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It is incumbent on patriotic and nationalist Indians to ask LK Advani, and his a colytes Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj,

following questions. What was the deal that AB Vajpayee, LK Advani & team made with Sonia Gandhi family? LK Advani as Home Minister, and Arun Jaitley as Law Minister under AB Va jpayee as Prime Minister made many dubious decisions that are highlighted below. Why was Sonia's very close family friend Satish Sharma's Petrol Pump Scam bu ried? Did NDA through omission help Satish Sharma escape law? Even in cash for v otes scam, BJP seems to have avoided citing him. Why? Why did Arun Jaitley represent P Chidambaram in the Fairgrowth Scam? Why LK Advani, Arun Jaitley not only did not act, but were also mute when 2G scam went on in 2008 and made perfunctory noises that too only post facto, when Dr Swamy w ent to the Supreme Court & people had known the enormity of the scam? And party backed MP, Ram Jethmalani goes around defending the 2G scam accused. Why was the prosecution against Ottavio Quottrochi made to fail under NDA ru le when Arun Jaitley was the Law Minister? Quottrochi was holed up in Malaysia u nder INTERPOL notice. Dr Swamy has pointed out that the Government lawyer was hu rriedly changed from Raju Ramachandran to Sonia family lackey, one Malhotra. And earlier was not Arun Jaitley the Additional Solicitator General in the V P Singh government leading the case when the Bofors prosecution started getting unstuck and the mishmashed 1st Letter Rogatory? Why was the Citizenship Amendment Bill pushed in late 2003 and early 2004 wi th an enabling proviso that opened up PM role for Sonia Gandhi - Removal of Sect ion 5 of Citizenship Act, 1955, pertaining to reciprocity clause that would have kicked in as constitutions of nations like Italy do not provide senior Governme nt positions to naturalized Indian citizens. Arun Jaitley was the law minister i n this period. AB Vajpayee as PM, LK Advani as Home Minister and Arun Jaitley as Law Minist er did nothing to bring even a single CON party perpetrator of 1984 genocide to justice. Sickular CON party persons close to Sonia, including a particularly gro tesque christian leader, Tytler had competed, which ward would shed more blood. Why was NDTV Prannoy not prosecuted and bailed out from corruption charges f or defrauding Doordarshan and therefore the tax-payer. LK Advani was the Home Mi nister and Sushma Swaraj was the I&B Minister, the Prime Minister was Atal Behar i Vajpayee and the Law Minister Arun Jaitley. People are unlikely to hear these questions from paid media like Times Group, ND TV, IBN etc. A Surya Prakash filed this rather important report covering these t ypically atal-vajpayee-ite low cunning shenanigans. While the pantomime of LK Advani doing a yathra against corruption is projected with the connivance of paid media, LK Advani credentials at fighting corruption remain non existent at best and rather dubious at worst. (Image at top credited to @barbarindian) Media hardly asks questions such as Were AB Vajpayee, LK Advani willing to break bread with Indira Gandhi on eme rgency? And did they break bread? AB Vajpayee, LK Advani role in betraying BJP President Balraj Madhok in 1960 s? A B Vajpayee, LK Advani take on Deen Dayal Upadhyay/SP Mukherjee mysterious deaths? (Again media avoids higlhighting that, ex-SFI man, AB Vajpayee's political caree r started as private secretary to Dr SP Mukherjee and that, LK Advani was privat e secretary to Professor Balraj Madhok) Serious allegations are on at LK Advani for destabilising Karnataka State Govern ment. A PIL has been filed in Karnataka High Court against LK Advani for conspir

ing with ex-Lok Ayuktha Santosh Hegde and Karnataka Governor - HR Bharadwaj. San tosh Hegde has asserted on record that LK Advani is like his father. BS Yeddyura ppa was targeted for de-notification of land & for mines related payoffs (unprov ed yet) and the paid media, which primarily serves Sonia Gandhi & secondarily pe ople suspected of links to her like Arun Jaitley and LK Advani, went ballistic o n the issue. LK Advani till date has yet not answered why Santosh Hegde has been mute, deaf & blind on far bigger scams pertaining to SM Krishna, people associated with him: mining scam (including permits to mine forest areas), urban land scam encroachi ng lake beds in government land (Bagmane Tech Park, Bangalore). (As an aside any one knows what happened to V Balasubramanian?, Is he still part of Karnataka Gov ernment and responsible for recovery of encroached Government land? Also interes tingly the name Subramanian keeps cropping up as bugbears of CON corruption - Dr Subramanian Swamy and Chitra Subramaniam are others that have rocked the boat o f CON party corruption!) LK Advani and his acolytes must be asked these basic questions. Accountability, transparency should not be allowed to get camouflaged through rhetoric in front of media cameras and helped by corrupt/paid media. (People ask who to vote if BJP is as bad as CON. The question is not exactly a r ight one. BJP is still better than CON because, in a BJP government, control of sickos on power architecture is likely to be less. One key purpose of this blogp ost was to highlight that the BJP leadership requires an overhaul, sickularism a nd high cunning in its leadership defanged. Another big deceit people need to wa tch out for is "I know the solution which is me" peddled by Arvind Kejriwal, AAP and Jayaprakash Narayan, LSP. These are dubiously funded/nurtured and come acro ss as covert arms of CON party designed to confuse the public)

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