Sign and Say What You Need To Say! //: Keha-Have-Creative-Freedom

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Sign and say what you need to say! // Her unreleased tracks are truly stellar.

Her writing is diverse, eclectic and unique, and all of her talent is being suffocated by Dr. Luke and RCA, which is truly a tragedy for both Ke$ha and her fans. I believe Ke$ha is a musical genius held back by a horrible label and cursed by a stupid contract. I've heard her unreleased material and the music that is truly hers is beyond perfection. She is literally better than The Beatles when she's being HER at her music I love Kesha and all of the music I have heard by her. But on her MTV reality show, when "Machine Gun Love" was shot down due to being too different from her previous work I was astonished. Kesha has the right to grow as an artist and not have to deal with people who just want to use her to make money. Kesha Rose Sebert, NOT Ke$ha, is able to do much more with her career than do what Dr. Luke says. As shown by Machine Gun Love, the ORIGINAL lyrics for Love Into The Light "But since when were these differences so wrong, these kids are taking their own lives", Kesha not only wants to explore genres, but also send messages to her fans which she believes importent. Kesha wants her fans to be unique and different, and how can we do that when she too is restricted n beign who she wants to be? I don't know the full story, but "Warrior" did NOT sound like the fully realized artistic vision Ke$ha probably had in mind, so I hope this petition actually makes a difference. Besides, her unreleased demos usually end up being the better songs. Cheers. C'mon guys, we can do this! Ke$ha needs to grow as an artist! Set her free from the cage that Dr. Luke has put her in! I think Ke$ha is so underrated. She is more talented than Katy or Rihanna so she must be free !!! Let us put an end to Hollywood music tyranny! Dr. Luck ain't a creative music producer. He should make music for video games only. Not even cartoons. I love her music, she has a beautiful voice, but theres something or someone that is stopping to her. Really sad :s

We need more songs like "The Harold Song". Music should be made from the heart not the pocketbook. Let her be free to create! Ke$ha is everything that makes me exist in this world! I would be lost without her and her voice, both lyrically and sonically! Kesha Rose Sebert is a creative genius. It's time the general public see what she's really capable of as opposed to how her label wants to portray her. Let Kesha have her freedom... This mistress of the universe deserves to dwell in knowledge and creativity of her own making!! She is literally one of the best artists out there. People need to know that Her label not letting her release her down to earth songs is ridiculous, let her play her music. Kesha is the best singer of the world ! Please sing for your fans, just for yours fans, not for LUKE. Ke$ha must be given a choice !!! IT IS time fora REVOLUTION !!! Animals YOU READY TO FIGHT !!! She's an amazing artist! I really think that she need to be free to do what she wants, express your art by music, all the way. Not only in comercial ways. She's a truly artist! Artists need to have creative freedom in order to create, and we need Ke$ha to create I believe it's very important Ke$ha gets more freedom, for example Meet Me In Space would work so well on Warrior. Ke$ha is one of the most underrated artist today! She's talented and she's a role model for everybody in the world. She's always fighting for the importance of loving and accepting each other no matter what. She's always inspiring people to be themselves with her songs and attitude. SO PLEASE sign this petition so Ke$ha will have creative freedom She should be able to do what she wants with her career. Luke is destroying her by making her release generic stuff.

I am a KE$HA fan. I am not part of the demo set the industry typically thinks of as a KE $HA fan. Apart from my age and gender90% of my taste in music is so beyond mainstream pop that it is typically used to summon portals to another dimension and contact alien intelligences. The music i like makes DMT look like a candy cigarette and would swallow Simon Cowell's face because what he is hearing cannot exist. And I <3 KE$HA. She is not a "guilty pleasure"; she is the future. She is the capstone of an interdimensional pyramid whose political agenda is teaching people about gaining psychic powers with mind-blowing sex. But even more than that, she is a genuine artist with a quirky sense of humor and personality that she is able to communicate thru her technically proficient singing. I am not here to hate on Luke or the industry that made her famousI am here to show my bewildering support for a true artist and someone i call an inspiration. I am in love,with what we are,not what we should be! KE$HA DESERVES TO RELEASE THE MUSIC SHE INTENDED HER FANS TO HEAR!!!!! ENOUGH OF THIS DR LUKE GENERIC CRAP Kesha is the worst marketed artist in pop. The fact that Last Goodbye hasn't yet been released yet and the fact that The Harold Song and Animal never were shows how badly she's been managed. Singers are mainly judged by the songs released to radio. Kesha's best songs are left hidden away on her albums, while she's been forced the release essentially the same single over and over. All her singles sound the same, giving her a bad reputation as someone who doesn't have any talent and can't sing about anything other than partying. Where would Katy Perry's career have gone if she was forced to release song after song about kissing girls? I don't think Luke is evil. I think he typecast Kesha and is now afraid to change course with her. In the process, he's hiding her real talent from the world and killing her career. Radio has changed and the kinds of music people want has changed but Luke is trying to force Kesha to sell music that was popular in 2010 but not what sells now. And it's stopped working and is endangering her career. He could make millions from Kesha's career if he let her make the music she wanted. HER music like Love Into the Light and Last Goodbye would actually attract a wider demographic and gain more music buyers than the generic pop tracks Luke is forcing her to release. Warrior has hits waiting to be released. Luke, please change course with Kesha.

I knew it from the first time I heard her 1st album...this chick is different. There is some soul there, some uniqueness...unheard of amdist the bland Katy Perry- Lady Gaga-mish mash of mainstream pop. I was surprised at myself that I would take that much liking to a pop artist. It's a shame that she should be in such a predicament, and speaks volumes about the way this industry works. I suppose it's the same dilemma that many artists must face: sell your soul and make $, or retain your individuality. Obviously, anyone could appreciate the difficulty of that decision. I feel particularly passionate about this primarily because Ke$ha is one of the most underrated popstars in Hollywood right now. She actually writes all of her own music, which is practically unheard of among mainstream pop artists-- she puts in a lot of work, not just in that regard, but also in maintaining a good reputation. Even though her songs portray her as this wild child, you really don't see her out making a fool of herself with any scandals. She works hard so that she can bring joy into the lives of others. I think she deserves to make more, if not all, of the creative decisions regarding her musical career. Quit screwing with Ke$ha's head,asshole ! I can imagine the frustration of not having musical freedom because of a contract signed many years ago. It makes no sense that Ke$ha doesn't get to pick singles (not that her label is doing a really good job lately) and the songs she wants on the album. Disgusting. Ke$ha is one of the most talented singers I have ever worked with - and she is more than that: she's a real artist. In our business, this is rare and must always be celebrated and allowed to flourish. While I don't think it's fair you to call Luke and his team "evil" for making hit records with her, I do think that every real artist needs to be the author of their own destiny to be fulfilled. And they can be if they stand up make it so. I love K$ and think she is much stronger than even she may realize. I believe that she will rise above this and I am signing here to show my support and deep affection. B

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