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Name: ____________________________

The Gold Rush

Date: _________________________

DIRECTIONS: Complete the chart below about the advantages and disadvantages of
routes to California. Then answer the ques:ons that follow (pages 228 and 229).

Route to California
______________ route

Fastest route
to California, 2
to 3 months.

Disease, hot climate, and wait
for a ship aEer.

_______________ route It could cost

the least.

Longest route, could take from

3 to 8 months.

_______________ route Short travel

:me; it took 3
to 5 months.

Face deserts and dangerous

mountain ranges, accidents,
illness, and lack of food and

* If you were a forty-niner, which route would you take? Why? Give two reasons.


DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following ques:ons about the gold rush.
1.) How were the towns of Stockton and Marysville changed by the gold rush?
(pages 237 238)


2.) How did women benet form the gold rush? (page 240)


Name: ____________________________

Date: _________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following ques:ons about the gold rush. You
can refer back to the text.

1.) How were the towns of Stockton and Marysville changed by the gold
rush? (pages 237 238)


3.)How did women benet form the gold rush? (page 240)


5.) What did vigilantes do? (pages 242 243)


Name: ____________________________

Date: _________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following ques:ons about the Monterey
Conven:on. You can refer back to the text.

1.) Why did Californians hold the Monterey Conven:on? (pages 246-247)

2.) How many delegates were there? (page 248)


3.) Who was represented at the delega:on? (page 248)

4.) What decisions did the Monterey Conven:on face? (pages 248-249)

5.) How did the new government dier from the past governments?
(pages 250-252)

6.) Were there any laws that were kept from past governments?
(pages 250-252)


Lesson 1: The Gold Rush

Pages 226- 227






Who were the forty-niners? ______________________________


The ____ routes to California.

_____________ _____________ ____________

_____________ _____________ ____________
_____________ _____________ ____________
_____________ _____________ ____________
In 1852, 1 out of 4 gold seekers was ______________.

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