E - III.3. Kanban Parameters Calculation

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Input Cell Intermediate Calculations Cell Result Cell

a b c d e f g i h

Parameters Average Demand Average Leadtime Demand Variation Leadtime Variation Cycle Stock Safety Stock Demand Variation Safety Stock Leadtime Variation Order Level Order Size


axb cxe (e + f) x d e+f+g g

Units parts/hour hours % % parts parts parts parts containers

Part A 15 1 10% 10% 15 2 2 19 19

Part B 5 1 10% 10% 5 1 1 7 7

Part C 2 5 20% 10% 10 2 2 14 14


Estimate according to daily variation Estimate according to daily variation

Page 251 Fig A4. Kanban Loop 2 - Transport Source Kanban (b)

Parameters a Average Demand b Average Leadtime c Demand Variation d Leadtime Variation e Container Size (KB) f Cycle Stock g Safety Stock Demand Variation h Safety Stock Leadtime Variation i Bin Size Bin Size


axb fxc (f + g) x d

Units Part A Part B Part C parts/hour 30 15 5 hours 1 1 1 % 10% 10% 20% % 0% 0% 0% parts/KB 4 4 2 parts 30 15 5 parts 3 2 1 parts 0 0 0 70 18 38 10 14 7

(f+g+h) x 2 + e parts i/e containers

Page 253 Fig A8. Kanban Loop 3 - Transport Internal Kanban (b)

Input Cell Intermediate Calculations Cell Result Cell

Observations Mizusumashi cycle Standard Mizu cycle=no delays

Customer Supermarket Size Customer Supermarket Size

Parameters a Part work content b Container Size (KB) c Average Demand d Demand Variation e Transport Average Leadtime f Line Average Leadtime g Leadtime Variation h Cycle Stock i Safety Stock Demand Variation j Safety Stock Leadtime Variation l m Bin Size Bin Size


a x b / 60 c x (e + f) dxh (h + i) x g (h+i+j) + b i/b

Units min/part parts/KB parts/hour % hour hour % parts parts parts parts containers

Part A Part B Part C 4 4 4 4 4 2 30 15 5 10% 10% 20% 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 10% 10% 10% 17 9 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 25 7 15 4 7 4

Page 256 Fig B3. Kanban Loop 4 - Production Flow Kanban (b)

Input Cell Intermediate Calculations Cell Result Cell

Observations sum of all worksations

consider 2 mizu cycles Leadtime of 1 Kanban Machine stoppage time

Customer Supermarket Size Customer Supermarket Size

Supplier Pacemaker Machine:

Time for producing the demand Opening time Available time % Stoppage time Stoppage time / day Available time for setup Average setup time per sku N Refs Possible # Setup / day Possible EPE - Every Product Every (days) Input Cell Adjustment Cell Checking Cell Prod. Code 008C528 008C539 008C533 008A970 008A749 Product Identification Ref. name Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 Component 5 Demand (parts/day) 438 18 13 10 7 486 Cycle Time (min) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Production Time (min) 569 23 17 13 9 632

632 860 228 15% 129 99 5 5 19.8 0.3

Batch Size (parts) 438 180 130 100 70 Real EPE (days)

Batch Size (days) 1.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

Real # Setup/day 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.4 3.6

Machine Time (min) 569.4 234.0 169.0 130.0 91.0

Transport Time (min) 60 60 60 60 60

Leadtime (min) 634.4 299.0 234.0 195.0 156.0

Takt time (min) 2.0 47.8 66.2 86.0 122.9

Page 258 Fig B7. Kanban Loop 5 - Production Signal Kanban (c)

N Refs / Possible setups

Max LT (min) 634.4 634.4 634.4 634.4 634.4

Order Level (parts) 323 13 10 7 5

Supplier Pacemaker Machine:

Time for producing the demand Opening time Available time % Stoppage time Stoppage time / day Available time for setup Average setup time per sku N Refs Possible # Setup / day Possible EPE - Every Product Every (days) Input Cell Adjustment Cell Checking Cell Prod. Code 008C528 008C539 008C533 008A970 008A749 Product Identification Container Demand Cycle Ref. name Size (parts) (parts/day) Time (min) Component 1 50 438 1.3 Component 2 50 18 1.3 Component 3 50 13 1.3 Component 4 50 10 1.3 Component 5 50 7 1.3 486 Production Time (min) 569 23 17 13 9 632

632 860 228 15% 129 99 5 5 19.8 0.3

Real # Machine Transport Setup/day Time (min) Time (min) 4.0 143.8 60 4.0 5.9 60 4.0 4.3 60 4.0 3.3 60 4.0 2.3 60 19.8 Real EPE (days) 0.3

Batch Size (parts) 111 5 3 3 2

Leadtime Takt time (min) (min) 208.8 2.0 70.9 47.8 69.3 66.2 68.3 86.0 67.3 122.9

Max LT (min) 208.8 208.8 208.8 208.8 208.8

Total # Cont 5 1 1 1 1

Page 260 Fig B11. Kanban Loop 6 - Production Batch Kanban (c)

Batch # Cont 3 1 1 1 1

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