienthcenary aced Tudtcchal suthority back to ie. Univesis and academe i Francs Span, Norsay,Swedea, Denmark, and especialy Gomany rere doe with the souents wi formes sherscves. at is ft Tetsegh the abot! table provided ty Bs werk At ‘Sih itctectualpatrnonies, however, enrchine Tom were passed on simultaneous} have rested Une Ox as ot ‘ORIENTALISM Etie/pled te Arte te Oren, wich the geoeral tableau of modern arming. Ovesnan Therefore to European scholarship, but its material t" Hfecreated by the Orientalist before it could enter th ca Latinism and Hllcism. Each Orientalist gecceatea ho " p the fundamental epstemolagical rules seppliedandcnacad by Sacy Just ss be hos ewes aho th Ustpiae st eine nan extracts subse el Sacys work y-aapying thos Severe te prs ered wc cae BY Percale developed systematic and isto ‘had never exploited. This was Renan's : and Rena isthe diference between 3 the oii, woe we SReTENand issu as ninccenth scat Romantic, : tren with his own work, can be described. then, without S formulae that depend on an unexamined assumption history of ideas, life ing Jecribable, in 2p Hy (hence archival), for-an_audence_andno es me OP Pesaat fr th frterance of hx on postion in-he Orta “ohtisen Renan came to Orientalism from philology. and it is the lptraordinarly rich and celebrated cultural postion of that apne that endowed Orientalism with its most important tech Gieal characteristics. For anyone to whom the word philology Biggests dry-as-dust and inconsequential word-study, ‘however GNietache's proclamation that along with the greatest minds ofthe inetenth century he is a philologist will come as a surprise though ot it Balzac’s Louis Lamberts recalled: ‘What a marvelous book one would write by narrating the ie and AF dventures of a word! Undoubtedly a word has recived various I) Gprenions ot the evens for which it was used: depending onthe {places ie was wsed. word has awakened diferent Kinds of im restos in diferent people; but iit nt more rand stl © com dee a word ints tripe aspect of soul, body, and moverncat= 4 "What is the category, Nictzche wil ask later, that includes n= ‘aif, Waencr, Schopenhauer, Leopardi all s philologiss? The term etme 10 include both a gift for exceptional spiritual iaight inka the ability to produce work whose articulation & of ‘esthetic and historical power. Although the protesion of phil ‘was born the day in 1777 "when F. A, Wolf invented for bane the nam of sud, phil,” Nietzsche i nevertbeless at pss 19 show Frndeats of the Creek and Roman clssis os < ot vaambisoouly, and notin ow Sng profnnd relate we fe hat sven tem by tir practice of phictony ethan practioner he proc Peculiar condition of teing modern’ and Exess.” Bape ier of tone two cates be tse meaning wna sce sc on te What Nissen sates ohoman ence crcl rs cape cn Hy selldiconey, and originality. Phciogy Tra ca Esl Sting one of as great srtsts do, from onc’ Yok Blinc past vena, faradoxically ind anioonssy iy hc moray by ede Bie Soe Auge Wal 6177 a he Fic girs ae & Fancst Renan. an Oriental phil bes a compe sod rag cele ype! adem eure are syed i. ¥ Spee te aac. Inn sory Way that modernity x tela. Ail 1890) he wrote that 1_comparatine bel of modesn.(ani bade by humanity since the ees ality and nature clearly NO ees witk ates TP the massive: philological treatise om Semitic ‘Orientals Sructres and Restuctures Bs Feo the philononhic sence of bodiew”= Sait return to Renans citation from Cuvier, a wel as tothe jerences to natural science, a lite later. For the time Mee should rematk hat the whole mile section of L'Aven a imirng accounts of phil fendeavors tn charactcrize_and_the most pres en ihe aspirations of philology to a veritable science Perranty, Renan associates himbelf explicitly wit Vieo Herd, GMa, aod Monteaqucu as well as with such philological meas: Cestcmporariss as Wilbeim yon Humboldt, Bopp, and te grat > Oretatst Evgene Burnout (10 whom the volume is dedicated) [Ratan locates philology centrally within what he everywhere relers foas the march of knowledge, and indoed the book itself a mani Mo burmanisic melivism, which, considering i subi Me 1R3#") and other books of 1849 ike Bouvard BD Pecucher and The Eighicenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, i 90 generally ad Renan’s then already wet languages that ad place Renan as a ‘mean irony. In a sense, then, the manife! [ceounts of philology paticularly—he had by ‘eared him the Prix Volney—were designed 10 Be oeeiectal in a clearly perceptible relationship wo the great soul Dies rise by 1848. That be should choose to fasion sch # mig Honsip on the bass of the least immediate of all intellesah Aiscipines (philology), the one withthe leat dare of APpSRH opar clevanc, te mont comer and the mee nS fgets the extreme deiberateness of Renan’s peso re eam tg alpen but ater a GSS, ati Tie 890 preface, the ‘ORIENTALISM. = g—is their profound re eu” — econ 10 modernity 4 ni pS ton apse has true meanin, eee — = aa and time. ‘What Niet * ernment setting Oneself off, as great od Ria ere = aes 641895 there is f Eiest Renan. an Orient! pi ule ae yaad antinon ea teresting sense of s feted nach oe Blitol pblhed 1890) he nr are phlokgist, he werote tha “it both a” comparat ges aislorag. ie by humanity sine he oes ty bo ature ces Ant heep poe nea” eae ceyhny Thal are es.ct 1 Go Renan’ citation from Cuvier, 98 well 516 Pe vo staal science, 2 le We TF the time expatk th le ial of L’Avenir oo iting account of pO 5 a ‘once the most dificult of all ihe most_precie_of lt a erable wense pe epi as eine 3 si haracteize and Se erations of IOKEY a he ns ame excily wih Vic, ere Se cee ee an well a wih so polblopcal Bea a Monts von Humboldt, Bopp, andthe grat aaa Willen Yep whom the wolume i deca) ce pay cen ihn wath oe Beart enc ocxnow sige, ed inde the bok eel a Pes tomancse meron. whch meine 9s ahr reas’ and cnet books of 1849 tho Baurerd and The Fighterih 3 i oeire of Louis Bonaparte, # 10 Taran irony fo sens, then, the m: a enrally and Renans Feet ince prin bt iendy ite Pei meni popes tse on Semis Mane had © earch the Prix Von ‘lace Renan 3580 tee ny pe ene ra F ahi such a fle 5 Honship on the basis of the least immed " Giciplines (philology). the om eaxt degree of apparent " populor relevance, the most cons 3 the oet tational gpests the extreme deliberaten position. ,Eor Be ee a8 het, pretace the with the of Renan’ men but ra Hases raised by 1848, That he should choose ¥ fe ofall tlle 5

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