High School Life V. 2 N. 22

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VOLUME II Harbor Springs, Mich., March 30; 1923. NO. XXII
On Mo nda y evening, .JVIarch 26, a
very large audience att ended the
moving pictures under the auspices
of the Woma n's Federation.
The picturs wer e exceedingly fine
and showed ma ny wonderful beauty
spot s on our own North West. T.h e
pictures wer e of the mountains, the
beautiful la kes a nd t he tour ists re-
sorts in the West. By t he pictures
the on-look;e1 was a ble t o r ealize the
many beauti es of his own country.
Between the differ ent r eels, the
audience w Js favor ed by a vocal solo,
a piano duet, and a vocal duet, which.
were very fine.
The pictures wer e presented .by
t he Northern Pacific Railro:td c<>m-
pa ny. Much cr edit s hould be given
to the Women's Feder ation for the
fine progra m J' encJ.ered.
In a r ecent letter f rom a young
lady of Pa.ssh.c, N. J . s he write.s in
pa rt as follows : "Send your basket
ball t eam here and we will be.lt 'em
too. We start out with cow bell s,
rackets, cla xons, whi stl es and even a
I .1r ge school bell and fellows with
r eal voices, e veryone decora t ed with
our school colors. At the las t game
we ma 1ched 100 a brea s t and the line
r each ed a block. Spectators stood In
line three hours for tickets -and then
some wer e turned away" Let ' s hope
that nert year some of this spirit,
a nd "pep" may come t o our t eam
here and while not able to 'mar ch
100 we ma get out a nd 'heat
'f' m' all.
Kenneth L1 wr ason r ecentl y placed
Vsr v c :eclitable portraits of Lincoln
anri w ashington in school crayons,
upon t hf' north boHr! of t he Gr .. t ding
Mr. J. E. Otis, of Chicago, who has
a fine f.:um and summer home W\)st
of Harbor Springs, h.as presented the
Iiarbo,. Springs High School with a
beautiful oil painting. This excellent
s pirit of generosity on the par t of Mr
Otis is certa inly apprecilted by t he
s tudents, patrons, and t each ers of
the Harbor S prings school s.
The pictul'e is one would have
cost the Board of Elducati on seven!
hundr ed dollars had it been purchas-
In a letter to Superintendent Ba il-
ey, M1. Oti s describes the picture as
follows: "This picture I s one of De
Ha vens best productions. It is a
scene in the Adirond.1cks Mountains;
a country qui te simila r to Emmet
County. T.h:e brillia nt a ut umn color-
ing is well known t o t hose who at-
t ern:! t h e Harbor Springs High
I am convinced that the influencP
of .good works of a r t h:tve a most
benefi cial effect on the young mind
a nd I t rust that ot hers may follow
my example a nd a dd to the treasut
es of your ve!y praiseworthy organi-
,;ation. With per sona l r egar ds, I
am, very t rul y yours. Signed, J . E.
This is the t hird gift, in tpe way
of pi ctures, that H trbor S'Prings Hig.h
School has received this year . Mr.
J . B' .Woodruff, a s ummer vi sitor, pre
sented t he school with a splendid set
of painted orchids. A picture of
Thomas A. Edi son was :tlso .present-
ed to t he school by A. F . . Melching
& Co.
M te All en. Dora Arm,strong. Fri ea;,
Cabob, Da isy Gregor y, Nat a lee Gould
Lo1ain Stewar t, Albert Well s Ir ene
Wil cox, Margaret Wright, ' M .ll' ie
Zum ba ugh.. A li ce r ummings, - Georr;e

* * * *
* . *
. '.
* * * * The U. P . Trail, <by Zane Grey.
MICH IGAN * The Rise of Roscoe Paine, lby J oseph
* * * Lincoln, whose Fair Harbor y:ou
Bl uebooks ! Long h<ours od' s tudy,
tir ed faces, dull minds, weary bod-
ies! All of which mean t hat finals
are upon us. One cannot apprecL3.t e
the t rying t imes of the last two
weeks of a college semest er unt il
they have .h.ad "Bl uebooks Blues."
W'ith finals dr.awing near , t he stu-
den ts increas e t heir effo rts to erase
fr om professors minds ' those f ir st
weeks of questi'Onrubl e mar ks by clos-
ing bhe semester in a grand f inale
o da ily A' s 1and B' s.
Then came t he long hours Of st udy
from morning till night. It is a col!
tinual gr ind, bl'oken only by a few
hours of r ecr eation or a midnigh t
lunch of stimulating coffee a nd. ' hot
dogs.' Tired i n mind and !body one
cr awls into bed at two o'clock 'Onl y
to lie 1l!wake waiting to be s ummoned
t o wor k again by 11n alarm.
Off to wr ite t he exam wher e one
meet s their f ellow suffer er s with. woe
begone expressions on thei r. f aces.
The minutes s-eem like hour s until
t he Jis t of questiops ar e given out.
Anxious eyes peer over t hem, t hen
t he vi ctims look at ea ch o ther . sigh,
mul their pens begin il do\llbtful move
ment ov-er the fir st page. Some,
whose br ains f unctiori well , hand i n
their pa pers ea r ly, then ,wai t out-
sirl e t h 'O) r oom for t hei r friends, so
tl1ey may dis cuss t he 'wh ys' ant!
'wher et'o;es' of t he exa min1.tion wit h
The process ' of prepuation a-gain
st a rt s a s . her.e i s o nly one down and
tlu ee to go. En' n when they are over
no one i s e ntir ely a t 0.1se for t he
grarles are 'yet t o be sen t out - Leli: l
1\T. Ward.
T his week we will content ou rsel-
ves with mer ely mentioning some o,f
t he ne w boolu; th.a t :ha ve come to
t he . Pay She!C. and late r wh-en t he
Spr ing r us h is over at t he Republi-
c.an office, a more lletn il ecl accoun t
mav be given.
Vis.ion House by C. N. ancl A. N. Wil-
;J-..w.e jus t enj oyed.
The Li ttl e Kingdom Around t he Cor -
ner, by Coningsby Dawson.
These four, <tnd other s tQ b.e me n-
tioned later a ll given by local fri ends.
A member of t he .ffieder ation Li-
<brary -committee now in Detroit , bas
sent t hree lbpoks for the Shelr.
The Third Cir cle, by F rank No rri s.
T he New Cl arion, by Will N. Harben.
Ta le of Tr iana, by Wm. J. Locke.
Also t he much-sougbJt for "Break-
i ng Point," by Mr s. Rinehar t, ha s
come in. '
"Timber" .:1 novel by a man of ou r'
own r egion, Ha r-old Titus, a membe
of t he Traverse City Scl).ool Board,
has been addeq to the Shelf.
We have now Rootabaga Stones by
C'. :.rl Sandbur g, somethin-g for chil-
dren, diffenent If rom 1a nything you
ever read befor-e. Elders will delight
in i t j us t as they -enJoy t a king t he
children to t he circus. "
Lis t of b'ooks given a t t he children' s
book s hower held .1t the librar y, for
whi ch t he committee wi shes t o t hank
t he donors.

Hans Brinker - Docl ge.
of Pioneer Life- Li vi ngs-
Pot ato Cb.i1d- \Voodbury.
Da ve Dasha way and his Hyclropl 1ne
- Rockwaod.
Prudy Seri es-- May.
My Dog Rover
F' .Lther .Bear {
Ca tnp Fi re Girl s Dtttv Call
- Helen HJ r t
Li t tl e V. W.- Kat<" Innes'
Pans y- J a yne,
Ta nglewood ;l'a lE:s- Ha wthornc.
Wonder book- Hawthorne
Grandfath e r's Ch.l ir- Ha wt ho nw.
Gri mm' s Fa ir)< Ta les--(2 cop. )
Helen' s Ba bies- Ha bbetton. ( 2 cop.J
\ Va t er Ba bies- Ki ngsley.
Fol k Ta >es- Mabie. ( 2 cop.)
J enni e Be Good-;-Fauley.
Uncle S3m' s Secr ets- Austen
The Birds' C'h.ri st m .l S Carol- Wiggi n.
P inafor Palace- vVi-ggin.
E lsie Dins more-Finl ey.
Story of the Fores t- Dorr ance.
Radi'o Boys Traili ng a Voice- Cha p-
l"r ecl l<' ent on on t he Cre\v- Chapm.ln.
J.a!JP l<Jyr e- Bront e.

Andy <Merrigan's Great Di scovery-
Campfire Girls at Sunset
Little J ack Ra bbil Book- David Co-
r y.
Vic tr of Wakefi eld- 0 .
Mammy Tit tleback and
Gr a mmar School Boys,
- Hancock.
Goldsmit h.
her Family
Timot hy Turtl e'sr Great Day-Ve
Wanderer- P :tppina.
Ivy Ha ll Series- R. Brown ( 3 vol.)
S. Por ter.
At t he F-oot of the Rain !)ow- Gene
S. :f>or t er .
Michael O' H 1llora n- Gene S. Por t er .
Two Li ttl e Women-Carolyn Well s .
Tr easure House- Carolyn Wells.
Bobbsy Twins- Hope (15 y;ol.)
Out door Series- Hope. ( 8 vol. )
Gir l fr om Sunset
Dorot hy Da le P enrose Series-(2
vol. )
Boy Scout s- Flet cher . ( 2 vol. ) The Little
Ch.ildren' s St ory ffour-Car ol y N. Boy Scouts- Ral pbson.
Gulliver ' s Travels-Swift.
Rover Boys in the' J ungle-WillJffelcl .
Essays Ever y Chile] Should Know-
Mabi e.
Alice's Adv-entur es in \Vonderl aml-
(3 cop.)
"A Very Naughty Girl- Meade.
A Dog' s Mi ss ion- Stowe
Gr aded Li t entu re Reade r-
Cleopa t m- A bbott.
Advent ures of Uncle Billy P ossum/
J ack, t he Gian t Km er - Burgess.
Rusty, the Dog- Sher wood.
The Rose and t he Ring- Thackeray.
Melody- Richa r ds.
Youn-g Foll<s Fai rS T ties- Ri char ds.
Robbi els Dog on the Far m- Mendel s.
Home Gardening- Albaugh.
Four Li tt le .Misc:Jhi efs-IMul holl and.
BIJ ck Beaut y-S ewell. (2 cop. )
Littl e Peopl 3 of J apan- Mull er .
. A Little Union Scout-Harri s .
Littl e Mother to t he Other s- M,eade.
Our Young k er oplane Scouts-Por-
t er .
f>risoner s and
Knight s of t he Round Ta bl e-----Frosh
Th.e Wr ong Box- Stevenson.
A Royal r isoner -
Tom Shde on t he Ri ver- Fi tzhugh.
rob, Sen of BatUe-Q,Jlivant .
The Childr en' s Hour - Columns.
Wild Animals I H lYe Known- Seton
Treasure I s la nd- St evenson.
Boys' King Arthur- Lanier.
Li ttle -Mot her Goose-Smi th
Tom Swift and hi s Wi zar d Camera-
Appl eton.
Tha River ' s End- Curwood.
The (' r egon Tra il- Pa rkm 1n.
\Vonrl r rful Li ttl-e Lives- Rehwa r t z.
T he Secr et G 1r cl en- Burnet t.
Black Rock- Conner .
T he Wil ,l e1 ness Hunter-T.
Lor.al wea ther r-eport ror week end-
n oose- torlay. T P. mpera tu re s ll ar1 e each
rlav noon.
Sagina w-
Anrlorson's F airy Tales-
'Th0 ' Cruise of the
Hearl. Saturrl ay 24- l' ai r
\ ut door Clw ms on a Houseboat- Snowed la s t nigh t.
All en. 1
Hi vnr a nd
t 'ncl e HE'll lUS- Hll'ri s.
Dodging L:: e North Sea
The , Boy R1il r-o 1der - vV:h.ite.
P am Decirl es- Van Hutton.
namp F i re Girl s- J a ne Stew ar t.
Fra nk on th e Pr tirie- Cast leman.
Admi r a l J. of Spurwink- Ot is.
A Di stri ct Messenger Boy- Otis .
Navy B'oys on Long I sland- Otis.
Henty Series- (8 vol. )
Alger Boolcs- (12 vol..)
Arthur Scott Bail ey- (6 vol )
E ight Cousi ns ; Li ttl e Men ; Little
Women ; J o' s _:!3oys: J 1ck aiHl Jill
- Alcott.
Sunday 28- fai r
.vV ; s around zer o at claybr ea k.
iMonrl ay
vVas go below zer o at G a. m . . Reach-
er! below du r ing th e nig ht.
Tuesday 14-fa ir
Snowed last
\ Vednesda y 1 2-fai r
Snowecl last ni-ght. -vVas 6 below
Z?-ro 1t chytbr eak. Over t hree fe et of
i r:e on t he bay anrl mor e t ha n t wo
I' PP-t of s now on th e level.
Miss Olli e Ba,bcock, t e3cber in t he
M L Cl emens publi c schools is s pend:
ing her vacat ion wi th, her pa r ents.
'\1 r anrl Mrs . .Jay ll .1 hcock.
.. I
Th-e .schaal bank .has been opened
for only a short time. It was or.gani-
foo r only ash!Ort time. It was organi-
zed by i\fr. D. L. Bailey to care for
thl\ funds of t he v:arieus classes and
<l!'ganizations of the school. This is
something new in the h istory of our
school and a few others have insti-
t uted a bank oi this kind. The book-
keeping class bas charg-e of the ba nk.
is open ev-ery Wednt, s!lay and Fri-
day trom 3: 3C.... t o 4:00. At th.is t ime
may he checks is-
s ued. and ca1'h r eceived. It is prov-
in.g to be a sat is:wtory way of caring
for the money of t he org.anizations,
and is also giving the bookkeeping
' cia ss some practi cal experie'llce.
"Fight! Fight! ijig fight last night"
" \Vlh.o ?"
"The coffee soaked the doughnut."
no germs op. your puppy.:: " YElB t!J.ere
are," insis(Eid Ma-ry, "I saw one hop.'
'Twill soon be time to fly away
And spend one week on hill and
And almost e very other day
:Sit on t he pordh and watch it r ain .
. . Mr. Troup has been taking pictul"e::.
at t he High School, the past week
for the " Ora nge and Black."
Miss Cornelia Wager , who is
tending school at Kalamazoo,
home for the spring vacation.
) s
HJ rbor Springs has an indoor
Track Meet with -Petoskey for April
27, and a ll t he boys ar e working hard
t o. ma ke it a great d-ay for Harbor
Most of the track events will be car-
ried out including pole vaulting ,
broJ d jumping, hurdles, shot put,
a nd dist.mce running.
lA number of new men have r e port-
out for track. 'T'he tra.ek coac]J, Mr.
Nf clntyr e- "When I was in the a r- F. L. Bail-ey, is confident that his
my I was consid,er ed a he ro." t eam will win a good sha r-e of the
Heath- "What did you do in t he events.
a rmy ?"
Mc- " 1 done picket duty."
Heath- "w:h.at's picket duty?" (
.Mc- "De soldier s cat ch . d-e chicken *
a nd dey .got me to pick it ; da t ' s wh.Lt.
1-- call s pi cket dut y."

.. ..
* * * * *

* *
* * *
.Mr. Bond- "Ill anch, name five ele-
ments of the nittogen !family."
Blanch- "Nitrogen, Arsenic, Phos-
phorus, Bismuth, a nd Alimony."
(Should be Antimony).
Mr . Bond- " You're too young t o
under st a nd t hat."
Seve ntee n-ye.<r-old Ma r y had been
1cpeat edly cautioned aga inst hanrt -
I i ng obj ect s tha t might contain
germs. :.vrother, " she said, " I sha ll
play with my puppy any more
because he has terms on him." " 0 ,
no," repli ed the mother , "ther e a re
The Par ent-Teaoher Association
will meet this week Friday in the
High School Auditorium' a t 3:00 o'-
clock, p. m. A s ple ndicl pr ogram is
being prep.l!'ed.
Mus ic-
Halth Play-
Shep p3. rd-Towner Bill-
Seconrl Gr ade
Third Gra de
Mrs C. P . Ha nna
Re !ding- The Conver sion of
Dr . . McGee.
P. e.port of i Veight Chart-
Mrs. C. N.' Merri l,t
Miss VioJpt Hoar , county nurse,
will be present t o 1nswer questions.
A socia l h.our will follow t-he meet -
ing and r efreshment s will be served.
Each Jart y is to bring a c'up
a nd pl a t e.
oo<l. SC> . ....

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