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Fashion Design

Color Theory


Title of the Course:- color theory Course Code:- Fdes 2081 CP:- 4 [3hrs Lec., 3hrs Tut., 2hrs HS]

Course Manager: Shalemu Sharew Assistant : Office location: Agriculture Building (IOTEX Staff room No.4) Consultation Hours: Even out of the indicated timings above, do not hesitate to come and ask questions in my office if I am available. Phones: Mobile: 0921-042723 Email:

Lecture Days & Hours: Days: Room: Target Group:2nd year fashion design

COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed to acquaint students with basics of quality concepts in general industries (production/ service) and specific to garment industries. In-depth knowledge about quality is essential as it is a key to the success story of every manufacturing and service industries. The concept of quality in Garment industries especially is crucial as the wearer is so concerned for what he wears. With this regard the major aim of the course is to introduce students with different concepts of quality; definition and implementation of quality management systems and different quality assurance methods in garment industries. To assure the intended target of the Garment engineering discipline this course provides wide spread knowledge and skills about quality.
S.S 2004

Fashion Design

Color Theory

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE At the end of this course, the student will be able to: Understand the basic concepts of color theory



Fashion Design

Color Theory

CONTENTS Evaluation Weeks 1,2

1. Color Theory 1.1 Color theory basics Color schemes


method/further reading

Color wheel Color value

Color harmony

Psychology of colors


Color theory for designers Color properties

2. Color: Definition Colour system Basics of color Dimension of colours The effects of colours Colour mixing Colour families & their meanings Use of colours Factors affecting perception of colours ( hue, chroma, value, saturation, tones, tints and shades) Color in fashion Design principles




Fashion Design

Color Theory

3. Chromatic arrangement of different color pallets



Fashion Design

Color Theory




Final Exam

METHODOLOGY The course will be conducted with the aid of interactive lecture classes where students will be motivated to participate actively and supplemented by lab works, assignments and term papers. The course is supplemented by a practical work where students appreciate the industrial application of the concepts they acquire during class. ASSESSMENT METHODS The Assessment will be through the following methods: Lecture part (weight 50%) S.No 1 Assessment method Assignments / term papers / Seminar 2 3 4 Mid Exam Final Exam Total 30 50% 100% Marks 20% Lab/practical part (weight 50%) Assessment method Lab/Practical Written Examination: Demonstration/ Defense: Lab/Practical Records: Total 30% 30% 100% Marks 40%



Fashion Design

Color Theory

(For lecture part Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the course). The time schedule for the mid - term and final examinations will be based on the time and date set by the office of the registrar whereas the time schedule for the assignments and term papers will be arranged later on by the Instructor. COURSE POLICY All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (article 166 and 166.1.1, of The Senate Legislation of Bahir Dar University May 20, 2005) throughout this course. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to concerned bodies for action. If you need to read it you can get a copy (to be copied by your self) of it from your academic advisor. You need to adjust your self to a dynamic form of education in which different methods will be used as per the nature of the lesson as class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to group discussions. You need to be active participant during the entire course. You need to ask questions and raise issues on which you need further clarifications. To avoid disturbance in class, students must switch off their mobile phones during lecture hours and lab/practical classes. Note on class attendance and participation : You are expected to attend class regularly and attendance will be mandatory during the entire semester to ensure that students attended the course sincerely. If you dont meet the minimum attendance requirements 85 % attendance during lecture hours and 100 % attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, you wont be allowed to successfully complete the course. You will not be allowed to enter if you are late more than five minutes. You are responsible for all class announcements and changes. All issues discussed in class or derived from other sources (where I provided you to read) may be the subject of assignment or exam question items.



Fashion Design

Color Theory

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Managing Quality in 2003 2. Apparel manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall. INC, Glock E.R and Grace I.Kunz, 1990 3. Bona M, Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and process control, Eurotex, Italy, 1994 4. Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes Butterworths, London, 1979 5. Saville, B.P., Physical Testing of Textiles , The Textile Institute, 1998 6. Bona M, Statistical Methods for Textile Industry, Eurotex, Italy, 1993 7. Leaf G, Practical Statistics for Textile Industry: Part II and I, The Textile Institute 8. Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC, Wingate.IB, 1989 Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing, Mehta, Pradeep;

Approved by Mr. Shalemu Sharew Course Manager _____________________________________ iOTEX program manager Addisu Ferede iOTEX Deputy scientific Director ________________ Signature ________________ Signature ________________ Signature



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