Rene' Aston Candidate Questionnaire

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The News-Herald

Election Questionnaire
Political Party: Democrat Name: Rene Aston Age: 55

Date questionnaire completed: September 25, 2013 Office sought: Painesville City Council At-Large

Date of birth: June 15

Place of birth: Painesville OH Twitter: None

Length of residence in the community: Lifelong Facebook: Rene Aston For City Council

Campaign Web site: ______________________

Occupation: Senior Applications Developer/Programmer Employer: Progressive Insurance Business address: 747 Alpha Drive Highland Hts., OH Elected office experience: None

Non-elected office experience: Previous member of Lake County Fair Housing Board, and_____ Lake County Mental Health Center (Point One Behavioral Health) Board Secretary____________

Education: Thomas W. Harvey High School, and Lakeland Community College

Marital status: ___Single Name of Children: Eric and CaSaundra

Name of spouse:

Organization: Union Community Church, Painesville Oversight Committee Committee and Society of Urban Professionals


Should you be elected, what are three specific areas youd like to change, address, improve or further research and how specifically would you go about it? If elected these are the areas I would like to address/research/change; (1) Increasing Painesvilles tax base by recruiting businesses- We have thriving businesses in Painesville but we simply need more of them. When Painesville was a thriving community people were shopping in Painesville because there were stores that met the needs of the community. If elected to office I would research to see what it would take to have a make Painesville more enticing to business on a larger scale not only to meet the needs of the community but also to create jobs. This is where we can focus resources and deliver tangible results. (2) Better quality of life; research and seek funding for a recreation center. Recently eight area entities teamed together to apply for funding for a bike path. This is a major accomplishment and I would like to further research how funds can be secured for a community recreation center something families can use year around. (3)Road repair; our roads need updating and major repairs. We just cannot attract businesses and families to the area when our roads are in such disrepair. It sends a message and Painesville can do better. I will work to find the funding to make this happen.

Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you? I am a lifelong resident of Painesville. I know what potential is in Painesville. I am willing to work to see that Painesville become the thriving city that it once was. I believe the people of Painesville would like to see a growth in businesses, jobs and a better quality of life in Painesville and that is what I will strive to deliver results.

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