July August 2013

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July/August 2013

Pumping and Related Technology for Oil & Gas

I-IV Cover.indd I 7/22/13 2:38 PM
Oil & Gas


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2 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
ven with declining natural gas
prices, production continues
in the Marcellus Shale. Penn-
sylvania and West Virginia now pro-
duce 7 billion cubic feet of gas per day,
which is 25 percent of the nationwide
production and nearly double 2011s
rate. In 2012, the Marcellus Shale was
the most productive gas feld in the
nation. Te play that ushered in the
shale gas boom is still the dominant
production feld today.
Hydraulic fracturing has been
used for decades and is safe when
conducted correctly. However, en-
vironmental concerns continue to
be at the forefront of production in
the Marcellus region. Doug Walsers
Report from the Field on page 32 dis-
cusses the need for and steps to take
for responsible production in the area.
In addition to responsible pro-
duction, the reuse of drilling mud is
common practice among operators. A
pump technology that helps improve
the removal of solids from drilling
mud is detailed on page 10.
In hydraulic fracturing, the need
to decrease the timeframe required to
complete a well is an industry issue.
Te frst part of a two-part series on
page 14 examines a new but well-test-
ed technique that decreases comple-
tion time.
Subsea equipment must survive
extreme cold and heat. For these
conditions, specialized insulation
must be used to protect pipelines and
other architecture. One such insula-
tion is detailed on page 24.
As in all operations in the oilfeld,
pumps in production must be special-
ized for individual applications. API
682 seals used in many areas of the oil
patch and in refneries are discussed
on page 36.
Look for this issue at the Oil
Sands Trade Show & Conference in
Fort McMurray, Alberta, and read
the article on oil sands production on
page 40. Also, look for the Upstream
Pumping Solutions team at SPE
ATCE. We hope to see you there!
Best Regards,
Lori Ditoro

Editors Note: In Horizontal
Multistage Pumping System for
Natural Gas Liquids, in the May/
June 2013 issue, the phrase bearings
made of metal-impregnated graphite
should have read bearings made of
GRAPHALLOY. We apologize for
any confusion or inconvenience this
may have caused.
Editorial Advisory Board
Cleon Dunham, President, Oileld Automation Consulting, &
President, Articial Lift R&D Council
David Jones, Business Development Manager, Siemens Industry Inc.
Chad Joost, Sales Manager, Well Stimulation Products, Stewart & Stevenson
Daniel Lakovic, Progressing Cavity Pump Technical Expert, seepex, Inc.
Santosh Mathilakath, Vice President - Mono Group, National Oilwell Varco
Gord Rasmuson, Sales Manager, Oil Lift Technology
Bill Tipton, Division Vice President - Business Development, Weir Oil & Gas
Doug Walser, Technology Manager, Pinnacle, a Halliburton Business Line
Shaun White, Mud Pump Designer, White Star Pump Company
Walter B. Evans, Jr.
VP of Sales
George Lake
glake@pump-zone.com 205-345-0477
VP of Editorial
Michelle Segrest
msegrest@pump-zone.com 205-314-8279
Creative Director
Terri Jackson
Lori K. Ditoro
lditoro@cahabamedia.com 205-314-8269
Associate Editor
Amanda Perry
aperry@cahabamedia.com 205-314-8274
Contributing Editor
Doug Walser
Creative Director
Terri Jackson
Senior Art Director
Greg Ragsdale
Art Director
Jaime DeArman
Print Advertising Trafc
Lisa Freeman
lfreeman@pump-zone.com 205-212-9402
Web Advertising Trafc
Ashley Morris
amorris@pump-zone.com 205-561-2600
Jeff Heine
jheine@cds1976.com 630-739-0900
Associate Publisher
Vince Marino
vince@pump-zone.com 205-310-2491
Addison Perkins
aperkins@pump-zone.com 205-561-2603
Derrell Moody
dmoody@pump-zone.com 205-345-0784
Mary-Kathryn Baker
mkbaker@pump-zone.com 205-345-6036
Mark Goins
mgoins@pump-zone.com 205-345-6414
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You are free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned. Volume 4 Number 4
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4 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
10 Rotary Lobe Pumps &
Decanter Centrifuge
Increase Solids Removal
By Bill Blodgett, LobePro Rotary Pumps
Operators can experience ease of use, cost savings and
improved efciency.
Well Completion
14 Remedial Efforts for Fracture
Treatment in Horizontal Laterals
By Robert Reyes, Halliburton
A design stimulation program using a diversion frac
for proppant distribution can effectively stimulate
troubled wells.
20 Fluid End Life
By Gary Pendleton and Rob McPheron,
AXON Energy Products
Fluid end developments and modular design prolong
uid end life while maintaining higher pressures.
36 The Revised API 682 Mechanical
Seal Standard
By Thomas Bhm and Markus Fries, EagleBurgmann
The 4th Edition includes details on the revised product
coding system, the seal system selection process and
seal supply systems.
40 Testing Center Helps Ultra-
Temperature ESP Systems
Improve Operations
By Lawrence Burleigh, Baker Hughes
Because of the harsh nature of SAGD operations,
specialized articial lift systems are required.
A eld engineer prepares a packer to complete
a horizontal well in the Marcellus Shale.
Image courtesy of Baker Hughes Incorporated
July/August 2013
Pumping and Related Technology for Oil & Gas
July/August 2013
Volume 4 Number 4
Subsea Equipment
24 Pipeline Protection During
Deepwater Production
By Alexander Lane, The Dow Chemical Company
Wet insulation systems for subsea ow assurance provide reliable
performance in extreme environments.
27 Low-Vibration Compressor Motors
By Sumit Singhal, Siemens
Motor Structural Design
The Marcellus Shale
31 Still a Production Giant
By Lori K. Ditoro
With nearly doubled rates in 2012, the Marcellus Shale continues its
dominance in U.S. natural gas production.
32 A New Focus on Responsible Development
By Doug Walser, Pinnacle, a Halliburton Service Line
A revolution concentrating on responsibility is taking place in North
American unconventional oil and gas extractionparticularly in the
Marcellus Shale.
2 From the Editor
6 Industry News
42 Trade Show Coverage
43 Oileld Resources
45 Classied Ads & Index of Advertisers
48 Upstream Oil & Gas Market
s e c t i o n
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6 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
Systems Matter
PARSIPPANY, N.J. ( July 9, 2013)
Te Hydraulic Institute appointed
Mark J. Sullivan as its new director
of education and training. Sullivan
will lead all strategic development,
marketing and Pump Systems Matter
educational programs.
Pump Systems Matter is a
501(c)3 education/training organi-
zation af liated with the Hydraulic
Institute, www.pumpsystemsmatter.
org. Te Hydraulic Institute is North
Americas largest pump association,
Dutch Shell
THE HAGUE, Te Netherlands
( July 9, 2013) Te Board of Royal
Dutch Shell plc announced that Ben
van Beurden will succeed Peter Voser
as CEO. Voser will leave Shell at the
end of March 2014.
Royal Dutch Shell is a global
group of energy and petrochemicals
companies. www.shell.com
Morrison Contractors
HOUMA, La. ( July
1, 2013) Chet
Morrison Contractors
hired industry veteran
Michael Brown as
general manager of
Marine Construction.
Brown has 35 years of
experience in the commercial diving
Chet Morrison Contractors pro-
vides construction, maintenance and
abandonment services to the oil and
gas industry. www.chetmorrison.com
LENEXA, Kan. ( June 28, 2013)
SOR Inc. announced the new
Western regional sales manager, Tom
Geissler. Geissler has worked across a
broad spectrum of industries includ-
ing oil and gas, chemical, water and
wastewater, bio-tech and pharmaceu-
David Smith was named Gulf
Coast regional sales manager. With
more than 30 years experience in
sales and service in the oil and gas
industry, Smith will manage strategic
SOR Inc. provides level, pressure,
temperature and fow instrumenta-
tion. www.sorinc.com
LONDON ( June 11, 2013) Te
World Energy Council (WEC)
appointed Dr. Nicols M. Depetris
Chauvin as its regional manager for
the Latin America and Caribbean
(LAC) region. Depetris Chauvin will
support the WEC in strengthening
its network in this region.
WEC is the principal impartial
network of leaders and practitioners
promoting an afordable, stable and
environmentally sensitive energy
system for the greatest beneft of all.
Fluid Handling
RADOLFZELL, Germany ( June
6, 2013) Colfax Fluid Handling
announced Gunter Connert as
direct sales manager at Colfax Fluid
Handling. Connert is responsible for
serving the Power & Industry busi-
ness segment in Germany, Benelux,
Great Britain and Finland.
Colfax Fluid Handling, a business
of Colfax Corporation, is a provider
in critical fuid-handling and transfer
solutions. www.colfaxcorp.com

SAN RAMON, Calif. ( June 5,
2013) Chevron Corporation
named Jef Shellebarger president of
Chevron North America Exploration
and Production Company.
Shellebarger succeeds Gary Luquette,
who will retire afer 35 years. He
will be responsible for overseeing
Chevrons exploration and produc-
tion activities.
Chevron is an integrated energy
company. www.chevron.com
MILLER, Claxton Engineering
Services Ltd.
5, 2013) Claxton Engineering
completes acquisition of J2 Engineering Services Ltd. July 11, 2013
completes acquisition of Lufin Industries July 1, 2013
acquires DynaFlo Artifcial Lif Systems and
Five Star Equipment June 27, 2013
and ExxonMobil advance strategic cooperation June 21, 2013
www.upstreampumping.com 7
Services Ltd., an
Acteon company,
named Nicholas Dale
business develop-
ment manager for
Southeast Asia. Based
in Singapore, he will
focus on increasing the
companys penetration
into the areas market.
Claxton also appoint-
ed Gerry Miller as
vice president of sales,
marketing and com-
mercial. Millers base
will be at Claxtons headquarters in
Great Yarmouth, U.K.
Claxton, an Acteon company,
supplies engineering and services,
Acteon companies provide mooring,
foundation, riser, conductor, fowline
and marine electronics products and
services, www.acteon.com.
VISTAVU Among Canadas
Fastest-Growing Companies
CALGARY, Canada ( June 3, 2013)
VistaVu made its frst appearance
on the defnitive listing of Canadas
Fastest-Growing Companies. It was
ranked 385 in the 2013 PROFIT 500
VistaVu Solutions is an ERP
sofware solution provider. www.
Baker Hughes
HOUSTON (May 28, 2013)
Baker Hughes Incorporated named
Mike Sumruld as vice president and
Baker Hughes supplies oilfeld
services, products, technology and
systems to the oil and natural gas
industry. www.bakerhughes.com
Weir Minerals Canada Opens
New Facility
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario ( July
24, 2013) Weir Minerals Canada
announced that its Fort McMurray
service and distribution operation
has been relocated to a new facility
in the MacKenzie Industrial Park.
Tis 19,000-square-foot facility will
support customers in the Athabasca
Oil Sands. Weir Minerals delivers
end-to-end solutions for mining,
dewatering, transportation, milling,
processing and waste management
activities. www.weir.co.uk
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8 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
Reservoir Laboratory in China
CHENGDU, China ( July 3, 2013)
Schlumberger announced the of-
fcial opening of the Schlumberger
Reservoir Laboratory in Chengdu,
Te company also contributed
fve scholarships to the American
Association of Petroleum Geologists
(AAPG) Outstanding Student
Chapter Awards. Schlumberger is a
supplier of technology, integrated
project management and informa-
tion solutions. www.slb.com
GE Measurement & Control
Unveils New Customer
Application Center
MOSCOW ( June 26, 2013) GE
announced the grand opening of its
new Customer Application Center
in Moscow. Te company also
announced the grand opening of its
Customer Solutions Center at GE
Measurement & Controls Inspection
Technologies site in Lewistown,
Pa. GE Measurement & Control
provides advanced, sensor-based
measurement; non-destructive test-
ing and inspection; fow and process
control; turbine, generator, and plant
controls; and condition monitoring.
HOLT CAT Breaks Ground for
New Facilities
EDINBURG, Texas ( June 25, 2013)
HOLT CAT held groundbreak-
ing ceremonies for its facilities in
Edinburg, Texas, and Little Elm,
HOLT CAT sells, rents and ser-
vices Caterpillar machines, engines,
generator sets and trucks. www.
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10 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
ilute drilling fuid required
to return the drilling fuid
to within the original speci-
fcation is a major drilling expense.
Typically, 20 or more barrels of dilute
drilling fuid are required to ofset
one barrel of drilled solids that is not
removed from the drilling fuid. As a
result, many operators now use a de-
canter centrifuge, in addition to the
standard shaker and desander, to im-
prove their solids removal ef ciency
Te improvement in SRE comes
from a decanter centrifuges abil-
ity to remove drilled solids that are
too small for a shaker, desander and
desilter to separate. Tis article dis-
cusses how a centrifuge fed by a ro-
tary lobe pump can improve solids
removal. It also details an example
of a savings calculation from a dilute
drilling fuid calculator that shows
the possible savings from using a de-
canter centrifuge with a rotary lobe
Feeding with a Rotary
Lobe Pump
A centrifuge can help remove solids
that are too small to be eliminated by
the standard shakers, desanders and
desilters. Te D50 cut-point for the
shaker, desilter and desander combi-
nation is typically 70 microns. Te
D50 cut-point for a decanter centri-
fuge is typically 6 microns. A D50
cut-point of 6 microns means that
the centrifuge will remove 50 percent
of the 6 micron solids in the drilling
To obtain the maximum beneft,
decanter centrifuges should be fed
by a low-shear, positive displacement
pump. Te solids removal is improved
with a rotary lobe pump because a
centrifugal pumps shearing action re-
sults in a higher percentage of drilled
Rotary Lobe Pumps &
Decanter Centrifuge Increase
Solids Removal
By Bill Blodgett, LobePro Rotary Pumps
Operators can experience ease of use, cost savings and improved efciency.
A drilling rig in the Marcellus Shale, image courtesy of Baker Hughes Inc.
www.upstreampumping.com 11
solids that are less than 6 microns and,
therefore, unable to be removed by
the centrifuge. Te fow from a rotary
lobe pump is not afected as much as
a centrifugal pump by changes in vis-
cosity, pressure and specifc gravity.
Terefore, a rotary lobe pump can be
much more readily managed to feed
enough drilling fuid to take full ad-
vantage of the centrifuges capacity
without overfeeding it.
Drilling rig personnel are gener-
ally occupied with other tasks and
cannot constantly adjust a centrifugal
pump or change impellers as required.
As a result, many more barrels of drill-
ing fuid will typically be processed by
the centrifuge when fed by a rotary
lobe pump.
Tis is also important because it
is generally accepted that drilling sol-
ids not removed on the frst pass will
never be removed and will have to be
controlled by dilution.
Rotary Lobe Pump
Table 1 shows a substantial reduction
in dilution drilling fuid required for a
7,000-foot hole that results from the
addition of a decanter centrifuge to
other solids separation equipment. In
this example, the savings in dilution
drilling fuid preparation and disposal
net of the centrifuge rental expense
is $70,548 for the one 10-day job.
Te example in Table 1 is taken from
Chapter 13 of the Drilling Fluids
Processing Handbook published by
ASME Shale Shaker Committee.
Te drilling fuid in this example
was separated using a shaker, desilter
and desander in combination, which
removed 60 percent of the drilled sol-
ids. Ten a centrifuge removed of
the 40 percent of drilled solids that re-
mained. Te improvement in SRE re-
sulted from the decanter centrifuges
ability to remove particles between 6
to 70 microns that were not removed
by the other solids separation equip-
In the example, a well bore of
13.5 inches in diameter that is 7,000
feet deep will result in 1,237 barrels of
drilled solids. Te shaker, desilter and
desander combination leaves 495 bar-
rels (40 percent of 1,237) of drilled
solids in the drilling fuid. Using
Section 4 in Table 1, 32.1 barrels of
dilute drilling fuid are required for
each barrel of drilled solids to restore
the drilling mud to specifcation. Tis
equals 15,868 barrels of dilute drilling
fuid (495 x 32.1) with a total cost of
$238,025 ($15 x 15,868) for dilute
drilling fuid if a decanter centrifuge
is not used.
By using a decanter centrifuge
fed by a rotary lobe pump to remove
of the 495 barrels of drilled solids
remaining in the drilling fuid afer
processing by the shaker, desander
and desilter combination, the cost of
dilute drilling fuid can be reduced by
$78,548 ($238,025 x ).
Some drilled solids, primarily
those less than 6 microns, remain afer
centrifuge treatment. Unfortunately,
the solids that contribute most to
poor hole conditions are colloids and
ultra-fne solids under 6 microns. As
a result, many experienced operators
have switched to low-shear, positive
displacement pumps to feed the de-
canter centrifuge in an efort to mini-
mize colloids and ultra-fne drilled
Te dilute drilling fuid calcu-
lator, which was used to obtain the
numbers in Table 1, helps determine
the reduction in dilution drilling fuid
required if the centrifuge is fed with
a low-shear rotary lobe pump versus a
centrifugal pump. (Email the author
for a copy of the calculator.)
Using a centrifugal pump instead
will reduce the percentage of drilled
Table 1. Dilute drilling uid calculator
12 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
solids removed from 33 percent to
25 percent. Tis reduces the savings
from using a decanter centrifuge
by $19,042 on just one 10-day job.
Additional benefts of a rotary lobe
pump are:
Eliminating the annual overhaul
cost for the centrifuge that can
result from overfeeding of the
centrifuge by a centrifugal pump,
typically about $12,000 per year
Avoiding priming problems at the
drill sitea nuisance for opera-
torsbecause rotary lobe pumps
are self-priming and have strong
Case Study
In 2009, a pumping solution com-
pany was selected by a manufacturer
of decanter centrifuges as a partner.
Most operators using low-shear, posi-
tive displacement pumps selected
progressive cavity pumps (PCPs). Te
decanter centrifuge manufacturers
management knew that several key
operators were unhappy with the
PCPs because of feld failures caused
by dry running for as little as 30 sec-
onds, the time and dif culty to re-
place parts in the feld, and the cost of
repair parts.
Afer extensive testing by its en-
gineering staf, one of these users se-
lected the decanter centrifuge manu-
facturers package featuring the rotary
lobe pumps to feed their centrifuges
and have replaced many of their
PCPs with the pump solution com-
panys low-shear, positive displace-
ment pump. Tese rotary lobe pumps
are well-suited for their drilling mud
tasks because they can run dry, pro-
vide low shear, have a strong vacuum
and are self-priming. An additional
bonus to these pumps is the ability to
perform pump maintenance in-place
quickly and easily. One person can
handle the maintenance on the com-
panys average size pump in half the
time of a comparable PCP.
Bill Blodgett is presi-
dent of LobePro Rotary
Pumps. He holds degrees
in economics and fnance
fom the University
of Pennsylvania and
the University of Chicago. He can be
reached at billb@lobepro.com.
LobePro Rotary Pumps provides engi-
neered pumping solutions in applica-
tions such as drilling mud, oil refning,
corrosives and waste oil. To learn more
about LobePro Rotary Pumps, please
visit www.lobepro.com.
H b
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14 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
s oil and gas well fracture
stimulation has progressed,
multiple novel technologies
have been developed to keep pace.
With the onset of horizontal lateral
drilling and completion work, this
trend has been magnifed even more.
It has been reported that 500 to 1,000
trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas
reserves have been added by North
American shale plays alone. In 19 geo-
graphical basins, an estimated 35,000
horizontal wells have been drilled and
completed using multistage fractur-
ing techniques.
Proved reserves of U.S. oil and
natural gas in 2010 rose by the highest
amounts ever recorded since the U.S.
Energy Information Administration
(EIA) began publishing proved re-
serves estimates in 1977. An impor-
tant factor for both oil and gas was
the expanding application of horizon-
tal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in
resource shales and other tight (very
low permeability) formations. Te
same technologies that frst spurred
substantial gains in natural gas proved
reserves have more recently expanded
into similar oil producing formations.
Helping drive proved reserves increas-
es in 2010 were higher prices used to
assess economic viability relative to
the prices used for the 2009 reporting
year, particularly for oil.
Remedial Eorts for
Fracture Treatment in
Horizontal Laterals
By Robert Reyes, Halliburton
A design stimulation program using a diversion frac for proppant distribution can
effectively stimulate troubled wells.
First of Two Parts
www.upstreampumping.com 15
Stimulation Evolution
Fracture stimulation methods have
evolved signifcantly from the high
rate100 to more than 180 barrels
per minutetrue limited entry de-
sign that used perforation techniques
in an attempt to fracture treat from
the heel to toe with a one-time pump-
in stage. Many of these applications
treated as much as a mile of lateral in
one or two hours in a single opera-
tion. On most of these jobs, when a
post-frac survey was performed, a
large percentage of the lateral would
show little or no stimulation, with the
toe section most ofen untreated. Tis
led well operators to seek better com-
pletion plans, and new completion
and stimulation tools were designed
to implement such changes.
Te frst major change was to
subdivide the wellbore and use the
same limited entry perforating tech-
nique on shorter sections, with the in-
dustry designing new staging plug de-
signs that allowed them to be pumped
down the lateral to the desired posi-
tion and wireline set. Soon, this type
of plug would also drag down a multi-
shot perf gun in the same operation,
and by about 2002 or 2003, the perf
and plug process was in use. New
completion designs emerged that re-
quired lower injection rates, typically
50 to 90 barrels per minute, depend-
ing on the number of dividing stages
that were selected or the number of
perforated intervals per stage. For this
reason, staged fracturing completions
began to be the dominant method as
resource shale completions became
more common.
Tis perf and plug method re-
duced horsepower costs while pro-
viding each fractured compartment a
better chance to be efectively treated.
Te savings in horsepower was ini-
tially a trade of with the amount of
increased time spent performing the
stage frac treatment, but going back
to non-staged completions was not
considered a viable economic option.
With decreased total completion time
becoming a critical issue for improv-
ing economics further, pumping ser-
vice companies began to address how
the stage fracture treatment could
be as ef cient as the compartmental
lower rate plug and perf method, yet
signifcantly reduce the time required
for stimulation. Te next major solu-
tion was sliding sleeves activated by
ball drop mechanics. Tis approach
increased the hardware costs of com-
pletion, but ofered the economic
benefts of reduced stimulation times.
By installing the lateral slid-
ing sleeves with a baf e (increasing
in opening size as the position ap-
proached the heel) each stage would
end by dropping a specifcally sized
ball from the surface to land on the
baf e and slide the sleeve into an
open position. With this technol-
ogy, instead of shutting down to
pump a plug and perforate, the time
between stages was reduced signif-
cantly. Operators were again able to
fracture an entire wellbore lateral
(10 to 20 stages) in one day, possibly
even allowing for fowback. However,
just as plug and perf operations of-
ten encounter malfunctions that add
costs, so might the ball activated slid-
ing sleeve completion. Tey may be
caused by human error of action or
judgment, mechanical failure, or by
unforeseen quirks of nature.
With respect to the premature
sticking of plugs or failed perf guns,
recovering from these failures is usu-
ally possible, with added time and
costs for the recovery operations, but
seldom with very much loss of pro-
ducing zones. However, when a fail-
ure occurs with a ball activated sliding
sleeve assembly in place, the degree of
problem may be as small as losing a
single pay interval to an issuesuch
as 10 or more completion stages with
sliding sleeves in the lateral and be-
ing unable to open any of the sliding
sleeve ports. Such a case could pos-
sibly be solved by milling out all the
ball seats and then attempting to re-
vert back to the application of plug
and perf technique, requiring pos-
sibly a week or longer to recover the
wellbore and to pump a perf and plug
Tis two-part series discusses
a novel technique detailing a west
Texas case history in which a service
company was asked to recover a well
in which all the sliding sleeve comple-
tion tools were in failure mode. It was
decided to open all the zones and use
a new product to efectively treat all
stages in one pumping treatment. Tis
technique is called diversion frac for
proppant distribution.
Diversion Frac for
Proppant Distribution
Te diversion frac method is engi-
neered to improve the ef ciency of
completion techniques. As a result,
production increases should be ob-
served. Te procedure involves pro-
viding all reservoir access points an
opportunity to receive fracture stimu-
lation treatment. Te access points
include the perforations, comple-
tion sliding sleeve tools, hydraulic
sleeves, hydrojetted holes, and open
hole, which are the fracture initiation
points. With the staged dropping of
a biodegradable material, which exists
in a range of mesh sizes, a previously
treated zone is bridged and diverted,
sending the trailing fracture treat-
ment stage into the next access point,
which should be the next untreated
zone that is least resistant to taking
fuid. Time is saved when the drop is
made, and the previously treated zone
is diverted, redirecting the treatment
16 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
fuid that follows to break down
the next zone. Tis process occurs in
the same timeframe in which crews
operating the old plug and perforate
method would be shutting down
to get ready for wireline runs to set
a plug and perforate the next zone,
which could take two hours per stage
on an average well.
Background: Plug and
Perforate Method
Te plug and perforate completion
technique has been the primary pro-
cess for stage frac completions for
most of the past decade. Te well com-
pletion type most commonly applied
has been be a cemented liner or casing
or, less ofen, an openhole liner using
casing external packers to partition
the annulus into zones and includes
pumping down plugs and perforat-
ing guns in horizontal applications.
Te application consists of gaining
entry to the formation by perforating
the farthest interval or the toe section
and then breaking down the forma-
tion and pumping the frst fracture
treatment into this zone. Afer a large
fush stage to wash residual proppant
from the wellbore and then shutting
down, isolation is achieved from the
just-treated zone by placing a pump-
down mechanical plug above it. Ten
the process repeats as the next zone to
be treated is perforated (typically two
to seven perf clusters). Te gun is re-
trieved and then the interval is broken
down and fracture stimulated. Tis
procedure continues until the last
planned zone is treated and fushed.
In North America, the plug and
perforate process is being used in
about 85 percent of todays horizon-
tal well completions.
Ef ciencies can
be improved by combining multiple
perforating runs (i.e., multiple stages)
into one and a signifcant amount of
time can be saved by using diversion
frac for proppant distribution in be-
tween these sub-stages. With an hour
or two as a baseline to perform wire-
line runs, running three sub-stages in
one run saves two to four hours per
Applications of
Diversion Frac for
Proppant Distribution
Te service operators special biode-
gradable diverting agents provide tem-
porary temperature- or time-based
fuid-loss control (temporary perf
sealing) in the near-wellbore region
(NWB) of the perforations and the
fracture of new zones accepting fuid
afer the diverter arrives. Diverting
agents of this type have been used to
divert in perforation tunnels, near-
feld fractures, slotted liners and open
hole zones to redirect the fracturing
treatment fuid to non-treated zones
(zones that accepted little or no fuid
before diverter placement).
Treatment fuids used include
frac gel, acid, scale treatment and well-
control treatments. Te treatment can
be placed in aqueous fuid between
applications or bullheaded before an
application, such as with split casing
in which one is attempting to divert
away from a trouble zone. Volumes
required depend on the geometry of
where diversion is desired. Reservoir
or treating pressure will not afect bio-
degradable diverters.
Te advantages of biodegradable
diversion material include:
Treatment time is reduced.
Treatment fuid is distributed more
ef ciently.
Te need to drill out plugs is
Figure 1. Material A (1 pound per gallon) degradation testing at 160 F
Figure 2. Material B degradation at 100 F
www.upstreampumping.com 17
Te material is compatible with
many fracturing fuids.
Te material degrades over time.
Care must be taken to isolate the
pumps that are engaged with the ma-
terial because special valve seats are
required for proper pumping.
Diverter Delivery
and Diversion
Using a method to alter fow distribu-
tion is called diversion. Its purpose is
to divert the fow of fuid from one
portion of an interval to another.
Te diversion method best suited
for a particular situation depends on
many factors, including but not lim-
ited to the type of well completion,
perforation density, the type of fuid
that is produced or injected afer the
diversion treatment, casing and ce-
ment sheath integrity, bottomhole
temperature, and bottomhole pres-
sure available as fow-back energy.
Particle bridging is achieved with
a product that is multi-sized, biode-
gradable and temporary. Two specifc
size distributions are:
Material A particle size distribu-
tion: 20 to 25 percent is in the
4- to 10-mesh size range and 40
to 50 percent is in the 20- to 40-
mesh size range. Te remainder is
Material B particle size distribu-
tion: 8 to 10 percent is larger than
8 mesh, 40 to 50 percent is in the
20- to 40-mesh range, and 30 to 45
percent is smaller than 40 mesh.
Te action of the smaller particles
will nest in the pore throats of the
coarse-sized particles and create a seal
to fuid fow. A characteristic of par-
ticle bridging is that it is independent
of the size or geometry of the perfo-
ration or void space. Te variable
mesh will accumulate and divert fuid
fow. At the designed temperature, the
material will sofen, helping achieve a
seal that is more restrictive to fow,
which creates back-pressure against
any fuid that attempts to fow into a
diverted channel. Tis allows higher
pressure in the wellbore that may be
needed to initiate fow in a new zone.
Once the material is pumped into
the perforation or fracture, it will later
degrade based on temperature and/
or time. Te Material A form of this
agent is efective in wells with a bot-
tomhole static temperature (BHST)
of 160 to 320 F (see Figure 1). For
wells with lower BHSTs, Material B is
efective in temperatures as low as 140
F and up to 450 F (see Figure 2).
For cooler wells, because the deg-
radation occurs over time, depend-
ing on the pumping time, it can be
acceptable to use diversion frac for
proppant distribution, but laboratory
testing must confrm the candidate
well. Case History A (discussed later
in this article) was such a well, with
BHST of only 127 F.
Degradation of these materials is
based on the dissolution of the mate-
rials in water or other brine solutions.
For typical well fowback, 100 percent
dissolution is not required. Field ex-
perience has indicated that as little as
20 percent degradation would result
in non-restrictive fowback and clean
up times would not be impacted.
Case History A
Te case history discussed in this sec-
tion describes a horizontal west Texas
well in Ward County. Te well was
cased with 7-inch, 26-pound-per-foot
Depth (feet)
0 to 8,610 7 6.276 26 P-110
Open Hole 7,651 to 9,718 6.125
Production Liner 7,651 to 12,353 4.5 4.000 11.6 P-110
Table 1. Tubulars
Interval Name/ Depth (feet) No. of Perfs TVD (feet)
Stg 1 perforation interval: 12,213 to 12,214 12 8,083
Stg 2 perforation interval: 11,900 to 11,901 12 8,081
Stg 3 perforation interval: 11,546 to 11,547 12 8,078
Stg 4 perforation interval: 11,145 to 11,146 12 8,084
Stg 5 perforation interval: 10,703 to 10,704 12 8,099
Stg 6 perforation interval: 10,253 to 10,254 12 8,114
Stg 7 perforation interval: 9,989 to 9,990 12 8,119
Stg 8 perforation interval: 9,633 to 9,634 12 8,125
Stg 9 perforation interval: 9,366 to 9,367 12 8,130
Stg 10 perforation interval: 8,967 to 8,968 12 8,136
Stg 11 perforation interval: 8,655 to 8,656 12 8,144
Stg 12 perforation interval: 8,344 to 8,345 12 8,146
Table 2. Perforations
Treatment/Depth (ft.) Pore Press. (psig) BHST (F) Frac. Grad. (psi/ft.)
Devonian: 8,344 to 12,214 3,092 127 0.75
Table 3. Lithology
18 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
(ppf ) casing to 8,610 feet, then a 4.5-
inch liner 11.6 ppf is hung at 7,651
to 12,353 feet. True vertical depth
(TVD) was 8,144 feet. Drilled in
the Devonian formation, perfora-
tions were at 12,213; 11,900; 11,546;
11,145; 10,703; 10,253; 9,989; 9,633;
9,366; 8,967; 8,655; and 8,344 feet
shot with 12 shots per foot. Pore pres-
sure was 3,092 psi with 127 F BHST.
A previous service company ran
sliding sleeves as part of the liner,
and the sleeves would not open, caus-
ing a job failure. Te ball-seat baf es
had to be drilled out to allow perfo-
rating. Using the diversion frac for
proppant distribution material, it was
decided to perforate the above depths
and have the horizontal lateral 100
percent open in all zones planned to
frac. Te fracture treatment design
would incorporate diversion to place
the proppant treatment into all zones
in one large pump-in stage. Tables 1
through 3 present the details for the
tubulars, perforations and lithology
of the Ward County well.
Te team decided to pump a guar-
based crosslinked fuid (prepared
from 15 centipoise [cp] base gel) car-
rying 1, 2, 3 and 4 pounds mass per
gallon (lbm/gal) brown 20/40-mesh
sand in fve separate stages. Afer each
fush, the plan was to drop 240 lbm of
100-mesh sand with 240 lbm of the
diversion frac for proppant distribu-
tion material such that it equates to 2
lbm/gal concentration for the diverter
combinations based on the volume in
which they were mixed. Because fve
proppant frac stages were planned,
diversion material was dropped afer
Stages 1 through 4. Afer Stage 5, only
a fush was to be used.
Te fracture treatment used the
following volumes (Note: All cross-
linked gel was prepared using the 15-
cp linear gel):
74,848 gallons of linear 15-cp fuid
used for fushes and to place divert-
ing material downhole
75,663 gallons of crosslinked gel
used in pad stages
209,464 gallons of crosslinked
gel used to carry 319,848 lbm of
20/40-mesh brown sand at 1, 2, 3
and 4-lbm/gal concentrations
5,964 gallons of crosslinked gel to
carry the diverters at a 2-lbm/gal
Figures 3 through 6 illustrate the
diversion efects. Stage 1 (not shown)
pumped 47,833 lbm of proppant,
and Stage 2 was commenced (Figure
3). Stage 2 frst dropped a diverter at
11:23 minute on the surface, and it ar-
rived at the calculated bottom interval
at 11:43 minute, which corresponds
to a 200-psi increase in pressure be-
tween these two times as the diverter
approached an uphole, open perfo-
ration. Te operations proceeded to
frac, as designed. A total of 123,203
lbm of proppant was pumped during
Stage 2.
In front of Stage 3 was the sec-
ond diverter drop (Figure 4). Te
diverter was dropped at 13:46 on the
surface, and at 14:11 it reached the
calculated bottom interval, with a
400-psi increase in pressure at 13:56.
Operations proceeded to frac Stage 3.
Figure 3. Pumping of diverter following Stage 1 and the pumping of Stage 2
Figure 4. Diverter after Stage 2 and the pumping of Stage 3
www.upstreampumping.com 19
Sand-laden fuid was pumped (not as
designed, due to high pressures) at 0.5
and 1 lbm/gal. A total of 32,891 lbm
of proppant was pumped.
Prior to Stage 4 was the third di-
verter drop (Figure 5). Te diverter
was dropped at 15:54 on the surface,
and at 16:18, it reached the calculated
bottom interval, with a 300-psi in-
crease in pressure at 16:16. Operations
proceeded to frac Stage 4. Sand-laden
fuid was pumped (not as designed
because of pressure rise) from 0.5, 1,
2 and 3 lbm/gal. Te operator did not
attempt to pump the 4-lbm/gal con-
centration. A total of 115,921 lbm of
proppant was pumped during Stage 4.
Preceding Stage 5 was the fourth
diverter drop (Figure 6). Te diverter
was dropped at 17:45 on the surface
and reached the calculated bottom
interval at 18:17, with elevated pres-
sures. Pumping sand-laden fuid was
not attempted because of maximum
pressure, and the job proceeded to the
fush stage.
Tis work discusses a case history
from a horizontal west Texas well in
Ward County involving diversion frac
for proppant distribution. Te project
was initiated with a troubled horizon-
tal wellbore, which was an economic
burden. Having not been stimulated,
any treatment seemed costly, because
completion tools that had previously
failed had to be altered before the
operator believed a fracture treatment
could be attempted.
A pumping service company
engineered a remedial design stimu-
lation program involving the pre-
perforating of 12 zones and using a
diversion frac for proppant distribu-
tion, which was pumped with excel-
lent results. Both the service company
and the operator were satisfed with
the results, but production numbers
have not yet been released at the re-
quest of the well operator.
Te 4,000-foot lateral and 144
perforations encompassing many
stages of shale pay were efectively
stage fracture treated in approximate-
ly 10 hours. Tis pump-in included
319,848 lbm of 20/40-mesh brown
proppant and 365,939 gallons of frac-
turing fuid with additives and break-
ers set to create a signifcant stimu-
lated reservoir volume, providing the
well a very good chance for economic
Part Two (September/October
2013) will include two other case his-
tories using the diversion frac method.
1. EIA U.S. Energy Information
Administration, August 2012.
2. Halliburton. 2012. AccessFrac PD.
Technology Bulletin SMA-1-000-X,
3. Reyes, R., Glasbergen, G., Yeager, V.,
and Parrish, J. 2011. DTS Sensing: An
Emerging Technology Ofers Fluid
Placement for Acid. Paper SPE 145055
presented at the SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
Colorado, USA, 30 October 2
Robert Reyes is on the
Technology Team for
Halliburton Energy
Services in the Permian
Basin and has 18 years
of experience in the oil
and gas industry.
Figure 5. Diverter after Stage 3 and the pumping of Stage 4
Figure 6. The diverter after Stage 4 did not allow pumping of Stage 5
20 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
s the hydraulic fracturing
industry has grown and
developed in recent years,
greater demands are placed on hy-
draulic fracturing (frac) and well ser-
vice pump equipment. Specifcally,
because of the necessity of well ser-
vice capabilities at increasing depths,
these pumps face higher pressures
and greater power requirements.
Short Life in
Harsh Conditions
As one of the main consumables of
the pump, the fuid end is greatly
afected by these rising demands.
Depending on the power rating of
the pump, the fuid end must survive
harsh operating environmental con-
ditions while performing at increas-
ingly high pressures and high fow
rates. For example, operating pres-
sures up to 15,000 psi and speeds of
up to 300 strokes per minute are not
uncommon. Te life of the fuid end
is also greatly afected by the pumped
proppant, which can cause erosion
of the pumps internal surfaces and
valves. Ultimately, this reduces the
pressure and fow rate capacity of the
Pumps are generally confgured
as triplex (three pressure plungers)
or quintuplex (fve pressure plung-
ers) units. During the operational
cycle (one complete revolution of the
pump crank), each pressure plunger
is incorporated into operation. In
particular, the triplex and quintuplex
pumps operate at 120-degree and
72-degree intervals, respectively.
For instance, the correspond-
ing oscillating pressure cycles within
a quintuplex fuid end range from a
negative pressure (suction) to dis-
charge (up to 15,000 psi), occurring
every ffh of a second for a pump
operating at 300 strokes per minute.
Te eventual result of these demand-
ing conditions is fatigue cracking.
Searching for Solutions
During the last decade, the industry
has developed and refned its fuid
Fluid End Life
By Gary Pendleton and Rob McPheron, AXON Energy Products
Fluid end developments and modular design prolong uid end life while maintaining
higher pressures.
Confgurable quintuplex pump with modular fuid end assembly
Examples of varied fuid end replacement types
www.upstreampumping.com 21
ends to provide operators with solu-
tions to prolong fuid end life while
maintaining high pressures. For ex-
ample, tougher carbon steels and/or
stainless steels have been developed
to provide increased durability of the
internal surfaces to reduce the erosive
efects and resist fatigue cracking.
Tese properties must be balanced
with the increased dif culty of ma-
chining tougher steels and the chemi-
cal efects of the proppants used.
Techniques have been specif-
cally developed to reduce fatigue
efects, including autofrettage and
shot peening. Autofrettage is a metal
processing technique that exposes the
fuid end to massive pressure, causing
its internal portions to yield. Shot
peening is achieved by accelerating
spherical media against the fuid ends
surface to form small dents. Both
methods provide localized, com-
pressed surfaces within the internal
structure of the fuid end. For crack-
ing to occur, the compressive stresses
must be overcome before a tensile
stress can be developed. Once in the
tensile region and subject to material
and geometric properties of the fuid
end, cracking may begin.
Additional benefts can be
achieved with modular fuid ends
if the pressure containment can be
isolated from imposing stresses to
adjacent fuid end cylinders. Because
of its design, stress transfer typically
occurs between cylinders in mono-
block assemblies. In contrast, single
fuid ends (in a triplex or quintuplex
model) provide a natural break in the
stress transfer, reducing the fexing
stress amplitude within the fuid end.
Tis improves pressure cycles and
reduces cylinder stress during opera-
tion, thereby diminishing the poten-
tial for fatigue stress.
All fuid ends could ultimately
fail because of fatigue cracking or a
reaction to chemicals, erosion or a
combination of these. When operat-
ing at high pressures, fuid ends are
prone to fnite lifespans. Using mod-
ular fuid end assemblies instead of
a monoblock design results in easier
maintenance and reduced downtime.
In particular, the modular de-
sign allows for reduced maintenance
cost and time required for service.
Inventory options are also more vi-
able with the modular design, further
decreasing downtime.
For example, it is more viable to
have single fuid end assemblies in
Study conducted for modular fuid end
Depending on the power rating of the pump, the
uid end must survive harsh operating environmen-
tal conditions while performing at increasingly high
pressures and high ow rates.
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22 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
inventoryready for replacement
in the frac pump when needed
rather than enduring downtime as
the monoblock assembly is manufac-
Moreover, converting from
monoblock to modular does not re-
quire special tools, training or parts.
Regardless of the design, fuid
end life can be extended with a main-
tenance program that includes:
Inspecting fuid end internals for
damaged or worn parts afer each
Washing fuid ends to remove
any stagnant sediment
Inspecting stay rods and tie bars
for proper torque compressions
Maintaining accurate data for
the total rate pumped
Rather than mitigating pump is-
sues as they occur, a thorough main-
tenance schedule is ideal to ensure
the longest fuid end life possible.
Gary Pendleton is the
chief technology of-
fcer at AXON Energy
Products. He has been
involved in product
development in an
extensive range of industries and has
a track record of leading-edge technol-
ogy development and innovation. He
holds an engineering degree fom the
University of Sunderland and patent
registrations in a variety of industries.
Rob McPheron is
the account man-
ager for AXON Well
Intervention Products
with an expertise in
well service pumps and
equipment. Afer attending Middle
Tennessee State University and run-
ning his own business for seven years,
he joined AXON in 2009. He is a
member of SPE, AESC and ICoTA.
He can be reached at robmcpheron@
axonep.com or 832-655-9437.
Modular fuid end assembly compared with monoblock fuid end assembly
i d h








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24 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
s e c t i o n
s global energy demand con-
tinues to rise, operators are
pursuing new frontiers in oil
and gas exploration. Following several
years of steady gains, deepwater has
emerged as a leader in unconventional
oil and gas production. According to
an Information Handling Services
report, deepwater reserves accounted
for more than 75 percent of new dis-
coveries last year, exceeding onshore
and shallow water discoveries in num-
ber and size. Deepwater reservoirs are
typically located on the outer edge of
continental shelves and may be found
within the frigid confnes of the Arc-
tic Circle. Both situations pose special
challenges to nearly every aspect of
oil and gas exploration and produc-
tion, including the installation and
operation of pipeline fow assurance
In subsea oil and gas production,
fow assurance insulation technolo-
gies used to prevent hydrate and wax
formation typically rely on external
coatings, known as wet insulation,
Pipeline Protection During
Deepwater Production
By Alexander Lane, Te Dow Chemical Company
Wet insulation systems for subsea ow assurance provide reliable performance in
extreme environments.
ssssssss eeeeeeeeeeeeee ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc tttttttttttttttttttt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oooooooooooooooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
s e c t i o n
Performance of the system on line
pipe during reeling and installation
was tested via bend testing.
www.upstreampumping.com 25
that provide thermal protection and
corrosion control from the wellhead
to the delivery point. Polypropylene
and polyurethanes have long been
preferred materials for fow assurance
insulation, primarily because they
satisfy performance needs in a repeat-
able, cost-efective manner.
In deepwater environments, fow
assurance becomes more challeng-
ing because oil fowing from the res-
ervoirs is ofen much hotter than oil
from shallow water or onshore wells.
At the other temperature extreme,
subsea Arctic wells face fow assur-
ance challenges because of extremely
cold ambient temperatures, which
can restrict the fexibility of insula-
tion material and complicate pipe
reeling and installation. In both cases,
these conditions stretch or exceed the
thermal and mechanical capabilities
of current wet insulation oferings for
subsea fow assurance.
Flow Assurance
To bridge the performance gap, a
chemical company initiated a multi-
year research project to develop a
pipeline fow assurance insulation so-
lution that would reliably perform at
higher service temperatures and lower
installation temperatures. Joining
forces with insulation system applica-
tors worldwide, this initiative resulted
in the development of a subsea fow
assurance wet insulation system.
Te subsea fow assurance wet
insulation system is based on a special
insulation material that ofers uni-
form performance from the wellhead
to the delivery point with a wide in-
stallation and operating temperature
range. Ongoing test data demonstrate
that the system has the ability to with-
stand pressures found at water depths
of at least 4,000 meters and main-
tain stable thermal conductivity at
in-service temperatures as high as 160
C (320 F). Testing also demonstrates
the systems ability to retain fexibility
and toughness in temperatures as low
as -40 C (-40 F).
Te insulation system features a
hybrid polyether thermoset insula-
tion coating for thermal protection
and a fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE)
underlay for corrosion resistance.
Te special FBE anti-corrosion coat-
ing is based on a specifc epoxy resin
technology and is used for line pipe
and feld applications. Te insulation
system maintains a consistent, low
K-factor across components and de-
livers thermal and corrosion protec-
tion using a single technology that
works from the wellhead to the deliv-
ery point. Tis feature helps improve
reliability at any foreseeable subsea
depth by reducing the potential risks
associated with bonding dissimilar
and potentially incompatible materi-
als used on line pipe, subsea architec-
ture and feld joints.
Testing System
Several tests were conducted in lab
and small-scale to ensure the insula-
tion systems viability for component
coating, pipeline installation and long-
term service performance prior to
commercial-scale testing. In ring shear
testing, a coated pipe without a joint
was cut, and a section was evaluated
for system adhesion by quantifying
the force required to separate the dual-
layer system from the pipe.
During fexural fatigue testing,
system fexibility was tested by cy-
cling a coated pipe with a coated joint
100,000 times to imitate the vibra-
tion that may be experienced during
production. In thermal shock testing,
a coated pipe with a coated joint was
subjected to sudden changes in tem-
perature, cycling between 4 C (39.2
F) and 160 C (320 F) to simulate
sub-zero installation temperatures
and hot oil fowing through a cold
pipe. Tese extreme temperature fuc-
tuations tested joint adhesion and the
overall mechanical integrity of the
system. In all cases, third-party testing
confrmed that the mechanical prop-
erties demonstrated by the system in
lab and small-scale testing were fully
reproducible at full commercial scale.
Optimizing the
Application Process
In addition to extensive performance
testing, commercial-scale coating
trials were conducted to establish
simple, repeatable commercial ap-
plication processes. Across all three
application areas, the coating trials in-
dicated that the application processes
for the components of the insulation
system were complete and that the
system can be applied at full-scale.
Insulation for Line Pipe
Insulation for line pipe was success-
fully applied by a member of the glob-
al qualifed coater network at a new
pipe-coating facility near the Gulf
of Mexico. Te chemical company
collaborated with this coater on the
full-scale qualifcation of the special
line pipe insulation and worked to
optimize the insulation application
capability of the plant.
While full-scale pipe trials con-
tinued, a bending/straightening trial
The fexural fatigue test demonstrated the
fexibility of the system and its resilience
to vibrations that may be experienced
during production.
26 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
s e c t i o n
of jointed pipe coated with special line
pipe and feld joints insulation materi-
als was conducted in 2012 to test the
performance of the insulation system
on line pipe during reeling and instal-
lation. Te pipe was subjected to fve
bending and straightening cycles on
a 7.5-meter radius bending former
and a 30-meter radius straightening
former, respectively, at 8.7 C (47.6
F) ambient test conditions. Te pipe
passed with no audible or visual signs
of disbondment or cracking. Te pipe
was subsequently exposed to simu-
lated service test conditions and post-
testing as well, without any issues.
Afer large-scale testing, specimens
from the pipe were machined to con-
frm property retention.
Insulation for
Field Joints
Te coater for the special feld joints
insulation had advanced equipment
installed at its new research and de-
velopment facilities to support the
new technology ofering. Tis coating
application specialist demonstrated
a simple and robust feld joint coat-
ing process for special feld joint in-
sulation at full production scale on
8-inch line pipe coated with the spe-
cial line pipe insulation. Te robust,
reproducible process resulted in high-
quality feld joints with a competitive
15-minute cycle time, high mobility
and a compact equipment footprint.
Complex Geometry
Insulation for Subsea
Another important step in the on-
going qualifcation of the insulation
system as an end-to-end subsea fow
assurance solution was the successful
coating of subsea architecture with a
complex geometry. Since the intro-
duction of the insulation for subsea
architecture with a complex geom-
etry, a member of the global qualifed
coater network has refned its coating
application process to verify its ability
to custom coat complex subsea archi-
tecture and successfully applied the
special complex geometry insulation
to an experimental piece of subsea
architecture designed with intention-
ally complex geometry.
In preparation for the complex
geometry trial, the chemical company
conducted extensive fnite element
analysis modeling and worked closely
with the coater to design a rigor-
ous test piece that would exceed the
level of complexity typically found in
subsea architecture. Modeling results
informed the fnal shape of the mold
design and some of the internal coat-
ing processes. Afer prototype testing
and scale-up, the coating demonstra-
tion was successfully conducted and
replicated with multiple pours and
witnessed by members of a joint oil
and gas industry group.
Te chemical company continues to
pursue a high level of fow assurance
qualifcation for the wet insulation
system to decrease risk, especially in
extreme environments. Te new tech-
nology has been indicated for use in
subsea insulation applications.
Alexander Lane is the
global business leader
for the Transmission
segment of Dow Oil,
Gas & Mining, a
market-facing business
of Te Dow Chemical Company. His
responsibilities for the segment include
strategic marketing, business develop-
ment, business model innovation and
circle 127 on card or go to upsfreeinfo.com
www.upstreampumping.com 27
lectric motors for high-speed,
turbo compressors used in
the oil and gas industry are
limited by three factors: centrifugal
forces, thermal considerations and
rotordynamic (shaf vibration) be-
havior. Part One discussed the many
ofshore, subsea and onshore applica-
tions for electric motors. It also cov-
ered the causes of vibration. Part Two
included the requirements of rotor
and bearing design to limit vibration.
Part Tree discusses the structural
motor design necessary to minimize
vibration in compressor trains.
Interaction Between
Electric motors are a special class of
rotating machinery in which there
is strong interaction between the ro-
tating shaf and non-rotating struc-
turessuch as the stators and the
framebecause of the presence of
electromagnetic forces in the air gap.
Tese act on both the rotor and sta-
tor. To have low vibration levels, the
motor should be free of combined
rotor-structural resonance points in
the operating speed range.
Rotating rotor and non-rotating
structures are coupled through oil
flm forces at the bearing locations and
also by electromagnetic forces in the
rotor-stator air gap. Electromagnetic
forces generated in the air gap rotate
at the line frequency and twice the
line frequency. Forces at twice the line
frequency can cause ovalization of the
stator and frame, which is manifested
as vibration and noise. Tese 2-times
deformations can possibly be trans-
mitted through the base frame to the
pedestal bearings. Tis results in axial
bearing housing velocities that can
exceed the specifed limit. Tese vi-
brations are related to second-order
resonance amplifcation in the stator
To assess the vibration behavior
and minimize the risk for vibration
problems in the feld, rotor dynamic
calculations in critical drive trains
should be performedincluding the
non-rotating structures. Figure 1a
shows the pure rotor bending modes
that are decoupled from non-rotating
structures. Figure 1b shows rotor
bending because of a large movement
of the stator. Tis vibration mode
does not exist if full modeling of the
non-rotating structures is excluded
from the calculation.
Normally, the resonance points
of a rotor can be easily identifed.
Tis is more complicated for the non-
rotating parts because sheet metal
construction has many modes, and fl-
tering out the critical ones is not easy.
Te modal mass is one indication for
relevant modes. Only modes with
suf ciently high modal mass must be
considered for structural vibration
To identify the most critical
modes, a forced vibration response
calculation is usually required. Te
most sensitive factor for these types
of calculations is the assumption of
modal damping factors for the indi-
vidual modes. Comparison of calcu-
lation and measured response values
leads to modal damping factors of
between 1 to 3 percent, depending
on the participation of bolted con-
nections or other damping elements
in the mode shapes. In most cases,
a visual estimation of mode shapes
(how many joint connections are
involved in that mode) will lead to
normal damping values. For detailed
structural calculations, a suf ciently
accurate knowledge of the foundation
Compressor Motors
By Sumit Singhal, Siemens
Motor Structural Design
Last of Three Parts
Figure 1a. Pure rotor bending
mode shape
Figure 1b. Rotor bending caused
by large movement of non-rotating
structure (stator)
28 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
s e c t i o n
is necessary, which is discussed in the
next section.
High-speed drive trains for turbo-
compressors are mounted on either
concrete or steel foundations. Te
vibration behavior of the drive train
system on a concrete foundation is
much diferent than one on a steel
foundation. A concrete foundation
has high stifness, and if designed cor-
rectly, does not have much infuence
on the vibration behavior of the shaf
and bearing housings.
Te stifness of a steel foundation
is much lower than that of a concrete
foundation. Terefore, it has a sig-
nifcant infuence on the vibration be-
havior of the drive train system. Tis
means that mass stifness and damp-
ing of the foundation table should be
included in the rotordynamic calcula-
tions to better predict the feld vibra-
tion behavior. A steel foundation that
is much sofer than the drive train
structure is not uncommon. At the
design stage, stifness parameters of
foundations are based on fnite ele-
ment models. Quality and modeling
methods infuence the derivation of
foundation parameters that are used
in rotordynamic models.
Te stifness of the motors is nor-
mally not considered when designing
the foundation. Te mass and mass
moment of inertia of the motor, for
example, are usually modeled using
single mass points. Te connection
of the mass points can be realized us-
ing rigid beams to the foot point of
the motors. Ideally, the stifness of
turbomachinery foundations should
be higher than the stifness of the ma-
chinery oil flm and bearing housing
stifness. For large turbomachinery
trains, this cannot be accomplished
in every case because of arrangement
and cost/space restrictions. When the
foundation parameters are included
in the rotordynamic model, this sig-
nifcantly afects the predicted vibra-
tion behavior. For sof foundation
designs, rotordynamic behavior and
vibration amplitudes predicted based
on static foundation stifness are very
diferent than if the modal mass and
the stifness of the foundation is con-
sidered when making the analysis.
Te diferences in the vibration
amplitude calculations arise because
the system eigenvalues (natural fre-
quency) may be diferent for these
methods. If the system eigenvalue is
close to the operating speed range,
then this will increase the vibration
amplitudes. Realistic predictions can
be made by fnite element models of
the complete system, including the
foundation and machine structure.
A complete system analysis requires
a large amount of computing power
and expert engineering resources.
Figures 2a and 2b show examples of
these evaluations.
In accordance with DIN 4024,
two foundation options are avail-
ablerigid and fexible. Rigid foun-
dations mean the frst eigenvalues are
higher than the operational speed. In
most cases, only fexible foundations
can be incorporated, which means
that the frst or several eigenvalues are
within the operational speed range. In
this case, the stifness of the founda-
tion may infuence the rotor dynamic
calculation. To avoid vibration caused
Figure 2a. Pure rotor bending mode, concrete foundation
Figure 2b. Foundation bending mode inuencing shaft preparation at the
drive end of the motor
www.upstreampumping.com 29
by the foundation, the frst eigen-
modes of the foundation should be,
at a minimum, 20 percent lower or 25
percent higher than the operational
speed. Te higher mode should have
a separation margin of more than 10
Te second design criteria used
for foundations are efective in main-
taining the vibration amplitudes at the
machinery bearing housing and/or
casing in accordance with DIN ISO
10816. For motor design vibration
acceptance criteria, velocity measures
in accordance with DIN ISO 10816-
3 should not exceed 4.5 millimeters
per second for rigid foundations and
7.1 millimeters per second for fex-
ible foundations. Tese values are
for Zone B/C or during operation.
For the response analysis, an imbal-
ance quality of G 6.3 and a structural
damping of 2 percent in accordance
with DIN 4024 should be assumed.
Special considerations must be ap-
plied when designing high-speed
electric motor drives to meet low vi-
bration requirements. Special design
features, optimization of the rotor,
correct selection and optimization
of fuid bearings and magnetic bear-
ings are required to comply with
rotordynamic and vibration limits.
Te interaction between rotating
parts and non-rotating structures
must be considered to identify the ef-
fects of the system coupling on rotor-
dynamic and shaf vibration.
In addition to the motor design,
external infuences involving the
foundation design can lead to high
drive train vibration levels. To avoid
vibration problems in the feld, a
complete system analysis, including
the drive train and foundation, may
be required.
Series References
1. H. Kuemmlee, P. Wearon, F. Kleiner,
Large Electrical DrivesSetting Trends
for Oil & Gas Applications, in IEEE
PCIC Conference Record, 2008, PCIC-
2. S. Singhal, H. Walter, T. Tyer, Concept,
Design and Testing of 16,000 HP 9,500
rpm Induction Motor with Oil flm
Bearings for Pipeline Applications in
North America, IEEE PCIC Conference
Record, 2013.
3. API Std. 684: Tutorial on the API
Standard Paragraphs Covering Rotor
Dynamics and Balancing.
4. S. Singhal, R. Mistry, Oil Whirl
Rotordynamic Instability Phenomenon
Diagnosis and Cure in Large Induction
Motors, in IEEE PCIC Conference
Record, 2009.
5. A. Kimball, Vibration Prevention in
Engineering, New York, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1932.
6. D. Hartog, Mechanical Vibration, New
York, McGraw-Hill, 1934.
7. API 546 Brushless Synchronous
Machines 500 KVA and Larger.
8. API 617 Centrifugal Compressors for
Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Service
9. ISO 14839: Mechanical Vibration
Vibration of Rotating Machinery Equipped
with Active Magnetic Bearings, 1st Edition,
2004, ISO
10. DIN 4024 Machine foundations
Sumit Singhal is with Siemens Drive
Technologies Division, Large Drives
Applications. He can be reached at
Figure 3. Drive train on a steel foundation
Figure 4. Motor on a steel foundation with three-point support on an
offshore oil platform
30 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
The Marcellus Shale presents unique challenges to operators developing
these assets. Image courtesy of Baker Hughes
www.upstreampumping.com 31
n 2012, the Marcellus Shale was
the most productive gas feld in
the nation. Te play that ush-
ered in the shale gas boom is still the
dominant production gas feld today.
Pennsylvania and West Virginia now
produce 7 billion cubic feet of gas per
day, which is 25 percent of the nation-
wide production and nearly double
2011s rate.
Afer declining because of the
natural gas surplus, prices are begin-
ning to creep up. President Obamas
recent support of natural gas exports
and upcoming pipeline projects to
help move the vast quantities being
produced are helping the rebound
in prices. Because of this, natural gas
production rates are increasing again
as well.
While those in the industry un-
derstand that hydraulic fracturing
has been used for decades and is safe
when conducted correctly, environ-
mental concerns continue to be at the
forefront of production in the area.
Doug Walsers Report from the Field
on page 32 discusses the need for and
steps to take for responsible produc-
tion in the area.
Tis report includes the impor-
tant concern of water use and treat-
ment. Many well service companies
have embraced the challenge of pre-
venting water contamination. Tey
have developed systems to treat and
reuse produced water to prevent
the depletion of precious freshwater
sources (more critical in the arid cli-
mates of Texas and North Dakota)
and avoid produced water disposal.
Technological developments will
continue to improve production and
facilitate all aspects of the drilling,
completion and production process.
During hydraulic fracturing, sand,
water and chemicals are sent under
extremely high pressure into the shale
play. New proppants, called Penn
Prop, are beads from recycled glass
and other waste items that are used
instead of sand. Tis new proppant
could increase Marcellus shale pro-
duction by 50 percent.
Te economic benefts of the
upstream oil and gas industrys opera-
tions in the Marcellus Shale are great.
However, the need for infrastructure
for transportation and downstream
refning of the produced hydrocar-
bons will prove to be economic driv-
ers as well. In March 2012, Shell Oil
Company selected a site about 30
miles north of Pittsburgh for a petro-
chemical plant to convert natural gas
liquids into plastics and antifreeze,
but the fnal decision to move for-
ward is still several years away.
Te need to transport the pro-
duced gas to areas on the East Coast
for processing means that pipeline
infrastructure must be added and ag-
ing infrastructure must be repaired,
updated or replaced. Experts predict
that more than 50,000 miles of new
pipeline will be laid as a result of
Marcellus Shale drilling.
With surplus natural gas sup-
plies, the U.S. is seeing an increase in
its use. Most new-construction power
generation facilities are natural-gas-
fred, and many municipalities are
turning to natural-gas-powered ve-
hicles for their feets. Since natural
gas is a cleaner burning fuel than coal,
fewer emissions mean a cleaner envi-
In Pennsylvania specifcallyin
the center of the Marcellusa hous-
ing shortage is also leading to new
construction and adaptation of the
hotel industry to accommodate the
continued infux of workers to the
areaan additional economic beneft
for the region.
1. Begos, Kevin, Marcellus natural gas pro-
duction expanded in 2012, Businessweek,
Dec. 26, 2012.
2. Carter, Jon, How to Make Money by
Investing in Marcellus Shale, www.energ-
yandcapital.com, July 19, 2013.
3. Youker, Darrin, Marcellus Shale Drilling
Driving Expansion in Pipelines, Country
Focus, www.pfb.com, January 2012.
Lori K. Ditoro is editor of Upstream
Pumping Solutions.
Still a Production Giant
By Lori K. Ditoro
With nearly doubled rates in 2012, the Marcellus Shale continues its dominance in U.S.
natural gas production.
32 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
not-so-quiet revolution is
underway in North Ameri-
can unconventional oil and
gas extraction, centered in the Appa-
lachian Basin and, more specifcally,
the Marcellus Shale. Te upheaval is
not violent, but it is transformational.
While not purely technical, it in-
volves continuous technical improve-
ment. It is not only political, but
politics are an integral driver of the
process. It is not just a fscal issue, but
microeconomics are the motivation
for the hundreds of thousands of de-
cisions made by individuals, families,
advocacy groups and the corpora-
tions that ultimately spend capital to
attempt to achieve a return on their
Changes in drilling and comple-
tion practices are evolving almost
daily. Te Marcellus Shale has been
targeted by developers since the mid-
1800s. However, during the last eight
to 10 years, incremental improve-
ments in drilling and completion
(D&C) practices have increased the
level of activity to such a degree that
public awareness of the industry has
been stimulated. Opposition to de-
velopment activities initially started
public debate. Advocacy groups from
all walks of life used questionable tac-
tics, taking advantage of general un-
awareness of the business and techni-
cal specifcs. As the years have passed
and the (once muddy) issues have
been clarifed, a number of realities
are being recognized by the general
public and industry participants:
Industry activities must be per-
formed responsiblyfrom an
environmental, health and safety
perspective. Tese three areas of
focus must be taken seriously.
D&C activities should be directed
and performed by locally sourced
human resources whenever pos-
sible, so that the fow of cash gen-
erally remains regionalized to the
greatest extent that is reasonable.
Te concerns of local residents
must be seriously considered and
Environmental practices that are
ofen considered unnecessary or
extreme in other regions of the
world are entirely appropriate for
this area. Tese include a major
focus on surface and groundwater
protection, signifcant footprint
reduction per unit of hydrocarbon
produced, optimized use of fresh
water, and careful attention to
minimizing existing infrastructure
Tese realities have always been
well understood by many industry
participants. Te diference today
is that corporations, groups and in-
dividuals are recognizing that they
must be applied across the board if
continued regional participation is
desired. Fortunately, lifing and trans-
portation costs are on the low end of
what is generally observed in North
America, so even with extended low
gas commodity pricing, some com-
panies have declared positive margins
associated with continued Marcellus
Footprint Reduction
Footprint reduction per unit of hy-
drocarbon produced has become
important in the drive to minimize
localized impact in sensitive areas.
Te process of horizontal drilling and
multi-well pads has, by its nature, re-
duced the surface footprint. While
four to six wellheads per pad location
have been used for a while as starting
A New Focus on
Responsible Development
By Doug Walser, Pinnacle, a Halliburton Service Line
A revolution concentrating on responsibility is taking place in North American
unconventional oil and gas extractionparticularly in the Marcellus Shale.
The Marcellus Shale has been targeted by
developers since the mid-1800s.
www.upstreampumping.com 33
points for parallel horizontal devel-
opment wells, more operators are
moving to or considering eight well-
heads per surface location, and some
operators have experimented with 10
to 12 per location.
Diferent factors restrict an im-
mediate and complete industry move
to the higher concentrations. First,
industry experience with tight paral-
lel wellbore spacing (the downhole
laterals 400 to 800 feet apart from
each other from a map view perspec-
tive) has demonstrated that the accel-
eration of reserve recovery is best en-
abled when the time period between
completions is short, on the order of
hours or days, as opposed to months
or years.
Te implication, then, is that one
drilling rig on one pad drilling eight
wells sequentially will normally force
hydraulic stimulation and comple-
tion activity to wait for multiple
months until the drilling of all eight
(or more) wells is fnished. Obviously,
production from those same eight
wells is delayed by that same process.
Terefore, cash fow and the cost of
capital become non-negligible issues
of concern. Some unique methods
for enabling simultaneous drilling
rigs on the same pad have been con-
sidered, but so far, that scenario has
not been actively embraced by the in-
dustry as a whole.
Second, including eight or more
wellbores per pad necessitates con-
struction of incremental surface in-
frastructure to handle extremely high
production rates for relatively short
periods of time. Tis infrastructure
(pipelines, compression, separating
and stripping facilities) is custom-
ized to the particular hydrocarbon
and water stream that is expected to
be produced, as opposed to what is
actually produced. Terefore, design-
ing these facilities involves consider-
ing factors associated with over- or
underestimating the magnitude and
The process of horizontal drilling and multi-
well pads has, by its nature, reduced the
surface footprint.
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34 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
type of production in advance of
D&C operations.
Fresh Water
Use Reduction
Operators and service companies
alike recognize that conservation
and protection of surface and sub-
surface sources of drinking water are
critical to continued sustainability
of the energy industry in the region.
As operators continue to transition
from acreage delineation to full-scale
feld development in a manufacturing
mode environment, responsible recy-
cling of fracturing fuid makeup wa-
ter is rapidly becoming the rule rather
than the experiment.
Tree sources of water can gener-
ally be considered for pre-completion
treatment and subsequent injection
during hydraulic fracturing activities:
Load water from previous fractur-
ing operationsTis is used
fracturing water that has fowed
back to surface processing facilities
and has mixed with pre-existing
reservoir waters and some amount
of solids and minerals from the
reservoir of interest.
Produced waters from existing
wellsMany older wellbores that
have long since ceased the produc-
tion of load water will produce
small quantities of water directly
sourced in or adjacent to the target
reservoir. Tis water ofen has ele-
vated chloride content, suspended
solids and dissolved minerals that
must be dealt with prior to reuse.
Water from other industrial,
residential or natural sources
that does not meet fresh water
standardsCustom analysis and
treating is required.
Te technologies related to re-
cycling, preparing and treating water
for use in hydraulic fracturing opera-
tions have improved dramatically in
the last three to fve years. In addition
to specialized chemical diagnostic
and treatment tools, mobile electro-
coagulation units are used in anodic
processes to coagulate solids and ei-
ther drop them out or foat them to
the surface for mechanical removal.
Historically, fracturing fuids
used in unconventional shale plays
such as the Marcellus have been based
on fresh water with small amounts
of additives that assist in function-
alitiessuch as friction reduction,
lowering of surface tension and scale
prevention. During the last few years,
not only are these additives shifing
toward greener compositions, but
determining exactly how much, what
and where it is being pumped is be-
coming easier. Operators that actively
embrace these technologies gain re-
spect from local groups, individuals
and regulatory entities and play a
vital role in improving the industrys
environmental footprint and reduc-
ing the overall use of surface and fresh
A revolution is occurring in the way
business is being conducted in the
Appalachian Basin. Employers are
looking to local labor pools and local
schools to staf the ramp-up in activi-
ty. States are fnding ways to efective-
ly legislate, administrate and regulate
activity to balance economic viability
with environmental responsibility.
Local residents and groups are
educating themselves on the specif-
ics of the issues that impact them
and their economy. As development
activity in the Marcellus continues to
mature, this region is and will con-
tinue to be a living example of how
commonsense responsibility can be
applied across North America and
eventually to all unconventional
plays worldwide.
Doug Walser has extensive (31 years)
Permian Basin, Mid-Continent,
Appalachia, Rockies and South Texas
experience with Dowell Schlumberger;
Te Western Company of North
America; BJ Services; and Pinnacle,
a Halliburton business line. He has
specialized in the calibration of three-
dimensional facture modeling via a
number of methods. Recently, he has
specialized in the examination and
comparison of the various emerging
resource plays in North America, and
more specifcally, plays with liquid hy-
drocarbons. He has written 14 papers
and holds three patents in his areas of
interest. He can be reached at
In addition to specialized chemical diagnostic
and treatment tools, mobile electrocoagulation
units are used in anodic processes to coagulate
solids and either drop them out or oat them to
the surface for mechanical removal.
36 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
fer nearly six years of in-
tensive work, the American
Petroleum Institute (API)
682 mechanical seal standard is soon
to be adopted. Since its introduction
in 1994, API 682 has become the
standard that sets the global tone for
the procurement and operation of
seal and supply systems for centrifugal
pumps in the oil and gas sector as well
as in the petrochemical industry. API
682 is a living standard that directly
incorporates diverse practical experi-
ence in its regular updates.
Founded in 1919 and located in
Washington, D.C., the API includes
close to 500 companies from the oil
and gas sector and the petrochemical
industry. Since 1924, it has focused
on technical standards. To this day,
API has adopted roughly 500 stan-
dards that address diverse processes
and components in detailwhich
ultimately ensure a maximum of op-
erating and process reliability. API
standards, which are clearly defned
and in part attached to approval tests,
do not only take efect in the U.S. In
many cases, they have developed into
worldwide industrial standards. API
is ofen considered a synonym for
safety and reliability.
Individual standardsincluding
API 682 regulations for mechanical
seals and seal supply systemshave
become so popular that they have
even been referenced in outside in-
dustry applications. Te authors of
the new edition point out that this
was never the intention and clarify
the actual purpose of the API 682
standards. Te standards are for seal
systems in pumpsnot in agitators
or compressorsand for oil and gas
and petro chemistrynot for water
supply or the food sector.
API 682 History
Initial information about mechani-
cal seals was originally provided in
the API 610 pump standard. During
Te Revised API 682
Mechanical Seal Standard
By Tomas Bhm and Markus Fries, EagleBurgmann
The 4th Edition includes details on the revised product coding system, the seal system
selection process and seal supply systems.
When sealing aggressive and abrasive crude oil in pipelines, reliability and
extended service intervals are required. Challenging conditions place high
demands on the design limits of sealing and supply systems, which can handle
frequent stops/starts and occasional pressure reversals or reverse pump rotation.
www.upstreampumping.com 37
the 1990s, API 682 developed into a
separate, more comprehensive stan-
dard for mechanical seals and sup-
ply systems. Te API 682 standard is
continually maintained and updated
by end users and manufacturers.
Another quality of API 682 is that
it does not typically permit only a
single technical solution. In addition
to proven and tested standard solu-
tions (defaults), the regulations also
deliberately list alternatives (options)
and even allow customized solutions
(engineered solutions). Tis diversity
is demonstrated more clearly in this
edition than in previous ones.
Te composition of the 25-mem-
ber task force is representative of the
practical way in which API approach-
es the topic of seals. Since 2006, the
task force has been updating the 3rd
Edition of API 682 that took efect
in 2004 and is still valid. In addition
to leading seal system manufactur-
ers, the American-European expert
panelwhich intentionally counted
on non-API member collaboration
also included renowned planning
companies and representatives from
some of the largest mineral oil groups,
who are users of the seal solutions.
Checked and
Tested Safety
While the currently valid API 682
edition included about 200 pages,
the 4th Edition is 260 pages. Te re-
vised edition is organized into a body
of text with 11 chapters and detailed
annexes with a signifcantly expanded
scope. For example, Annex I provides
detailed information on more than 20
pages for API-conform seal qualifca-
tion tests.
Default seals and options must be
tested using fve diferent media and
clearly defned operating conditions
representative of typical API applica-
tions. Together with the described seal
designs, this yields a high number of
possible test variations. In the process,
the expended time per test and seal
type can take up to 200 hours. Te
result for typical industry seal designs
is documented in a test certifcate and
a detailed report. Customer-specifc
qualifcation tests can be agreed upon
for engineered seals.
Essentially, checked and tested
product safety is the core of the stan-
dard. Te objective of API 682 is
continuous operation of at least three
years (25,000 operating hours sub-
ject to the legally stipulated emission
values, or for maximum screening
value of 1,000 parts per million by
volume, EPA Method 21), increased
operational reliability and simplifed
maintenance. Te standards defned
by API apply exclusively to cartridge
systems with a shaf diameter of 20 to
110 millimeters and a defned range
of operating conditions.
Coding System
Te 4th Edition also includes the re-
vised product coding system (Annex
D). Te proven classifcation param-
eters Category, Arrangement and
Type will be continued. Tey are
listed frst in the revised code and pro-
vide information about the setup and
feld of use of the respective API seal.
Te seal arrangement includes:
Arrangement 1single seals are
Arrangements 2 and 3double
seals with and without pressuriza-
Details regarding the supply sys-
temspecifed as Planare in the
old and new code. Te addition of
precise information regarding mate-
rial selection and shaf diameter is
new. Tis gives more meaning to the
code and guarantees a clear speci-
fcation of the mechanical seal and
its operationfrom selection to
The Principle Innovations of API 682
4th Edition at a Glance
Mechanical Seals
Adaptation of pressure limits: 20 bar (gauge) for Category 1, 40 bar (gauge)
for Categories 2 and 3
Detailed notes to engineered seals
Combination of seal types in Arrangements 2 and 3
Defnition of vapor pressure margin
Overview table of internal gap dimensions
Selection of SiC face material independent of category
Optional bellows material Alloy 718 for metal bellows seals, Type B
Additional requirement for set screws for torque transmission
New details regarding the selection and operation of pressurized double
seal systems
Reduced minimum gap at the internal pumping device
Seal Supply Systems
Transmitters instead of switches
Alternative arrangement selection method on the basis of
Risk & Hazard codes
New API Plans (03, 55, 65A, 65B, 66A, 66B, 99)
Hydrostatic level detection for Plans 52, 53A
Temperature measurement of gas bubble for Plan 53B
28-day reflling interval for barrier pressure systems
Minimum pipe wall thicknesses of 2.5 millimeters for welded joints
Temperature limits for instrumentation
38 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
documentation. Industry experts
agreed that the expanded coding sys-
tem will prove itself in practice and
endure permanently.
More Precision
During Selection
Te selection process of an API seal
system is complicated. Several fow
charts and tables on more than 10
pages are dedicated to this topic in the
new edition. To provide more preci-
sion in the technical selection process
when determining the arrangement,
an alternative selection tool (Annex
A.4) has been included in the 4th
Edition for the frst time. Tis meth-
od is based on the established Risk &
Hazard Code and has been tested in
Te starting point is the pumped
medium. Its real hazard potential is
accurately recorded and described
by the Hazard & Risk Code in
the Material Safety Data Sheets.
Decisions can be made quickly and
securely, for example, about whether
a single seal (Arrangement 1) will suf-
fce, or if a double seal with barrier
pressure system is required.

Practical Experience
Te experience-based, lived stan-
dard of the API 682 edition is dem-
onstrated by the two silicon carbide
(SiC) variants, reaction-bonded sili-
con carbide and self-sintered silicon
carbide, which are treated equally as
default materials for sliding surfaces
in chemical (Category 1) as well as
in refnery/oil and gas applications
(Category 2 or 3). Until now, sintered
SiC was set for chemical applications
because of its superior chemical stabil-
ity, whereas the reaction-bonded vari-
ant established itself in the refnery
sector. Tis restrictive allocation was
canceled because of practical appli-
cation examples (best practices) that
were brought to the attention of the
task force, which called for a course
Chapters 8 and 9, dealing with
the hardware for the supply systems
and instrumentation, were subjected
to intense revision. Tey were com-
pletely reorganized so that the topic
is now handled in three stages, which
makes it more systematic. Te frst
block introduces the supply systems
in total. Te piping and the compo-
nents are addressed next.
Seal Supply Systems
Plan 53 with a pressurized barrier fu-
id belongs to the more complicated
supply systems. In detail, three types
are possible:
Plan 53A is the solution with the
constructively least amount of
efort. Te pressure on the barrier
medium is generated directly via
gas pressurizationnormally with
nitrogenin the tank. However,
the application has limits, since
higher barrier pressures could cause
a dissolution of the nitrogen in the
barrier medium. Te consequence
would be the risk of inadequate
lubrication in the sealing gap of the
mechanical seal. Tat is why Plans
53B and 53C are used for higher
barrier pressure.
Plan 53B uses a clever solu-
tion, which makes it popular.
Pressurization occurs via an elasto-
mer bladder in the reservoir that
separates the nitrogen from the
barrier fuid. Pressure monitoring
with consideration of the tempera-
ture in the bladder accumulator re-
cords the values and transfers them
Numerous operators use robust seals in their gas injection compressors.
Pre-confgured seal management systems are also used to safeguard optimal
operation of the gas-lubricated sealing system.
Statoil offshore oil platform
www.upstreampumping.com 39
to the control room. Te fll level
with consideration of any tempera-
ture impacts is calculated there,
and the correct time for reflling
the barrier fuid is determined.
Plan 53C works with a piston ac-
cumulator, which makes it among
the more sophisticated seal supply
A new prescribed reflling inter-
val of at least 28 days has also been
included in the 4th Edition of API
682. Te fuid reservoir must be large
enough to supply the seal with barrier
fuid for this entire periodwithout
reflling. To obtain the most compact
reservoirs, the seal manufacturers are
required to fnd optimized system so-
lutions with minimal leakage values
for the barrier medium.
Also, Plans 03, 55, 65A, 65B,
66A, 66B and 99 have been newly
included in the regulations and, along
with the already existing plans, are de-
scribed in detail in Annex G.
Transmitters Replace
Regardless of pressures, temperature,
fow rates or fll levels, the 4th Edition
heralds a change to modern transmit-
ters for the supply systems. Switches
had previously been the default, but
transmitters have now taken the posi-
tion. Although they can be more ex-
pensive, they transmit continuously
measured values. Te control room
is now aware of the actual system sta-
tus at any time and can immediately
sound the alarm if problems arise.
Te transition to transmitters as
default is illustrative: the API speci-
fcations primarily concern operating
and process reliability and only then
consider economic viability. Tis uni-
versal application is also verifed by
the decision of the task force to only
permit seamless pipes in the future for
Piping for the supply systems. Te
use of welded pipes, which would be
less expensive, was considered unac-
Te task force also addressed the
topic of heat resistance of instrumen-
tation used in supply systems prag-
matically. In the past, frequent debates
occurred regarding whether supply
systems for high temperature appli-
cationsfor example, a 400 C ap-
proved pumphave to be equipped
with special instrumentation for high
temperatures. Now the temperature
specifcation for the instrumentation
has been limited to 100 C. If instru-
ments with higher temperature limits
are required in the future, the cus-
tomer has to inform the seal vendor
A Clearer Structure
Te essential improvements, in addi-
tion to the technical supplements and
updates, are the clear structures of the
latest API regulation. Te body of the
text was tightened and structured ap-
propriately, whereas technical details
and background information were
placed in the annexes. Some of the
wording in individual chapters was
revised to improve understanding.
Te improved user friendliness is
shown in Annex E, which addresses
structured communication and data
exchange between suppliers and cus-
tomers. Descriptions that previously
encompassed many pages in API 682
are now bundled into two compact
checklists in the 4th Edition. Te frst
list systematically describes what must
be considered for inquiries and quota-
tions. It specifes the data that needs to
be provided and the additional infor-
mation and documents with which it
must be combined. For example, seal
systems that deviate from standard-
ized API solutions must be shown
separately. Annex E is completed by a
second checklist that shows in which
order the documentation is necessary.
Apart from the numerous techni-
cal updates and improved user friend-
liness, one detail is visually the most
striking innovation of this edition: all
mechanical seals are equipped with
red plugs in the supply connections
of the seal gland upon delivery. Until
the unit is installed, these plastic clo-
sures prevent the ingress of dirt in the
seal. During operation, the connec-
tions are either assigned to pipelines,
or the plastic plugs are replaced with
enclosed metal plugs. An additional
beneft is that the 4th Edition API
seals are quickly identifed by the red
Tomas Bhm is
head of standard-
ization Division
Mechanical Seals for
EagleBurgmann and an
API Task Force member.
He can be reached at thomas.boehm@
de.eagleburgmann.com or +49 8171
Markus Fries is
product manager
at EagleBurgmann
GmbH & Co. KG,
Wolfatshausen. He can
be reached at markus.
fies@ de.eagleburgmann.com or +49
8171 231161.
EagleBurgmann is a provider of indus-
trial seal technology that is used in in-
dustries including oil and gas, refnery,
power, chemical, energy, food, paper,
water and mining. For more than 20
years, the company has provided its
knowledge in further developing API
specifcations for the design of seal sys-
tems for the oil and gas and petrochem-
ical sectors and is active in the API 682
Task Force. For more information, visit
comor +49
b h @
40 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
ince conventional oil supplies
decrease each year and global
energy consumption contin-
ues to increase, alternative methods
of heavy oil production have become
increasingly important to satisfy mar-
ket demand. Bitumen is too thick to
fow on its own, so steam is injected
to reduce the bitumens viscosity.
Te steam-assisted gravity drainage
(SAGD) method of producing bitu-
men involves drilling two horizontal
wells parallel to each other, with one
well about 15 feet above the other
(see Figure 1). Producers liquefy the
bitumen by injecting steam into the
upper well so that the hydrocarbon
fows downward into the lower well.
Artifcial lif techniques, such as ele-
vated-temperature electrical submers-
ible pumping (ESP) systems, bring the
steam-heated oil to the surface.
An innovative thermal-recovery
ESP system is helping SAGD op-
erators ef ciently produce in the
Canadian oil sands (see Figure 2).
With this ESP system, operators re-
liably produce more from their bitu-
men and heavy oil reserves.
Birth of the Ultra-
Temperature System
A provider of ESP systems decided to
enter the SAGD market more than
10 years ago. It conducted intensive
tests with a vertical, high-temperature
test loop at its testing center. SAGD
projects require ESP systems that can
withstand the extreme heat generated
by steam injection. With the vertical
test loop, the suppliers engineers were
able to expand their research and de-
velopment (R&D) capabilities to run
tests autonomously in controlled tem-
perature cycles that were more consis-
tent with the SAGD environment. In
a conventional oil well, the tempera-
ture is consistently hot. However, in
SAGD operations, the injected steam
controls the temperature and pres-
sure, altering the productivity index
of the well. Te tests hot loop must
mimic these conditions.
Tis testing led to an extreme-
temperature ESP system, rated to
bottomhole temperatures up to 428
F (220 C). Introduced in 2004, this
extreme-temperature ESP system
gained acceptance as a reliable meth-
od of artifcial lif in the oil sands.
Te ESP provider was the frst
in the oilfeld services industry to of-
fer two new system innovations: the
plug-in pothead and pre-flled motor/
seal. Te plug-in pothead and pre-
flled motor/seal reduce rig time and
avoid exposing the motor internals to
harsh operating conditions, extending
run life. Tese systems reliably operate
in the presence of abrasives, gas and
steam with abrasion-resistant com-
ponents. Tey were equipped with
Testing Center Helps
Ultra-Temperature ESP
Systems Improve Operations
By Lawrence Burleigh, Baker Hughes
Because of the harsh nature of SAGD operations, specialized articial lift systems
are required.
Figure 1. SAGD method of bitumen extraction
www.upstreampumping.com 41
variable speed drives using specially
designed sofware to optimize system
starts and maximize performance in
the presence of viscous oil.
Oil sands operators determined
that higher steam temperatures ofen
resulted in increased production from
SAGD well pairs. By raising the fuid
temperature, the steam chamber vol-
ume around the horizontal well pairs
is increased, and the bitumen be-
comes more mobile. Tis enables the
bitumen to fow more easily into the
producing wells ESP system.
In anticipation of ever-increasing
temperature requirements, the pro-
vider invested in the industrys frst
horizontal high-temperature test loop
rated to 572 F (300 C), which was
designed specifcally to rigorously
stress ESP systems to record breaking
temperatures, such as those found in
SAGD applications.
The New System
Te R&D eforts at the testing facil-
ity in response to operators specifc
requirements continued. Engineers
worked to enhance the extreme-
temperature system and build on the
extreme-temperature systems success
in the feld and an ultra-temperature
system was developed. Introduced in
2010, this ESP system was the frst re-
liable ESP system rated at 482 F (250
C) bottomhole temperature.
It included many upgrades over
previous ESP system designs that
enable operation at increasingly high
temperatures. Electrical and insula-
tion upgrades extended motor run
life, high-temperature motor oils en-
sured dependability, and upgraded
motor power cable connectors and
electrical motor lead extensions pre-
vented failures. Development of the
ultra-temperature ESP system also
required extensive materials testing
to optimize elastomers, epoxies, oils
and additives. Te engineers evalu-
ated seven diferent oils to develop a
synthetic oil with a custom additive
package to fll the motors and seals.
SAGD operators push the
high-temperature envelope, so the
engineers knew that they wanted a
lif system that not only improved
production performance but also
extended reliability. Tis goal was
accomplished. Early in 2013, these
ESP systems reached a signifcant
milestone of 100 years of cumulative
run life, with several dozen systems in
To achieve long ESP run life,
SAGD operators require that pump
systems be equipped with gauges that
can monitor continuous operation
at elevated temperatures. To address
this, a provider developed 536 F (280
C) rated fber-optic pressure and tem-
perature gauges. Tese gauges mea-
sure the intake, motor and discharge
points of the system to deliver contin-
uous readings. Fiber-optic gauges are
placed inside the pump system during
manufacturing, facilitating ef cient,
reliable pump installation at the well
site. Te gauges operate reliably at the
elevated temperatures to deliver ac-
curate and direct measurements. Te
data is sent from the well to the sur-
face via a fber optic line.
The Future
Looking ahead, the ESP provider is
expanding its artifcial lif research
center, not only for elevated tempera-
ture applications but also for deep-
water and unconventional shale oil
applications. Te research and tech-
nology center is part of an expansion
to help operators achieve production
objectives. Tis facility will also pro-
vide laboratory space for developing
industry-leading technology that sup-
ports customers operating through-
out the world, especially in the Gulf
of Mexico, Brazil, Canada and the
North Sea.
Tis facility has resources for ad-
vancing the technology of ESP sys-
tems, with fully monitored test wells
and fow loops for evaluating pump
system performance while handling
high viscosity fuids at ultra-temper-
Lawrence Burleigh
has worked in the ESP
industry since 1998
applying ESP systems
in oilfelds, water wells,
geothermal wells and
SAGD applications in the U.S.,
Indonesia, Europe and Canada. He
received a Bachelor of Science degree
in mechanical engineering fom
Case Western Reserve University
in 1989 and a Master of Business
Administration fom the University of
Tulsa in 1996. He is also a registered
professional engineer in the state of
Oklahoma. Burleigh can be reached at
Baker Hughes supplies oilfeld services,
products, technology and systems to
the worldwide oil and natural gas
industry. Te company has more than
58,000 employees who today work
in more than 80 countries helping
customers fnd, evaluate, drill, produce,
transport and process hydrocarbon
resources. For more information, visit
Figure 2. The injected steam and
the ESP system that lifts the thinned
bitumen to the surface
42 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
he Oil Sands Trade Show and Conference provides oil
sands industry professionals with opportunities to learn
about topics afecting the oil sands community. Te Cana-
dian oil sands have experienced rapid growth in past decade,
which has resulted in more opportunities for commercial
organizations across the supply chain. With the compara-
tively low cost of Canadian oil compared to the rest of North
America, exploring topics such as the transport and infra-
structure challenges is important for growth in the industry.
For more information, visit oilsandstradeshow.com/2013/.
he Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition (SPE ATCE) has provided
exploration and production industry professionals with an
opportunity to network and gain technical knowledge for
89 years. SPE ATCE 2013 will include technical sessions
presented concurrently with an exhibitionthat will con-
centrate on all phases of oil and gas exploration and produc-
tion. For more information, visit www.spe.org/atce/2013/.
Oil Sands
Trade Show
and Conference
Sept. 10 11, 2013
Suncor Community Leisure Centre
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
SPE Annual
Conference and
Sept. 30 Oct. 2, 2013
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, La.
Exhibition Hours
Tuesday, Sept. 10 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 11 10 a.m. 4 p.m.
Exhibition Hours
Monday, Sept. 30 9 a.m. 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 1 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 2 9 a.m. 2 p.m.
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Honing Machine
Ohio Tool Works launched
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Chet Morrison
Contractors developed
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Hydraulic Abrasive
Rotating Cutter
(SHARC) was devel-
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plugging and abandon-
ment work safer for div-
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Installation Tool
American Power
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Data Integration
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AXON Energy Products .... 101 .... IBC
Bal Seal Engineering Inc. .. 140 .......47
Baldor Electric Company...141 .......46
Basler Electric ................... 142 .......47
Burns Dewatering
Services Inc. .................. 143 .......46
CENTA Corporation .......... 159 ...... 45
CENTA Corporation .......... 120 .......12
CheckPoint Pumps
& Systems ..................... 131 .......42
CheckPoint Pumps
& Systems ..................... 144 .......46
Dragon Products Ltd. ....... 102 .........5
EagleBurgmann ................ 145 .......47
FluxDrive Incorporated ......147 ...... 45
Franklin Electric ................ 148 ...... 45
The Freedonia Group ........ 130 .......42
Garlock Sealing
Technologies ................. 146 ...... 45
Gorman-Rupp Company .. 149 .......46
Gorman-Rupp Company .. 103 .........3
ITT Goulds Pumps ............ 150 ...... 45
JJ Tech .............................. 104 .......13
LobePro............................. 151 .......46
Meltric Corporation ........... 152 .......47
National Oilwell
Varco Mission ................ 105 .......23
Oil Sands Trade Show ...... 121 ...... 33
Penticton Foundry Ltd. ..... 126 .......21
Proco Products, Inc. ......... 127 .......26
Proco Products, Inc. ......... 153 .......47
PSG ................................... 122 .........8
Reliable Pumps ................. 125 .......22
Scalewatcher .................... 154 .......46
Scalewatcher .................... 123 .........7
Schlumberger ................... 106 ..... BC
SERO Pump Systems, Inc. 155 .......47
Siemens ............................ 156 .......46
Thompson Pump .............. 157 .......46
WEG Electric Corp. ........... 158 .......46
Weir Oil & Gas ................... 100 ..... IFC
World Shale Oil & Gas ...... 108 ...... 44
Yaskawa America, Inc. ..... 109 .........9
* Index of Advertisers is furnished as a courtesy, and no
responsibility is assumed for incorrect information.
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New Flux Drive SmartCoupling
Magnetic SmartCoupling
saves energy on oversized
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transmission across an
air gap also eliminates
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48 Upstream Pumping Solutions July/August 2013
orth American proppant de-
mand has risen sharply dur-
ing the past decade. While
growth is expected to slow from the
early years, double-digit annual gains
are still expected, with overall demand
reaching more than 100 billion pounds
in 2017, valued at nearly $9.4 billion.
Proppants are relatively simple
products, but they have been critical
to the expansion of oil and gas pro-
duction in North America, setting of
a chain of events that is revitalizing
the regions chemical processing and
other manufacturing industries.
Proppants have been used in oil
and gas production for more than
60 years, but the advent of horizon-
tal drilling technology coupled with
multistage hydraulic fracturing cre-
ated signifcant new opportunities
for growth, starting around the mid-
2000s, especially as success in early
applications such as the Barnett Shale
in Texas translated to even more pro-
ductive formations. Tese advances
became more prominent at the same
time that oil and gas prices skyrock-
eted, providing further growth im-
petus to drilling and completion ac-
tivity. Continued high oil prices and
a recovery in natural gas prices will
sustain oilfeld activity in the U.S.
and Canada, with particularly good
opportunities expected in several
states including Texas, North Dakota
and Pennsylvania. Opportunities are
also expected in several developing
plays in Western Canada, including
the Montney and Horn River plays.
However, nearly every area with sig-
nifcant unconventional reserves is
expected to beneft from these trends.
Raw sand will continue to ac-
count for the lions share of proppant
demand. Although it generally can-
not be used in wells with high closure
pressures, raw sand performs suitably
in most conditions. Because of their
higher cost, ceramic proppants will
be restricted to areas that require high
performance products, especially as
improved fracturing techniques have
allowed raw sand to be used in appli-
cations previously thought to be be-
yond their performance range.
However, these production areas
include some of the larger centers of
upstream activity, such as the Eagle
Ford Shale in Texas and the Bakken
Shale in North Dakota, Montana and
Canada, where sand and ceramics
are ofen used together. Coated sand
proppants are expected to increase
their market presence because they of-
fer cost advantages over ceramic prop-
pants and performance advantages
over raw sand. Tese diferent prod-
uct types (and sizes) are ofen used
in combinations that maximize well
productivity. For example, coated
proppants are ofen used to prevent
the fowback of raw sand.
Development of unconventional
resources such as shale oil and gas has
been the driving force behind growth
in proppant demand during the past
decade. While signifcant demand be-
gan with drilling in the Barnett Shale
in Texas, more recent growth has been
in liquids-rich formations such as the
Bakken and Eagle Ford plays.
Demand in these and similar for-
mations is being driven by high oil pric-
es, which is spurring drilling activity, as
well as by the deep and highly chal-
lenging geology of these wells, which
require greater amounts of proppant
to complete because they generally in-
volve more fracturing stages.
Te Freedonia Group is an interna-
tional business research company,
founded in 1985, that publishes more
than 100 industry research studies
annually. For more information,
email info@feedoniagroup.com, visit
www.feedoniagroup.com, or contact
Corinne Ganglof at pr@feedonia-
group.com or 440-684-9600.
North American
Proppant Market Update
By Te Freedonia Group, Inc.
Demand to exceed 100 billion pounds by 2017.
North American Proppant Demand (billion pounds)
% Annual Growth
Item 2007 2012 2017 2007 2012 2012 2017
Proppant Demand 13,960 59,100 102,400 33.5 11.6
By Country: United States 12,270 53,260 89,950 34.1 11.1
Canada 1,690 5,840 12,450 28.1 16.3
By Type: Sand 12,276 53,550 93,900 34.3 11.9
Ceramic 1,639 5,272 8,040 26.3 8.8
Other 45 278 460 43.9 10.6
Source: The Freedonia Group, Inc.







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