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Homework 1

James Yang September 27, 2013


1. Let BC be short for betweenness centrality and CC be short for clustering coecient. We will show that BC (v ) = 0 = CC (v ) = 1 by contrapositive (CC (v ) = 1 = BC (v ) = 0). Assume that CC (v ) = 1. This means that there exists two friends of v , call them v1 , v2 such that v1 and v2 are not friends with each other but are both friends with v . Consider shortest paths from v1 to v2 . Since the two are not friends, the shortest path must be of length at least 2. Now consider the path from v1 v v2 which has length two and thus must be a shortest path. Thus we have found two nodes who have a shortest path that goes through v . But then since BC (v ) is the fraction of shortest paths that are through v out of all possible shortest paths and we have found one such shortest path through v , the fraction cannot be 0. Thus BC (v ) = 0. Next we show the other direction CC (v ) = 1 = BC (v ) = 0 by contrapositive (BC (v ) = 0 = CC (v ) = 1) Assume that BC (v ) = 0 This means that there is a shortest path between two vertices, call them v1 and vn , that goes through v . Lets say that this shortest path is v1 v2 . . . vi v vj . . . vn Notice that vi and vj are friends with v . vi and vj must not be friends with each other, otherwise there would be a shorter path from v1 to vn , (skipping v ). The clustering coecient is only 1 if all pairs of v s friends are friends with each other, but we have found the pair vi .vj who are not friends with each other. Thus CC (v ) = 1 This concludes our proof since we have proven both directions of the implication. 2. We will disprove this theory.

Lets suppose that all your friends have exactly 7 friends, this assumption is ok since having more friendships only increases the number of people that are within 6 degrees of separation. Then there can be 7 people that you are 1 step away from. Up to 7 61 people 2 steps away. Up to 7 6i1 people i steps away. Up to 7 65 people 6 steps away.

Up to a total of 7

6i = 65317 people within 6 degrees of separation but the world has

many more people than that so the theory does not hold. 3. There should be a weak edge between e and f . Otherwise if there was a strong edge between the two then triadic closure would force there to be a connection between a and f since e has strong edges to both of those nodes. However there is no connection between a and f so there must be a weak edge between e and f . 4. Consider arbitrary signed graph G. We will prove G has a clustering G has no cycles with exactly one negative edge. First we prove that G has a clustering = G has no cycles with exactly one negative edge. Let A1 , A2 . . . An be a partition of the nodes of G into clusters. Consider any arbitrary cycle in G, and call the vertices in the cycle v1 v2 . . . vn v1 (in order). If it has 0 negative edges we are done (since it doesnt have exactly 1 negative edge). For the rest of the proof assume the cycle has at least one negative edge. v1 must belong to some one of the clusters so lets say it belongs to Ai There are only positive edges within a cluster so at some point the cycle must leave Ai in order to get that negative edge. Lets say vj is a node on the path in another cluster (call that cluster Aj ). The rest of the cycle involves a path that returns from vj to v1 , and since there are only negative edges between clusters and vj and v1 are from dierent clusters, there must be at least one other negative edge in the cycle for the return to cluster Ai We just showed that any cycle with more than 0 negative edges must have at least two negative edges. Thus no cycle can have exactly one negative edge. Next we prove G has no cycles with exactly one negative edge = G has a clustering. We go by graph induction on G(V, E ). Base case |V | = 1. The only graph with one node has no edges. We can nd a clustering easily by just making that one node in a cluster.

Induction Hypothesis: Suppose that the claim is true for all G such that |V | < k . Induction Step: Consider arbitrary and xed G = (V, E ) such that |V | = k . Assume that G has no cycles with exactly one negative edge. Remove a vertex arbitrarily and call it v , the resulting graph is G and the IH applies to it. G also has no cycles with exactly one negative edge since G has a subset of the cycles of G and G has no cycles with one negative edge. Thus we know there is a clustering for G by the IH so lets cluster G into A1 , A2 . . . An . Now add back v , we case on whether v has all negative edges. If it does then we can put it into its own cluster. Otherwise v has at least one positive edge so lets say WLOG that such a positive edge connects from v to v1 in cluster A1 . Now we show that v must have positive edges to all the other nodes in A1 . If v had a negative edge to any node vx in A1 , there would be a cycle with exactly one negative edge (v1 , vx , v ). Now we show that v must have negative edges to all other nodes in other clusters. Suppose for contradiction that v has a positive edge to vy in Ay . Then there would be a cycle with exactly one negative edge (v, vy , v1 ). Thus we can add v to whichever cluster it has a positive edge to to get a new clustering. Thus we have found a clustering. Now that we have proven both directions of the implication the proof is complete.

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