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Zero Knowledge Proofs

By Subha Rajagopalan Jaisheela Kandagal

Zero Knowledge Proofs

Introduction Properties of ZKP Advantages of ZKP Examples Fiat-Shamir Identification Protocol Real-Time Applications

Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)

Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff, 1985. ZKP instance of Interactive Proof System Interactive Proof Systems Challenge-Response Authentication Prover and Verifier Verifier Accepts or Rejects the Prover

Zero knowledge Transfer between the Prover and the Verifier The verifier accepts or rejects the proof after multiple challenges and responses Probabilistic Proof Protocol Overcomes Problems with Password Based Authentication

Properties of ZKP
Completeness Succeeds with high probability for a true assertion given an honest verifier and an honest prover.

Soundness Fails for any other false assertion, given a dishonest prover and an honest verifier

Advantages of ZKP
As name Suggests Zero Knowledge Transfer Computational Efficiency No Encryption No Degradation of the protocol Based on problems like discrete logarithms and integer factorization

Classic Example
Ali Babas Cave Alice has to convince Bob She knows the secret to open the cave door without telling the secret (Open Sesame).


Fiat-Shamir Identification Protocol

3 Message Protocol Alice A, the Prover and Bob B, the Verifier
A B A B A B : x = r2 mod n : e { 0,1} : y = r * se mod n is y2 = x * ve ?

A random modulus n, product of two large prime numbers p and q generated by a trusted party and made public Prover chooses secret s relatively prime to n prover computes v = s2 mod n, where v is the public key

Fiat-Shamir Identification Protocol

Alice chooses a random number r (1 r n-1) Sends to Bob x = r2 mod n commitment Bob randomly sends either a 0 or a 1 ( e { 0,1}) as his challenge Depending on the challenge from Bob, Alice computes the response as y = r if e = 0 or otherwise y = r*s mod n Bob accepts the response upon checking y2 x * ve mod n

Fiat-Shamir Identification Protocol

After many iterations, with a very high probability Bob can verify Alices identity Alices response does not reveal the secret s (with y = r or y = r* s mod n) An intruder can prove Alices identity without knowing the secret, if he knows Bobs challenge in advance: Generate random r If expected challenge is 1, send x = r2/v mod n as commitment, and y = r as response If expected challenge is 0, send x = r mod n as commitment Probability that any Intruder impersonating the prover can send the right response is only Probability reduced as iterations are increased Important - Alice should not repeat r

Watermark Verification Show the presence of watermark without revealing information about it prevents from removing the watermark and reselling multiple duplicate copies Others e-voting, e-cash etc.

Skys VideoCrypt Analogue decoding card for satellite DirecTV descrambler used to authenticate the subscribers card Uses Fiat-Shamir Zero Knowledge Protocol NGSCB New Generation Secure Computing Base Zero Knowledge for code attestations

Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography. [2] Ross Anderson, Security Engineering [3] Wenbo Mao, Modern Cryptography theory and practice [4] Don Coppersmith (Ed.), Advances in Cryptology- CRYPTO 95 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [5] [6] Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali and Avi Wigderson, Proofs that yield nothing but their validity and a methodology of cryptographic protocol design. [7] Oren, Y., Properties of Zero-knowledge Proofs. [8] A Mitropoulos, and H. Meijer, Zero-knowledge proofs a survey.

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