Stockloss 05 Service Centre

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Debenhams International Learning and Development

Delivering Excellent Customer Service To Prevent Stock L oss Cash Handling / Till Training Session Structure

Trainers Notes

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes

Produced: March 2009


Content NOTE TO TRAINER This training session has been designed to allow you to introduce the required customer service elements into the cash handling training delivered to your cashiers. It has also been designed to make cashiers aware of their stock loss prevention responsibilities whilst serving your customers at the Service Centres in your store. It is important that if a new starter is being trained to use the till on the shop floor that the person carrying out the training also introduces these customer service elements. Welcome and Introductions INTRODUCE yourself to the participants and welcome them to training. EXPLAIN that the purpose of the training is to give them the knowledge to enable them to follow the store cash handling procedures whilst giving a high level of customer service at the Service Centre. ( note to trainer if working with new starters check to see what previous cash handling experience they have had. You may find that most people with that experience will not have the customer service experience Debenhams requires from its cashiers) ASK the delegates what they believe the duties of a good cashier are? Answers to include Providing excellent customer service at the Service


Handout 1

Prepared flip

Produced March 2007

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes Centre Ensuring that cash is handled accurately and securely Behaving in such a way that Stock Loss is kept to a minimum.

EXPLAIN that before you go through any of the cash handling processes you are going to spend some time looking at the Customer Service elements of the cashiers job. ASK them to think about when they are shopping how do they like cashiers to behave? what do they like cashiers to do? Minimum answers to include Be polite Be efficient Be honest ISSUE delegates with Handout 1 WORK through each heading ASK for examples of how they would do each Service Action including what they would say at each point. REMIND the delegates that as you work through the cash handling training with them you want them to demonstrate the required actions and behaviours at each stage. Local Cash Handling Procedures Make sure your cash handling training covers the following processes ensuring that delegates role play the required Customer Service elements at each stage. Start of Day procedure (collecting cash bags etc) PLU system (how it works) Cash Transactions Credit Transactions Voucher processing Manual discounts Staff Shopping / purchases Handling Customer complaints Store refund policy Cash Refunds Cash Exchanges Credit refunds Credit Exchanges Recording till errors Produced March 2007

Handout 1

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes Cashing Up procedure End of day processes

EXPLAIN that you are now going to go look at another key responsibility of the Cashier role preventing Stock Loss at the Service Centre. ASK how do they think Customers can cause Stock Loss at the Service Centre Answers to include. Small items concealed inside other purchases i.e. handbags, purses, garment pockets Swapping tags to get a lower price Picking up items off service centre that are not theirs. Deliberately distracting cashier by talking or creating a stressful situation ( example - loud complaint) Wrapping smaller garment inside a larger one Putting other items inside a boxed product example a more expensive bra inside the box belonging to a less expensive one. Pre-arranged collusion with cashier WORK through each point asking the delegates which Customer Service Actions from Handout 1 they would use to prevent each one happening at their Service Centre. ASK how do they think Cashiers can cause Stock Loss at the Service Centre? Answers to include. Additional items of stock left on service centre could be put in bag in error Not checking inside handbags, purses and pockets for any small items concealed there. Not checking tag description matches product (customer may have swapped them Not paying attention to the job Accidental scanning errors resulting in under charging. Deliberate scanning errors collusion with customer. Deliberate or accidental mis-use of discount facility. Items put in bag with out being scanned (especially with multi purchase offers). Not checking inside boxed product to ensure correct item inside.

Handout 2

Produced March 2007

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes WORK through each point asking the delegates which Customer Service Actions from Handout 1 they would use to prevent each one happening at their Service Centre.

ASK why is it important that we make sure we remove security tags at the Service Centre? Answers to include. Ensures that there are no false alarms at the door Prevents embarrassing situations for genuine customers ASK why it is important that we use the correct size bag when a customer makes a purchase? Answers to include .. Ensures the item does not get damaged / creased by sliding around Prevents the customer having the opportunity to conceal other items from the store that they have not paid for.

ASK delegates what they would do in the following circumstances They find that a customer had hidden a small item inside a handbag they were purchasing? Answer to include Smile, react as if it is a genuine mistake ( it might not have been this customer but a previous customer could have been setting up the theft.)? Ask if the customer wishes to purchase the item? Proceed with the transaction politely. Tell your Line Manager as soon as it is safe to do so. They discover that a barcode tag has been swapped? Answer to include (Do not accuse the customer of swapping the tag) Explain the tagging error to the customer Alert your Line Manager Produced March 2007

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes A customer has approached you with a deal if you will work with them to supply goods fraudulently through the service centre. Answers to include You must alert your Line Manager when it is safe to do so Do not put yourself in danger You see a colleague behaving dishonestly at the Service Centre. Answers to include You must alert your Line Manager as soon as possible Do not discuss with other staff Line Manager to handle situation in strictest confidence. FINALLY remind all delegates what your local / store security policy is covering any alarm buttons, duty of security guards, arrest procedures and personal safety concerns. CLOSE the session congratulating delegates on learning the new processes and demonstrating the required customer service actions.

Handout 1

Customer Service Actions at the Service Centre

Smile and Greet the customer
A genuine warm greeting

Interact with the customer

Produced March 2007

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes

Comment on their choice of items Confirming quantity of items Confirming size Suggesting co-ordinating / add-on items Informing customer of promotions

Accurate scanning / input of items

Confirming price

Items handled appropriately

Security tags removed Removing packaging from inside handbags and purse Checking pockets of the garments being purchased Hangers removed with care Items folded

Packaged appropriately
Use of tissue paper / protective wrapping Use of correct size bag

Concluding the transaction

Say Thank you Hand the bag to the customer Look forward to seeing them again
Handout 2

Actions by customers that will cause Stock Loss to occur at the Service Centre
Small items concealed inside other purchases i.e. handbags, purses, garment pockets Swapping tags to get a lower price Picking up items off service centre that are not theirs. Deliberately distracting cashier by talking or creating a stressful situation
Produced March 2007

Debenhams International Cash Handling Training Structure Trainers notes

(example by creating a loud complaint/ argument) Wrapping smaller garment inside a larger one Putting other items inside a boxed product example a more expensive bra inside the box belonging to a less expensive one. Pre-arranged collusion with cashier

Actions by cashiers that will cause Stock Loss to occur at the Service Centre
Additional items of stock left on service centre could be put in bag in error Not checking inside handbags, purses and pockets for small items that have been concealed there . Not checking tag description matches product (customer may have swapped them) Not paying attention to the job Accidental scanning errors resulting in under charging. Deliberate scanning errors collusion with customer. Deliberate or accidental mis-use of discount facility. Items put in bag without being scanned (especially with multi purchase offers). Not checking inside boxed product to ensure correct item inside.

Produced March 2007

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