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INCENDIARY 1. That one small boy with a face like pallid cheese 2.

And burnt-out little eyes could make a blaze 3. As brazen, fierce and huge, as red and gold 4. And zany yellow as the one that spoiled 5. Three thousand guineas worth of property 6. And crops at Godwins Farm on Saturday 7. Is frightening as fact and metaphor: 8. An ordinary match intended for 9. The lighting of a pipe or kitchen fire 10. Misused may set a whole menagerie 11. Of flame-fanged tigers roaring hungrily. 12. And frightening, too, that one small boy should set 13. The sky on fire and choke the stars to heat 14. Such skinny limbs and such a little heart 15. Which would have been content with one warm kiss 16. Had there been anyone to offer this.

Vernon Scannel

Whats your opinion

1. Do you see any connection between the poem and the following quotation?

Dont be afraid to love him and enjoy him. Every baby needs to be smiled at, talked to, played with, fondled gently and lovingly just as much as he needs vitamins and calories. Thats what will make him a person who love people and enjoys life. The baby who doesnt get any loving will grow up cold and unresponsive Dr. Benjamin Spock, Baby and Child Care

2. What can we infer about the childs nature through the following lines? one small boy with a face like pallid cheese And burnt-out little eyes. 3. How can you explain Vernon Scannels use of contrast in the following lines? a blaze As brazen, fierce and huge, as red and gold And zany yellow

.. match intended for The lighting of a pipe or kitchen fire Misused may set a whole menagerie Of flame-fanged tigers.. small boy should set The sky on fire and choke the stars 4. Why do you think the poet refers to the boys heart as little? 5. Underline all the words in the poem that refer to heat or fire and explain their meaning. 6. Which is their implication in the poem? Do you think they add to the atmosphere of the boys feelings?

7. Can you find any reference to evil in the poem? 8. How does the poet accomplish the childs emotions? 9. Who do you think speaks in the poem? 10. How realistic is the poem?

11. Tick any of the following words you consider illustrate the voice of the poet. Add others.

resentful insane dismissive unconcerned abandoned submissive unwilling

sorrowful resigned unwanted indifferent

cynical bitter unhappy reluctant

angry offended neglected rejected

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