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World History Syllabus

Mr. Highsmith Office: D301

Welcome to world history! Well, I guess you have already been in world history for nine weeks! I need you to be patient as we put our class together for the rest of the semester. Students will be added to the class all week. It will take us awhile to get our entire class put together. All students in this class were randomly selected from the other world history classes. Due to the large number of sophomores, the counselors have added geometry classes, English classes, and this world history course.

I am here to TEACH. You are here to LEARN. Do not get the two confused. I have high expectations for each and every one of you. My expectations: 1. I expect you to be respectful to your classmates and me. 2. I expect you to be prepared for class. 3. I expect you to be quiet and in your seat when class begins. 4. I expect you to raise your hand when you have a question. 5. I expect you to use appropriate language at all times. I do not know you all yet, but I believe in you. I believe that every one of you can be great individuals. It is up to you to make the right choices everyday. You will literally make hundreds of choices each day from what clothes you wear to whether you will do your homework. Every single choice has a consequence good or bad.

Some of you will make the wrong choice in this class. Get this straight: I do not tolerate disrespect. I do not tolerate excuses or blaming others when you do not do the right thing. I expect you all to act like civilized human beings. IF you fail to live up to this standard then I will not hesitate to set you straight. We will use the step approach to address classroom infractions. Step 1: Conference with the teacher after class. Step 2: Phone call to a parent/guardian. Step 3: After-school detention with the teacher. Step 4: Referral to the appropriate principal. These steps are by no means sequential. I can jump to Step 4 at any time. If you do not believe me, just try it out. Class Website/Absences I understand that sometimes a student must miss school. It is YOUR responsibility to get your assignments from me. I have made it easy for you by creating a class website. You will be able to find all bell work, vocabulary sheets, and class power points on the website. The address is I will update the website weekly. You can of course still ask me for make up work, but you must ask because I will not remember all your absences. Also, tests will have to be made up at an arranged time and will not be on the website.

Classroom Assessment: There will be five areas of assessment in this course. The areas are each independent of each other and are each important to your success in this class. I expect you to do good work in this class. Good work is defined as you doing the best you can possibly do. We all have different talents and abilities. Some of us are better at school, others at art, others at sports, and so on. Your personal best in this class may be a C, or a B, or even an A. Not trying is unacceptable. The major areas of assessment in this class are as follows: 1. TESTS and QUIZZES: (35%) Your tests will cover the materials we discuss in class. We will have tests in this class at the end of every chapter. Quizzes will be assigned periodically. You will be allowed to use your class notes on these quizzes unless I say otherwise. PARTICIPATION: (20%). Each day you will be graded on your participation in this course. If you do not like to talk in class, do not be worried. This participation system is in place to reward participation and GOOD BEAVIOR in class. I will explain the grading procedures for participation below. This is the lesson: (if you are going to be RUDE, LOUD, DISRUPTIVE, or DISRESPECTFUL, you will not get your points for participating in class and will have trouble passing this class.)


Daily grades for participation: (10 Points per week possible)

Points Behavior Respectful of teacher and others. Raises hand for permission to speak. Observes appropriate age level behavior Disrespectful to the teacher or other classmates. Has to be verbally warned by the teacher for disrupting class. Does not keep hands to themselves. Student displays a complete lack of respect for the teacher or other classmates. Has to be verbally warned multiple times in a day. Noise-Level Student stays quiet and in their seat. They only speak when called on or given permission. Student is warned for disrupting class by talking without permission or while the teacher is talking. Student uses crude or inappropriate language. Student is continuously disrupting and distracting the class. Student does not stop disrupting class when asked to do so.
(full credit).

Full-credit. Two points for the day.

Half-credit. One point for the day.

No-credit. A zero for the day.

*Absences: If you are absent (excused) then it will not hurt your participation grade. You will receive a

I will keep accurate records of your participation everyday in my participation notebook. I will calculate your participation points at the end of the week and enter a grade. 3. VOCABULARY: (15%). Every week you will be given vocabulary work. I will assign the words on Monday and they will be due on Friday. There will be 10 - 15 words per week. NOTES: (10%). You will be expected to take notes in class. We will take notes off of PowerPoint presentations. You will be expected to write the underlined words on the slides. I will show you how to organize your notes in class with an example. On test days, I will ask you to turn in your notes for that chapter for grading.


5. BELLWORK AND MISCELLANEOUS ASSIGNMENTS: (20%). Bell-work will be the first thing you do
every class. It will be posted on the projector/board as soon as you come in. It will be due every Friday. Miscellaneous (random) assignments will occur throughout the semester. These will range from group activities to writing assignments.

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