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COMMENTS: Final ATL 1=#E managed #h time wisely by coming to class prepared and approaching class activities with enthusiasm. 2=#E managed #h time wisely always presenting #h work in a timely manner. 3=In the recent #ProjectList unit, #e was very organized, on task and helped set a positive example to #h other group members. 4=In the classroom #e was very attentive and focused on learning with the goal of achieving #h personal best results. 5=#E actively sought feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best. 6=#E contributed actively to the class discussion, sharing #h thinking and ideas with #h fellow class members. 7=#E reflected upon #h work with clarity, honesty and insight, always with the goal of continual improvement in mind. 8=In our recent collaborative sculpture project #N was self directed but always open to feedback from #h group members. 9=In our recent collaborative sculpture project #N was able to share and defend #h ideas in an appropriate manner that helped move the group towards a successful solution. 10=In our recent collaborative sculpture project #N respectfully listened to other's ideas and suggestions and helped lead the group to consesus. 11=In our recent collaborative sculpture project #N showed great respect for the others in the group by actively listening to their input and making necessary compromises to achieve their common goal.

COMMENTS: Final Learning Goal 1= #N should try to be more of a risk taker as it is by taking risks, trying new skills, and techniques that one grows as an artist. 2=In order to demostrate academic honesty #e needs to ensure #e always cites #h sources of information and ideas in #h written assessments. 3=#N needs to make the extra effort needed to reach the next level of excellence as it is well within #h grasp, it will just take a little more focus in class. 4=To improve #h written assessment tasks #N should seek feedback during the writing process so that #h teachers can help guide #m to fully meet the task expectations. 5=#H work is consistently strong and #e should try to continue with the fine level of effort and commitment to excellence. 6=In #h written work #h should read the task carefully, refer to the rubric and most importantly seek feedback before the due date. 7=In order to improve #h overall grade further #N needs to refer to the rubric and be sure complete all parts of a task. 8=Placing greater focus and concentration on the tasks in class would help #N be more successful overall. 9=#E should aim to further develop #h written work by carefully reviewing the final product before submitting it. 10=#E should try to become more active during class activities and develop strategies to improve #h organizational skills. 11=#E should try to become more active in class discussions, contributing #h vauable ideas for the benefit of #h fellow class members. 12=#N should aim to further develop #h organizational skills so that all #h work is presented in a timely manner. 13=#N needs to manage #h time effectively so that #e begins tasks in a timely manner. This would then provide #m more opportunity to receive help and feedback. 14=#E should attempt to take a more active role in class discussions and to speak more frequently in class. I know this is challenging but #e is surrounded by friends who will always support #m in #h efforts. 15=It is important that #e remembers that managing #h time effectively is an improtant part of being a successful artist. 16=#E is often first to finish #h work and should challenge #m push #s to review #h work carefully and attempt more challenging tasks or solutions. 17=#H should attempt to contribute more frequently and wherever possible to use full sentences. 18=#E should attempt to be open to listening to others ideas and feedback, cosider what #e has heard, then decide how #e wants to proceed. 19=#E should try to become more active during class activities and develop strategies to improve #h organizational skills.. 20=#E should try to become more active in class discussions, contributing #h vauable ideas for the benefit of #h fellow class members. COMMENTS: Final Strengths 1=#N's recent studio work in the #ProjectList unit was imaginative and creative as #e was willing to take risks, try new media combined with a unique approach. 2=#N's greatest strengths was #h willingness to listen to, consider and implement feedback and advice. 3=#N natural talent is combined with #h high personal goals and #h willingness to give the additional time needed in order to succeed. 4=#N work is of an excellent standard in both technical skills and creativity. 5=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 6=#N brings a high level of natural ability to #h studio works and willingly seeks out critique and implements the advice given. 7=#N has a very clear vision of what #e wants to create and works diligently to make that vision a reality.

8=#N was willing to give extra time beyond class to ensure that #h work was completed on time. 9=In #N's practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique solutions to the set tasks such as in the recent #ProjectList unit . 10=One of #N's greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 11=#N made great strides forward in the #ProjectList unit, in part, because #e was more open to critique and confident to be a risk taker. 12=#N showed a natural talent for #ProjectList and created a fine work that was both imaginative and unique. 13="N's written work shows strong critical thinking skills as #e was able to analyse art works with an eye for detail and support #h judgments with evidence. COMMENTS: Goals 1=As #e continues #h art education I encourage #N to be more of a risk taker as it is by taking risks and trying new skills and techniques that one grows as an artist. 2=One area that #e needs to improve is to be sure to always cite #h sources of information and ideas. 3=#E did show potential in art with some of #h works being quite successful especially in the #Unit unit however #e was reluctant to make the extra effort needed to reach the next level of excellence. 4=One area #e could improve is #h written tasks and to do so #e should seek feedback during the writing process. In that way I can help guide #m to meet the expectations more fully. 5=Overall #h written work has been pleasing however in order to improve #h critical analysis tasks #e should seek feedback during the writing process. 6=With #h written work #h should read the task carefully, refer to the rubric and most importantly seek feedback before the due date. 7=In order to improve #h overall grade further #N needs to be sure to complete all parts of a task and refer to the grading rubric particularly in written tasks. 8=#E should seek feedback during the writing process and before #e hands the work in. In that way I can help guide #m to meet the expectations more fully. 9=Sadly #h lack of concentration on the task at hand is undermining #h success. In the classroom #e is very easily distracted from #h work. In order to improve in the second semester I suggest that #e starts with a new determination to do #h best. That includes; focusing in class, making smart decisions on where #e sits in the room and who #e chooses to work with, taking extra care at the initial planning and experimentation stage of the art process. It is important that #e remembers that managing 10=#E does find critical analysis somewhat more difficult and I encourage #m to bring #h next critical analysis task to me in advance of the due date for feedback. 11=#E does find critical analysis somewhat more difficult and I encourage #m to bring #h next critical analysis task to me to receive feedback before the due date to help #m be even more successful in the second semester. 12=I encourage #m to read the task sheets carefully and refer to the grading rubrics. 13=Most importantly #e needs to manage #h time effectively so that #e begins on #h tasks in a timely manner, has the opportunity to receive help and feedback and finally submits all #h work complete and on time. 14=One area #e could improve is to take a more active role in class discussions and to speak more frequently in class. I know this is challenging but #e is surrounded by friends who will always support #m in #h efforts. 15=#H written work in the last unit was much stronger and I encourage #m to continue to perform at this level. 16=In the written components of the class #e could easily improve #h grades by; reading the task carefully, asking for clarification if needed and seeking feedback before the work is due. 17=In class I encourage #m to speak more and wherever possible to use full sentences. I know this is challenging but the art class is a friendly environment where #h peers will

support #m. 18=In the written components of the class some of #h tasks have been a little inconsistent in their quality. It is in this area that a little more effort and focus could raise #h overall grade. 19=#E is often first to finish so as we move forward into the second semester I challenge #m push #s to attempt more difficult and challenging work, be a risk taker and lets see what #e can produce. I am confident it will be wonderful! COMMENTS: IB - IWB 1=The key for #N to improve lies in #h IWB work. #N does many pages but often #e skims over the surface of the investigation. #E needs to go deeper, use a wider range of resources, include a critical analysis, explore the context and ideas behind a work to reveal why it is significant or what was its function. 2=#N needs to see and engage with art more; #e should visit galleries, read art magazines and books from the ASB library. This deeper level of research and engagement with art will then help #m to be a more critical thinker and develop significant ideas for #h own art making. 3=#H IWB has improved significantly. #E now understands clearly the expectations and presented an outstanding selection of pages for #h final grade. 4=As #e continues in the class I encourage #h to consider new ways to present #h IWB pages so that they have more flow and are more easily read. 5=In #h IWB #e does need to go back through #h book and make #h selected pages stronger responding to the many suggestions offered. COMMENTS: IB - IWB 2 1=The key for #N to improve lies in #h IWB work. #N does many pages but often #e skims over the surface of the investigation. #E needs to go deeper, use a wider range of resources, include a critical analysis, explore the context and ideas behind a work to reveal why it is significant or what was its function. 2=#N needs to see and engage with art more; #e should visit galleries, read art magazines and books from the ASB library. This deeper level of research and engagement with art will then help #m to be a more critical thinker and develop significant ideas for #h own art making. 3=#H IWB has improved significantly. #E now understands clearly the expectations and presented an outstanding selection of pages for #h final grade. 4=As #e continues in the class I encourage #h to consider new ways to present #h IWB pages so that they have more flow and are more easily read. 5=In #h IWB #e does need to go back through #h book and make #h selected pages stronger responding to the many suggestions offered. COMMENTS: IB Closing 1=#N can begin the second semester with confidence in #h ability to succeed. 2=#N has made a pleasing start and I hope to see #h continue to succeed next semester. 3=#N is a bright, positive and enthusiastic student. I encourage #h to continue with #h efforts and to follow this advice and then we will see significant improvement. 4=All additional studio works and IWB pages should be adding value to #h portfolio overall. In addition #e needs to ensure that every studio work is supported by investigation work documented in #h IWB. 5=Finally I encourage #h to constantly refer to the grading rubrics so that #e is always attempting to meet the highest levels of achievement. 6=All additional studio works and IWB pages should be adding value to #h portfolio overall. In order to do that #e needs to constantly refer to the grading rubric, at all times trying to reach the highest levels of achievement. COMMENTS: IB Goals 1=A new school and a new subject #e has struggled at times to create works of the level of technical and conceptual quality required. In order to continue to develop the skills

needed #N needs to directly engage with Art more, surfing the internet is not enough. #E should take every opportunity to see art, to visit galleries and museums. #E needs to read art books and art magazines as they will help to develop #h vocabulary, ideas and open possibilities for #h own art making. Most importantly to i COMMENTS: IB Opening 1=This has been a challenging class for #N but #h has shown steady improvement and has developed a clearer understanding of the expectations. 2=#N has worked hard this semester to do #h best in IB Art. #E comes to the class with some excellent ideas to inspire #h work. 3=#N is making outstanding progress in the class. 4=#N put in a huge effort in the last hours of this assessment period and managed to pull together a very pleasing amount of work. 5=#N has continued to make steady progress. While #h work is very pleasing there is still the potential to improve. 6=There has been a steady improvement in #Ns work over the last months. #E has been more focused in class and has used #h time more wisely. COMMENTS: IB Studio 1=In IB Visual Art it is not enough to just make aesthetically pleasing work; it must also communicate ideas and concerns as well. 2=#H greatest challenge is #h technical skills. 3=In terms of #h work process I encourage #m to discuss #h works more frequently so that I can assist and guide #h towards appropriate artists and techniques to investigate. 4=In order to develop more pieces quickly #e needs to build on #h existing strengths. I suggest that rather than working in single works #e needs to create a series of works that will show both #h skills and #h development e.g. COMMENTS: Opening Sentence 1=#N has made an excellent start to the Visual Arts Elective this semester 2=#N has made excellent progress this semester. 3=#N is clearly a talented and highly creative artist. 4=#N's ready smile and positive attitude makes #m a valued member of the Visual Arts class. 5=#N has made pleasing overall progress in Art this semester. 6=#N is an outstanding art student and shows great talent and potential. 7=#N is a fine artist producing excellent studio works that are skilled and creative. 8=#N is an exceptionally talented young person who shows outstanding potential in art. 9=#N has shown steady and continuous growth in #h art skills throughout this semester. 10=#N is an energetic and positive student who shows great potential in art. 11=#N demonstrated steady progress throughout the semester. 12=#N is a fine and capable student who shows great potential. 13=#N shows excellent potential as an artist. 14=Creating art does not come easily for #N. COMMENTS: Strengths Studio 1=#H practical work is imaginative and creative. #E is always willing to take the risk and try new media, styles or techniques. 2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h willingness to listen to and implement advice. 3=#H art work is imaginative and creative. In particular #e worked diligently on #h painting, giving the extra time and effort needed to create a pleasing result. 4=#H work is of an excellent standard in both technical skills and creativity. 5=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 6=#E brings a high level of natural ability to #h studio works and willingly seeks out critique and implements the advice given. At the same time #e has a very clear vision of what #e wants to create and works diligently to make that vision happen.

7=At times #e finds the practical work difficult but #e is willing to give the extra time needed to do the best that #e can. 8=#N was willing to give extra time beyond class to ensure that #h work was completed on time. 9=In #h practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique solutions to the set tasks. 10=#H natural talent is combined with #h high personal goals and #h willingness to give the additional time needed in order to succeed. This combination of talent and determination is a fine recipe for success. 11=#E made great strides forward in the painting unit, in part, because #e was more open to critique and more confident in being a risk taker. This helped #m to solve the challenges #e faced with #h work. 12=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build on the skills #e has already developed. 13=Our focus was in developing skills of critical analysis, photography and painting. #N created pleasing works in each unit. 14=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 15=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build on the skills #e has already developed. One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. COMMENTS: Strengths Studio 2 1=#H practical work is imaginative and creative. #E is always willing to take the risk and try new media, styles or techniques. 2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h willingness to listen to and implement advice. 3=#H art work is imaginative and creative. In particular #e worked diligently on #h painting, giving the extra time and effort needed to create a pleasing result. 4=#H work is of an excellent standard in both technical skills and creativity. 5=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 6=#E brings a high level of natural ability to #h studio works and willingly seeks out critique and implements the advice given. At the same time #e has a very clear vision of what #e wants to create and works diligently to make that vision happen. 7=At times #e finds the practical work difficult but #e is willing to give the extra time needed to do the best that #e can. 8=#N was willing to give extra time beyond class to ensure that #h work was completed on time. 9=In #h practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique solutions to the set tasks. 10=#H natural talent is combined with #h high personal goals and #h willingness to give the additional time needed in order to succeed. This combination of talent and determination is a fine recipe for success. 11=#E made great strides forward in the painting unit, in part, because #e was more open to critique and more confident in being a risk taker. This helped #m to solve the challenges #e faced with #h work. 12=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build on the skills #e has already developed. 13=Our focus was in developing skills of critical analysis, photography and painting. #N created pleasing works in each unit. 14=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 15=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build on the skills #e has already developed. One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. COMMENTS: Strengths Written

1=#H work is of an excellent standard in both technical skills and creativity. 2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas. 3=#H written work is showing improvement with #h recent reflection being an interesting and engaging piece of writing. 4=#E consistently scores well on all written aspects of the class. 5=In the written tasks #e excels. It is a pleasure to read #h reflections and evaluations as they are always well crafted and engaging. 6=#H written work in the last unit was much stronger and I encourage #m to continue to perform at this level. 7=#N also excels in the written aspects of the class. 8=This mindset of being reflective and open to feedback is certainly the formula for success. 9=#Ns written tasks have been generally of a high quality. COMMENTS: Summing-up sentence 1=Overall a great semester and with #h positive attitude and fine level of effort #e will surely continue to succeed. 2=#N shows great potential as an artist and I encourage #m to consider IB Diploma Visual Arts next year as a subject choice. 3=I look forward to continuing to see #Ns exciting and inventive work next semester. 4=Overall it has been an excellent beginning to the year for a student who shows great potential in Visual Arts. 5=Overall a great semester and with a continued positive attitude and effort #e will surely continue to succeed. 6=#N is a most valuable member of our classroom community who is well respected by #h peers. 7=#H open and friendly manner makes #m a valued member of our class community. 8=#N is a caring and considerate young person and as such is a valued member of our classroom community. 9=If #e follows this advice I feel confident we shall see and improvement in #h grades. 10=With continued focus and effort #N can look forward to a very successful second semester. 11=These are all strategies that will help #m reach #h full potential. 12=#N shows great potential as an artist and I hope that #e continues to find a place for art in #h life and studies. LIST: AH 1=Power and Authority Unit 2=Sensations Unit 3=essay writing LIST: Elective 1=collaborative sculpture 2=block printing 3=drawing 4=sculpture LIST: Media 1=Photography unit documenting the changes to the ASB campus. 2="Inspired" unit 3=Photography unit 4=Inspired painting unit LIST: ProjectList 1=collaborative sculpture 2=block printing

3=drawing 4=sculpture LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Unit 1=digital photography 2=drawing 3=painting 4=printmaking 5=relief printing /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube demo at: /* /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He /* #e - she/he /* #H - His/Her /* #h = his/her /* #b - girl/boy /* #m - him/her /* #s - herself/himself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank.

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