Multiculturalism Goes To College

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Whether it is coincidental or there is any integrated relationship enlightened is to regard it unnecessaryto discussreligious, moral,
between the two, observant eyes have recognized a discernible social, and political questions on their merits' The tactic is to
increasewith which advocateshave pushed'multicukuralism and demonize all who question, challenge, or oPPose the new
diversiry" in the United Statesof America, especiallyon America's orthodoxy; to do so is to incur the greater guilt of"insensitivity'"
campusesand in the media, sincethe BerlinWall came down and This vision's new orthodoxy,' multiculturalism and diversiry"
the Soviet Union and its satellites collapsedand fragmented'' A has marched through the ily-adomed arches of colleges and
twentieth-century-bom vision among the intellectual, political, universitiesand has ensconceditseFin their statelyquadrangles'It
and religious elite has establisheda new and prevailing orthodoxy is preacied in chapelswhere formerly the gospelrang oul In place
in the West.'Thomas Sowell describesthis vision:
"What is of th. gorp"l it imposes a new virtue that none dare call by its
important about that vision are not only its particular assumptions proper-name--"preferentialism." The new orthodoxy's gospel
"affirmative action,"
and their corollaries,but alsothe fact that it is aprevailingvision- irrr,i*,", policies and proceduresthat include
which meansthat its assumptionsare so much taken for granted a system of *orrl redemption that assuagesthe consciencesof
by so many people, including so-called'thinking people,'that those in power.This orthodoxy publishes a new and burgeoning
,political correctness"that governs all speechin an
neither those assumptions nor their corollaries are generally ler<iconcalled
confronted with demands for empirical evidence' Indeed, endeavor to police all thought and persists in suppressing
empirical evidenceitself may be viewed as susPect'insofar as it is questionsand objections from the benighted'
inconsistentwith that vision."a This new orthodoxy that imposesa demand for what
This vision is religious in character,for it anoints all who it coJTs diversity simultaneously imposes a demand for
embraceit with a
"specialstate of grace."tTo believe in the vision uniformity of thought and belief. It has no tolerance
is the way to gain the moral high ground. All who disagreewith for any diversebeliefor idea that thoughtfirlly and
"in critically assesses its assumptions,its claims, its
this prevailing vision are not merely wrong; they are sin'"uThe
anointed,those enlightened with this vision for the world, look on assertions,its belief slstem, its indiscriminate
all who disagreewith their vision not merely as benighted, but imposition, and its uncritical accePtance'
morally inferior. Those who do not share the vision lack Those who embrace
"to 'aware,' to have their and diversity' are intolerant of every
compassion and need be made
'consciousness raised."" person who will not tolerate their
"do not get it" for being new orthodoxy.
Visionaries admonish those who
"mean-spirited," and they exposethe "real reasons"that ground It is not as though no
arry ,.sistance to the vision of the anointed't The strategy of the one wamed us of these

2 6 I v o r - u M E 3 0 / N U M B E R0 3

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others' Critical theory has

things, for George Orwellt Animal Farm and 1984 forecast,for JacquesDerrid6, Michel Foucault, and
yorr.rg *d old alike, the power of
"newspeak,"the orthodoxy of embeddeditself inextricably in every academicdiscipline'"
Deconstructionism and critic'al theory threaten every realm
Ianguageas?ruer. Given the seductivepower of its speechcode,
'multiculturalism and diversity" allures evangelicalsin ofintellectual life, especiallyin the academy,by rejecting a priori
churches,colleges,seminaries,and publishersto embraceit as that there arc afry reasonableand authoritative answersto life's
commensuratewith the gospel. Many Christian colleges in the fundamental questions' and also by reducing everything to an
e>rercise of political conflict that vies for power in matters of class,
coalition of christian colleges (now the council for christian
Colleges and Universities-CCCU) consequently began to sex, and race.t' Imposing multiculturalism on academiccurricula
"an assertionof political power in the name of
christen the woddview of multiculturalism without adequately is nothing lessthan
assessingit, and put it to work in earnestin 799!, when the the exploited and oppressed' rather than an intellectually
council establishedthe Racial,/Ethnic Diversity Initiative'n defensille reform."t' In so doing, they look on critics and
criticisms of their agenda,no matter how well reasoned,as
C R E A T I V EA N T I . R E A L I T Y benighted and politically retrograde and unworthy of
ulticulturalism is a political-social-cultural- intellectualrespect."15
educational-theologicalideologyor woddview The intellectual movements of the twentieth
that is an aspectofa constellationofintellect- century gave birth to a new orthodoxy-post-
ual movements of the twentieth century that modernism-with its multifaceted manifes-
derive from preoccupation wtth the uill to powef, and especially tations, including the cultural, religious,
with the useof languageas?ouer. Multiculturalism derives from and moral pluralism associated with
'tritical theory'' of the Frankfrt School, which influenced multiculturalism.'u J. P. Moreland
American academicinstitutions and culture through the principal summarizes:
figures Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and Herbert
Marcuse.ttAlso fundamental to the emergenceof multiculturalism On a postmodernistoietts,thereis
is critical theory, or deconstructionism (often used nosuchthing asobjutirtereali-
interchangeably),the literary theory of Jean-Frangois Lyotard, ty, tntth, rta/ue,reason,and

2 8 i v o L U M E3 0 / N U M B E R
soforth.Ail these(tresocialcznstruct;ongcreationsof linguisticpractires
and, as such,are relatiztenot to indhtidua/s,but to socialgraupsthat
sharea narratir.,e[aboutthett:orld]....Postmodernism deniesthecorre-
spondence theory[i.e., truth is that tthich corresponds to reality], claim-
ing that truth issimplya contingentcreationaf languagerahichexpress-
escustzms, emotions,and valuesembedded in a communityilingui:tic
practica.For thepostmodernist, f ane claims to bartethetruth in the
correspondence serce,this assertionis a poruertnovethat aictim-
izesthosejudgednot ta havethe truth.tT
If postmodernismis the largertheoreticalphilosophy
of which multiculturalism is a substantialaspect,
multiculturalism is postmodernism'sreach to
infiltrate the institutional. educational.reli-
gious, cultural, social, and political arenas
with its philosophy,through its lexiconof
political correctness."
"Multiculturalism," "pluralism,"
and all terms capable
of exploitation because of their
equivocal qualities." These terms
arepurposefullyslippery in keeping
with their designers'view of lan-
guageas power.Academic admin-
istrators, academicians,politicians,
racial activists,journaLists,religious
leaders,and others all consequendy
and routinely employ these words
with equivocation,r'usuallybecause
they have not reflected adequately
on the fact that those who coined
these expressionsdid so knowing
the ingenuity ofequivocationto ad-
vance their ideology or woddview,
using langr.rage aspower to achieve
social engineering.'"Becausethese
expressionsare purposefLlly slip-
pery thosewho areingenuousslide
between uses without awareness,
but others who are lubriciousor
slipperydo sowith cleverintention.
I The worldview of multicult-
uralism assumescultural relativ-
ism, including religious pluralism,
as its foundational belief" There
is no universal truth; Christianity
can hold no exclusiveclaims." It is
the belief that each culture is to
be judged relative to its own stan-
dards, including its religious
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beliefs,for there are no universalstandardsby which to assess the fact theyaresupportingpure racialpouert'
value,worth, or rightnessof the world's cultures'
Multiculturalism proudly flies its banner of virtue, which it The originatorsof multiculturalismdid not conceiveit so as
"Culture gets in the way of multi
ca77stolerance.Thistolerance, however,is not the Christian grace to spread existing culture.
that onceinfluencedand shaped socialvirtue.The Christian grace culturalism.""The new orthodoxy insteadworks to forge a new
culturethat paternalisticallysupplantsthe old asit suppresses
is kind forbearance toward people with whom we differ, not
"diversityand reduceseveryoneto interchangeablebeingswhose
merely in external matters such as culture' but even in
fundamental beliefs and ways of living. That forbearanceof differences we must not learn about-making nonsense of
personsdoesnot show acceptance ofthe beliefsthat governtheir literature and history along the way."2o
sinfirl manner of life. Multiculturalism hijacks the jargon of
Christianiry but redefinesit with its own moral code. R E D E F I N I N GR A C I S M
As ResearchFellow She\ SteeleofThe Hoover Insitution ostmodernism'smulticulturalists embracethe En-
"the lightenment and Modernist view of human nature
notes,in America, virhre of tolerancebecomesa corruption of
democraticfairness-you dont merely acceptpeopleof different with its inherentlyabstractnotion of the equalityof
races;you aalidatetheir race or ethnicity as a currencyofpower everv Derson to such an extent as to abolish not
and entidementover others."" Steelerightly observes' only socialhierarchies,but alsothe ideaofhonor
itseH Accompan)4ngits comrption of
"toleranceof ideas,"
This is theperrtersionof socialvirtue that gatte us a multiculturalism bearanceof persons"to
that bas nothing to do ttith culture. The goal of America'shighll multiculturalistsconsequendypervert the
potiticized multiculturalism is to create an atartistic form of classicvirtue and Christian grace of
citizenship-acitizenshiyofpreferentialstatusin rahicbrace,ethnicity' honor(e.g.,Rom. 12:10;13:7)into
and genderare linked to historic aictimization n justtfy entitlements recognitionor oalidation of virtual-
unaoailableto othercitizens.Culture is a pretext, a cover'The trick of ly every deviancy excePt that
this multiculturalisrnis to passof atattismsas if they tttne culture'So which deviatesfrom the new
"tolerant"of iultural diztersity"ttshen,in orthodoxy.2tIn America,
peoplethink they are being

3 0 , V O L U M E3 0 I N U M B E R 0 3
where the majority of societybecame"stigmatized for past betray-
al of principles,and...those principlesthemselveswere emblems
of duplicity," remorsewithout moral principle gavebirth to mul-
ticulturalism, the new social and cultural orthodoxy.'sMulticultu-
ralists,in their moral crusade,consequendyerasenecessaryand
properdistinctionsbetweenright andwrong or good and evil and
replacethesecategoriesvmthprEer and improperor aP?ro?riate
and inappropriate.Theirnew morality definesasinappropri-
ate and worthy ofsevere censureanyoneor anything that
endeavorsto impede their righteouscause.

Advocates of multiculturalism redefine racism to

include eveq,thing from lynching to the slightest
innocent ruffling of the racial sensitivities of a
hypersensitiveperson,and in so doing, they
trivialize actual racism. Whether one
innocently observes laudatory and
distinguishablequalitiesabout a racial
group or another person screams
savageand contemptuous racist
insults to deride and ridicule the
same group, then, multiculturalists
condemnboth equallyasracism.At
its worst, the former may be called
bad etiquette, and at its best the
latter is still racial hatred, but multi-
culturalism'smoralists deem both to
be actsofracism that equallyrequire
pubJic humiliation and apology. It
is unconscionableto place in the
samecategorythe racist-bornbrutal
murder of James Byrd (June 7,
7998),'owho was dragged to death
behind a pickup truck, and an
innocent comment, done with no
malice,yet receivedas racistby one
who is hypersensitizedto do so.
Because the ideology of
multiculturalism is founded on
cultural relatiaism, it is also com-
mitted to enforceits speechcodeof
political correctness;30 thus, with
impunity black comedians punc-
tuate their comedic acts with
words that multiculturalists would
denounce as "hate-speecli' if any
white personwere to use the same
words, with an exemption for any
well-known white political leftist

c H R r s r r A NR E S E A R C JHo u R N A L 3l
Numerous anecdotalexamplesreadily come to mind to illustrate philosophical vision of and for the world that recruits its
this fact.Thomas Kochman,for example,claims, unsuspectingadvocatesby the power oflanguage as it exploits
language as power. It powerfully allures with its speechcode of
Where ztshitesuse the relative/y detachedand unemotiona/ virtuous-soundingpolitical correctness.It infiltrates the lexicon
discussionmodeto engagean issue,blacksusethe ernotional$ intense of any religiousbelief system,and in the processit imperceptibly
and involoing rnodeof argu.ment. Wheretphitestend to understate transmogrifiesreligiousexpressionsand belief systems,including
their exceptionaltalents and abilities, blackstend to boast about Christianity, to adjust to its values, virtues, and message.It
theirs. Where tahite men, meeting ,tl)on7en for tbe frst tirne, seducesmany to supposethat its suppressionof ill-mannered
defwe thepotencyof their ntenmake speechwith correctness"is of a piece with Christian
their sexual interest explicit and hope to infuse their virtue and compatiblewith the Christian gospel.
presentationszaithsexualpotency." The issueat stake is rrct ztshetherwe should welcome diverse
peoples among us and embrace them but on zuhatprinciples we
Although Kochman is white, he receivesno should do so.No one can possiblyopposethe embraceof diverse
accusation of racism or call to apologize for peoplesand at the sametime retain a credibleconfessionof being
such offensive remarks, for he advocates a Christian. Likewise, to advocateany form of preferential policy
multiculturalism, and his views ate for a class" warrants rebuke, for such a posture is
popularly embracedamong blacks. contrary to a credible Christian profession,for preferentialism is
Multiculturalists excoriatewhites sin (James2:9).The gospel ofJesus Christ obligatesus to love
for congenital racism ("institution- and to embraceall who are Christians despite nonconfessional
alized racism"), y.t they exhibit differences,whether racial,social,or sexual.The burden concerns
"the "the
racism themselves.Their worldview what somehavetermed clashof orthodoxies," conflict of
"worldviews "
convincesthem to view skin color as visions," or in conflict"" and takes place in two
intrinsically determinative of culture, realms:(1) pubJicsector,including government,public poliry, and
which concerns group and individ- academic institutions; and (2) private sector, including family,
ual identiry mores,values,character, church,and academicinstitutions.
and thinking patterns. Multicultu- Will we be captured by and held captive to the culture
ralists, not their critics, confound around us, or will we critique the world's culture biblically?
skin coloration with culture when Will we fear God or will we fear man? Will we yield the
they talk about culture" and allegianceof our minds to the new orthodo>ryor will we
"white "take
culture," as if levels of pig- captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"
mentation determine culture. The (2 Cor.10:5,NIV)? This is no mere academicexercise. It
paternalistic behavior of multicultu- is an exercisein integrated Christian thinking toward
ralists toward nonwhite people in the a biblical worldview.
causeof multiculturalism indi-cates
that they view color of skin as an A. B. Caneday is professor of New Testament
intrinsic determiner of culture, a Studies and Biblical Theology at Northwestem
culture that renders its members Collegein Saint Pau! Minnesota.His recent
victims and in needofpreferentialism work includes Discussion on Race
in the form of action."33 and Racism," TheSouthernBaptistJournal
For example, when college admis- oliTheologt,8,2 (Summer 2004) and
"What 'Multiculturalism
sionsand studentenrollment person- Is and
nel use action" strategies Diversity'?" at the 2005 Faculty
to identify prospective students as Scholarship Symposium at
and to give preferential Northwestern College.
treatment to those whose applica-
tions show that they are nonwhite,
does this not betray the belief that
culture is determinedon the basisof
skin color?t'
Multiculturalism is a seductive

? ? l VOLUME 30 / NUMBER03
Religiou Pluralism (Nashville: Abingdon, 2003). For a contrary view, seeWoo d, Divrsity,

23 Shelby Steele, Culture ofDeference," Amdemi Questions72,1 (January 1999): 61.
24 Ibid. Steele continues, "In fact mu.lticulturalism actvally su?presesAmerica's rich cultual
ruiery becausemuch actual culture does not mesh with victimiation."
25 Steele, Culture ofDeference," 62.
26 Diane Ravitch, "You Cant SayThat," The Wall StrutJoumal (Februuy 13,2004), W15.
27 See Chules Thylor, Multiculturalism and "The Politia af Recognition," v,di$,commentary by
Amy Gutmann, Steven C. Rockefeller, Michael Walrer, and Susm Wolf (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Pres,1992). For some instructive guidance on shoncomings of
Taylort essay,seeEdwd T, Oakes, 'Atte ntion Must Be Paid: A reiew of Multiulturalism
/ and the
afRecognition,"' First Things 32 (Aprt1,1993): 48-57.
&z 28 Steele,
Culture ofDeference," 62.
29 Thomas Sowell wisely says,"Discrimination and segregation ue md have been among the
ugly facts oflife in vuious countries uound the world. These facts need to be confronted
where they ilist-not trivialired by having the terms applied by redefinition to situations
where they do not exist, and where very different factors need to be confronted." Thomas
Sowe11, Raceand Culture:A WorldI/ieu (San Francisco;Basic Books, 1994), i53.
1 C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,2002),292. 30 Amoja Three Rivers thorouglrly confounds bad intercultural etiquette and racism tn her
2 See,e.g., Paul E dwxd Gotdied, Multiculnralism and the Politis af Guilt: Towarcla Secular booklet entided Cuhural Etiquette: "It is ethnocentric and racist to apply words like
Theo/ogy(CoIumbia: Universiry of Missouri Pre,s,2002). backwrd, primitive, uncivilired, savage,barbric, or undeveloped to people whose tech-
3 Cf Thomas Sowell, The Vision of tbeAnoinnd: SelfCongratulations asa Basisfor Socialpolicy nology does not include plumbing, microwaves,and niao-chips. Are people somehow
(New York:BasicBools, 1995). more human or more humane ifthey have more technologicaltoys?"This citation is from
4 1bid,2. the Internet essay (, derived from Amoja Three
5 lbid. 3. The imageryi. Sowells. Nvers, Cultural Etigueta: '1 Guide for the Well-Intentioned (Gladstone, VA: Muket
6 Ibid. Wimmin, 1991).
7 rbid. 31 Carol Muie Cropper,"Black Man Fatally Dragged in a PossibleRace K)JJtng,"Nruyork
8 Cf ibid. Tima (June 10, 1998), SectionA, 16.
9 Principal among the arguments the CCCU leaders borrowed from the secular 32 Cultural relativism is the belief that all ethical truth is relative to a given culturey thus, no
multiculturalism worldview was the claim that "coalition schools failed to mirror the ethnic one can €ver say that a particular behavior is right or wong, for it can only be right or
diversity of the sunounding culture." James A. Pattereon, Sbining Ligbts: A HistoU) af thc wong relative to a specific society.
Councilfor Cbristian Colleges and UnivernTm (Grand Rapids:Baker,2001),93. 33 Reflcct on the minimal criticism of q-Klansman Senator Robert Bytd (no relation to
"The "white
10 will to power" is an idea creditedlugely to philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.Among
James Byrd) who used the tem nigger" in an interview (Robert Byrd, interyiew
other things, according to Nietache, "will to power" is the fundamental instinct or drive with Tony Snow, For Naor Sunday,Fox News Channel, Much .5,2001), in a piece by
that animals and humans share,a drive that is more fundamental than self-preservation. It Cedric Muhammad, Senator Byrd and 'White Niggers,"'A Deeper Look, Black
entails the drive to exert force to be master and to conquer resistance. Electorate.Com, Much 12, 2001,
11 The Frankfurt School,establishedin 1923 as an independentdivision ofthe University of Seea.lsoArdrew D. Todd, "What Is a 'White Nigger'Anlway?" History New Network,
Frankfurt, was a group of reseuchers associated with the Institut ftir Sozialforschuns
January20, 2003, htqr;// articles/7220.html.
(Institute of Social Reseuch). Carl Griinberg, the insritute'sfirst director,was "n ,uo*.J 34 Thomas Kochman, Black and White: Styks in Con4it (Chicago: University of Chicago
Masist and establishedthe Institute on Maryism as the theorerical basis for all its Pres, 1981),107, 131,quoted in Dinesh D'Souza,TheEntl ofRarirz (NewYork FreePress
programs of reseuch in philosophy and the social sciences.With the rise of Nazism, the paperbacla,7995),27 I-7 2.
Institute sought and found refuge in Switzerland and the United States.The Frankfurt 35 Observant individuals may add when D'Souza makes the case that even though
School and its critical theory thus infiltrated American universities with its ,,cultural generalizations concerning people groups are wholly legitimate, even necessary,"this is no
Mmism." See Joseph Yeager, "Cultural Communists," FrantpageMagazine (http:// casefor group traits having a biological foundation." The End afRacim,273.,?rintable.asp?ID=7732). 36 I acknowledge echoes of the tides of three bools: Robert P Ceorge, Tlte Ctash of
12 Biblical studies remains in an exhaordinary state of flu: the vuious methods of critical Ortbodoxies. Lau, Re/igion,and Marality in Crisis (Wilmington, DE: ISI Boola, 2001);
theory have been used by biblicai critics for some time now. These methods have raised Thomas Sowell, TheConfitofViions:Ideological Originsof Politialstruggla (NewYork:
questionsabout rhe Bible concerningraceand ethniciry indigeneity for nativeness],gender William Monow, 1987); and Ronald Nash, Worldvieus in Confit: ChoosingChristianity in
and serual difference,the human-animal binary classand ideology,hegemony and sub- a Worldof Ideas(Grand Rapids: Zondemn, !992).
version, the nature of history texts and rcadcrs,and so on. Roland Boer, "Editotial," The
Bible and Critical'fheory; 1. DOI:70.2104,6c0,10001).
13 Cf comments by Amy Gutmann, ed., Multiculturalisn; Examining the politics of
Recognitian(Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press,1.994),20.
14 Ibid. Admittedly, Gutmann is speaking of deconstruction and not specifically multi-
culturalism.A proper critique neverthelessrecognizcsthat the two are not separablebut
joined; thus, what she saysofdeconstructionism is also true ofmulticulturalism.
15 Ibid. Seequalification in note 14.
16 Concerning philosophical pluralism, see D. A. Cusor, The Gaggtng of God; Cbristianitl
ConJiontsPluralism (Grand Rapids: Zoodeman, 1996), 13-47.
17 J. P Moreland, "'Iruth, Contcmporary Philosophy,and the Postmodern'furn,,,
Journal oJ'
the Evange/ia/ TheologicalSuiet! 48 (2005), 79,80. Advocates ofmulticulturalism contend
"racc" "soci,a1ly
that is constructcd."FIenry Louis Gates,Jr, claims that the conceptofrace
is a biological "misnomer" and merely a "metaphor," for, "who has seen a black or red
person,a white, yellow or brown person?These terms ue rbitrary constmcts,not rcports
of rea1ity." Henry Louis Gates, Jr, Loose Canons:Notes an the Cultute Zars (New york:
Oxftrrd Universiry Press,1992), 48, 50.
18 On the *ploitation of the newly coined use of 'diversiry" see PeterWood, Diversity; The
Invention of a Concept(Stn !-rancisco:Encounter Boolc, 2003), esp.82-98.
19 Equivocal use of languagcentails usc of words or expressionsthat ue subiect to two or
more interpretations,often intended to nisleird.
20 Elsewhere I describethe tyranny o1 political correctness.SeeA. B.Caneday,.The SBJT
Forum: Racism, Scripturc, and History," The SouthernBaptist Journal oJ'Theology8.2
(2004): 87-88.
21 I am awareof the irony of spcakingof thcfaundation of multirulturalism that is aq aspect
ofpostmodernism th^t rcpudiatesflunddtionalism.I fu11yanicipate that thosewho cannot
recognize the legitimate use ofthc imagery offoundation nay likely havc visceral responses
that confuse the imagery with Enlightcnment's and Modernism's ,6undationalism.
22 As arguedby Marjorie Hewitt Suchoch, Dirinitl and Dioers;4):A Christ;dnAfirmation of

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