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101 Best Personal Growth Books Must read books on personal growth. The books with a start (*) are my absolute favorites. Ive read seventy-four of these books. The ones I havent read were recommended to me by close friends (and are now on my reading list). Be sure to scroll to the bottom and add your own:

Relationships and Communication

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Complete Conversations with God ~ Neale Donald Walsch * Using Your Brain for a Change ~ Richard Bandler * Unlimited Power ~ Anthony Robbins * Awaken the Giant Within ~ Anthony Robbins Dont Shoot the Dog ~ Karen Pryor The Psychology of Persuasion ~ Robert Cialdini How to Win Friends and Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie The Mastery of Love ~ Don Miguel Ruiz Get the Life You Want ~ Richard Bandler

Spirituality and Well Being

10. Happier Than God ~ Neale Donald Walsch 11. A Vision of Power and Glory ~ John Kehoe 12. The Other Side and Back ~ Sylvia Browne 13. Creative Visualization ~ Shakti Gawain 14. Quantum Healing ~ Deepak Chopra 15. Your Bodys Telling You: Love Yourself! ~ Lise Bourbeau * 16. The Four Agreements ~ Don Miguel Ruiz 17. Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out ~ Marci Shimoff 18. The Practice of Happiness ~ John Kehoe * 19. The Power of Now ~ Eckhart Tolle 20. Power vs Force ~ David R. Hawkins * 21. Secrets for Success and Inner Peace ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer 22. A New Earth ~ Eckart Tolle

Law of Attraction and Manifestation

23. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks 24. The 5 Rules of Thought ~ Mary T. Browne 25. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success ~ Deepak Chopra

26. The Science of Success ~ James Arthur Ray 27. Money and the Law of Attraction ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks * 28. The Attractor Factor ~ Joe Vitale 29. The Strangest Secret ~ Earl Nightingale * 30. The Astonishing Power of Emotions ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks 31. Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting ~ Lynn Grabhorn * 32. Ask and It Is Given ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks 33. The Power of Intention ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer 34. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks * 35. The Secret ~ Rhonda Byrne 36. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks

Mind Power
37. The Lazy Way to Success ~ Frank Gratzon * 38. Mind Power into the 21st Century ~ John Kehoe * 39. The Mind Map Book ~ Tony Buzan 40. The New Psycho-Cybernetics ~ Maxwell Maltz 41. As a Man Thinketh ~ James Allen 42. The Hidden Power ~ Judge Thomas Troward 43. The Master Key System ~ Charles F. Haanel 44. The Power of Self Mind Control ~ Burt Goldman 45. The Biology of Belief ~ Bruce H. Lipton * 46. Mans Search for Meaning ~ Viktor Frankl 47. The Power of Positive Thinking ~ Vincent Peale

Leadership and Peak Performance

48. The Leader Who Had No Title ~ Robin Sharma 49. Emotional Intelligence ~ Daniel Goleman 50. You Can Have What You Want ~ Michael Neill 51. Do One Thing Different ~ Bill OHanlon 52. The World Is As You Dream It ~ John Perkins 53. The One Minute Manager ~ Ken Blanchard 54. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ~ Robin Sharma * 55. Body Mind Mastery ~ Dan Millman 56. You: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness ~ Price Pritchett * 57. A Touch of Greatness ~ Frank Tibolt 58. People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It! ~ Larry Winget * 59. The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO ~ Robin Sharma 60. Remember Everything You Read: 7 Day Speed Reading ~ Stanley D. Frank 61. The Power of An Hour ~ Dave Lakhani 62. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment ~ George Leonard 63. The 80/20 Principle ~ Richard Koch

64. Its Not Over Until You Win ~ Les Brown 65. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ~ Stephen R. Covey 66. Born To Win ~ Lewis Timberlake 67. Who Will Cry When You Die ~ Robin Sharma

Business and Entrepreneurship

68. The Road to Wealth ~ Robert G. Allen 69. Six Thinking Hats ~ Edward de Bono 70. Rules for Renegades ~ Christine Comaford-Lynch 71. The Purple Cow ~ Seth Godin 72. Ben Franklin: Americas Original Entrepreneur ~ Blaine McCormick 73. Getting Everything You Can Out of All Youve Got ~ Jay Abraham 74. Multiple Streams of Income ~ Robert G. Allen 75. Multiple Streams of Internet Income ~ Robert G. Allen 76. Nothing Down for the 2000s ~ Robert G. Allen 77. E Myth Mastery ~ Michael E. Gerber 78. How I Made My First Million on the Internet ~ Ewen Chia * 79. Make Real Money on the Internet ~ Stephen Pierce 80. The E Code ~ Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok 81. Good to Great ~ Jim Collins 82. Unleashing the Ideavirus ~ Seth Godin

Money and Wealth

83. You Were Born Rich ~ Bob Proctor 84. Money, Success and You ~ John Kehoe 85. The Science of Getting Rich ~ Wallace Wattles 86. Busting Loose from the Money Game ~ Robert Scheinfeld * 87. Think and Grow Rich ~ Napoleon Hill * 88. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind ~ T. Harv Eker * 89. Speed Wealth ~ T. Harv Eker 90. The Millionaire from Nazareth ~ Catherine Ponder 91. Its Not About the Money ~ Bob Proctor 92. One Minute Millionaire ~ Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 93. Richest Man in Babylon ~ George Clason 94. Rich Dad, Poor Dad ~ Richard T. Kiyosaki 95. How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast ~ Stuart Lichtman 96. The 4 Hour Work Week ~ Tim Ferris

Quantum Physics Reality

97. Take the Quantum Leap ~ Fred Alan Wolf 98. Parallel Universes ~ Fred Alan Wolf 99. The Holographic Universe ~ Michael Talbot * 100. Mind into Matter ~ Fred Alan Wolf


The Field ~ Lynn Mctaggart

These books are linked to an affiliate program that I earn a commission on if you buy them. I dont care if you buy them or not, I just wanted to share this list of awesome books with you :)

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