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the most dumbass place to stand and have a chat? the bottom of the escalator!
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Robert Haas, Penguin ♉, Anika Malone and 3 other people liked this
The top is equally moronic, depending :) - Rahsheen ™
I tend to get caught talking with people in the oddest places. I stand and talk unless I have
to be someplace soon and the other person is going in the same direction. SO I have been
that person before - JSNFLMNG
Students in high school stand and sit at the bottom of the stairs too .. very annoying -
LPH™ and his dog P™
does anyone else check nametags of really annoying people so you never apply for a job
at their library?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Jezmynne Dene and Laura B. liked this
"Using Web 2.0 tools to build community, even if it is a community of hung-over sex-
crazed librarians" McCormick W-177 3pm
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
alasecrets"Using Web 2.0 tools to build community, even if it is a community of hung-
over sex-crazed librarians" McCormick W-177 3pm
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
200 followers. Bringing library science to porn sites everywhere.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Pssst. Hot pickup scene? HarperCollins booth.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
200 followers in an hour. Thanks y
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
"Using Web 2.0 tools to build community, even if it is a community of hung-over dex-
crazed librarians" McCormick W-177 3pm
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
@brianeisley here. You're welcome. (Don't hurt me, I'm one of you, honest!)
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Why are there still so many people going to these gaming sessions? If u haven't figured
out how to have a game program yet, PLEASE DON"T
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Oh they know how WEIRD we are. It's the rest they don't know about.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
No, I really do! The world needs to know just how weird we are!
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
@brianeisley has just referred to us as "a horde of hung-over sex-crazed librarians". And
we thank him.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Are they still playing Neil Diamond on the shuttle?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
If you don't like the way you're being presented then go set up an account for
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I totally budged into the front of the Neil Gaiman line
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
You don't like the way y
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Yes, I think this is EXACTLY how we want to present ourselves.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
All right here's the truth: @alasecrets is planning a hookup with #totebag.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Hello. Are you dazzled by my ability to use irrelevant animation in my PPTs?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Hoo boy. This is going downhill even faster than I expected.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
No, that was dichotomy, not dick-ectomy. Pervert.
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"Leveraging Social Media in a Time of Moral Decay" PALM Salon III, 2:30
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
No matter how frantic you get, that handout will still suck.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
This guy is so desperate for a drink he opened his beer with a key.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
dichotomy?? I thought you said...oh never mind. Triple drink!
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
RT @oif: SEX AT ALA! "Libraries, Librarians & America's War on Sex" IFRT program
starts at 1:30 in McCormick W-178a #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
RT @teknomantik Hungover librarians make surprisingly good Saturday morning
reading: @alasecrets
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Oh I think there are way more freaks than moralists.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I am an expert at technology integration and I will prove it just as soon as I figure out
how to make my slides advance.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Stephanie_EnjoyingSummer, MegvsMeg and Christina Pikas liked this

Someone said dichotomy! Double drink!

Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Restrooms at #ala2009 not discrete enuf. We had to go to Starbucks restroom for quickie.
Missed start of next session :( ALA get it sorted.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
This channel is really bringing out the dichotomy among librarians: moralists on the one
side, freaks on the other. Cage match!
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
RT @pnkrcklibrarian @SonoranDragon @alasecrets Don't Sarah Palin's points point
towards Russia? :)
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
RT @SonoranDragon Sarah Palin not only has a point, but two of them. You can see
them pushing against her blouse on cold Alaska mornings
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Aw baby, let's not fight.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Don't you wag that finger at me.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Don't you
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Oh look, here come the moral brigade. They're the ones with buns on head, sleep in
single beds at events and think Sarah Palin "has a point"
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
RT @surferrosa and that's what escort services are for
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Well one night stand stories and drug stories are still better than EFFING TODDLER
STORIE! Stooooppp....stooooop.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Deep inside, we're just interested with free breakfast, lunch, *and* dinner provided by the
vendors. Mwahahahaa...
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
other people's one-night stand stories are just as exciting as other people's drug stories,
i.e., NOT VERY
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
@samasalways The tile is bad, too.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Who you calling 'middle aged'? I'm sixty-six.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
i want to skip out on the afternoon, get drunk, and have some sexy librarian fun. any
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Oy! "Badly dressed middle aged" librarians have "needs" too, you know :-(
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
This is doing wonders to enhance the image of librarians everywhere. Librarians, pole
dancers, tomato, tomahto.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
To the person before the MJ comment: yes.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Re: "Sewer of depravity" Jesus, is your real twitter name @NeverBeenBonedAtAla or
something? Get a (sex) life and unwind. #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I'm just glad Michael Jackson didn't live to see this.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
This twitter account is disgusting. It's just a sewer of depravity. Is this the image
librarians wish to project to the world?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
where are you people finding all these folks to hook up with? i see lots of badly dressed
middle aged people. no thanks! #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
hey Coutts lady: your records suck, no matter how awesome you seem to think they are
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Uh best not wonder whose boxers these are. #ThankGodForCondoms #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Is this what a coma feels like?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Complicated graphs should be handouts - not ppt slides.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I'm going to get me some Velcro sneaks to fit in at my meetings.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I'm a librarian. That's why I am reading every single word on every single slide out loud
to you. Now go to sleep.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Stephanie_EnjoyingSummer, Christina Pikas, John Dupuis and 2 other people liked this
Hey! We're not all alcholic whores. Some of us are self-important charlatans.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share

conference hookups are never worth it. don't be stupid.

Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Sir, please pull your pants up. I appreciate you are injured. No excuse.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
ALA: great for totebags and STDs.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
#alcoholicwhores09 #ala2009 at the ALA membership pavilion.

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woke up at 1 in wrong hotel room. fuck. and wrong hotel. trying to find my clothes, get
the hell outta here. wonder whos showering.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
It's great trying to wash your effing hands at a 2-foot high sink with an effing badge
hanging around your neck. #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Sounds a real challenge. - Kevin Hatton
Have YOUR baby? I would sooner chew out my own fallopian tubes.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
F5 starts the slide show no matter what PPT version you're in.
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alternative hashtag: #alcoholicwhores09
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Wearing comfortable clothes doesn't have to equal looking like a slob. Srsly.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
here's a conference tip, too late for some: don't s*** where you eat. learned the hard way
after too much David Lodge and -$chardonnay
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
hanging a bunch of ribbons and crap off my name badge really completes the overall look
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Laura B. liked this
All this talk makes me think I am in the wrong sessions!
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Not only big but have never cum that hard b4. Bet there won't be a box for that on the
#ala2009 evaluation form ;-) Thanx; u know who u r.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Please speak into the microphone. And don't mumble.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
After reading @alasecrets think official conference tag should change from #ala2009 to
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
i've seen several outifts that match the convention center carpet. #totebag
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Chris Charabaruk  ̄ω ̄, Laura B. and Marie liked this
i don't get the whole lsw/shovers and makers thing. this isn't the special olympics, not
everyone deserves a prize.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Apparently the #ALA2009 snark hashtag is #totebag
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Christina Pikas, Matt Hamilton and Laura B. liked this
#ala2009 A great example of indirect leadership in librarianship emerging from a group is
the Library Society of the World.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Laura B. liked this
Jesus, he was big tho'. (smiles)
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Last night kinda hazy. Very tired, not focused this morning. Kinda sore down *there*.
Need more coffee. Poss. meds later.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Librarians need to learn how to silence cell phone ringers. And don't answer your calls
during a session!
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
You *could* give me your awesome swag, but how about if I just point you to that trash
can over there and cut out the middleman? #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Why are conference room carpets so garish and headache-inducing?
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Snore - Kill me.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Loving the #totebag snark hashtag for ala. Snarking is fun.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Want to be taken seriously as a presenter? Lose the Valley Girl talk, fer sure. And you,
like, aren't even from, like, the Valley, you.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I find that library conferences induce constipation. #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
#ala2009 has confirmed what have suspected for years. Librarians mostly function on
sex, alcohol and wifi. Everything else is meh
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Why schedule meetings in the south building when you can't freaking get any wifi over
here. crap, crap. crap.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I only came to Chicago to listen to a few library presentations. Not to become a father. :(
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Chewing off my own leg wouldn't really get me out of this dreadful session, but it might
be a suitable protest. #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
You want me to come to your booth? Try Bloody Marys instead of lemonade. I mean,
really, lemonade? #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I was planning on going to an orientation session, but I was just too nonplussed to try to
get there by 8am, so I slept instead.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Loving the #totebag snark hashtag for ala. Snarking is fun.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Want to be taken seriously as a presenter? Lose the Valley Girl talk, fer sure. And you,
like, aren't even from, like, the Valley, you.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I find that library conferences induce constipation. #ala2009
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Watching some vendors use twitter at #ala2009 is as painful as watching my parents try
to figure out "their facebooks"
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Hope she was on the pill last night. She was hot. I never got her name. I'll never drink
again. Shitting myself with worry.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
I'm terribly attracted to someone I met at gaming night. We're both in relationships. That
wouldn't be good.
Saturday from Twitter - Comment - Like - Share
Bursting into tears when you see your favorite author seems a bit much.
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I'm tempted to blow off all of my meetings and enjoy the sunshine in Millennium Park
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