BobAtwell FaceTime July09

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Copyright 2009 Insight Publications. Reproduced by permission. For website use only.

time P H OTO G R A P H B Y
s cott e h l e r s / IMAGE S T U D IO S for I n s i g h t

Bob Atwell
Nicolet National Bank,
founded in 2000 in Green
on why people trump numbers
Bay, was one of a few I love to read, it kind of fuels organization if I didn’t believe there was
banks in Wisconsin to my thinking and gets my imagination something fundamentally wrong with the
going. I really believe that ideas matter, direction of our industry. I think it was
accept Troubled Asset Relief that they do drive our actions. I actually a little harder for people to understand
Program funds. Chairman think if you really think deeply about that in 2000 when we started the bank
and CEO Bob Atwell says what you hold to be true, and try to than it is today. If you look at the state
order your actions around that, those of the banking industry today, it should
his bank did not need TARP ideas really matter. Sadly, I think a lot be very obvious to every living soul that
but accepted it as a good of people go through life without really there are very fundamental problems
move for shareholders. He reflecting on that. with what’s been going on in banking,
sat down with Insight Editor I’ve been in Wisconsin banking, and in particular, with the way that banks
specifically in Northeast Wisconsin have been thinking about what their job
Margaret LeBrun to share dealing with customers here for over 25 is. Our organization didn’t get started
his take on what went wrong years. There’s a way of doing business because we thought everything was fine.
in the banking industry. around here that is very personal, very We thought there was a crisis in business,
long-term oriented, a very mutually a movement in business toward the
supportive way of doing things. depersonalization of commerce.
I would not have gone through You’ll hear this expression over and
the brain damage of starting a new over again, “Don’t take it [continued] »

w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m July 2009 • Insight | 17

face We thought there was a crisis in business, a movement
time in business toward the depersonalization of commerce.
personal.” You know, lending and lend that money out to other people we in its purpose as it was expressed to us,
borrowing money is an intensely know, at a somewhat higher rate, and we but we also took it because we thought it
personal activity. As banks, we really use the difference to cover our expenses would enhance our shareholder value.
need to understand and respect the and provide a return to our shareholders. A lot of that’s changed. There
people we’re dealing with, and think That’s it. When did that become a radical are a number of provisions being
deeply about what it is they are trying to way of doing things? But obviously, it is. implemented with respect to TARP that
accomplish – can we help them do it – If you’re entering into a business were not part of the original contract,
and can we do so profitably. We look at venture, if you can’t explain it in simple which we would not have accepted had
profits as the result of, not the purpose terms at a level that a reasonably curious they been up front when we signed the
of our activity; it’s the result of our teenager can understand in a few deal. We are growing the bank, but the
activity when it’s done well, and when it’s minutes, it might be more complicated truth is we would not have needed the
the human person that’s at the center of than it ought to be. TARP to do that at the level we are.
what it is we’re doing. We are one of the minority of banks We are a commercial bank; 75
When I’m explaining our organization that participated in TARP (Nicolet percent of our business is businesses’
to people that aren’t familiar with Green received a $15 million investment from borrowings and deposits. We’re
Bay or myself, I tell them we had a kind the treasury) because we believed that adding new customers but we’re also
of a radical insight into what a successful having extraordinarily strong capital experiencing this healthy normal
business model could be like in banking, at the good banks was an important shrinkage of our customers’ borrowings
and we took this transformational model component of restoring stability to the during slow times. We’ll see the real
and put it into practice. industry. It’s costing us about 8 percent financial fruits of our new relationships
Our model is we try to gather after tax equivalent, on a tax equivalent and the customers we’re adding when
deposits from people we know and we basis. We took it because we believed the recovery comes.

Copyright 2009 Insight Publications. Reproduced by permission. For website use only.

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