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Chapter 13: Urban America 1865-1896 Section 1: Immigration

1. What change occurred between 1880 and 1910? 2. What might account for this change?

Push and Pull Factors

Push Factors

Factors that force people to leave their countries:

Irish Potato Famine 1846 European crop failures 1846-1847 Russian Jews leave in 1882 to avoid racism. Mexicans fled political unrest

Pull Factors

Reasons why people were drawn to America:

US Homestead Act of 1862 gave land to farmers Between 1880-1900 thousands of factory jobs opened Religious, political, and other freedoms

The Journey Across the Atlantic

Could take 3 weeks or longer

Disease bred on ships


Immigrants lived in the cargo areas under ships No money for good tickets!

Statue of Liberty Poem by Emma Lazarus

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Arrival in America

Immigrants at Ellis Island

Medical Inspections

Legal Inspections

Railroad Tickets

Ethnic Enclaves

Immigrant Neighborhoods

2/3 of all immigrants went to cities Ethnic neighborhoods helped people feel welcome
Little Italy Lower East Side

Traditions were kept with ethnic enclaves


The process of becoming part of another culture Children assimilated faster than adults - school Played American games and dressed like Americans

Living Conditions

Room in a Tenement, 1910

Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller

Alexander Graham Bell

Leo Hendrik Baekeland

Americans Treatment of Immigrants

American Responses

Nativism: people who wanted to preserve America for only nativeborn people Racism:
The Chinese Exclusion Act limited immigration based on race New Immigrants (Southern and Eastern Europe) were discriminated against.

Social Gospel

Help immigrants because it is what religion tells people to do. Many people opened Settlement Houses to help immigrants get on their feet
Ex: Jane Addams in Chicago

Section 1 Review

Steerage Ellis Island Jacob Riis Angel Island Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act

Answer questions: 2, 3, 5, 6


Turn to page 448-449 Analyzing Primary Source

Read and take note of each of the five sources. Answer questions 1-5

Turn to Chapter 13, Section 2 and read 450-454.

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